HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955 01-18 CC MIN187
Regular meeting,of the City Council TAMS called to order by Mayor
Hodge at 7:30 P.M. Council members present: Heck, Hollingsworth,
Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Council members absent: None.,
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Bird, Tragner, Curran,
The meeting was opened with pledge of allegiance to the Flag, fol-
lowed by invocation by,Rev. Abelmann.
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Parchen, that the minutss'of
the regular meeting of January 4, 1955, be approved. Carried, -all
the Council present voting aye.
R =CRT OF "T7 PLA^TTTTPTG COMMISSION was read, recommencing annroval
of Anrlica.tion for Conditional Exception No. 509 signed by P. M.
Mahaffey, 234 N. llth Street. Petitioner is requesting permis-
sion for M-2 usage in an R-4 Zone for e,n addition to an existing,
non -conforming garage, repair raid paint shop approved prior to the
adoption of the present zoning ordinance. This area is planned
to be M-2 Zone on the proposed new use man. roved by Hollingsworth
seconded by Parchen, that the Planning Commission's recommendation
be sustained, and the Attorney be authorized to prepare the nec-
essary resolution. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes!
Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
REPORT FROM THE PLAN'TTIT''G CC_"_`ISSION regarding Tentative Man of
National Vista No. 3, was read. It was the recommendation of the
Planning Commission that the Council accent the Tentative Man of
National Vista No. 3 and that the setback on Lots 10 and 11 be ac-
cented as delineated on the map. The Commission recommended the
acceptance of the dedication of an additional ten feet on the Ee.et
side of Euclid Avenue from the North line, of Division Street to
the South boundary line of Notional Vista No. 3, for the future
widening of Euclid Avenue. Moved by Heck, seconded by Jensen,
that the Tentative Man of National Vista No. 3 be accented, in-
cluding the setback on Lots 10 and 11. Carried, all the Council
present voting aye.
REPORT OF THE PLANTING COiIIISSIOrT stated that Mr. Crownover's term
of office will expire January 21, 1955, and in order that there be
no period of time during which the Commission will be without a
Chairman, Mr. Crownover resigned his *position as Chairman and Mrs_
Granger was appointed Chairman.
_R'SOLTTTION NO. 6326 was read, approving and 'a.ccen_ting the oronos-
ed contract with Coates, Herfurth & England, for making an inves-
tigation and valuation pursuant to the State Employees' Retire-
ment System, and Nalter F. Hodge, Mayor,,is hereby authorized to
execute the same for and in behalf of the City of National City.
Moved by Heck, seconded by Hollingswrorth, that the Resolution be
adopted. Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 6327 was read, authorizing 1.Tal,ter F. Hedge, Mayor,
to enter into a contract for the purchase of high pressure initial
attack fire truck from International Harvester Company for the sum
of 19,821.91. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Jensen, that
the Resolution be adonted.. Carried, all the Council present vot-
ing aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 6328 was read, transferring the sum of 190..90 from
the 0livewaod Housing Security Deposit Trust and Agency Fund to
the Olivewood Housing Revenue Income General Fund, Moved by Ho1-
lingsworth, seconded by Heck, that the Resolution be adopted.
Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
R^".OLUTION NO. 6329 was read, finding and determining that the
owners of more than 15% of the area of the land proposed to be
assessed for the purpose of improvement of "K" Avenue from 18th
Street to 24th Street and 23rd Street from "J" Avenue to `}L" Ave-
nue have demanded the making of an investigation. The Council
hereby fixes the time and place of hearing on the approved report
of the City Engineer, for the said proposed improvement for the
hour of 8:00 otclock P. M. 6n the 3rd day of March, 1955, in the
Courtroom at the City Hall. Said hearing shall be held and con-
ducted by the City Manager and the City Clerk shall give notice of
said hea",ing at least 30 days prior to the date of said hearing.
