HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952 08-26 CC MIN65 National City, California, August 26, 1952 Adjourned meeting of August 19, 1952, of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Carrigan at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Hart, McClure, Sarn, Carrigan, Council- men absent: Ingalls. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Campboll, Rhodes, Gautereaux. PETITI01 NO. 418 from the Planning Commission signed by Ruth J. Sturgess, 2505 3N7' Avenue, was presented. It is to convert the building at 2501 ,,Nu Avonue into a two apartment building, which is now in an R-1 zono. Movod by Hart, sccondod by Sarn, this be held over until the next meeting, in order to chock with the Building Inspector. MRS. STURGESS was present and stated that she has had the plumbing and electric wiring brought up to code. Motion carried, all Councilmen present voting ayo. PETITION NO. 419 of tho Paradise Valley Sanitarium and Hospital for a renewal of their variance for trailors, was prosontod. Tho provious variance was for four trailors and thoy aro re- questing this bo incroasod to allow six trailers. COUNCILMAN HART stated he thought there should be a time limit sot, not grant a varianco for an indofinito time. MAYOR CARRIGAN re- qucstod Attorney Campboll to proparo a resolution to prosont at the next mooting. COMMUNICATION FROM THOMAS H, COSBY Jr. POST #4630 was prosonted, requesting use of tho Park to sponsor Craft Shows. CITY MANAGER RHODES stetod tho Show would furnish their own power and post a bond to clean up the promises, and they would nay tho license foes, but tho charge waived for the use of tho grounds. Movod by Hart, socondod by McCluro, this bo hold over until tho noxt mooting to chock with Chief of Police Smith. Carriod, all Councilmen present voting ayo. APPLICATION BY DAN J. CORLISS to move a building, was road. Tho building is to bo movod from 640 Highland Avo. to 1840 E. 12th St. The application was approved by Bldg. Inspoctor Bird. MR. CORLISS was prosont and stated the buildinE; is to bo usod only as a storohouso. Moved by Hart, socondod by Sarn, that tho request be grantod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. APPLICATION BY SOUTH BAY AMUSEMENT CENTER, 999 National Ave., for on sale boor liconso was road. The promisos aro now liconsod. MAYOR CARRIGAN ordorcd tho application filod. COMMUNICATION FROM CALIFORNIA NATIONAL GUARD DESERVE was read, requesting the use of tho Community Hall, Novombor 1st from 8:45 P.M. to Midnight. Movod by McCluro, seconded by Hart, this be referred to the City Manager, and that the usual charges prevail. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY OF SAN FERNANDO was road, regarding the stockpile of medical supply warehouse in Southorn California to be closod down bocauso of lack of funds. The warohouso located at Tustin, Orange County, is being ordered moved to San Joso. Tho San Fernando City Council adoptod a resolution urging the retention of tho warehouse and suggested that each city and county in Southorn California area go on record with a similar 8/26 66 rosolution to be sont to tho President, the California Senators and So. Calif. Roprosontativos in Congross. MAYOR CARRIGAN ordered tho communication filed, COMMUNICATION FROM CITY MANAGER RHODES regarding tho application of E. J. Uzumoeki to move a building, was road. Tho house is only to be movod about 50 foot and thorn will bo a now found- ation, and sowor connoction. It is rocommondcd that tho pot- ition bo grantod. Movod by Hart, socondod by Sarn, that the potition bo grantod, upon condition that it conform to tho Bldg. Code. Carried, all Councilmon present voting ayo. REPORT FROM POLICE DEPARTMENT regarding the application by Al & Alice's Cafe, 2240 National Ave., for on sale beer license, was read. There is no record of any license revocations or any sale of liquor in violation. MAYOR CARRIGAN ordered the report filed. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY MANAGER RHODES in regard to Resolution No. 5755, was read. The Traffic Committee together with the Manager recommended that two hour parking be established on °Au between 6th and 7th; on 7th between 77Af2 and sir, and on „B" between 7th and 9th. It is requested that Resolution No. 5755 be rescinded and a resolution prepared in accordance with the above recommendation. MAYOR CARRIGAN requested this be referred to Attorney Campbell to prepare tho necessary resol- ution. COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY MANAGER RHODES were road, in regard to bids. He recommended that the following bids be accepted: Western Metal Supply Company for House Transit° Pipe and Fittings; Nolson Company for road oil; Drown Bevis Equip- ment Companf'tbr Palmyra Stalks; California Brush Company for the gutter brush wire. Moved by McCluro, seconded by Hart, that the Attorney preparo a resolution for the awarding of the bids, as recommondod by the City Manager. Carried, all Council- men present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY MANAGER RHODES was read, in regard to a communication from the San Diogo County Water Authority, calling attention to the fact if any changos aro wished to be made to the ordinary procedure it should be done prior to August 25th. There has boon no indication of tho dosiro to make any changos, thoroforo it is recommended tho communic- ation be filod. I»IAYOR CARRIGAN requested it bo filod. ORDINANCE NO. AY ORDINANCE GOVERNING THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE NECESSARY FOR PROPERTY TAXES, was prosented for the second and final reading. Moved by Hart, socondod by San, that only the hoading be road. Carried, by the following voto to -wit: Ayes: Hart, McClure, Sarn, Carrigan. Nays: None. ORDINANCE NO. 641, AN ORDINANCE GOVERNING THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE NECESSARY FOR PROPI--ITY TAXES FOR SUPPORT OF THE DEPARTMENTS AND TO PAY BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIF- ORNIA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1952-53, Movod by Sarn, seconded by Hart, that tho Ordinance bo adoptod. Carried, all Councilmon prosont voting aye. RESOLUTION NO. 5758 was road, sotting the tax rate for tho fiscal yoar 1952-53, as follows: 6/26 67 Gonoral Fund Library Fund Park M & I Fund Rotiroment Fund Sink. Fund #6 Total $1.00 .21 .215 .215 404 $1.68 Movod by Hart, socondcd by Sarn, that tho Resolution bo ad- opted. Carried, all Councilman prosont voting ayo. CITY ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod ho ontorod a protest on the Simkints liquor liconso application, but no answor has boon rocoivod as yot. RESOLUTION NO. 5759 was road, granting an oasomont to the County of San Diego for a drainage channol, on property doscribod as a portion of tho E2 of 40 Acro Lot 2, Quarter Soction 134. Movod by MeCluro, socondcd by Hart, that tho Resolution bo adopted. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayc. CITY MANAGER RHODES statod ho has checked into a blanket bond to cover tho employees handling money, which would cover approximately 23 omployoos. A $5,000. covorago would cost $144.00 and a covorago of $10,000. would cost approximately $183.00.It would be his rocommondation that tho City purchaso the $10,000. covorago. CITY MANAGER RHODES stated tho County Hoalth Dept. is working on a scheme whereby thoy will take ovor all tho health activities, such as plumbing inspection, barber shop and beauty shop inspoctions and food handling. Wo would lose tho income from tho permit foos. National City would lose about 2800. a yoar, based on lust yoarts figures. The Countyts pricos aro highor than the City's pricos, so wo would lose probably about $4,000. or $5,000. a year, but wo would not havo to pay thom tho $1800. It would stem that it would bo botter to pay the County charges and do our own inspections. This will nood considorablo study and publicity if tho City does not wish to hove tho County take this ovor. MAYOR CARRIGAN statod most of tho Cities outsido of San Diogo aro opposod to it, and wo aro also. It is his undorstending thoy cannot force tho Cities into such a proposition, but thoy can raiso thoir foo. CITY MANAGER RHODES stated ho would chock furthor into this and mako a study of it. Movod by Hart, socondcd by McClure, that tho mooting be closod. Carried, all Councilmon prosont voting aye. t, MAYOR/ CITY OF NATION CITY, 0A ORNIA ATTEST: CITY CLERK 8/26