HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955 07-19 CC MIN13
Regular meeting of the City Council was celled to order by
Mayor Hodge .7:30 '.Ii. o'clock. Council members present:
• Hollingsworth, Jensen, Hodge. Council members absent: Heck,
ADMINISTR.ATIV" OFFICIALS ,resent: Alston, Bird, Lill, Wagner,
Hendershot, Curran, Raeder, Gautereaux, Bailey.
The meeting was opened with salute to the Flag, folloT,red by
invocation by Rev. Hamnett.
Moved by Jensen, seconded by Hollingsworth, that the minutes
of the regular meeting of July 5, 1955, be approved. Car-
ried, all the Council present voting aye. Moved by Jensen,
seconded by Hollingsworth, that the minutes of the adjourn-
ed meeting of July 13, 1955, be approved. Carried, all the
Council present voting aye. ,
RESOLUTION N0. 6437 was read, extending for one year begin-'
ning July 1, 1955, the agreement with the City of San Diego,
providing for the maintenance and repair of radio equipment
for police and fire protection. Moved by Jensen, seconded
by Hollingsworth, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried,
all the Council present voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 6438 was read, granting a special zone var-
iance permit to Amerigo J. and Mary G. Iannucci for the rur-
nose of constructing a two -bedroom apartment over a four -car
garage, with reduction in the rear yard set -back to 6' even_
with the garage. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Jen-
sen, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all the Coun-
cil present voting aye.
RE -SOLUTION NO. 6439 w's'read, granting a special zone variance
permit to L. TT. Cornman, for the nurnose of constructing an
additional residential unit over an existing garage on a lot
45! x 1451 in an R-2 Zone, and permitting variance in. lot
Width from 50! to 45!, and a side yard variance from 41 to
Moved by Jensen, seconded"by Hollingsworth, that the Resolu-
tion be adopted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ay-
es: Hollingsworth, Jensen, Hodge, Councilman Parchen not
voting. Absent: Heck.
RESOLUTION NO. , Tras read, accenting that certein Deed
of Dedication made June 9, 1955, by Sweetwater Union High
School District. Moved by Hollingsworth, that the Resolu-
tion be adopted. Motion died for lack of a second.
RESOLUTION NO. 6440 was read, approving that certain agree-
ment between Harry L. Trilliams and the Mayor is hereby auth-
orized and directed to execute the same for and in behalf of
the City. The final mar of "illiams Manor No:. 3 Subdivision
is hereby approved.
The Mayor is authorized and directed to sign the final man of
Williams Manor No. 3 Subdivision. Moved by Hollingsworth, se-
conded by Jensen, that the Resolution be edorted.. Carried
by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Hollingsworth, Jensen,
Parchen, Hodge, Nays: None. Councilman Heck abstained_
from voting.
RESOLUTION NO. 6441 was read, approving and accenting the a-
greement with Parise Valley Sanitarium & Hospital, provid-
ing for settlement in full of Paradise Valley Sanitarium &
_hospital's claim for refund of taxes, and the Mayor is auth-
3i'ized and directed to execute the same. Moved by Heck, se-
conded by Jensen, that the Resolution be adorted. Carried.,
all the Council present voting a.ye.
REPORT OF THE PLANNIITG COIrifISSION regarding Arnl icationfor
Conditional Exception No. 527 of Elmer and Marie Griggs, 1440
E. 8th Street for permission to enlarge existing Pitch and
Putt Golf Course, was, read, The matter was previously rem
ferred back to the Planning Commission by the Council. It
was the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the
following fences be required as well as off -street -narking
facilities for 10 cars: abutting the Long, Eurth_and the Nly
100 feet of the Isbell property, a sir foot high Solid boafd
fer_ce tcppr'd by 12.feet of fine mesh;- abutting the Bird rror-
erty; a four foot high wire fence and on all other nr operty
lines, except along the twenty foot easement and along the
8th Street frontage to have'18 feet of wire fence. Moved by
Jensen, seconded by Parchen, that the recommendation of the
Punning Commission be accepted. Motion lost by the follow-
ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Jensen, Parchen. Nays: Heck, Hol-
lingsworth, Hodge. Moved by Heck, seconded. by Hollingsworth,
that Conditional Exception No. 527 be granted with the re-
quisition that a 12 foot fine wire mesh fence only be nut a-
round the property excert on the South end adjacent to the
Bird property as it T*as recuested by that property owner that
they wish only a four foot mesh fence to protect their nror-
erty. ATTORNEY CURRA1N stated in regard to the fifteen day
provision it is his recollection that this came before the
Couhcil and then referred back to the Planning Commission and
they acted upon it and setforth the recommendation which is
now under discussion, and that the last action of the 71an-
ning Commission is less than fifteen days so we would be
bound by the provisions of Subdivision Y, Section 20, even
though no conditions were being changed, it would require
the Council not to take action until the 15 days have elan-
sed from the time the Planning Commission noted. Under that
Section it would nnne ar that the matter is not properly be-
fore the Council a.t this meeting, for any purpose. ATTORNEY
CURRAN stated he would like to recommend that the -provision
for the Council setting the natter down for a hearing by a
notice setup so that the matter next time can be pronerly
before the City Council on all issues. Councilman Heck said
with theapproval of his second, and upon advice of the City
Attorney, he would withdraw his motion, and move that this
matter be tabled until the next meeting. Councilwoman Hol-
lingsworth withdrew her Second and seconded the motion just
made. Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
BID OF DALEY CORP. for plant mix was opened at -this time.
