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National City, California, April 24, 1951.
Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by
Mayor Clinton D. Matthews at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen
present: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Councilmen
absent: None.
Moved by Hart, seconded by Clarke, that the reading of the
minutes of the regular meeting of April 17, 1951, be dispensed
with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Sullivan, Campbell,
BILLS AUDITED by the Finance Committee presented:
General Fund $3,666.37
Library Fund 366.12
Street Fund 501.91
Park Fund 1,042.29
Retirement -Fund 209.95
Harbor Fund 627.22
Plann. Comm. Fund 2.21
Payroll Fund 18 585.18
TOTAL $25,203.26
Moved by Clarke, seconded by Hart, that the bills be allowed, and
warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, by the following vete
to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays:
THOMAS LE ONARD, 2740 Lincoln Court, was present and stated that
a lady came into his place of business and stated that she was
soliciting prizes for a card party. Mr. Leonard said he told
the lady there was an ordinance against card parties and the
answer was that the City Manager had given them permission to
have this card party. Mr. Leonard said he was wondering about
the legality of such things. MAYOR MATTHEWS stated that at the
last meeting the Attorney gave a clarification of the Ordinance
prohibiting card rooms. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said his interpret-
ation is that the Ordinance prohibits the furnishing of card
tables in any room in National djty for hire or for public use.
If there are donations, that is not for hire. If tickets are
sold to the public it would be a violation of the Ordinance.
If it is to any closed group or organization and no public use.
then donations would not constitute a violation. COUNCILMAN
CLARKE said that if this card room ordinance is going to cause
any trouble whereby it would embarrass the Mayor, the City
Manager or the Council, that he would be in favor of seeing that
it is amended and brought up to the point where there is absolute
ly no room for controversy.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL reported that the Water Company has not had
their contract to be signed by Mr. Gordon, returned yet from
San Francisco, so they are unable to furnish the City with any
letter in compliance with the ordinance. Attorney Campbell
suggested that the matter of the acceptance of the final map
of Beverly Glen Subdivision be laid over another week. MAYOR
MATTEEWS ordered this matter held over until the next meeting.
REQUEST FOR TAX SALE on Lots 18 and 19, Block 117, City Plat,
was presented.. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that this request has
raised the question whether or not the Council wishes to sell
"an interest that they can acquire from the County by their
option they now have on tho property. There is a question
raised as to just how the sale is to go through. The amount
of the bid in the event the Council takes the County's interest
must be determined. The question that will present itself is
this, if it is a matter of only exercising your option and paying
the County the same amount of money that they require and then
passing it on to the purchaser, will involve too much work for
the City. If you go into it and make a profit, which you are
entitled to, then that would be the mount you would have to
determine. If you do not wish to make a profit then it would be
better to forego your option and only sell the tax title. MAYOR
MATTHEWS said he thought the policy of the Council is to make a
profit if possible. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that the
Council exercised a contract with the County to take an option
on some parcels of land which were tax delinquent in the County
and on which the City had a tax deed, and at that time we
anticipated itt getting the property back on the tax roll.
The property in question we have the tax deed on and wo have an
option to purchase the County's tax dood. When the County enter
into an agreement with the City, the price is nominal, in some
cases $3.50 per lot, in order to enable the City to get the prop-
erty back on the tax roll. we have had some discussion with
people interested in property who have offered an additional ten
percent over the minimum bid to include the option with the
County. It has been your policy so far to estimate the amount of
tax that would have accrued to the City had the property been on
the tax roll, plus the penalties that have accrued, as a minimum
bid,to the time the bid is made. If the County's tax interest is
to be included, which wo purchase for $3.50 or $4.00, that is
the expenditure, but tho money involved actually in time, legal
services and administrative costs is more than the $3.54-or $4.00
It has been a policy in other places to sot a standard, either
a percentage or a flat amount to include the County's tax inter-
est under option. If an individual should purchase a tax dood
under our ordinance they could not purchase the County's interest
as long as wo have an option on it. The purpose of the option
is to get it back on tho tax roll, not whether ton percent or
twenty percent or whatever percentage addition you want to
establish for the minimum bid, and that permits anyone to como
in and bid more, but the policy on the minimum bid should be
uniform as far as all of the parcels are concerned. MAYOR
MATTHEWS said he thought it would be good information for the
Council if we could have a map prepared showing the location of
the lots on which wo have the option, so that with the holp of
tho Planning Commission dotormino the possibility of using part
of that land for City use and detormino what part wo want to
sell, CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said the Council may exercise
their option under two conditions: 1. For the City's use. 2.
Because you have a bona fide purchaser. MAYOR MATTHEWS requested
that a map be propared so that the Council can make a study in
order to know what is bust to sell, and most suitablo to tho
Council, and that tho matter be laid over until the next meeting.
COMMUNICATION FROM MR. TYSON regarding his offer to purchase tho
property between 14th and 15th Stroots on National Avonuo, was
road, placing a time limit of through April 25th with respect
to the offor containod in his letter of April loth. This is
necossery in order that ho is froe to nogotiato for somo othor
location. REPORT FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION was road, approv—
ing the proposed salo of tho block of City proporty botwoon
14th and 15th Stroots on National Avonuo. Chairman Christman
suggostod the oponing of l4 th Strout from National Avonuo to
Avenuo and tho opening of 'IA" Avonuo from 14th Stroot to
15th Strout and proposed a landscaped screening around the block
as a moansof eliminating an objoctionablo view from tho Park
westerly. Mombors of the Park and Rocroetion Commission were
prosont and after soma discussion stated that they would go on
record as approving tho salo of tho property. Tho Planning
Commission members agrood that a zono variance rather than a
zono change bo tho mothod of conformity for tho oastorly half
of tho block. Mr. Tyson's lottor of April loth was road which
stated that his offer for this property is $30,000.00 if tho
City makos a fill to street lovol and installs water drainago
in tho roar of tho proporty, or $20,000.00 for tho property in
an as is condition. COUNCILMAN HART askod tho cost of tho last
appraisal. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said it was $450.00. COUYCIL-
• MAN CURRY stated that Mr. Tyson's offor is in lino with tho
appraisal. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said that tho merkot valuo of
tho property lies is condition wes ostimatod es $29,000.00 by
tho appraiser and $37,500.00 if it woro fillod. COUNCILMAN
CL^.RKE askod if it would be an oconomical thing for tho City to
do tho filling. MAYOR MATTHEWS said it would not bo his rc-
commondetion that tho City do tho filling job, and that ho thoug"
this was a wondorful opportunity in having a chance to soll this
property and got this typo of businoss that will bring tho in-
como to National City. Mayor Matthows said ho thought this wes
a vary good offer, that thoro had boon quito a bit of publicity
end thoro has boon no furthor offor. Mayor Matthows statod
that ho is in accord with tho people who made tho survoy, that
they thought tho City Council would be justifiod in eccopting
an offor to purchase at a figuro 20 to 25 porcont loss than our
appreisod valuo if tho dood convoying tho proporty contained
tho rovorsionary clauso for non complianco. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL
stated that a rovorsionary clauso providos that if tho ownor
end foo doos not comply with cortain conditions es sot forth
in his dood tho foo will rovort to tho grantor, which would bo
tho City. That doponds what your restrictions might ho in
tho rocommondation, also what might bo acceptable to tho
purchasor. MR. D. R. TYSON, 1040 National Avonuo, was prosont
and stated that tho matter of tho opening of caA" Avonuo would
hevo absolutoly no boaring on tho valuo of tho property to him.
