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1956 09-11 CC MIN
65 National City, California, September 11, 1956 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Vice Mayor Hollingsworth at 1:30 P.M. o'clock. Council mem- bers present: Fessman, Heck, Hollingsworth. Council members absent: Hart, Hodge. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Bird, Curran, Holgate, Lill, Wagner. The meeting was cpened with pledge of allegiance to the Flag, foilcwed by invocation by Rev. Warriner. Moved by Heck, seconded by Fessman, that the minutes of the regular meeting of September 4, 1956, be approved. Carried, all the Council present voting ay. RESOLUTION NO, 6731 was .read, "RFSOL rTION F.PPRJVIING ENGINEER'S REPORT (HOCV'ER A\iENUE)", Moved ty Heck, .Jeconded by Fessman, that the Re.!Folu'..ion be adopted. Carried, by the following vote U)-wit,< Ayes, Fessman, Heck, Hollingworth, Nays: None. Absent: Hart, Hodge. RESOLUTION NO. 6732 wns read, "RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT ("I''+AVENUE71, Moved by Heck, seconded by Fessman, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following cote to -wit: Ayes: Fessman, Heck, Hollingsworth. Nays: None. Absent: Hart, Hodge. RESOLUTION NO. 6733 w,,s read, "RESOLUTION AD OPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS (HOOVER AVENUE). Moved by Fessman, seconded by Heck, that the Resolution be a&opted. Carried, by the following vote tc•-wit: Ayes: Fessman, Heck, Hollingsworth. Nays: None. Absent: Hart, Hodge, RESOLUTION NO. 6734 was read, "RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ("I" AVENUE)". Moved by Fessman, second- ed by Heck, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Fessman, Heck, Hollingsworth. Nays: None. Absent: Hart, Hodge. RESOLUTION NO. 6735 with National Lumber. City Tidelands,, and execute the same for City. Moved by Heck ion be adopted. Car Ayes: Fessman, &eck Hart, liodga. was read, approving the proposed lease Company fs;r a portion of the National the Mayor is authorized and directed to and on behalf of the City of National , seconded by Fessman, that the Resslut- ried, by the following vote to -wit: , Hollingsworth. Nays: None, Absent: RESOLUTION NO. 6736 was read, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF LEGISLATIVE BODY UNDER " SPECIAL ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION, LIMITATION AND MAJORITY PROTEST ACT OF ? 93 ' (TWENTY-SIXTH " EET) ', -moved by Neck, eeeort4 4 1050 Fe ssrnen, that 4 Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following vete to -wit: Ayes: Fessman, Heck, Hollingsworth. Nays: None. Absents Hart, Hodge. RESOLUTION NO. 6737 was read, granting a special zone variance permit t&Donald G. Jacquot to use property at 415 National Avenue located in a R-4 zone for general automobile repair- ing. Also variance in height of fence from 4 feet on 4th Street and on Lantana Drive to 8 feet maxiumum. Fence to he 6 feet with an angled scaling guard. Moved by Heck, seconded by Fessman, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the T-o4lowing vole £c+.-wit: Ayes: Fessman, f ck. JIling-- worth. Mays: None. AbsoeritE Wit, Hedge. 66 RESOLUTION NO. 6738 was read, granting a special zone variance permit to Louis J. and Mary F. Emde, 1807 0 Avenue, te; use the east 3.8 feet by 50 feet of Lots 1 and 2 and the ga•eye buiJcing thereon in the business of sharpening an. redseeing :.agneo:vers and power garden equipment. A'.so pee- mis :;cn to erecta sign 16 sq. fee. indicating the ype of hue. n(ss _iE ing conducted. Move' by Heck, seconded by Fe, eL , °'ha.t : e Resolution be adopted. Carried. uy, the f^?.:,c`vcte tc -w t: AyF`J's: Fes riles, Heck, Ho1l ng&worthe Na,'ys;. .`lose. Absent: Hart Hodge. RED:Z UTI-)N NC, 73; was read, accepting certail real property des r e ;xgeent d< ee date, .'lily 2r ; 1g�t, executed by E , 'r.-''.i:. c IA l'- 1 -+ - el:K, 3 aeer:de : r y l e. .. lar., that tre r'eso 11be a 3G 2 fo : a: rie , i;t; :se f a1' ".tng vote tc-or.. t Avez Heck, Hoi?.'.ng worth. relays: None. OPIDi e.NC _, ar. ordinance irr;.: use wac' -_7 > r.: tl.e _ec'o by . eek , TeconAee or 1 r oe ' `3 Y2': , ,1n stray the L1e1 g e. ty sales and anf :eaiirn. Moved ac_irig of the entire :.g rea'. Cac ried, Fe .sniiL,. Heck, H 1 , ORDINANCE N."J. 9<'!5. '.: >;-.DI_NANCE CF C_;:Y OF NATIONAL CITY, ImPosr':7 A :A., A A PROVief': a'} ;. 