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National City,,California, April 6, 1D54
Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor
Sarn at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmenbers present: Campbell,
Jensen, Parchen, Sarn. Councilmen absent: LLMoeser.
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Parchen, that the reading of the
minutes of the regular'meeting of March 16, 1954, and the adjourn-
ed meeting of March 23, 1954, be dispensed with. Carried, all the
Council present voting aye.
ADMINIST'ATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Campbell, Ga.utereaux,
MAURICE CARRIGAN, 619 National. Avenue, was present, and requested
that additiona.l conies of the "Fund Balances" which are Presented
to the Council each meeting night be furnished to those in the
audience who might be interested . Also that the monthly Pro-
gress Reports as compiled by the Department Heads be placed on
the counter for the Perusal of the public. CITY CLERK ALSTON
stated the reports become a city record when presented to the
Council and they are given a document number and are on file in
her office and anyone who wished to see them may do so by coming
to the office. Moved by Jensen, seconded by Parchen, that a copy
of the Fund Balances the same as presented to the Council be Put
in a folder and labelled as such and placed on the. counter. Car-
ried, all Councilmen present voting aye. Moved by Parchen, sec-
onded by Jensen, that duplicate conies of the Progress Reports be
made and that they be placed on the counter for anyone who wishes
to see them. Carried, all Councilmen -present voting aye. MR.
CARRIGAN stated today a neon sign company was issued a permit by
our Building Dept. to install a sign and when the man parked his
truck in front of the building to install the sign he was given a
ticket for over narking. When the parking ordinances were v,~rl.tten
it was never intended that when a workman was granted a permit to
do a job that he should be arrested for doing it.
DR. J. B. ASKEW, Director of Public health, was present, and ex-
Pla.ined the services rendered by the County Health Department un-
der our Health Contract.
DR. ASK "' stated he honed to have an opportunity to renont more
often to the Councils in the various cities in the County, end
to call on them anytime they can be of service to National City.
MRS. KODISH, 2107 "A" Avenue, was present, and commented regard-
ing the laster Street Plan.
CLZk' A. =ART7ELL, 715 E. 1st Street, rTas present, and. inquired.
whether his request for a zone variance permit would be presented
at this meeting. ATTORNEY CAIPBELL stated it will. be Presented
later in the evening.
:?LING LA?SCN, 2548 Rachael Street, was ,present, and asked why th'
C.nncil denied his annlication to move a house into National City.
AT'2071TEY CA:?"LLL stated the action by the Council is final.
There is no right of anneal from that action.
MAYOR SARN called for the hearing on the closing of a portion of
?Filson Avenue and a portion of 12th Street. No one was present
objecting to the closing, and the hearing was continued until
April 20, 1954, at 8:00 P.M. o'clock.
IdAYOR SARN announced that we would have the opening of the bids
for furnishings for the Library. CO-I2iUNICATION FROM LIBRARY
BUREAU OF REMINGTON RAND stated that since the specification
srecifically states that one bidder shall submit figures'on all
items otherwise the bid shall be considered unacceptable, they
feel obligated in all fairness to withhold their bid at this time.
BID OF AUSTIN SAFE & DESK COMPANY was opened. A bond in the a-
mount of ten percent of the bid was attached. MAYOR SARN request-
ed this be referred to the City Manager for his'recomrmendation,,
and report at the next meeting. C. E. HA''ITTON, representing the
Austin Safe & Desk Company was present and stated he had provided
the samples as required in the bid. MAYOR SATST stated the City
Manager will check them along with the bid.
ATTORNEY CA'=PBELL stated the appeal has been withdrawn by the
apellant. Unless the Council so desires, no action is necessary.
