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National City, California, January 2, 1952
Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by
Mayor Maurice Carrigan at 7:30 7.M, o'clock. Councilmen preset.`
Clarke, Curry, Hart, Carrigan. Councilmen absent: Ingalls.
Moved by Clarke, seconded by Hart, that the reading of the
minutes of the regular meeting of'December 16, 1951, be dis-
pensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Campbell, Seifert,
HERBERT J. SWANSON of National Dry Kiln & Processing Company,
was present in regard to locating a gate over the spur adjacent
to their property at 1400 Tidelands Avenue. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL
stated if the National Dry Kiln & Processing Company would give
the gate to the City, then the City would have Complete control
of it, as they now have, and it might eliminate any further
difficulty, to 14hich Mr. Swanson agreed. MAYOR CARRIGAN re-
quested the gate be given to the City, and that the National
Dry Kiln furnish the locks. MR. SWANSON said they would ask
the Santa Fe Railroad to supply the locks.
COUNCILMAN CLARKE stated he has been requested by certain
citizens to check into t1-40 reason why Division Street approxi-
mately near the site of the proposed new school has not been
paved, also to improve 4th Street east from Palm Ave. to
Harbison Ave. which is in bad condition. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT
'stated it would cost about k3,500. to replace the paving on
Division Street and on Euclid Street it would cost about $2,000.
Due to the weather last week there is no temporary paving. We
are putting in a 4 inch oil road on Division Street and oiling
the road 20 feet north cf Division Street. We do not know when
Euclid Street can bo done as the City does not have the money.
COUNCILMAN HART statod thoro is gas tax money available and
asked if a program had boon submitted to the State. CITY
MANAGER SEIFERT statod tore will be no money for now streets,
and thoy would not considor Euclid and Division Streets as a
maintonance job, nor do thoy considor 4th Stroot between Palm
and Harbison as a maintonanco job. Tho State will not do any-
thing in tho way of now construction until tho City presents
a major street plan, and we hcvo nono. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated
Mr. Bouthol must tentatively approve the Cityts street plans,
and between now and April a plan can bo dotorminod. Thoro have
boon certain streets that wore sot forth on a major plan some-
time) in tho past, and it can possibly bo dono aftor study is
givon by both—tho Council and City Manager. COUNCILMAN CLARKE
said ho thought somothing should bo dono to mako tho stroots at
least passablo for tho pcoplo living in the area of 4th Street.
Tho filt on 16th Strout oast of 4Lt° Avonuo is a dofinito hazard,
and somothing should bo dono bo mako it safo for trevol. CITY
MANAGER SEIFERT statod Mr. Nowborry, Mr. Finnorty and ho aro to
moot with Mr. Bouthol this wook to soo what can bo dono, CO1J CII
MART HART statod that on 18th Strout and Rachaol Avonuo thoro is
a stoop hill and ho thought a stop sign should bo croctcd. MAYOR
CARRIGAN said tho City Manager can handlo this, and asked that
Mr. Soifort arrango a mooting with Mr. Bouthol and tho Council.
MAYOR CARRIGAN announced that it was 8:00 P.M. o'clock and
timo for tho oponing of bids for a polico car. Tho following
bid was rocoivod: CITY CHTVROLET COMPANY bid on ono 1951
Stylolino Special 4 Door Sodan Chovrolot, Modol 1503, $1,805.58
including solos tax, trado in of 1949 Plymouth, $425.00.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said this could bo roforrod to Chiof Smith to
soo whothor ho would considor using a Chovrolot. At ono timo ho
had in mind tho thought that ho might bo ablo to work out a
rontal agrocmont with so,uo agency, if tho Council would like
him to considor that porhaps ho and tho City Managor could sac
what thcy can find out in that rogard. It might prove more
oconomical if such an arrangcmont can bo workod out. Movod by
Hart, socondod by Clarke, this bo roforrod to tho City Manager
and Chiof Smith. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo.
