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National City, California, July 3, 1956
Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by
Mayor Hodge at 1:30 P.M. o'clock. Council members present:
Fessman, Hart, Heck, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Council members
absent: None.
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Bird, Curran,
Holgate, Lill, Wagner.
The meeting was opened with pledge of allegiance to the Flag,
followed by Invocation by Rev. Donald E. Fullerton.
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Hart, that the minutes of
the regular meeting of June 26, 1956, be approved. Carried,
all the Council present voting aye.
NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA". Moved by Heck, seconded by
Fessman, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all the
Council present voting aye.
OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIF.", was presented for the second and
final reading. Moved by Heck, seconded by Fessman, that the
reading of the ordinance be waived, and be adopted by title
only. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Fessman,
Hart, Heck, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None. Moved by
Heck, seconded by Fessman, that the Ordinance be adopted.
Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
CITY ATTORNEY CURRAN reported that the Saint Paul -Mercury In-
demnity Company has issued its Bond No. 1045-SD, entitled
Relocation Permit Bond, with Mrs. Beryl McDaniel, as principal,
and it is recommended that it be approved and filed. Moved by
Hollingsworth, seconded by Hart, that the City Attorney's re-
commendation be accepted. Carried, all the Council present
voting aye.
General Fund $10,858.20
Traffic Safety Fund 530.03
TOTAL $11, 388.23
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Hart, that the bills be
approved, and warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, by
the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Fessman, Hart, Hollings-
worth, Hodge. Nays: None.
MARTHA SMITH, 910 "N" Avenue was present and read a communica-
tion thanking the Council for their expression of appreciation
for the time and effort she spent as a member of the Park and
Recreation Advisory Board.
COUNCILMAN HART stated it is his understanding that City
Planner Wagner is responsible only to the City Council, and
that he would like to see all employees, with the exception
of the City Attorney and the elective officials, be directly
under the supervision of City Manager Bird. COUNCILWOMAN
HOLLINGSWORTH stated there was an ordinance adopted that
clearly stated that the two elected officers and the City
Altorney were the only persons not under the City Manager.
CITY ATTORNEY CURRAN stated there has been some confusion on
that subject, and the ordinance that is now in effect pro-
vides that all City officers and employees with the exception
of the two elective officers, and the City Attorney, are
directly under the supervision of the City Manager.
inviting the Council to the dedication of the Authority's new
headquarters building, to be held Thursday, July 12, 1956, at
2750 Fourth Avenue, San Diego. The dedication exercises will
be held in the boardroom of the building, beginning at 7:30
CITY CLERK ALSTON stated sometime ago the
Resolution requesting the County Board of
cel taxes on City property, Lots 1 to 20
and Lots 1 to 10 inclusive and Lots 17 to
2, D.E. Lozier's Subd., wf of 10 Acre Lot
154, and the taxes have been canceled.
Council adopted a
Supervisors to can -
inclusive, Block 1,
20 inclusive, Block
11, Quarter Section
was read, stating on May 15, 1956 their 600-pair, 26-gauge
cable and transite duct, located in front of 728-16th Street,
were damaged by a Barber -Green trencher operated by a City
employee, They submitted a verified claim in an estimated
amount of $800 with permission to substitute the true amount
when the bill has been compiled by their auditing department,
CITY CLERK ALSTON recommended this be referred to the City
Attorney and City Manager. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded
by Hart, that it be referred to the City Attorney and City
Manager for disposition. Carried, all the Council present
voting aye,
CITY CLERK ALSTON reported on her attendance at the Clerks'
institute at San Jose, June 1L.th and 15th. At one of the
sessions a film was shown on microfilming, and Mrs. Alston
said she thought this would be a very good thing for National
City, not only for a permanent nature of keeping our records
in case of a disaster, but also saving space for storage in
the vault, and suggested it be referred to the Finance Com-
mittee. The company who sells this equipment is willing to
show the film to the Council and anybody we wish to invite.
Mrs. Alston suggested, if the Council is at all interested,
that a date be set for the showing of this film and the general
public be invited. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck,
that it be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried, all
the Council present voting aye.
CITY ENGINEER LILL reported he received a communication from
the San Diego Gas and Electric Company in regard to the pro-
posed improvement of 16th Street. The company decided they
would have to replace approximately 3000 feet of their gas
main, the original completion date was Jane 2lst and this com-
munication states it will be July 16th, and that is the reason
work on 16th Street has not -progressed.
CITY ENGINEER LILL reported on a petition to remove existing
roll curb and replace with standard curb and gutter and to
remove and replace driveway as necessary in National Vista
Subdivision. On June 19th the Council authorized this type
of work for Norfolk Street and Drexel, Belmont and Kenton
Avenues on the proposed 1911 Improvement Project. This peti-
tion is from property owners on Clairmont Avenue requesting
the same type of work and is signed by 68.1 percent of the
owners of the frontage involved. It is recommended this pe-
tition be accepted and the items petitioned be added to the
project. Moved by Heck, seconded by Fessman, that the City
Engineerls recommendation be approved. Carried, by the fol-
lowing vote to -wit: Ayes: Fessman, Hart, Heck, Hollingsworth,
Hodge. Nays: None.