Moved by Parchen, seconded by Camnbei1, that the recommendation
of the Planning Commission be accented, thereby denying the re-
quest for a zone variance. Carried, all the Council present vot-
ing aye. CHARLES GAILBAND, 721 E. 2nd Street, was present and
stated there was some building being done on the property in ques-
tion when he passed there tonight, and asked what will be done
with the building that is there. ATTORNTY CAi?BELL stated it is
his understanding this particular location is a C zone which has
no sideyard setback. If it is used for a residential purpose it
will require a four foot sideyard, but if a commercial building
it does not if it is a C zone. If the building is being built
illegally, he will be stopped.
regarding Maytime Band Review. It was requested in view of the
attitude of the Musicians Union, and the adverse publicity given
to the City that unless the Chamber of Commerce can satisfactorily
settle their argument with the Union before April 20th that all
further funds be withheld. It was further recommended that the
City Council notify the Ontrants of the status of the Maytime Band
Review as caused by the conflict between the Chamber of Commerce
and the Musicians Unioh. It is further recommended that the City
Council withdraw as co-sponsor of the Maytime Band Review and give
serious consideration to the re-establishment of a City festival a-
long the lines of our former Olympic Day. MAYOR SARN ordered the
communication filed.
MAYOR SARN requested that the appointment of a member of the Plan-
ning Commission and a member of the Civil Service Commission be
laid over until the next meeting.
CITY ENGINErTR WAR''WICK stated he had e. report from the Engineer of
'Fork on both the Roselawn and Harbison Avenue 1911 Acts and it
gives the proposed assessments on each of them with the assess-
ment district and the proposed plans. ATTORNEY CAMPBTLL stated
if the re,-ort is satisfactory they can accent it and set the hear-
inN, , MAYOR SARN as'red if anyone had any questions regarding the
Act on Roselawn Avenue and Harbison Avenue. No one present
in this regard. MAYOR SARN requested that it be referred to
Attorney Cam'hell for the preparation of the necessary resolution,
DALTOI,. J. BAIL?, 531 Rachael Avenue, was present regarding the Na:_.
time Band Review. Mr. Baker said he -could like to clarify this
for the record. There is not a problem that cannot be worked. out.
The Union has merely asked that next year they be included in the
budget for the City Council's approval. At the ?resent time there
is nothing that can be done about it. There is no possible way
of taking the Union in this year. They have been informed that
they would be considered next year on the Chamber's budget to be
presented to the City Council and it would be un to the Council
whether or not they wished to approve the budget which included
a Union band. Everything is in agreement and can be worked out
in nerfect accord. COUNCILWOMAN JENSEN asked Mr. Baker if there
has been, any gentlemen'a-agreement or any � underst ng between
him and the Union that next year they are going tdt"$ 00.00. MR.
BAKER said absolutely pot. MRS. JENSEN asked 1f they were going
to be picketed by the Union if they did not? IriR. BA"ER stated the
agreement made with the Union was that they would be considered
next year and invite them to the meetingwhen the budget was pre-
pared. The Council wa.s not committed.
MAYOR SARN requested that the second reading of the ordinance on
food handling be laid over uhtil the next meeting.
ATTORNEY CAi"'BELL stated he has not checked this as yet. MAYOR
SARN referred this to the City Attorney for his report at the
next Council meeting.
ANNEXATION OF PORTION OF LOT 65, Rancho Mission, was presented.
ATTORNEY CAEPB"LL stated the City of San Diego should be requested
for consent to deannex. i.IAYOR SARN requested this be referred to
the City Manager to contact the City of San Diego.
regarding the improvement on 18th Street. They request that the
Council hold over any decisions for two weeks as they, the com-
mittee working on the petition, cannot have it ready for the
meeting of April. 6th. COi';UI\TICATION FROM BYRL D. PHELPS was read,
regarding the improvements on 18th Street. The estimated cost of
the improvement including engineering and incidentals is 1133,513.7L
It is expected that the Stag will contribute $4.2,000.00 leaving a
balance of $91,513.74 to be assessed to the property. The frontage
on this property is 972 feet, therefore the estimated cost will be
19.4.1 for each front foot of lot. A11 plans have been completed
and plans and specifications have been submitted to the State
Highway Dept. and their approval is expected within the next two
weeks. It rill be to the advantage of the City to pass a resolu-
tion accepting.these plans and specifications as well as the
estimate so that the requirements of the 1.911 Act may proceed
properly and promptly. CITY ENGINEER 1YARWICK stated he had a let-
ter from Ifir. Phelps which stated that the frontage costs would be
19.41 per lineal. foot. This would include all of the work and
construction of the intersections. If twenty percent of this cost
was spread into the areas not fronting on the street the cost of
the work fronting on the street would be arrroxirmately ` 7.53 _:per
running foot on the 1953 assessment basis. This would make a
cost for a 60 foot lot of about $4.50.00. COUNCILWOMAN JENSEN ask-
ed whether or not it would be possible to get some Federal funds
for I8th Street improvement, ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated if a mun-
icimality gets Federal funds it has to be in lieu of taxes and that
he-':nows of no pray of getting compensation for this project. MAYOR
5:,'_'T requested the communications be filed.