'r Yc PERFORMANCE BY THE Ai' " ) �t f "rl1,r n. ' ;v INCIDENT TO THE AL US ._. r'A;?C\117 OL E,;," ' OF'. THE SALES AND u E `IA" r'i 'S'' SUSPNPDF.i. THE 7;O rISONS OF ORDINANCES NOS. fa) eeet fi(; ?:>l " a : L ';H TIME. AS THIS ORDINANCE IS OPERATIVE AND PROViT1N Lr A.:,'+';.F'.S FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF". Moved by Heck =eeenete.. . y ; eeema,.s that the Ordtnar_ce be acre CarrieLr by .he fo_1ewing voe t)--•wit: Ayes; Fessmant Heck, Hollingsworth. Nays None. Absent: Hart, REPORT FROM THE TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE was read recommending the installation :}f an oversize 35 mile per hour sign south of 14th Street 0.trylf and sign. rea'.in.g '1Lt.h Street to be changed to �yread i 3' h 2 i eet) o Moe ', by Heck? ;;econded by F;;: a that it be. cfep : t1 to the C tt Manscer s ;' apnrop- riat.e act,ia Carried-, ell the Council preset. +o i ai; aye. REPORT FROM THE TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE stated a letter is to be sent to MT, McDonald thanking him for the prompt action on painting the intersection at 13th Street and Montgomery • Freeway, which now seems to be working satisfactorily. Recommendations for a new member of the Committee were held over the next meeting. REPORT FROM THE TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE stated Chief Smith gave a brief report on the accident rate at 13th Street and Montgomery Freeway. No action was necessary from this comm- ittee regarding the letter requesting additional police en- forcement during peak hours at this intersection. No action was necessary regarding the letter from the San Diego Traffic Safety Council. A letter was reed from. the Engineers Corp., U. S, Army, concerning a hearing to be held on the proposed tunnel through the Laguna Iuntains, end a motion was passed and adopted that a Reesalution be written esuppr,3rting the pro- ject. A letter was read requesting that 24th and ' L" divid- ing strip be cleared so that pedestrians crossing the street will net have to walk in tht street, MOved by Heck, seconded by Fessmaf, that the natter ot E t1 and "I." be referred t• the City Manager fora repot. Carried, all that Counc i i pre- sent voting aye. #'ied:N "h$ =e 3tti - oppi aaChs to the 9-1.1- 6 67 vederpsse On meth Street as it turason to McKinley Avenue was held ever for further study by the Committee. ATTORNEY CURRAN reported that Public Utilities Commission Decision NNo,+j3684 which vas referred to him is in regard to en order of the Commission which authorises the Santa Fe Railway Company to Construct a spur track at grade across 2lith Street In National City requires no action on the part of the City and recommended that it be filed. Moved by Neck seconded by Fessaan,that the order be filed. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. ATTORNEY CURRAN reported on Decision No. 53681 of the Public Utilities Commission in regard to the application of the San Diegs Transit System which authorised the operation of motor coaches not to exce+s+d 4© feet 1n isngLh send 102 inches in width over certain routes listed In that order, one of which passes through National City, K a action is required, and it is recommended this opinion end order be filed. Moved by Heck, seconded tty Foie/man, that the City Attt,rney's recommendation be allowed. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. CITY ATTORNEY CURRAN stated there wa s referred to him s request for an opinion with reference to the eligibility of a Civil Service employee of the City to two weeks vacation under circumstances of * resignation having been submitted; and he has subsequently been advised that the fetter seeking resignation has been rescinded see that the Question becomes sate. RESOLUTION NO. 60 was mead, approving the proposed con- tract with the State Board of Equalisation for sdainistrst• inn of the Sales and Use Tax, and the Mayer is authorised and directed to execute the same for and on behalf of the City of National City. Carried, by the following vote to-wltt Ayes: Fsssssn, Heck, Hollingsworth. Nays; None. Absent; N art, Hodge. CITY ATTORWEr CURRAN stated that the Engineer has recomputed the percentage demanding • hearing with Welcome to Hoover Avenue end for "i" Avenue, sines the_prtor computation did not include the "Nil" assessments. The hearing for Hoover Avenue is to be October 22nd, and the 29th day of October for "t" Avenue. RESOLUTION N0. 6741 was road, "RESOLUTION FINDING AND DETER; MINING THE PERCENTASE OF DEMANDS BY PROPERTY OWNERS FOR INVESTi.3ATVzi UNDER! THE PROVISIONS OF DIVISION k or THE SUMS AND WIOHNtRAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA (HOOVER AVENUE)". Moved by Heck, *seceded by Fsssman, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the tollswing vote tss-grit; Ayes: Fessasn, Heck, Mellingsworth. Nays: None. Absent: Hart, Hodge. Rgso .UTlONN 1i0. 