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, that the Resolution be
adopted. Carried, all the Council present voting aye,
SIGNATED AS "MILLERS ANNEXATION". Moved by Heck', seconded by
Jensen, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all the Council
present voting aye.
was presented for the first reading and read in full._
CONTINUED HEARING on closing alley in Block 175 was held at this
was read. CITY PLANNER WAGNER stated that all the protests on
the closing were received after the Planning Commissiont`s action,
The Commission felt at the time that there was no reason to deny
the closing. No one was present protesting the closing. Moved
by Hollingsworth, seconded by Jensen, this be referred back to
the Planning Commission to consider the objections and present a
further report, and that the City Clerk refer the objections that
have been received to the Manning Commission. Carried, all the
Council present voting aye.
decided that traffic lights at 18th Street and Palm Avenue were
not advisable at this time, but that traffic flow could be great-
ly improved if the shoulders of Palm Avenue were paved for approx-
imately 100 feet north of the intersection. The proposed street
light at 17th and Coolidge was recommended. Moved by Heck, se-
conded by Jensen, that the Traffic Safety Committeets recommenda-
tion for a street light at 17th and Coolidge be approved. Car-
ried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth,
Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
street light at llth and Helen Circle. Moved by Parchen, se-
conded by Jensen, that the Traffic Safety Committeets recomnend,
tion for a street light at llth and Helen Circle be approved.
Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollings-
worth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
REPORT OF TH7 TRAFFIC SAF''TY C0NMITT77 stated a letter from the
Ira Harbison School Parent-- Teacher Association was read request-
ing signs to slow traffic on 8th Street in the vicinity of the
school. It was the recommendation of the Committee that steps
be taken to sign and paint this school zone as requested. Moved
by Jensen, seconded by Hollingsworth,that the Traffic Safety
Committee's recommendation be accepted, and that it be referred to
the City Manager for the nroner action. Carried, a.11 the Council
present voting aye.
REPORT OF THE TRAFFIC SAF^'TY stated that a. letter
read from the Tg annrova1 of two p-rons-^ansit Company requestin ._ tiro-
ed bus stop locations. The first would be an extension of the
»resent stop located on the south side of 8th Street immediately
east of National Avenue. The Committee feels that this might be
aoided by having the busses circle an extra. block, and was sug-
gested to the company. The second proposed stop would be at the
east side of National Avenue at 14th Street. This location is to
be placed under study by the committee. Mr. Harris stated that
due to his new activities on the Chamber of Commerce he feels that
he cannot devote the necessa_y time and asked that he be relieved
of the chairmanship of the Traffic Safety Committee. The resign-
ation was accented* but Mr. Harris is to be retained as a. member
of the Committee. James Jenkins was annointedas the new chair-
ATTORNEY CURRAN stated in regard to the matter of the quiet title
action brought by Mr. Davis, in accordance with the authorization
of the Council, a disclaimer has been filed in behalf of National
ATTORNEY CURRAN resorted that the Chief of Police has submitted a
written report in regard to the request for a liquor license by
the Avalon Club. The Avalon Club has been licensed since 1951,
it is not a new license but is operated jointly as a oartnership<
The present manager has annarently been taken in as a partner;
therefore no further action is necessary.
ATTORNEY CURRAN reported_ that he is in receipt of a check from the
United States District Court in the amount of "51.50, pursuant
United States District Court action entitled United States of
America vs,130 acres, being care Civil No. 230 San Diego. This is
for taxes and the Government requests receipt in full satisfaction
of this sum, and it is_therefore requested that the Council give
specific authorization to the City Attorney to execute the receint-
in full satisfaction requested by the United States of America
Moved by Heck, seconded by Jensen, that the authorization be grant-
ed. Carried, all the Council present noting aye.
CITY ATTORNEY CURRAN reported on the Certificate of insurance issued
by Harbor Insurance Company, Clerk's Document #21164, and recom-
mended that the Certificate should be filed, It is also the At-
torney's understanding that the same is true of the bond which
came before the Council last time of Reid Plumbing Cornnany.
ATTORNEY CURRAN stated the City Treasurer ha.s apparently raised P.