As to tho dovolopmont of tho property, if tho City approves tho
solo, tho first movo would bo to install tho propor drainage in
the roar of tho proporty, and than to start tho fill of tho
property. An ovorall plan would bo worked out so far as tho
location of tho building and tho entiro dovolopmont of tho
property. If it wore possiblo to start construction of tho
building immodiatoly that would bo dono, in tho ovont it cannot
bo dono at this time, duo to Govornmont rogulations, thon aftor
tho fill is complotod, pave a portion of tho proporty that would
bo tho pormanont usod car lot. Tho lot would bo woll lighted
and have a pormenont typo offico building on it, and that portion
of tho ovorall projoct could bo dono without intorforonco of any
prosont Govornmont rogulations. Mr. Tyson said his statomonts
with respoct to tho dovolopmont of tho proporty aro sincero
boeauso ho has to havo morn room. His intorost in the property
is not ono of a spoculativo naturo. MAYOR MATTHEWS asked Mr.
Tyson if ho would havo any objoction to tho rovorsionary clause,
bocsuso of the rostrictions on building if ho could not got
building matorial, that tho elauso would road from tho time tho
material would bocomo availeblo. MR. TYSON said ho had no
objections to tho intent of such'a clause, if it can bo-wordad
in such a manner that ho has roasonablo protection., COUNCILMAN
CURRY and COUNCILMAN cLARO woro in accord with accopting Mr. .
Tyson's offer, ospocially since this will not interfere with tho
Park and Rocreational activitios. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN stated -
that using tho twonty porcont factor it would bring tho proporty
to $23,600,00, tho twonty-fivo porcont factor would bring it.to
$22,200.00, and tako into consideration tho $450.00 spont'for tho
appraisal, and thet it should bo takon into considoration,that
tho,proporty is not -going to-dopreciato in valuo. Mr. Carrigan
said ho thought tho proporty should bo_hold at loast to tho
appraisal valuo. MAYOR,MATTHEWS said, if ho thought thoro was
a.chanco to got moro monoy for tho proporty that ho•would fool
tho samo way,. COUNCILMAN,CARRIGAN; said,ho did not beliovo there
would bo much difficulty in solling property ono block long on
tho main stroot. COUNCILMAN HART said ho did not think wo should
pay $450.00 for an appraisal ._and not.uso it, MAYOR MATTHEWS
statod that ho porsonally hatod to peas up en opportunity to
got $20,000.00 for this property that tho City has very littlo
invostmont in and tho opportunity for tho City to gain this
typo of businoss and the solos tax which this will bring tho
City, and that ho would hato to loso a typo of man liko Mr.
Tyson that will bring this typo of business to National City.
Mayor Matthows said ho would bo inclined to accept Mr. Tyson's
offor boforo ho changes his mind. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said if
your minds wore mado up it should have boon statod last wook,
wo would have sevod tho $450.00.- MAYOR MATTHEWS said ho did not
boliovo thorr minds woro mado up, that is tho roason thoy askod
for tho survoy. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said thorn is ono point ho
would like to mako. Upon tho accoptanco of an offor at this
time, unloss tho reversionary clauso for non compliance or an
agroomont as to a specific porformanco bond as sot forth by the
appraisor is not workot out, thoro might bo some quostion if you
accept $20,000.00 on a $29,000.00 appraisal until thoso othor
factors aro workod out, bocauso you aro varying than approxi-
matoly 33 1/3 porcont which might raiso tho quostion of a gift
to public funds, however if tho rocommondetions of an appraisor
would bo followed, Attornoy Campboll statod that ho did not
believe thoro would bo any question thon as to a gift to public
funds. If there is going to bo an accoptanco of the offor thero
should bo some rovorsionary clauso worked out at tho timo of
accoptanco of tho offor. If Mr. Tyson would bo willing to work
with him ho would bo glad to drew up tho nocossary clauso. MR.
TYSON said under tho terms of his original lottor proposing to
buy this property ho mado a firm offor which according to his
knowlodgo of law, if tho Council should havo accoptod that offor
it would havo boon binding. In.ordor to havo somo froodom in
tho mattor of oxploring othor locations of which ho has know-
lodgo ho did not want to continuo to bind himself to that offer
for an indcfinito poriod. If with tho City Attornoy wo caa work
up an accoptablo clause that would be a part of this sala,, Mr.
Tyson said ho would bo most happy to go along on that basis fop
a reasonable poriod of timo. In tho absonco of othor buyors
boing on tho scono for this proporty it doos not appoar tharo,is
• any injustico to anyono if tho offor coasos to oxist and wo go
ahoad and attempt to work up somo satisfactory approach to this
matter so that it can bo prosontod to tho City Council noxt
• Tuosday. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said if tho Council would accopt
tho offor tonight there is no way in which you could ineludo tho
rovorsionary cleuso becauso Mr. Tyson would not know what tho
clause would bo and tho offor oxcludos, or cortainly doos not
stato that ho is making it upon condition that thoro is a ro-
vorsionary clause, so your accoptanco in complianco with his offor
• must bo without tho rovorsionary clauso or olso hold it over
until ho and his attornoy and I can work out somothing for your
prosontation. MAYOR MATTHEWS statod this matter would bo taken
Or up again at tho noxt mooting.