REHOT FROM POLICE DEPARTMENT regarding off sale beer and wine
license at 2618 National Avenue, was read. ATTORNEY CAIPBEL_.
stated a protest was filed on this amp lication, so no action can
JUAN CAFE was presented. The report from the Police Department
was favorable. MAYOR SARN requested the application be filed.
McKinley Ave., was Presented. MAYOR SARN ordered the application
NOTICE FROM ARMY ^NGINEERS was presented, regarding permit to con-
struct breakwater in San Diego Bay, and ordered filed.
read, requesting budget apportionment. MAYOR SARN referred this
to the City Manager for consideration in the next budget.
THE FOLLOWIIQG COMMUNICATIONS were presented recommending the dedi-
cation of three nark areas: THE NORTH EAST CIVIC GROUP; PARENT
quoting a letter from Joseph Prendergast, Executive Director of
• the National Recreation Assn. that the City is approximately 385
adequate for Park areas. DALTON J. BAER, 531 Rachael Avenue,
was present, and stated that the Coordinating Council cent on re-
cord as unanimously approving the Planning Commission's recommenda-
tion to the Council on the allocation of parks. The dedication of
parks does not mean that the City is going to have to put out any
immediate funds towards develoninthem. A number of clubs and
organizations have indicated their desire to help develop the parks.
He asked that the Council accept the recommendation of the Plan-
ning Commission. MAYOR SARN stated the Council just received the
minutes of the Planning Commission - this evening and he
would like to read them and give it some more thought. CECIL 1.
ALLEN, 1704 °D" Avenue, a member of the Planning Commission, was
present and stated the Commission was presented with two petitions
which had over 400 signatures on each one. COI°MUNICATION FROM THE
COORDINATING COUNCIL was read, stating they unanimously agreed to
support the recommendation and decision taessed on to the Council
from the Planning Commission on the allocation of parks. It is
their wish that the Council allocate areas far parks as soon as
Possible whereby clubs and organizations will be able to nut forth
some time and effort in order to develop the narks. CECIL F. ALLEN
stated there are a number of people present who feel that some
action should be taken tonight instead of passing it on to the new
Council. Ile stated he too would. like to see action taken. COUNCIL -.
MAN PA?CHEN stated this had been referred to the Planning Commission
for one basic purpose and that was not to dedicate parks where
major streets are going through, and asked if it was the opinion of
the Commission that this location would not take a major street.
If it is dedicated for parks you cannot nut in a major street. Mom.
ALLEN stated the Planning Commission did take it into consideration.
