HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 02-06 CC MIN472 National City, California, February 6, 1951. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Clinton D. Matthews at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Council- men absent: None. Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that the reading of the minutes of the roguler mooting of Jenucry 30, 1951, be dispensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayo. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Sullivan, Warner, Geuteroaux. BILLS AUDITED by tho Financo Committee prosentod: General Fund $5,478.07 Capital Rosario Fund 557.64 Library Fund 178.46 Park M & I Fund 680.07 Plenn. Comm. Fund 133.26 Stroot Fund 9,510.17 Harbor Fund 4,112.00 Payroll Fund 20,709.03 TOTAL $4.L 358.70 Mevod by Clcrko, soeondod by Hart, that tho bills be allowod and warrants ordorod drown for same. Carried, by tho follow- ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays: None. RESOLUTION NO. 5389 was road, authoritiag the payaont of $557.64 from the Capital Resorvo Fund as follows: Acme Saw and Supply, $436.15, Equipmont; National City Carpet & Linoleum, $21.71, City Hall Remodeling; Hazard Concrete Products, $99.78, City Hall Romodoling. Moved by Hart, seconded by Clarke, that the Rosolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayo. 2/6 473 MRS. MARY E. BARNES was presont and stated sho was roprosont- ing Mr. Barnes who was too ill to attend the mooting, but hoped to be able to attend next week and go over tho in- surance matt.,r. MR. H. P. REQUA, 414 E. 7th Stroot, was presont and statod that he thinks it would be a mistako to wait until 1952 to hold an election on the cord rooms for en opinion to bo ex- pressod by tho voters. REVEREND GEORGE THOMPSON, 1304 Avenue, was presont and stated that in regard to tho re- ferendum, ho thought it should como to tho immodiato attent- ion of the voters ovon though a cost would bo involved. ORDINANCE NO. , an ordinance roleting to Trailors was presented for tho socond and final reading. Movod by Curry, socondod by Hart, that only tho hoading bo road. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayos: Carrigan, C1-rko, Curry, Hert, Matthews. Nays: None. ORDINANCE NO. 812, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 652 OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NLTIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA BY AMENDING SECTION 10 OF SAID ORDINANCE. Moved by Curry, socondod by Carrigan, that tho Ordinance bo adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayo. AGREEMENT WITH HERLUF BRYDEGIJ.RD, Architect, for the fire station, was presented. Movod by Carrigan, socondec' by Hart, that this be hold over for anothor wook pending • further study. Carriod, all Councilmen presont voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM ATCHISON, TOPEKA, LBD SLNTA FE RY. CO. was read. It was an application requesting the City Council 2/6 474 to issue a permit to construct, maintain and operate an extension to an existing spur treek in Harrison ..vonuo. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated this is an extension of an existing spur in ordor to service a warehouse. Moved by Clarke, seconded by Hart, that this bo reforrod to ATTORNEY WARNER to draw up the necessary Resolution and easement. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ATTORNEY WARNER stated that in rogard to tho proposed leckor ordinance he had hoped to go ovor this with tho Licenso Department as there may bo a conflict of liconso pormits in the ordinance with our present license ordinance, and re- quested this bo hold over until noxt wook. ordered this laid over until next week. MAYOR MATTHEWS ATTORNEY WARNER presented an ordinance of intention to vacate a portion of 14th Street and Harrison ..venue. AIR. WARw8R stated this ordinance was previously passed, but tho^o was a typographical error in the date and in ordor that this will not cloud the titlo, roconnendod that tho corrected ordinance bo presented for the first reading. ORDINANCE NO. an ordinanco of intention to vacate and close a portion of 14th Street and Harrison Avenuo, was presented for the first reading. Moved by Curry, seconded by Clarke, that only tho heading be road. Carriod, by the following voto to -wit: Lyos: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays: None. ORDINANCE NO. , AN ORDINANCE OF INTENTION TO VACATE AND CLOSE A PORTION OF A PUBLIC STREET, TO -WIT: A PORTION OF 2/6 475 14TH STREET .AND HARRISON .VENUE, IN THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Curry, that the ordinance bo laid over until the noxt noting for tho second and final