REQUEST FOR A PERMIT to oxtond tho spur track of tho Atchison,
Topoka end Santa Fo Railway Company on Harrison Avonuo, was
prosontod. CITY MANAGER SULLIVLN statod this is a roquost of
tho Santa Fo to oxtond a portion of their track for a spur track
to sorvico tho Wordon Floor Company to whom thoy havo mado a
lasso. It has boon discussod with tho City Attornoy and nogot-
lations with tho Santa Fo for anothor spur had come to tho
• attontion of tho Council and tho City Attornoy prior to his timo
with tho City, and it would bo suitable if it was held over ono
wook to pormit him to proparo a rosolution for a pormit. MAYOR
MATTHEWS ordorod it leid over until tho noxt mooting.
REQUEST FOR REFUND on businoss liconso of James Wottor in tho
amount of $15.00, was rood. The businoss was known as Jimts
Markot, 108 E. 8th Stro;.t. Rofund was approvod by tho Liconso
Dopartmont. Movod by Clarke, socondod by Hart, that tho rofund
bo grantod. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting eyo.
• COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN statod that ho saw in tho roport that wo
nood pipo for dolivory in July and August and wondorod if it
would not bo woll to instruct tho City Managor to advortiso for
• bids for tho pipe. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said it is quito
satisfactory as far as sho is concornod to advortiso for bids.
Pipo is very scarco and thoy probably won't havo any but wo can
tako tho chanco. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said it was his under-
standing that anything ovor $1,000. had to bo advortisod for
bids. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that was for now construction.
• ATTORNEY CAMPBELL askod if this was pipo for sowors. CITY MANAGE£
SULLIVAN said it is for sowor connoctions, from tho lateral to
tho proporty lino. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said if it is for sowors
and is ovor $1,000. that it would nocossitato advortising for
bids. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said it is not a construction projoct
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said if it is furnishing supplios and matorials
for any such projects including tho maintonanco or ropairs of
stroets or sowors it roquiros advortising for bids. You can buy
up to $9994 without having to publish or accopt bids, if you soo
fit. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said sho did not objoct to buying
lose than $1,000. or advortis dig for bids if tho City wants to
spond moro monoy to do it. You aro not roquirod, Mrs. Sullivan
said sho was quite convincod in this case and would discuss it
with the City Attornoy. COUNCTT.MAN CLARKE said if it is ovor
$1,000. it is his undorstending that it should bo advortisod for
bids. Doos that apply to ovorything tho City purchases?
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod that supplios or materials for tho
repair or maintonanco of stroots or sowors in tho sum ovor
$1,000. would roquiro a bid. Tho quostion is what is supplios
and whet is materials for met ntonenco or ropairs? Mr. Campboll
• 4/24
said it is his belief that anything on tho ropair and maintonanec
of sowors and streets over $1,000. comas within that soction.
Thoro aro cortain items that can bo purchasod for tho City, ovon
ovor $1,000. without tho logal roquiromont of bids, that would
bo a policy that would havo to bo dotorminod by tho Council.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said wo could withdraw tho ordor unloss
tho Council wants to advortiso for bids and pay moro monoy,
and sho would not adviso tho Council to purchaso moro than
$1;000. if it roquiros tho advortising for bids bacauso it ro-
quires morn monoy and sho doos not approve of sponding moro
monoy than is nocossary in tho purchasing tf any material. MAYOR
MATTHEWS askod how much did you have in mind to buy on this
particular ordor? CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod it is an ordor
for future dclivory, so tho pooplo who nood sowor connections at
$75.00 oath will not bo hold up, howovor wo cen ordor it in less
than $14000. lots and tako the chance that it will bo availablo
whon noodod. MAYOR MATTHEWS said that in other words tho City
is stock piling onough oquipmont to do tho job thoy aro callod
upon to do. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said that regerdloss of whothor
it is stock piling or anything olso you want to call it, but it
is his roeolloction that somotimo past anything ovor $1-,000.
should bo put out for bids , and that applios to automobiles,
trucks and other oquipmont. Mr. Clarko statod ho is not against
stock piling for tho futuro dovolopmont whoro this material is
roquirod but ho is concornod about the feet that we cannot buy
ovor $1,000. worth of matorial or oquipmont without putting it
out for bids. MAYOR MATTHEWS askod how much of an ordor is noc-
ossary to stock pilo now. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said sho would
not recommend putting it out for bids boesuao it costs mere
Mow, 2f 8•• Vent to spond more money by Council peltey or
advortising for bids that will bo your diroction, but that sho
did not think you, should spond moro money whon it is an incidontal
supply. It is not a construction projoct, it isn't building e
building, it is not building n lot of sowors. COUNCILMAN
CARRIGAN askod why it would cost moro money to put it out on
bids than if you bought it on tho opon merkot; that ho hes boon
around a good doel in tho past thirty days and instead of short-
agos of matorials practically ovorybody is loaded. CITY MANAGER
SULLIVAN said thoir dolivory deto doos not so indicato. ATTORNEY
S CAMPBELL statod that it is his opinion that you cannot purchaso
without first socking bids, howovor, aftor roceiving bids tho
Council has tho right to rojoct than:, but you must advortiso.
MAYOR MATTHEWS said ho would suggost to tho city Managor that wo
ask for bids for tho amount of metorial that sho was going to
ordor and also liko to bo mado aware of what tho prico would bo
40 of buying it on tho opon markot and compare pricos. CITY MANAGER
SULLIVAN sold you aro going to purchaso in this fiscal yoar and
you advortiso for bids now for somothing that you would not
ordinarily purchase until tho noxt fiscal year, you aro en-
cumboring in this fiscal yoar for purchasos for tho noxt fiscal
yoar. MAYOR MATTHEWS askod that this mattor bo laid ovor until
next wook and that the City Menegor givo tho Council tho in-
formation in the meantime es to tho size of en ordor that wo
wish to placo, end if wo can submit bids to bo dolivorod et tho
tikao that wo w.tsn dolivory.