question as to the procedure with reference to the distribution
of the Unapportioned Ta* Fund.- There seems to have been some dis-
crepancy in the nast with reference to the procedure, and a reso-
lution has been prepared which authorized and directs the annortion-
ment to be made in accordance with the City Treasurer's letter to
the Council. If the Council wishes to take this matter un, the
adoption of that resolution would be in order. COTrpTCILwOMAN ROL-
LIATGSWORTH stated she thought it eras not necessary to have a reso-
lutjoiieppted. rare adopted the budget and the amount of tax that
^irra's fused` upon the budget. COUNCILMAN HECK stated the tax rate was
set up by resolution so the City Treasurer automatically can an -
portion the ta" money without any approval from the Council. AT-
TORNEY CURRAN stated if the Council feels that the adoption of the
budget automatically gives the authority, the Treasurer should so
understand and should act an that basis, if not then we should have
a resolution each time. Moved by Heck, seconded by Jensen, that it
be the policy of this Council that when the unarnortioned taxes are
received by the City Treasurer that she automatically allocate to
the funds the proper amount as set by the tax rate. Carried, by
the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen,
Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
PRA^Tr''nRI^T' 1.R N, Secretary --reneger, National City Chemmber of Com-
merce, was presented a revisedand more detailed budget estimate of
production costs for the City brochure -man which the Council ?uth-
orized, and asked that sone Mode of payment of the e:-nenses be ar_
i ng,.d. The total estimate is ">1,485.60. CO'T*T "0--Ar HOLLT_MG9-
fi0 1H stated in the budget of the Charnber of Commerce the Council
approved '1,200.00 for this brochure, ,Move by Hollingsworth, se-
conded by Heck, that the Chamber of Commerce be given the "1,200.00
as per budget for the brochure plus '{120.00 that was left from the
inaustrin1 fund after the deduction of "880.00, nuking a total of
,1,320.00, for the brochure. M7. R11IATTCTT1T stated there are pr
funds which m^.y have e twin
some monies left in then and if it is necessar-
to send "1,435.00 for the brochure, would it be possible to a ro-
nriate some of the funds for the brochure. COrnrr;TLTrOH^.Y H LLI;,Tc9-
TrOrTg stated os far as she personally is concerned she would be
willing as long os Tre stey within our budget to the Chnmber. Cer-
ried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth,
Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
COUNCIL"OMAN JcNSEN read a statement concerning the City Attorneyss
extra. fees. Moved by Jensen, that we let our nreseit City Attorney
go and hire someone who can operate within our base ney, cutting
out these controversial extra fees and hire someone T,rho will ole.o
be a little more tolerant to our local citizens who nay the bill,
COUNCIL: 'AN PARCHTi'N seconded the motion. Motion lost, by the fo7 lowing vote to -wit: Ayes: Jensen, Parchen. Nays: Heck, Ho11`_
worth, Hodge.
HEARTNG ON "ALE Or TH7 OLD TI R.APy RTTILDT^TG T,ras held n.t this time.
No one wns present protesting the sale. roved by Hec", seconded
by Jensen, that a resolution be nrena_red to instruct the City
Mena.ger to nroceed'with .either the sole or demolition of the Library
Building. Carried, by the following vote to -Twit: Ayes: Heck,
Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays None.
Moved by Jensen, seconded by Parchen, that the City Attorney enter
a motion in Superior Court for the setting of n date for our hear-
ing on our suit. ED'TOND 7. LA CA. -ITT, 2120 Highland Avenue •Tan
present, and stated heT..ished to find out why this notion has not
been made regardless of the committee. COUNCILM°_N 7 ARC:7 Td second-
ed the ''notion. Motion lost by the following vote to==T-it • Ayes:
Jensen, Parchen. Nays: Hec':, Hollingsworth, Hodge.
AP"OINT,--ITT OP PL_ PT"ING C0 ISSI0Ir 171„ip^R T.Tos Presented ro-red by
Hollingsworth, seconded by Jensen, that the appointnent�of a mem-
ber to the Planning Commission be held over to a. subsequent Council
meeting to allow the Planning Commission the courtesy of submitt-
ing some names, along with others who may wishe to submit na.rnes
for consideration. Carried, all the Council rresent voting aye.
A recess was declered by Mayor Hodge.
The meeting was celled to order by Mayor Hodge. Council members
present: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Council
members absent: None.
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, that hereafter the Coun-
cil address the Mayor and ask permission for the floor. Carried,
all the Council present voting aye.
REPOTIT OF CITY TPTAITPER for December was read, and ordered filed.