COUNCILMAN MOESER stated he believed that we should have na±s but
that some of the acreage is Probably in excess of what is needed as
it takes a lot of money to maintain parks. MR. ALLEN stated if ell
three parks were dedicated there would be 90 acres, approximately
30 acres in each of the three sites. COUNCILiAN CAMPB LL stated
his whole objection to the means of dedication of this area,El
Toyon site, is that we are faced with avery bad situation, that is
in regard to the pro^,osed highway. National City will never be able
'Jo afford five or six million dollars it will take to nut the high-
way through. He would go along with the idea of the Palm Valley
site for a park. Mr. Campbell said he would not wish to have that
property sold unless a percentage of it was dedicated for par'_ and
recreation Purposes. COUNCILMAN MOESER stated he recommended, and
it is now in the hands of the City Engineer, that a survey be made
as to the feasibility of selling this ground and setting aside a
park area. MR. ALLEN stated San Diego is planning Euclid Avenue
as their north and south highway. This park situation has nothing
to do with the highways, and he sees no reason why some action
cannot be taken on this tonight. I'LRS. COOPER, 2301 ILu Avenue,
was present and stated she and a number of dithers have worked
very hard on this, and would like to see the Council do something.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated he believes it is the intention of all
parties to have the dedication of a hark and thereby prohibit the
selling of land by this Council or some future Council at least
without the vote of the people. If the Council dedicates some
of these areas and they do not develop it because of not suffi-
cient money to have a park the law provides that the legislative
body may abandon all or any portion of park and sell the land
comprising it if it finds that all or any portion has not been
used by the public for park purposes. DALTON J. BAKER said if the
people are interested in dedication they ,ril..l be interested in
development of parks; and that this Council could dedicate these
parks tonight. R2RS. GEORGE SWANSON was p resent and asked that the
Council make the dedications now. MAYOR SARN stated before the
Council can dedicate any park we must have the correct legal des-
cription regarding all properties involved. MRS. S''!ANSON asked
that the Council set up the legal work to get these parks dedica-
ted. Moved by Campbell, recommending the dedication provided we
can get a clearly defined master road plan with San Diego, with
the City Engineer and all the other agencies connected, so that
we can proteet ourselves in the advent of a freeway. ROY SMITH,
910 Nt'Ave., was present and stated that he was a member of the
Planning Commission and that they had acted on the recommendation
of the City Engineer and they have allowed space for two east -
west highways, Palm and Euclid. Mr. Smith said he would like to
see Kimball Park eliminated and use it for a Civic Center and sell
the area where the City Hall is located. MR. FINLEY,, 5 S. Kenton
St., was present in regard to park dedications. EVERETT E. STAMPER,
2324 'K" Ave., was present, and stated that if the Council cannot
decide on all the parks and just want to settle on one, that you
should let it rest and that he believes the next Council will act
on it. H. L. JENSEN, 4.1 E. 2nd Street, was present and stated at
the meeting last night in the Community Building he heard one
candidate for Council say he wanted to restore dignity to the
Council. The Council are not the ones that need the dignity re-
stored, it is the people. Motion seconded by Moeser. Councilman
Parchen asked that the motion be restated. Councilman Campbell
restated the notion: that the dedication be considered by the
Council with the stirul_ation that all reports are in from all
agencies clarifying the north -south freeway extension from Euclid
and its,inlet and outlet insofar as all agencies are concerned;
the Planning Commission, the Traffic Safety, San Diego Safety
Council, the State, National .City Council, and everyone concerned,
so we can get a clear picture on this situation before we make
any absolute dedication, and until these facts can be established
that the City be bound not to sell this property, or any portion.
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Moeser, approving the amendment to
the original motion. Carried, all members present voting aye.
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Moeser, that the original motion,
as amended be a a accented. Carried, by the following vote to -wit:
.yes: Campbell, Jensen, Mower, Parchen, Sarn. Nays: None.
COUNCILWOMAN JENSEN asked if it were not possible for the schools
to help out on the recreation. MAYOR SARN stated the school
uthorities ?•rere consulted last year and after some negotiations
we did get the use of the Ira Harbison School grounds, and asked
that the City Manager write a letter to the school_ authorities in
regard to the use of school grounds for summer recreation.
MAYOR SARN declared a recess at this time.
The meeting was called to order by -Mayor Sail:. Council members
present: Campbell, Jensen, Moeser, Parchen, Sarn. Council mem-
bers absent: None.
PETITION recommending denial of a zone variance for wrecking yard
at l3th and C1.evel=+nd Avenue was read. It is believed that the
granting of the variance would depreciate the value of the improv-
ed property in the area. ATTORNEY CA'.IPBELL stated the application
for conditional exception *rent before the Planning Commission and
it was their recommendation that it be denied. There is no
action that can be taken no!r. The petitioner has a right to file
a written appeal until April. lath .
read. The business was closed. ATTO-`i.NEY CAi_PBTLL stated it is
legally refundable. Moved by Parchen, seconded by Campbell,
that the refund. be made. Carried, by the following vote to -wit:
Ayes: Camrbell, Jensen, Moeser, Parchen, Sarn. Nays: None.
