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National City, California, Soptombor 2, 1952.
Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor
Carrigan at 7:30 P.T. o'clock. Councilmen present: Hart,
McClure, Sarn, Carrigan. Councilmen absent: Ingalls.
Moved by Hart, seconded by McCluro, that the reading of tho
minutes of the regular- meeting of August 19, 1952, and tho
adjourned meeting of August 26, 1952, be dispensed with.
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
ADMINISTRATIVE .OFFICIALS present: Campbell, Rhodos, Gauteroaux.
JOS. BINGHAM, representing Freoland, Paterson & Ev hson, engin-
oors, was present in regard to the tentative map of Goodwin
Park. Mr. Bingham statod it is their desire to movo the loose
dirt at their exponso, ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod it will be
nocossary to make a formal application to tho City Manager and
City Enginoor to movo the dirt, and than it will bo prosentod
to the Council. Tho tentative map will havo to bo prosontod
first to tho-Planning Commission for their rocommondation. MAYOR
CARRIGAN statod ho boliovod tho Council would have no objection
to the moving of the dirt if tho proper application is made, and
tho City Managor can prosont tho map to tho Planning Commission.
B. G. SINKULE, 1137 E. 3rd Stroot, ROBERT WILSOTNT, 1031 E. 3rd
Street, C. E. LOFTIS, 230 Laurel Avo., T. P. YOUNG, 1025 E.
3rd Stroot, REX MUNSON, 1019 E. 3rd Street, wore prosont in
regard to tho condition of the 1000 and 1100 block on E. Third
Stroot, and fool that somothing should bo done to improve it.
MAYOR CARRIGAN informed them that if tho property ONnors wishod
tho stroot oilod thoy would have to pay for tho oil and tho City
would porform tho work, or if thoy wish o. pormanont paved stroot
it would bo nocoss^.ry to got a petition from the Engincoris
office and have it signed by more than 50 percent of tho property
owners, stating what they wish to have done, and then prosont it
to the City Council. This is the first stop necessary undor the
1911 Act. It was suggested that the property ownora contact tho
City Manager and havo him give them tho cost of oiling tho
stroot, otc. and that ho lock into this mattor and give the
Council a report at the next mooting.
REQUEST OF THOMAS L, COSBY, JR. POST for use of the Park to
sponsor Craft Shows, was prosentod. CITY MANAGER RHODES ro-
portcd that Chiof of Police Smith said thoro would bo no police
proble}n as long as it is understood thoro aro to bo no illegal
gamos going on. Moved by McClure, socondod by Hart, permission
be granted provided the necessary bond for clowning up tho
grounds is posted, and that the chargo for use of tho grounds
bo waivod sinco no utilities will havo to bo paid by tho City.
Motion wEs lost, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayes: Hart,
McCluro. Nays: Sarn, Carrigan.
PETITION NO. 418 OF MIS. RUTH J. STURGESS for apartment at
2501 '.'Nee Lvcnuo, was prosontod. COUNCILS+LN HART statod he chock-.
od with Bldg. Inspector Bird and tho plumbing and Aoctric
wiring have boon brought up to date. Movod by Hart, socondod
by McCluro, that tho varianco bo granted. MRS. DOROTHY JENSEN
was prosont, and askod why this varianco was ;ranted whon just
recently tho Petition cf Ch-rlcs Potor Smith, 1944 Grove St.,
was doniod. MAYOR CARRIGA_T statod Mrs. Sturgoss was misin-
formed, that if tho building was brought up; to standard with
the wiring and tho plumbing that tho zone varianco would
probably be granted, and she has apont ovor N500.O0 to do this.
The zono varianco should havo boon prosontod to tho Council
prior to any money being oxpond:d„ Carriod, all Councilmen
prosont voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 5760 was road, granting a zone varianco permit
to Ruth J. Sturgoss for the purpose of converting the o.xisting
roar building, known as 2501 :,Nei Avo. into a two apartmont
building. Movod by Hart, socondod by McCluro, that tho ?osol-
ution bo adoptod. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayo,
was road. It is suggostod that if this agrcomont moots with
tho Councils approval that thoy authorize si naturo by tho
appropriate city official. MAYOR CARRIGAN stated tho Council
has previously approvod that contract as to form.
