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National City, California, December 21, 1954
Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by
Mayor Hodge at 7:30 %H. Council members present: Hollings-
worth, Jensen, Parehen, Hodge. Council members,absent:, Heck.
ADMINISTRATITrE 0F^ICIALS'present: Alston, Bird, Curran, 'ar-
wick, Geutereaux, Bailey, Holgate.
The meeting was opened with fledge of allegiance to the Flag,
followed by invocation, by Rev. Kellogg.
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Jensen, that the minutes of
the regular meeting of Decemher 7, 1954, be approved. Carried,
all the Council present voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 6303 was read, closing a Portion of 1"th Street
and a portion of the intersection of 16th Street and Harbison
Avenue. Moved by Paschen, seconded by Jensen, that t'ie Resolu-
tion be adopted. Carried., by the following vote to-Trit: Ayes:
Hollingsworth, Jensen, Paschen, Hodge. Nays: ?Tone. Absent:
Resolution no. 6104 was read, finding that the public interest
and convenience require the sale of the building commonly re-
ferred to as the National City Rublic Library, located at 1315
National Avenue., but not including the land. The hour of 9:00
otclock P.M. on the 18th day of January, 1955, is hereby fixed
for hearing protests to the sale of said building. Moved by
Hollingsworth, seconded by Jen-en, that the Resolution be•adopt-
ed, changing the address from 1315 to 1215 National Avenue,
Carried by the following vote to -wit: Hollingsworth, Jensen,
Paschen, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hec'.r,
R=SOLUTI_O! NO. 6305 was read, stating the City Council hereby
finds that the high pressure initial attack fire treck 'ursuant
to the specifications heretofore pre'ared by the Fire Chief,
can be secured by National City by purchase on the open market
at a cost less than that which would result from competitive
biding. The City Manager is hereby authorized and,directed
to negotiate for the purchase of said eq_uinme.nt on the onett
market. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Jensen, that the
Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit:
Ayes: Hollingsworth, Jensen, Hodge. Nays: Parchent Absent:
RESOLUTION NO. 6306 was read, finding that wor'r to be performed
and the materiAls to be furnished to the City so that it may
have the use of a one thousand gallon Per minute running engine
for the fire department can be secured for a lo•-er Price on the
oven market, than by competitive bid. ?•Talter F. rodge, Mayor,
is hereby authorized and_ directed to enter into a lease and
oition agreement dated December 1, 1954, with, the Et -Ink of
America r, T. & S. A. :loved by Hollingsworth; seconded by Jen-
sen, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, by the following
vote to-erit: Ayes: Hollingsworth, Jensen, Hodge. Nays: Par-
chen. Councilman Heck abst^ined from voting as he was present
for only a Partial reading of the resolution.
was 'resented for the first reading, and reed in full.
presented for
Moved by Heck
ed. Carried,
was presented.
Moved by Heck
ed. Carried,
the second and final reading, and read in full.
, seconded by Jensen, that the Ordinance be adopt-
all,the Council present voting aye,
'for the second and final reading, and read in full.
seconded by Jensen, that the Ordinance be adop_t-
all,the Council present voting aye.
TO THE CITY Or^ NATIONAL CITY", was presented for,the second and
final reading, and read in full; Moved by Jensen, seconded by
Parchen, that the Ordinance be adopted. Carried, all the Council
present Zr ooing aye.
sented for the second and final reading, and read. in full. Mov-
ed by Jensen, seconded by Hollingsworth, that the Ordinance be
adopted. Carried, all the Council »resent voting aye.
REPO'T OF THE PLANNING COI°"FISSION regarding Application for
Conditional Exception No. 505, signed by the National School
District, was »resented. Petitioners are requesting permis-
sion to construct an elementary school plant in an R-1-A zone.
It was the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the
Council grant the application with the stipulation that if it
appears feasible at a later date, the National School District
favorably consider the widening of 18th Street. Moved by Hol-
lingsworth, seconded by Heck, that the recommendation of the
Planning •Commission be adopted, and the City Attorney be dir-
ected to prepare a resolution. Carried, by the following vote
to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge.