COUNCILMAN CLARKE inouirod about tho rug selo, CITY CLERK
ALSTON statod thoro was a public auction hold this morning at
10:00 A.M. Wo thought ell tho rugs woro felt back rugs and
attar thoy woro advortisdd for solo, Mr. Geutoroaux found two
axministor rugs that cost much more than tho onos wo had ad-
vcrtisod, so thoso woro not offorod for auction. Wo had no
bids on tho folt back rugs. MRS. ALSTON askod tho Council's
ploasuro about tho two rugs that cost $69050 oach. ATTORNEY
CAMPBELL statod thoro was ono lady that was prosont but did not
havo tho $20.00 with hor end askod if tho Council would soli
hor ono for that price. Mr. Campboll advisod hor to make tho
roquost in writing to tho Council. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said por-
haps tho City could donato thom to somo Club if wo cannot sell
thom, ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod tho City could not give thom
away, MAYOR CARRIGAN said porhaps somo of tho omployoos would
bo intorostod in buying thorn. CITY CLERK ALSTON statod it might
bo woll to roodvortiso thou and pleco en ad in tho San Diogo
paper also. MAYOR CARRIGLY suggested it bo put in tho class-
ifiod ads of a San Diego paper. COUNCILMAN HART was in accord
with this. ATTORNEY C AMP ELL statod if no dofinito prico is sot
that you sook offors and havo thom brought to tho Council at tho
noxt mooting. MAYOR CA_RRIGAN statod it might bo woll to ad-
vortiso thom for $20.00 and if you cannot got that porhaps you
can got $15.00 or $12.50. J. R. HARVEY was prosont and statod
ho thought it would bo advisable to sot a prico on tho rugs.
MRS. KODISH statod she saw tho rugs and since tho onos you arc
asking $20.00 only cost C05.00 and tho wholosalor would not givo
$40.00 for tho $69.50, sho thinks tho City is asking too much
money if thoy went to soll thom. If you want to soll thom
put a prieo on thom that will soll thom. MAYOR CARRIGAN suggost
od tho rugs bo sold at half price. ATTORNEY CAM FELL statod Mr
Geutoroqux has a report on filo sotting forth markot valuo and
ho sot it forth at $20.00 and $42.00, end you would thon bo dote
mining a salos price less than market valuo. P,4AYOR CARRIGAN
asked Mr. Gautoroaux if ho would roviso his oatimato, end tho
rugs bo advortisod at half prieo.
THE CONTINUED HEARING on closing a portion of East Socond Stroot
was hold at this timo. '.TT0RI'fY CAMPBELL sold tho City Menegor
has tho stroot problem workod out whoroby it would be to the
advantago of tho City to retain tho stroot, and ho has rocoivcd
doods from that portion that wo did not havo boforo. You havo
no porson procont to insist upon vacation end you had ono porsot
at ono of tho hearings asking that tho stroot bo rotainod as a
public street. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT said in his opinion tho
doods should bo accoptod, Thoro aro throo houses to bo stortod
RESOLUTION NO. 5617 wee road, stating: WHEREAS, pursuant to an
Ordinanco of Intention to vacnto a portion of a public s troct,
to -wit: East Second Strout, more particularly dcscribod as tho
N 151 of Lot 40 and over the, N 15' of S 301 of Lot 36 of Rancho
Hills Unit No. 5 in National City, a hoaring was duly end ro-
gularly hold by the City Council of National City, and attar
the hearing of the ovidonco produced at said hoaring, tho City
Council finds that tho public interest will bust bo sorvod by
tho rotontlon of said proporty for stroot purposos. Movod by
Hort, socondod by Clarke, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod.
Carriod, ell Councilmon nrosont voting eyo,
RESOLUTION NO. 5618 was road, eccopting grant doods to the City
of National City, for street purparsos, from tho following:
Tho City Clerk is horoby authorized and diroctod to rocoivo
tho doods and record samo. Movod by Hart, socondod by Curry,
that tho Rosolution bo adopted. Carriod, all Councilman prosont
voting aye.