REQUEST OF i°RRS. HAROLD L. ?AGE for refund of overra.yment on pav-
ing on E. 3rd Street between "J" and Laurel, in they amount of
t5.28, was read. CITY ENGINEER trA?I.7ICK stated Mrs. Page de-
posited more than was required. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that
with the statement of Mr. Warwick it is refundable. Moved by
Loeser, seconded by Jensen, that the refund be made. Carried
by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Camnbell, Jensen, Moeser,
Parchen, Sarn. Nays: None.
CITY CTERK ALSTON stated that sometime ago the Council asked her
to write• to the State Employcest Retirement System in regard to
the amendment of our present contract, A -report from the System
shows that for the three year average it will cost the City an-
nroximately `;120.00 additional. The other item is the 4.00.00
death benefit. Mrs. Alston stated she also wrote inquiring about
the uniformed people retiring at the age of 50. They state that
annlication of this amendment would rer,uir e an actuarial- valuation
and increase.the firemen's member rate of contributions. They
state they have received several requests for information about
this section, but no city has yet requested an actuarial valuation
to determine the cost since, in most cases, the firemen decided
that they did not want to annly this section when they learned the
increase in their contribution rate. Mrs, Alston stated she had
the contract for the three year average and the 4.00.00 death
benefit. MAYOR SARN requested this be referred to the City
Attorney for checking the contract and his recommendation at the
next meeting.
CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE for Jack A. Hillier, Douglas J. Saunders
and the Silver Strand Masonry and Cement Contractors, were -re-
sented. CITY CLERK ALSTON ac,.ed that they be annroved by the
City Attorneys. ATTORNEY CAI'?BELL annroved them as to farm, lov-
ed by Campbell, seconded by Parchen, that the Certificates be ac-
centecl.. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Campbell,
Jensen, Moeser, Parchen, Sarn. Nays: None.
,t 137 w. 8th Street, Was presented. Moved by Moeser, seconded by
Jensen, this be referred to the Police Dent, for a report, and if
the reno_t is not favorable that a protest be filed. Carried, all
the Council. »resent voting aye.
COMMUNICATION FROII T. M. HEGGLAND, Chief Administrative Officer
of the County. of San Diego regarding smog control, was read. It
is requested that an official represnetative of the City be named
to attend a conference with the Board of Supervisors on Thursday,
Anri1 15, 1954, at 2 p.m., in the Board of Supervisors Chambers,
at which time the San Diego County Smog Committeess report will
be discussed and the various problems attendant to est^.blishment
of an air pollution control program would be thoroughly consider-
ed. HAYOR SARN appointed Councilwoman Jensen to attend the Smog
Control meeting.
RE?ORT FROM CITY ENGINEER WARWICK regarding petition by prone:= ty
owners on 7th Street between "N" Avenue and Palm Avenue, was read.
The signatures on the petition cover 86.9% of the property owners
and it is recommended that the City Council by resolution grant
the petition and direct the City Engineer to furnish a descript-
ion of the district., CITY MANAGER GAUTEREAUX anoroved the report
with the recommendation that _a tentative estimate of cost be sub-
mitted to the ManagerIs•office and to the petition signers. HAYOR
SARN referred the petition and report to the City Attornny-for
preparation of the necessary resolution.
was read requesting that the Council relinquish the charge for the
use of the Community Building Annex by the Coordinating Council to
give each potential candidate for City'Councilman an opportunity to
sneak to the general. public on April 5, 1954. Moved by•Sarn, se-
conded by Parchen, that the charges be waived. Carried,•by the
following vote to -wit: Ayes: Crelrr bell, Moeser, Parchen, Sam.
Nays: Jensen.
COMiiUNICATION FROI-I DALTON J. BAKER was read, asking that consid-
eration be given to the extension of a sewer line from "M" Ave-
nue extending East approximately 125 feet of "N" Avenue, as there
is a potential of po-ssTbry five or more hookups, one immediately
as an F,H.A., loan has already been a�?nrovei and will start con-
structionas soon as approval is granted. The loan is for Mr.