They stated they will deliver to the City of National City,
1000 tons or more of MC-3 Stockpile, 3/8" maximum, conform-
ing to the City of San Diego Specifications, for the sum of
5.19 per ton. Moved by Parchen, seconded by Jensen, this -
be referred to'the City Manager and City Attorney for their
recommendation, and also that they make a report on compar-
able rrices of this estimate and the last estimate we had.
Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
this time. No one was ;resent opposing the recommendations
of the Commission, and no written protests were received.
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Paschen, that the Civil
Service recommendation on pregnancy and sick leave be refer-
red to the City Attorney,,and the necessary document, whether
eminence or not, bo nrona.red. Carried, by the following
vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen,
Hodge. Nays: Non,.
variance which was denied by the'Planning Commission, was
held at this tide. GA"RX L BERG, renresenting Im�aerial
Metals Corn., was present, and stated their reouest was for
a conditional except2on to operate a ferrous, non-ferrous
and other reclamation and salvage business. The Imperial
Metals Corn. eropos;s to lease the property, upon the grant-
ing of the zone variance, And that prior to the commencement
of its business nroeoses to enclose its yard within new
solid fence of not less than eight feet in height, and will
plant around said fence trees or hedges, whichever will meet
the Cityts annrovnl, L. J. LeROY, Industrial Agent of the
Santa Fe Railroad, waowneds present alld stated they have owned
this piece of property in National City for some number of
years, and that they are very careful not to locate anything
on their property that is going to be detrimental, obnoxious
or objectionable to a community, and at the same time they
would not care to locate anything on the rroperty that is
going to be obnoxious and objectionable to other industries
which they might locate there. We feel that this business
is of ess6ntial nature to the welfare of the community and
to the nation. Mr. LeRoy asked that the Council give ser-
ious consideration to this anneal for the reversal of the
Planning Commission1s decision, and grant a permit to the
Imrerial i!etals Corn. to locate on this property. COUNCIL-
'AN PA''CHEN asked the City Attorney how much burning he could
stop according to the Cityts and the Staters laws. ATTORNEY
CURE.AN stated what, if any, changes have been made in the
State Lahr he did not think anybody would know except those
rseopie who were in Sacramento following the legislation as
it went through. CITY PLANNER 'rAGNcR stated that all of the
recommendations of the Planning Commission are based on sin-
cere views of what is best for the City. Ord. No. 854 re-
quired conditional exce;,tions to be granted on certain a1-
lowabie land uses in the manufacturing zone, including junk
yard, s^lvage enterprises and wrecking yards, and thnt those
uses and similar uses ehnll be nermitted only by conditional
exception, and only in such locations in the district and un-
der such conditions ^.nd methods of operation as in the'orin-
ion of the City Council will protect the nubile health, saf-
ety and general welfare, and then in such cases the condit-
ional exception may be granted. Mr. T+ra.gn-r stated it is his
opinion that the Planning Commission felt that this section
of the ordinance allowed the Commission and the Council,
through the Commissioh's recommendation the opportunity to
limit the number of salvage oneretions in our industrial
1Qnd, having counted some six already in existence, it was
felt that thit section of the ordinance justified calling n
halt to additional ones. BETTY EDELE"T, 2115 National Avenue.
was present and stated she felt the City had about all the
salvage Places we need in National City. JENNIE, TUR\TER, 2701
Highland Avenue, bras »resent, and Tres in favor of this con-
ditional exception being granted. Moved, by Heck, seconded
by Hollingsworth, that e sustain the Planning Commission's
denial of this Replication. Motion lost, by the following
vote lap -wit: Ayes: Heck.Hollingsworth. Nays: Jensen,
Parchen, Hedge. Moved by Parchen, seconded. by Jensen, that
the Planning Commission's recommendation be denied, and the
conditional zone variance be granted to Imperial Metals Cor-
poration. Motion lost, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes;
Jensen, Parchen. Nays: Heck, Hollingsworth, Hodge. MAYOR
HODS stated -he would entertain a, motion that this be held
over until the next meting. No motion was forthcoming, .
exation which was refe red back to the Gom;r!ission by the Coun-
cil on July,5th, wg;,s 72cad. It was moved, seconded and unan-
imously carried tha ater due reconsideration of the facts
in the case, that t:no C ._mission wishes to change its original
recommendation to theCouncil from R•-2 ,'nd R-1 zoning to R-1
for the entire property. ivIovad by Heck, seconded by Hollings-
worth, that the hearing on zoning of McCormack Annexation be
set for 8:00 P.I., August 16,1955. Carried; by the'follow-
ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen,
Hodge. Nays: None.
REPORT OF THE PLANNING:COITIISSION was read regarding the re-
quest of Prank 0. Culy, transportation company owner, to
close the northerly one-half of the alley in Block 119 bet-
ween Ninth and Tenth Streets and between Harding and Coolidge
Avenues in order to eliminate traffic hazards within the
block and in order to fence the entire property for the pro-
posed Southern California headquarters of the Culy Transpor-
tation Company. A protest to the closing was made by Rev.
