HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952 01-22 CC ADJ MIN381 National City, California, January 22, 1952 Adjourned meeting of January 15, 1952 of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Maurice Carrigan at 8:00 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Councilmen absent: None. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Campbell, Seifert, Bailey, Gautereaux. BILLS AUDITED by the Finance Committee presented: General Fund $25,655.21 Street Fund 14,984.46 Capital Outlay Fund 4,124.21 Library Fund 2,197.33 Park Fund 516.87 Retirement Fund 6,221.22 Harbor Fund 444.07 Trust & Agency Fund 267.46 Max Thelen Fund 10.00 Payroll Fund 17 475.08 TOTAL $14 895.91 Moved by Clarke, seconded by Ingalls, that the bills be allow- ed, with the exception of the Capital Outlay Fund, and warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: None. RESOLUTION NO. 5633 was read, authorizing the payment of $4,124.21 from the Capital Outlay Fund, as follows: Raymond A. Whitwer, Construction, Court Annex, $2,036.40; National Lumber Company, Constn ctJ.en, City Barn, $575.67; Boast S3aetrio, Construction, City Barn, $30,59; Gordon Kimball, Refund of sewer payment, Said in error, $170.00; Empire Lumber Sales, Construction, Stbre Room, $1,511.55. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, ell Council- men present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM PARK ALT FORESTRY SUPT. GAUTEREAUX regard- ing the temporary appointment of William Crossley as Acting 1/22 382 Recreation Director, October 1,-1951, was presented. The matter of the Fiesta accounts was also presented.- The tempor- ary period filled by William Crossley terminated as of January 1, 1952. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated there is no provision in the Ordinance for the extension of time, and that Mr. Crossley has been returned to his former status as of January 1, 1952. Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that the sum of $1,179,03 be transferred to Account A-1 in the Recreation Department Budget. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM PLANNING COMMISSION regarding rezoning, laid over from the last mooting, was presented. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated the Council will determine the date for the hearing at the next Council meeting. DEMAND BY CHARLES KESSLER, in the amount of $460875.00* was presented. The sum of $1,875.00 is for rent of building at 2300 National Avenue, and the sum of $45,000.00 is for damage to real property located between National Avenue and Roosevelt Avenue, and 23rd Street and 24th Street. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart,, this bo referred to the City Attorney, and that the City Clerk be instructed to notify tho Insurance Carrier of this particular claim for damage. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM REVEREND ERNY of tho First Methodist Church was road, roquostins the use of tho War Memorial Bowl for their Easter Service on Sunday, April 13th at 11:00 A.M. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that tho request bo grentod. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM ENLPH M. FINNERTY,. Principal Lincoln Acres School, was read, expressing appreciation for the cooperation 1/22 383 thoy havo roceivod in making Lanoitan Avonuo much safer and _;cleanor for tho childron attonding this school. Thoro is one hazard that oxists which ho would liko to havo romodiod. At tho prosont timo cars aro parking in front of tho school noxt to tho embankment which makos it necessary for tho childron to walk in the stroot. It is roquostod that a lino bo paint- od at the curb lino in front of .tho school, which would placo tho cars away from tho embankmont far onough for tho childron to walk botwoon tho perked cars and tho ombankmont, thus oliminating the prosont hazard. MAYOR CA=RIGAll roquostod this bo roforrod to tho City Managor, Polico Chiof, and tho Traffic Commission. RENEWAL OF APPLICATION FOR ON SALE BEER by Esky's Club, 720 National Avo., was prosontod. MAYOR CARRIGAN roquostod tho application filod. COMMUNICATION FROM D EPART}TNT OF PUBLIC WORKS, Division of _ Highways, was road, stating that tho population of tho City of National City, for tho purposo of allocation of gas tax funds, is roducod as follows: lloronco Ro-First Sub., 6; Pritchards, 12; Fishor, 18. MAYOR CARRIGAN roquostod this bo roforrod to the City Attornoy. INSURANCE FOR TARTER, WEBSTER & JOHNSON on tho tidelands lease was prosontod. GITY CLERK ALSTON adkod that it bo apprevod by Atternoy Campboll. COMMUNICATION FROM TRAFFIC COMMISSION was road. Following a roquost from tho First Congrogational Church for a loading zono in front of tho Church, it is rocommondod that churches bo pormittod, upon application to tho Polico Dopt., to havo romovablo "no parking^ signs placed in front of thoir ontrancos during services. Thoso signs to bo suppliod by tho church and 1/22 384 mainteinod by tho church staff. It is rocommondod thoro bo a four-way boulovard stop nt tho intcrsoction of 24th Stroct and 'IU Avonuo, also ono at tho intorsoction of 12th stroot and c1At1 Avonuo. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that tho Police Dopartmont and City Attornoy bo nuthorizod to make such arrangomont es rocommondod by tho Commission. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY MANAGER SEIFERT was rood, roqucsting nuthorizetion to employ Mrs. Hazol Irony St.ckmnn on a part timo basis es a clork in tho Building Inspector's Offico, also to koop tho books for the Strcot Dapertmcnt. It is rocommond- od that sinco this position on a pert timo basis doos not comp undor Civil Sorvico, sho bo hirod at tho third stop in tho cicrkts salary brackot on nn hourly basis of 0..10 par hour. It is oxpoctod sho will work from 9:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. and on Saturday from 9:00 A.E. to 12:00 noon. Movcd by Hart, socondod by Curry, that tho rocuost bo grnntod. Carriod, all Councilman prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY MANAGER SEIFERT was read, stating it is imporativo that wo hello n City Enginoor for tho purposo of carrying on tho Cityts businoss roquiring tho signature of rogistorod onginoor on certain documonts. It is rocommondod wo oonsidor tho omploymont of e consulting onginoor, arranging his foo on an hourly or nor diom basis for tho bnlanco of this Pisan' yoar. Movod by Curry, socondod by Hart, that tho City Managor bo euthorizod to contact onginoors who qualify for tho position. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting aye. COMMUNICATION FRO1 CITY M:\..NAGER SEIFERT was road, rocommonding considorntion bo given to nmcnding our prosont subdivision laws and roquiromonts, including more rigid spocificntions for paving end drainage). COUF.CILMQN INGALLS askod if somothing morn 1/22 385 spocific could not bo submittod. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod what City Managor Soifort has in mind is primarily tho ordinance requiring a subdividor to put in a four inch road oil mix, and that 1s not durablo. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT statod thoy wish to avoid tho rood oil mix, it is n tompor- cry road et tho best. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho thought somo- ono should define tho paving as to consistoncc, thicknoss, etc. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod tits roquost is to chango thesub- division ordinanco which would roquiro any subdivider, sub- dividing within Notional City, to place tho strocts in com- pliance with tho now formulas, it would not apply to any of tho subdivisions that aro now tat existonco. You can provont the installation of a stroot, you can provont any typo of pa vomont that is within reason, or covoring in any subdivision by tho subdivision ordinanco, and tho prosont ono only limits a subdivider to a four inch rord oil mix. You can rocuiro that amount, but at tho present timo no moro. Howovor, this only applios to a subdivision, it doos not apply to nnyono oponing or driving across a trail until o road has boon ostabllshod, but tho City doos not hnvo to accept such e stroot. MAYOR CARRIGAN said ho thought tho foundation of tho road bod would bo tho dociding factor in tho typo of road surfoco to uso. Wirt wo should roquiro in our subdivision ordinance is that a soil tcst bo mndo of that particular nroa and tho typo of rood put in thet would suffico. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT statod thoro is no ono particular mix that will fit all roods, and the soil should bo nnnlyzod. MAYOR CARRIGAN rskod that tho City Manager invostigcto the mattor and prosont n comprohonsivo stctomont of his rocommondations. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY MANAGER SEIFERT was road, recommending that tho bid of Walter H. Barbor for tho rope.ir of tho 12" sowor moan et tho 7th Stroot Channol, bo aeeoptod. 1/22 386 RESOLUTION NO. 5634 was road, accopting tho bid of Walter H. Borbor, datod Janucry 15, 1952, in tho sum of $3,219.60. Maurice Carrigan, Mayor of tho City of National City, is horoby euthorizod end diroetod to oxocuto tho contract thoro- for for and upon bohnlf of said City. Mbvod by Ingalls, soeondod by Hort, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT MIKKELSON was road, rocommonding tho appointment of Hershel Dnvis to ro- pineo Carl Kirk whoso resignation was effective January 21, 1952. It is also rocommondod that William H. Harpor bo omployod to replace Victor Begley, employed January 1, 1952. Mr. Bogloy livos in El Cajon and cannot find living quertors in National City, and ho would liko to havo his name placod on tho list again, so if at a futuro deto he finds a homo in Notional City ho would have omploymont. Movcd by Curry, socondod by Hart, that tho roquosts bo granted. Carriod,_all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. REPORT OF CITY TREASURER HOLOATE for Doeombor 1951 was prosont- od. MAYOR CARRIGAN or dorod the roport filod. COMMUNICATION FROM MARK H. MONEY, Prosidont of National City - Chula Vista Realty Board, was road, stating that on January 15, 1952, a group of roal estrto brokers and selosmon prosantod a potition asking that tho businoss liconso foes for brokors and salosmon romain tho semo as thoy woro in 1951. Ovor 90% of our mombors Novo withhold paying thofr incroasod 1952 foos until a hoaring could bo hold with tho Council. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stotod tho prosont ordinanco was offoctivo as of Janucry 1, 1952, rnd undor tho ordinaneo it roquiros that ovary person having a businoss within tho City must have e liconso, so rogardloss of what action you might take now or at sumo 1/22 387 lator deto it would not cffoet'tho roquiromonts for tho prosont license, that is tho foo on an annual baste offoctivo Janu^ry 1; so if you 'Mango at any time you would have to ohnngo it offoctivo as of Janu-ry 1, 1953. COUNCILMEN INGALLS at}ggostod that a lottor bo writton to tho Roalty Board with that intorprotntion. MAYOR CARRIGAN roquostod that Attornoy Campboll draft n lottor to tho National City -Chula Vista Roalty Board sotting forth tho clauso as shown in tho ordinaneo, and that any changes that would bo made would h^vo to bo offoctivo as of Jcnu^ry 1, 1953, NOTICE OF THE FOURTH ANNUAL CALIFORNIA STRE=T AND HIGHWAY CONFERENCE to bo hold et Los Angolos, Fobruery 6, 7 and 8, 1952, was prosontod. Steto, county district and city govorn- monts may under Stato lcw (Chaptor 78, Statutos of 1949) dosignato roprosontativos to attond tho Conforonco, charging thoir oxponsos to thoir Highway Usors Tax or othor funds. MAYOR CARRIGAN scid ho thought it would bo woll for tho Council to roquost that Dr. Goorgo Parchon, who is tho Chair- man of tho Traffic Commission, nttond tho Conforonco, with his oxponsos paid. If Dr, Pcrchon cannot ettond, thon olthor Chief Smith or somoono dosign^tod by tho Chiof should go. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL quostionod whothor tho oxponsos for Dr. Farallon would bo allowod ns ho is not an omployoo of tho City and tho Commission is sot up as an'advlsory commission. Movod by Clarko, socondod by Ingalls, if it is logelly possiblo that Dr. Goorgo Parchon nttond tho Conforonco. If not, tho Chiof of Polioo or someone dosignRtod by tho Chief bo authorizod to nttond tho Conforonco, and oxponsos to,bo paid by tho City. Cerriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM T. M. HEGGLAND, Chiof Administrativo officor, County of San Diogo, was rend, stcting ho was vory much improssod 1/22 388 with tho fnellitloa which National City has providod in its City Hall for tho now Justico Court. MAYOR CARRIGLN ordorod tho communication filod. CITY CLERK ALSTON statod sho would liko an oxprossion from tho Council whothor or not they wish tho consolidation of voting procincts for the oloction April 8th. Thoro aro 31 procincts. It was tho conconsus of opinion of tho Council thoro bo no consolidation of voting precincts. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod tho City of Nctionrl City and tho City of Chula Vista havo,mailod a coriplaint to tho Public Utilitios Commission against tho Colifornir_ Wetor and Tolophono Company, sooking roliof from our anticipatod wator shortago. BERNARD J. BANKE was prosont, and askod tho policy of tho Council concorning tho salo of City ownod proporty. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod tho policy of tho Council was to cloer tho titlo on all tho land wo obtninod and do nothing as far as solos until such timo as that is complotod, and thon it will bo sold et markot valuo. MAYOR CARRIGAN stated it was tho opinion of tho Council thct on any City ownod ]and tho Council would accopt any fair appraisal vrluu, and it would bo for solo at any timo. MRS. DOROTHY JENSEN was prosont end statod sho askod Mr. Campboll,last Doco$bor if ho did not hevo a latter about a yoar ago from a party who owns land adjoining National City and promisod to bo annoxod to National City, pay his sharo of business lieonsos and all othor taxes, and his portion of tho sowor chargos, at tho and of ono yoar. Mrs. Janson said sho was wondoring whet happonod about this as tho City noods all tho &onoy thoy can get into thoir tronsury. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said ho has novor soon tho lottor, which rofors to 1/22 389 tho uDuck Pond', but it is his undorstanding that when tho •Duck Pond° was connected to tho sowor, thoy would annox within ono year's timo. MAYOR CARRIGAN said thoro is a lottor on filo stating ho would bo willing to annex. Sinco that time wo hnvo not boon too anxious to nnnox nny morn proporty duo to tho cost of installing sowors, etc. MRS. KODISH was prosont and nskod if tho same spoeifications for cortain typos of stroots, as nppliod to subdividors could not also bo appliod to dodicatod strocts which cro not grrdod, otc. MAYOR CARRIGAN stntod thct ho thought that any ordinance por- taining to stroots, tho samo typo of construction should bo roquirod rognrdloss of who puts in tho stroot. COUNCILMAN INGALLS said ho thought tho Council should consider tho soloction of a Rocroation Director. Moved by Clrrko, socondod by Ingalls, thrt Carl F. Putz bo appointed Rocroation Diroctor, offoctivo Fobruary 1, 1952. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Curry, that tho mooting bo closod. Cerriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. �if 1 i1d�C,G CIS-"• MAYOR, ITY OF NATION ' L CITY, O IFORNIA ATTEST: CITY CLERK 1/22