HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952 09-16 CC MIN74 National City, California, September 16, 1952 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor °_aurice Carrigan at 7:30 P,M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Hart, McClure, Sarn, Carrigan. Councilmen absent: Ingalls. Moved by Hart, seconded by Sarn, that the rearing of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 2, 1952, be dispensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Campbell, Rhodes, Gautereaux. Moved by McClure, seconded by Hart, that Dr. Geo. H. Parchen be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Council. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Hart, McClure, Sarn, Carrigan. Nays: None. CITY CLERK ALSTON administered the oath of office to Council- man Parchen. RESOLUTION NO. 5764 was read, adopting budget and approving memorandum of agreement for expenditure of gas tax allocation for major city streets for the fiscal year 1953, The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign same on behalf of the City of National City. loved by Hart, seconded by McClure, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. Moved by Hart, seconded by Sarn, that the City Manager bo authorized to advertise for bids for West evonue and Roosevelt Avenue, subject to the approval of the Division of Highways. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Hart, McClurg, Parchen, Sarn, Carrigan. Nays: None. COT.MUNICATION FROM CHIEF OF POLICE SMITH in regard to tho application for on -sale beverage license of the Fraternal Order of EE.gles,.wes road. The license is to bo used in order to serve the members of the organization and their guests. Records indicate this organization has not boon a source of trouble or annoyance to the Police Dept. Moved. by McClure, seconded by Sarn, that the communication be filed. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. DECISION OF PUBLIC UTILITI'S COMMISSION regarding the applicat- ion of The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fo Railway Company for the spur track along Harrison Avenue, was presented. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated the City approved this proviously and recommended that the decision be filed. MAYOR CARRIGAN ordered it filed. COMMUNICATION FROM NATIONAL CITY TAXPAYERS AS"OCIATION was road, in regard to zone variances. They wish to go on record as protesting the action of the Council in reversing their decision regarding zone variances; namely the action taken on tho Smith, Sturgess and James cases. It is requested that Mr. Smith's case be reopened. MAYOR CARRIGAN requested the communication be referred to the City Manager. CHARLES CAMPBELL, a member of the Planning Commission, was present and stated the Smith case was not presented or acted on since tholr recommendation was sent to the Council. MAYOR CARRIGAN 9/16 75 asked that Mr. Campbell chock into this and soe that it is takon care of by the Commission. COMMUNICATION FROM CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION was road, stating that at a. public hearing on So ,tombor 8, 1952, it was ro- eommondod by the Commission that Rulo 10.1 bo ammondod to road as follows: 1;10.1 Hours. Forty hours por week shall bo tho standard work work for city omployoos oxcopt for cmployoos in tho Fire Dopartmont. Exeopt for administratirc employees, in tho Firo Dopartmont tho standard hours of work shall be 24 hours on duty and 24 hours off duty, subject to emergency call at all timos with time off equivalent to 4 shifts por month. Standard hours of work shall bo subject to such chango as may bo roquired by the general 1Ews of tho stato.°t MAYOR CARRIGAN roquostod this bo referred to Attorney Campbell to proparc tho proper rosolution, and asked that City Manager Rhodos arrange a mooting with tho Civil Sorvico Commission for Tuosday cvoning, September 23rd, if possiblo. COMMUNICATION FROM LOS ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE in rogard to the American Municipal Association Convention Doc. 1, 2, and 3, 1952, was read, and ordorod filod. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY MANAGER RHODES was road, asking that tho City Attornoy bo authorizod to proparc a contract for tho purchase of two automobilos for the Polico Dopt. on a purchase rontal, miloago and maintenance basis on the same terms and conditions under which the City previously purchased two cars. Moved by Sarn, socondod by McClure, that the Attornoy bo authorizod to prepare tho nocessary contract. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. RESOLUTION NO. 5765 was road, authorizing tho transfer of 010,000.00 from tho Gonoral Fund to tho Rotiromont Fund, es a loan. Moved by Hart, seconded by Sern, that tho Rosolution bo adopted. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. BILLS AUDITED BY THE FINADT.CE COMi!IITTEE prosontod: General Fund $10,185.74 Traffic Safoty Fund 4,471.50 Park Fund 355.16 Rotiromont Fund 2,485.91 Harbor Fund 55.32 Trust & _goncy Fund 139.05 Payroll Fund 181 551.76 TOTAL $36, 244.44 Movod by Hart, socondod by Sarn, that the bills bo allowod, and warrants ordorod drawn for samo. Carriod, by the follow- ing voto to -wit: Ayos: Hart, McClure, Parchon, Sarn, Carrigan. Nays: None. RESOLUTION NO. 5766 was road, authorizing tho following sum incurrod for capital assot bo paid out of tho Capital Outlay Fund: Squiros Bolt Material Company, sowor pipo, 5 253.87. Movod by McClure, socondod by Hart, that tho Rosolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilman present voting aye. REPORT FROM CITY TREASURER for tho month of August, 1952, was prosonted and ordorod filod. COMMUNICATION FROM CORONADO POLICE & FIREMN'S ASSN. was road, 9/16 76 stating they are having their seventh Annual :all at the Hotel Del Coronado Circus room Sept. 19th. NiLYOR Cf._RRInAr requested the communication filed. 