HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 08-20 CC MIN49 National City, California, August 20, 1963 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 1:30 p.m.. by Mayor Gautereaux. Council members present: Allen, Colburn, Morgan, Gautereaux. Absent: Hart. ADMINISTR JIVE OFFICIALS present: Carstens, Foster, Osburn, Stockman, Stratton. The meeting was opened with salute to the Flag by Administrative Assistant Osburn, followed with invocation by Mayor Gautereaux. COUNCILMAN HAT arrived and took his place at the meeting. Moved by Allen, seconded by Colburn, the minutes of the regular meet- ing of August 13, 1963, be approved. Carried by unanimous vote. RESOLUTION i'1O. 843L3,"RESOLUTION :OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, C,LIFORfliA, DETERMINING THAT THE PU 3LIC INTEREST ANU NECESSITY DEMAND THE ACUUISITIOTI AHD CONSTRUCTION OF A CERTAIN iMiUNICI- PAL IMPROVEMENT, AND MMAKING FINDINGS RELATING THERETO" was read. Moved by Alien, seconded by Colburn, the Resolution i.e a<,:opted. Councilman Morgan said he did not understand how the selection of the site would be determined as both sites will be listed on the ballot and conceivably voters would vote yes on both. City Attorney Carstens stated a two-thirds majority of the votes cast will be required for passage of the bond issue, Lut only a majority will be required on the site; the l;ond will :.,e tied to the site. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Co1'Airn, Hart, Gautereaux. Nays: Morgan. RESOLUTION NO. 8439, "RESOLUTION FIXING 1963-64 TAX RATE" was read. Moved by Alien, seconded by Colburn, the Resolution be adopted. Vice Mayor Allen stated he wished to call attention to the fact there is no increase in the tax rate over last year. Councilman Colburn inquired if the assessed valuation has been received from the County. Adminis- trative :assistant Os" -urn said it was received this morning. Council- man Coiburn inquired if they:.; should not have been a Finance Committee meeting prior 'to the preparation of the Resolution and Administrative Assistant Osburn stated the Resolution should have been received by the County yesterday. Councilman Colburn stated he believed the 2a% raise for City Employees recommended by the State Personnel Board was to have been co-isidered at the Finance Committee meeting. Mayor Gautereaux inquired what we have in unappropriated funds and Mr. Osburn stated approximately $140,000.00. Mayor Gautereaux stated if the Council saw fit to explore the 2z% increase this money could be utilized. Motion carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Colburn, Hart, Horgan, Gautereaux. Nays: None. 3/20/63 50 RESOLUTION flO. 34400 "RESOLUTI0N ACCEPTING CO,'VEYAHCE uF AL 'ROPERTY" (Grant Deed from E+:iile E. and Elizabeth F. .eatty) was read. Moved by Colurn, seconded by Allen, the Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Colburn, Hart, Morgan, Gautereaux. Plays: done. RESOLUTION NO. 8441, "RESOLUTION DIRECTING NOTICE OF FILING ASSESSMENT AND TIMi. OF HE[a,I .G THEREON (F AVc:NUE FNur; SIXTEENTH STRLET TO ScVEN- TENTH STREET)" was read. Moved by Morgan, seconded ay Alien, the Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Colburn, Hart, Horgan, Gautereaux. Nays: None. CITY ATTORNEY CAR;STENS stated two weeks ago the Council directed a pro- test be filed against the on -sale beer license of Harold Gelber, dba The Javarian, 130 East.8th Street. The protest has been filed and the Council will be advised by the Dept. of Alcoholic :leverage Control when the heating will Le held. CITY ATTORNEY CA STEMS stated in regard to re -drafting the agreement :acween the City and Raymond T. Keener, who is incorporating, no action has been token ;.:ecause necessary papers have not been received from Hr. Keener; when received, the changes will be made. CITY ATTORNEY CA..STENS stated in regard to the claim of Ronald D. Gribble, on _;.half of Ronald D. Gribble, Jr., in the amount of $5,048.45, there appears to be a question of fact whether or not the City is responsible and recommended the Council deny the claim and the City Clerk be authorized to so advise the attorneys for Mr. Gribble and the insurance company. P4oved by Allen, seconded by Colburn, the City Attorney's recommendation be approved. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Colburn, Hart, Horgan, Gautereaux. Mays: .lone. CITY ATTORNEY CA;STENNS stated in regard to the question of whether or not the CITY ATTORNEY should represent the City at future hearings of the Public Utilities Commission regar'ing the San Diego Transit Sys- tem, there should be direction from the Council; the San Diego Tran- sit System is desirous of limitin+-- service in the area if raise in fares is not allowed by the P.U.C. Moved by Allen, seconded b•. y Colburn, the City Attorney follow up the P.U.C. hearings. Mayor Gautereaux stated National City should be very concerned about the hearings, especially as they state service in National City is one of the least productive and it is possible they will curtail service. City Attorney Carstens stated if Nationai City is concerned about bus service, there should tie an effort made. notion carried, by the fol- lowing vote to -wit: Ayes: Alien, Coi.;urn, Gautereaux. Nays: Hart, Morgan. 3/20/63 51 CITY ATTO „NkY CA STEMS stated in regard to the City Clerk's r-Jusal to sign the checks for the police back over -time pay authorized by the City Council }n July 2nd, a mandamus action is being prepared and is either being filed now or will e this afternoon. The action of the Council was within their rights. On the other hand the question of malfeasance is an independent matter and there is no indication Mrs. Stratton's action was misconduct or malfeasance; a city official who is bonded must make own decision and has the legal right to a hearing in court if so desired. It is our legal opinion she will be -.ordered to sign the checks Whether any individual feels she acted correctly or incorrectiy, there is no malfeasance. It is one of the enigmas of public life. He further stated he could not recommend any action be taken personally for misconduct or malfeasance, the Writ of Mandamus will :e against the City Clerk. Moved :y Alien, seconded by Colburn, the attorney's recommendation be accepted✓, Councilman ;Hart inquired if this would mean taking it Off the agenda. City Attorney Carstens replied he was merely making a report. Councilman Bart asked if any action was necessary. City Attorney Carstens replied no action•was necessary; a proper motion would have been to accept the attorney's report. Moved by Allen, seconded by Colburn, to correct the motion to accept the City Attorney's report. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Colburn, Hart, Morgan, Gautereaux, Nays: ,!one. E. H. AL:D0RF, 2105 J .Avenue, was present and thanked the Council for paving part of the park for off-street parking and requested A Avenue be opened between 14th and 16th Street to gain an entrance to the park from i6th Street. He also said he had inspected the Duck Pond and there are only eight trees which would be eliminated and recommended the City furnish the fill and complete the job. COUNCILMAN i MORG,AN stated the City Manager was authorized to atter,ipt to acquire by purchase rather than condemnation the two properties whose owners oppose the sanitary fill of the Duck Pond, Assistant Adminis- trator 0saurn stated it is in process and a price has been set for one piece of property. VICE MAYOR LL:::N stated the name of a young man who attended the coun- cil meting did not get into the minutes, and as he was present re- quested him to give his name and address and state the reason for his presence. James Drown, 2130 J Avenue, a student, stated he had heard about the co ,nci 1 meetings and wanted to. find out about-them'for himself. COUNCILMAN dORGAN reported the Pony League Regional Tournament was successful and Kearny Mesa would represent San Diego County in the Western Division Pony League Tournament, starting August 21st. The 3/20/63 52 team from Victoria,, 3.C. will play Canoga Park in the first game and San Jose will play Kearney Mesa in the second game. He invited the Mayor and Council Members to attend. COUNCILMAN COL3URN reported he attended a San Diego County Hass Tran- sit meeting at the San Diego Chamber of Comerce where the San Diego Transit System was discussed: ways of trying to continue it or in- crease its value in our town. One method is to have the Federal Govern- ment participate in experiments to determine what is needed and the City of San Diego has asked if any of the other City Co,ncils would ob- ject to San Diego's becoming the official applicant for federal funds. Moved by Allen, seconded by Colburn, we go on record as not objecting to San Diego's becoming the official pplicant. Mayor Gautereaux in- quired what the area of experimentation embraces. Councilman Colburn stated in some towns in the East they have increased bus service in certain areas to see if this was what caused non-use; have tried ex- press bus service; and have tried buses of varying seating capacity. The experimentation would not involve National City financially but would affect service through the South Jay area. Mayor Gautereuax stated when he attended the A.M.A. Conference in