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National City, California, October 18, 1955
Regular.meeting,of the City Council was called to order by
Mayor Hodge at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Council members present:
Fessman, Jensen, Hodge. Council members absent: Heck,
ADIINISInATIVF OFFICIALS present: Alston, Bird, Curran, Lill,
The meeting was opened with pledge of allegiance to the Flag,
followed by invocation by Dr. Parchen.
Moved by Jensen, seconded by'Fessman, that the minutes of'the
regular meeting of October 4, 1955, be approved. Carried_, all
the Council present voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 6502 was read, directing rrenaration of assess-
ment diagram for the improvement of Harbison Avenue between
Fourth Street and Division Street. Moved by Jensen, seconded
by, Fessman, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all the
Council present voting aye. _ ._.
RESOLUTION'NO. was real., approving a certain lease dated
October 18, 1955 between the City of National City and the
National Dry Kiln and Processing Company. Moved by Fessman,
that the Resolution be adopted. Motion died for lack of a
ATTORNEEY CURRAN stated there was referred to him the communi-
cation from the Director of Public Health of San Diego County
which brought up the question of requiring a penalty for late
payments of permits for food handling establishments and refrig-
eration plants. Under the misconception that this was a request
that we adopt an ordinance the Attorney was authorized to pre-
pare an ordinance. The request was simply for information as
to whether or not the cities in the county would go along with
the passage of such an ordinance in the event that the Super-
visors did so for the county. Dr. Askew's office has not as
yet had returns from all of the cities so the ordinance has not
been presented to the County Board of Supervisors. Attorney
Curran stated he advised them that in the event the County
passed such an ordinance National City would do likewise.
Attorney Curran recommended, that the action authorizing the
Attorney to prepare such an ordinance be rescinded. Moved by
Jensen, seconded by Fessman, that the Attorney's recommendation
be arpro
ved. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes:
Fessman, Jensen, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Heck, Hollings-
ATTORNEY CURRAN reported he has
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
in Case No. 5663 for the Public
received the exhibits -of the
Company which have been filed
Utilities Commission.
ATTORNEY CURRAN reported on the possibility of limiting occu-
pancy of the 0livewood Housing to members of the Armed Forces.
In reviewing this matter it was found that the sale of the
0livewood Housing Unit to National City was pursuant'to an act
of Congress which is known as the Housing,Act of 1950, as Amend-
ed, and is the basic law -which controls the problem. As far as
the law pertains to the_question at issue, the time Congress
determined that certain of these _properties throughout the
country should be disposed of, it established certain conditions
which would have to be met by the units who wish to nurcha.se the
housing units, and the Act clearly sets forth the preferences
which must be afforded in the.renting of these units, and are
as follows: 1. Military.nersonnel and.persons engaged in
National Defence. 2. Families which have been displaced by
low rent housing projects. 3. Families of veterans.
General Fund '4l4,772..69
Traffic Safety Fund 2.,1161,08
Park M & I Fund '837.39
Retirement Fund 2 , 22 6 .'35
Spec. State Gas Tax Fund 26.03
Trust & Agency Fund ,200,00
TOTAL n20,248.5!
Moved by Fessman, seconded by Hodge, that the 'sills be allowed,
and warrants ordered drain for same, Action 'lost by the follow-
ing vote to -wit? Ayes: Fessman, Hodge. Ways: Jensen, Absent:
Heck, Hollingsworth.
seat was rresented. Moved by Jensen; seconded by Wessman,
that this be referred to the City Manager. Carried, all the
Council nresenc voting aye.
'ORT R=.GAFJ)ING SAL" 0" 3a0PE'RTY TO SCHOOL was presented.
the rossibl.e purchase of a school site in the Olive•rood area.
The Board has chosen the site between "D" and "F" Avenue and
22nd and 2Z!.th Streets as being the most desirable site for the
elementary school reauirec' in this area. They ask if the.
Council is ?Tilling to sell that site, and if so the price.
CITY YANAs}_'' SIRD stated we have a direct request fror.? the
School. Board and the question is does the Council wish to sell
the site, and if so, what is the price. MAYO' HO')GE stated it
is his thinking that we want to sell the site, we rant to sell
the entire unit. In regard to the price, we ha.ve__had the
propel°ty arrraised and were given the amount it was worth at --
the time it was anvraised. Since that time prices, have changed
and may be different at the time it might be sold. The are try-
ing is get permission from the Government to sell a portion of
the olive*,rood Housing Unit, and when we do get permission we
will be glad to sell it to the School Board. CCUNCIL7C7AN
JFNS'•.N stated she is opposed to the School taking the best
site, we are in need of good residential areas. The nronerty
should be put up at auction and sold to the highest bidder.