CITY ATTORNEY CAMPBEsLL statod ho had proparod an ordinanco
amending 0rdinanco No. 750, in complienco with tho council's
, en ordinanco amending Ordinance No. 750 of
tho City of Notional City by adding thoroto Soetion 4.1, wee
road in full. Movod by Carrigan, socondod by Clarko, that tho
Ordinenco be laid ovor until tho noxt mooting for its socond
and final roading. Carriod, by tho following vote to -wit:
Ayes: Carrigan, Clerko, Curry, Hart, Metthows. Nays: None.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roportcd that ho has boon notifiod by Mr.
• Barrott that cortein action Bolchoz vs. N^tional City will come
to trial on May 1st. Howovor, Mr. Cempboll said ho did not
bolievo wo havo any intorost in tho action. Thoro is a
• possibility of a fow dollars for taxes, and ho will roport on
this at tho noxt mooting.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod that tho Stato of California has
filod an action against National City and othors soaking to
condomn cortain lands for tho Highway. Wo hevo only e limitod
intorost in that and tho answor is boing proparod sotting forth
tho amount,
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod that in rogerd to tho school proporty,
• tho proporty noar tho Wator Company's Woll, that no Rosolution
has boon proparod for it. Mr. Smith, tho Titlo Company and
Mr. Simmons havo not roechod an accord as to tho proper logal
doscription, but the Rosolution will bo drawn up as soon es
tho doscription is obtainod.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL askod.if tho Council wishod tho rosolution
in rogard to tho tPanafor of funds at this timo. MAYOR MATTHEWS
said ho thought so. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod thoro havo boon
some adjustmonts mado from various funds which woro in tho throo-
quertorly roport. A rosolution hes boon proparod making thoso
transfers. Tho propor documonts hevo boon filod es thoy
identify tho oxpondituros and thoy aro proporly chargoablo against
thoso various funds. A rosolution was road making tho following
transfors: 1. From tho Capital Reserve Fund to tho Gonoral
Fund $1,189.97. 2. From tho Capital Rosorvo Fund to tho
Gonoral Fund $1,027.76. 3. From tho Park M & I Fund to tho
Stroot Fund $2,302.07. 4. From tho Park M & I Fund to tho
Street Fund $1,305.56. 5. From tho Park M & I Fund to tho
Stroot Fund $397.98. 6. From tho Harbor Fund to the Stroot
Fund $2,045.64. 7. From tho Perk M & I and to tho Stroot
Fund $221.23. 8. From tho Sowor Fund to tho Stroot Fund
$1,284.28. 9. From tho Gonoral Fund to tho Stroot Fund $2,630.1,
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL askod if thoro is sufficiont monoy to mako
tho transfors. CITY CLERK ALSTON stetod that thoro is not.
• ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod that on tho shoot just givon him, the
Park Fund shows only $1,491.63 and eskod if tho Perk Fund has
any monoy duo. CITY CLERK LLS TON said thoro is tax monoy coming
in for distribution from tho County. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said
thoro is sufficiont money in tho Capital Rosorvo and Harbor
Funds. At tho prosont momont tho Sowor Fund has somo monoy in
it. On tho quostion of tho Sowor Fund, Attornoy Campboll stetod
that ho found in June 28, 1950, a Rosolution was passed purport-
ing to dissolve tho 1946 Sowor Fund. Howovor tho Rosolution
sot forth a dissolution of tho 1946 Sowor Fund. Whothor or not
it was moant to dissolvo tho 1946 Sowor Bond Fund ho did not
know. Ho can find no dissolution of tho 1946 Sower Bond Fund,
but thorn is no money in that fund so it is assumod that the
1946 Sower Fund is the samo. Tho 1946 Sowor Bond Fund has not
boon dissolvod unloss tho Juno 28th Rosolution purportod to_
dissolvo it, howovor it could not dissolvo it by Rosolution.
Rogarilas of *hotbox or not tho 1946 Sowor Bend 'N nd.is die.,
solved, -the opinion on -filo ,rogerding tho money raised eby ,tho
• Bond issuo,in 1946 and tho State allocation program, Mr.•_•
Collura has givon theCouncil a broekdown,of tho oxpondituros
which shows $355,784.35 oxpondod-from a total rocoipt'of
$490,628.00, keying at this momont an unaccountablo balanco
of,$5$,843.65. On Juno 28, 1950,,-tho sum of $21,885.03 was
ovidently in tho,1946 Sowor Fund, whothor or not that fund was
meant to bo_ tho 1946 Sower Bogd -j'ugd es moray the 1946 scamp
Fund, ho doos not know, but it is Mr. Cempboll'e contontion end
sot forth in tho opinion that It bolongs in tho 1946 Sowor Bond
Fund rogardloss of what namo tho fund is known. Thoroeftor
thoro was rocoivod additional monoy from tho Stato on thorr
allocation program which wes $31;95B.62 and is in what is known
es tho 1946 Sower Fund: That was also tho money that brought
this opinion to a hood. At that time a roquost was mado that
: that monoy bo transforrod to tho Gonoral Fund, and it was his
contontion that it could not bo transforrod without oithor Court
approval or Logislativo approval. At this momont thoro is
$31,958.62 in tho 1946 Sowor Fund which ho boliovos should bo
transferred to tho 1946 Sowor Bond Fund, and with tho samo
reasoning tho $21,885.03 should bo transforrod from tho Gonoral
Fund to tho 1946 Sowor Bond Fund. That raisos this point.
On Juno 28, 1950, tho $21,885.03 wes transforrod to tho Sowor
Fund, howover tho Sowor Fund as it is sot forth is only a
doscrip tion of e portion of tho Gonoral Fund, it is not en-
cumbered by any logal obligation, so in roality tho monoy is in
tho Gonoral Fund whon it is in tho 1946 Sowor Fund. Tho $31,000.00
plus should bo transforrod from tho 1946 Sowor Fund to tho 1946
Sowor Bond Fund, and $21,000.00 plus should bo transforrod from
any available fund to tho 1946 Sowor Bond Fund. Thoro might
possibly bo an oxcoption to a portion of tho $21,000.00. Mr.
