HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954 02-02 CC ADJ MIN180
National City, California, February 2, 1954
Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Vice
Mayor Parchen at 7:30 P.1"I. o'clock. Councilmen present: Cann -
bell, Moeser, Parchen, Councilmen absent: Carrigan, Sarn.
Moved by Moeser, seconded by Campbell, that the reading of the
minutes ofthe regular meeting of January 19, 1954, and the ad-
journed meeting of January 26, 1954,be disrensed with. Car-
ried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Camrbell, Gautereaux,
VERNON FOGARTY, 3501 E. 8th Street, was present, in regard to
giving an easement so that he will be able to connect to the
serer. VICE MAYOR PARCHEN asked that this be laid over until
the City Engineer is here, which will be later in the meeting.
REV. HEPJ AN T. PETERSEN, 1410 E. 17th Street, was present and
stated about.a year ago the First Orthodox Presbyterian Church
requested permission to move a building into National City,
which was granted. A bond was put un which will expire Feb-
ruary 11, 1954, and requested an extension of the bond. The
building has not been moved as yet, but there is a possibility
of it being moved in the very near future. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL
stated the City Would have the right to extend the time for
performance of this moving job, and can be extended, for any
period of time they wish from the first expiration date, and
also require that a bond be reissured to cover the extended
time. Moved by Campbell, seconded by Moeser, that permission
to move the building be extended for one year from February 11,
1954, and that a similar type bond as is -now filed be filed
for that period. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated there has been no report regarding
the food handling ordinance so it can be laid over, Moved by
Moeser, seconded by Campbell, that the second reading of the
ordinance be laid over until the-meetingthe-meetIng of February 16, 1954.
Carried, all Councilmen :resent voting aye.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL requested that the matter of the culvert
at 12th and Highland Avenue be held over until the arrival of
the City Engineer.
by Avalon Club, was presented. Moved by Ca.mnbell,' seconded
by Moeser, that the application be filed. Carried, all Council-
men present voting &ye.
COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN read a communication which stated that the
Attorney General's Office has advised certain individuals that
it is their opinion that his appointment to the City Council
was not proper, and in view of this opinion and various fac-
tors he is resigning as Councilman, effective upon delivery
of this communication to the City Clerk. COUNCILMAN CARRIGA`I
delivered the resignation to'City Clerk Alston. 'Moved by
Campbell, seconded by Moeser, that the resignation be accept-
ed. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ATTORNEY
CAMPBELL stated at the time the appointment of lir. Carrigan
was made he was asked whether it was legal or illegal, and he
expressed an opinion that at that time that he believed it
was not illegal. Insofar as the Attorney General's opinion is
concerned, it is not conclusive authority, it is not binding
upon the court, but it is a difference of opinion. Since the
time of the appointment he has prepared a finding on it and
later had a cony sent down from the League of California Cities,
they had the same opinion, that it was not illegal. ATTORNEY
CAMPBELL stated that any action that was done by the Council
was done upon his recommendation that it was legal.
MRS. MARTHA SMITH, 910 ItN" Avenue, was present, and read Sec-
tion 36512 from the Government Code which is in regard to fil-
ling vacancies and asked if this is still'in effect. ATTORNEY
CAMPBELL stated it was. VICE I"AYOR PARCHEN asked if any of the
Councilmen had anyone in mind. to fill the. vacancy on the Council.
COUNCILMAINT CAMPBELL stated he thought any recommendations to
fill the vacancy created. by Mr. Carrigan should be held over
until the next meeting. COUNCILMAN I"OESER stated he thought
this should be given consideration. VICE MAYOR PARCHEN stated
he thought it would be well to wait until Mayor Sarn is present
to make an appointment.
1118 National Ave. was read. The Premises are not licensed.
VICE MAYOR PARCHEN requested this be referred to the City
Attorney and Police Dept.; and if there is any reason found by
the Police Dept, that the application be protested, that the
City Attorney so do.
