HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954 12-23 CC ADJ MIN170 National City, California, December 23, 1954. Adjourned meeting of Dffieember 21, 1954, of the City Council was c^lled to order by Mayor Hodge at 9:00 A.T. Council members Present: Reek, Jensen, Hodge, Council members absent: Hol- lingsworth, Parchen. ADT"INISnATIVT OFFICIALS present: Alston, T?ird, Holgg.te, Bailey T,ra.gner, Warwick, Curran. The meeting was opened with Pledge of allegiance to the 71afy followed by invocation by Mayor Hodge, Request for Refund on gross business license by Jack Nelson, in the amount of 110.00, was Presented. The request was approved by the City, Treasurer. Moved by Heck, seconded by Jensen, that the refund be granted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Jensen, Hodge. Nays: None, Absent: Hollings- worth, Parchen4 TRFASURT'?'S R-.T®RT for November, 1954, was Presented, and or- dered filed. COMMUNICATInN FROT"+ SAN DIE'GO 6OU NTY C?TTq ,a,Ir FOR C-HTLDREN re-, questing financial'assistance, vas present=d. Moved by Heck, seconded by Jensen, that the letter be filed. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. COMMUNICATSOT•T FROM NLTNICIPAL YF-:^S ^,SS'OCIA_TION was read, recommending that the Council consider the establishing of an award system for City employees to give some recognition for services rendered to the Community. Moved by Heck, seconded by Jensen, that this letter be referred to the City anager fora report on the cost of pins„ Carried, all the Council present voting aye. CERTIFICAT"- OF InTSTTR-" NCE of B. E. RID for plumbing was Pre- sent:pd, and City Clerk Alston reouested it be r=ferred to the City Attorney for annroval. COMMUNIC!-RON FROM HnUSTITG T)i"'FCTOR GATT",'Rv UX t.,r. s rend, r- qu-sting a. tna.nsf-r of "z23.90 be made from the Trust c; Agency Fund to the General Fund. Moved by Heck, seconded by Jensen, that the transfer be a.n-,roved,and the Attorney authorized to renare a. resolution. Ca.r'ieby the � z.-.d, following vote to -wit: Ayes:" Hack, Jensen, Hodge. Nays: None. Absent: Hollings- worth, Parchen. CERTIFIC TE OF ITTSUR=_I\TC-, FROM TART'`, wTBST RJ AND 301'NSOF, on tidelands lease, was presented, and City Clerk Alston asked that it be referred tc the City Attorney for a.nnroval, RIDER OF INSURANCE from'the Insurance Agents Associntion, on certain named rositions, was presented, and r-ferred to the City Attorney for an-roval, COUNCILWO_ An' HOLLINGsNfRTF rresent. DF TD OF DEDICATIew from Sweetwater Union High School District, for nn easemeht for Public street or highway rurposes over and uron real Property situated. between Granger and Va.n Mess Avenue, between 20th and24th Streets, was Presented, Moved by Jensen, seconded by Heck, that the deed be a.ceertod and the City Attorne be authorized to nrenare a. resolution, and the City Clerk record samap Carried, by the following: vote to -wit: Ayer: Heck,Hol- lingsworth, Jensen, Hodgo. N.7ys: None. Absent: P.rchon 12123. 17a. REPORT PROD' CITY MANAG" "ND CITY ENGINEER wns reed, on the hearing of 1911 Act on Herbison Avenue from 4th Street North to Division Street, held December 9, 1954. Reading of Report by Byrl Phelps, Project Engineer, in its entirety ss iheornorete in Documents. ''roject Engineer submitted report to hearing of- ficers to be submitted to Legislative Body. There were no written or oral objections. It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and City ?Manager that the report be accepted ^nd the necessery action be taken to proceedwith the immrovement according to ler*. Moved by Heck, seconded by Jensen, that the report be accented, and referred to the City Attorney for the necees^ry resolution. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. APPLIWTION PROM SAN DIEGO GAS & ELE'CT'IC COMP_t_NY requesting a. he^ring before the Vublic Utiliti-s Commission for an increase in rats far electricity, wa.s presented. Nerved by Hollings- worth, seconded by Heck, that no action be token by the Council at this time. C=rried, ell the Council rresent voting nye. CHRISTMAS CARD from Toprerette Club was read, thanking the Council for the donation of their November salary to the "See- ing Eye Dog". CHRISTMAS CA'D from M ;yor end Uity Council, City of Coronado, was presented. CITY PLANNER WAGNER retorted that in the matter of Ra_y ?WWish- erd Damn Truck Service which the Ple.nning Commission et its November meeting took d=finite action to protest, and a. let- ter wea transmitted November 23 to the County Board of Super- visors, end the Council took supporting action et their me:'t- ing. t•pe have received e letter from the Boerd of Supervisors of the action taken by the Board on November 2S, 1954, when it instructed the Connty CourVel not to enforce the injunction ^- gainst Rey ?