007Y OF RSCL' TIO_- ADC'-7 D FY THE OAKLAND CITY COU:.-CIL o- eosin; leeisletion proposes by the County Supervisors Associotion to erovide for 4 sales ta::, was presented. C : CeRRIOE T re- quested this be kept on file end stated cction ill be taken et the October Conference of the League of cities. -'ETITION' FROT. C. R. KNUTSON, 1410 E. 6th Street, Braes read, asking that blacktop -ins be put on E. 6th street, west of ''aim eve. for about two blocks. ?=AYCR referred the request to City 1-urger '3hodes to notify Mr. Knutson of the necessary procedure to have the work done. RESOLUTION NO. 5767 was recd, accepting e certein nercel of reel property for street purposes from Carl E. & Hilda 11. Johnson; and R. A. & Antoinette L. Cihak. Sc.id property being the E 30° of a portion of the ITT Sri of Queeter Section 128. Moved by McClure, seconded by Sern, thet the neolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present votin-, aye. RESOLUTION NO. 5768 was reed, authorizing the transfer of t;1,401.68 from the Trust and ngency Fund to the Traffic Safety Fund. Moved by H rt, seconded by McClure, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. RESOLUTION NO. 5769 we.s reed, authorizing the transfer of `;345.94 from the General Fund to the Park Fund. Moved by Hart, seconded by McClure, that the Resolution be cdo'ted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ORDINANCE NO. , an ordinance regulating billboards, was presented for the first reading. Moved by H rt, seconded by Sarn, that only the heading be read. Carried, by the follow- ing vote to -wit: °,yes: Hart, McClure% Parchei ,, Sarn, Carrigan. Nays: one. ORDINANCE NO. .;.LN ORDINANCE REGULATING OUTDOOR ADVERTISING IN CERTAIN AREAS BORDERING STATE FREEWAYS, DEFINING THE TERMS USED IN SAID ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF, DESCRIBING PNALTI,S AND REMEDIES FOR EACH VIOLATION, AND REVOKING ALL ORDIYA-CES I'NN CONFLICT THEREWITH. Moved by Hart, seconded by Sern, that the Ordinance be laid over until the next meeting for the second and final reading.. Carried, by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Hest, McClure, Percher_, Sarn, Carrigan. Nays: None. RTSOLUTICT NO. 5770 was read, authorizing Mayor Carrigan to attend the California Traffic Safety Conference at Sadramento, California, on October 2nd and 3rd, 1952. Tho City Clerk is authorized and directed to pay the necessary and legal ex- penditures upon presentation of proper claims of said delegate. Moved by Hart, seconded by McClure, that the "'esolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY LUZAGER T HODES was rend, recommending the installation of 6,000 Lumen ron-Ornarental street lights at the following locations: 1. South side of 18th Street approximately 300 feet west of Lanoitan Avenue. 2. llth and Hoover Streets, 3. Rache.ol Avenue about 330 feet north of 24th Street. 4. 26th and L. Moved by Hert, seconded by 9/16 77 Sarno that the installation of the street lights be authorized and that the Gas and Electric Company send out the contract for the proper signature. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY MANAGER 'HODWS regarding the condition of the 1000 and 1100 block on T. Third Street, was read. The street does not need reoiling at this time. The property owners on the south side should dedicate their half of the street and have it improved. MAYOR CARRIGAN ordered the communication filed. COMl'`UIN?ICATION FROM CITY i:kI'AG' R T,HODES was read, in regard to the City's claim in the amount of 1114.44 which was rejected by the Navy. It is recommended the communication and claim be filed as the cost would be more to try to collect than the amount of the bill. 14AY0CAR IGAN requested this be referred to Attorney Campbell for his recommendation. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY i:u._'IGER RHODES in regard to the application of Mr. Goodwin for a permit for permission to remove excavated material on property south of 18th Street, and west of Newell Street, was read. It is the Manager's understanding that Mr. Goodwin has offered the Board of Education the tract of land for the sum of 5310,000.00 plus the engineering ch.:rges, and they have agreed to accept the offer on condition that no further material be removed from the tract. It is recommended the petition be denied until the matter has been settled, JOS. BING-HAIL, representing I. Goodwin, was present and stated the deal between Mr. Goodwin and the School Board has not been consummated, and doubted that it will be. They are requesting that they be permitted to remove the loose material, in accordance with the ordinance. Moved by Sam, seconded by Parchen, this be referred to the City 'engineer for a report and presentation to the Council. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION UNICATION FROM CITY MAi GER RHODES was read, in regard to a contract between the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company and the City for Bell and Lights Attack Warning System wired for the operation of four sirens which have been ordered to be installed within the City. The Telephone Company charges us ``.500.00 for the installation of these warning devices, and 21.00 a month standby charge. Moved by McClure, seconded by Hart, that the City Maneger be authorized to --proceed in accordance with his recommendations. Carried, by the follow- ing vote to -wit: eyes: Hart, McClure, Parchen, Sarn, Carrigan, Nays: '"one. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY :TANAGER RHODES was read, regarding five communications from property owners concerning the proposed paving of McKinley Avenue. It is their belief that Cleveland Avenue is more important, and are asking that a date be set for sometime in the near future for presentation of their views on the subject. Should the owners of property on Cleveland Avenue desire to have their street paved under the 1911 Improvement Let with a contribution from the City's gas tax funds to alleviate the expense, it is the Manager's belief that their plea will be given serious consideration. MAYOR CARRIGAN asked that this letter be laid over until the meeting with Mr. Beuthel. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY MANGER RHODES requesting authorizat- 9/16 78 ion for the City Manager and Supt. of -Parks to make a trip to Los Angeles territory for the purpose of e::amining the various classes of swimming pools in that area in order to collect information which will be beneficial ,o the City in designing a swimming pool, was.read. 'The City to incur the necessary expenses. Moved by Hare, seMended'..by Sarn, that the request be•grtnted.',Carried, all Councilmen voting aye. REOU-'ST OF CITY i'i"::.._G2R ' 1CDES to sell the following material and equipment at public auction, was reed: 1. One 1941 GEC 6-Cylinder 5 Ton truck. 2. One 1936 6-Cylinder Chevrolet z Ton Pick -Up. 3. Two Sterling Motors. 4. One Model 30 Caterpillar Pull -Grader on rubber, with scarifier attached. 5. One Studebaker rotor, 6. Two old Plymouth engine blocks. Moved by Hart, seconded by Sarn, that the request be granted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY 111:-: G' R /?HODES was read, recommending that the Mayor be authorized to sign the disposal contract for the Navy Homoja Housing Project. The services will be required October 1, 1952, through June 30, 1953. RESOLUTION NO. 5771 was read, authorizing City Manager Rhodes to complete and execute a contract for the collection of trash and garbage in Homoja Housing Project No. 1. Moved by Hart, seconded by Sern, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen pQ•esent voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY MANAGER RHODES with four deeds attach- ed, was presented. These deeds will open 0rrnee Avenue from 20th to 22nd Street, and it .le recommended they be accepted. Roved by McClure, seconded by Hart, that the deeds be re- ferred to Attorney Camnbell to prepare the revolution accept- ing same. Carried, all Couroilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FRO:: CITY IviANA ER RHODES with three easements attached for sewer rightC3of-way across, their property in the County of San Dieso for the purpose of constructing and main- taining an outfall sewer for property within the limits of National City, was presented. MAYOR CARRIGAN referred this to the City Attorney. RESOLUTION YO. 5772 was read, granting a special zone variance permit to The Calvery Baptish Church for the purpose of erect- ing a church building on property located in the 2400 block on 18th Street, Moved by Hart, seconded by Sarn, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. RESOLUTION NO. 5773 was read, granting a special zone variance permit to Irene B. Dowd for the purpose of constructing 2 duplexes on Lot 1, Hills of Paradise; 2100 7. 8th Street. One duplex shall front on 8th Street and the other dunlex shall front on Paradise Drive. Moved by Hart, seconded. by Sarn, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, REPO2T FROM THE PLL T TI'TG CO1\2 ISSION in regard to Petition No. 424 signed by Irene Dowd, relative to Lots 17 to 21, Block 2, Coombe's Place, 515 to 521 7. 2nd Street, was present- ed. Petitioner desires to construct one more individual unit to utilize excess ground space and make a more attractive, well balanced ap,eering lot. It was recommended by the 9/16 ?9 Planning Commission that the variance be granted. MAYOR CARRIGAN stated no action can be taken until the next meeting. M YOR CARRIGAN recessed the meeting until the end of the hear- ing on parking teeters. The meeting was resumed at 11:00 P.M. Councilmen present: McClure, Parchen, Sarn, Carrigan. Councilmen absent: Hart. MAYOR CARRIGAN stated it is the consensus of the Council that parking meters be tabled pending further investigation. C1-LRL S P. SMITH, 1944 Grove St., was presents and asked what happened to his request for a zone variance, which was to have been referred back to the Planning Commission. MAYOR CARRIGAN stated that a member of the Planning Commission has offered to take care of this and personally see that it comes to the attention of the Commission at the next meeting. n. H. ALSDORF was present, and asked that the City Attorney check into the matter of smoking being prohibited on busses'. He would like to see the Council pass a law making it a mis- demeanor' to drink liquor in alleys or any public place. Paved by McClure, seconded by Sam, that the meeting be closed. Carriedb all Councilmen present voting aye. ATTEST: / --(A, , _, Ci 2,i e-1 4_J i'�/?.rt-W> MAYOR. C .TY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA 9/16