RE3IGNATION OF CHARLE; E. ANDERSON from the Planning Commission,
was read, and is to take effect immediately. It was received
ed this be laid over until the next meeting.
read, in regard to the installation of a filter plant. They
have retained the firm of Headman, Ferguson & Carollo and ex-
pect n resort from them about the lst of April, at which time
they would like to discuss with the Council the advisability
of proceeding with construction of the filter plant and means
of providing the necessary income to make the project feasible.
The communication was ordered filed.
APPLICATION TO _'MOVE A BUILDING by L. J. Pittser, was read.
The building is to be moved from 239 Highland Avenue to 330
Highland Avenue for use as a garage. The application was ap
proved by Building Inspector Bird. L. J. Pittser was present,
and stated the garage will be located to face on 4th Street.
Moved by Moeser, seconded by Campbell, that the application
be approved. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.,.
VICE MAYOR PARCHEN called for the hearing on the closing of a
portion of Wilson Avenue and a portion of 12th Street. There
no one present objecting to the closing, and the hearing
was continued until February 16, 1954, at 8:00 P.M. o'clock.
lands lease, was presented, and City Clerk Alston asked the
City Attorney to approve it. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL approved it
as to form, Loved by Campbell, seconded by Moeser, that the
certificate of insurance be accepted. Carried, all Council-
men present voting aye.
RESIGNATION OF JAi"1ES A. Br:L NAPP from the Civil Service
Commission, was read, stating that due to the long hours
which his business requires he is unable to serve as a item-
Moved by Campbell, seconded
lowed, and warrants ordered
lowing vote to -grit: Ayes:
ber of the Commission. Moved by Campbell, seconded by 'Loeser,
that the resignation be accepted. Carried, all Councilmen
present voting aye. •
was read, stating they are going to join other Legion Posts
in getting merchants and home ownePs to fly flags on all holi-
days. They would like permission to put holes in the curbs in
front of merchants stores for these flags, and would like to
know if the City will rut in the holes, or if the Post would
have to see that it is done. Moved by Campbell, seconded by
Moeser, this be referred to City Manager Gauterea.ux for addition-
al information. Carried, all Councilmen present voting eye.
ing permission to construct a monkey cage in Kimball Park,
Said project to be constructed by the Club under the direct-
ion and supervision of such person or '- rsons as may be de-
signated by the City Council and/or City Manager. Upon com-
pletion it will be presented to the City of National City.
mended that this cage be accepted as a gift and that it be
located within the recreational area known as Tot Lot. :loved
by iloesr, seconded by Campbell, that permission be granted.
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
ed, in regard to funds derived from oil leases on tidelands.
CITY CLERK ALSTON stated the League of California Cities have
notified her that they have investigated this matter and et
the rresent time they are not recommending any action until
it is investigated further. Moved by Moeser, seconded by
Campbell, that it be tabled for the present time. Carried,
all Councilmen present voting aye.
VERNON FOGARTY stated he wished to get remission to connect
to the sewer. CITY ENGINEER ?TAR?PICK stated he would like to
have this referred to him if the Council will give him per-
mission to go ahead and make the connection. He would like
to make a check to make sure that it is high enough to be kept
out of the flood waters. Moved by Campbell, seconded by
Moeser, this be referred to the City Engineer. Carried, all
Councilmen present voting aye.
GenerAl Fund "15,652.75
Traffic Safety Fund 537447
Park Fund 14.58
Harbor .Fund 35,54
Trust & Agency Fund 102.30
TOTAL 16,342.84
by Moeser, that the bills be al -
for same; Carried, by the fol-
Campbell, Moeser, Parchen, Nays:
COMMUNICATION FROM 3. 0. :icCORMACK was read, stating that en-
closed are prints of boundary map of Qurter Section 103,
Rancho de la Nacion, in the county of San Diego which he re-
quests be annexed to the City of National City. Also that
twenty lots, or anrroximately 625 feet south of 8th Stre-t be
classified as R-2 zoning. CITY ENGINEER ?TAR?TICK stated that
the Planning Commission recommended this rrorerty be annexed.