Houston he learned a law was just passed by Congress giving the Federal Government the right to step in and buy any transit coipany in financial trouble; he thinks we are getting to a point of losing our autonomous position when we con- tinue to look to the Federal Government. He stated he has not read the law completely, 'gut it is his understanding that the Federal Government could step in and take over the system in case the San Diego Transit System says they will not be able to operate in 1965. If we show we can take over at the local level, we shall be able to remain autonomous. Councilman Morgan stated whenever we send money to the Federal Govern. ment we net back thirty-five to fifty cents on the dollar. Motion failed by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: hone. Nays: Allen, Colburn, Hart, Morgan, Gautereaux. MAYOR Gf4UTEEMUX stated the Regi ;nal pony League Tournament being hosted by National City is an outstanding event and many people deserve bouquets for their part in bringing it about, especially Kile Morgan, tournament director. He also stated he is sure this tournament will be successful and if National City is not to be the representative at the Pony Leataue World Series, he hopes Kearny Mesa will be. MAYOR GAUTL IiAUX reported in regard to the American ;-Municipal Associa- tion Conference in Houston, he appreciated being able to attend along with the City Attorney. He said one of the topics he was most inter- ested in, Human Relations, had been withdrawn from the Agenda because it was "too hot". A resolution acknowledging the need for understand. ing of all peoples of minority races and nationalities thro-ghout our 8/20/63 53 Nation at the local level of government was adopted by the assembly. The Mayor stated he had the opportunity of appearing in the uomiunity Facilities Committee where all of the policy is for the American ;Municipal :`association to be used as guidelines by Concr:ss and Senate, endorsed by 13,000 cities throughout the United States as what we want our Federal legislators to enact in legislation. The A.M.A. adopted a policy of enco:araging the extending the Accelerated Public Uorks Pro- jects where there is an unemployment factor of G% or more. They also adopted the policy to ask for another S450,000,000 appropriation for community facility loans available to Cities at reduced interest rates for community buildings, etc. Mayor Gautereaux stated a disturbing factor, as revealed at the Conference, is the tremendous amount of Fed- eral influence on the cities of perpetuating buraus set up to assist the cities in a respective area of endeavor such as air pollution, re- search, solid waste, highways, etc., remaining in a position of exert- ing influence on cities to a point they lose their autonomy. He stated it is something that should be recognized by the League of California Cities. The Mayor read a letter from Mr. Alsdorf addressed to the Mayor and City Council, received prior to leaving for Houston which stated Mr. Alsdorf did not think the expenses of the trip were properly chargeable to the City. The Mayor stated he thinks the City has much at stake end the destiny of every city in the United States is linked to the policy adopted at this Conference in respect to the Federal leaders of government; and that last year his primary purpose in going to Pennsylvania was to attend the Conference, not to attend the Pony League World Series. MAYOR GATERCAUX stated one of the most pressing problems is that of youth employment and he has a copy of "The Challenge of Youth" which he would like to share with the Council, also a letter from the Con- ference of Mayors concerning Youth Employment. He stated he feels there is a need for a committee or commission to study school drop- outs and youth employment. He stated to help get this off the ground the City could institute a small program of weed abatement. The City Manager has been contacted in regard to use of several crews of young men to work through the Public Works Department for weed abatement in parkways throughout the City; they would work weekends. The City Man- ager has said he is in favor of it. The Mayor said ten to twenty young men might be hired, and if the Council favors the plan, the City Manager could make a recommendation as to how the program could be in- stituted immediately and do more study in the area, possibly having an advisory committee to study the problem of youth employment. Moved by Allen, seconded by Hart, the Mayor's recommendation be approved. Carried by unanimous vote. 8/20/63 54 COUNCILMAN MORGAN left to meet the Victoria Pony League team arriving in San