Nays: None.
Conditional Exception No. 507 sighed by L. E. 0m Smith, was
presented. Petitioner is requesting permission to install a
small retail tyre dry cleaning machine, using fireproof sol-
vents only, to enable the adjacent cleaning and pressing agency
to offer a reliable short time service to the public.. It was
the recommendation of the Commission that the variance be grant-
ed. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Jensen, that the re-
commendation of the Planning Commission be approved, and that
the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary resolu-
tion. Carried, by the following vote to -writ: Ayes: Heck,
Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
that Highland Avenue be channelized south of 12th Street to 10th
Street as proposed by the Traffic Engineer, and that the alter-
nate plan drawh by the Traffic Engineer from loth to south of
8th Street, permitting the double line as -oroposed, bp put into
effect` CITY ENGINEE ''A75/CTT stated that the alternate plan
does not have his recommendation. Mr. Warwick stated it is his
understanding that Mr. Roark, Mr, Braudawa.y and Yr, Maloney are
going to set back their curbs and if they do, we can rescind
the "no parking" in that area. and allow them. Ed Maloney was
present and stated he was quite sure that he could also get the
property owners north of him, to 8th Street, to set back the
curbs. As the street is fully developed it will come up to our
6411 requirement and our problem then diserrears` JOHN ROA2K
was present and stated he owns brOnerty on Highland in the 9OO
block and according to the way the plan is set ur the only way
you can get ihto his business is on Highland Avenue coming from
the south. It will take his parking completely away from him.
He is being completely cut off on the plan. Mr. Roark further
stated that Mr. Maloney, Mr. Brauta.way and lie have taken out
permits to widen their street to th'e same width as the gouth
Bay Plata. "e do not want our narking taken away from us.
COUNCILi^AN HECK stated that the Traffic Safety Committee has re-
commended that the cut back not only,be made on the east side of
Highland Avenue, but also on the West sides GL'ORGE JOHNSOT`T,
Pres of the National Lumber Company, wa.s present and stated he
did not think it woulddbe fair tea out a handicap on them. They,
would be very glad to cooperate on the widening of Highland Ave-
nue. After a lengthy discusslon'i it was moved by Hollingsworth,
seconded by Heok, that the recommendation of the Traffic Safety
Committee be arnroved„ Carried, by the following vote to -wit:
^.yes Hee'_r, uollingswo'th, Hodge, Nays: Jensen, ?archen.
CITY ENGINEER '^TAPTITC" stated that with the Council s remission,
taking into consideration the motion just pasded, he would like
to re -draw the clan, as there will be an additional eight feet
which was Prot considered when this plan was drawn. Moved by
Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, that the City Engineer present
a modification of the chennelization between 8th end loth Street,
and to consult all the nronerty owners that are involved in the
areafor their approval. Ca.r»led, all the Council present vot-
ing aye.
time, COi MtTNICATION PRO.: CITY OF CHL'LA VISTA wigs read, protest-
ing the contemplated annexation. TmOTEST FRO“ EDI'0ND 7, La-
CASSE was read. ATTOBrEY ' 'P.IDBTH CAMPtELL asked if this mat-
ter could be delayed until a discusaioni either'a joint Council
meeting could be held, or a joint committee met, and see if it
could be ?worked out in an amicable manner. EDMON?D B. LaCASSE,
2120 Highland Avenue, was present, and asked if the ordinance
wes passed this evening if it would stop the suit that is al-
ready started in the City of San Diego. I?AY0B' H0D1-' stated it
would not automatically stop it. Considerable discussion fol-
lowed. 'Toyed by Heck, seconded by Hollingsworth, that an ord-
inance be rreiared to proceed with the annexation of the Tray
Corridor. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck,
Hollingsworth, Hodge Nays: Jensen, Parchen. ATTOEt'TEY ''' 'RI-
DETH CA EEE'LL asked tf the introduction of the ordinance can
be delayed until after January 14th. COTTT'TCIL"AN HECK asked that
the first reading be on the January Lth meeting at 9:00 A.m.