RESOLUTION NO. 5761 was road, approving the agreement for opor-
ation of teletypewriter sorvico botwocn the City of National
City, tho County of San Diego and the City of San Diego, tho
City of Chula Vista, tho City of Coronado, tho City of El Cajon,
the City of Escondido, tho City of La Mosa, and tho City of
Ocoansido. Maurice Carrigan, Mayor of tho City of National
City is authorizod and diroctod to oxocuto tho same. Moved by
Hart, seconded by Sarn, that tho Rosolution bo adopted. Carriod,
all Councilmen prosont voting aye.
NOTICE FROM UNITED STATES NAVY rojocting tho City's claim in
tho amount of S114.44 for damago to a 1950 Plymouth sedan owned
by tho City, was road. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL rocommondod this be
referred to tho City Manager and him for further chocking.
Movod by Hart, seconded by McClure, that tho recommendation of
tho City Attornoy bo approvod. Carried, all Councilmen prosent
voting aye.
NOTICE FROM ARMY ENGINEERS on modification of Harbor Linos,
San Diego Harbor, was prescntcd and ordered filed.
hoalth sorvico, was road. Copios of County ordinancos woro
attached. MAYOR CARRIGAN suggostod that the members of the
Council study this as it ties in with the problem we now havo,
and referred it to the City Managor and asked that it bo kept
availablo to the Councilmen.
COUNCILMAN HART made a motion that the City Attorney proparo
an Ordinance for tho installation of parking motors. MAYOR
CARRIGAN said ho thought it would be better if tho pooplo who
aro to bo offoctod by the parking motors woro notifiod of tho
fact, and the Council hold a public hearing. COUNCILMAN HART
said ho did not think that was nocossary. Motion socondod by
Sarn. MRS. JENSEN stated they chocked a number of pooplo on
National Ave. and the majority wore in favor of parking motors
providod you can count tho ones who do not care whother or not
wo havo parking motors. Carriod, by the following vote to -wit;
Ayes: Hart, McClure, Sarn. Nays: Carrigan.
RESOLUTION NO, 5762 was road, authorizing tho transfer of
$13,104.90 from tho General Fund to the Park Fund, as a loan.
Movod by Hart, socondod by McClure, that tho Resolution be
adopted. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting aye.
Gonoral Fund $6,739.62
Traffic Safoty Fund 258.91
Library Fund 26.99
Park Fund 60,52
Harbor Fund 1.25
Payroll Fund 17,751.22
TOTAL $24, 838.51
Movod by McCluro, socondod by Hart, that the bills bo allowed.
and warrants ordorod drawn for samo. Carried., by tho following
voto to -wit: Ayes: Hart, McClure, Sarn, Carrigan. Nays: Nonc,
ATTORAE Y CAMPBELL prosontod an Option to Purchaso Tax-Doodod
Land on Exc Wly 125' of Lot 3, Block 1 of J. D. O'Connoll's
Torrace Subd., which tho Council authorized tho purchase of
somo few works ago, and suggested that a rosolution bo adoptod
authorizing the purchaao of this lot. COUYCILiAN SARN statod
tho taxes in both the County and City have been paid. ATTORNEY
CAh'B'TLL stated no rosolution would than bo nocossary.
report from tho building c'epartmont for tho month of August,
1952. The roport indicatod that building activity in tho City
is not docreasing. MAYOR CARRIGAN ordorod tho communication
fiscal yoar ending Juno 30, 1952, was prosontod.. MAYOR CARRIGAN
stated no action is roquirod.
for on solo general liquor liconso was road. The premises havo
not boon proviously licensed.. ATTORNEY CLMP1311LL rcquostod if
tho Council wishes to protost that it be roforrod to Chief of
Polico Smith and if any grouncs aro available he bo pormittod
to filo tho protost. Movod by Hart, seconded by Sarn, that
Attornoy Campbell's roquost bo granted. Carrico'., all Council-
men prosont voting ayo.