COUNCILMAN FESSAN stated. he thought perhaps the City would be
better off financially if homes were built on the site desired
by the School Board and a School could be built on another site.
IMr. Fessman said he wi1ould like to give the matter more study.
ED. IN ALLS, member of the School Board, was *resent and stated
they,are prepared to make an offer to the City for the site
requested, and asked that Hr. Rusk make that offer. JAMS
'NIT?", Supt. of 71ementary School District, was present and
stated they would be willing to nay "31,966.00 for the property;
the property to be delivered August 1, 1956. The District at
the present time is *pilling to enter into an option agreement
with the City for '1,000.00 until August with a clause in the
option agreement that would allow for the renewing of the option
on August 1, 1956 if anything came ur that they were unable to
avail themselves of the.nroperty at that time. Moved_by
Fessman, seconded by Jensen, this matter be referred. to the
City Attorney for study. Carried, all the Council present
voting aye.
Iarin's Grocery, 164n r^cI,inley'Avenue, was »resented. Moved
by Jensen, seconded by Fessman, that the annlication be filed.
Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
to Pat Demangos, 29!6 F. 8th Street, was rreeented. R^nORT
FRO'' CHIEF POLICE stated_that the address is incnrlect and the
location at this time is not definite. There are no buildings
east of 29L0 E, 8th Street and to date no plans or slecifi-
ca.tions have been submitted to the Building Dent. All of this
location is presently a. C-2 zone which is an irznroner zone for
such an establi^ eat et the »resent time. It is -recommended _
that a protest '?e filed- ega _nst the granting of this license.
Loved by Jensen, secnded_)y Fessman, that T,e 'rotest the issu-
ance of this li:et;se, end that it be referred to the City
_' Attoiey. Carried, by the following vote tc;-,Tit: Ayes: Fess-
man, Jensen, Hodge. I'ays: None. Absent: Hecv, Hollingsworth.
Frown tear Cafe, 29 T.,^ 8th Ctreet, was presented. Moved by
Jensen, seconded by Fessman, that the ennlication be filed.
Carried, all the Council •resent voting aye. ,
T n!ASURTRI S REPORT FOR ''OPTTH OF SEP".TuRER, 1955, was presented
and ordered filed.
the amount of '2.50, teas presented. The annlication was annrov-
ed by the City Treasurer and License Clerk. Moved by Jansen,
seconded by Fessman, that the refund be granted. Carried, by
the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Fessman, Jensen, Hodge.
trays: None. Absent: HecT_:, Hollingsworth.
CITY CL n" ALSTON stated that the Security Title Insurance &
Trust Company paid delinquent taxes in the amount of "21.75
and after the check was sent in it T.rs found that_they 'aid
on the wrong property, and they are requesting a refund.
roved by Fessman, seconded by Jensen, this be referred to the
Attorney for a ruling. Carried, all the Council present voting
CITY CLFR!< ALSTON reported that the City of'National City will
be host to the County League Friday evening.
Chelmsford, England, was read, stating he Gras pleased to wel-
come'Mr. Albert E. Clarke, a former beauty Mayor of_National
City, who was visiting in Chelmsford, and asked that Mr. Clarke
convey to the members of the Council friendliest greetings
from the Borough of Chelmsford.
COMMUNICATION FROM H'TNRY A. RUTSCH was read, asking what pro-
gress has been made with regards to the improvement of Harbison
Avenue from Division to Fourth Street. CITYMANAGTR ?BIRD stated
earlier in the meeting we adopted a resolution creating the
improvement distriot, and that the communication will be answered.
OF FOREIGN NAtS wF.s read, expressing their ap,reciation for the
address given by Mayor Hodge at the dedication ceremonies at
the Post Hall, 102 E. 16th Street. -
COMMUNICATION FROM A. S. G'� 'F, Chairman City Advertising Com-
mittee, Chamber of Commerce, thanking the Council members for
their help in showing our new National City float, was read
and ordered filed,
Buildings Service District Office, was read stating they have
received authorization to negotiate a lease for a portion of
the National City T,:D j Office Site, formerly under lease_ which
terminated September "jC, 1.955. An interim letter permit,
pending execution of formal lease, for a period of two years
beginning October 1, J.955,_at a rental of 512.00 per annum,
subject to term.nativa by either party upon 90 days' written
notice, and prop*_ -.vex_ 'urt'aer that the ,remises will continue
tc be used on a er.t•- .roe 'oasis, is being nrenared_.