reading. Carriod, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays: Nono. ATTORNEY WARNER stated that ho had beon requested to draw up a Resolution of Intention to annex that portion of the County known as Rancho Mosa. MR. TLRNER said that this particular pieco of proporty has been a mattor of discussion for sometime. Monday morning ho appeared on behalf of tho City at the Board of Supervisors' mooting in regard to the Irrigation District, and at that time they continued the hearing until Thursday 10:00 A.M. in order to givo us an opportunity to correctly eliminate National City from the boundaries and the Board indicated that any annexations that wore in the process of being Snoozed, if wo requested it, would bo eliminated from the proposod boundaries of the Irrigation District. MAYOR MLTTHEwb asked if we have apple trunk lines available to handle the sewage. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that wo have a trunk line available that will handle a portion of it. If all of that acreage were doveloped into 2000 dofonso housos as proposed, Mrs. Sullivan said sho did not think our present trunk would handle it, however, thoro is provision in the legislation and the segfltetlous undor which they would bo built. BERNLRD BANKE waa present and asked if the Navy would put in a school. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said they will put in an elemontary school. COUNCILMAN CURRY asked if the Sweetwater water system would supply 800 additional homos. CITY MANAGER 2/6 476 SULLIVAN statod that Mr. Poultor was in the offico in conference with the ownor of the property and in conversation by tolophono with the Navy, end apparently thoy have worked out a plan for the water, providing thoy aro annexed. RESOLUTION NO. 5390 was read, giving notico of the proposal to annox to the City of National City, tho uninhabited territory designated as "Rancho Mesa", locatod in the County of San Diego. The hoaring was set for 6:00 o'clock P.M. February 27, 1951. Moved by Hart, socondod by Clarke, that tho Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. CITY CLERK ALSTON ANNOUNCED IT WAS 8:00 P.M. AND TIME FOR THE HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF SWEETWATER NO. 1 AND NO. 2. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that the potition which was filed by Dr. Howard has boon completely ehockod. and In the amnettton of Sweetwater No. 2, the petition contained naves representing 52% of tho assossod value who aro opposod to the annexation. In Swootwator No. 1 over 90% woro in favor of annexation. COUNCILMAN CLLRKE said ho would liko the Right -of -Way Engir_3cr to siv, tho Council a briof ou¢-- mary of his findings. RIGHT-OF-WAY ENGINEER SIMMONS stated tho annexation closest to National City, 52% of tho assossod value aro opposod to annexation. Tho furthest annexation, over 90% woro in favor of being annoxod. In order to annox thore has to bo a tie point to:National City. Thorn are several coursos, wo can split the two up and make then into ono, or wo can postpone it until some other method can be devised, or tho property owners can get together on it. 2/6 477 COUNCILMAN CLARKE asked Mr. Simmons if he thought it would bo well to postpone this for a week or two and give the people an opportunity to reconsider. MR. SIMMONS said that sone of the people that are against the annexation at this time have voiced their opinion that thoy are not roally against the annexation, they would just like to take some time to think about it. MAYOR MATTHEWS suggostod that this be laid ever for 90 days in order to givo them time to reconsider.and in that time we should know if tho Navy is going to build houses in thet area, DR. HOWLRD was present and stated that he opposes this 90 day delay. Ho pposeated another petition of protest. This matter has been consider, ed for sometime and folt that action should bo taken. Moved by Carrigan. seconded by Hart, that Attorney Warner be in- structed to draw up an ordinance disapproving the annexation of Sweetwater No. 1 and No. 2. COUNCILMAN CLLRKE said he believed we have an obligation to cooperate with the trued Forces and the people working in war industries in furnish- ing hones, and we should keep in mind that National City is very limited to its area. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated that on Februrry 2, 1951, there were filed with her fivo additional soctions to the re- ferendum petition, thoy have been chocked and together with the original petittens filed there are eve mid signatures, only 837 are required. MAYOR MLTTHEWS stated this means that the only way we can proceod with the closing of the card rooms is by the majority voto of tho people, It will be•necessary for the Council to decide if they- wish to hold 2/6 478 a special election or wait until the next regular election. ATTORNEY WARNER stated there aro two alternatives, the Code provides that the legislative body does not entirely repeal the ordinanco against which the potation is filod. The logislativo body shall submit tho sane to tho votors oither at a regular municipal election or a special eloction called for that purpose. COUNCILMAN HART said he was in favor of the poople voting on the cord rooms but only at the regular oloction. Wo should have a good ore1naneo eon- trollinr, tho card rooms. Moved by Curry, seconded by Carrigan, that a special oloction bo held es soon as it is possibly to do so. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho boliovos tho people aro entitlod to a voico in this natter, but ho is not in favor of spending over 0,000.00 of the peoplo's money to put on a special olection. REVEREND ERNY was presont and oxprossed his opinion in rogard to this issue and stated ho thinks that a special eloction should bo held, and that to dolor a natter which is so foremost in the minds of the poople for somo fourteen months is not playing fair with tho interost of all of us in tho community. MAYOR MATTHEWS stated that if we have a special election, from an w'vertis- irYg point of view, if nothing else, it will show that we are trying to mako a better National City, and that he would like to have Councilmen Hart and Clarke who have spokon not in favor of granting this request now, reconsider it and grant this permission with five Council votes, if possible. COUNCILMAN HART said ho had no i)1 foo'ings with anyone, that he was -doing what he foals is right. REVEREND THOMPSON was presont and statod that ho thought it would bo "pommy 2/Q 479 wise and pound foolish" to be unwilling to spund money for a special eloction when both sides aro now asking you for this oloction, and we aro not asking for it a year from now, but that thore try bo some decisivo action now. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said thet sinco some of tho card room operators were present we night Got their opinion as to whether or not they would liko r spocial oloction. LEE MORGAN, card room operator, wes prosont, and statod that ho talkod with a lot of pooplo in regard to tho card and it was his understanding thrt thoro would not bo any special election but would be hold over until the election. Most of the peoplo who circulated this rooms, regular potition do not want a spocial eloction. They would liko to soc it on the ballot at tho regular election. E. H. ALSDORF was present and said he was asking the Council to have a spocial election soon. MAYOR MATTHEWS said ho would not like to soc an issue of this typo as a political issue, that tho pub- licity would do no ono any good. COUNCILMAN CL:RKE said that ho is in favor of having this put on tho ballot at the . regular election, and thrt ho is ag^inst any special elect- ion at this time. Carriod, by tho following vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Curry, Matthows. Nrys: Clarke, Hart. REQUEST TO MOVE L BUILDING by Born^r' J. Bunko was prosonted. Tho building is locatod on Lot 8, Block 1 of T. Parson's Sub. of 10 Acre Lot 10, Quarter Suction 154, to be novod to Lot 5 in Block 52, City Plet. It is to bo used as a dowll- ing and ropairr and altorations will bo it conformity with the Building Code. Application was approved by BUILDING INSFECTO; BIRD to be completod within 90 drys. Moved by 2/6 480 Curry, seconded by Hart, that tho roquost bo grantod. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN askod if tho Council has had sufficient tine to study the proposed agroonont with the orator Company for installation of water to the tidelands. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said he would like to seo this again laid ovor for further negotiations with tho Water Company. MAYOR MATTHEWS recomnonded that this matter bo discussod tomorrow evening at an informal mooting and also confor with Mr. Poultor in this regard. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN stated ho would liko to see Mr. Poultor prosont at tho Hooting. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said sho had proparod a "Notice to Bidders° to advertiso for gasoline, and sho would like the approval of the Council to advertise. Tho present contract expires February 28th. Moved by Carrigan, socondod by Hart, that City Managor Sullivan bo authorizod to advertise for bids for gasolino. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that in regard to the cost of opening 4th Stroot, she had a copy for each of tho Council- men of the letter from Admiral Baker with an estimate of the cost. The total estimated cost, to meet tho requiremonts of the letter as outlined is $29,866.00. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said ho would suggost that inasmuch as wo have those figures it would bo a good time for the Chamber of Commerce to put a littlo prossuro on Admiral Baker because he has committed himself to tho Chanbor of Commerce that he would help a nreat coal, and hero he is not helping at 2/6 481 all. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN askod if the Council would like' a copy of Admiral Bakorts letter sont to tho Chanbor of Commerce. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said thoru is a Diroctors' mootinrz Thursday noon end they could probably handlo this at that time. COUNCILMAN CLLRKE said he would like to know if this also takes into considoraticn tho crossing of the railroad at Harbor Drive and also what it moans to traffic going South to turn East into National City. Mr. Clerko asked if the State would ontor into such a deal and the probability of traffic signals. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that tho State Highway is not onthusiastic about the open- ing of 4th Stroot on Harbor Drivo. However, ebout tho only way under their present operation would be a channel north- ward. Mrs. Sullivan said tho traffic coming westerly on 4th Stroot could turn north en the Freeway, but it is doubt- ful if scuthbound traffic would be able to turn to tho left on the Freeway unless there woro signals. MAYOR MATTHEWS said he thought that aftor the street is eomplotod, with pressuro from tho City and the Navy, the Stato would help us with the instellation of signals. MAYOR MATTHEEWS roquostod that a copy of tho letter and cost estimate be sent to the Chamber of Commerce and that tho m xt mooting wo could expect their roport. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that BUILDING INSPECTOR BIRD issued a permit to Mr. Lewis Froymann on January 25th for a sower connoction in an alloy in tho amount of 335.00 assuring that it was in order. After the permit was issued it was discovered by Mr. Froymann's plumber that this had already boon paid for and tag serer was to thr property line. 2/6 482 BUILDING INSfE CT03 BIRD would like the authorization of a rofund in the amount of $35.00 and request that Mr. Freynann roapply for a $5.00 connoction foo. MRS. SULLIVLN asked tho Council for a notion to diroct tho rofund of 335.00 to Lowis Freymann on Sewor Pornit No. 254. Movod by Hort, seconded by Curry, that tho rofund bo mado. Carried, all Councilman prosont voting ayo. CITY MANAGE12 SULLIVLN stated sho would like to review tho situation in rogard to nonoy for plans. There aro Federal funds availablo upon application for the propagation of plans for public works providing thoy aro eligible under a defonso aroa. The nonoy advancod at no interest 1s ropaid at tho tino that tho project is constructed. In addition to Federal funds availablo thorn is the possibility of Stato matching funds up to three porcont of plans for public works. Also there is tho $13,000.00 itcn that wo nay or may not procure undor tho old sower contracts MRS. SULLIVAN said sho has been in contact with tho Foderal Agency rogarding thoso funds. Mrs. Sullivan askod Attorney Warner to review the resolution forr which thoy roquiro on Fedoral application, and in the event that you wish to outhorizo tho application for matching funds sho has two resolutions preparod. Perhaps tho Council would liko to indicate whothor they think it worth, whilo to apply for theso funds for tho purpose of matching and not using tho taxpayers' nonoy until you aro roady to construct, or whothor you would rrthor not have an amount of Foderal funds mado availablo. MRS. SULLIVAN said tho two resolutions shq,has preparod aro on tho Sowago Dis- posal Plant and tho 24th Street Pier. COUNCILMAN CAPuRIGAN 2/a 483 said that he would like to soo this discussed at the infortal mooting. MAYOR MATTHEWS asked that this matter bo laid ovorw, CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said there has bean some discussion of what disposal to make of the land which many people are talking about buying, some 65 acres immodiatoly oast of Rancho Park botwoon Division and 4th Street. If tho Council would like to soo it dovolopod sho had an application to fill out to tho Fedoral Housing Administration, whose Land Plann- er, upon our request, will make a proposed layout of the area in ordor that wo may explore whet dovelopnents it could have, and if the Land Planner lays it out it must conform to the F. H. A. requirements of eligibility for building. MRS. SULLIVAN said if tho Council wish to discuss this more thoroughly it can be laid over. MLYOR MATTHEWS said this has been dise ssod on sovoral occasions. The tentative plan would be to subdivide the proporty into lots of about 10,000 square foot, 75 or 80 feat wide, such as Olivowood Terrace - and have it restrictod to possibly 1200 squaro foot building space, for pooplo who wish to build a home a little largor than tho averego in National City. COUNCILMLN CUR,ZY said ho thought wo could go along with this idea of choice building lots fov National City. MUMMA 8L6R!CE said he Was heartily in favor of a more exclusive rosidontial district. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said there havo boon sovoral mon from the F. H. L. in the erne to cantor and havo su3gostod that they would like to have closor cooperation with the City. In the pest tharo hes boon areas that havo not boon eligible for F. H. A. loans and they would liko to work with the City. They indicated an intorost in helping tho City to layout the 2/6 484 aroa without charge. It c'cos not moan that the City has to subdivido it, but anybody who would take it on would have the advantage of tho F. H. L. planning. Thoy also sent a form for the Rodovelopmont Lgoncy and they aro glad to work with tho Lgoncy in thoir laying out and planning for the redevelopment aroa. Moved by Carrigan, seconder'. by Hart, that CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN be authorized to fill out the preliminary application. Carried, cil Councilmen prosont voting ayo. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated in rogard to tho landscaping and beautification of tho Frooway, the removing of the pale trues has boon arranged. Mr. Bouthol said that some slope planning will bo dono hut the final plans have not boon finished and they aro not suro of tho expense. FLETCHER W. KNIGHT, was present and stated that ho lived in tho 1500 block on E. 16th Street, and that for sono months they havo boon having quite a bit of troublo with water in the streets. The pronorty ownors in this ono block gave the City the right of way sometime ago with tho proviso they would open up the street in two months. Tho water lino is breaking anywhere from ono to fivo times a week in that ono block and tho stroot is in a very brd shapo. Mr. Knight said he thought something could be worked with tho City and the Water Company. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said we are wait- ing also to fix 16th Street. Tho Water Company has a portion of the pipo and they have assured us that as soon as the rest of the pipe arrives that they wiln, start thoir work. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN reportod that she had received a notice 2/6 485 of a public hearing in which you nay have sone interost. it comes from a group who aro attempting to organize a now bus lino which will orieinato in Flotchor Hills and como through La Mosa and San Diogo and torninato at tho Groyhound Dopot. They aro interostod in having anyone apponr at tho Public Utilities Hoaring February 16th et 10:30 G.M. who may be interostod in seeing that such a bus lino is organized, and they represent that their faro will bo loss than tho exist- ing fares. MRS. SULLIVAN said sho is bringing this to tho attention of tho Council becauso wo have hod many complaints about tho bus sorvico and it may bo that thoro will bo some conpoting bus linos startod. MfS. SULLIVAN said sho has dis- cussed with tho City lttornoy whether it was possible to conduct a municipal bus in Notional City to sorvo some of the area which is not now boing served. MRS. SULLIVAN said sho thought the Council night wish to givo this some thought. COUNCILMAN CURRY said ho would like to know what has been done in regard to tho opening of 12th Stroot. MAYOR MATTHEWS said that Mr. Hilty wa: in favor of opening 12th Stroot, with the stipulation that it bo oponod from ono and of torn to tho other. Mayor Matthows said ho thought it should bo ro- ferrod to the ^ngineor's offico or tho City Plannor and make a report to the Council as to tho possibility of oponing 12th Street from Highland Avenue to Paradise Hills. COUNCIL- MAN CURRY said he thought the cost should bo considered. ATTORNEY WARNER said Mr. Hilty thinks we nood more access from Paradise Hills and the back country into Notional City. It night bo well to know how ouch property has alroady boon doedod to the City. COUNCILMAN CURRY said this matter has 2/6 486 boon discussod a number of tines but nothing dono and that he thinks it is something that should bo lookod into, and tho City would bo Justified in spending some money to rpon this stroot. CITY MLNLGER SULLIVLN said that noxt wook thoy would bring in a roport by suctions as to acquisition of rights -of -way and ownorships and also an cstimatoc' cost, from "E" Lvonuo easterly to tho City limits. COUNCILMAN C.'