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1958 07-01 CC MIN
1 National City, California, July 1, 1958 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Hodge at 2:20 P.M. o'clock. Council members present: Allen, Fess- man, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Council members absent: Hart. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Stockman, Bird, Lill, Curran, Gautereaux, Lill, Holgate. HEARING ON APPEAL FOR ZONE VARIANCE OF LUELLA A. KIMBALL, 12'7 E. 7th Street. Petitioner requested permission to construct an addit- ional one unit at this location, CITY CLERK ALSTON stated she re- ceived no written protest, and no one was present protesting same. CITY PLANNER STOCKMAN stated at a Planning Commission meeting, there was a very rough draft made of the lots giving no distances or correct dimensions and was, therefore, laid over and recommended for denial because of the plot plan, Mrs, Stockman stated she believes the pet- itioner has had another plot plan drawn which should be presented at this time, MRS. LUELLA KIMBALL, 127 E. 7th Street, stated she did not have the plot plan with her. Moved by Fessman, it be referred back to the Planning Commission. COUNCILIVIAN ALLEN stated he has seen the property and there is no good reason why Mrs. Kimball could not put another building there except that she does not have a lot as large as our ordinance requires. There is an older building on the property which should come down. MRS. KIMBALL stated the older building is coming down. Motion seconded by Hollingsworth. COUNCIL- WOMAN HOLLINGSWORTH asked Mrs. Stockman if this was referred back to the Planning Commission and they act favorably on it July 14th, would the Council have to hold it over for fifteen days. CITY PLAN- NER STOCKMAN said it would. COUNCILuuOMAN HOLUINGSwORTH withdrew her second to the motion. Motion died for lack of a second. Moved by Allen, Mrs. Kimball's request be accepted by the Council. Motion died for lack of a second. Moved by Fessman, seconded by Hollings- worth, it be referred back to the Planning Commission with the recom- mendation that all the necessary papers, etc. accompany the petition to the Planning Commission. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Fessman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: Allen, Absent: Hart, RESOLUTION NO. 7257 was read, adopting the salary schedule for 1958-59, effective July 1, 1958. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Allen, the Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. Councilman Fessman abstained from voting, RESOLUTION NO. 7258 was read, 'rRESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED 4V ILLIAMS- MANOR NO. 6, 'LAND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION.Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Allen, the Resolution be adopted. Carried., by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Allen, Fessman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. 7/1/58 2 RESOLUTION NO, 7259 was read, approving and accepting the bid of DALEY CORPORATION to supply two thousand (2,000) tons or more of asphalt plant mix material for the sum of $5.75 per ton. Moved by Fessman, seconded by Alien, the Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Fessman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. RESOLUTION NO. 7260 was read, permitting The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company to construct, maintain and operate a spur track across Tidelands Avenue. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Allen, the Resolution be adopted. COUNCILMAN FESSMAN asked the City Manager if the resolution is in accordance with the agreement with the Santa Fe on the track, and questioned their approving the reso- lution. CITY MANAGER BIRD stated on previous occasions we have felt for the protection of the City, we have not gone along in toto with the railroad company's proposals; and to protect the City, namely the crossing of 24th Street, the railroad company has accepted in the past; and it is his opinion concurred in by the City Attorney we should not deviate from which we have established. Essentially the terms are the same as they have proposed. The description, the plac- ing, etc. have all been checked by both engineering departments, the City's and the railroad company's. It is a spur track going in- to our property and crossing our property. Carried, by the follow- ing vote to -wit: Ayes: =dlen, Fessman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. RESOLUTION NO. 7261 was read, granting a special zone variance per- mit to Thomas J. Timmons for the purpose of adding a room to the rear of an existing house with a 4 foot rear yard setback rather than the required 10 foot rear yard setback. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Fessman, the •aesolution be adopted. Carried, by the fol- lowing vote to -wit: ayes: Allen, -4'essman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. RESOLUTION NO. 7262 was read, granting a special zone variance per- mit to Susan A, Oliver for the purpose of building a duplex in an R-1 A Zone without any front yard setback. Moved by Allen, seconded by Hollingsworth, the liesoluti on be adopted. Carried, by the fol- lowing vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Fessman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. RESOLUTION NO. 7263 was read, granting a special zone variance per- mit to Poka Hansen for the purpose of dividing a 90 foot lot into two parcels, one of 50 feet and the other of 40 feet, and permitting a 40 foot lot with a square footage of 4,600 square feet in place of the required 5,000 square feet. Moved by Fessman, seconded by Allen, the resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Fessman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None, Absent: Hart. RESOLUTION NO. 7264 was read, accepting a Deed of Dedication from the National School District dated March 22, 1957. Moved by Hol- lingsworth, seconded by Fessman, the resolution be adopted. Gar- 7/1/58 3 ried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Fessman, Hollings- worth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. RESOLUTION NO. 7265 was read, approving and accepting a contract be- tween City of National City and the National City Chamber of Com- merce, and the Mayor is authorized and directed to execute the same for and on behalf of the City of National City. Moved by Hollings- worth, seconded by Allen, the resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: eyes: Allen, &essman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. RESOLUTION NO. 7266 was read, "RESOLUTION GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO CITY OF NATIONAL CITY OF UNINHABITED TER ITi Y DES- CRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED "LOIS SNE ATIuN, " AND GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR HEiaa G- CF rR0TLa'Ta THERET0.4 Ivioved by Hol- lingsworth, seconded by Allen, the Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, r'essman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. CITY ATTORNEY CUtiAN reported that Dwight Gove Agency, Inc., has is- sued a Certificate of Insurance and an endorsement thereto in behalf of Raymond T. Keener, which satisfies the requirements of Ivir. Keeneros contract, and recommended they be approved and filed. Moved by Fess- man, seconded by Allen, the Attorney's recommendation be approved. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. ATTORNEY CURRAN reported there are some policies of title insurance he recommends be approved and filed, as follows: Security Title Insurance Company's rolicy Nos. 308533 and 308535; Land Title Insur- ance Company's Policy No. 140109-C; and Union Title Insurance and Trust Company's Policy No. 632826. Ivioved by Fessman, seconded by Allen, the policies of title insurance, as read, be approved and filed. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. CLINTON uiATTHEWS, 4305 Vista Coronado, Linwood Hills, was present and stated he had been granted a zone variance for a store building at 4th and Palm Avenue and had forgotten to include in the variance the installation of a neon sign, and asked if this sign could be install- ed without asking for another zone variance permit. ATTORNEY CU1N stated this matter came up recently with reference to another appli- cation, and at that time the parties were advised they would have to file a new application. CCITNCIL[vihN ALLEN asked about the signs on the vacant lots as they are still there and the weeds have not been removed. There are some at 19th and Highland, 24th and Highland, between 23rd and 24th on High- land and 30th and +J' Avenue. The matter was referred to the City Manager. BILLS AUDITED BY THE F'NA CE CL .i..ITT&, presented: General Fund 33,948.06 Traffic Safety :Mond 12, 440.08 Park Fund 2,148.13 7/1/58 Special St. Fund Gas lax Fund Trust & slgency Fund Drainage Fund Night of .gay Acquisition Pool .Mind Payroll Fund. TOTAL w 6,057.57 4,500.00 195.56 2,995.35 133.00 11.79 38,887.57 4)101,317.11 4 Loved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Allen, the bills be approved for payment and warrants drawn for same. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Fessman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. RESLLUTION NO. 7267 was read, authorizing the following expenditures from the Capital Outlay Fund: Atlas Chemical Go., 46,57; Chemical Equipment Company, y480.48; S. D. Liquid Gas & Appliance, Inc.., 4i249.60, supplies for the pool. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Fessman, the Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Fessman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. COMMUNICATION FROM SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY was read stating this letter refers to the request of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Scott, et al, for the proposed closing of 23rd Street between ail and 0Ju Avenues. The San Diego Lias & Electric Company maintains and operates electric power pole line facilities in the portion of the area proposed to be vacated, therefore, they must enter a protest to said closing until easements, providing for existing electric facilities, can be drawn and successfully negotiated. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Allen, the communication be filed until we have a report from the Planning Commission. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. CCIViUNICATION FROM DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH was read stating the Bureau of Industrial Hygiene and Air Pollution Control is continuing its efforts to evaluate the air pollution potential throughout San Diego County and in certain potentially critical areas of the County. At the request of the Citizens' Advisory Committee on Air Pollution Control, they are now reviewing the existing means of control of such emissions. This would include any present regulations or ordinances which the incorporated cities of the county may have in effect for the limitation of not only excessive smoke from stacks, chimneys, etc., but also of such contaminants as smoke from open burning or incineration, dust from operations like cement mixing plants, asphalt plants, quarries, or sand and gravel pits, odors from industrial op- erations, or any other kinds of air contaminant emission control. They would appreciate any existing local ordinance which pertains to such control in National City. COUNCILMAN FESSMAN stated for some time Scrap Disposal has not been using their can shredding equipment. That operation creates considerable dust in the area, and it has been going on for several years, and wondered if there is anything in our ordinance which prohibits the dissemination of dust, if not, we should amend an ordinance whichever is applicable, providing that a suitable dust collector should be installed to prevent the dust from 7/1/58 5 scattering all over the City. W . Fessman asked the City Attorney to check our ordinances and see if there are any this operation would be in conflict with, and if not, we should go ahead another ordinance or adopt one to take care of the condition. CITY ivANAG& B1 0 stated he has a copy of the letter from the Department of rublic health, and it has been transmitted to three different departments for forwarding of their various ordinances and regulations to Dr. Askew. There is an ordinance regarding open burning, and Dr. Askew will have a copy of it. In regard to Mr. Fessman's inquiry, the ordinance which we have is Ordinance No. 750 which even in the com- mercial areas requires a special zone variance, and at the time of granting the variance, the stipulations of smoke control, smog con- trol, and compliance with the State law and also dust has been im- posed upon the operators or the applicant. In regard to the can shredding, lair. Bird, knowing that this would be coming up, sent a statement to the Planning Commission as to when this shredding oper- ation stopped, and we have it on file. Any shredding which we now want to start again by the same company, or another company, would have to get a zone variance, and at that time you would have an ad- equate control covering the smoke, dust, etc. as set by Ordinance No. 750. A'ioved by Fessman, seconded by Allen, the letter be filed. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. CITY CLi , ALSTON presentee. the .affidavit of Nailing Notices of Hearing on 20th Street, 4A4 and 4B4 Avenue. CITY CLL K ALSTON requested permission to present the communications which came in too late for the agenda. Loved by Hollingsworth, sec- onded by Allen, the City Clerk be granted permission. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. GRANT DrAIDS from Robert T. and iiarie H. Ingle; and Alfred. R. and Antonia C. 6elker, were presented. These deeds are in relation to the Paradise Creek drainage project. Loved by Hollingsworth, sec- onded. by Fessman, the two grant deeds be accepted, and referred to the City Attorney for the proper resolution. Carried, by the follow- ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Fessman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. C(1+iivUNICATI..N FROL DIVISIu i ui HIG&AYS was read stating this is to acknowledge a telephone inquiry by C. L. Hart, City Councilman, relative to the permitted purposes for the expenditure of gas tax money an major city streets within the City of National City. Loved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Allen, the letter be filed. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Fessman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: Nome. Absent: Hart. CCL UNICiTILN FROM DEPARTI4ENT Oi PUBLIC L,CAKS was read stating the Engineering Division of the 1957 Governor's Traffic Safety Conference adopted and presented to Governor Knight a single resolution. This resolution urges legislative bodies to authorize and to support the engineer in a program of cooperative highway planning with other jur- isdictions so as to effect integration of the planning of streets 7/1/58 6 and highway systems among local agencies. The General Counsel and Manager of the County Supervisors Association of California has ap- proved the distribution of the resolution to the Board of Supervis- ors. The Streets and highways Committee of the League of California Cities has endorsed the resolution with the following suggested change in the last paragraph: Wand to support the engineering and planning agencies in a program of cooperative highway planning.d A copy of the resolution was attached. CooiJCI1,4JOAAN HULLIidGS.voaTH stated she thought our Engineering Department and Planning Depart- ment have already been cooperating with the traffic safety program, also with the Division of Highways, etc. u hen the Planning Commis- sion and the Engineering Department are cooperating with them, they should remember they are representing National City. Once in a while there are planned highways proposed that may not be to the best interest of National City. Mrs. Hollingsworth said she did not mind going along with cooperating, but thought the Planning Depart- ment and Engineering Department should remember they are represent- ing National City and if they find anything that affects National City, it should be reported promptly to the City Manager to dissem- inate information to the Council. CUJNCILMAN