Diego. W YOR GiUTLtEAUX stated in regard to a sister, or tri-city project with Tecate and Ensenada a large amount of work has been accomplished in establishing the relationship. have a new concept in the sister city program; whereas previous sister city programs involved two cities, National City would be the first to come up with a tri-city relationship. To establish the program, it is necessary to form a citizens committee to manifest the first interest in wanting to estab- lish a sister city. Mayor Gautereaux asked the news media to publicize the need for interested citizens to form and serve on such a comittee and to contact theMayor's office for information. The Mayor stated he wanted to encoLrage this to come to ;lass. SILLS AUDITED .Y THE FIPANCE COMMITTEE were presented: General Fund $30,040.15 Traffic Safety 6,119.37 Park 1,139.07 2etirement 10,162.199 Special Street 41,201.48 Park Construction 1,669.94 Sewer Service 4,326.42 Payroll 58, 379.67 Total $154,113.29 Moved by Allen, seconded by Coburn, the bills be ap)roved for payment and warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Colburn, Gautereaux. Nays: Hart. Absent: Morgan. RESOLUTION NO. 3442, "RESOLUTION uF PAYMENT FROM CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND (John A, .;rand - $5,252.04)" was read. Moved by Colburn, seconded by Allen, the ;resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following vote to - wit: Ayes: Allen, Colburn, Hart, Gautereaux. Nays: None. Absent: Morgan. The questioni of whether or not City Employees should be required to reside in National City, carried over from the last meeting was brought to the floor. Moved by Hart, seconded by Allen, to continue as we have been, those employees who live outside the City continuing to do so unless they desire to move into the City. Administrative ssistant Osburn stated the present ordinance permits employees to 1 i ve with a ten mile radius of City Hall, except for the City of Coronado. Carried, ay the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Colburn, Hart, Gautereaux. Nays: None. Absent: Morgan. iECTO„ JF PLANNING STOCKMAN recommended the request of the San Diego Arizona Eastern Railway to close certain unimproved streets and alleys be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Jy taking this action, the Planning Department and the Engineering Depart- ment will be able to work out the feasible closing in connection with • 8/20/63 55 the construction of the Cross Town Freeway. Moved by Hart, seconded oy Allen, the Director of Planning's recommendation sae approved. Vice Mayor Allen stated he can see no reason for closing dedicated streets in this area; until the area is more haoited by ausinesses we should leave the closing of streets alone. Carried uy unanimou- vote. Absent: Morgan. THE MINUTES OF THE LI;3RARY ::30A.di OF TRUSTEES meeting of August 6th were presented and ordered filed by unanimous vote. Absent: Morgan. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT OS3URN read a letter from the South 3ay His- torical Society urging preservation of the old pu.lic documents and the copying of the records to prevent handling of them. Moved by Allen, seconded by Colburn, the recommendation be approved and referred to the City Librarian. Carried unanimous vote. Absent: Morgan. ADiMINISTRATIVE :ASSISTANT JS,3U,IN reported receipt of a communication from the Junior Social Service to solicit advertising and sell tickets for their Any Dual Mardi Gras Jail to be held at Del Coronado Hotel Jan- uary 18, 1964. It was recommended by the City Treasurer, the license officer and the City Manager. Moved by Colburn, seconded by Allen, it be approved. Carried .y unanimous vote. Absent: Morgan. A communication from PU.3LIC :JORKS DIRECTOR JIGGS recommending the re- lease of a relocation bond for Peter Tarantino,2232-34 East 18 Street, was read. Moved by Allen, seconded by Hart, the recommendation be ap- proved and the Clerk's Office be directed to sign a warrant. Carried by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Colburn, Hart, Gautereaux. Nays: !Hone. Absent: Morgan. ADMINISTR;JIVE ASSISTANT OS.3URN presented a report from Chief ;3uilding Inspector 3iggs regarding the proposed Pro Golf Shop to be located in Las Palmas Park. The plans have been approved by Mr. siges and Admin- istrative r-ssistant 0sburn recommended the Cancil approve the plans with the Director of Parks to further check for aesthetics and archi- tectural co;ipatabiiity with existing structures in the Park. Moved by Allen, seconded by Hart, the recommendation be approved. Carried by unanimous vote. Absent: Morgan. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 0S3Ukii reported a request for over -sized driveway at southeast corner of 24th Street and F Avenue has been re- ceived; it was approved by the Planning Department and Engineering De- partment, suoject to the following: (1) Remove curb return and paving at G Avenue, install alley apron; (2) Improve alley 20 feet wide on G Avenue with concrete six inches thick, dedicate a new alley 20 feet wide and improve with six inches of concrete near south property line, eliminate parking spaces 15, 16, 59 and 60 to allow easier entry to interior parking spaces. The Managers office would recommend approval subject to the Engineering recommendation. Moved by Alien, seconded by 8/20/63 56 Colburn, the recommendation be approved. Carried by the following vote to -wit: 'ayes: Alien, Colburn, Hart, Gautereaux. Nays: None. Absent: Morgan. AN ORDER I •lSTITLTIHG I V_STIGATION OF RAILROAD G`k ,DE CROSSINIGS from the Public Utilities Commission was presented. Administrative Assistant Osburn stated it was determined in consultation with the City Engineer there were no grade crossings in National City that would come within the meaning of the order, and recommended it be filed with the City Clerk. Ordered filed by unanimous vote. Absent: Morgan. A certified copy of Resolution l.lo. 759 setting the San Diego County Water Authority tax rate for 1963-64. Administrative Assistant Osburn recommended it be acknowledged and filed. Moved by Allen, seconded by Colburn, the recommendation e approved. Carried by unanimous vote. Absent: Horgan. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT OS>URN reported the San Diego Gas and Electric Company has requested permission to run power lines down 20th Street to serve the Golf Pro Shop; the plans have been approved by the Direc- tor of Parks and the City Engineer; and with the Councii's approval the Manager's office will inform the gas company they may install their poles. Moved by Allen, seconded by Colburn, permission be granted. Carried by unanimous vote. Absent: Morgan. CITY CLERK STRATTON reported she has the San Diego Unified Port Dis- trict Annual 3udget for 1963-64 which will be on file in her office. A communication from Rudolph 3enitez to the COUNTY rJOz.IU)ARY COMMISSION in regard to the "Conner Annexation" was presented. Moved by Alien, seconded by Colburn, it be referred to the Director of Planning. Carried by unanimous vote. Absent: Morgan. A communication from the CITY OF COR0?AD0 acknowleding receipt of Resolution ilo. 3426 was presented and ordered filed. /.bsent: Morgan. A communication from the Division of highways acknowleding receipt of the Final Report of expenditure of funds under Project No. 71, for the fiscal year 1962-63, was presented and ordered filed. Absent: Morgan. A communication from Municipal Court Judge Robert O. Curran thanking the Council for their motion of corrgratulations was presented and ordered filed. Absent: Horgan. CITY EIGINEER FOSTER, reported the contractor John Brand, who is con- structing the metering stations to connect the National City sewers to the Metropolitan Sewer System has encountered difficulty and has not progressed rapidly; at the present time there is no fixed time for cessation of present sewer system in San Diego, but it will cease oper- ations in the near future. In order to divert National City sewers 8/20/63 57 into the Metropolitan System, the Engineering Department has developed a plan which will not interfere with the contractor, :gut which will cost about $1500.00 to accomplish. The City :_ngineer requested the Council to grant the Manager's office authority to make the expenditure, if necessary, within the next few weeks. ,"Moved by Hart, seconded by Colburn, the authority be given to the City Manager's office. Carried by the following vote to -wit: Ayes:Allen, Colburn, Hart, Gautereaux. Mays: None. Absent: Morgan. TFL: PLAMNIN CO,MMISSION'S report on the application for zone variance Z-26 by Les Street Auto ;drecking Company in regard to the property north of 24th Street, east of ;iilson Avenue was presented. The Plan- ning Commission recommends the zone variance be granted subject to restrictions: variance shall terminate if ownership of the company changes and is subject to continuation at the end of two years, no burning, wall 8 feet high to .e constructed and painted and maintained, off street parking for fifteen cars be provided, area between fence and street be kept free of weeds. Director of Planning Stockman re- commended the report be received and placed on file and be taken under consideration after the lapse bf fifteen days as required by ordinance. Moved by