ATTORNTY CA::PBTLL stated the next sten would be to refer it to
the Boundary Commission. VICE i°:AYOT PARCHEN requested this be
referred to the City Managerts Office to be forwarded to the
Boundary Commission for their recommendation.
ing Civil Defense equipment c6sts and needs. To date the
siren installation is completed up to the point that the
sirens are in place and ready for connection to rower. For
this item we have financing to cover. For other items that
are necessary to procure, it is requested that a loan and
transfer be made to Disaster Council Account #505-C-1 in the
amount of 710,100. to be repaid as matching funds are re-
ceived, Moved by Campbell, seconded by Moeser, that the sum
of ci10,100. be transferred from the Unappropriated Fund, as'
a loan, to the Disaster Council Account #505- O--1, Carried,
all Councilmen present voting aye.
gard to'furnishings and equipment for the new Fire Station
kitchen, four estimates of price were submitted. It was the
Managerts recommendation these furnishings and,equipment be
purchased from National Furniture Company, 421 National Ave.,
for the total sum of 7581.95. Moved by Moeser, seconded by
Campbell, that the purchases be allowed. Carried, all Council-
men present voting aye.
was read, thanking the Council for the street light at the
corner of Arcadia and Seventh Streets. She is very concern-
ed about the changing of Arcadia Place to Arcadia Avenue and
would like to have it changed back to Arcadia Place. CITY
ENGINEER ',IARTIICY stated that Delta Street on the northern
boundary is known as Fisher Street in National City and Delta
Street in San Diego and it causes quite a lot of confusion,
and perhaps something can be done about straightening this
'out. VICE MAYOR PARCHEN requested these referred to the Plan-
ning Commission, for their recommendation.
COM-iUNICATIO:T FROM CECI L 3ROCH; President of the National City
Employee^ Federal Credit Union, was read., requesting Permission
to use the payroll deduction plan. Roved by Campbell, second-
ed by 4oeser, that the City Clerk be authorized to make the
deductions. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
was read, stating that at a special meeting held on January 26,
1954, the Boundary Commission approved the boundaries of tide-
lands and portion of San Diego Bay proposed to be annexed to
the City of National City, as described in the boundary des-
cription originally submitted by B. J. Gautereaux, City Manager.
ATTORNEY CAIPBELL stated no action should be taken at this time.
VICE MAYOR PARCHEN requested this be referred to the City Attorney
and City Engineer.
call of MAU_RICE CARRIGAN, CITY COUNCILMAN, were filed with
no action is taken by the City Council,
CITY CLERK ALSTON stated she had a bill from OtMelveny & Myers,
irhich dates back to our -revenue bond ele ction, in the ^mount
of S34.26 which they say constitutes telephone calls, and ask-
ed what action the Council wished to take. VICE MAYOR PARCHEN
requested this be referred to the City Attorney.
CITY ENGINEER ?TART'ICK ateted in ragart to the culvert At 12th
and Highland, according to their own figuring it has been found
to be quite adequate.
CITY MANAGER GOTEREAUX reporter that within the east week all
the warning sirens have been placed and will soon be ready for
CITY IANAGER GAUTEREAUX reported he was informed by the Gas &
Electric Company that the installation of the street light at
North Kenton Drive and Division Street would b e completed
January 27th.
CITY MANAGER GAUTEREAUK stated in regard to the meeting of the
Boundary Commission held January 27th relative to the proposed
annexation of San Diego Bay tidelands, it was agreed to hold
another conference on Thursday, Febru^.ry Lth at 9:00 A.M. in
the Board of Supervisorst Chambers, each City to be represent-
ed by City attorney, City Manager, and at least two Council-
men. It Was requested that each City present a map showing the
boundaries of its proposed annexations, and also the proposed
compromised line, if possible. The City of National City has
a man that was declared at the meeting to be lone desirable
for use by all the political agencies involved, Mr. Gautereaux
said he could see no reason why National City should not be
represented at this meeting, declaring themselves to accept
nothing but the boundaries as have been established heretofore
and are now on the map. ATTORNEY CAMP ELL stated it should be
understood that this is not a formal meeting, but in effect a
committee reporting for the Council.