-nd Mrs. Herbert Kates which will be at the end of the line. CITY
ENGINEER WARWICK stated he has been approached by several people
on the proposal of nutting sewers in the vicinity of 14th and 16th
Streets a.nd between Palm and "M" Avenues and each time it h<`s come
un he has shown people that we need certain dedications. There
is a half dedication on 14th Street on the north from about "N"
to Palm and a. half dedication on the south side from "N" to "i'i"
which makes it impossible to carry a sewer through there because
we could not keep it on our own nronerty. Mr. ?Marwick said he
would also 1_i'-e to see "N" Ave. opened up, In trying to figure
the cost, due to the fact that the schoolis in that area it is
going to cut out quite a few potential connections and has gone
somewhat beyond the 1170.00 connection fee that we charge. MR.
BAKER st^ted he will offer his services to help get the dedica-
tions needed. CITY TNGINEER ,TARt•TICK stated he has figured that
the sewer on 14th Street would cost armroximately "�2,600.00 and
the one on 16th Street would cost approximately 34,400.00.
Figuring on 170.00 a connection it would leave the City short a-
bout $1,274.00 on 14th Street and about )1,360.00 on 16th Street
in meeting the cost of the project. HR. BAKER saidhe would like
approval on the extension from "M" Avenue at least un to Hr.
Kates property so they can go ahead with construction. After
considerable discussion, it was moved by Jensen, seconded by
'archon, that the apr lication be denied. Carried, all members
present voting aye.
The building is to be moved from 909 E. 4th Street and is to be
moved to portions of Lots 68 and 69, Block 5 of Paradena Park.
i!.-^-AYOR SARN stated the house is in good condition and will be mov-
ed to the corner of 1st and Laurel. kenlication was a --proved by
Building Inspector Bird. Moved by Campbell, seconded by Parchen,
that the application be approved with 500.00 bond to be Hosted
and 90 day time limit. Carried, all members present voting rye.
ATTORNEY CAIJIPBELL stated at the last regular meeting Mr. Laing
had a tentative man which was presented and there were differences
of opinion, and he consented to the continuance to this date.
There are still some problems to be ?,corked out. MR LAING stated
he consented to the continuance until April 20th,
the possibility of their firm submitting a fee proposal in con-
nection with the annual audit of the City of National City. They
request that their firm be considered when contracts are let for
the coming fiscal period. MAYOR SA^RN referred the communication
to City Manager Gautereaux for the proper answer.
Transit Company's application to the State Commission for the dis-
continuance of service 'to an area partly in National City and
Lincoln, Acres, known as the W Route. Mr. Whelan, traffic manager
for the company, was contacted and he said that in rill probabil-
ity it will' be around three months before application will be
made to the State Commission for the discontinuance of certain
portions of the IT Route. He also stated he would keep the Man-
agers office informed of any contemplated changes in this area
and will deliver to the City a full set of detailed information
concerning thecontemplated application at time of Presenting
same, and is willing to meet and discuss problems at any time.
COUNCILMAN MOESER stated he thought we should demand more service
in this area rather than discontinuance of service. We should
make demands comparable to what other areas are getting. Moved
by Moeser, seconded by Jensen, that we go further to see that we
get some action. Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
received prices for the moving of books and furnishings from the
present library to the new library. The prices from all five
companies submitting are very much the same as they are submit-
ted based on the minimum Public Utilities Commission Tariff Act.
It is the Managers recommendation that the job be let to the
National City Transfer and Storage Company.
stating that transportation charge shall be based on the minimum
Public Utilities Commission Tariff of '38.60 per hour, for the
Van and two men, and the packing and unpacking at the minimum
P.U.C. Tariff on labor of 13.40 per man per hour. Moved by
Campbell, seconded by Moeser, that the recommendation of the
City Manager be accepted. Carried, all members present voting
sewage mumps at 6th Street pump station. It was recommended that
the Manager be authorized to purchase two 6" x 6" type N.C.P.
Pacific Standard fitted vertical dry nit non clog sewage pumps
complete with case iron impeller capable of passing 4 inch solids,
Rump stand and section elbow with cleanout, for the price of
1557.75 each, plus tax. Also permission to immediately start with
the installation of these pumps and the electrical construction
necessary for placing of the power units and Humps into action.