042 was read, "RESOLUTION FIKDINNS AND DEUR. NUM THE PERCENTAGE OF DEMANDS SY PROPERTY OWNERS FOR INVESTIGATION UNDER TILE PROVISIONS OF DIVISION 4 OF THE STREETS *b HI3HWAYS CODE Cf THE STATE OF CAL1FCRN1A (I AVENUE)". Maysd by Yeoman, secondsg by Heck, that the Resolution be adapted, Carried, by the following vote temoit4 Ayes: ?seaman, Heck, Moktingewpfth. Nays: None. AH tt 60 REPORT FROM 1OUSIN3 DIRECTOR 6AUTEIEAUX regarding request from National School District for the supply of electric power and gas to the Elementary School on West 29th Street, was read. Having check the possibilities for requested utility services find that same may be delivered from the Housing transmission lines. The School District shall furnish and install necessary meters at their building site, and shall make all necessary connections for the electric service. The installation of both as and electric meters shall be inspected by the Housing Maintenance Si. and shall be read by him prior to use of the utilities. If at any time any of the aforesaid meters are deemed to be inaccurate it shall be the duty of the School District to have same checked on notice by the City. The City will read said meters and submit a monthly bill for payment of the utilities used and same is to be paid at the Qiivewood Housing Office, 2412 "B" Avenue. The rate of charge for gas and electricity to the School District shall be the same as that paid by the City to the utility company. The City shall be held blame- less and not responsible for any losses or damages that may come tom utility company failures, pressure failures, gas pressure variations, electric current voltage fluctuation, the complete shut off of said utilities for reasons of un- known origin, repair, usage, and/or the inability of the City to deliver through said schoolmeters. It is understood that any and all gas and/or electric poWer through said School meters has been priorly metered and transmitted through City ewned transmission pipes or wires and is therefore a charge against the City. It is to be understood thatthis is a service of accommodation only and strictly without pro-= fit to the City. Moved by Fessman, secondedby H eck, that when the agreement is written by the City Attorney that a termination clause be a part of the agreement. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. Moved by Fessman, seconded by Heck, that the City Manager and Housing Director be authorized to enter into an agreement with the School Board to furnish them with electric and gastLilities for the site in question, with prevision that a suitable termination clause be written in agreement. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM 3RIFFITH COMPANY regarding the improvement of Tidelands Avenue, was read, requesting a nine day exten- sion of time for completion of the work due t, a strike by operating engineers in the rock and sand industry, which strike made it Impossible to obtain material*- for construct- ion, Moved Ay Foss , *ecoNlited AY Hock; toh4t tab* 44041t40. of time be allowed. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. CITY CLERK ALSTON reported that she received Encroachment Permit No. 11E1,666 which the City requested from the Division of Highways to install a sign at the north city limits. COMMUNICATION FROM LOIS LARAMDRE was read asking that she be allowed to withdraw her resignation as Senior Bookkeeping Machine Operator, effective September 30, 1956. The request was approved by City Clerk Alston, City Manager Bird and the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission. Moved by Heck seconded by Fessman, that the resignation of Lola Laramere be re►ecinde . Carried, all the Council present voting aye, ,_i1r5k 69 COMMUNICATION FROM MARJORIE ROACH was read, r two weeks sick leave of absence, without pay, ember 1 to September 15, 1956, upon advice of CITY CLERK ALSTON stated this meets with her Moved by Heck, seconded by Fessman, that the absence without pay be allowed. Carried, all present voting aye. equesting a from Sept - her physician. approval. leave of the Council COMMUNICATION FROM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE was read thanking the Council for their action to secure city limit signs for those entrances to National City which are presently with- out them. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated the Council has received a request from the Citizen's Committee for Yes on Proposition #5, and they have enclosed a resolution which they would like to have the Council adopt. It is legislation in regard to Alcoholic Beverage establishments. Moved by Heck, seconded by Fessman, that the letter be filed without read- ing. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated she has a communication from Home- owners 3 Taxpayers Council of San Diego County that was addressed to State Senators and Assemblymen, and the County Board of Supervisors, which will be on f'le in her office. CITY CLERK ALSTON reported she had a communication and petition from Muriel Best in regard to a zone variance which is scheduled for a hearing tonight before the Planning Commission. The petition and letter is addressed to the Council and the Planning Commission, and Mrs. Alston stggested it be referred tm the Planning Commission for their meeting. Moved by Heck, seconded by Fessman, that it be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. CITY ENGINEER LILL reported that we have received a written agreement from the Santa Fe Railroad agreeing to the prop- osed improvement of the street, of which they will pay their share of the costs. The next step on the Cleveland Avenue from an engineering standpoint is to submit letters from the railroads to the ,public i till, .ies Cotission to obtain their approval of the project. CITY ENGINEER LILL stated the City Clerk opened bids this morning for the improvement of Fifth Street westerly of Palm Avenue, as follows: GRIFFITH COMPANY, $7,997.09; V. R. DENNIS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, $8,851.14.; R.E. HAZARD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY $8,157.06. REPORT FROM CITY ENGINEER LILL was read stating of the three bids received the low bid of $7,997.49 was submitted by the Griffith Company. As the low bid is less than the $8,561.21 estimated as the cost of the project, it is recommended that this low bid be accepted and that the contract be awarded to the Griffith Company. Moved by Heck, seconded by Fessman, that the low bid ge the Griffith Company be accepted, and the Attorney prepare the necessary resolution. Carried, by the follow- ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Fessman, Heck, Hollingsworth. Nays: None. Absent: Hart, Hodge. CITY ENGINEER LILL stated his office received a report of engineering studies related to the air pellution problem prepared by the Department of Engineering of the University of California att Les Angeles, and it will be on file in his office 9-11-56 7O CITY MANAGER BIRD read a resolution from the Chamber of Commerce entitled "STREET IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION OF COMM.. ENPATION", commending the Council on the progress made on coordinated commercial, industrial and residential street and drainage improvement, making National City a much more attractive place in which to live and do business. COMMUNICATION FROM TRUEBLOOD MOTORS was read requesting permission to blacktop the Southeast Corner of 18th and National Avenue, between the sidewalk and curb for the entire one hundred by one hundred foot let they believe it w.+luld add greatly to the general appearance of that corner. COUNCILMAN HECK said since National Avenue is a permanent street, he thought we should have concrete in there rather than just black top, and cur nrdinance stated that it shall be concrete. VICE MAYOR HOLLIN.GSWORTH questioned whether the utilities are in at this location, and if it would be necessary to tear up any of the property it would be much easier if it were blacktopped than if it were concrete. CITY MANAGER BIRD states he did not know if there were utilities involved. Mr. Truebl;od is not the owner of the property, and is leasing it for three years. Moved by Fessman, seconded by Hollingsworth, that permission be granted to Mr. Toueblood to blacktop that area, as requested. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Fessman, Hollingsworth. Nays: Heck, Absent: Hart, Hodge, CITY PLANNER WAGNER reported that the County Board of Supervisors this morning accepted the Planning Commissionis recommendation and denied the requested rezoning of the Fritz property south of 8th Street and east of Harbison Avenu. MoVed by Fessman, seconded by Heck, that a letter be sent to the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce thanking them for the Resolution they sent the Council. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. Moved by Heck, seconded by Fessman,that the meeting be closed. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. Meeting closed at 2:50 P.M. ATTEST: CITY CLERK MAYOR, CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA 9-11-56