C'?UiTCIL740MAN JENS^AT asked the status of our suit. ATTOP.I\TEY
CUPPA^T stated Coronado and San Diego have filed their e.nnenrence.
R7BO T 07 TH7 T'?rF IC SAF `TY CO:BrIT777 *pas read recommending a
two hour limited parking zone on the east end west side' of
Highland Avenue from 8th to loth Street with a "no -:-)arking"
zone on the west side from the hours of L!:00 to 6:00 P.'`'. It
is recommended that this be of a. temrorary nature andtaken up
before the Committee for further recommendation on or before
July 1, 1955. iloved by deck, seconded by Hollingsworth, that
the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Committee for the re-
commendation of the two hour.limited parking zone on the east
and west sides of Highland Avenue from 8th to 10th Street, and
with a "no narking" zone on the west side from the hours of 4:00
to 6:00 B.M. be approved, and that this be further considered
a_s a temrorary nature to come up for further study by the Traffi
Safety Committer on or before July 1, 1955. Carried, by the fol
lowing vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, loarchen
Hodge., Nays: None.
REPORT OF TRAFFIC SAFETY COIvfl.'ITTm, recommended that proceedings
be initiated to immediately T•riden Highland Avenue between 8th
and loth Streets oh both the east and west sides.
'DEPORT OF THE TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTE^ liras read, stating that a
plan for imrnroving traffic flow at the Fain and National inter-
section was shown and disousseds It was recommended_ that the
plan be passed with mihor revisions. Moved by Hollingsworth,
seconded by Jensen, that the Traffic Safety Committee's recom-
mend;tion be aot,roved, and that s resolution be nrenared. Car-
ried h.y the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth,
Jenson, Parchen, Hodge. Nays:. None.
REPORT OF = TRAFFIC SA 'E'TY CO ! ITTu7 stated that the proposal
by the First Church of Christ _Sc$tftist to place distribution
boxes at several locations was discussed. It was nointed out
that this Toys illegal according to Ordinance No. 115 a variance
would have to come from the Council. Moved by Hollingsworth,
that the ordinance be followed in regard to the boxes. MAYOR
HOD"-"-' stated he did not believe that the ordinance pertains to
this kind of request, it rertains to advertising in commercial
enterprises, this is a. free distribution box that you see in
cities all over the world, there is no advertising on it.
Motion seconded by Heck. Carried, by the following vote to -Twit;
Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Pardhen. Nays: Hodge
R" PORT OF THE TFFIC C0''ITTE , stated that the rronosed
/no parking° "zone at the Northwest corner of 24th and Highland
T•ras passed unanimously. Moved by Heck, seconded by ''archen,
that the Traffic Safety Committee's recommendation be aprroired.
Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Hec'_-, Hollings-
worth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
A recess was declared by Mayor Hodge,
The meeting was called to orcier by Mayor Hodge. Council members
present: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Hodge. Absent: Parchen.,
CITY ATTORNEY Ct1PL N recommended that the ihsurance endorse-
ments which cover the Olivewood Housing be approved.
i°oved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Jensen, that the insurance
endorsements be arrroved. Carried, by the following vote to -
twit: Ayes; Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Hodge. Councilman
Parchen withheld his vote as he was not present at the discus-
ATTORNEY CUR''AN stated that the sidewalk license bond of Alvin
J. Vildibill which was subr:Titted for an -royal has been return-
ed to the City Clerk as it was not sighed by Mi. 'Tildibill.
