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1952 02-05 CC MIN
390 National City, Californian February 5, 1952 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by ayor Maurice Carrigan at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen -'resent: Curry, Hart, Ingalls,'Carrigan. Councilmen absbrt: Clarke. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart,_ that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of January 15, end the adjourn- ed meeting of January 22, 1952, be dienn_.sc:d :'ith. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Al_toi, CampLall, Seifert, Mikkelson, Gautereaux. HERBERT A. BARNES was present and stated he would like to know why the business license ordinance requires an insurance broker to pay a license fee and the insurance agent does not have to have a business license. Constitution of the State municipality from taxing, agent. ATTO,R10EY CAMPBELL stated the of California prohibits any for business purposes, an insurance A. 0. TRETSVEN, 1931 '°L' Ave., CHARLES LIPPELGOOS, 2142 •'NI representing Homer Peabody, who is the trustee of the estate of Nellie Vandertuuk; MR. K^LLflR, 1317 E. 20th Street, FRTsD MORRIS, 2132 "N'' Ave., were present and stated they were desirous of having 'M" Avrnue opened from 18th to 21st Street. COUNCTLMAN CURRY stated he too thought it would be of benefit to the City to have this area opened. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT stated the street should be opened, but it is not a project that the City should dO at its own expense, and he has prepared an estimate of what the cost would be to the property owners to put in the streots, etc. This can be done under the 1911 Improvement Act. MAYOR CARRIGAN asked that the people 2/5 391 interested contact City Manager Seifert and that the City would be willing to cooperate in any way possible, MAYOR CARRIGAN announced that it was 8:00 P.M. o'clock and Moe for the opening of the bids for trash collection. The following bids were opehed: CHULA VISTA SANITARY SERVICE, 9,150 collections per week, $84,504.00 per yoar, 14,750 collections per week, $82,764.00 per year; WILLI'_M PRATTY, one pick up per week, $39,900.00 per yner, two pick ups per week, $44,250.00 per year. Moved by Hrr`, seconded by Ingalls, this be referred to the City Manager and Jity Attorney for checking. Carried, all Councilmen present vLting aye. THE MATTER OF THE HE(RING DATE ON REZONING laid over from the last meeting, was presented. MAYOR CARRIGAN set March 4, 1952 at 8:00 P.M. o'clock as tho time for the hearing. COMMUNICATION FROM ROBERT C. GORDON of Associatod Construction Corp. was read, roquesting refund on sovon building permits, in the amount of $98.00. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that it bo reforrod to the Building Inspector and City Attornoy. Carried, all Councilmon prosont voting aye. TRANSFER OF OFF SALE GENERAL BEVER::GR LICENSE from Howard Kersey to Lyle 0lemson, 205 Highland Avenuo, was prosented. MAYOR CARRIGAN ordered the application filod. TRANSFER OF OFF SAL: GENERAL BEVERAGE LICENSE from Harvey Leaman and Boyd Staphans to Wladyslaw Kozlowski, 1524 E. 18th Stroot, was presontod. MAYOR CARRIGAN ordorod the application filod. COMMtNTICATION FROM EDWARD C. ERNY, Minister, First Mothodist Church, was road, rogerding tho use of tho Memorial Bowl. Rev. trny stated thoy will not accept tho use of the Bowl undor any cireumstaneos if they aro to bo dictated to in any way as to whet 2/5 392 Slay must or must not say from thoir pulpit. Thoy inaist upon Choir right of froodom of spcoch. DOROTHY JENSEN was prosont and statod that Rev. Erny did not consider tho rights of othors in tho matter of tho card rooms, and sho thought ovory- bodyrs rights should bo considorod at all times. TOM LEONARD statod thoro sooms to bo a ouostion among a groat many pooplo as to what constitutes froodom of spcoch. Somo pooplo think that tho Council have tho right to curteil tho spoochos that aro mado in tho Bowl, othors believe, tut if tho Council in- torfors in any way that thoy aro Infringing upon tho right of froo spooch. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated th( ^nuncil have tho right to cortain limitations, if pormissiou is to bo grantod, and ho did not think tho quostion of right oxtonds to that oxtont. It would bo n mattor of policy, not of logality, whothor or not they would restrict tho use of tho Bowl. J. M. HARVEY was prosont end said ho thought if Rov. Erny wants tho Bowl for roligious sorvico ho should stick to that, end if ho wants it for Eastor Sorvico and a political mooting ho should so stato. Ho shouldseato whothor ho wants to hold a political mooting or a church sorvico. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that tho communication bo hold ovor until tho noxt moot- ing ponding furthor study, also a raviow of policy rogarding use of any public feeilitios. Carriod, all Councilman prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM McCUNE MOTORS was road in rogard to businoss llconso of a candy vonding machine, also orator ratos to auto- r:tic sprinkling system for fire provontion. A communication from Foray H. Goodwin Company was attachod which statod that tho ohargo made in National City was discouraging tho install- tion of automatic sprinklor systom duo to tho oxcossivo monthly charge for standby sorvico. In comparison to other :owns in California, it would appear that tho ohargo in National 2/5 393 City is about 400% greater. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod tho rates for sprinklors aro ostablishod by tho Public Utilities Commiss- ion and tho City has no control ovor it. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT said ho would tako this up with Mr. Poultor of tho California Gator & Tolophono Company and roport at tho noxt mooting. COMMUNICATION FROM TOM UYEJI rotative to drainage, was road. Mr. Uyoji owns a few acres of land on Highland Avonuo botwoon loth and 12th Stroots and thoro'is a larso water drninago pipo which runs undor Highland Avonuo and - s his farm land. Duo to the incomploto ditch ovory time t: ro is a hoavy rain his land bocomos floodod by onrushing 6 r thrt cvorflows tho ditch. MAYOR CARRIGAN roquostod City :: ,r a cr Soifcrt to writo a lottor to Mr. Uyoji oxpinining tho situation. COMMUNICATION FROM SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT MIKKELSON ro- commanding tho omploymont of Harry Troyor to roplaco W. H. Harpor, was road. Appointmont to bocomo offoctivo Fobruary 1, 1952. Movod by Curry, socondod by Hart, that tho roquost be grantod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY i;ANAGER SEIFERT roquosting authorization to advertise for bids for gasolino, to bo furnishod to tho City from March 1, 1952 to Fobruary 28, 1953, was read. Moved by Hart, socondod by Inga11s, that tho request be grantod. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM CIVIL S;RVICE COMMISSION regarding tho classification of dotoctivos, wns road. It is roquostod that tho salary ordinanco bo amended to conform to tho job classificat- ion plan whoroin tho prrtios in quostion arc design-tod as dotoctivo sorgonnts. Spocificctions for this position have rond dotoctivo sorgoant for tho past two yoars, and it would appoar that tho classification usod in tho salary ordinanco 2/5 394 was moroly en ovorsight. This chango will not nocossitato any chango in tho pay scale. MAYOR CARRIGADT asked that tho Attornoy prepare tho nocossary rosolution and prosont it lator in tho mooting. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY CLERK ALSTON was road, roquosting tho dollnquont date bo oxtondod to Ppbrurry 15, 1952 on business lieonso without ponalty. Moved Dy Hart, seconded by Ingalls, that tho roquost be grantod. Carried, rll Councilmen prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY CLERK ALSTON wrs :or(;, stating Mabel Van Quill, Approntico Bookkooping Machine Cj..rrtor quit January 26, 1952 without notice, end roouostcd euthorizrtion for tho tomporery appointment of Barbara Voigt, 2441 "Ng Avonuo, as Approntico Bookkooping Mcchino Oporrtor until an eligibility list is ostcblishod by tho Civil Service Commission. Appointmont offoctivo Fobrurry 4, 1952, salary $184.00 por month. Moved by Hert, seconded by Ingalls, that tho roquost bo grentod. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. CITY CLERK ALSTON stntod sho had en insuranco policy for tho Boys' Club which sho wishod the City Attorney to approvo. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stetod ho would like to soo tho loose boforo ho approves tho policy. ICYOR CL33IGa_N roquostcd this bo laid ovor until tho noxt mooting. COMMUNICATION FROM P_.RK SUPERINTENDENT GAUTEREAUS was road rogerding a proposed and suitrblo site for a prrkwry orna- nTontel troo nursery rlong with arrnngomont of buildings suiteblo for gonoral oporrtions. A policy concorning ornamental stroot troo planting is noodod. A dotnilod plot plan was prosontod with tho lottor. MAYOR C_.RRIGAN askod if Mr. Gcutoroaux thought it would be woll to start the projoct nt this time duo to tho 2/5 395 -shortago of man powcr. MR. GLUTERFLUX stetod thoy would liko to build the stock bins in viow to gotting rccdy for tho summer, which will tako taro of tho fortilizor, loafmold, etc. MAYOR CARRIGLN said it is his suggostion this bo givon considorablo thought. MR. GLUTERELUX scid he would 11ko a policy to givo to tho people regarding troo planting, just what tho City will do in this ragrrd. MAYOR CARRIGAN stntcd