Collura has shown disbursomonts from tho $21,000.00 in tho sum
of $12,835.49. If that amount was oxpondod upon tho original
S bond projoct thon that amount is proporly chargoablo against the
$21,000.00, loaving en unaccountable balance of $9,029.54.
However, at this moment, Mr. Campboll said ho did not boliovo
thoro is a certification from Mr. Collura that that monoy is
chargoablo against tho projoct of tho bond issue. There is no
doubt it wes spont for Sowor on trucks usod in tho Sowor Dept.
Tho Rosolution of Juno 28, 1950 should bo corroctod whoroby it
• 668
purports to dissolvo tho 1946 Sowor Fund bocauso if that is not
tho 1946 Bond Fund thorn is no nocossity of having a Sowor Fund
end a 1946 Sowor Fund bocauso thoy aro both Gonoral Funds. MAYOR
MATTHEWS asked if tho .Lttornoy is rocommonding any action on those
transfors tonight. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stntod thoro is no quostion
about the money in the 1946 Sowor Bond Fund of $31,958,62 which
was dorivod from tho selo of tho bonds and tho allocation from
the Stato of California. That is now in this 1946 Sowor Fund and
that should bo transforrod to tho 1946 Sowor Bond Fund. Without
verification by Mr. Collura or somo official of this City thoro
should bo a tronsfor of $21,885.03 in addition to tho $31,000.
figure. If thorn is not vorification of tho $12,000. plus
dollars, you are going to havo to tako tho money from tho Gonoral
Fund to ropey tho $21,000. end bofor.o long thoro won't bo
sufficiont monoy in tho Gonoral Fund to ropey it. Thoro is a
$9,000. Sowor Fund balanco. MAYOR MATTHEWS askod if wo make ell
thrso transfors beck to tho 1946 Sowor Bond Fund then can wo go
shoed with tho action thmt wo might doom nocossary. ATTORNEY
CAMPBELL said wo could. At that timo wo aro going to hevo e
ftaid, essuming that tho $12,000. is unaccountablo, if it is, it
is Just a matter of bookkooping. If it is unaccountablo you
will have in tho 1946 Sowor Bond Fund tho sum of $53,843.65.
Whothor it bo thet sum or whothcr it be tho $31,000. that you
know you havo, it is a fund that until thoro is Court action or
legislative change, it is going to bo tied up, or unless the
• Council soos fit that thoy can oxpond tho monoy end subjoet them-
selves to possibly a law suit. Mr. Campboll said ho hes writton
to Senator Kraft and Assomblyman Cloyed stating tho problom and
• setting forth the prodicamont that the Sanitation District of
San Ysidro is in and asking if thoy would mako some appropriate
legislation whoroby this monoy could bo used, naming threo
courses. The repayment of principal and intorost, or for use for
Grepairs end maintonanco of tho project, or -for amoral Fund usagr
• That was sat forth in a proposed amendment to the statutes and
if possible ho is socking pormission from thom and approval from
tho logislaturo that tho bill will bo passed with all threo
• provisions, which will than give City Councils or legislative
bodies the right to pick anyone of tho three that thoy dosirc.
Until that is dono or until an action is brought, then the Court
• detormlnos hots it is to bo spont, and this monoy should bo put
into they 1946 Sewer Bond Fund. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said thrro is
no mention of the 1946 Sowor Bond Fund in tho breakdown from
Mr.. Collura. MLYOR MATTHEWS askod Mrs. Sullivan if sho was in
asked if sho would liko to hiro an attorney to straighten this
• out without going to tho Logislaturo. CITY MANAGER SULLIVLN said
that it probably could bo. That sho seriously doubtod that by
resolution you can unspond money that you have already spont.
Thorn is in the Trecsurorts books, not according to what you
have diroctod but according to what tho Troasuror has docidod
$312,958..62 in what ho calls tho 1946 Sowor Fund. Mr. Campboll
is convinced that amount should show on tho Troasuror's books
as boing in tho 1946 Sowor Bond Fund. If ho has logally
dotormined it and ho is suro of it, that is his opinion and you
should bo guided by it. Mr. Collura, in his certification as to
what tho books rovoalod did not indicato any datos and you havo
two fiscal yoars involvod. You havo appropriations involvod and
according to tho Troesuror's books a Sowor Fund with $9,049.54
which remains of tho amount roforrod to by Mr. Campboll es tho
$21,000. some odd dollars, so that you aro in controvorsy ovor,
not $53,000. but the $9,049.54 plus $31,958.62 which leavos in
round numbers about $12,000, which was novor at any time trans-
forrod in the Goncrel Fund as far es sho knows, but if Mr.
Campboll boliovos that tho Sowor Fund and tho 1946 Sowor Fund
as labollod on the Treasurers report aro in fact in the Gonoral
Fund thon the Gonoral Fund was not in tho minus quantity as you
gontlomon assumod it to bo last mooting. As you diroctod wo
havo had a mooting on tho matter of rosolving opinions about
mothods of doing what you said should bo dono and also doing
what Mr. Campboll said should bo dono, and tho Sower Fund posos
a vory serious problem. Logel moans should bo found, whoovor
docidos it, by whomovor, tho Logislaturo, the Court of, your City
Attornoy, that no public sorvico is solvodby saying thoro is
fifty somo thousand dollcrs you cannot spond-for anything. Every-
body agroos to that, so that it is a mattor of dotormining how
it shall bo spout. You aro in a poculiar position in rogard to
tho Sowor Fund. Wo know that monoy was spout that was not ehargod
to this account. Tho question is, since records woro not kopt,
should you souk logisletivo action in ordor to ovorcomo this
poculiar problem, when did tho sower projoct ond7 That is somo-
thing Mrs. Sullivan said sho did not know. Mr. Campboll, Mrs.
