HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 12-18 CC MIN342 1 I, 1 • • • National City, California, December 18, 1951 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Maurice Carrigan at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Carrigan. Councilmen absent: Ingalls. Moved by Clarke, seconded by Curry, that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of December A., the Special meeting of December 7, and the adjourned meeting of December 11, 1951, be dispensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Seifert, Campbell, Grey, Bailey, Gautereaux. HERBERT A. BARNES was present, and asked that he be furnished with all revised additions or amendments to any ordinances that we may have. He would like to have the ordinances up to date. MAYOR CARRIGAN stated he could get them at the City Clerk's office. A. S. GRAFF was present, and stated he wished to call the Council's attention to the condition of some of the new streets, especially those affecting new subdivisions. Roselawn Street between 1Ln and 3N7 is in bad condition, the surfacing is practically gone. It seems the Council should change the ordinance and make some provision regarding the paving of streets in new subdivisions. HERBERT-J. SWANSON, General Manager`of National Dry Kiln & Processing Company, and Robert Gordon representing the Associated Construction Corp., were present and reiterated their request for a lease to a parcel of land known as Parcel 1-B. COUPC,ILMAN INGALLS present. 12/18 • 1 1 • 1 1 • 1 343 MAYOR CARRIGAN announced it was 8:00 P.M. and time for the opening of bids for the construction of the roof on the City's warehouse. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated no bids were received. The continued hearing on the closing of a portion of East Second Street was held at this time. ATTORNEY CAMPEELL stated City Manager Seifert has obtained deeds to all the property, is and he/now seoking the money from various owners for their oil, and asked that the hearing be continued. MAYOR CARRIGAN re- quested the hearing be continued Je..uL^y 1952, at 8:00 P.M. THE MATTER of the request of Mr. Swanson and Mr. Gordon was continued. MR. GORDON stated thoy would not accept loss than 100 feet of the easterly portion of the property. MAYOR CARRIGAN stated some timo ago Mr. Swanson was promised the additional property. We have his letter on file in which he requested the rental of the property. The Council should decide the issue on thoso noints. After considorable discuss'or it was moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that Mr. Swanson be granted the entiro sloes of property. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. MR. GORDON said he signed a supplemental agreemont giving the City control of that portion of land that was originally in their lease, on which thoy havo paid tho rent, and he roquostod thoy bo refunded the amount of money for that portion. Also thoy roquost tho Council at this time, to instruct the National Dry Kiln to remove thoir gato across the spur track, which is blocking the entranco across the property. Moved by Ingalls, seoondod by Hart, that tho mattor of tho gato bo hold over for furthor study. Carriod, all Council- mon prosont voting ayo. COUNCILMAN CLARKE suggostod that Mr. Gordon send a writton roquost to tho Council stating what ho said verbally. • 12/18 1 1 • 1 • r 1 • 344 MAYOR CARRIGAN askod tho mombors of tho Council to moot hero with the Chula Vista Council tomorrow at 9:00 A.M. in rogard to tho contract ronogotietion with tho Wator Company. ORDINANCE NO. 830, AN O DI1 A° CE OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE FO. 828 OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING SECTIONS 12 AND 16 OF SAID ORDINANCE AND DECLARING ITS URGENCY FOR THE IM11EDIATE E ESERV__TION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE AND SAFETY, was prosontod for tho second and final roadirg, and road in full. Movod by Ingalls, s000ndcd by Clarku, that tho Ordinanco bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmon irorsont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM MRS. P iLPH :G. G OVE was road, oxprcssing the thanks of tho Contral P. T. A. to tho Naional City Polico Dopertmont for thoir cooperating in patrolling the school ground during tho Hallowoon carnival. MAYOR CARRIGAi,T ordorod tho communication filod. REPORT FROM ENGINEER GREY was read, rogardinG tho conditions of 20th Stroot botwoon Granger and Rachaol Avonuos. Tho prosont paving is pock markod with small bolos so tho only solution for a quick and choap bottormont would bo to scarify and blado the existing pavomont and thon roll it to a smooth hard surfaco. This procoduro couplod with woll dofinod guttors will givo satisfactory sorvico for a long timo. Movod by Clarko, socondod by Curry, that tho Enginoorts recommondation bo accoptod and procood with tho work. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION was read, rolativo to tho porsonnol clork being given Civil Sorvico status. Movod by Clarko, socondod by Hart, that tho rocommondations of tho Civil Service Commission bo followod and tho Attorney bo author- ized to proparo tho nocossary ordinanco for samo. Carriod, all 12/18 345 Councilmen prosont voting ayo. LEQUESTS FOR REFUND by Sidnoy Lansloy, 2121 Grovo Street and 0. S. Phillips, 2101 Grove Strcot, worn road, The roquosts aro oath in the amount of $63,75, which was dopositod for tho oiling of Prospoct Stroot botwoon 20th and 22nd Stroots. Tho roquosts woro approvod by City TroasurJr Iiolgato. Movod by Curry, socondod by Clark:, that tho refunds bo mado, as ro- quostod. Carriod, by tho following vote. to -wit: Ayos: Clarko, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. irys: Fano. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY KLNAGIR Stilk'r ,T icl,tive to maintonanco lists of tho Civil Service was road, rccommouding that tho position classification of Sanitation Dopartment Truck Drivor Holpor be added. Movod by Curry, socondod by Clarko, that tho Truck Drivor Holpor in tho Sanitation Dopertmont bo addod to tho Position Classification Plan. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS in regard to billboards along tho Frooways, was read. MAYOR CARRIGAN roquostod this bo roforrod to tho Planning Commission for thoir rocommondation and roport. COMMUNICATION FROM HERLUPP BIYDEGA_RD, Architoot, was road, for profossionsl sorvlcos on prolininary plans for tho now city library, $1050.00 and remodeling of tho Rocroation Building, $318.00. CITY CLrRK ALSTON statod she chocked the minutes and could find nothing authorizing tho plans; Howovor, the Planning Commission roport of April 24, 1951 stated that plans woro sub- nittod for a new library. Thoso includod a floor plan and color architectural rondoring by Mr. Horluf Brydogaard for tho library on tho tennis courts location in the City Park. CITY ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod ho chocked into this and Mrs. Baodor 346 said tho Library Board did not authorize any plans. Wo have boon unablo to find any authorization whatsoever. It is his recommendation that tho bill bo doniod. MAYOR CAR^IGAN ordcrod tho communication filod. COMMUNICLTION FROM ROBERT L. HURIBUT was rood, stating ho horoby resigns from tho Stroct Dopert:'..ont, which is undor Civil Sorvico, and roouostod transfor to tho Fngincoring Doparto nt, which is not ineludod in Civil Sorvico. 'cid transfer to bo offoetivo Docembor 1, 1951. Moved 'y Clerl:c, socondod by Curry, that the resignation bo accoptod. Carriod, ell Councilmen prosont voting aye. COIiMUNICATION REGARDING STR?CT LIGHTING at 21st and National Avonuo, was road. Tho lottor wrs not signod. Movod by Curry, socondod by Ingalls, this be roforrod to tho Traffic Comnittoo. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont.voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO. 5612 was read, distributing tho Unapportionod Tax in tho sum of $21,851.44 as follows: Gonoral Fund, $9,270.31; Library Fund, $2,979.74; Park M & I Fund, $3,310.82; Rotiromont Fund $5,562.19; Sinking Fund #6, $728.38. Moved by Curry, socondod by Ingalls, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilman prosont voting ayo. BILLS AUDITED by tho Finance Committoo prosontod: Gonoral Fund $2,097.57 Rotiromont Fund 598.50 Trust & Agcncy Fund 1,210.00 TOTAL $3, 906.0li 1 Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, thet tho bills bo allowed, and warrants ordorod drawn for sano, Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Clarko, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. rays: Mono. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod ho had proparod an ordinanco ostnblish- 12/18 • 1 1 347 ing R-1-A zono in Rancho Mosa, and also providos for tho ropoal- ing of Ordinaneo No. 783 which is tho Rocroetion Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. , an ordinenco amending Ordinanco No. 750 by adding Soction 4.2 and rcpoaling Ordinanco No. 783, was prosontod. Movod by Hart, socondod by Clarko, that only tho hoeding bo road. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Clarko, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: Nono. ORDINANCE NO. , AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIrz OF NATIONAL CITY, 0 CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 750 OF 'LID CITY BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 4.2 AND REPELLING OitI:LNCE N0. 783 OF SAID CITY. Movod by Clarko, socondod by Hart, that tho Ordlnanco bo laid over until tho next mooting fpr tho socond and final roading. Carriod, by tho following voto ti-wit: Ayos: Clarko, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: Nono. RESOLUTION NO. 5613 was road, trnnsforring tho sum of $110,000. from tho Gonoral Fund to tho Capital Outlay Fund, as partial ropaymont of the loan as ovidoncod by Rosolution No. 5529, adoptod August 21, 1951. Movod by Curry, socondod by Hart,, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stetted that if the Council so dosiros they cnn procood with tho construction of tho roof on tho City's warohouso by purcheso of materials end supplies in tho upon IP markot and tho use of day labor. Tho City Manager can bo diroctod to obtain informal bids, or ostimates, but if you procood it will bo nocoss.^ry to adopt a rosolution, sinco tho cost of construction would bo ovor $1,000. MAYOR CARRIGAN ro- commondod tho rosolution bo road, with tho stipulation that tho City Mnnagor got rt loest a figuro from throo companios and so stipulato on tho purcheso order.- 12/18 348 fl'SOLUTION NO. 5614 was road as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of National City did rogulerly and duly advortiso for bids to construct e roof on tho City Corporrtion Yard Werohouso Building, and 7H7REAS tho City rocoivod no bids thorofor. NOw, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by tho City Council of tho City of Netional City, California, es follows: That pursuant to Section 37904 of the Oovornnont Codo of California said projoct shell bo done by tho purchaso of matorials and supplios in tho opon narkot by tho use of dsy labor. Movod by Clarko, socondod by Ingalls, that the r,;,solution bo adoptod. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roportod that the roquost of Mr. Kathol will bo prosontod again at the noxt mooting. Ho will doposit tho amount of monoy involvod for tho sower boforo that data. RESOLUTION NO. 5615 was road, authorizing tho City Clork to transfor $50,000. from tho Capital Outlay Fund to tho Oonoral Fund as a tomporary los$,said loan to bo repaid to tho Capitol Outlay Fund according to low, Moved by Hart, socondod by Clark:,, that the Resolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Council - not prosont voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO. 5616 was rood, granting e special zono varianco to Vornon Fogerty for thc purposo of ^n R-2 use in an R-1 zono in tho horoeftor doseribod proporty: Blk. 1 and all that portion of Blk. 2 lying northwostcrly of thc County Road known as Road Survey No. 609, being in B. F. Pritchard's Paradiso Villa Addition to National City. Mov.: by Hart, socondod by Curry, that tho Rosolution bo rdoptoc'. Carried, ell Councilman •)rosont voting ayo. INVITATION FROM BOYS' CLUB OF N_TIONJ:L CITY to attond tho dedicat- ion of tho Club, Docombor 22, 1951 at 2:00 P.M., was prosontod. 12/18 349 CITY CLERK ALSTON stntod wo havo tho roquost of tho Civil Sorvico Commission rogarding ovortimo and Rulo 10.2 to bo chcngod to ono day a month with rccunulation'of 60 days sick loavo, and it is hor undorstending that this was takon cero of at tho mooting with tho Civil Sorvico Commission, and askod if tho Council wishod to teko any action toni3ht. MAYOR CARRIGAN roquostod tho City Attornoy to prepare thc nocossary rosolution to prosont et tho noxt Hooting. TREASURER'S FINANCIAL REPORT for the -ontli of t'ovcnbor was prosontod. ATTORNEY CAMBEELL strt„d r .;rt will bo filod monthly by tho City Troasuror. M:.YOI` CA2- T:_ 1' roquostod tho roport filod. r CARRIGAN roquostod this bo roforrod to Attornoy Canpboll. r DECISION FROM THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION authorizing tho Atchison, Topokc and Santa Fo Railway Conprny to construct a spur track on Harrison Avonuo, prosontod. Tho offoctivo dsto of this ordor shall bo twenty drys aftor tho dito horoof. It was dated llth of Docambcr. REQUEST FROM THE ITCHISON, TOPEKL AND SANTL FE RAILWAY COLT NY was road, in rcg^rd to this spur track. It is roquostod that if thc Council passos a rosolution or ordinance authorizing tho construction of this spur, that thoy bo furnishod with two certified copios. MAYOR NOTICE FROM ARMY sNGINE:RS was prosontod, sotting forth amend - moats to Anchorage Rogulations. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated this will bo on filo in hor offico for anyono who wlshos to road it. COMMUNICATION FROM L. S. GRAFF was ro-d, stating tho proporty ownors fronting Roso1!wn Stroot botwoon 312' and aN3 Avenues, dosiro to boautify thoir stroot with parkway troos. Tho pot- ition wcs signod by 17 proporty owners. COMMUNIC_TION FROM CITY MANAGER SEIFERT was road, st-ting it is his ballot that 12/1B 350 1 for lang rang' rating the policy bost suited for this City • is' to stipulrto -too spocios and sizo of troo tho proporty owners may putchaso for parkway planting; tho City to dig holes, furnish nocossary matorials for tho plantings staking, tortillas ins, etc. for tho eomploto job.. IvL'.YOR CLRRIG'.N roquostod this bo roforrod to tho Planning Commission, F^rk Supt., and City Lttornoy for rosommondation at tho next mooting. COUNCILMAN HART oxcusod. COMMUNICLTION F2OM ELLEN RAEDER, LL rariei., vas road, stating that tho Board of Trustoos of the Litrcry h^s accepted tho rosignation of Mr. G. Charlos Watson. The Board wishos to ro- connond Qattara' L. L. D^vis for tho Cotncil's considorntion in caking a now appoint_ont. Gonorcl Dcvis' torn of offico will oxpiro Juno 30, 1954. MAYO:, CLRRIGLN roquostod tho Library Board furnish soma portinont facts about Goncral Davis prior to tho Council's cccoptanco of his appointment. COMilRJNICLTION FROM WILLILM GEORGE KOSTLKCS was road, otforing tho City c grant dood, an consonant end right of way for stroot purposos. This offor is redo contingont that ho bo pornittod to cdhoro to n 15 foot sot back fron tho property lino for tho purposo of constructing residential units. At tho prosont tiro thoro is only 40 foot doodad on tho oastorly half of tho stroot. This will nnko a 60 foot right of way for stroot purposos. City Managor Soifort has rocomnondod it for approval. Tho dood wrs onelosod. ATTORNEY CAMdPBELL arid Mr. Kostakos should nako emplication for a zono varianco. COMMUNICLTION FROM EDMON H. DISMUKES was road, roquosting a liconso without foo, to soli novoltios within tho City of National City. Mr. Disnukos strtod ho is a disablod votoran. REPORT FROM CHIEN SMITH was road which rccommondod that tho 12/18 351 out appllcnnt bo granted a liconso with foo. It was roconnondod for approval by City Manager Seifert. Movod by Clarko, seconded by Ingalls, tho roquost bo gr^ntod. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting nyo. COMMUNICLTION FROM CHLRLES W. M4RTIN wns road, roquosting a liconso without fee, to soll novoltios within tho City of Notional City. Mr. M-rtin claims to bo n discblod votoran. aEPORT FROM CHIEF SMITH stetod thct to date Hr. Martin has not submitted evidence of his service r.ccrd or disability, and it is recommended that until such c_edentia'_e hrvo been presented, that Mr. Martin bo denied a license without foo. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT approvod tho roconnondation of Chicf Smith. Movod by Curry, socondod by Ingalls, that tho rocommondation of Chiof Smith bo accoptod, and tho roquost for a froo liconso bo doniod. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM CALIFORNIA WATER & TELEPHONE COMPANY was road, stating thoy aro attaching a copy of tho notico being sorvod on Mr. and Mrs. Dwioro in Quartor Soction 82, concerning a woll. MAYOR CARRIGAN ordorod tho communication filod. COMMUNICATION FROM CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION was road, cortifying tho following throe persons, in the. ordor of their rospoctivo ratings, for tho position of Rocroation Director, to fill ono vacancy: 1. Molvin S. Bakor, 420 W. Laurol Stroct, San Diogo, Calif. 2. Loighton Crawford, 1045 Loma Avonuo, Coronado, Calif. 3. Honry Charlos Hayos, P. 0. Box 373, Corona, Calif. MAYOR CARRIGAN askod that City Managor Soifort contact tho throo mon and arrango for a mooting on Friday ovoning, Docombor 28th at 7:00 P.M. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Clarko, that the following intor- budgot transfors bo mado: 1. In tho Stroct Dopartmcnt, Traffic 12/18 352 Safoty budgot from Capital Outlay C-1, tho sun of $7,000.010 to Rontal of Equipmont B-5. 