ATTOT77Y ar"-'.c.iT stated that the City Manager has given him a.
cony of the summons in the complaint in Action No. 192024 in
the an Diego Sure,ior Court which was served on M-iror Hodge
on December 15th. The nnrcel in question is Lot 21, `'lock119
of National City, CITY7:: " -IR.D stated the property T-rae
sold by the City in November 1953. CITY ATTOJ'?EY CT 1 ^,r.': stated
in view of the City Manager's report, unless the--e pre delin-
quent taxes which '_lave accrued since the time of the sale there
would be no interest to the City and the City e?n file its dis-
claimer, It is the Attorneys recommendation that the City At-
torney be authdrized to file such an appearance e.s a_pprorriate
Under the circumstances-. Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by
Heckj that the City Attorney be authorized to file a disclaim-
er in answer to the suit. Carried, by the following vote to -wit:
Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
ATTORNEY CUR?AN reported he contacted the Secretary of State
in regard to ciosing the City Hall.on December 24th and Dec-
ember 31, 1954, and Mr.. Jordan advised him that a.s bf Decem-
ber 14th there had not been any proclamation from the Governor
declaring December 24th a holiday. The office of the Secretary
of State will be oven on both December 24th and December 31st,
thereby making it impossible for Nation1 City to close on
either day,
ATTORNEY CURRA^? stated at the 1ast meeting the City. Attorney was
instructed to prepare a resolution directed to the County Surer -
visors urging action on smog. Sincetha;t time action has been
taken by the Supervisors, and therefore asks for further instru-
ctions. Moved by Heck seconded by Hollingsworth, that the
motion to have a resolution prern.red be rescinded. Carried, all
the Council present voting ayei
ATTORNEY CU~RAN stated at the meeting of November 16th the At-
torney was instructed to nrenare a resolution changing the min-
imum standards and qunlifica..tions for the position of Contain
in the Fi-'e Dept. U»on further investigation it appears that.
the minimum standn-'ds and qualifications are set un in the reg-
uln tions and approval by the Council upon the recommendotion of
the Civil Service Commission, wns n11 that was necessary, and
he was informed today by Mrs. Jenkins that the change has been
made. It would be appropriate that the instructions to pre-`
pare such a resolution be rescinded. Moved by Hollingsworth,
seconded by Jensen, that the instructions be rescinded. Car-
ried, all the Council present voting aye.
ATTO^.DT'Y C7D.7rN stated nt the last meeting there was submitted
to him a proposal from the California-"estern Life Ins. Comnany
to make changes in the cov.rage which a.re beneficial to the City;
it will require n. resolution authorizing the City to accent
these changes in the policy, and it is recommended that such n.
resolution be prepared. loved by Heck, seconde0 by Holli.ngn-
worth, that the.reeolution be nrenared. Carried, by the fal-
lowing vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen; Parchen,
Hodge, Nays: None.
CITY ATT0"NEY CtTRRAN stated that there has heretofore been rn-._
ferred to the City Mennger a.nd City Attorney the problem nosed
by Geo. Scott through his Attorney, Merideth Campbell, wherein'
the question arose as to whether or not Mr; Scott T•.rns entitled,
as a matter of right, to connect to the sewers of Ntionnl City
by virtue of a contract made by NationnlCityr It has been the
consistent interpretation of the City Attorney that Mr. Scott
was not entitled to connect to the sewer and he wns so advised
by the City Manager and under those circumstances noY'tgl '
eixllrl: be given to Mr. Scott pursuant to that .agreement unless
he could establishhis rights in Court; As a result of that
the matter has progressed in regard to 7nnexation,
REV.. HALL, 2/105 :1,?14 Avenue, was present, and asked permission
.to solicit for money to feed some 100 children Thursday night,
CITY MANAG7B BIRD stated the matter is entirely up to the
Council, Moved by Jensen, seconded by Heck, that permission be
granted to solicit funds, up to December 24th," Carried, by the
following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck,"Jensen, Parchen, Hodge;
Nays.: Hollingsworth.