Sullivan said is convincod that tho sowor projoct is ovor and
sho is convincod that it is not-complotod. If on advico of tho
Attornoy tho sowor systom was complotod at somotimo last yoar,
thon that is the dato. It is difficult and wo aro all willing to
do ovarything wo can to find the solution, to make tho transfors
of the 1946 Sowor Fund and tho Sowor Fund as rocordod on the
Troasuror's books into the 1946 Sower Bond Fund, that sho soos
no harm dono but sho hositatos to rocommond that you transfor
tho $12,000. which Mr. Campbell himself says that ho doos not
know whothor it is tho proper charge. MAYOR MLTTHEWS askod whoro
tho noarost court of law was whore a City Council can sottlo two
conflicting opinions from two difforont Attorneys, perhaps, or
botwoon tho Manegors without going to tho Logislaturc, and how
long would it tako? ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said it would tako about
two months. Tho Supromc Court would bo tho ono. You would
• 671
potition tho Supromo Court for a hoaxing and state tho roason,
and they would probably grant it. If you got a ruling from tho
Supromo Court no ono is going to disputa it. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL
said it is his rocommondation that until tho oxpondituros can be
proporly accountod for that tho monoy should romain in tho-Fund;
and for that roason it should bo put back into tho 1946 Sowor
Bond Fund and as soon as supporting vouchers aro obtainod to
show tho propor oxpondituros thon it can bo transforrod.back
into tho Gonoral Fund or to whatovor fund it is proporly trans-
forrod. MAYOR MATTHEWS askod if wo made, a transfor now if tho
Gonoral Fund will havo onough monoy to carry on to tho and of
the fiscal year? ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that rogardloss of
tho amount of monoy loft in the Gonoral Fund, that if it is a
trust fund you cannot logally withhold it from tho trust fund
rogardloss of tho difficulty that you might havo in mooting
current bills, bocauso in offoct what you aro doing is taking
it out and saying: °If I find a vouchor I will support itj',
which is doing somothing, if you don't find tho voucher that you
know would bo impropor. MLYOR MATTHEWS said that according to
the City Attornoy tho law has alroady boon brokon, how can wo
put it back? ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said ho would say upon notico,
bocauso et ono timo ho boliovos that through misintorprotation
or upon a thong() of intorprotation, tho transfors wore mado.
It is oithor a fact of following his rocommondation; if it is
corroct, than tho Council would bo wilfully failing to put it
beck. You can contond that this ruling is incorroct, but it
would bo tho opinion of tho City ;Stormy. If in doubt tho
trust fund monoy should remain inviok to until such timo as you
roccivo propor authority to oxpond it. COUNCILMAN CLARKE askod
how this could bo pinn.,d down whon tho Accountant failed to find
supporting ovidonco for this allocation of tho oxpondituros.
Movod by Hart, socondcd by Carrigan, that wo make all transfors
that tho City Attornoy rocommonds. ATTORNEY CAMPFELL statod he
recommonds that tho Council transfor tho $31,000. plus from tho
1946 Sowor Fund to tho 1946 Sowor Bond Fund. MLYOR M1'.TTHEWS
askod if there is any chance, if this is hold up anothor wook,
that tho Lttornoy could find any roason why this transfer should
not bo mado. LTTORNEY CLMPBELL said ho did not know, ho m<:dn a
rosoerch, howovor, thoro would be no roason why tho monoy could
not bo transforrod from the 1946 Sowor Bond Fund to tho Gonorel
Fund or any propor fund in tho ovont a roason is found that it
should not bo transforrod. It is his rocommondation that you
immodiatoly transfor back to your 1946 Sowor Bond Fund a total
of $53,843.65 until you can recelve supporting vouchors for
oxpandituros from that fund which aro in addition to the
$355,784.35 that hes now boon cortifiod. Thoro is tho possibil-
ity that Mr. Collura will within this coming wook certify that
tho $12,835.00 is tho propor oxpondituro. If ho does, thon noxt
wook you can withdraw that amount from tho 1946 Sowor Bond Fund
and pleco it in tho Fund which it proporly bolongs, if it is a
proper chargo. CITY MLNLGER SULLIVAN statod that sho thinks Mr.
Campboll agroos with tho provious opinion which was that tho
1946 Sowor Fund is a factitious namo. Nobody has ovor attomptod
to dissolvo tho 1946 Sower Bond Fund by Ordinance. Your
rosolution adoptod nino months ago, tho 1946 Sowor Fund in tho
colloctivo opinion es of that timo was a factitious fund. Mr.
Campbell is rocommonding now that it is a factitious fund, wo
thought so boforo and wo still think so. Tho Troasuror hes sot
it up as tho 1946 Sowor Fund, and that she agroos with Mr.
Campboll that it dons not oxist, you abolished it last Juno and
anything on your books to show that thoro is anything in tho
1946 Sowor Fund is in orror. It is true that tho 1946 Sowor
Bond Fund still oxists, has novor boon abolishod. There may bo -
a difference of opinion as to how much monoy is in tho fund, but
tho 1946 Sowor Fund as far es tho Council is coneornod has not
oxistod sinco lest Juno and it was a factitious account and
should not havo boon kopt. ATTORNEY C:MPBELL askod if it woro e
factitious account how did tho $51,000. plus got into tho
account bocauso thoro was $21,000. transforrod from that to
tho Gonoral Fund_and $30,000. to tho Capital Rasorvo. CITY
MLNLGER SULLIVAN statod that tho Lttornoy's ruling is that tho
Sowor Fund and tho Gonorel Fund aro-synonymous et this point,
so that 09,049.54 which shows on tho Troasuror's books as boing
in tho Sowor Fund is in fact in tho Gonoral Fund, according to
tho Attornoy. Tho $9,049.54 was novor budgotod. Motion carriod,
by tho following voto to -wit:
Hart, Matthias. Nnys: Nono.
Carrigan, Clerko,
RESOLUTION NO. 5430 was road, stating. BE IT RESOLVED by the
City Council of tho City of National City California, that
tho following transfors bo mado:
sot forth by tho City Clark, tho
Sowor Bond Fund. From tho Sowor
From the 1946 Sowor Fund, as
sum of $31,958.62 to tho 1946
Fund thoro shall bo transferred
to th• 1946 Sowor Bond Fund tho sum of $9,049.54. From tho
Gonorel Fund there shall bo transforrod to tho 1946 Sowor Bond
Fund thr 'um of $12,835.49. Movod by Corrigan, socondod by
Hart, that the Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, ell Councilmon
proaont voting ayo.
COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho would liko to know tho dotermination
of tho Sowor Lppoals Board on tho investigation rogarding tho
appoal of Mrs. Williams. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod that Mr. Hart,
Mrs. Sullivan, Mr. Bird and Mr. Finnorty mot with Mrs. Williams,
and Mrs. Williams rostatod hor caso. Upon chocking tho
Ordinanco ho could find no way that sho could make a propor
chargo against tho City. Upon furthor quostioning it was
determined that sho did not meko application to Mr. Bird.
Mr. Bird seid had sho mado application ho would hevo installod
the connection on tho north sido rathor then on tho south sido.
It was tho City Attornoy's rocommondetion that sho mako
application et that timo for a pormit end coanoct on tho north
sido. Mrs. Williams said sho did not want to do that bocauso
thoy alroady had thoir ditch dug. Thoy folt that it was not
propor to mako tho chango to tho othor sido bocauso thoy had
alroady incurred tho oxponso. Had application boon mado to Mr.
Bird he would h^vo compliod and Williams would not havo had
that additional oxponso. Lttornoy Campboll said ho told Mrs.
Williams that thoy had tho right to filo e lottor with tho
Council and sock somo assistanco, but his opinion was that ho
did not think it was a logel colloctivo claim by thom froth tho
- CITY CLERK ALSTON eskod if tho Attorney wished to approvo e
portloti of the othor transfors from tho funds that pormit it.
ATTORNEY CAMFBELL statod that a portion of it was alright.
RESOLUTION NO. 5431 was road, stating. WHEREAS, tho following
oxpondituros mado from tho following funds for thu use end
bonofits of the donartmonts for which tho transfors ero heroin
made; and WHEREAS, thoro has horotofor boon filod with tho City
Clo rk supporting documents to identify oech oxpondituro; NOW,
T'BAR3F6t MI BE IT ABSOLVED by trio City ComOil of tho pity of
National City, California, that tho following transfors bo
mado: 1. From tho Capitol Rosorvo Fund to tho Gonoral Fund
$1,189;97. 2.
From tho Capitol Rosorvo Fund to tho Gonoral
Fund $1,027.76. 3. From tho Harbor Fund to the Stroot Fund
4. From tho Gonoral Fund to tho Stroot Fund
ATTORNEY CLMPBELL said that boforo tho Rosolution
is votod upon perhaps tho quostion should bo raisod, is thoro
sufficiont money in tho Gonoral Fund now? CITY CLERK ALSTON
said there was. Moved by Hart, socondod by Clarke, that tho
Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, ell Councilmon prosont voting
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated a very important mooting hes boon
callod by tho San Diogo Chambor of Commorco Wator Committoo on
Friday at 9:30 A.M. in tho Chamber of Commorco Auditorium, in
ordor to havo all of tho communities that aro intorostod in
wetor to discuss a consorvation and a common plan for tho
consorvation of wetor in viow of tho probablo shortage in 1952.
Any of tho mombors of tho Council who can attond will find tho
mooting of considorablo intorost. MAYOR M&TTHEWS said all
mombors that can should attond.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN roportod sho rocoivod an application for
a moving normit too late for the agonda. It has boon approvod
boon to tho City Piennor. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said it had
not, that the lottor from tho Planning Commission has indicatod
that thoy havo no authority othor than advisory. COUNCILMAN
CARRIGAN statod that Mr. Wegncr and Mr. Bird chocked tho lest
application. MAYOR MATTHEWS said this application can bo hold
ovor until tho next mooting and havo tho City Plannor chock it.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod sho had a roquost for a rotund of
$5.00 en a business liconsa which ores toe lato for tho agonda
and could bo hold ovor. MAYOR MATTHEWS ordorod this hold ovore
COUNCILMAN CLARKE stated that at the last mooting tho matter of
a cantoon in tho Perk was discussed, and askod if anything had
boon dotorminod on it as yot. CITY CLERK ALSTON statod this
is in tho report of the Planning Commission which has not boon
prosentod as yet.
concossion stand in Kimball Park was discussed by both tho
Planning Commission and tho Park end Rocroation Commission and
City Manager Sullivan. Chairman Millar of tho Park and Ro-
croation Commission said that Lasing tho stand would bring a
groator rovonuo to tho City then by tho City operating it itsolf.
Mr. Millor stetod thet if the City 'worsted tho stand in con-
junction with tho swimming pool it would bo opon only 3 or 4
months a yoar, whoro if it were in a now location and undor
lasso, it could bo oporatod 9 or 10 months s yoar. Tho
Planning Commission rocommondod that tho concossion stand bo
allowod in the Perk and that tho sito bo choson by tho Perk and
Rocroation Commission end tho City Planner doponding on the
availeblo utilities. COUNCILMLN CLRRIOLN said thoro seoms to
bo a lot of doteils connoctod with this end wondorod if tho
ierk end Rocroation Commission woro asking for a now location, a
now building for a concossion and thoy want to loaso that?
CITY MLNLGTR SULLIVLN said thoy woro. Tho prosont concossion is
et tho swimming pool end tho bathing suits ero issuod et the
semo place tho "hamburgers" a ro served and it is not a vo:y
good oporetion. Tho Rocroation Commission has rocommondod that
somo inoxponsivo stand bo soperetcd from tho pleco whoro tho
swimming suits arc issuod, and to loaso it out on porcontago
basis instoad of tho City hir&ng help end boing in tho business
of soiling food. COUNCILMLN CLARIGLN seid ho wondorod if it
would bo e good idoa to havo it obi a porcontago basis or a flat
loaso. MLYOR MLTTHEWS said ho thought wo could await tho ro-
commondations of tho Rocroation Commission. COUNCILMLN CLRRIGLN
eskod if it would bo possible to got ‘ho comprehensive figuro
on what tho centocn has boon bringing in for the past thrro
or four yoars. CITY MLNLGER SULLIVLN stctod that we havo tho
amount of income from it end tho amount of monoy expended for
morchandiso, but tho man hours aro a littlo difficult to
allocate so much to tho cantoon. COUNCILMAN CLRRIGAN said ho
thought tho City should havo a flat loaso on a sotup of that
MLYOR MLTTHEWS said ho folt that tho Rocroation Commission
will go into this thoroughly and than tho Council can mako tho
decision. COUNCILMAN CLLRXE said tho Rocroation Commission has
rocommondod that it bo givon to a concessionaire and tho timo
is very closo now whon tho Perk will bo oponod and pooplo who
might bo intorostod in a concession or any othor arrangomont that
the City might Boo fit to mako, and if this is dolayod much long -
or it will not give thom much timo. MLYOR MLTTHEWS said it might
bo in ordor for tho Council to epprovo tho idoa of privato
concossion and wo ask tho Rocroation Commission to givo us thoir
rocommondation as soon es possiblo on tho location for a building.