CITY '_TANAGER BIRD stated in regard to the ordinance which
introc.uced with reference to the excavation of streets, conies
of this proposed ordinance were sent to all of the utilities
and other interested persons inviting their comment and sug-
gestions. A meeting was held in the Manager's office and
certain things were brought forth which those who attended
felt was desirous to incorporate in the ordinance, also that
a uniform ordinance is being prepared over the entireState of
California for its adoption by cities. After the meeting with.,
representatives of the telephone Company, our local gas company,
our local water company, and representatives from our Engineer-
ing Dept. a letter was received from the Water Company. COM-
stating they appreciate receiving a copy of'the ordinance under
consideration. After studying the proposal, their_Staft has_
pointed out certain additions and changes that are advisable
in the ordinance to make it workable. They ask that the time
proposed for hearing on this ordinance be oostaoned to the
November 8th meeting of the Council. CITY MANAGER 3IRD said
at this meeting he tentatively stated that in his opinion he
thought the Council would be in accord to hold the ordinance
in abeyance until we had a complete submittal of objections and
requesting permission to place distribution boxes for literature
at the following locations: 16th Street and Highland Avenue at
the bus atom in front of Donavons Cleaning Shop. "A" Av..nue at
the Southeast corner of the Post Office next to•the !Ionia Market
sign, on the narking lot. Between First and Second Streets at
the bus stop, right in front of the barber shop. On National
Avenue near the bus stop at•24th Street. Moved -by Fessman,
seconded by Jensen, that permission be granted subject to the
proper inspection 'procedure. Carried, by the following vote to-
wit: Ayes: Fessman, Jensen, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent:
Heck, Hollingsworth.
REPORT FROu CITY ENGINEER LILL regarding bide received for
construction of Drill Yard Improvements at the Fire Station.
Based on the quantities given in the bid form, C. 8. Williams
was low bidder as follows: Schedule I: Grading, paving, retain-
ing wall,'115,001.88. Schedule II: Drafting Tank, x3,700.00.
Total e18,701.88. It is recommended that the bid be accepted
and that Mr. Williams be awarded the contract to construct the
items listed in both Schedules I and II, at the unit prices
and lump sums bid. CITY MANATII BIRD stated the second lowest
bid was '22,743.56 and the highest bid was t23,107.72.
RESOLUTION NO. 6503 was read, accenting the bid of C. S.
Williams for the construction of Drill Yard Imnrovements at
the Fire Denartemtn Station, and the Mayor is authorized and
directed to execute the contract for construction of said Drill
Yard Improvements. Moved by Fessman, seconded by Jensen, that
the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all the Council present
votirg aye.
RE-'OT_'T ^OAS CITY ENGINEER LILL regarding bids received for the
naTlie and resurfacing of "Du Avenue from loth Street to 24th
Street, was read. Based on the quantities given in the bid
fc:_ the R. E, Hazrrd Contracting Company was low bidder, as
fc'..._cws: Item 1: 51" CTB and 23." AC Pavement "34,370.70.
I+. m JI: (Alternate to Item I) 8" crusher run base and 4" AC
K37,110.60. Item III: Resurfacing, gutter repairs,
`-11,020.00. It is recommended that the bid of R. E. Haz-
a ^d. Co c:'a.cting Company be accepted and this company be award-
ed nIs contract to construct the pavement bid in Item I and
t.ae riscellaneous items bid in Item III at the unit prices
and lump sums bid, and that the pavement bid in Item I2 be
deleted from the work awarded. CITY MAT\TAGER BIRD stated five
bids were received and the highest bid was "55,276.58. The
bid of R. E. Hazard was ?1,'8,000.00 less than our estimate on
said street project. Mr. Bird stated he would like torecom-
mend that a resolution be prepared transferring from Capital
Outlay the sum of U0,000.00 to Special Street Fund, as a loan,
so that we may proceed to accent this bid. Moved by Fessman,
seconded by Jensen, that the transfer be allowed. Carried, by
the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Fessman, Jensen, Hodge.
Nays: None. Absent: Heck,,Hollingsworth.
RESOLUTION NO. 6504 was read, accenting the bid of R. E. Hazard
Contracting Company for the paving and resurfacing of "D" Avenue
from 10th Street to 24th Street, and the Mayor is authorized
and directed to execute the contract for construction of said
Having and resurfacing at the unit prices and lump sums named
in Items I and III. Moved by Fessman, seconded by Jensen,
that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all the Council
present voting aye.