The manner for defraying costs in the later two items will be
done through contact of labor capable of doing the work with the
City purchasing the necessary material at our lower costs. Moved
by Moeser, seconded:by Sarn, that we purchase the two pumps, as
requested. Carried, all the Council voting aye.-
mission to proceed with plans and specifications on the grading,
drainage a.nd travelway construction of Tidelands Avenue betwe^n
13th and 19th Street. Also when these are completed to contact
property owners abutting this street on the East side, also per-
mission to negotiate with the State Highway Engineering Dept.
with respect to the possibility of using gas tax money on this
construction. Moved by Parchen, seconded by Campbell, that the
Mana.gerts request be granted. Carried, all members present vot-
ing aye.
from three different companies for street signs. It is the Man-
agerts recommendation we purchase 117 signs from the U. S. Porce-
lain Enamel Company at ?12.50 each F.O.B. National City. Also
recommend the purchase of 1,239 lineal feet of 2 inch galvanized'
pine from the Ilestern Metal Supply Company at $37.66 per hundred,
1 ii a g ,
:, �`` Tat?-*1—cost of project 2,V4°"" Moved
by Parchen, seconded by Moeser, that the signs be purchases. Car-
ried, all the Council present voting aye. u=.� ---��j -_r �._ _.n L
that the bid of Hercules Oil Company for the purchase of gasoline
be accepted.
RESOLUTION NO. 6149 was read, accenting the bid of Hercules Oii
Comnany'for the purchase of gasoline. B. J. Gautereaux, City
:'-tanager, is hereby authorized and directed to purchase said
items as needed, for and upon behalf of the City. Moved by Camp-
bell, seconded by Parchen, that the Resolution be adopted. Car-
ried, all the Council present voting aye.
RESOLUTION N0, 6150 was read, granting a special zone variance
permit to Glen A, Hartwell for the purpose of eliminating off
street narking requirements on nro73erty located at 245 National
Avenue, Moved by Campbell, seconded by Jensen, that the Resolu-
tion be adopted. Carried, all the Council present voting aye.
General Fund 0_5,934.96
Traffic Safety 1,003.99
Park M & I Fund 115.61
Retirement Fund 1.,684.30
Harbor Fund 1.25
Payroll Fund 37,410.0
TOTAL 5•,170.1
Hoved'by Parchen, seconded by Campbell, that the bills be al-
lowed, and warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, by the
following vote to -wit: Ayes: Campbell, Jensen, Moeser, Parchen,
Sarn, Nays: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 6151 was read, authorizing the following etcnend-
Itures for capital assets be paid from the Capital Outlay Fund:
(. A. Larsen Construction Company, I34,740,45 Library; San Diego
Gas & Electric Company, 94.34, Library; W. B. Manufacturing Co.,
L1,8.84, Fire Station; total 34,885-63. Moved by Parchen, se-
conded by Campbell, that the Resolution be adopted.., Carried, all
the Council present voting aye.
permission to advertise for the hauling and disposition of gar-
bage within the City of National City. Moved by Parchen, second-
ed by Campbell_, that the request be granted. Carried, all the
Council Present voting aye.
mission for Clifford Bailey, Assistant Director of Civil Defense
a.ndhimself to attend a special conference and meeting in Los
Angeles on April_ 9th. Moved by Campbell, seconded by Sarn, that
the request be granted. Carried, ail the Council Present voting
CCUNCIMO IAN JENSEN stated it had been brought to her attention
that there are some residences on 30th Street in the County that
are connected with the City's sewer system, and asked homer much
they are paying, if they are paying, and who they are paying.
CITY CLERK ALSTON stated we have 13 altogether, not just on 30th
Street who are Haying on sewer connections. MRS. JENSEN stated
it is her understanding that the men who clean out the cesspools
are opening up manhole covers and dumping the residue from their
tanks into the manholes, and in addition are dumping a lot of
sand. CITY MANAGER GAUTFREA_UX statedin his opinion this should
not be going on and that he is going to investigate other cities,
especially San Diego to see hoer they handle such a situation. Mr.
Gautereaux stated he will bring further information and recommenda-
tion to the Council.
Moved by Jensen, seconded by Ca,mrbelj, that the meeting.be adjourn-
ed until April 14, 1954, at 7: 30 P.M. o'clock. Carried, all the
Council nresent voting aye.