It is to be moved from 2204 National Avenue to 2036 IN1" Avenue,
for use as a dwelling. Building Department recommends a 90 day
time limit, foundation to comply with building code and connection
to available public sewer. City Planner Tragner suggested that the
building be firmly attachedto a suitable foundation and repainted,
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, that the annlication be
approved. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck,
Hollingsworth, Jensen, Pnrc'_hen, Hodge. Nays: None
Stores at 4th and Highland Avenue, T..ras presented.. COUnTCIUJOi'AN
HOLLINGINO*1TH stated Safeway Stores have n. license at 9th and
National and one at 8th a.nd Highland, and asked why they have to
request a. new license. Moved by 'archon, seconded by Holl.ingswart'
that we go on record as favoring a fransfer of one of the existing
licenses of the two stores to their new location. Carried, all th
Council present voting aye.
CLAIM FOR DAMAGES against the City by Arminda. Andis was presented,
and City Clerk Alston asked that it be referred to the City Attor-
ney. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded. by P,.rchen, that it be re-
ferred to the City Attorney. Carried, n11 the Council »resent
voting aye.
CLAIM FOR DAM;GE by Mary and Frank Wnsinski was n resented, and
City Clerk Alston requested it be referred to the City Attorney.
Moved by Paschen, seconded by Jensen, that the request be granted,
Carried, all the Council :present voting aye.
CO'_•FUNICATION FROM ELLEN GA'DF?, T.IBRA-RIAN, was read, exrressing
annrecintion of both B. J. Gautereaux, Park Sunt., who is res-
ponsible for the landscaping of the library gounds, and Kennetn
Goulette, foreman, for the daily chores that are done conscientiot;
ly and cheerfully. The communication was ordered filed.
CONNUNICATION FROM? M. C. PATE?SON, Chairman of March of Dimes, was
read, stating that National City will stage its third annual March
of Dimes na.rade on January 30, 1955, and the Council were invited
to attendns guests of honor. CITY ?'DNA F? PIRD stated he receiv-
ed another communication from the March of Dimes which is an in-
vitation for the Council and dignitaries to sit in the review
stnnd, and also requested that the City build the reviewing stand.
Moved by 'archen, seconded by Jensen, th't the matter be referred
to the City Manager and when the information is obtained that he
notify the Mnyor and he in turn call the proper meeting n.nd the
Council can vote on the matter. Carried, all the Council present
voting nye..
COINUNICATION FRO:r CHARLES EN= for refund on business license,
was read, and City Clerk Alston requested it be referred. to At-
torney Curran for his recommendation. Moved by Hollingsworth,
seconded by Heck, that the request be granted. Cnrried, all the
Council present voting nye.
COI^_MUN,TICATION FROM MAYTIIT 'RAND ?T'?IIT ' was"read, submitting their
budget for the 1955 review.. Moved by Heck, seconded by Hollings-
worth, that a resolution be prepared nnd the City enter into a
contract with the Chamber of Commerce for the conducting of the
Mnytime Band ?eview and that progressive payments be made n.s fol-
lows: 12,000.00 be paid upon the signing of the contract and thn
'12,000.00 be paid to the Chamber of Commerce on April 1st, and th
balance of 11,000.00 be nnid upon submission of the completed bil
by the Chamber of Commerce. Carried, by the following vote to-wi
Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Pnrchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
`'ITTT♦~^ OF THE CHAMBER OF CC '7RC" was read, stating this is to
commend the Council on its action in removing the in^npronrinte
and unworkable City neon entrance signs.- The Bonrd believes a
new sign 'should embody the new City slogan. In addition, the
Chamber's City Beautification Committee believes n.n 'nti-litter
message might be an'ended. MILDR"D HAAF, 700 E. First Street,.
was resent and submitted tr.ro rjl ans for the Council T s conside_r-
ntion. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Jensen, this be re-
ferred to the City Manager for further consideraton. Carried,
a11 the Council present voting aye.
CITY CLETK ALSTON reported that Senator *•rillinm F. i'nowland has
acknowledged the resolution sent to him in December relative to
Federal nid on roads le -ding to the cherry Housing.
CITY CLERY ALSTON reported she has a. cony of Ordinance No..57
from the Snn Diego County 7ater Authority for storage of water in
San Vicente Reservoir, which is on file in her office. IMRS.
ALSTCN stated she had a. telephone call from the Authority regnrdir
the deannexation of Rancho Mesa. Rancho Yes-- was deanne,-ed from
the City of National City by Ordinance No. 867on Sept. 7, 1954-.