Moved by Clark°, that a privato concossion stand in tho Park bo
approvod and that tho Rocroation Commission meko a rocommondation
on tho location of a building. COUNCII.M;N CARRIGAN said it might
bo woll for oithor tho Council or tho Rocroation Commission to
advortiso somowhat for a concessionaire and work out with thom
what space is going to bo noodod, whet concossionaires havo boon
paying and what thoy aro going to handle. Motion socondod by
Curry. MAYOR MATTHEWS said ho boliovod that with this motion
thoro will bo sufficiont publicity, or if tho Rocroation Commiss-
ion thinks it nocossary to go shoed and advortiso, this can bo
loft up to tho Rocroation Commission. Carriod, ell Councilmon
prosont voting aye.
REPORT FROM THE PLANNING CCLISSION rogarding plans for a now
library was road. Plans for a now library wore submitted by
Mr. and M:s. Watson, Mrs. Honry Wilson of tho Library Board,
and Mrs. Ellon Baodor, Librarian. Thoso includod a floor plan
end color architoctural rondoring by Mr. Horluf Brydogaard for
tho library on tho tennis courts location in tho City Park.
Chairmen Christman inquired if thoro woro any known roasons
that would provont rolocating tho library es it was a
Cernogio Library. Mombors of tho Library Board stated tho
oxisting library was to havo ronainod for 25 yoars, but that
the timo has oxpirod. Tho Library Board mombors agrood that
tho now library, as dosignod by Mr. Brydogaard, to accomnodato
e population of 50,000 wns idoal. Plannor Wagnor showed a park
layout plan with the proposod Library and e now civic cantor sito
Wiosod on it. Most Commission mombors oxprossod thamsolvos as
roluctant to opon up all of tho National lvonuo frontage of tho
park to businoss use, but agrood that 12th Stroot was a bottor
location for tho library, as it oliminatcd tho National Avonuo
traffic hazard to childron using tho library. Chairmen Christman
oxprosscd alarm that if National Lvonuo frontago wore opon to
businoss the view from within tho perk would bo of tho roar of
unattractivo businoss ostablishmonts. Plannor Wagnor suggostod
tho Commission considor tho possibility of sono ono building,
a very rofinod end dignified hotol similar to San Diogo Hotel
Manor, es this typo of commercial ontorpriso would not advorsoly
offoct tho park dovolopmont program, end tho City badly noods a
good hotol. Tho Planning Commission approvod tho location of tho
tonnis courts in the Perk for the proposod now library as sub-
CITY CLERK LLSTON stated that sho would liko a ruling from tho
Attorney rogarding tho paymont of tho bills this ovoning. Sono
.of tho funds aro slightly overdrawn but that monoy will bo coming
in from ed valorom taxes. Should thoso bills bo paid or wait
until tho money is distributod? ATTORNEY CAMPBELL askod if it
was in a special fund? CITY CLERK LLSTON stetod that it is tho
Library Fund and tho Rotironont Fund, and the transfers will take
oars of tho Stroot Fund. LTTORNBY CLMPBBLL stotod that you
Cannot pay than, until there is suffieiont monoy in tho fund to pay
tho warrant. Thorc is a provision made that aftor tho bills aro
approvod by tho Council and tho warrants aro ordorod to bo drawn,
thrt you will havo to writo upon tho claim that thoro is not
sufficiont money to pay it, and rogistor thorn, and thoy will
draw six porcont intorest from that time.
FRLNK SLRN, 1444 Highland i.vonuo was prosont and statod ho
undorstood that tho mattor of tho rovision of tho Businoas
Liconso Ordinenco was to bo discussed tonight. M;_YOR MLTTHEWS
said that tho spooled hoaring on this would bo tomorrow ovoning,
et 7:30 P.M.
COUNCIIMI.N CLRRIG..N said ho undorstends that Mr. Smith is still
the Acting City Enginoor and ho was wondering if porhaps it was
not timo to edvortiso for a roguler City Enginoor. Mr. Carrigan
eskod what salary Mr. Smith is rocoiving. CITY MLNLGER SULLIVLN
statod that ho is rocoiving $300.00 a month and his ellogod pert
tino position has roquirod moro hours than 44, that ono wook it
was a hundrod and some hours. This happons froquontly with e
part tino position, that it is actually timo and a half, Tho
Council hes discussod informally tho dosirebility of osteblish-
ing tho position of Diroctor of Public Works and City Enginoor,
and until now th:l, only persons aveilablo for such e position
Mrs. Sullivan said sho hes not soon fit to discuss with tho
Couac;i other than the two sho dieouasad with tho Couaell IM—
formally. Mrs. Sullivan said sho thought it is porhaps en
imposition on Mr. Smith to romain Lcting City Enginoor, but you
aro vory closo to tho now budgot yoer end it appoars that tho
tino to roorganizo tho dopartrnont would bo at tho boginning of
tho budgot yoar rather then at tho and of it, to which COUNCILML'
CLRRIGLN said ho was in agroomont. But ho was wondoring how -
happy Mr. Smith was with tho arrangonont. CITY MLNLGER SULLIVLN
said that wo may havo to pay him moro monoy if ho continuos
putting in tino and a half for part tiro Lcting Enginoor. Tho
$300.00 was guoss work for tho amount of timo that would bo
roquirod of Mr. Smith to bo Leting Enginoor until such tino
that a City Enginoor was appointed, and thorc was no way for
oithor Mr. Smith or tho City Manger to tell how ouch part tino
it would bo, but it has dovolopod that it is almost full time.
Movod by Hart, socondod by Curry, that tho mooting bo closod.
Carriod, all Councilman prosont voting ayo.