ho thought tho proporty ownors should plant thoir own troos, tho City could holp thom in making tho propor soloction suitcblo to tho oondition of tho soil, otc. COUNCILMLTN CURRY said h:. thouo..t th:. City is lacking in troos end tho City should not larva L, a:z;,ontrollcd. MR. GLUTER^LUX stetod ho is preparing a skotch for the proposod improvomont of tho pool and ho thought this should soon bo considorod if tho dopertmont is going to do tho work. MAYOR CARRIGLN asked thet tho Council moot informally Tuosdny ovoning, Fobrurry 12, 1952, to discuss tho pool siturtion. MRS. 80DISH stated she thought the stroots should bo takon core of boforo troos aro planted. COMMUNICLTION FROM C. L. HATCHER rocuosting a rofund of $41.82 which westdoposit.,d for oil pzving on Prospect St., was road. CITY TREESURE'R HOLG!T7 npprovod tho rofund. Movod by Hnrt, socondcd by Ingalls, thnt the rofund bo granted. Carriod, by tho following vot., to -wit: Lyos: Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrignn. Nays: Tonc. COMINNICLTION FROM ELLEN BLEDER, LIBRLRLN, wrs road, roouost- ing authorization to appoint Mrs. Cornolia Buys', 219 W. 17th Stroot, to tho position of Assistant Librarian (Childron°s), offoctivo Fobrunry 1, 1952, ns she succossfully passod thy. Civil Sorvico oxamination. Hcr strrting salory will bo S226.00 por month. Authorization is roquostod to appoint Miss Shirley Stafford, 1126 E. 8th Strcot, to tho position of pngo, offoctivo 2/5 396 Fobrunry 6, 1952. Miss Stafford will work approximntoly 25 hours a wook at $.80 por hour. Moved by Hart, socondod by Curry, thet tho roquosts bo grantod. Carriod, all Council- men prosont voting nyo. COMMUNICATION FROM SLNITYTION SU1rRINTENDENT MIKKELSON was road, informing tho Council of tho discharge of Arvid Estorblom, driver in tho Sanitation Dopartnont, offoctivo Fobrurry 29, 1952. Mr. Estorblom has boon givon 30 days notico and will rocoivo his ovortimo and vacrtlon rs part tho 30 days notico. COMMUNICATION FROM LYLE ALCUMBR:_CK was rc d, roquosting the rofund of $81.25 paid in liconso foos as an insurance agont for tho yours 1948, 1949, 1950 and 1951. In 1948 Mr. Alcumbrack paid $6.25, end $25.00 fop arch of tho othor yours. Tho roquost was approvod by CITY TRE._SURER UOLGL.TD. ATTO2FEY CAMPBELL statod ho quostionod whoth.r tho Council would be cblo to roturn tho monoy for tho prior yours bocauso you would bo pnying out monoy rocoivod this your for an orror mado in a provious yoar. Moved by Ingolls, socondod by Hart, this bo roforrod to tho City Lttornoy for chocking. Carriod, ell Councilmen proaont voting eyo. APPLICATION TO MOVE L BUILDING by Earl J. Hill was prosontod. Tho building is to bo moved from 4225 Idedo St., San Diogo to tho 2300 block on Grovo Strout, rnd is to bo usod ns a dwolling. BUILDING INSPECTO2 BIRD hc.s approvod tho application. Movod by fart, socondod by Ingrlls, that tho roquost bo grantod. O^rriod, ell Councilmen prosont voting eyo. "OMMUNICATION FROM CITY TREASURER HOLGATE was road, roquosting rofund of $642.44 to tho National Lumber Comprny for solos trx. An emondod solos tax roturn has boon made to tho City ronsuror's offico correcting an orror mado on a quartorly 2/5 • 397 roturn. MAYOR CAR_.IGLN roquostod this bo roforrod to tho City Attornoy for chocking. i COMMUNICATION FROM BUILDI::G INSPECTOR BIRD was road, roquest- ing a warrant be drawn for $75.00 in favor of J. K. Stouffor, 805 "E" Avenuo, for n sewcr permit. This proporty was sewerod i in the lato 1920fs. L communication from Mr. Stouffer was read, roquosting a refund of ";75.00 on Sowor Pormit No. 886 issued in error January 29, 1952. Moved by Hart, socondod by CMrrys • that tho refund bo grant;d upon applie ..i )n a vorifiod claim. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: Nonc. 0 • COMMUNICATION FROM BLIND M_DE PRODUCTS was road, roquosting a freo license to solicit ordors for items mado by blind pooplo. ATTORN`3Y CAMPBELL said ho did not think the Council has tho right, undor tho ordinanco, to grant e froo permit. Movod by Hart, seconded by Curry, tho roquost bo roforrod to the City Attorney and Chiof of Polito. Carried, ell Councilmen present voting ayc. REQUEST FOR R7FUND BY DOiIS COX w^s read. A rotail sales license was procured and thu purch:so of tho business had not boon complotod. Mrs. Cox rvquQstod that tho liconse be cancelled and tho $10.00 fc: rcturned. Requost.was approved by CITY TREASURER HOLG:T . Moved by Hart, socondod by Ingalls, that,the refund bo grcntod. Carried, by tho following vote to -wit: byes: Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: None. COMMUNICATION -FROM JAnES C. HENDERSON regarding two, claims of. W. F. Nelson Company against the city for road oil dolivcrod i to the City of National City, was road. One claim is in th© nmount of $503.87 and on.. in the amount of ?;817.61. CITY CLERK ':LSTON stated tho oil was orderod last May and tho purchase 215 • IS • i 398 order was over $1,000.00. It was the opinion of Attorney Campbell that payment should not be made since it had not been advertised for bids. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod there wore two orders put in and Mr. Nelson filed ono claim for $1,300.00. It indicated from thn claim that it wz's one trans- action, end it was rocommonded that the clsic be denied. There- after ho filed separate claims. Attorney Campbell said he would recommend denial of the claim, Mr. Nelson can then maintain an action and if the court says that it is proper to • split it that way ho would bo entitled to 'is nonoy. There is no question as to dolivory or as to the -rice per gallon, it is only a matter of whether or not it had complied with the law. Moved by Ingalls, soconded by Hart, that tho claim be denied. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY HANLGER SEIFERT was road, requesting authorization to employ Paul D. Lovott es Draftsman #2 - 4th step, at $341.00 per month, effective February 4, 1952. Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Hart, that the request be granted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM NATIONAL CITY TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION was read, It is the fooling of tho Board of Directors of the i National City Taxpayers Association that parking meters may be the means of obtaining additional revonue for the City. COUNCILMAN HART stated he gevo City Manager Seifert the names of two companies to contact regarding parking meters, the • names of which he had obtained from the League of California Cities. MAYOR CARRIGAN requested City Manager Seifert to direct a letter to the Taxpayers Association thanking them for their interest in the matter which will be teken under advise- ment. J. R. HARVEY stated ho has talked to a groat many people regarding parking meters and most of them would like to 2/5 • 399 see the revenue derived from them put into a specified fund instead of the General Fund. COUNCILMAN ING:_LLS made a !notion, seconded by Hart, that the matter of parking meters be put on the agenda for the Council meeting February 19, 1952. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. APPlICLTION FOR A TAX SALE by Bernard J. Benke on Lots 13 to 20, inclusive, Block 46 of National City, was presented. Mr. Bank° has bid $1600.00 plus $3.50 for advertising costs. There • ere $255.04 in delinquent taxes to tho City. o have an appraisal of from $1500.00 to $1800.00 on the property. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT hes stated that in his opinion no City real estate should be sold, disapproval recommended. BERNARD J. BANKE stated he asked tho Council's expression regarding the sale of City property and it was his understanding it would be sold at a reasonable appraised offer, which he believes this to be. MAYOR CARRIGAN stated he made tho statement that City property was for sale et e fair appraisal figure and he would be willing to abide by that. S. D. LOUCKS was present end stated thet the City should hold some of the land for future use end not give it awry. Moved by Curry, seconded by Ingalls, that the matter be laid over for further study. Carried, by the following veto to -wit: byes: Curry, Hart, Ing211s. Nays: Carrigan. RESOLUTION NO. 5635 was road, authorizing the distribution of $46,316.73 from the Unapportionod Tax Fund es follows: General Fund, $19,649.53; Library Fund, $6,315.92; Park M. & I Fund, $7,017,68; Retirement Fund, .11,789.71; Sinking Fund #6, $1,543.89. Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Curry, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. all Councilmen present voting aye. 2/5 • l ) 1 400 RESOLUTION NO. 5636 wes read, authorizing the transfer of $4,126.63 from the General Fund to the Traffic Safety Fund, as a loan. Moved by Curry, seconded by Ingalls, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting taye. BITJ1S AUDITED by the Finance Committoe presentod: General Fund $2,980.82 Traffic Safety Fund 1,642.20 Capital Outlay Fund 15.82 Library Fund 1,228.38 • Park Fund 1)0.95 Retirement Fund 1,170.80 Steto Gas Tax Fund 600.00 Trust & Agency Fund 50.00 Payroll Fund 3'125.82 TOTAL $40,314.79 Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Hart, that the bills be allowed, with the exception of the State Gas Tex Fund and the Capital Outlay Fund, and warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: •byes: Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: None. 1 1 • 1 RESOLUTION NO. 5637 was road, authorizing the payment of $15.82 from the Capital Outlay Fund to Gould Herdwaro and Machinery Company, for construction of Court Annex. Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Hart, thet the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen ,resent voting aye. RESOLUTION N0. 5638 wPs read, permitting the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company to construct, maintain, and operate a spur treck on Herrison Lvonue. Tho permit is revocable et the will of the City Council of the City of National City, Californic, and is hereby granted on the afore- said express condition pertaining to revocability. Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Hart, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. 2/5 1 1 • 1 1 1 s 1 401 ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that sometime ago the question of Sewer Bond money was discussed and subsequent to that time the Legislature hes adopted an amendment to Section 43628 of the Government Code which .Dormits funds in a project to be transferred to a sinking fund or a fund for the repayment of principal and interest. The Council can, if it so desires, transfer theM,843.65 which is now set forth in the 1946 Sewer Bond Fund to Sinking Fund #8 which is the fund establish- ed for the payment of principal and ii.tor.'ct. RESOLUTION NO. 5639 was read, transferril6 the sum of $53,843.65 from the 41946 Sewer Bond Fund' to Sinking Fund #8. Moved by Curry, seconded by Ingalls, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, ell Councilmen present voting aye. RESOLUTION NO. 5640 was reed, granting a special zone variance permit to Herlan J. Dwiere for the purpose of erecting a 15 x 40 foot building to bo used for the operation of sterilizing, bottling, distribution and selling et wholesale of drinking water. Said property Is a portion of Southwest Quarter of Quarter Sections 82 and 83 of Rancho de la Nacion. Said permit is granted upon the conditions and recommendations of the City Planning Commission. Said building shall not be used for any reteil business whatsoever. Said permit is non - assignable and non-trensforabla, and construction shall commence within 90 days from the dote hereof. Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Hart, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ATTORNEY CA} ELL stated that the claim filed by Charles Kessler was in two parts; one of which contended that he had a lease on the annex. Ls far as Mr. Campbell has been able to determine the City did not have a lease. If he has a claim it will be necessary to file an action. Insofar as the 2/5 0 1 1 1 ! 1 402 damage to his building is concerned, it has boon referred to the insurance carrier and the City Manager and there has been no final return. 1 all Councilmen present voting aye. RESOLUTION NO. 5641 was recd, eliminating the position of Police Detective setforth in the salary resolution effective January 1, 1951 and later amended, and that the position of Detective Sergeant is substitutod therefor on the same salary basis es the herein eliminatod Police Detective classification. Those persons now serving as Police Detect' e shall -hereby assume the status of Detective Sergeant. t"rvec by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the Resolution be ado_bod. Carried, ATTORNEY CAMPBELL reported that upon checking the authorized trip to Los Angeles to attend the California Street & Highway Conference by either the Police Chief or Dr. Parchen, the Statutes specify that only an officer or employee could attend. Chief Smith was so notified. RESOLUTION NO. 5642 was read, creating a boulevard stop on each of the four entrances to the intersection of 24th and 4Ln Streets; also creating s boulov^.rd stop on Earle Drive, end that all southbound traffic on Earle Drivo shell stop prior to entering l6th Street. Said stop signs shall be installed according to law. Moved oy Curry, seconded 'iy Hart, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. LTTOR TY CAMPBELL stated that Tarter, 'Webster & Johnson sent :.n insurance policy which had a restriction that the first '250.00 wes deductible. 1_ letter was written them stating this was not in strict compliance with the lease. They answered and stated their insurance is written with a $250.00 2/5 1 1 403 deductible and are confident that their financial responsibil- ity is such the City need have no concern as to their ability to respond in damages. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated there is no question they do have financial responsibility, however it is not so written in the lease. Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Curry, that the lease be revised to allow for the $250.00 deductible. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated he had a letter from Mr. Nenzel of the California Water & Telephone Company iui which he sent a proposed contract whereby they offer 50% of the Metropolitan Water District tax and the San Diego County 7rter Authority tax in lieu of their present payment. They sent an interim contract which carries the same terms es the contract under which we are now operating, with the exception that the price would be determined later. This contract was sent down about the same time we filed a complaint and they know prior to the preparation of the contract that we were filing a coma / plaint. The offer is the same as they have been offering for the last four months. The hearing has been set on our complaint at 10:30 tomorrow morning. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL reported that a petition was received this evening by John end Wilma Rider for permission to operate a Health Parlor. They made application to Chief Smith. There is an ordinance regulating health parlors. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that tho matter be referred to Chief Smith. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT reported he had received two replies from Engineers to work on a part time, and is awaiting a third reply. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT stated that the owners of National Vista 2/5 i 1 • 1 1 404 No. 2 want the City to put in 6000 feet of 6 inch sewer line and the 20 manholes necessary, which would cost approximately f7p500.00. It is Mr. Seifert's recommendation that the owners of the subdivision prepare their own plans and speci- fications, subject to the approval of tho City, and make their own investment on the sewer line. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved. Carried, ell Councilmen present voting aye. COUNCILMAN CURRY brought up the matter of pi tine the 40 hour week on the ballot. _titer Considerable di..cu^sicn it was decided that all the facts pertaining to 11,e 40 hour week be reviewed and studied for _presentation et the next meeting. COUNCILMAN CURRY stated he thought that just as soon as possible we should do something about our Civil Defense program, and that it should be given more consideration. It was the opinion of the Council this is very worth whilcr but at the present time the City does not have sufficient funds to do anything in this regard. COUNCILMAN CURRY stated he hes received a number of complaints from owners of dogs reg-rding the license fee and charge for vaccination, and he thought it would be Tell worth while to make some arrangement with the votorinarians whereby they would vaccinate the dogs et a cheaper price than what they ere now charging. MAYOR C.RRIGAN stated that Dr. Rockwell was setting side a month where they would vaccinate dogs for $1.00. MRS. IT7SEN stated she contacted Dr. Rockwell and the time has gone by for that pride. MAYOR CA.RRIGAN suggested that City Manager eifert contact Dr. Rockwell and see if there could not be a week or two worked out on the special rate end heve it publicized. MRS. ICODISH said she did not think it was fair to 2/5 1 1 405 ask the veterinarians to forego their means of livelihood to back up a City ordinance. It might be well to contact Dr. f.skew and perhaps they will assume the difference in a reason- able figure and what the veterinarians get. It does not seem fair to ask the veterinarians to reduce their price. The dog owners heve no right to expect the City to do any- thing about it when they did not contest the ordinance when it was printed in the paper. i MRS. KODISH stated she was most interested in the suggestion that Mayor Carrigan brought Up regardlnc a p:nel of citizens in an advisory capacity to the Council, ei,d she would like to state that the proportion of business clubs and association appointees seems out of balance for the population of National City. On the proposed committee of 21 members there would be 20 persons from business clubs and associations as against one person representing more than 51% of the families in National City. If the Council wants to sell itself then this is the time to prove it by equitable representetion of the majority of the people vs business. COUNCILMAN CURRY asked if there has been a complete audit of Mr. Stein's books on the concession. CITY ML LO:R SEIFERT said in the true sense of the word there has been no audit. Everyone of the vendors were contacted either by phone or letter, and if they were phoned to a letter was written con- firming the call. We tried to ascertain each purchase made and the detes they were made. Some of them were cash pur- chases and they heve no way of knowing, they just rang it up on the cash register. It is physically impossible to get a good audit on those accounts. Mr. Seifert said he did not see any way possible to make a complete