_ RIGLN asked how the National City signs woro progressing. MR. HLRKEY said wo aro waiting tc got a cuss pool digger to to dig tho holos. COUNCILMAN CURRY asked if any survey had boon made on tho opening of 26th Stroot. CITY MANAGER SULLIVLN said sho would have a roport next wook. COUNCILMAN CURRY said ho boliovod that something should bo done in regard to the gasolino trucks running through the heart of the City, as it is vory hazardous. Mr. Curry said ho thought some study should bo made as to the possibility of those trucks bypassing the rain streots. CITY MLNLGER SULLIVI.N said that Roosevolt _vonuo as a truck routo is possiblo. When tho Frooway gra-e separation et 18th and at 24th is completed you can make a bottor docision as to Whothor Rocsevolt should bo a truck routo. Mrs. Sullivan said sho would rocommond that wo not spond tho money in- volved on Roosevelt if Montgonory Frooway is _,ping to ho usod. MLYOR MATTHEWS said ho thought tho Police ropartmont can slow tho trucks down going through tho City. COUNCILMAN CURRY statod that sometime ego wo dociz'od on a 2/6 487 sanitary fill and purchased equipment for this purpose and we ward Going to reclaim a lot of our lowlands and save a lot of long hauls, and up to the presont timo, Mr. Curry said ho has seen no indications rf it. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that about tho sane timo wo started to plan an aroa for a sanitary fill wo also startod a rodovolop- ment project and wo can probably go ahoad with the sanitary fill aroa; that she has dirocted the equipment be used olso- where pending the time the redevelopment prolaet into hearing last night was about to conclude as COUNCILMAN CURRY said at the time it was brouGtIt which went to plan. cut the it would bo a Groat aavi:7 to the City inasmuch as it would save the long haul to the duap and roclain lend. It is important and something should bo done about it in the near future. MRS. SULLIVAN said the Council will soon have this for considoration. FRANK SARN, 1713 Highland Avenue, was present and statod that ho thought tho business license ordinance should be changed as far as a real estate broker ana insureno3 sales- man is concerned. Tho cost of a license to a real estate salesman is 310.00 c year, a roal ostato broker who handles insuranco also, is 315.00, and an insurance salesman or agent who deals exclusively in insurance, is 325,00. MR. SARN said that it did not scan right to his way of thinking that a man who handles insurance only should pay more than the real ostato brokor, and ho thought the foos should be reversed. MAYOR MATTHEWS said the ordinanco was changed about a year ago at the roquost of the real estate men. A real estato man could have a dozen salesmen and pay only 2/6 488 1)25.00 so they requested that it be lowered to n5.00 and each salosman be charged 310.00. The insuranco on wero not included. Thoro is a possibility thoro is sono unfairnoss, and that tho liconse ordinance should bo studiod and possibly revised, I. EVERETT, 2034 E. llth Stroot, was prosent and suggostod that a fire hydrant be installod in his neighborhood. As far as ho knows the closest hydrant is on 8th Stroot. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said sho would call this to tho attontion of the Firo Chiof. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod that on tho nattor of the license ordinance, tho real estate and insuranco matter was brought up by several othor poople in addition to Mr. Sarn. and because we have had such a great deal of discussion about insurance brokers, insurance agonts and who is eligible for the City's insuranco business, it might bo well to determino that only those rersons who are licensed to sell insurance bo oligible, that would settle some of the argue manta. Mr. Barnes is one who operates undor a real ostato license rather than an insurance license, also a number of others as that has boon tho practico. The difforenco between the trailer park fee and tho notol foe has also boen brought to our attention. Trailer perks chargo a smaller foe for their ores, pay a much higher license foo than motels who receive more income from relativo small space, and it is not a license in equity. MAYOR MATTHEWS suggested that tho Council got together et the first opportunity and st.dy the ordinance. 2/6 489 Moved by Curry, socondod by Clarke, that the Heating be closed. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. C - 4 /117,e2ae M%YOR; CITY OF NATIONLL CITY, CLLIFORNIA LTTEST: CITY CLERK 2/4