T",r. H. Vincent, 923 Harding Avenue, on the grounds that such
a closing would be detrimental to the development of his
property which is being used for residental purposes in an
M-2 zone. It was the recommendation of the Commission that
the northerly one-half of the alley in Block 119 from the
northerly lines of Lots 1 and 22 to the southerly lines of
Lots 5 and 18. COUNCIL1OMAN HOLLIATGSt+rORTH stated she con-
curred with the Planning Commission's recommendation in -
closing that portion of the alley which Mr. Culy requested and
would like to recommend to the Council that if they are go-
ing to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation
that we go further and close the entire alley: COUNCILMAN
PARCHE'N eta.tad he was opposed to the closing of the entire
alley unless all the property o;,rners so desired. Moved by
Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, in order to proceed with
the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the re-
quest of Mr. Culy, that we recommend that the entire alley
be closed from 9th to loth Streit, and that Mr. Culy be
notified that the City Council will set a hearing upon de-
posit of money to cover the cost of advertising of the hear-
ing. Carried; by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck,
Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: Jensen, Parchen,
REPOT OF THE PLANNING COi:"`-ISSION regarding Revised tenta-
tive Mar of Orchard Manor No. 1 for Gilbert E. Fritz, west
of Williams Manor No. 3 and south of loth Streit for 11 lots,
was read. It was the recommendation of the Planting Commis-
sion that they recommend to the Council the tentative ap-
proval of Orchard Manor No. 1 Tentative Map as submitted,
providing that Lot No. 3 or a. 60 foot wide portion of it be
reserved for public street purposes and if possible the same
to be improved with sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and street
surfacing when Mr. Beall extends Pleasant Lane southerly
to the subdivision boundary, and that the easements requir-
ed by ordinance be shown and subject to any recommendations
of the City Engineer. COUNCILAAN aAI?CHEI\T asked if we were
accepting a dedicated street without the improvements. CITY
PLANNER ,'AGN67 stated that is not the intention of the Plan-
tying Commission. This is tentative approval of -a tentative
tap. In the interim between any anprovnl of the Council and
the preparation of a final man the matter of Beall's proper-
ty is to be resolved. It is the intention of the Planning
Commission that at least this street extension be reserved
for rublic street purposes. ,The Commission did not feel in
a position to recommend whether improvements -could have to
be placed on it at ..J.Lis.:;ime, however it n=.y- be the Commis-
sion would be in a. uocition to recommend C_efinitely_on ap-
proval of the final map. COUNCILMAN HECK stated he thought
the mAtter of an off -set street should be corrected. GILBERT
FRITZ, 945 "N" Avenue, was present, and stated the street
was off -set for a purpose because he owns the rest.of the
land which was in the tentative subdivision before, and by
off -setting that street it makes the lots 125 feet. If he
continues Arcadia Street, at the present time it is LO feet
wide, it would make those lots 145 feet, and by taking 20
feet and adding to the lots, it makes fair size lots. As
far as F. H. A. and Veterans Administration they like streets
that are not through,streets. CITY ENGINT^R LILL stated that
a 20' off set was only a traffic hazard, an off -set street
should be 100 or 125 feet, and that a 20 foot off -set would
create an undesirable situation.
A recess was declared by Mayor Hodge.
The meeting was called'to order by Mayor Hodge. Council
members present: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge.
Council members absent; None.
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, that the Planning
Commission's recommendations be sustained in regard to the
Tentative Map of Orchard Manor No. 1, but with the recommenda-
tion to the subdivider that if he can find it possible to
change the "jog" of what would be the extension of Arcadia,
Place, that'he do so. Carried, by the following vote to -wit:
Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays:
Revised Tentative Man of Susan Manor No. 1 (Subdivision of
McCormack's Annexation) south of 8th'Street and east of
Harbison Avenue for Juan Kirkpatrick, for 40 lots. Mat a-
gain revised by Mr. Kirkpatrick deleting the southerly 18
lots due to uncertainty of location of major east -west
street through the tract and high cost of development. It
was the recommendation of the Commission that the 'Tentative
Map of Susan Mahor No. 1 for the northerly 22 lots, subject
to showing the easements required by ordinance and subject
to any recommendations of the City Engineer, be approved.
COUNCIUTOMAN JEN= asked if this was satisfactory to the
City Engineer. CITY ENGINEER LILL stated the southerly por-
tion of the subdivision was deleted from the man he h's,
which is satisfactory to him. There still is the question
to him on the location of the subdivision in that it leaves
a 37 foot widb strip of land on the west boundary between the
City limits and the boundary of the subdivision. This, Mr.
Lill stated he does not _recommend. There is adrainage
ditch on the west side of the subdivision which he definite-
ly thinks the subdivision is concerned with, and en agree-
ment must be reached on that drainage ditch before he would
recommend the subdivision. There are some minor things that
need to be worked out, which the Tentative Man does not show.
Moved. by Jensen, seconded by ParChen, that we turn down this
Plan, as presented, unless the Planning Commission can come
up to Mr. Lillis specifications, and he will O.K. it. Motion
lost, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Jensen, Parchen.
Nays: Heck, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Moved by Heck, seconded
by Hollingsworth, that the Planning Commission's recommenda-
tions be adopted for the entatilge Map of Susan Manor No. 1
for the northerly 22 lots, subject to showing the_easements
required by ordinance and subject to any recommendations of
the City Engineer. Carried., by the following vote to -wit:
Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays:
the following: That a recommendation be made that Ordinance
712 Section 5 be amended by Adding I. All employees in City
Engineer's Office under City Engineer on regular full time
duty, J. Housing Manager and all employees in the Housing
Project on regular full time duty, K. Chief Building Inspect-
or and all employees in the Building Inspector's Office on
regular full time duty, L. The Secretary to the Planning
Commission, Switchboard Operator and the Purchasing,Clerk;
these appointments, present and future subject to regular
Civil Service Examinations. Moved by Hollingsworth, second-
ed by Heck, that the recommendations of the Civil Service
Commission be held over for further study by the Council.
Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hol-
lingsworth, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: Jensen.
the Civil Service Commission recommends that Mrs. Jenkins be
employed on a one-half day basis starting September 15, 1955
at one-half the present nay. The reasons for this Are AS
follows: Mrs. Jenkins wishes to complete her formal education
and it is apparent that this could not be accommniished with-
out sufficient time off to attend snecial college courses.
It is the opinion of the Commission that a person with such _
additional education would be of more value to the community.
Moved by Heck, seconded by Hollingsworth, that the Civil Ser-
vice Commission's recommendation be approved, MAYOR HODGE
asked if the City was obligated to allow this, and whether
or not Mrs. Jenkins would continue to work for the City rafter
she has completed her education. CITY ITAmAG:'? 'BIRD stated
he could not Answer that, and he would like to study the
situation and talk the matter over with Mrs.•Jenkins. Ayes:
He&', Hcllin s= g1, ensen, Parchen, Hodge. Moved
by P•rchsn is ii s 'kt'e "Y"a sd okrer until the next meeting, and
that the City Manager be instructed to make a recommendation
at that time. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes:
Heck, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: Hollingsworth.
And ordered filed.
COUNCILWOMAN JE'NSEN stated there will be a meeting of the
Recreation Advisory Board tomorrow evening and the report
will be forthcoming later.
ATTORNEY Mr7AN reported that the Travelers Fire Insurance
Company's policy for fire, lightning, vandalism and malicious
mischief for �. five year term commencing June 1, 1955 to
June 1, 1960 appears to be in order and should be approved.
Moved by Heck, seconded by Parchen, that the policy.be ap-
proved. Carried, by the following vote tO-wit: Ayes: Heck,
Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
ATTORNEY CU'RAN reported that State Compensation Insurance
Fund Policy No, D-1OL 9l55 is in order and should be annrov-
ed. Moved by Parchen, seconded by Jensen, that the policy
be approved. Carried, by the following vote to -fait: Ayes:
Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
CITY ATTORNEY CURRAN reported thPt a Binder for insurance is—
sued by Glens Falls Tnsuring Raymond T. Keener dba: National.
City Rubbish Service & City of National City, is no more than
a binder and requires no approval as the policy must be forth—
coming, and should be filed.
CITY ATTORNEY CURRAN reported on the request of the San Diego
County Assessor that his office be f urnished certain items
regarding economic datav-rhich proposes to be produced from
City sales tax data is being considered. Mr. Curran stated
he has consulted with the City Attorneys Offic^ of San Diego
and the City of San Diego permits the disclosure of sales tax
information to certain people under certain circumstances.
National Cityts Sales Tax Ordinance contains the identica1
language contained in the,City of San Diego's ordinance. Mr.
Curran stated since the job of assessing has been turned ov—
er to the County Assessor, he can see no objections. There—
fore, within the discretion of the City Council, the City
Attorney would be of the opinion that the information request—
ed by the Snn Diego County Assessor could be released pro—
viding the City Council would authorize, by resolution, the
ATTORNEY CURRAN stated in regard to the position of the U. S.
Attorney's Office relative to the Thibodo litigation, brought
by Mr. Thibodo that he has advised the United States Attorney
that he does not intend to participate in that litigation.
Moved by Heck, seconded by Hollingsworth, th-+t the dity At—
torney's recommendation not to participate in this suit, be
approved. Carried, by the following vote to —Tait: Ayes:
Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
ATTORNEY CURRAN stated at the last meeting there was a claim
of James Klemme and Maxine E. Klemme which was referred to
the Legal Dept. We have other claims that are pending, which
have all been referred to the City Attorney. The City has
an insurance policy to ta'.e care of these matters which gives
the insurance company the right to negotiate and to pay the
claims. This matter has been of some concern to both the City
Manager and to the City Attorney. The Council should consider
what liaison should be established with the insurance carrier
to handle ell these claims. COUTCIL"ART HECK asked if we could
not turn the claims directly over to the insurance company and
ellow them to make the determination whether they will assume
liability in behalf of the City or deny them. In the event
they deny them then the claimant has recourse to Court and in
that case would name the insurance company and the City in -
the suit. ATTORNEY CURRAN stated on two of these claims the
insurance company has had more than adequate time to inves—
tigate and has done nothing, end failed to communicate Taith
the City entirely. COUNCILMAN HECK stated if the insurance
company is taking undue length of time to process the claims
and does not give proper consideration to the City we should
advise them that we might cancel our insurance and place it
with another insurance carrier. COUNCILWOMAN HOLLINGSt•'ORTH
stated she too thought the claims should be handled promptly
or that we get another insurance company to handle the City's
COUNCILMAN HECK stated there was no action taken in regard
to the letter from the County Assessor whether or not we
approve releasing the sales tax information to the County
Assessorle Office. Moved by Heck, seconded by Jensen, that
the Attorney's recommendation be approved And a resolution
prepared. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes:
Heck, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: Hollingsworth.
General Funcl. 17,L4.12,03
Traffic Safety Fund 1,949.20
Park M & = Fund 515.47
Retirement `'und 15,857,32
Harbor Fund .90
Trust & fi.goncy Fund . ..20.00
Payroll Fund 26,319.49
TOTAL "62,074.41
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Parchen, th,;.t the bills
be allowed, and,warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried,
by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth,
Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 6442 wa,s read, authorizing the_ payment of
16,000,00 from the Capital Outlay Fund to Freetly Bros.
payment on tennis courts. Moved by Hollings worth, seconded
by Parchen, that the Resolution be adopted. Ca.rried, all the
Council present voting aye.