•?isherd concerning said gravel it so long es the existing stock rile is removed *Ithin six months by the V. R. Dennis Construction Comna.nyi end as long as there is no a.ddit- ionel excavation of se.id gr^vel nit. CITY PLANNER W';GNR stated the Chambers of Commerce of Notional City end Chub Vista et p joint meeting massed two resolutions listing names rer:resentinv Netionel City, Chula. Vistp end others. Resolution 1: Their respective committees urging their Boerd of Directors, City Councils and ell interested San Diego organizations to re -affirm their stend in favor of e. U; So High - trey 101 By--nass by wrl.y of e southerly extension of U; Si High-- tm y 'R95 to run east of the cities of Netion^l City end Chula Vista terminating south of Chula Vista. Resolution 2: That in view of the effectiveness of the joint approach of our common highwey problem it is recommended that n South Bey Highway De- velorment Organization be formed T,Tith the Secreteries of the Chute Vista end Netionel City Chambers of Commerce instructed to arrange en orgenizetionel meeting. CITY I :, t GE "-IRD referred to the motion accepting the Engineer1 report on Harbison Avenue Irnr orement, end asked that the Counci consider changing the motion to read: "That the report of the hearing officers be accept-ed." Hoved by Hec'-k➢ seconded by Jen- sen, that the motion be so corrected, Carried, all the Council Rresent voting aye. CITY TANAGER ^IRD stated he hod e request from Chief Bailey that Richard. Harrold be gr^nted nermission to ettond the Los Angeles rime Dent.4s In Service Training School, st^rting January 3, 12/2, 172 1955, ,.nd continuing on a five dn.y week basis not to exceed six weeks. It is requested that Mr. Hnrrold be '*uthorized to incur rensona.b1e expense while attending the school. It is the recommendation of Chief Holley that n waiver of responsibility be granted in favor of the City of Los Angeles during the time of his schooling.. City,I' neger Bird Recommended that Chief Ba.ile.yt s requdst be grnntede " 'Moved by H6ek, seconded k Jensen, that the r3dCitib0$ 6+ wanted for Hr. Harrold 'to attend .the. ItI^ 3ertrite 'Ironing School,•ond that his expenses be na.id, not to exceed 1100.00.. Gsr'ridd by the following'vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen. Hodge: Nays: None.. Absent: Pare}. CITY HANAG"B pIBD stated th--.t under'Civil Service Thies the pre- sent vacations are not ecculuintive,'and he has not received his 15 days vacation es of this year, And there isn't 15 days left this month and it is brought to theattention of the Coun- cil ns n. matter of record. CITY '-'*'GINm'°J`R `.'A-'i.rIC" stated he hes resigned his position with the City to accent the position as City Engineer of Montebello. His Dole -purpose in resigning is for his own edvn.ncement. CITY ATTORNEY C1R A T stated in regard to the conditional ex- centien requested by Mayfair which •-gas referred to the City Meneger n.nd City Attorney involving conditions recommended by the 71nnning Commission, it is the pennger's, Engineers, and Attorneys s feeling thnt it would be wise if the conditional ex- ception is granted with no conditions ntta.ched, CITY TmG1Y7771 T,TA-,7IC7 stated that one of the things Attorney Curran is refer- ring to is the dedication and imnrovement of the street, Since the South Bay P1nzn Corn. does not own the nronerty now occurier by Mr. Stowe the quolifications could not be fulfilled until about the middle of I''ny. The portion of the street they donhnvr is now complete and ready for use, so they have fulfilled that portion which they were able to. They have shown us good faith in anything that they have ogreed to do. Moved by Heck, second- ed by Hollingsworth, th-nt the South Boy y ezn Comnnny do not hove to post e rerformnnce bond, and e resolution be prepared. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollings- worth, Jensen, Hodge. Nays: None, Absent: Perchen.0' COUNCILwOMIN J!PT"T•'N" stated we wnt an record that the City Hall be closed oh Friday, December 24th, and half n Joy on the 91st, and we did not rescind that motion, CITY CL 'f1K _.L7TON stated it was eutomatice1ly rescinded ns it was made, "if it is legal", and the Attorney has ruled that it is not legal. CdTJNCILT'OM°.N J^NS!N stated the Council took action that Yrs. Lois La,remore yes to dive •.art of her time to Mr, Geuterenux nt Olivewood Housing, end.it is her understanding this has not been done. CITY CLL°`X "LTOAT stated she has not been able to snare her port time. COTTCILT°ON HEC7 stated it wee a matter that wee to be worked out between the City Clerk and the City I, reneger. Moved by Heck, seconded byJensen, , tI'1et the motion to a.do+'-t the business license ordinance with modificetiens be'rescinded. Car tied, bythe followingvote to —wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen, Hodge, Nays: None. _Absent: Perchen, COwNCILMAN 771:'^C` stated there ore some further amendments which should be pro- vided in the newobusiness ;Job -lase ordinance. The proposed bus- iness license ordinance is not complete and adequate for Net- ionel City. Moved by Heck, that in the proposed ordinance whereever the City of Chumo vista is mentionedthat City of Nntionel City be substituted, and that where Finanr,e Officer is mentioned that License Clerk be subetj,t0ei,i, Motion died fob° l2/23 173 lack of a. second. CCUNCII1'.»O71AN JENSEN stated she contacted Mr. DuPnu1, City Attorney'for City of San Diego'; and he made the statement that he would never allow the Council of San Diego to nut through any taxing ordinance as an emergency measure. MAYO' HODG ' said he would like to have n motion made that we continue on with our existing ordinance'for either six months or the en- tire year and give this back to the Committee and let them work on it, hold the public hearings, etc. CITY PLANTER *•*,".GN'"P stated the Planning Commission has had one public hearing end has laid over the second public hearing on a. proposed new zon- ing ordinance which at present has a proposal in it that snec- ial use Hermits be granted in certain cases in residential zones for the conduct of very limited business activities. This would provide a.dditiona.l revenue. The City of San Diego routes their business license applications through the Planning Dent. to check on the zoning, as are the building permits. In Nat- ional City building permits are routed through the' Planning Dent and zoning checked, end it is the 'la.nnerls recommendation that the same metbiod be followed with respect to °c �,pnli °�tions for business license. CITY ATTORNEY CURRAN sto et.d. he would recom— mend thnt during, the next several months it con be determined whether or not we wont to go on a fiscal year basis or the eel- endar year basis, so that prior to the end of May an ordinance could be adopted which would become effective for certain nur- noses on July 1st, and then there would be an interim which we can take care of in that ordinance if you desire to go on a fiscal year basis. On that bnsie, it is the Attorneys recom- mendation that you do nothing at all today. If you take no action at all then your Ordinance 708 remains in full force and effect and we proceed on that basis. In the next few months we con determine what chen_,es we do wont. Moved by Heck, thnt the City of rational City go oh a fiscal year for the business lic- ense. Motion died for lacy_ of a second. ATTORNEY CURRAN stat- ed this cannot be done by motion, an ordinance would have to be drafted. CITY TREASURER H^LGATE stated they era getting ready to mail out the notices and wanted to know if it is legal to enclose n note to the effect there is a possibility of going on n fiscal year basis. ATT0= 'TY CU R N stated if the Council wants to go on record as fixing a policy you certainly con do thnt by motion, and you can include in the motion whether you want your committee to continue; and you con include that the License Collector be instructed to prepare a. little form. to go out with the receipts informing them that we are COnSide ing changes so that they con o.nticina.te them Moved by deck, se- conded by Jensen, that the City License Clerk be instructed to- -enclose with the present applications to the business firms n. little notice that the-e is the policy estohlished by the Coun oil to provide o new business license ordinance, ^.nd that the City of National City will go on e fiscal year for business lie- enses commencing July 1, 1955, and thnt any payments ti,ad.e on an annual fee will be applied as credits to the new business lic- ense ordinance. Further that this ordinance be referred bwok to the Business License Committee for further study, and the recom- mendations be brought to the Council for consideration on or before March 1, 1955. Carried, by the following vote to -•pit° Ayes: Heck, Hollingsworth, Jensen© !'nys: Hodge, Absent; ` nrchen, CITY CLERK ALSTON stated we ore overdrawn in the Attorneys budget and suggested that 11,000.00 be transferred from the unapnortioned npproprintion to special servioes. Moved by Heck, seconded by Hollingsworth, that the transfer be effected. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hollings- worth, Hodge. Nays: Jensen. Absent: Perchen. CITY CLERK ALSTON suggested that something be done to put a, heat 12/23 �7zf. ing and air condition system in'the Council Chambers., Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, this be referred to the City Manager. Cerri=d, a1l the Council present voting aye, RTSOLUTION NO. 6310 was read, transferring the sum of `1,000.00 from the unapnro'prieted reserve to the general fund, Moved by Hollingsworth, seconded by Heck, thnt the Resolution be adort- ed.. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Heck, Hol- lingaworth, Hodge. N'ys: Jensen, Absent: Parchen, CITY 1ANAT7 BIRD stated we ere having suite e situ^tion on - traffi c lgyout, and a,t our meeting December 21st we adorted the report of the Traffic Safety Committee. That report el - lowed us to go ahead with the Tref4'ic routing end 'pattern of 10th Street south and also e variable condition to be taken care of from 10th Street north. "e have negotiated with the abutting property owners. We now have the problem of repair- ing two traffic patterns north of 10th Street, I,7e have hones th^t the nronerty owners on the east side rill heve moved back their curbs, widening the street, which would be widening it one-half, We have the other nroblem of the School Board, the ?rett nronerty end the Johnson nronerty adquiescing end they are going to move back, However, we are faced with the dilemma of high tension 'poles on that side which will have to be removes Our traffic engineer denartment is nrenaring two ple_ns, one for e half street, and one for e full street. We will c.s of Januer: 11th heve those nuns ready for the Council. City Manager '3ird steted if there is no objections they will carry on in that manner, No objections were voiced. CITY MANAGE- "?I?D stated we are attempting negotiations with th Sefewey Co.roeny to get on amount of earth off of their project which we need to continue our project on our recreation field. CITY NINE T'riLI WICK stated in regard to the Highland Avenue traffic -oettern, in part of the report of the Traffic Safety Committee there is n "no perking" from %i00 to 6:oo 7.7. on Highland Avenue; and there should be further investigation by any future traffic engineer es to the nossibilit es of onnly- ing it on some of our narrow streets with exceptionally hth traffic volumes, and if it is used intelligently and properly, it will solve the City s nroblems with only the expense of nut- ting through the necessary resolutions and posting of signs. C0 T\TCIL`70 fN H_OLLPTGSc•r0'ITH =ed Mr, ?,Par•„,ick if he had any norticuiar streets' in mind. CITY 7NGIN77R uART'TICK statedhe her 8th Street in mind, and there may be others where it might also be applied® C0T5NCILW01 Y HOLLYNGSw0?TH said she thought the problem of narking on 8th Street requires more study by the Tr-ffic Safety Committee, Eighteenth Street is another area, th^t will have to be studied, COUNCILAN H^CK asked if the City Ynena.ger has proceeded a.ny further in having the decals nut on the equirment , CITY APrG'_"'" BIRD stated the decals have';been ordered endwe hone to heve them delivered by the first of the year. CITY TRE°_ST ST? HOLGATE stated that when the new license goes in- to effect as of July let some of the fees are going to be more then whet is collected now, end asked Attorney Curran what she is to tell the people when they ask her how it will effect them and they state they will not nay any more money, ATTO?T''Y CUR - RAN stated that is something wh Ch onnnot be answered as we do not know what the new ordinance will Provide, Nt9S HOLGATT' stated the receipt which she will give is for` the year 1955, can they come back and state they have reoeint and that they /2/23 175 paid for the year. ATTORI'TY OJRRArt t^'+ted that is one of the problems that_is going to have to be,_vtiOked out in any new ordinance we adopt that goes on th .1 I C'^year basis. The -only thing you can do is to tell tMthlthnt certainchanges n.re being contemplated, and until they are ride we do not know what the answer will be; in effect they can anticipate some change will be made„, CITY TREASURER HOLGATE asked if she. could leave the date blank on the license where it stated "license expires on" or must she fill'in the date December 11, 1955. ATTORNEY CURRAN stated the date must be typed in.. Moved by Heck, seconded by Jensen, that the meeting be closed. Carried, all the Council present voting aye. Meeting closed at 10:45 A.M. ATTTST: (7:14 E'4YO7:1, CITY OF DNATIO:? f CITY, CALIFn7NIA CITY CLERK 12/23