RE0LUTION'NO. 6115 was read, accepting a deed of partial re-
conveya.nce, dated January 8, 1954, made by the Corporation of
America, trustee. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and
directed to receive on behalf of the City said deed and record
same. Moved by Campbell, seconded by Moeser, that the Resolu-
tion be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 6116 was read, denying the claim of Doris
Sullivan ' in the sum of 330.00. Moved by Moeser, seconded by
Campbell, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Council-
men present voting aye.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated at the lest meeting an application for
s beverfige license by the E1bo Rest v.s referred to him for
protesting if there were any legal reasons to protest. There
was none, so no protest was filed.
ORDINANCE NO. , an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 757 was
Presented for the first reading. Moved by Campbell, seconded
by Moeser, that only the heading be ready Carried, by the fol-
lowing vote to -wit: Ayes' Campbell, Moeser, Parchen. Nays:
ING SECTIONS 2, 3 and 4 THEREOF." Hovad by i oeser, seconded by
Campbell, that the ordinance be laid over until the next meet-
ing for the second end final reading. Carried, by the follow-
ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Campbell, Moeser, Parchen. Nays: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 6117 was read, accepting the petition contained
in Document No. 18036 for the construction of concrete side-
walks and concrete gutters on Clairmont Street from Norfolk to
Division. The City Engineer is hereby directed to furnish the
Council with a descrition of the assessment district and a
nlat shooing the exterior boundaries or lands in said district
to be affected and benefited and to be assessed to nay the
costs, damages and expenses of the grading and paving of side-
walks on said streets. Moved by Campbell, seconded by Moeser,
that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen rresent
voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 6118 was read, accepting the petition contained
in Document No. 19550 for grading and Paving and construction
of curbs on "L" Avenue between 1th and 5th. The City Engineer
is hereby directed to furnish the Council with a description
of the assessment district and a plat showing the exterior
boundaries or lands in said district to be affected and bene-
fited and to be assessed to pay the costs, damages and expens-
es of the paving and constructions of the curbs. Moved by
Moeser, seconded by Campbell, that the Resolution be adopted.
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
RESOLUTIOIT NO. 6119 was read, accenting the petition contained
in Document 19077 for the grading, Paving and construction of
sidewalks on "" Ave. between 18th Street and 2Lth Street.
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Moeser, that the Resolution be
adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
RE?ORT F7OI4 THE PLANNING CO THISSION regarding application for
conditional exception No. 476'signed by Elmer Eugene end Marie
Griggs and Martha Gauze Weiss, relative to the installation of
a pitch and putt golf course at 14.36 and 1440 E. 8th Street,
was read. It was the recommendation of the Planning Commission
that the conditional exception be granted and that the pet-
itioners be allowed to build fifty feet of twelve foot wire
mesh fence joining the nursery. Moved by Campbell, seconded
by Moeser, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission
be accented. Carried, all Councilmen rresent voting aye.
ATTO'NEY CAii?B-TLL stated that the question of whether they
could sell any beverages or other products night be raised.
E. E. GRIGGS, 14.4.0 E. 8th Street, was rresent and stated it is
customary in a concession of that sort_to have golf balls,
cigarettes, soft drinks and incidentials of that sort.
RESOLUTION NO. 6120 was read, granting a special bone variance
permit to Elmer Eugene ould,listrie Gr r
ga: nd Martha Gluxze 1'rei s
for the Purpose of constructing, installing and operating
pitch and Hutt golf course, together with the sale of ordinary
and incidential items thereto, and together with the right to
erect fifty feet of twelve foot wire mesh fence, on the Present
nursery site, on nro'^erty described in the resolution, also
known as 14.36 and 1440 E. 8th Street, Said Permit is granted
upon the conditions and recommendations of the Planning Com-
mission and upon the eemress cond''tion that a minimum space
for the narking of ten automobiles be provided. Moved by
Campbell, seconded by Moeser, that the Resolution be adopted.