GEORGIA INGERSOLL, 175 rT. 29th Street, was present r.nd stated
she wished to find out if the Council has given permission
to open a church ih the houning project next to her apart-
ment, 177 W. 29th St. There are 40 or 50 children there
every Saturday in the apartment and they create quite a dis-
turbance. HOUSING DIRECTOR GAUTERE'AUX stated to his know-
ledge there is no church being conducted, What may be term-
ed as a church was originally anticipated to be a daily
vacation recreation school under the auspices of Christian
Union Society. Rev. and'Mrs. Hall are the head of the
Society in this locality, and are also using the building
at 24th & Highland Avenue. If there is a. disturbance of
any sort he will look into it. DORIS NIXON, 125 ''. 29th
Street, was also present in this regard. MAYOR HOD-. asked
that this matter be taken up with Housing Director Gauterea.ux.
COUNCIL'?.^.N PARCHEN stated he is on the Board of Directors
of the Christian Union Society and he made no promise to any-
body that the City Council was going to do anything. It was
his understanding that these children were from the housing
project and there was a basic need for recreation and re-
ligious reading in the 'pro j_ect and if something was not done
about this problem there T,ras going to be a lot of delin-
quency in the area.. At the present time the Society has
negotiated with the School Board to see if the :,;.bandoned
school building can be leased. Moved by Heck, seconded by
Jensen, that this matter be referred to the Housing Director
and a full report of this entire matter be brought to the
Council at the next meeting. Carried, all the Council pre-
sent voting aye.
MRS. CLARK, 2133 National Avenue, was present and asked why
we cannot have more local people working in projects that
are carried on by the taxpayers of National City. MAYOR
HODGE said applications are put in public places and any-
one can apply for the poositions. Perhaps the outside peorle
were better qualified, and suggested Mrs. Clark consult the
Recreation Director.
JENNIE TURNER, 2701 Highland Avenue, was present and stated
there is also a church school on the corner of 24th end Htgh-
land, and she thought it_was sufficient to have them hold all
of their sessions within the church building itself, and
this should also be locked into.
JUAN KIRKPATRICK, 38 N. "U" Street, was present a.nd stated
he submitted the map on Susan Manor and the 37 feet that Mr.
Lill talked about belongs to another person. Mr. Kirkpatrick
asked if he was able to re -purchase the 37 feet and dedicate
it to the City would the City accent that easement for main-
tenance so that F,H.A, would insure the loan. If this can-
not be done; there is_no reason for a.nnroving the man be-
cause no buildings can ae built there. CITY ENGINEER LILL
stated that 37 feet is not a suitable size easement there,
and for the best interest of the City would be to get a
complete easement, at least an approved channel. Mr. Lill
stated Mr. Kirkpatrick could take 13 feet off his subdivision.
MR. KIRKPATRICK stated '.f the City will not Accept the 37
feet for dedication he will withdraw his map. MAYOR HODGE
suggested this matter be taken ur with the City Engineer.
GILBERT FRITZ was present and stated he is the developer
of National Vista #1 Subdivision, And they submitted plans
and specifications which were approved by the City Engineer,
and at this time according to their Engineer who submitted
the plans, their Attorney, they have fulfilled all obliga-
tions to the City of National City. He asked that the Coun-
cil accept the subdivision improvements. CITY ENGINEER LILL
stated that Mr. Fritz did a very nice job on the subdivision
of National Vista No. 4, and he has called for a final in-
spection. Moir. Lill wrote him a letter end stated in his
opinion there is one matter to be settled, which is the grad-
ing of the sideyard on 47th Street within the City of Sara
Diego which is part of the subdiviion. It should be graded
out to the standard sidewalk slope, end San Diegois steno. _
dards are the same as National City's. Another letter was
sent to the City Attorney asking him whet to do in this case
as it is his recommendation that the sidewalk area on 47th
Street (City of San Diego) in National Vista No, 4 Subdivis-
ion be graded out to National Cityts standards. As yet no
answer has been received from the City Attorney. ATTORNEY
CURRAN stated.he has the letter from the City Engineer un-
der advisement. The two problems are related, but the en-
tire problem requires very serious consideration and at this
time the Attorney said he was not prepared to make his re-
commendation. M2R. FRITZ asked *what is necessary to get the
map accepted. They do everything that is on the map aocord-
ing to the ordinances of National City. N'e want release of
the bond and acceptance of the improvements. CITY ENGINEER
LILL stated the agreement signed by Mr. Fritz and the Mayor
of National City states that the improvements will be done
to the specifications of the City of National City, and Mr.
Lill stated he maintains the improvements are not done to
the specifications of National City because this particular
sidey'ard is not graded out. Moved by Parchen, seconded by
Jensen, that the request of Mr. Fritz be denied at this
time, pending the opinion of the City Attorney. and City En..
gineer. Councilman Parchen, with the consent of Council-
women Jensen, withdrew the motion. Moved by Heck, seconded
by Jensen, that since this matter has been referred to the
Attorney, that the City Attorney and City Engineer bring areport in at the next Council meeting, August 2nd.' Carried,
by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Jensen, Parchen,
Hodge. Nays: Hollingsworth.
Moved by Jensen. seconded by Parchen, that wre move "Orel
Commiinlcations" on the -:gender ahead of "Reports". 'Motion
lost, by the following vote to -Tit: Ayes: Jensen, PA.rchen.
Nays: Heck, Hollingsworth, Hodge.
in the amount of 12.50, was presented. Moved by Hollings-
worth., seconded by Parchen, that the refund be granted.
Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hol-
lingsworth, Jensen, P'.rchen, Hodge. Nye:aNone.
for Rancho Market BasLet'#2 was presented. Moved by Par-
chen, seconded by Jon. en, that the application be filed.
Carried, all the Council present voting nye.
REPORT OF CITY TREASJPER for month of June, 1955, was pre-
sented. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, that the
report be filed. Carried, all the Council present voting
twelve months in th amount of $50.00, was presented. Mov-
ed by Hollingsworth, s=econded by Parchen, ths.t ^uthorizs.-
tion be granted, and it be referred to the City Manager.
Carried, all the Council, present voting aye.
REPORT OF BYRL D. PHELPS, Engineer of w/ork, was read, stat-
ing in regard to the paving of Herbison Avenue bids were
received on July 14th-^nd opened at 2:00 P.M, on said date
in the office of the City Clerk. The bid of V. R. Dennis
Construction Comnnny wras "14,695.23. It is Mr. Phelpst
recommendation that V. R. Dehnis Construction Company, the
lowest bidder and under the Engineerls estimate, be award-
ed the contract. Moved by Heck, seconded by Parchen, thrt
the bid of V. R. Dennis Construction Company be accented,
and a resolution be prepared. Carried, by the follor'ring
vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen,
Hodge. Nays: None.
CITY CLERK ALSTON stated sometime ago we ordered taxes can-
celled on Lot 36 of Rancho Hills Unit No. 5, which the City
now owns, and s report from the County Board of Supervisors
states the District Attorney has given his written consent
to this cancellation of taxes.
CITY CL'RK ALSTON presented a.n automobile amendment endor-
sement on our insurance, also a certificate of insurance
from Raymond T. Keener, which were presented to the City
Attorney for approval.
CITY CLERK ALSTON stated she has a ma.o for the formation
of a T +.►ester District outside the City limits of National
City to get Colorado River water. An -^..ffidavit stating
this Wnter District does not interfere with the boundaries
of National City nor any annexations that we have in con-
templation is to be signed. M. .^LSTON stnted she would
like the City Attorneys recommendation whether or not she
should sign the affidavit. and if'he so approves she would
like the map checked by the Engineer's Office.
CITY MANAGER BIRD reported in reg?rd to the tidelrnds lease
of Aztec Lumber Comnsny, The Aztec Lumber Company went in-
to bankruptcy ss of May this year, and under the terms of
our contract with them there is a tyre of cancel lotion
oleuse. It is recommended that the City Attorney be .uth-
orized to proceed with exercise of the cancellation under
the bankruptcy Clause, and th*t we prepare for advertising
for firm bids for the rental of lase of that property.
Moved by Heck, seconded by_HollingsTorth, that the City Man-
ager's recommendations be allowed. Carried,.by the follow-
ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Par-
chen, Hodge. Nays: None.
CITY MANAGER BIRD stated there will be a meeting of the Ir-
rigation Districts Officerst Association to be held July 28,
1955 at 7:30 P.M. at New Fireside Restaurant in Escon-
RESIGNATION OF FLOYL T :NP?ERTY, Street Sutt . , was read, to
become effective as of Cftober 1, 1955. Moved by Hollings-
worth, seconded by Jensen, that the resignation be a.c ept-
ed, and letter ex_pr:sling regret about his leaving the
City and thanking hi for his very loyal service to the
City throughout all these years, be written by the City Man-
ager. Cerried, all the Council present voting aye.
ment of Seventh Street from the Centerline of Palm Avenue
to the westerly line of the Southeast Quarter of 40 Acre
Lot 2 in Quarter Section 131 of Rancho de la Nacion,
read. Recommendations of the Hearing Officer: It is re-
commended that the project be continued for the following
reasons: Only one written protest was received. The writ-
ten protest filed end oral protests heard represent 351 of
the total frontage proposed to be improved. ,This is less
than the percentage required for Majority Protest of the
project. Moved by Heck, seconded by Perchen, that the
Hearing Officer's recommendations be approved, and that
further resolutions be dram. Carried, by the following
vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Pa.r6hen,
Hodge. Nays: None.
CITY MANAGER BIRD read a report from City Engineer Lill in
regard to the nark property and other City properties of
which we are proposing to sell lying in the Northeast cor-
ner of the City. Three sets of property descriptions were
attached, one for a nark and certain properties in Quarter
Sections 130 and 105. The descriptions are believed to be
accurate and suitable. It is possible that some changes
will be required in then by the City Attorney and by the
Title Company. It is suggested that conies of the des-
crintion and drawings be forwarded to the Union Title
Company for review, revisions and corrections. CITY ?AN-
AGER BIRD s^id he would recommend for the Council's con-
sideration that the Attorney be authorized to prepare for
a hearing, as required by law, to set m".chinery in motion
to dispose of the easterly portion of the 65, more or less,.
acres, and also that the Title Company be required to check
with the City Attorney in this particular matter. Also it
is the Manager's recommendation that the City Attorney be
instructed to prepare a dedication of the 29 acres, more or
less, for a nark purpose, to be named El Toyon Park. Also
that these descriptions to be checked through the Title
Company. Moved by Heck, seconded by Jensen, that the City
Manager's recommendations be approved. Carried, all the
Council present voting aye. Moved by Hollingsworth, se-
conded by Jensen, that the Title Company be empowered to
do the research work on the rr oposed El Toyon area for the
dedication of the park, but that the dedication and resolu-
tion for that be held up pending the bids received for the
other land. Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
DEED purporting to dedicate to the City for that portion of
what is known as loth Street from Hi land Avenue east to
annroxima.tely "LI' and north on °L" to the limits of the
property of National Center,"Inc. 12th and Highland Inc.,
and Highland Shopping Center, was presented. CITY 7HA7AGER
BIRD recommended this be referred to Engineering for check-
ing as to the legal, and to the Planning Commission for a.
report of the deed for acceptance. Moved by Jensen, second-
ed by Parchen, that the recommendation of the City Manager
be accented, and a resolution be prepared for acceptance.
Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollings-
worth, Jensen, `''archen, Hodge. Nays: None.
BILL FROM CITY OF SAN DIEC-0 for 1268,00 which is our nro-
nortion of our share of the employment of Clarence E. Win-
der in our defense of the 'public Utilities suit against the
Gas & Electric Company, was presented, and. City Manager re-
quested that a warrant be drr:rn for same, and that the bill
be authorized to be paid. .Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded
by Parchen, that this expenditure be'a.nnroved for payment
and warrant drawn for sane. Carried, by the following vote
to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge.
Mays: None.
RETORT FROM HPUSING DIRECTOR relative"to Water and Electric
Cost Survey was furnished the Council, as requested; also a
report requested from the Sanitation Dent. for seven months
service by the Field Man.
CITY MANAGER BIRD reported that we have been dying x5.25
for plantmix, and that the bid of Daley Corp. is a good
bid and would recommend that it be accented and that "1.
resolution be prena.red. Moved by Jensen, seconded by Par-
chen that the recommendation of the City Manager be adopted.
Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollings-
worth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
CITY MANAGER BIRD stated he thought a hearing date should, be
set for Application No. 527 and also'for the rezoning of
McCormack Annexation. Moved by Heck, seconded by Parchen,
that the hearing cute for Conditional Exception No... 527 be
set for 8:30 P.M., August 16th. Carried, by the following
vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays:
CITY MANAGER BIRD stated we have not follow through•on
our proposed new business license ordinance, and would like
to have it referred, along with the up to date reports of
the City Treasurer, to the City Attorney to prepare the
ordinance. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, that
the City Manager and the City Attorney prepare the ordin-
ance so that it will be legal. Carried, by the following
vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollings*<o rth, Jensen, Parchen,
Hodge. Nays: None.
CITY ATTORNEY CURRAN stated the reason the final roan for
Ricardo Terrace Subdivision was not presented this evening
is that the bond and proof of water service has not come
to him for approval so we cannot proceed any further.
RESOLUTION NO. 6443 was read, accepting the bid or Daley
Corporation to supply National City with 1,000 or more tons
of Stock Plant Mix MC3, and the Mayor is authorized to exe-
cute the contract for the same for and in behalf of the City.
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Panchen, that the Resolu—
tion be adopted, Carried, all the Cbuncil present voting
RESOLUTION NO. 6444 was read, overruling protests in regard
to the improvement of Harbison Avenue between the center—
line of Division Street and the centerline of Fourth Street.
Moved by Heck, seconded by Hollingsworth, that the Resolu—
tion be adopted. Carried., all the Council present voting
RESOLUTION NO. 6445 was red, awarding the contract for the
improvement of Harbison Avenue, between the centerline of_
Fourth Street and the centerline of Division Street,to V.-
R. Dennis Construction Company. Moved by Paschen, second—
ed by Hollingsworth, that the Resolution be adopted. Car—
ried all the Council present,voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 6446 was read, finding that on May 2, 1955,
Aztec Lumber Company, was duly adjudged bankrupt;. therefore
pursuant to that certain lease by and between the City of
National City and Aztec Lumber GOmpany, made and entered
into the 16th day of June, 1953, City of National City here—
by determines that the o-tion to terminate said lease should
be exercised, e.nd the City Manager is hereby authorized and
directed to serve .notice that the City of Natioml City has
as of this date exercised its option to terminate said
lease. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Parchen, that
the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all the Council pre—
sent voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 6447 was read, authorizing the following
transfers to be made from the General Fund to the Cap—
ital Outlay Fund, 160,000.00; from the General Fund to
the Library Fund, as a loan only, 120,000.00; from'the
General Fund to the Park_ Fund, a.s a loan'only, ,20,000.00.
moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, that the Resolu—
tion be adopted. Carried, all the Council present voting
RESOLUTION NO. 6448 was read, accepting Hearing Officer's
Report on "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and
Majority Protest Act of 1931" Hearing, with regard to the
improvement of Seventh Street from the centerline of '^a.lm
Avenue to the Westerly line of the Southeast Quarter of
40 Acre Lot 2 in Quarter Section 131. Moved by Heck, se—
conded by Hollingsworth, that the Resolution be adopted.
Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 6449 *.,,pas read, adopting plans and specifica—
tions for the improvement of Seventh Street from the cen—
terline of 7M1m Avenue to the Westerly line of the South—
east Quarter of 40 Acre Lot 2 in Quarter Section 131. Mov—
ed by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, that the Resolution
be adopted. Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 6450 was read, "Resolutioh of Intention in
the Matter of Construction of Streets and Improvement of
Seventh Street from the centerline of Palm Avenue to the
Westerly Line of the Southeast Quarter of 40 Acre Lot 2
in Quarter Section 131". The hearing is set, for the 16th
day of August, 1955, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., at the meeting
place of the City Council. Moved by Parchen, seconded by
Jensen, that further reading of the Resolution be waived.