ORDINANCE NO. , an ordinenco amending Ordinanco No. 750
and ropoaling Ordinanco No. 783, was proscnted for tho second
and final reeding. Movcd by Clerks, socondod by Curry, that
only tho hoading bo read. Carriod, by tho following voto to -
wit: Ayes: Clarka, Curry, Hart, Carrigan. brays: Nono.
CITY. Movod by Clarkc, socondod by Hart, that tho Ordinanco
bo adopted. Carriod, ell Councilmon prosont voting ayo.
linquishing portion of the Stcto Highway to tho City, was road.
COUNCILMAN CL..RKE sold ho thought it would bo well if wo had a
map on tho bullotin board in tho Council Chambors, such as ho
roquostod proviously, so thoy could soo, as woll as tho poorlo
in rho audionco, whorc this particular portion of tho highway
is locctod. MAYOR CARRIGADN roquostod this bo hold ovor.
tho col]z torel egroomont to socond barrol contract, was present-
od. CITY CLERK ALSTON statod it is hor suggestion this bo ro-
forrod to tho City Lttornoy for chocking. MAYOR CLR'?IGAN
roquostod this bo roforioi to tho City LOtorncy.
orator woll, was road. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that so far
as tho City is concornod thcy havo no right to say thct you
can or cannot drill a well to obtain wator, That area has
boon zonod for a R.1-A and it is tho undorstanding that you
havo a roquost in for a zono varianco. MRS, DWIERE said thoir
purpose to hevo this l,ctt;r road into the rocords is to clarify
tho status of thoir well,
tho City to contribute to thoir progrrm, w's prcsontcd, MAYOR
CARRIGAN a'dorod tho eomnuniee.tion filed,
RESIGNATION OF ROBERT L, HURLBUT, Draftsman in tho Enginooring
Department, well rondo offoctivo Docombor 270 1951, Movod by
Hart, s000ndod by Clcrkc, that tho rosignrtion bo aocoptod.
Carriod1 all Councilmen present voting cyo. CITY CLERK A.LSTON
statod Mr, Hurlbut rosignod es of Dpeombor 27th end on tho 24th
of Docombor sho rocoivod a tolcgram from tho Unitod Air Linos
roquosting clarification of his omploymont, Mrs, Alston con•
taatod tho Enginocr's Offloo and tho Enginoor informed hor Mr,
Hurlbut had not boon they° for throo or four days and ho did
net know what hspponod to him. Tho porsonnol r000rd showed
4i days sick leave, which Mrs, Alston qulstionod bocauso thoro
was no doctor's cortificato, then the rocord was changed to 21
days sick loaves Tho En4inoor rofueod to dock Mr. Hurlbut as
ho thought tho City was gutting tho best and of tho doel es
Mr, Hurlbut had some vacation aceumul tod which ho could not
tako as his year was not comploto. MRS, A,STON stated sho did
not fool sho had authority to pay him tc thu 27th of Docombor,
and askod for a docision of tho Council CITY MANAGER SEIFERT
said it is his rocomm,nir,tion that ho not bo paid for tho timo
ho did not work, 1M0%,1 'y Hart, socondjd ay Clarke, that tho
recommendation of tho City Clerk and the City Manager be
followed. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
BILLS LUDITED by tho Finaneo Committee presented:
General Fund $52.10
Capital Outlay Fund 789.75
Trust & 4goncy Fund 60.00
Payroll Fund 16,017 k77.1
TOTLL $16, 914.56
Movod by Hart, socondod by Clarke, that tho bills bo allowod,
with tho exception of tho Capital Outlay Fund. Carriod, by tho
following voto to -wit: Liyos: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Carrigan.