C O7G7 JOHNSON was »resent, representing the Water Committee
who were appointed to make a, study of the water problems in
the City of National City,and the South nay area, As n re-
sult of that appointment they have had three meetings, two of
them with groups representing the South Bay Irrigation District
which embraces the City of Chula Vista. The most pressing
thing was the problem of increased water rates that the Calif-
or'hia Water & Telephone Company are attempting to impose on
the district. The ultimate reselts of the hearings is that in
addition to the committee of five in National City the South Bay
Irrigation District which embraces Chula Arista; anointed ten
members, and that was done primarily for our interests, as far
as assessed -.value is concerned is about two-thirds to one-third,
and also the consumption of ?rester is about on that ratio, and
we .felt that any of these deliberations should be on a propor-
tionate basis, and that was the basis on which this committee
was formed. At the last meeting there was a motion -presented
which was: °Make.n grater consumers tresentation to the ''ublic
Utilities Commission when the application for rate increase by
the California Water & Telephone Company is hsard to determine
whether or not the Sweetwater Division of the California 11rater
& Telephone Company should be Purchased% .The only intelligent
way in which committee knows to approach that, and it is their
recommendation to the Council, that a firm of competent apprai-
sal engineers be hired. They are willing to offer their ser-
vices to contact these various engineering concerns and Pre-
sent to the Council their recommendation. When that firm is
hired it would have to be done by approval of both the City
Council of National City end by the South Bay Irrigation Dis-
trict. The cost cannot be determined now. National Cityts nor-
tion of the cost would be one-third, and the South Bay Irriga-
tion DistrictIs cot-wouldbe two-thirds. Moved by Parchen,
seconded by Jensen, that the Committee be instructed to contact
a competent engineer firm and proceed to protect us in the ''ub-
lic Utilities hearing. Carried, all the Council present voting
ing that they have given the old National City Ordinance and the
new Ordinance of Chula. Vista particular consideration. They re-
commend th-t certain changes -be made in the Chula Vista Ordin-
ance and submit them for the Council;s consideration as a temp-
ora.ry ordinance.. There are additional businesses which need
further deliberation; therefore they stand adjourned until the
Council calls them to complete their work. CITY CLER" ALSTON
stated she sent a cony of the Chula Vista Ordinance with the
recommended amendments to each of the Council members. ATTO'NTY
CU7 'AN stated he believed it is possible to adopt the ordinance
as an emergency,meas?ure, and it is his understanding that the
recommendation of this committee is in effect, with a few minor
changes which have been noted, to adopt the Chula Vista Ordinanc
which is in line with the foundation eEtablished a courle of
years ago to a.ttemr to get uniform license tax in the community.
If it is the feeling of the Council that they want to do it we
have prepared the necessary changes which would accomplish that
purpose and which can be adopted tonight. COtrNCILHAN HECK asked
if it would be legal to pass this as an emergency ordinance with
out a public hearing- ATTORNEY CUTTAN stated he knows of no
statuary requirement which makes it mandatory to hold a public
hearing. CO77rTCILtAN HECK questioned the nossibili ty of having
the license fees collected for six months only and then operate
on the fiscal year basis.. ATTORNEY CU"RA_N stated it mould not
be possible under our present ordinance. C"'OUNCILTTOMAN im7MT,.N
stated there is nothing in the ordinance prohibiting peddlers
from knocking on the doors when there are sighs posted.. MAYO='.
HODGE stated he thought that was covered in the Constitution.
Moved by Heck, seconded by Hollingsworth, that an emergency
ordinance _ be nrennred in, accord .nce With the cony which ire have
with the notations noted on the cony, and that the ordinance be-
come effective January 1, 1955. Carried, by the following vote
to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Hodge. Nays:
Parchen. RODNEY SMITH, a member of the Business License Commit -
tea was present and exrlained the thinking of the Committee on
some of the problems involved, CITY ATTORNEY CURRf,lq presented
an ordinance entitled; AY ORDINANCE OR THz' CITY OF N_ATION-L CIT'
ALAN RRAttDAT,TAY, 909 Highland Avenue, was present and questioned
why his fee should be higher in National City than it is in San
Diego. CITY TREASURER ROLGATE presented figures of comparison
as to what certain businesses would nay under the proposed new
ordinance and *whet they ray under the rresent ordinance. Moved
by Heck, that the skating rinks be included under the same
category as theatres, ;-lotion died for lack of n. second; M_RS.