Carried, by the following vote to —wit: Ayes: Heck, Hol-
lingsworth, Jensen, Rarchen, Hodge. 'Nays: None. Moved
by Hollingsworth, seconded by Jensen, that the Resolution
be adopted. Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
ENGINEER'S RE?ORT on the proposed improvement of "K" Avenue
between the centerline of,l8th Street and the centerline of
21st Street was read. The total estimated cost of the pro-
posed improvements is ?19,920.00.
RESOLUTION NO. 6451 was read, approving the Engineer's Re-
port upon the proposed improvement of "X" Avenue between
the centerline of 18th Street and the centerline of 21st
Street. Moved by Heck, seconded by Hollingsworth, that
the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all the Council Pre-
sent voting aye.
lative to the improvement of "K" Avenue between the cen- -
terline of 18th Street and the centerline of 21st Street.
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by na.rche.n, that the Res-
olutian be adopted.
RESOLUTION NO. 6453 wa-s read, ado -Ming plans and specifi-
cations for the improvemlent of "K" Avenue between the cen-
terline of 18th Street and the centerline of 21st Street.
Moved by Parchen, seconded by Hollingsworth, that the Res-
olution be adorted. Carried, all the Council present vot-
ing aye.0
NATIONAL CITY". The hearing is set for the 16th cony of
August, 1955E at 8:00 o'clock "'.M. Moved by Heck, se-
conded by Hollingsworth, that further reading of the Res-
olution be waived and that the Resolution be adopted. Car-
ried, all the Council present voting aye.
CITY PLANNER ''rAGNER stated there is a question in his mind
with reference to the acceptance of the deed for the North
one-half of 24th Street submitted by the Sweetwater Union
High School District. The reason for this question is
that the zone variance allowing construction of the school
was contingent upon the acceptance of the deed by the City.
CITY ATTORNEY CURRAN stated that the minutes of the last
meeting provided that upon accerta.nce of the deed it would
thtin be Possible to proceed with the zone variance.
RESOLUTION NO. 6455 was read, ;ecepting Dead of Dedication
made the 9th day of June, 1955, by Sweetwater Union High
School District. Moved by Heck, seconded by Hollingsworth,
that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following
vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays:
Jensen, " .a.rohen.
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, that the City
Attorney prepare a resolution a.nnroving'Apnlication for
Conditional Exception No. 502. Carried, by the follow-
ing gote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Hodge.
Nays: Jensen, Dardhen.
PRO"OSED BUDGET was presented at this time. COUNCIL1�.TOMAN
HOLLINGSwORTH sta.ted th^t she would like to request the re-
duction of one item in the Library budget, namely the ex-
nenditure of `1,000.00 for the purchase of a. record nlnyer
and records, and that it be reduced to 500.00 ^.s the L_Lbrory
Board believes they will be a' -)le to get an adequate instx-u-
ment for that sum. COUiTCIL'7OMAN JENSEN said she ha.d secur-
ed prices from various firms for record players and that one
could be purchased for less then H500.00. Also that the
prices for other furnishings in the Library are too high,
GENE-/P_L DAVIS, Chairman of the Library Board, w-'.s present,
and statedthey have made further investigrtions of the
installation and n ouotrtion to them was a.n estimate of
L;00.00 to N500.00 for merely the inst^llation pnd no re-
cords; another quot^tion which runs "400.00 for the instnl-
lation ^.nd no records, and another one for 250.00 which is
not of the same quality as the others and does hot include
the records. They feel that the request for 500.00 is
reasonable for the tyre of installation they can be *proud of.
with respect to the other items, these are taken from the
Standard Catalog as annroved by the Federation which sets
standards for library work, Moved by Heck, seconded by
Hollingsworth, th^t the budget ^s presented to the Council
with the increases as redommend.ed and ^.11 chases of the bud-
get, with the excertion of the Library budget which is to
be reduced by the m m of '500.00, be adorted. Carried, by
the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth,
Hodge, Nays: Jensen; iarchen.
CG I' UNICATION FROI'I COU?CILILN -A' CH^N was read, stating he
he hereby tendering his resignation as Councilman, to be-
come effective immodia.tely. Moved by Hollingsworth, second-
ed by Heck, that the rosigna.tion of Dr. Parchen be accented
with regret. Car:^ied, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes:
Hoek, Hollingsworth, Jensen, ''nrchen. Nays: Hodge.
DICE AV'CRY wns or^sent ^.nd questioned the ta.x levy for n^rk
improvement. C0UNCILirOI T L'OLLTNGS;+FORTH stated the City
Manager answered th^.t rt the last cleating. MR. Av RY stated
he would like to have a statement from the City Attorney.
IiA"OR HODGE suggested th^.t Mr. Avery talk with the City At-
torney or City Manager,tomorrow in this regard.
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, that the raises
as setup in the budget for the various employees be made
legal by a. resolution. Car:^led , by the following vote to -wit:
Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Hodge. Nays: Jensen.
RESOLUTION No. 6456 wa,s read, a.donting the Snlr.ry Schedule
1955-56, a.nd the ratos therein set forth are hereby fixed
as the salaries for each c1^ss of City service, until such
time as this resolution nay be amended by further action of
the City Council. Moved 19y HollingswortA, seconded by Heck,
the Resolution be ad'-pted. Carried, by the following
vote to -wit: ,Ayes: Heck, Hollinsworth, Hodge. Nays: Jensen.
Moved by Hock, seconded by Jansen, that the meeting be closed.
Crrried, a11 the Council tiresent voting ^ye. Meeting closed
at 1:30 A.M.