regard to a proposod 4% stato-wido sales tax, woro road. Both
cities aro opposed to this, MAYOR CARRIBAN statod if this ware
to pass the Stato would do all the collocting and a portion of
the money would bo allocatod back to tho cities, not on a per
capita basis or assossod valuation, but on tho actual amount
collected. Those lotters will be on filo in tho City Clork's
office available to anyone that might bo intorosted in reading
thorn, and suggest tho Council mako thomsolvos thoroughly
acquainted with the mattor.
ownors of tho land facing on Ninth Stroot Eat of Ns' Avo.
have boon contacted, as recommondod by tho Planning Commission,
asking thom to dood to tho City tho nocossary land for tho
oponing of the stroot. Nono of thom wish to make tho stroot
dedication. It is the Manager's rocommondation the communicat-
ion bo filed. Tho communication was ordorod filed.
PLANNING COMMISSION roport filod August 27th was crosontod.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod no action can bo taken until the
noxt mooting. MAYOR CARDIGAN asked that tho roport bo road
so tho Council will know what is coming up. .A,pplication for a
conditional oxcoption, signod by Wm. M. Boarma.n. Troasuror of
the Calvary Baptist Church, to v.so the prop;;rty.locatud in thr)
2400 Block on 18th Stroot for a church, was appr.ovod by the
Commission. Application for conditional cxcoption, signod by
Irono B. Dowd, rolativo to Lot 1, Hills of Paradise, 21 B.Mcr=.
E. 8th Street, for an R-4 usage to construct two mo ortiist c
duploxos was prosontod. Thu Commission folt this would imp os.,.
the proporty and rocommondod it bo granted. Roquost of
Gotthardt Agston and R. Manning Clark, rolativo to Lot 6,
Block 2, Paradise Knolls, to build a duplex on this lot which
is in an R-1 zone; was doniod by the Commis„inn >a there was
so much objection, and since there is so little single family
dwelling R-1 Zones - that tho fow they do havo should bo
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated tho petition of tho Paradiso Valley
Sanitarium is the same as tho petition submittod last year, and
thoy are the .owners of tho proporty within 500 foot of the
proposed arca, so if tho Council wishes they can grant thom
pormission to operate a trailer camp Moved by McCluro,
seconded by S,Ern, that a permit be issuod. Carriod, all Council-
mon prosont voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 5763 was road, granting a special zono varianco
permit to Paradise Valley Sanitarium & Hospital for tho pur-
poso of a C-4 Zono use in an R-4 Zone. Said varianco is grantod
for the use of not more than six trailers. Said conditional
oxcoption shall torminato-on Soptombor 1, 1953. Movod by
McClure, secondod by Hart, that the Rosolution bo adopted.
Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated at tho last mooting a. communication
from tho City Manager was presontod regarding the resolution
roconrionding two hour parking on "A", "B" and 7th, and that
Rosolution No. 5755, as proparod, was as Mr. Rhodos rocormond-
od, so the rocommondation that tho Resolution bo rescinded is
Manager, was road, requesting tho City Clork bo authorized to
advortiso for bids for four now automobile radio transmitters
and roccivers and ono now"main station transmitter. Moved by
Hart, seconded by McCluro, that pormission bo grantod. Carried,
all Councilmon prosont voting ayo.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod City Manager Rhodos wishes permission
to advortise for bids for pumps for tho pumping plant at the
station at the 7th Stroot Channel. Movod by Hart, seconded
by Sarn, that tho permission bo'grantod. Carried, all Council-
man pros?ont voting aye.
deeds for street purposes were received from Carl E. and Hilda
A. Johnson, and R. L. and Antonnette L. Cihak, for the purpose
of opening up 0rango Ave. South to 20th Stroot. Since this is
a continuation of the Commission's action of July 28, 1952,
when deeds were accepted rolativo to tho Wly half of Orange
Lvo. for one block South of 20th Street, it was their ro-
commendation that tho doods bo accoptod. Moved by McCluro,
seconded by Hart, that tho doods be roforrod to tho City
Attorney in order to proparo tho nocossary resolution accept-
.ng samo. Carried, all Councilmon present voting ayo.