and thorough audit, even if you spent as much as $500.00 he did not think you could 2/5 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 • 406 ever make an audit. COUTCILMLN CURRY asked if there has ever been a satisfactory eudit on the books for the concession in the past years? CITY MAKLGER SEIF^RT stated in the past years you had better control over everything. When he came here all he found in the files w:s a letterhead stating so much revenue. So much to the City, so much for taxes, and he had Mr. Stein bring in a set of books with ell the vendors, by his daily purchases and the sales We checked end he did pay the sales tax. There is no way that you can mite an audit of the books, but it is Mr. Seifert's suggestion that you have an entirely different setup and when the vonCu: deliyorrb his Supplies. even though peid for by cash, that the City be given a copy of the merchandise purchased, thon you have some control. At this late date you could not make an audit of those books. B. H. ALSDORF, 2105 .J', _vet, was present and stated he thought there should be a stop sign at 24th and Highland. MAYOR CARRIGAN suggested that Mr. Alsdorf contact Chief Smith es he is a member of the Traffic Commission and he can present the problem to the Commission or notify Mr. Alsdorf when they meet so he can be present. B. J. BANKE stated the City owns over 100 acres of vacant land and he would like an expression of policy from each of the Councilmen whet they intend to do with it, whether they wish to hold it or sell it for a reasonable price. COUNCIL- MAN INGALLS said he was not prepared to make an overall state- ment, that he would want to consider each transaction on its own merits after studying it. COUITCILIvM1:N HART said he was of the same opinion as Mr. Ingalls. MRS. DOROTHY JENSEN said that City Manager Seifert matte a statement that it was rcther lute to check on the concession 2/5 407 of Mr. Stein's, but she asked that this matter bo taken up lest September. irs. Jensen said s he looked at the books and there was such a vast discrepancy in the amount of stuff sold there lest year as to what she had sold for the City in prev1dus years; How much does a pei:Son have& to mis= appropriate of National City's funds before you are called a thief or guilty? Mrs. Jensen said she still thinks that invoices could be given for the merchandise bought last year. MAYOR CARRIGAN stated it is his understnnding the City Manager had checked with the various distributiz±„ c,u,npLnies and that their information had more or less coincided uith the in- formation furnished by Mr. Stein. CITY KArLam SEIFERT stated all the records are in the Clerk's office, every letter written, every answer received, tapes from the cash register and the names of all the vendors. There is no way you can make a thorough audit. J. R. HARVEY stated he has heard numerous reports that his figures did not agree with the different firma' figures. He asked Mr. Stein to appear before the Coa'cil in defense of himself. The situation is such, whether it is a nickel or ?k300.00 or 1500.¢0, the question is not whet it is going to cost to prosecute, we have a City Attorney to handle such things. If Mr. Stein has defrauded the City it is up to our City Attorney and our City officials to either clear him or prosecute him. ATTORNEY CAMR3ELL stated there is no question if there is a mis- appropriation of a nickel, expenses should not be involved. If there is a misappropriation of funds it is a violation of a State law. MR. HARVEY said he thought in fairness to all concerned this should be cleared up one way or the other. MAYOR CARRIGAN sai, he did not think the Council is question- ing Mr. Stein's honesty at all, and the City Manager has followed the instructions as given him by the Council, he 2/5 1 • 1 1 408 brought his report in to the Council, and has done the best he could. If either Mr. Harvey or Mrs. Jensen feel that the Council have not done the job, or he has not done the job, then the proper thing to do is to sign a complaint, and we will have no alternrtive then but to follow the suit. MR. HGRVEY said it should be stated outright there is no evidence against Mr. Stein, or stated if there is, it should be definitely one way or the other. CITY MAY G,R SEIFERT stated if Mr. Harvey had any evidence the City would be glad to know it. MR. E'_RVEY said he had none vul)-csoever, only hearsay. MAYOR CARRIGAN said he thou' t 1,.1i,.t P>,r. Seifert has said is that there is no evidence, and the Council will concur in that. If there is a complaint to be filed, it should be filed. Moved by Curry, seconded by Ingalls, that the meeting be closed. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ATTEST: CITY CLERK MAYOCITY OF NAT ONAL CITY _ ALIFORNIA