Nays: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 5619 was road, authorizing tho following sum
incurrod for Capital assets bo paid out of the Capital Out-
lay Fund: F. P. Babcock, $104.00; Swootwator Sand Company,
$6,95, for City Bern walls; end Raymond L. whitwcr, $678.80
for tho City Court Room. Movod by Bert, socondod by Clarke,
that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont
voting ayo.
authority to advortiso for bids to roplaco a brokon sower lino
at tho Sovonth Stroot channol approximatoly 150,foot oast of
Montgomery Freeway. It is ostimatod the cost will bo approx-
imately $3,000.00. moved by Hart, socondod by Curry, that the
rocuDot-bo grantod, bids to be oponod at 8:00 P.M., January 15,
1952. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting eyo.
Loonard L. Davis, who has boon rocommur.- » for appointmont to
sorvo on tho Library Board, wrs road. "uou4 by Curry, soccndad
by Hart, that Gonoral Davis bo nppointc.d to servo on tho L.brary
Board. Carriod, ell JnLn.ilman prosont ✓:'.ing aye.
Stowrrt loft tho omploymont of tho City Docombor 31, 1951.
COMMUNICLTION FROM R_YI'Oi'TD _.. WI:771ER roquosting ho bo paid
20% of his contract for the construction of tho officos in thc
Court Room, ns per his contract, was made Tho amount to bo
paid is $678.80. CITY Ker__GER SEIFERT h^s rccommondod tho
paymont. CITY CL:K LI2:1Cfir statcd this bill Twrs prosontcd
tonight with tho bills in the Cap.itrl Outl^y fund.
COMMUNICLTION FROM CITY fl:51,GTi.F SEIFERT w^s road, roquosting
authority to install e six inch sowcr main o. Sccond Stroot
oast of Herbison senuc, for c distant° of 2G0 foot. Tho total
cost of this job is cstimctod at $550.00. This will be c soli
liquidating projoct as tLcro pro throo now housos to start
immcdintoly thrt will connoct on to this lino. Movod by Hart,
socondod by Curry, that tho roquost bo granted. Carried, all
Councilmon prosont voting cyc.
in rogsrd to thc bill for rontal of tho Community Building,
in tho amount of $78.00 r coivod from tho City, tho Board of
Diroctors voted unanimously to roquost this amount bo paid out
of contract funds providod in thoir ngroomont with tho City for
ndvortising, music and promotion. CITY CLERK LLSTON said sho
quostionod this mothod of payment, and that sho would rathor pay
tho Chambor of Commorco on thoir contract and thoy pay thoir
own bills. Movod by Clarke, seconded by Curry, this bo rofcrrcd
to tho City Lttornoy. Carriod, all Cc' .--'non prosont voting ay'.
CITY CLERK LLSTOIT strtod the Polico Do --.Cant have a numbor of
atoms of rocovcrod pr000rty to bo ouctscnod and ask thrt s,ao bo
euthorizod to edvort .n. to hold this su1a , kL_YOR CLRRIGL,N said
it might bo wall if . t' Council would r plfvs_zo tho Clerk from
how on that adtortising of this typo bo placod in classified
rethor than in tho logal. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL strtod it must bo
plaiod in tho to al if
g publication. MAYOR QLRRIGI,P1 asked/it coul-
not bo put in the log&l publication and havo tho printor put r
block around it so thrt it will stand out, ATTORNEY CAMPBELL
stated this advortising roquiros tho list of items to bo
publicized also, e.nd thorc must bo rt lonst five days notico
and ono publication. It is rrim2rily put in to give notico to
pooplo who hove had articles stolon sD thrt it givos thom a
chanco to claim thom prior to tho sale. MAYOR CARRIGAN said
tho hooding should bo put in bold print. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL
statod tho Chiof of Polico will sign tho notico and ho will hold
tho auction.
ing tho omploymont of Jrmcs Goo as machonic's holpor. Ho will
ropinco Loroy Bunch who rcsignod in Soptombor. Ap)ointmont to
become offoctivo Jrnuery 16, 1952. Movod by Curry, socondod by
Hart, that tho roqucst bo grantod. Carried, all Councilmen
prosont voting ayo.
eommonding tho appointmont of Hiram C. Hancock, Jr. end Victor F.