Allen, seconded by Colburn, the recommendation of the Director of Planning '.e approved. Carried by unanimous vote. Absent: Morgan. DIRECTOR OF PLAiI:!I?'G STOCKMAN! stated she wo+old like clarification of Resolution Ilo, 8436 which stated "no new petitions embracing any of the same territory included in said election shall 'e filed with the City within twelve months after the date the said election was canvassed and declared" She stated Sec. 35134 of the Government Code pertaining to inhabited annexations states petitions shall not be filed with the same city for twelve months ai=ter the election defeating the annexa- tion has been canvassed and declared. Mrs. Stockman said this pertains to inhabited annexations and would like to have a legal interpretation of what effect these documents would have on uninhabited annexations and if it would be legal to accept petitions embracing portions of the Lower Sweetwater Local Fire District Mo. 1 area as uninhabited annexa- tions. Moved by Allen, seconded by Hart, it be referred to the City Attorney for a report next week. Carried by unanimous vote. Absent: Morgan. DIM: CTOR OF PLANNING STOCKMAN announced the Fall Meeting ng of the San Diego Planning Congress will be held Friday, September 20, at Town and Country's Sunset Room. DIkECTOR OF PLANNING STOCKMAN showed a picture of the proposed sign tb be rected at the Golf Pro Shop in Las Palmas Park and asked if it has been reviewed by the Director of Parks, the 3uilding Inspector or the 3/20/63 58 City M: na ,er. ADHINISTRATIVJ. ASSISTANT OSDUkN stated the people who are erecting, the sign have talked to the 3uilding Department. Director of Planning Stockman recommended it be referred to the City Manager, the Director of Parks, and the Ju lding Inspector for a report next week. Moved by Colburn, seconded by Allen, the recommendation be ap- proved. Carried by unanimous vote. Absent: Morgan. CITY ATTORNEY CA;;STENS thanked the Council for the op >ortuni ty of at- tendinci the A.M.A. Conference in Houston. There were many topics dis- cussed touching upon matters !,)on which the attorney must rule almost every week, and stated other city attorneys were present. MAYOR GAITEREAUX stated with apnroval'of the Council he would like to appoint Dawson Smith, 301 Ethel Place, to the Library loard of Trustees. Moved '_.)y Colburn, seconded by Allen, the appointment e approved. Carried by unanimous vote. Absent: Morgan. MAYOR GAUTEREAUX stated he was requested prior to the Houston conven- tion to appoint a Human relations Committee, and had requested it be deferred until after the conference as they had scheduled a workshop on the subject. There was no information forthcoming from the confer- ence. In view of the fact the City of San Diego is doing much in this matter and asking the cooperation of other cities, and recommended the Council approve the soliciting of individuals in the community who would be happy to serve on such a committee. Moved by Allen, seconded by Colburn, the Mayor's request be approval and the press note the fact that these people are needed to serve on the committee. Council- man Colburn reported the committee which has been formed in San Diego embraces the cox!nty and is headed by Dr. Rust, President, Cal-1-Jest University, and suggested before this goes further Dr. Rust L;e contact- ed regarding our committee to avoid possible duplication and to work along with them. Mayor Gautereaux said our committee would have representation to the county committee. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Colburn, Hart, Gautereaux. Nays: None. Absent: Morgan. E. H. Alsdorf stated he would like to see something :one about the fire hydrants on Highland .-Avenue which are located in the center of the sidewalk; claims may have to : e paid if they are left there. Moved by Allen, seconded by Hart, the City Engineer report on the situation next week. Mayor Gautereaux asked if Vice Mayor Allen would include the power poles in the motion. Moved by Allen, seconded by ;Tart, to include the power poles in the motion. Carried by unanimous vote. Absent: Horgan. 3/20/63 59 VICE MAYOF ALLi:N reported at last Fridays League of California Cities dinn.r, Mrs. Helen Cobb was elected to the presidency of the San Diego County Division, and is the only woman to have had this honor bestowed on her. VICE MAYON ALLEN stated thanks for the success of the ?any League Tournament should also go to the umpires, and C. J. Melillo and Mrs. Frank °ieti la of the Park and ;:;creation Advisory '3oard. Moved by Hart, seconded by Coiburn, the meeting be closed. The meeting closed at 3:20 p.m. ATTEST: \ CITY CL RK 8/20/63