KODISH was present and questioned the category the M yfair Mar-
ket would come under, gross receirts or number of e:mrloyees.
MAYOR HODGE said it would be "emrloyees". roved by fleck, that
the present license system be continued until July 1, 1955, and
that the License Clerk be instructed to collect the fees on a.
six months basis, and that during this time that the Business
License Committee continue the study of this ordinance and that
we have the proper hearings for e.dontion of an ordinance. AT-
TORnr'Y CUR'AN stated this cannot be done by motion, as it stands
now no motion is needed to affect Mr. Heckle purpaee except that
you cannot collect for the aix months ,which cannot be changed to-
night. His motion is exactly what will happen in the event this
new ordinance is not a.dorted, with the exception that the col-
lection will be on the annual rather than the semi-annu-.1 basis.
CO?TNCIL TOT AN HOLLINGW•TO'TH suggest'.d that the Council members
study the proposed ordinance and nerhabs it can be passed at the
adjourned meeting on December 23rd.
COMMUNICATION FROG" CITY CTF;RK AL,STON ages read, requesting per-
mission to emrloy Beverly Trerts, Senior i3ookkeering Machine Or-
eretor in the bracket of .k256.00 per month„ This request is _
necessary because of the vecancy created by the resignation of
Joyce Dowless, Junior Bookkeeping Machine Operator,. Mrs. �'Iertg
is on the reserve list, :Moved by Parchen, seconded by Heck,
that the City Clerk be authorized to hire e Senior Bookeeping,
MachineOperator at the rate of "256.00 per month. Carried, by
the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingewo-.-th, Jensen,
Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
CITY MANAGER BIRD stated he had a recommendation from the City
Engineer asking eprroval and ?.ccertence of the culvert .job,
known a.s Project Li9, ,which is comrleted. It is requested that
authorization be granted to nrerare the resolution of nccent-
ance. Moved by Heck, seconded by Hollingsworth, that the City
Mangers r=commenda.ti6n be adopted and the resolution prepared.
Carried by th= following vote to -wit ° Ayes: Heck, Hollings-
worth, Jensen, Pe^chen, Hodge. Nays: None.
R. SOLUTION NO, 6307 was read, accepting the vrifrk provided for
by the contract between the City of National City and Dan E.
'ace for building n culvert on 12th Pnd Highland; end author-
izing the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion of said
contract on or before the 30th day of December, 1954 Moved
by Hollingsworth; seconded by Heck, th?t the resolution be
adopted. Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
CITY MANAGER '"-I'lD presented the plans and specifications for
the signal, system on 4th and Highland and 24th and Highland,
and asked that they be accented,and that the necessary resolu-
tion be prep-ared to advertise for bids.. Moved by Heck, second-
ed by Jensen, accenting the snecificatian of the signals and
that a resolution be nrepnred. Carried, by the following vote
to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen Hodge.
Nays: None. '
CITY MANAGER BIRD stated he had a petition an a. 1911 Act on 26t1
Street from "B" to "D" Avenue., It is found thnt 63.25'. of the
frontage have requested the improvements and it is recommended
that the City Engineer be ordered to proceed with the work._
Moved by Heck, seconded by Jenseh, that the City 'nnagerIs re-
commendation be adopted, a.nd a resolution be nrennred. Car-
ried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth,
Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 6308 was read,directing.nrenrcration of nlens'
and specifications and designating Engineer to prepare plans,
for improvement of 26th Street from "f9`' Avenue to "D' Avenue,
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Parchen, that the Resolu-
tion be adopted. Carried, all the Council present voting .,Ye.
CITY i.iANAG'='R BIRD requested authorization to order installation
of one six inch fire hydrant on the east side of Highland_Avenue
aprroximately 52r north of the Highland Avenue culvert. =''loved
by Parchen, seconded by Jensen, that the City Haneger:s recom-
mendation be adopted; and if necessary that a resolution be
prepared. Carried., by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck,
Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge.. Nays: None.