2. From Logal Printing B-12, tho sum of $500.00 to tho budget of City Clerk, sub-hoad Offico Supplies B-1. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. MLYOR CARRIGAN roquostod tho City Menag:r contact various parties who might bo intorostod in tho purchaso of tho Tourna- pull. ATTORNEY CLMPBELL statod tho Planning Omission hold their socond hearing on tho rozoning of territory lying north of 8th Stroot and cast of National !.vcnuLJ. Ti,. it r:port statod it was thoir rocommondation that tho Commission dcloto from tho proposod change, and loavo in R-1, tho torritory lying on the oast side of "F° Lvo., or tho wostoriy lino, tho oastorly lino would bo 125 foot wost of Highland Lvonuo, thc north lino boing 125 foot on tho north side of First Stroot. Thorc is no cortification as to thoir findings. Thoro aro two things to consider, tho Commission will hold a hoaring on another soction of tho City, and you might at that tine hold your hearing for all parcols, if you wish, or you can call your hoaring on this particular parcel. If you do, it is tho Lttornoy's suggestion that tho Planning Commission ccrtify their exact findings. M1.YOR CLRRIGF.N roquostod this bo hold ovor and thc hoaring bo hold at tho sane time. Ho also askod that a map bo mado avail- ablo whoroin all the boundarios aro sot forth. COMMUNICZTION FROM SECRETARY OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION was road, stating that tho torn of Comaissionor Edward James ex- 1rod Octobor 1, 1950. Tho tarn for the appointment of this vacancy will be until Octobor 1, 1955. Tho torn of Commissioner Honry Tikkanon oxpirod Octobcr 1, 1951. Tho torn for tho appoint- nont of this vacancy will bo until Octobor 1, 1956. Undor tho Civil Scrvico Ordinanco No. 712, Mr. Janos and Mr. Tikkanon will 12/18 353 sorvo until thoy or thoir suceossors havo boon appointod and qualifiod. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Curry, that Commission - ors Edward Janos and Honry Tikkanon bo roappointod to tho Civil Sorvico Commission. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ewo. APPLICATION FOR R,FUND by Mario R. McNeely of a doposit of $50.00 nado by Albort L. McNooly on tho1salvago dump bid on Novorbor 13, 1951, was prosontod. City Troasuror Holgato cortifiod that this amount was paid Nov. 14, 1951. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod Novorbor 20, when the Council accepted Mr. Davis' bid you authorized tho rofund, so no further action is nocossary. COMMUNICATION FROM DON NEVBERRY of tho Engincor's Offico was read, stating that Ordinanco No. 734 providos that sidowalks shall bo fivo foot in width and shall bo placod two foot from tho proporty lino. Howovor, Scction 19C of tho Ordinanco provides that tho Council may approvo dimonsions othor than thoso. A travollod way of 64 foot has boon ostablishod on 8th Stroot which results in a spoco of 8 foot on oath sido in which to construct sidowelks. It is rocotrcndod that tho Council approvc tho in- stallation of sidewalks placod against proporty lino and four foot in width for tho following reasons: 1. To provido tho maximum distance botwoon sidowalk and curb in, which to construct drivo- way ramps. 2. To provido a location for utility polos. 3. To provido maximum width for troo planting. Thorn aro fivo proporty owners in tho 2900 and 3000 blocks on 8th Stroot that havo on- gagod a contractor to install curbs and aidowalks this wook. Your action is nocdod boforc the Enginoor's Office providos tho construction stakes. MAYOR CARRIGAN roquostod this bo roforrod Lc tho Planning Commission. J. R. HARVEY was prosont and stated that Grove Stroot botwoon 16th and 18th Strocts is still_in a bad condition and ho would 12/18 354 liko to havo this takon taro of as soon as possiblo. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho thought tho City should do sonothing about this stroot as it is in a deplorable condition. MAYOR CARRISAN ro- forrod this to City Managor Soifcrt. A. S. GRAFF askod what had boon done about tho request of tho Grablo Company to roturn tho doposit of $500.00 which thoy sub- nittod with thoir offer to purchaso City proporty locatod on National Avonuo botwcon 14th and 15th Stro ts. MAYOR CARRIGAN statod it was approvod by tho Coutcil and is includod with tho bills which woro approvod this cvrniikg. Moved by Clarko, socondod by Ingalls, that tho mooting bo closod. Carriod, all Councilman prosont voting ayo. ..TTEST: CITY CLERK 4.7at e L a-1~ MAYOR, CITY CP NATIO AL CITY, , ALIFORNIA. 12/18