Bagloy as probationors on tho Sanitation Dop3rtmont, Thoso mon
will roplaco tho tomporary mon omploycd in Novombor and Docombor
ponding Civil Sorviec examinations. Their omploymont will bo-
comp cffoctivo Jrnuary 1, 1952. Movod by Hart, socondod by
Curry, that tho roqucst bo grantod. Ccrri.)d, all Councilmen
prosont voting ayo.
RESOLUTION NO. 5620 wrs reed, changing Ru10 10.02 of tho Civil
Scrvico Rulos to read es follows: 10,02 Sick Loose. Each por-
manont omployoo in tho competitivo sorvico ^hall bo ontitlod to
accumulative sick Mayo with pay at tho rat., of ono day per
month up to n total of 60 days. Sick loaves with or without
pay, in addition to oarnod sick loaves may bo grantod by tho
City Council. Tho offoctivo dato to bo July 1, 1952. Movod Ly
Hart, socondod by Clark°, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod.
Carriod, all Councilmen proscnt voting ayo.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stntod ho hrs proparod an o-rdinanco sotting
forth tho personnel cicrk of tho Civil Sorvico systom as within
tho jurisdiction of tho Civil Scrvico.
ORDINLNCE NO. , an ordinrnco ^monding Ordinrnco No. 712,
in tho mattor ot adding tho porsonnol cicrk of tho Civil Sorvico
systom, was prosontod for tho first reading rnd road in full.
Movod by Hart, socondod by Clark°, that the Ordinrnco bo laid
ovor until thq/mooting for tho socond and final roeding. Conic
by tho following voto to -wit: .yos: Clarke, Curry, Hart,
Carrigan. Nays: Nono.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod that Charles M. Davis dopositod $50.00
whon ho mado his bid for tho eclloction of salvr.go, and hp has
signod tho contract, so ho is ontitlod to tho rofund of $50.00
as soon es ho makos tho propor rpplicntion to tho City. Movod
by Clarke, socondod by Curry, that tho refund be grantod.
Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Lyos: Clarko, Curry,
Hart, Carrigan. Nays: kono.
ATTVRNEYC CAMPBELL roportcc' on his trip to San Francisco in rogard
to tho wator situction. Both ho and Mr. Boyer, ;.ttorncy for
tho City of Chula Vista hrd an appointmont with tho Public
Utilitios Commission and t^_lkod with the Chairman of tho
Commission, and thoir Chief Counsol. They suggostod wo could
potition or filo a complaint against tho Water Company sooking
tho Commission's order to order tho Water Company to nccopt
tho wetor that wo hews in tho Colorado Riv.,r wacor on the group:
that tho company doos not hevo an cdoqu^to safo rosorvo. Tho
Commission cannot compol tho Wetor Company to sign any contr»ct
or to tako any particular watcr out, howovor, if wator is avail.•
able and thoy aro not fulfilling thoir duty to supply wator, th
Commission has tho authority to ordor tho Company to take it.
Tho problom would bo whothor or not tho Commission would ordor
tho amount to be pcid or whothor it must bo dotorminod by a
soparato suit that would bo tho roasonablo vcluo, and what is
tho roasonablo vcluo. ATTORNEY C.J&PEELL stated ho nssumod tho
roasonablo veluc of wator would be what it cost tho City of
National City. The Commission will lock frvcrably on the filing
of tho complaint, what thoir final answer will bo, or what thoy
will docido is quostioncblo. Tho Wetcr Company officials and
tho Lttornoys for tho Wator Company woro told wo woro going to
filo the complaint if tho
e bottor offor than 50%.
thomsolves and they havo,
aftor a discussion by tho
50%, so it would Indic^to
wo arc going to prococd.