The I•Tater Authority states that by this deannexation it makes
Rancho Mesa an island in the Authority, and Rancho Mesa will eithe
have to turn to 0tay or South Bay ntativ s„e on the Tcr
Irrigation District for water,
MAYOR HODGE asked whether the City _ Ts renre a at r
Authority is suonosed to bring that type of information to the
Council. MAURICE CARRIGAN, renresentative of the San Diego Co'mt
'rater Authority, was 'present and stated that the deannexation
was initiated by the persons in Rancho Mesa and the alternativ,.
for them will to annex to the entire area in the South Bay whei
it annexes to the South Bay Irrigation District. There is no
necessary because the City itself agreed to the annexation, it
had nothing to do with the Authority,_
CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE from Reid Plumbing and Heating Company,
tress presented.. CITY CLER" ALSTON stated they are required by
State law to file with the City.
CITY CLER' ALSTON stated at the last meeting the City Attorney
returned the Insurance policy from the Insurance Agents Assoc-
iation in order to obtain additional information. The Council
requested this policy to be extended for three years instead of
one, that is the reason for the increase in nrenium.
of the Sqn Diego Gas and Electric Connany's request for rate
increase, was read. The hearing is set for February 2, 1955 at
2:00 P.-M., in Room 203, Civic Center Building, San Diego. Moved
by Heck, seconded by Jensen, that the City 'Ta.nagerrnd the City
Attorney a.pnear n.s an interested party at the Public Utilities
Commission hearing„ Carried, all the Councilnresent voting are.
from G. C. Tireldin, Captain, U. S. Navy (Retired) , was nresented,
Teved by Hollingsworth, seconded, by Jensen that the protest be
filed. Carried, nll the Council present voting aye,
1,'1954 to December 31, 1954, the State Compensation raid out
21,800.00 to our City employees and '685,00 for medical attention.
Moved by Jensen, seconded by Parchen, this be referred to the City
Manager for investigation as to safety. Carried, a.Tl the Council
present voting aye.
contract with the City and the closing of the Cityzs dummn, was
nresented. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, this be re-
ferred -to the City Attorney. Carried, all the Council present vot-
ing aye.
General Fund
Traffic Safety Fund
Park I! & I Funcl
Retirement Funcl
Harbor Fund
Payroll Fund
0,20 ,100.93
26;141 .35
Moved by"Parchen, seconded by Hollingsworth, that the balls be
approved, and warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, by the
following vot^ to..rit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parcae
Hodge. Hays: None.
CITY PLAN"EH 'rAC`NER re_orted on the Thre_. Flags Hight=.r y Associaticr
meeting in Riverside.Mayor Hodge, Mr. Noeser and he, from ivat--
io_na_1 City, attendeda. sub committee meeting and they had n dif-
ficult time trying to get a resolution nnseed for the extension of
U. S. Highway 395 to the Mexican border. Before this sub commit-
tee resolution was sent to the main body for ndorti.on it was word
ed to their satisfaction and_ they recommended that it be e-tended
to the Mexican border on nn alignment studied by the State High-•
r-*ay Engineers, a.s authorized by the California State Legislatu ee
in the 1954 session. The resolution passed unanimously by the
Three r'lags Highway Association. Another resolution ryas passed
was that the Association favored the retention of one-half cent
gns tax funds and the present distribution of the tax monies f
highway expenditures.
CITY ?LANKES 7AGDIE'R stated that the Council may have noticed ref-
erence in the minuted of the Planning Commission of an ordinance
approved by the Planning Commission entitled "Domestic AniTlal
Ordinance", of which the Council may not have received conies.
The reason is that the ordinance has provisions in it which refer
definitely to the proposed new zoning ordinance. Very little can
be done toward the adoption of this animal control ordinance until
the ^dontion of the proposed zone ordinance because One relatae
to the other.