FESSiUAN said he thought it was very important that the Council decide and inform the Highway Department along certain lines as to what they want or do not want as far as cross town freeway is concerned. Mr. Fessman said he at- tended meetings with the 'hamber of Commerce Highway Committee, and it looks as though the State Highway Department on this cross town freeway is about twenty years too late as it is already obsolete. It might be proper to get together with our Planning and engineering Departments and decide what we want to do about it now so we can tell the Highway Department and they can change their plans if they desire. Moved by Fessman, seconded by Hollingsworth, we address a communication to Nir. John Dyster, Chairman of the Chamber of Com- merce Highway Committee and to the Secretary of the Chamber of Com- merce and try to set up a meeting with these people, along with our Planning Commission and others, for the purpose of seeing what is possible and what is wanted by the people in National City. The meeting to include our Engineering Department as well as an invitat- ion for Mr. Moeser. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. COLLUNICATICN FROM ERWIN SKLAii, uIAYOti, CITY OF OCEANSIDE, was read stating the date has been set on which the City of Oceanside wishes to honor the City of National City during their Diamond JubWilee Celebration. Thursday, July 3rd, has been designated as N-tional City Night. An invitation was extended to Mayor and Mrs. Hodge and to the Councib members and city officials to attend the celebration. CCaaUNICATIoN /ROL CHIEt.F OF POLICE SMITH was read thanking the Council, City Manager and citizens of National City for the Cityos participation in our health insurance program. The new contract, which went into effect on I:arch 1, 1958, covering major surgery, was of great financial assistance to him and his family. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Allen, the communication be filed. Car- ried, all the Council present voting aye. 7/1/58 7 PETITTILN FROM NATIONAL CITY CITIZENS LEAGUE was read stating the "Objectives and Demands" of the Leggue. mAYOa HODGE suggested the petition be referred to the City Manager. hayed by Hollingsworth, seconded by Fessman, the petition be filed. COUNCIL,,cmAN HOLLI'JGS- uuQ TH stated she did not think the people understood what they were signing. Lotion lost, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Fess- man, Hollingsworth. Nays: Allen, Hodge. Absent: Hart. Loved by Allen, the petition be referred to the City Lanager for a report. Lotion died for lack of a second. CCUNCLLMAN FESShAN stated the drainage problem has been acute for some time and is getting worse every year. itAYOa HODGE stated he thought perhaps Federal funds were available for cities to take care of flood control. ATTuliNEY CURRAN stated there has been a loosening up of the legislation in this regard, so it might be that with the attitude, particularly of the President on passing sane of these measures where heretofore he has vetoed them, it would be possible to get sane Federal funds. It is work that comes under the jurisdiction of Army engineers, and there are other agencies in San Diego County who from time to time have attempted to receive appropriations from Congress, so the an- swer is les4. Moved by Fessman, seconded by Hollingsworth, the petition be filed. Motion lost, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: ?essman, Hollingsworth. Nays: Allen, Hodge. Moved by Allen, the petition be held over until the next meeting. ED O D E. LaCASSE 2120 Highland Avenue, was present and stated he resented the impli- cation that the people did not know what they were signing. AAYOR HODGE stated we would have no derogatory remarks toward anyone on the Council. If Lr. La Casse wished to make a statement in regard to the petition, he could do so, if not, we are not open for any derogatory remarks at all. hilt YOR HODGL stated this Council is going to be conducted on a basis of as high a morals and as high a conduct as he can possibly conduct, and no one will be allowed any time to stand before the microphone and make any remarks that are of de- rogatory nature or implicate the morals of any Councilman. Motion died for lack of a second. CITY ENGINEER LILL reported the traffic lights at 18th Street and "D„ Avenue are now in operation. The channel lining project west of -Harbison Avenue is under way again and will probably be completed next week. PORT OF CITY MANAGLR AND CITY ENGINEER relative to the drainage at 5th Street and ;:8,, Avenue was read, stating that the majority of the area between National Avenue, Highland Avenue, 4th Street and 7th Street drains to the low area at the intersection of 5th and "B.. Avenue. There is an additional area within the water shed that initially drained into this vidinity but that has been handled as street drainage for many years and does not now drain to the subject intersection. The existing storm drain, if in good condition, would carry about one -fifth of the probable storm run off; this is inad- equate and flooding results during and after heavy rains. A pre- liminary review of the situation indicates the most practical meth- od of handling this drainage is by the installation of a larger storm drain in 5th Street drain from aB' Avenue to Tidewater channel 7/1/58 8 at Coolidge Avenue, a distance of 1700 feet moreor less. The pre- liminary recommended pipe is a 33 inch diameter reinforced con- crete pipe; estimated cost of such installation is $30,000.00. CITY MANAGER BIRD stated this is the only solution for relief of that area, the only question which faces the Council is the lack of money. COU CILwOMAN HOLLINGSwORTH asked City Engineer Lill if he had completed all the engineering on this project. CITY ENGIN- EER LILL said they had not, they have only made a preliminary study. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Fessman, the drainage problem be referred to the Engineering Department for a complete study, plans and an estimate of cost. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. REPORT FROM CITY ENGINEER LILL was read stating the improvements within Williams Manor No. 4 Subdivision have been installed in ac- cordance with the plans and specifications, and it is recommended they be accepted by the City. The Subdivider deposited the amount of 8517.15 with the City Treasurer, the final amount due the City for checking and inspection costs for the Subdivision. CITY MAN- AGER BIRD recommended the City Attorney be authorized to prepare the necessary resolution accepting Williams Manor No. 4 Subdivision. Moved by Fessman, seconded by Allen, the City Manager's recommend- ation be followed. Carried, by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Allen, Fessman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. CITY MANAGER BIRD reported on the petition which was referred to the City Manager and Park Department which requested continued use of the pool in Kimball Park. The petition was signed by 231 persons; 176 of the signers live in National City and 55 who do not live in National City. In going over the petition, it was found that quite a number of names on the petition live within a stone's throw of the new swimming pool. REPORT FROM J. B. ASKEW, M. D., Director of Public Health, was read stating Mr. Gautereaux, Park and Recreation Supt. requested the Department of Public Health to survey the Kim- vall Park swimming pool to determine the extent of repair or recon- struction that would be necessary to bring it up to the standards required by the California Health and Safety Code. The report set forth in detail the necessary improvements that would have to be made .before the pool would be acceptable for reopening. CITY MAN- AGER BIRD stated what the report actually means is the building of a new pool at that location; perhaps the only thing that could be saved would be the perimeter walls of the swimming area; it means if we want a pool at that location, we would have an expenditure of between $55,000.00 and 860,000.00. Moved by Allen, the petition be filed. COUNCILWOMAN HOLLINGSw ORTH asked if the City Manager knew who circulated the petition. MR. BIRD said he did not know. MRS, HOLLINGSWORTH said she thought the person who circulated the petit- ion should have a copy of the report from Dr. Askew. COUNCILMAN FESSIviAN said also it would be well f©r the circulator, if we knew who it was, to know what it would cost to fix up the pool,but inasmuch as we do not know, perhaps the newspaper would give suf- ficient coverage so the information would be available to the public. Motion seconded by Fessman. Carried, all the Council present vot- ing aye. 7/1/58 9 CITY MANAGER BIRD reported in regard to drainage which was referred to the City Engineer and City Manager. The drainage at 13th Street and Tidelands Avenue and in that general area, Mr. Bird said he wished to make a partial progress report. The City Engineer has made a tentative study and a communication was sent to IU;r. Frey, Chief Engineer of the Santa Fe Railway Company which stated the Council has directed this office to determine the possibility of installing a storm drain southerly from 13th Street in the existing open ditch joining The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway track. A drawing was enclosed which showed the existing ditch and the pro- posed alignment for the proposed storm drain which would replace the open ditch. Practically all of the existing drain and the pro- posed pipe is on railroad property. It is believed the proposed pipe installation is a worthy project and should be constructed providing funds are available. It appears the work could be in- stalled in two units. A rough estimate of the cost of the work is as follows: Unit No. 1, construct 385 lineal feet of 30 inch rein- forced concrete pipe at $10.00 per foot, $3,850.00; construct one inlet, $500.00; relocate 72 lineal feet of 30 inch reinforced con- crete pipe at $5.00 per foot, a total of $4,710.00. Unit No. 2 amounts to a total of $10,650.00; or a total cost of $15,360.00. Their comments on the following matters, and one in particular would be appreciated: 1. The railroad company's approval of the project; 2. the railroad company's approval of the contribution of the cost of the project; 3. the proper easements of the rail- road company to the City to allow the construction of the work. It is suggested by the City, if the project is approved by the Santa Fe, the cost for the work be divided evenly between the Santa Fe and the City, and the work be constructed in the fiscal year of 1958-59. CITY MANAGER BIRD stated the committee of the City Council comprised of Mr. Fetssman and the City Manager met last week with the South Bay Irrigation District committee comprised of Mr. Ualler and Mr. Steele. At that time there was presented brochures, outline of procedures by four financial