MEMORANDUM FROM CITY ENGINEER c+.rAR,ICT was read, requesting that
he be allowed to'teke the vacation due him; said vacation to be-
gin on January 2, 1955. The request was approved by the City
Maneger. Moved by Parchen, seconded by Jensen, that 'ermission
be granted. Carried, by the following vote to -writ: Ayes: Hec'r
Hollingsworth, Jennen, Parchen, Hodge.. Nays; None®
REQUEST FRCi AS nOCIATE ENGINEER Fu'a nY was read, requesting two
weeks leave -of -absence without pay to begin January 17, 1955 to
attend to pressing personal affairs. The request eras ennroved,,
by the City Engineer and City Manager. Moved by Perchen, eecone'
ed by Jensen, that permission be granted. Carried, by the fo1-
lowing vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Percher
Hodge,. N,,ys: Hbne.
C01"7UNICATION FROM JOT J. 70077 INC.. i-rae rertd, requesting con-
struction of a 50 foot driveway eight feet north of the south-
west corner of the east side of Hig ,lend Avenue betTTeen llth
and 12th Streets on th- South Bay Plena. Shopping Center Pro-
ject, in accordance with Ordinance No.851. The City Engineer
recommended that the permit be granted with the nroviso that
no additional driveways will be allor:!nd along the entire front-
age of South Bny Plza. The City Ifanager also an��roved. the re-
est. Moved by Hollingsworth, second^d by Parch , that the
rudommendntion of the City Engineer and the request for the 50
foot driveway as designated be arrr>roved,end the necessary res-
olution drawn. Carried, by the following vote to.wit: Ayes:
Heck., Hollingsworth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None.,
RE"9ORT FRO" CITY MANAGER BIRD wee read, regarding the request of
the Picot Full Gospel Mission, Mr. Edward Shultz, which reeommen
ed that the aupliction for permission to solicit on dity street
in National City to raise funds for the poor and needy and to
feed same, be denied. This organization at the 'resent hes no
place in Na.tion*1 City for such activity and their application
is indefinite as to time. It is recommended that the Clerk of
the Council notify the n.nplicant of the notion taken by the
Council, Moved by Heck, seconded by Jensen, that the a.nnlicn-
tion be denied. Carried, all the Council Present voting aye.
COMMUNICATION FROM CITY 1 APTAGER was read, `regarding the re-
quest of the Share vit( Others Club, San Diego, for permission
to solicit for the March of Dimes. It is recommended that the
request be denied because the request would conflict with our
owh local organizationts Plans for the March of Dimes collection,
It is recommended that the Clerk Of the Co'tncil notify the ap-
nlicnnt of` the action taken by the Council in this matter. Mov-
ed by Heck, seconded by Honing nth, that the nnnlication be
denied. Carried. all the Council present voting rye.
REPORT FROM CITY iANAG o BIRD regarding the matter of drainage
at Division and Laurel, was read. '. 'o effect a temporary solu-
tion by the installation of a 30 inch conduit trould cost nnprox-
ilkately 800.00. This would be only a stun -gap alleviating the
condition temporarily. A large drain is required. However, to
install required culvert would necessitate drnin^ge problems in
the county area., and the enlargement of existing culvert under
Division Streit would cost annroximately 14,000.00. The City
Manager requests more study in the matter.
RESORT FROI-I CITY MANAG"" BIRD was read regarding the damaged
sidewalk and curb a.nd its replacement at the northenst`corner
of 12th and Highloend; cost to replace n. sidewalk, curb, acid
to make correct conforming radius plus renaving.o' street an-
nroximately 6,6o0.00 if done by City maintenance department.
CITY MANAG B BIRD stated he would like to have permission to re-
move the curb for a. distance of 1L0 feet Providing Mr. "oar'_r,
I2r, Braudaway and hr. I'aloney c^rry through`on their *,rir'ening
Project. Moved by Heck, seconded by Jensen, that the City
Manager1s recommendation be approved and the necess-,ry exr,end-
itures be made to complete the job. Carried, by the following
vote to-witt Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, ?rrch.en, Hodge.