CITY ENGINEER LILL reported on the petition for the 1911 Act,
Improvement of "A" Avenue between 24th and 25th Street. The
total frontage of the proposed project is 1000 feet, the
frontage owned by tfgnert of the petition is 450 feet, the
frontage owned by the City is 150 feet, the total frontage pe-
titioned is 45 percent. MAYOR HODGE asked if the 45 percent
was based on 1000 feet of frontage and not on the 850 feet,
which excludes the City's property. CITY ENGINEER LILL stated
it was based on 1000 feet of frontage, Moved by Hollingsworth
that the people on "A" Avenue be informed that they have an
insufficient number of signatures so the 1911 Act petition is
void. COUNCILMAN FESSMAN said he thought the 150 feet of pro-
perty that the City owns should not be counted in the 1000
feet if the City is not going to either protest or approve the
project, therefore only 850 feet should be considered, and the
850 feet is more than 50 percent. COUNCILWOMAN HOLLINGSWORTH
stated she thought it should be a matter of policy that we
never use our property as a club to force anyone into a 1911
Act. COUNCILMAN HECK said he agreed with Councilman Fessman.
Motion seconded by Hart. MAYOR HODGE explained that out of
the 850 feet of property owned by individuals and the petition
has been signed by owners of 450 feet of the frontage, there-
fore more than 50 percent wish the work done. COUNCILMAN
HART said he would go along with the majority if over 51 per-
cent of the property owners want the work done. COUNCILMAN
HART withdrew his second. Motion died for lack of a second.
Moved by Heck, seconded by Fessman, that the project be con-
tinued. COUNCILWOMAN HOLLINGSWORTH stated she thought we
should have a legal opinion. COUNCILMAN FESSMAN withdrew his
second, and Councilman Heck withdrew his motion. Moved by
Heck, seconded by Fessman, that this matter be tabled until
the next Council meeting. Carried, all the Council present
voting aye.
ATTORNEY CURRAN stated that one of the Cityts street signs
valued at $32400 was damaged by a motorist. The insurance
carrier for the motorist is willing and able to pay the City
the $32.00 and requires a release in the customary form, and
it should be specific Council action authorizing the City
Manager to sign. Moved by Heck, seconded by Hart, that per-
mission be allowed. Carried, all the Council present voting
COMMUNICATION FROM H.L. WILLIAMS was read with reference to
the contract dated July 19, 1955, between the City of National
City and himself for subdivision improvements pertaining to
Williams Manor #3, he is hereby requesting an extension of
this contract until July 1, 1957. Bond #554648 issued by
31en's Falls Insurance Company, in effect until July 1, 1957
is filed with the City. No lots have been sold out of this
property, the entire parcel remaining in one piece. Construc-
tion on this subdivision has been delayed by illness and hos-
pitalization on his part, however, he is now ready to proceed
with work in the near future. CITY MANAGER BIRD stated under
the Subdivision Ordinance the original contract with the City
should state the time for completion, and such time may be
extended by the City Council. Mr. Williams is asking for a
continuation of one: year. HARRY WILLIAMS, Chula Vista, was
present and stated Jr1y 1, 1957 would be the completion date.
Moved by Hart, sc-onded by Heck, that the extension be granted.
Carried, by the fs .lowing vote to -wit: Ayes: Fessman, Hart,
Heck, Hoilingswor h, Hodge. Nays: None.
CITY MANAGER BIRD stated he had a report from the City Engineer
in relation to our improvements on "I" and "J" Avenue, and ap-
propriate action should be taken by the Council. REPORT FROM
CITY EiNGJN1ER LILL was read stating that transmitted herewith
is one print each of Drawings No. 177-B and 178-B showing pos-
sible street and alley closings that are related to 1911 Im-
provement Projects now being developed. It is suggested that
these possible closings be referred to the Planning Commission
for processing. The City Engineer's recommendations are as
follows: 1. That if approved, the closings be handled
separately for the two streets involved. 2, That procedures
necessary to the closings be carried through to the hearings
on the Ordinances but that the resolutions of closings be de-
layed until the contracts are awarded for the 1911 Act street
improvements. CITY MANAGER BIRD stated what Engineering pro-
poses and because of the economics of the particular improve-
ment, and the desirability in the area, is to close portions
of 23rd Street between "I" and "J", and to close portions of
22nd Street between "K" and "J". It is recommended that in
processing, it be referred to the Planning Commission for study
and a report. Moved by Hart, seconded by Fessman, that it be
referred to the Planning Commission for study and a report.
Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
read regarding our present contract with the City of San Diego
covering our maintenance on all of our mobile and stationary
communication units. A copy of the resolution passed by the
San Diego City Council which extends the agreement for main-
tenance and repair of radio equipment for the fiscal year
1956-57 was enclosed. The schedule of charges has been modii.
fied to reflect the most current costs and to provide for in-
creased labor costs during the coming year. CITY MANAGER BIRD
recommended that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare the
proper resolution for presentation at the next meeting. The
costs have been compared and there are but a few minor changes.
Moved by Hart, seconded by Hollingsworth, that the City Mana,
ger's recommendation be approved. Carried, all the Council
present voting aye.
statinei tYat on March 13, 1956, the employees voted to accept
the benefits offered the employees by the California -Western
States Life Insurance Company, but to consider the new cost
for dependents. At the following monthly meeting it was
unanimously voted to accept the benefits and rate for the em-
ployees but to disregard those for dependents. It is requested
that the Council review the attached new benefits and rate, and
consider paying 50% of the increased cost as the City has been
doing on the premium now in effect. CITY MANAGER BIRD stated
the City now pays a certain proportion of the benefits of the
group insurance on our employees only. The employees asked
California -Western States to make a survey because of the cost
increase for hospitals, etc., and this increase amounts to 59e
per month, or roughly 291i per month to the City on a partici-
pating base of 50%. The total cost to the City based on our
employees will amount to '561.60 for the year. Moved by Hart,
that the City pay this additional cost on the employees in-
surance. COUNCILMAN HECK stated he thought this matter should
be referred to the Finance Committee for consideration of the
budget. Motion seconded by Hollingsworth. COUNCILMAN FESS-
MAN said he also thought this should be referred to the
Finance Committee. COUNCILWOMAN HOLLINGSWORTH withdrew her
second and Councilman Hart withdrew his motion, Moved by
Fessman, seconded by Hart, that it be referred to the Finance
Committee. Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
RESIGNATION OF DOROTHY F. JENSr,N from the Recreation Advisory
Board, effective June 26, 1956, was read. Moved by Hart,
seconded by Fessman, that the resignation be accepted, and a
letter of thanks for the time spent serving on the Board be
sent. Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
CITY MANAGER BIRD stated it is hoped that the budget will be
ready for the next meeting, and asked if the Council proposes
to have a public hearing, and if so how many copies of the
budget they wish prepared. Moved by Heck, seconded by
Hollingsworth, that there be a public hearing held and that
15 copies of the budget be prepared for distribution. Carried,
all the Council present voting aye.
cation for Conditional Exception No. 556 signed by Guy C.
Wilson, General Manager, South Bay Plaza, relative to the
store room having a frontage of 20 feet and a depth of approxi-
mately 70 feet, located in Unit 1, Plaza Shopping Center,
known as 1161 Highland Avenue. Petitioners are requesting per-
mission to install a modern dry cleaning plant, including a
perchlorethylene unit. It was the recommendation of the
Planning Commission the request be granted, limiting to the
30 pound cleaner and 30 pound reclaiming unit. Moved by Heck,
seconded by Fessman, that the Planning Commission's recommen-
dation with the further recommendation of the 30 pound
cleaner and 30 pound reclaiming unit be sustained, and the
City Attorney prepare the necessary resolution. Carried, by
the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Fessman, Hart, Heck,
Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: None.
REPORT OF THE PLANNING C0AJ ISSION was read recommending that
the final subdivision map of Orchard Manor be approved, sub-
ject to the Engineer's final approval, which he stated would be
sometime yet.
tion No. 10 of the Planning Commission establishing a policy
governing the operation of perchlorethylene or equivalent syn-
thetic solvent cleaning and/or drying units in commercial
zones. The Commissioners recommended the adoption of the Reso-
lution as read. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Hart,
that the Resolution adopted by the Planning Commission be ap-
proved by the Council. Carried, all the Council present
voting aye.
REPORT FROM THE PLANNING C0 M1 SSION was read stating City
Planner Wagner presented the City Engineer's proposal for the
curb and sidewalk installations under the 1911 Act on 18th
Street in front of the Las Palmas Elementary School. Discus•
sion was held as to whether it would be best to install the
round curb returns for the driveway at the school and provide
curb returns and sidewalks on a portion of private property at
the school, or should the curbs be deleted and the instaila-
tion put in as a driveway. Mr. Rusk and Mr. Colvin of the
National School District has indicated their willingness to
pay the additional cost for the returns in excess of their
portion of the 1911 Act. The Planning Commission recommended
the proposed plan on the condition that the school assume any
additional cost.
CITY PLANNER WA3NER stated that as far as he personally is
concerned there has never been a doubt In his mind, since the
appointment of Mr. Bird as City Manager, that he was one of
his employees. He was rather surprised that the matter was
brought up today as he had no knowledge that there was a dif-
ference of opinion between Mr. Bird and himself or any members
of the Council, because at the time of the appointment it was
clarified by the Council.
Moved by Fessman, seconded by Hart, that the meeting be closed.
Carried, all the Council present voting aye. Meeting closed
at 2:40 P.M.