CITY MANAGER BIRD requested the Council's approval to make a
sewer extension East on 16th Street which will coat annroxi-
mately 't5,000.00. There are 18 potential hookups on this pro -
nosed line. The extension will run from apnroximatel.y "M"
Avenue Easterly a short distance west of palm Avenue on 16th
Street. Moved by Jensen, seconded by Fessman, that the City
Manager's request be granted. Carried, by the folio*ring vote
to -wit: Ayes: Fessman, Jensen, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent:
Heck, Hollingsworth.
CITY MANAGER BIRD presented the problem of the open flume on
E. 8th Street abutting Shirley :Manor Subdivision. With the
thought of improving it most economically the Engineer was
asked to furnish some figures. It was first thought that ner-
hans we would cover over the ditch, but that is too costly,
so it is proposed to fence that hazard with a cyclone fence
of six feet whereby, if And when, it is determined that the
realignment of the drainage ditch and the street that we can
salvage at least fifty percent of the cost of the protection
which is needed immediately. This will entail an expenditure
of approximately ''`41000.00. CITY MANAG :R BIRD stated it is hie
recommendation that this be done immediately. Moved by Jensen,
seconded by Fessman, that the request of the City Manager be
granted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Fessman,
Jensen, Hodge. Nays: None., Absent: Heck, Hollingsworth.
'E'SOLUTItN NO. 6505 was read, appointing James A. 'gird, Superin-
tendent of Streets. Moved by Jensen, seconded by Fessman, that
the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all the Council present
voting aye.
CITY mr NAG 'R BIRD stated he has a League Bulletin which sets- -
for-x .i'_ of the Resolutions that were passed and adopted of-
fic_.,7-y by the League at its San Francisco meeting as of Sent-
emb2' 2 , 1955. Mr. Rird said he will furnish each member of
tLf;; Cvvncil with a cony of the Bulletin.
C,-71:CATTCN 7-JCc1' ir, tr nYGINEER LILL regarding navenent design
fc:^ :-tiorie v sta 3 Subdivision, was rear'. It is recommended
;T:e Council approve the 6" thick cement treated base for
this nteject. Moved by Fessman, seconded by Jensen, that the
zecomr:Lerdation of the City Engineer be accented. tarried, by
tre 'ollowing vote to -wit: Ayes: Fessman, Jensen, Hodge.
Nays„ None. Absent: Heck, Hollingsworth.
?roved by Jensen, seconded by Fessman, that the report from Fire
Chief Bailey regarding telegraph alarm system vs tele,,hone
alarm system, be laid over until the next meeting. Carried, all
the Council present voting aye.
CITY rANAG!R BIRD stated he received a letter rroposing a bid
for certain portions of our tidelands. 'reviously the leasing
of the tidelands was referred to the City Attorney and City
Manager. Ile feel that because of many factors we should ad-
vertise these nareels and request a nronosal. There is a tre-
mendous amount of interest in that particular area. t 'e would -
like to recommend that the Mayor apnotnt the Finance Committee
of the City Council as a Harbor Committee, with the City Attor-
ney and City Manager as an adviser thereto, ex officio. Moved
by Jensen, seconded by Fessman, that the Finance Committee be
appointed es a Harbor Committee. Carried, all the Council
present voting aye. CITY i'ANAGE" BIRD asked permission to refer
the bid to the Harbor Comnittee.
CITY MANAGER BIRD proposed for the Council'e consideration the
appointment of a Finance Advisory Committee, with the nurnose
in mind in looking into the future of City finance, exploring
the entire realm of City finances. There should be considered
on that Committee persons of the financial world who live in
National City, have knowledge of bonds, stocks and market con-
ditions. COUNCILT•TOrFAPT 37NSt'N and ovum IV'AN FESSi•rAYT were both
in accord with the Manager's proposal.
CITY MANAGER RIa) reported that on October 7th there was a meet-
ing held with TRr. Dekema of the Highway Dent. and members of the
Council at which the Freeway situation was discussed. 'Ire still
have the Freeway Agreement, At the meeting there was informally
requested certain things, Mr. Dekema stated he would consider
certain requests of the City Council but they would have to be
an official request. The State Division of Highrays_will not
take under study that which has been recommended,.or is under
study by certain various nubile groups as well as the City
Council without an official request. Moved by Jensen, seconded
10, ,
by Fessman, this be held over until the next meeting. Carried,
all the Council present voting aye.
COVNCIL 0MAN JT'NS!N asked that the Council consider having one
Council meeting a month in the evening instead of all after-
noon meetings. MA/Ott H00GE asked that this be held over until
all the Council,members are present., ._.
Moved by Jensen, seconded by Fessidan, that the meeting be closed.
Carried, all the Council +resent voting aye. Meeting closed at
9:20 n.Y.
ATT^ 7T ;_