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
"E"0RT FROI'i THE PLANNING C0Ii ISSION was read, regarding a
grant deed signed by Albert and Sarah E. Scheel, relative
to the granting to the City for street purposes the southerly
30 font strip.. Mr. Scheel was rresent at the Planning Com-
mission and explained that the South half of 22nd Street bet-
ween Newell and Grove has been deeded to the City and that he
would like to deed his half of the North side so he could e.et
grades established in front of his property. It was the re-
commendation of the Planning Commission that the request to
dedicate a portion of the North half of 22nd Street between
Nat,Tall Avenue and Grove Avenue be accent-ed. Moved by Moeser,
seconded by Campbell, that it be referred to the City Attorney
for the preparation of a resolution to be presented at the
next meeting. Carried., all Councilman present voting aye.
REPORT FROM THE "LANNIIJG CO -MIS >ION was read, regarding the
request of J. 0, McCormack relative to the annexation to the
City of National City of a portion of Quarter Section 103,
The Planning Commission recommended the annexation of a. por-
tion of r;uerter Section 103, to the City of National City,
with the zoning to be established as R-2 for the first 625 feet
South of 8th Street end the remaining area to be R-1 zone.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated this is the same request which 1ras
presented earlier in the meeting end was referred to the
Boundary Commission for recommendation.
REPORT FROM TME "LAI TIING COI ISSIOI? was read,regarding reg.a r'in� the
application from National Vista. Homes, Inc., relative to the
annexation to the City of National City all of the S NT: of
Lot 65, Horton°s Purchase of the Ex Mission Lands. The City
Engineer advised he had checked this property and was of the
opinion it could be connected to the City sewer. It was the
recommendation of the ?lanninr- Commission that the property be
annexed to the City, !coved by Iioeser, seconded by Campbell,
this be directed to the City Manageris Office for forwarding
to the Boundary Commission for recommendation. Carried, all
Councilmen present voting aye.
RETORT FROM THE 7LANNING COMMISSION was read, relative to the
communication received from the Chamber of Commerce, relative
to the creation of bus service for the population of the north-
east section of National City. They are interested in secur-
ing information relative to the noseibilities of cutting Sani-
tarium Avenue through to Division Street. City Engineer '.'!a.r-
lack advised this would reeuire considerable planning since to
establish a, bus route the street should be constructed of a
high type subgrade and adequate surfacing and should have a
concrete a'ron at each bus stop. It was the recommendation
of the Planning Commission that an extension South from Euclid
Avenue becoming Sanitarium Avenue is a possible street, but
the cost might be quite high end actual development of that
street would have to be held in abeyance until such time as
the Council determines the use of the City owned property in
that area. COUNCILMAN '_:O-SE7_ stated he was present at the con-
ference on this bus situ'-tion and there 're many people who are
very desirous of having bus service for this area, Many routes
were under discussion and at one time Division to Fourth Street
and Sanitarium was a suggested thought. Mr. :,looser stated he
has ta_lked'*,•rith many of the reeltors, members of the Planning
Commission, Taxpayers1 Association and other community organ-
izations and it seems the thought is that the City should dis-
pose of the 80 acres of ground in that area., and get it on the
tax rolls, and by so doing whoever would subdivide could pos-
sible rn ke arrangements for the cutting through of Sanitarium
Avenue which would be a. solution for bus service in that area.;
and he would entertain such action tlnt we loo'_z into the fea-
sibility of having this ground placed for sale and be placed
so ths.t the City can get revenue and thereby through proceed-
ings enable the residents in that area to get bus routing.