Council so advisod unloss thoy mado
They wantod to talk it over among
end yostorday wo rocoivod word that
Lttornoys they still offor tho City
that we might filo a complaint if
If tho Council fools thoy would liko
a complaint Moe, it is Zittorncy Campboll's rocommondation that
tho Council, or as many mombors as possiblo, moot with thc City
of Chula Vista Council rnd plan thoir courac of procoduro. M;YOR
CLRRIGAN stated it would b., his r:commonc'.ation that tho Attornoy
bo authorized to filo a complaint with tho Utilities Commission
prior to tho mooting with tho Chula Vista Council. ATTORNEY
C1.1Il'BELL asked if thc Mayor wishod us to join with tho chula
Vista Council. MAYOR C;.RRIG4N said if it is possiblo at all wo
should, if they do not, thon wo should fi. a complaint of our
own. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated ho could g:.t the complaint in
propor form, if tho City of Chula Visca wishes to join, it will
roquiro only tho addition of one othor nLmo and if tho Counnl
makos this authorization, thoy should also euthorizc tho Mayor
to sign tho complaint whon it is proparod. Movod by Curry,
socondod by Hart, that tho City ottornoy bo authorized to filo
tho complaint with Chula Vista', if possiblo, and without thom
if not. Carried, all Councilman prosont voting ayo. MLYOR
CLRRIGL.N askod thct n mooting bo arrangod with tho,Council of
Chula Vista tontativoly for Friday cvoning, and if Friday is
not suitablo, Monday cvoning et 7:30.
commondations rosulting from tho mcotino cf thc Commission
Docombor 19, 1951. CITY CLERK LISTON statcd no action could bo
takon at this timo as tho nocossary timo hrd not elapsed.
MRS. DWIERE askod if this alse includos hor roquost for a zon)
varianco as hor eppliection for tho variance is datod Octobor
26, 1951. LTTORi\TEY COMPELLL statod no zone vcrianco could bo
actod on prior to 15 days aftor boing filod with tho City-Clork.
and tho roport is dated Docombor 24th, so no action can bo takon
until tho noxt mooting.
COUNCILM:.N CURRY asked if a subdivider is rosponsiblo for tho
drrinago problem in now subdivisions. LTTORNEY CLuPBELL statod
that tho drainage and ovcrything portaining to stroots is sot
forth in tho now ordinnnco. You can roquiro cortain olovrtions
and cortain drain^.go provisions. If the map has boon approvod
by the Enginoor and the Council, I do not think you can go back
and havo thom chongo their grndo, but in tho future subdivisions
you can. MLYOR CLARIGLN said he thought 8th Stroot and tho
major portion of tho drainage systom from) round Harbison Lvo.
down through tho wholo area is whoro tho Jig problom is going to
bo,'and suggostod this b;, roforrod to thc City Menagor to suo
if there is some othor w^y oxcopt locel fii.,4s to do something
cbout it. CITY MoNLGER S.' CFERT statod criockod with tho firm!
Enginoors last wock and thoy hrvo no funds at all this yocr,
ovorything has boon divortod to tho Nevy, and it was suggostcd
if wo can mako a dofonso project out of it wo might got sore
COUNCILM.N CLLRKE brought up tho mcttcr of c blanket bond to
cover all tho omployoos who roqulro bonding. Tho County of
Srn Diogo have bonc,od thoir omployocs this way and it is a
savings of $2,000. n yorr, and it might likov1so savo tho City
some money.
COUNCILMLN CLLRKE askoc' the fooling of th.; Council in rogard
to assisting tho conditions caused by thu fire in Tijuana. Mr.
Clarke said ho would bo glad to do what ho could and that it
might bo a good gestureon tho cart of the officials and om-
ployoos of tho City and othors who might wish to pacticipato
to cronto somo fund and donato it to tho ceuso. MLYOR CLRRIGL:
suggostcd that anyono who wishos to do anything in this rogard
can do so through tho Chambor of Commore® as thoy havo alrerdy
startod such a fund.
Movod by Hart, socondod by Curry, that tho mooting bo closod.
Carried, all Councilmen prcsont voting ayo.
: Le.-e