consultants y,ho wish to be employed jointly by the South Bay Irrigation District and the City of Nation- al City. J. B. Hanauer Company was represented, Robert C. Lindsay was represented, Stone and Youngberg and the firm of Schwabacher & Company were represented. Each representative, or group of rep- resentatives appeared before the committee. Mr. Engstrand and his Associate for the South Bay Irrigation District were the two Attor- neys present, our Attorney was tied up on another case and was un- able to be present. A complete presentation was made by all four of the solicited financial consultants, and it was the unanimous conclusion of the committee to recommend to their respective boards, the City of National City and the South Bay Irrigation District, that the firm of Stone & Youngberg be employed as financial con- sultants in regard to the contemplated acquisition of the California `)ater & Telephone Company's Sweetwater District. It is their recom- mendation the City Attorney and the Attorney for the South Bay Ir- rigation District be authorized by their bodies to prepare the nec- essary contracts for the employment of Stone & Youngberg for this 7/1/58 10 job, with certain stipulations, one stipulation of which Attorney .gstrand, if Council agrees with the recommendation of the committee, he will give the stipulation to Attorney Curran. The cost of the proposals varied; the proposal of Stone & Youngberg was a flat guar- antee of $5,000.00 for their services plus in the event of a success- ful negotiation or culmination of the proposal would be based on the sale of the bonds and the fee would be based an the amount of the bond issue to be graduated, per one thousand dollar bond on a million basis. If this is a successful acquisition, it means there will be a price to atone & Youngberg by both entities of approximately $73,000.00 for their work. If Council agrees to the authorization of this contract, it will be on the same ratio basis of one-third, two-thirds. CITY MANAGER BIRD recommended the Council authorize the Attorney to prepare the necessary papers in conjunction with Mr. Engstrand so the Mayor will be authorized to sip the contract and get the information before the people. Moved by Fessman, seconded by Allen, the City Manager's recommendation be approved. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, r'essman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. CITY MANAGER BIRD stated we are about ready to set up the programing of the ceremonies and all the necessary things for the opening of the swimming pool. MAYOR HODGE suggested we mail either one or two free tickets, good for either adults or children, using the mailing list we use for the sanitation bills; then set a date for the opening and turn the entire project over to Mr. Gautereaux, and the Council will help him as much as possible; allowing a budget of a certain amount for this purpose. Moved by 'essman, seconded by Allen, that two tickets be mailed with each name on the accounts, using the address- ograph machine in the Treasurer's Department, and we allow Air. Gaut- ereaux $2,500.00 for the promotional ceremonies. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Fessman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. REPORT OF THE PLANNING 06M IS3ION was read regarding Application for Conditional Exception No. 615 signed by Betty J. buebb, relative to the property at 2035 Van Ness Avenue. retitioner is requesting per- mission to divide an 82 foot lot into two parcels; one 40' x 145.85' and the other 42' x 145.85'. It was the recommendation of the Com- mission the request be granted subject to a 4' sideyard on the exist- ing dwelling and subject to new construction on the vacant lot to be- gin within 90 days. Moved by Allen, seconded by Fessman, the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission be accepted, and referred to the City Attorney for the necessary resolution. Carried, by the follow- ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Fessman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. REPORT PROM THE PLANNING 0GL ISSI0N was read recommending the accept- ance of a quit claim deed from: Jasper D. and Alicia Hodge relative to 60 feet of the south half of Eighth Street located 1,211.3 feet of Palm Avenue. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Fessman, the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission be sustained and the Attorney be instructed to prepare the resolution. Carried, by the following vote 7/1/58 11 to -wit: Ayes: Allen, r'essman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. RESOLUTION NO. 7268 was read, finding and determining all work re- quired to be performed by HARRY L. t ILLIAMS AND MiAi THA D. wILLIAviS for installation of Improvements in the wILLIAIViS MANOR NO. 4 SUB- DIVISION has been performed pursuant to, and as required by, that certain contract by and between the City of National City and said HARRY L. wILLIAMIS AND IMMARTHA D. wILLIAMS; and is hereby accepted by the City of NationalCity. Moved by Fessman, seconded by Allen, the Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Allen, Fessman, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hart. Moved by Fessman, seconded by Allen, the meeting be closed. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. Meeting closed at 4:46 P.M. F) ;,7 r `✓ ice/ c''-� 14AYOR CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFOBNIA ATTEST: CITY CLERK 7/1/58