PLANNING COMMISSION'S REPORT of august 25, 1952, statod that
7d. Kaisor wss present rolativo to property ioWatod a'` 8 . E,
2nd Stroot, which is oporctcd *Ly ',ice a . a caronntorla shop in
a C-3 Zone. IG1r. Kaisor desires tE Toi ch:;:;o to:La prop ,
ro:r from
E. J. Christman to c.ssoElblo cvurhuad garago doorE and ocu.1r'.
liko a ruling as to whothcr this operation ccmour,dor t;_o
heading of a carpenter or cabinot shop, since dod. No, "r:;
allows for carpontor shops and cabinot shops, bot r_c
mills or sash and door factorios. Mr. Kaisor statod ^o dpo.E;
not actually rLako tho doors, but moroly assomblos them and oho
largost equipment would bo a table saw and six inch ,ici.nor,
It was tho Commission's roconmondation that Mr. Kaisor° bo
grantod permission to oporato as a cabinot or carpontor,s '
shop, but in the event he should install ia.rgor equipment to
actually build doors rather than assomblo them, it would bo
nocessary for him to obtain a zone variance. W. R. NICHOLS,
1004 E. 4th Street, was prosont, and stated that inasmuch as
this operation is to assemble ovcncoad ga"ago Coors Mr, Kaisor
wanted an arbitrary ruling sc that tIicra; ?cu1d not bo any
quostion in future operations. ATTORNEY CLMPBELL stated tho
Council cannot oither grant or dony it at this particular time
it would be the mattor of tho use, and if they use only tho
ordinary carpontor and cabinet shop tools and not planing or
sash and door tools, it would be por*nissibio.
MRS. CARR was prosont and stated sho called I:r. Rhodos ro-
garding a street light in tho 2400 Block on E. 18th Stroot,
and wishod to know what is going to bo done about it. CITY
MANAGER RHODES stated ho has had sovoral roquosts for stroot
lights and ho has roquostod the Gas and Electric Company to
sond him a map showing tho locations of all tho lights in
National City, what tho candle powor is so that he can judge
whoro lights aro noodod. Tho light roquostod by Mrs. Carr is
nocossary and will be recommondod along with others. MAYOR
CARRIGAN statod ho thought it would bo woll to wait until
tho City Managor makos his rccorsnondeticn for all of them.
MRS. CARR asked about tho petition for improving 18th Stroot.
CITY MANAGER RHODES statod it has boon chocked and found to
havo tho signoturos of about 62% of the property owners, and ho
would roconmond tho 1911 Act bo started but will havo to wait
until another Engineer is omployod to proceod with this.
MRS. CARR aekod if thoy would got some gas tax funds to help
pay for this improvomont. CITY MANAGER RHODES statod thoy will
try to got somo gas tax monoy and spread out tho district so
that those pooplo who havo to travel over this particular
stroot, within tho City of National City, would havo to pay a
portion of it.
MAYOR CARRIGAN statod ho would liko to bring up the mattor of
regulating billboards. The Stato Highway will oxpcnd no monoy
on boautifying freeways unloss thoro is billboard rogulation.
Moved by McClure, soeondod by Hart, that tho Attornoy bo in-
structed to draw up a tcntativo ordinanco rogulating billboards.
Carried, all Councilnon prosont voting ayo.
COUNCILMAN McCLURE stated ho would like to call the Council's
attention to tho condition that oxists botwoon 22nd and 24th
Stroots and botwoon Hoover and Wilson Avonuos, in rogard to
drainago. The entire area, including a dodicatad stroot has
boon foncod in, and the channel of Paradiso Crack is obstruct-
ed. MAYOR CARRIGAN roferrod this to tho City Enginoor and
City Attornoy to study and nako a roeommondation.
MAYOR CLRRIGAN askod if the woods havo boon burnod off of
8th Stroot. CITY MANAGE? ?:HODS said thoy woro. COUNCILMAN
SLRN stetod tha ditch on tho North side of 8th Stroot is filled
with dirt and thought this should bo cloaned out. MAYOR
CARRIGIN statod some Sort of wood killor has boon put'along,
thoro, and whon tho woods aro all out wo can soo what con
bo done.
Movod by Hart,, socondod by McCluro, that -the mooting bo c1o`sod.
Carried, all Councilman prosont voting ayo.
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%./„ 2 .mac.