CITY PLAN"EB 4'T C-NE'S stated at a meeting of the San Diego Highwny
Development Association last Monday it was reported that the State
Highway Engineers District Office in San Diego hae completed the
plans for the extension of U.. S. Highway 101 from a, point sprroy-
imately at DPte Street, north of the Civic Center in San Diego,
on nn -alignment easterly using portions of Date Street to the
Cabrillo Freeway over the Freeway and under Park Blvd. and thence
southeasterly around the suss Auditorium and the San Diego High
School properties down to a, junction with Pershing Road and 18th
Street and: thence southerly to National City, aanroxima.tely in the
vicinity of 13th and 101, as apronosed inter -belt line freeway,
making a connection with U. S. Highway 395 at Cabrillo Fre,er•ray
and Date Street overrnss. The Highway Development Association mer.
bers indic^tad a desire to have a. report nt one of their meetings
from iIr, "-.11ace, and it hn.s tentatively been set for Monday,
January 31, 1955.
11^SOLUTI0.T NO. 6331 was read, establishing a, two hour narking lim'
for the parking of motor vehicles on the east and west side of
Highland Avenue from 8th to 10th Street; a no na.r'=ing zone is here
by established for the parking of motor vehicles on the west side
of Highland Avenue from 8th to loth Streets between the hours of
4:00 o'clock P.M. and 6:00 otclock ram.T?. The erection of annron-
riate limit signs on the streets in the areas -hove described is
hereby authorized, a;nd the City Council directs that the same be
instRlled according to law. Hoved by Hollingsworth, seconded by -
Heck, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all the Council
present voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 6332 eras rend, accenting and aoDroving the parking
limits recommended by the Traffic Safety Committee nt the North.
west Corner of 24th and Highland, and the City Mnn^ger is author•
ized and directed to make such recommendations effective.. Moved
by Heck, seconded by Jensen, th?"t the Resolution be ^domed. Car-
ried, all the Council present voting aye.
'E"OLLTTION NO. 6333 rend, �nras e- pnroving and accenting the traffi^
flow plan -.for Highland. Avenue from 10th Street to 12th Street sub.
mitted by the City Engineer, a.nd the City Manager is authorized a.n
directed to take the necessary stens to effectuate said nlano My'-
ed by Holl.ingsworth, seconded by Jensen, that the Resolution b^
domed. 'cried, n11 the ouncil present voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 6334 'ras read, approving and accenting the tr^ff_c
flow plan for the intersection of Min end. National submitted by
the City Engineer, and the City manager is authorized end direct•
ed to take the stens necessary to effect such Dlan. Moved by Je 1•
sen, seconded by Parchen, that the Resolution be ^dopted. Carried,
^11 the Council present voting aye.
CITY ATTORNEY CURRAN stnted the Fireman's Fund Indemnity Company
Rosition Schedule Bond, Document No., 20996 ns now submitted T»rit
the rider may be nnnrove.d> Moved by Heck, seconded by Parchen,
that the bond be approved. Carried, by the following vote to --
Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Mays: Yon-
CITY MANAGER BIRD stated he received communication from the Sci;'h
ern Calif ornin Exposition Company requesting the City to become nn
exhibitor at the County Fair, and recommended that the m-tter be
referred to the Chamber of Commerce. Moved by Heck, seconded by
Parchen, that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved.
Carried, all the Council present voting qye.
CITY MAN,I,.GER BIRD reported he h^.d request from 7nrk Sunt. G.aut-
ereaux requesting permission to attend the nmerica.n Institute of
Parks in Carmel, Jnnuary 23, 24 and 25, 1955, with expenses paid,
by the City; and if this request be granted that he be granted
leave of absence for those three d?.ys as Housing Director. Moved
by Hollingsworth, seconded by ''archen, that Mr, Ga.utereaux be grant-
ed permission to attend the Institute and that he be granted leave
of =rbsence for the three days ns Housing Director Carried, by the
following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen,
Hodges i ys: None:
C0MmUNICATIO T FROM CITY "LFNN7R ;.'AGN'R wrs read requesting nerris
sion to attend the Annual American Institute of 'Tanners at Fresne_
January 28th and 29th, 0/TY MANAGER BIRD recommended the reques'
be granted. Moved by Parchen, seconded by Hollingsworth, that the
recommendation of the City Manager by approved. Carried by the fo7
lowing vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen,�Parohen
iiad.ge . Nnys : None.