Nays: None.
CITY I"IAI`?AGT7 BIRD stated it is his recomrtendntion that we accent
the Couhty1 s bronosa.l for the installation of the traffic lights
at 30th and Highland.
RESOLUTION NO. 6309 was read, -requesting the County of Snn Diego
to enter into an agreement with the City•of National City for
the installation of traffic lights at the intersection of 30th
Street and Highland Avenue; said agreement to provide for said
City and said Couhty,to share in the cost of installing said
lights provided that the total cost to National pity shall not
exceed the sum of 3,000w0:0`. Moved by Hollingsworth. seconded
by Jensen, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all the
Council present voting aye.
CITY MANAC R BIRD stated in regard to the matter of our ,mrlica_-
tion for the improvement of certain streets pert -wining to the
!.cherry Housing Project, he- has n letter addressed to Arthur
Eddy which carries a document to Sen +tor i tvc34e1 signed by the
Admiral r°'a Sihler, of Bureau of Docke - It is the recommendation
of Admiral Sihler that the Manager or -other responsible officials
of National City review the problem with the Commandant of the
Eleventh Naval District. Hoved,, by. Heck, seconded by Jensen,
that the City Manager be instructed'te-contact the Commandant
of the Eleventh Naval District and bring beck a report to the
Council. Carried, all the Council present voting -eye.
CITY MAN.^-.c BIRD stated in re.g.rd to the petition to annex
Scott Manor a condition has arisen t.rherein, a petition was pre-
sented to his office and added to that petition there has sub-
sequently come in three more parcels which places it back into
the original annexation which was approved by the Planning Com-
stating that several months ago there was a petition to annex
certain territory lying adjacent to the northerly city limits
of National City. -His client, George Scott and wire are the
owners of certain portions of property described in said an-
nexation, which is partially described as "Portions of Lots 69
and 70 of Ex Mission Lands of San Diego.!, Said petition was
not acted upon nursuaht to the request of George Scott. It is
hereby requested that the Council reconsider the said nrorosed
annexation, and that the necessary proceedings be taken in order
that the said property may be annexed to the City of National
City. CITY MANAGER BIRD stated he has a petition of other prop-
erty owners in the area, and all of the reonle in that area have
signed the petition. Moved by Heck, seconded,by Parchen, that
we proceed with the annexation in accordance with the Planning
Commissionts recommendation of Seat. 13, 1954. Carried, by the
following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Par-
chen, Hodge. Nays: None.
COMMUNICATION FR07 CITY ENGINEER ''rA,rIIC" rias read, stating he is
submitting his resignation as City Engineer and tx-Officio Traf-
fic Engineer effective January 17, 1955. Moved by ?a.rchen,
seconded by Jensen, that the resignation be accepted, with regre?'
Carried, by the following vote to -wit; Ayes: Heck, Hollings-
worth, Jensen, Parchen, Hodge. Nays: None. CITY HANAGE7 BIRD
stated it is now imperative that we employ a City Engineer to
fill the vacancy created by Mr. Warwick. Moved by Hollingsworth,
seconded by Heck that the City Manager be instructed to immediat-
ely advertise for^.an engineer and pursue a.nnlications. Carried,
all the Council present voting aye.
General Fund 14,123.01
Traffic Safety Fund 2,222.32
Park M & I Fund 24.7.85
Retirement Fund 1,981.91
Harbor Fund .90
Spec. State Gas Tax Fund 23.60
Trust & Agency Fund 500.00
Payroll Fund 24•,271.5�
TOTAL ......,..14.,,371.T
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, that the bills be al=
lowed, and warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, by the fol-
lowing vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Hodge, Nays:
Jensen, Parchen.'
Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, that the meeting be
adjourned until 9:00 A.M., Thursday, December 23, 1954, and cons-
tinue with the balance of the agenda and further study of the
Business License Ordinance. Carried, by a majority vote. The
meeting adjourned at 1:25 A. M.
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