COUNCILMAN CAi?BE LL stated he mould be in favor of this pro-
posal, but before any decision is made that first of all
directive be issued to the Planning Commission to have a
joint meeting with the 7ark and Recreation Advisory Board in
reference to the placing of City park facilities and any other
such room as the recreational and park facilities may be need-
ed in all of the area, CITY :^NGINjER 1+WARwICK stated in regard
to the property being discussed, he would like to recommend to
to the Council that. before anything is done, he be allowed
to have his rights Of way through it before it is sold and
let the subdividers ol.td, it up to suit themselves in a w^y
that we cannot possib id
handle the potential traffic we feel
there will be. COL'IId `,fir ':OESER stated he did not feel that
the Council intends to go ahead but to give it consideration
as to the feasibility and it would of course be referred to
the proper departments for recommendations. VICE _LYOR
PAE.CHEN stated he thought we should all keen in mind having
the best type of home possible in this are
ATTORNEY CAW7BE.LL reported on the opinion of the :'ublic
Utilities Connission concerning grade crossings. The Corn -
mission has set uP certain forms for requests for allocation
if need can be shown, and suggested_ that this be turned over
to the City Manager and City Engineer to see *nether or not
there is any need or any t�rotection of our streets as to
grade crossings or railroad crossings, and. if so this would
be an opportunity to at least seek half the cost of that
Protection. VICE KAYO PARCHEN requested this be referred
to the City Manager and City Engineer for proper action,
ATTORNEY CAM7BELL stated that in regard to the contract on
our drainage Problem at 12th ,and Highland., we have just re-
ceived the proposed plans for the dr-•inege east of Highland.
CITY ENGIN ,'. M.�.R',rIC::: stated relation the . � st�, t d in r�l�..,,ion to tyre channel he
considers that the culvert at Highland and 12th would be ap-
nroved with the necessary changes to the utilities to meet
their own requirements. The channel across the property own-
ed by Mr. Trotochau would Peet with our approval. There is a
box culvert across Hart of the property which we consider
would be adequate. It has been suggested that we allot.* the
South Bay Plaza to install the three nines they will be
rather expensive, and the City be given an easement to build
the fourth one. The culvert under 12th and Highland will take
any storm that has ever been recorded in this area, it is more
than adequate. COUNCIL:IAP? ICTSER suggested we should give
attention to the furtherance and consideration of a public
works nro.ject and that we do proceed so that we can work with
the flood control problems and our Engineering Dent. for the
furtherance of a drainage situation by public works, with
Federal assistance. VICE ILAYOR PABCHEN asked if the nines
proposed by Mayfair fit into an overall drainage program.
CITY ENGINEER WA WICK stated under the offer suggested by Mr.
Wilson that the culvert could be so built that an extra nine
would take- care of rather a reasonable storm, GUY C. ?1ILSCN,
resident of National Center, Inc., was present and stated he
did not think that the Council would feel, or that I r. Warwick
wants to incur that the answer to a. hundred percent in the
whole line of that drain is the responsibility of the ownera
of the property in question. COUNCIL"IAN CAMPBELL stated if
Mayfair is Twilling to Put in more than adequate provisions
for drainage, and as,long as they are trilling to grant an ease-
ment in the event of future deluge, it is his belie" that they
are doing their part, in nutting in the provisions for three
60 inch nines. COUNCIL:AN i OFSE^ asked Mr. ':Filson if the
City should agree to put in this fourth barrel if his organiza-
-'tion would agree to compromise with the City on a fifty-fifty
basis. Mr, ?Filson said they would. Moved by ifoeser, that
the City rut in the fourth barrel and compromise on a fifty-
fifty basis with Mr. ''ilson's organization to Pay that hart
of the fourth barrel. Motion died for want of a second. E. H.
ALSDO?F, 2105 HJu Avenue, was present and stated that the only
wry he could see that the City would be protected in regard to
the drainage would be to build a canal under 8th Street and
nnethel= one nne.er the nro7) sed Idth Street,
CITY ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that the Council would be
unable to act on the balance of the Planning Commission
report of January 25, 1954, as the term of Fred Peterman
has expired. Mr. Campbell stated that he had spoken to
Mrs. Stockman in this regard and she is to bring it up at
her next meeting.
COUNCILMAN MOESER asked the City Attorney if members of the
Planning Commission whose terms have expired serve until new
appointments ale made. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated they do not.
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Parchen, that the meeting be
adjourned until February 5, 1954, at 5:30 P.M. Carried, all
Councilmen present voting aye.
�oc UAL ci�ETY