CITY MANAGER FI3D stated he received a. communication from the First
Presbyterian Church, which briefly is the question whether or not
we should extend their bond fora er -
iod of a year for the comple-
tion of their church Pt 16th and n., "DT' Avenue. Their bond terninntes
as of February 16th. h707 IRD stated it is his recommendation that
they be granted the extension of one year provided they furnish the
City of National City with p new bond in the mount of '20,000.00,
and that the bond before acceptance be nnnroved by the City At-
torney and Qe set un the stipulations of n definite termination
date. Moved by Jensen, seconded by ?nrchen, that the City Mnn-
ngeris recommendation be ennroved. Carried, by the following
vote to -wit: .Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, I'nrchen, Hodge.
Nays: None.. COUNCIL OHAr :HOLLI'TGluORTH as'_;ied if enytirne in n.
period of six months that t',:ey did not follow through in good
faith would it be nossiblc to cancel it, even though we are ex-
tending the bond for n. year, CITY MANAGER RIRD stated his re-
commendnt.ion Tans n new bond thn.t „could be approved by the City At-
torney end he believes that stinulntion to take care of that
sort of thing ca.n be written into the bond, nnd that we incoroor-
nte in the document the right of the city, in the event of their
failure, to sten into the picture.
BE'0RT FROM CITY ENGIN FR T'T P'rTCT' regarding the 1911 Act petition
on Clevelnnd Avenue from 13th to 22nd Street, was rend, stating
the petition on file is over t'ro yenrs old, and upon checking the
County Assessor's records find thnt Pinny of the neonle who sign='c
the petition heve sold their property. It is recommended that
new petition be circulatedend added to the petition signed by C.
M. Davis in November, 1954. Also the following should be brough-b
to your attention: By Resolution No. 6017 the City Engineer r^s
directed to prepare nlnns n.nd srecificntions for this project.
No work tans performed under this directive n.s the City had intend-
ed using n private engineer for the work. The Engineer's repo:
on the signatures Laps unfnvornble. Our official record does not
have n cony of the contr^ct with n privrlte engineer for the won'.:,
therefore it is believed none exists. If the Council so desire -
they could initinte the Trork on their own motion, and n.n nffii-
tive vote of four -fifths of the members. The above recommends;,
is made in view of the fact t_zst we nlrendy hire one resolution
ordering the work, and they would be reaffirming thnt action, -I-
go the City has -n interest in the project byi.ts ^1'.ocntion of
tn.x funds. Moved by Hec'r, seconded by -Jensen, t'n^t the City Coun-
cil initiate the 1911 Act on Cleveland Avenue from 1Sth to 2110
Street. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: .yes: Heck, Hol-
lingsworth, Jensen, Pnrchen, Hod;^. Nays: None,.
CITY I, ANAL? R "IR) stated -ith regard to the ordin^.nce governing
moving end wrecking of structures, if there pre no objections, he
will turn n cony of the ordinance over to the City Attorney for
his nerus^1, with the thought in mind that he will get it before
us in the next month or two for introduction and ado tion.
COUP'CTLT.r0t_ .-_!T HOLLING7TORTY ns'ked City Mnnnger Birdto exnlnin Fire
Zone No. 1. CITY MANAGER ='IRD stnted Fire Zone Noy 1 is ?n nren
set n.side by map end document on file in the City Clerk's office
which was established upon the adoption of the Building Code. It
requires more restrictive constructions Fire Zone No 1 in Nnt-
ionnl-City is the Building Code's Fire Zone 2, and it runs along
Nntionnl Avenue only, 125 feet east and wrest stnrting n.t the nort';
line of 10th Street to 5th Street, The rest of Nntionn.l i';ity is
in Fire Zone 2, which. is Fire Zone 3 in the Uniform BuildingCode,
and T+rns ndonted by reference.
RERORT FROM HOUSING DIREC'POt. G UT777 t for the.'monti of Decer"bdr,
T,rns presented. Revenue 137,073.48; Exnense 115,900.19; Net in-
come 121,17929. Balance in security deposits nt the end of the
month wn.s 12;734.60
ED ET;BA YS, 709 "TH Avenue, *..rn.3 present, and stated he nurch-sed
property in the 2000 block on 7th Streit four ye"rs ago and start-
ed a. development. He petitioned for nn 1911 Act n.nd the whole
development was contingent on being able to n^zre the streets in
order to get lo'ns on the property, Mr. `ub'nks said he cannot
build on the rronerty, he cennot get fineneing, end he cennot sell
it because of the City c-ncelling the 1911 Act petition. Also he
hes rronerty et 23rd end "JTM Avenue, end ^.bout two end e helf yer r
ego he geve the City e sewer eescment. An easement prevents fi-
nancing. As n result he c'nnot sell that rronerty or build on it,
end that same rronerty is loc'ted in a. volley. Annroximntely two
and ^. half years 'go the City -gut in A . near drain under the street
but since then the traffic hes broken it down and it is plugged uT
so now e.11 he hes is ' 1'ke. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by
Heck, this be referred to the -City Mnneger. Mrs. Hollingsworth
steted if we have in the nest nut e culvert in there end it hes
colinnsed then it is definitely e City problem to straighten it
out, ^nd that she would recommend thet it be .n.ttended to es renid-
ly ns possible. Carried, ell the Council nreeent voting aye.
COtTNCILONAN HOLLINGVORTH strted the City'hns ' 300,000.00 in the
bank and that the City must keen a surplus, end in talking to 'r..
Engineer it wes stated that if the City would build a culvert ov-
er National Avenue et 16th Street we could solve one of the big
problems of National Cityts drainage,, It is even possible to use
gas tax money for thet culvert...T1Te do have money and it belongs
to the neorle of Nr tional City, end she :could recommend thet each
Council member end e^eh denertment heed think this over, hove some
nreliminnry .engineering surveys made for establishing the drninnge
at 16th_ and using City employees to go out and see -^.bout getting
the cut through on the other Side of 8th Street. CITY'CLm_RT' A TO
st^.ted we may hnve ;i00,000,00 on deposit in the ben'_=, but if the
Council will look over the fund control ledger the ``300,00000C is
included in these funds... COUNCILFO ,Yr,N HOLLI_\T rS'OORTH stated_ if
h-d the engineering report of survey by July so thet we would ti
some idee Urh't it was going to cost it might be nossiblc thet *r
would reellocete the g^s tax money. COUNCILMAN ''_°,RCH7I stn.ted _---
line with the problem of rising money+ the -League of C^lifornir
Cities has gone on record es f^.voring nn_ incrc^se in s-les te-
'nother helf cent, ^nd if we went long with th^t we could nut it_
to good use for sewege or high?ways, or both. iAY0? HCDGJ stnte
he ?°r^ S nt the Lengue meeting t the time the resolution
ion ?•ras -dent-
ed regarding the soles t'::. "rior to the time this meting was
held the County ?•ras thinking along the lines of having n one cent
s^les tax. The resolution th-'-t was nnssed by the Longue of Cities
w^s e resolution to the &tete Legislation to meke it mandatory of
the County to collect e one cent sales tex in counties There over.
505 of the nonuletion were already neying the one cent, so thet -
it Would all be uniform. The Counties have very seriously object-
ed to this formul^._ Meyer Hodge s"id it would be his recommenda-
tion that either this Council ndort, or refer it to the Chnnber of
Commerce for n recommendation, that our City es soon es possible
go on e one cent sales tax end then at the time the County goes to
their one cent sales tax it will be n lot easier for us to maintein
that h'1t cent then it will if we go along with themt COUNCIL' OMA -
HOLLINGSWORTHtstnted if this Council considers rutting on nn extr2
hn1f percent she would like for it to be tagged for sneci_fic-
anci number one ?,could be for drainage. MAYOR HODGE said he would _
like to see it e'T.rmnrked for 'ark and Recretion, COUNCTLTIO %i AN
HOLLINGETORTH sta.tsd the City M^nnger soon will be giving us ^ re-
rsont, on the nnnrnisnl of City rronerty between 4th ^.nd Division,
R^lm and Harbison. Some of this property is being reserved for e
nark end some 50 or 60 ^-cres left for sr',le to reeltors end she
would like to see emery cent nut into recreeti_on if we sell the
Moved by Heck, seconded by Hollingsworth, that funds be n1locnted
in the sun of 15,500,00 for the 1911 Act Project on 'tI{" Avenue
between 18th ^nd 24.th Streets, C^rried, by the following vote
to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, 7erchen, Hodge
Nr+.ys: None,
Moved by Hack, seconded by Hodge, th'.t the meeting be closed„
Carried., n.11 the Council present voting a.ye. Meeting closed rtt
t 3.e15.. pif� ..