HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 02-13 CC MIN490 National City, California, February 13, 1951. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Clinton D. Matthews at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Council- men present: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Matthews. Council- men absent: Hart. Moved by Curry, seconded by Clarke, that the reading of the minutes of the regular mooting of February 6, 1951, be dispensed with. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAj.S present: Sullivan, Warner, Gauteroaux. ORDINANCE NO. , an ordinance of intention to vacato and closo a portion of 14th Street and Harrison Avenue, was prosonted for tho second and final reading. Moved by Clarke, seconded by Curry, that only the heeding be read. Carriod, by the following voto to -wit: Ayos: Carrigan, Clarko, Curry, Matthews. Nays: None. ORDINANCE NO. 613, AN ORDINANCE OF INTENTION TO VACATE AND CLOSE A PORTION OF l_ PUBLIC STRETT, TO -TWIT: A PORTION OF 14TH STREET AND HARRISON AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF NLTIONAL CITY, CLLIFORNIA. Moved by Curry, socondod by Clarke, that the Ordinanco be adopted. Carriod, all Counellmoa present voting ayo. CITY M:,NLOER SULLIVi_N statod the next matter is the two ordinaneos disapproving annoxation of "Sweotwator lnnox No. 1" and "Swootwator Annex No. 2". COUNCILMAN CLRRIGAN said that he h-d rocoivod ^ roquost from Mr. Hoflin asking 2/13 491 if it was possible to hevo this hold up for thirty days, as ho thought there was somo misunderstanding and he was going to Los Lngeles to see Mrs. Boll, and ho scorned to fool that if tho question wet prosontod to hor so that she could seo both sidos, that porhaps she might change her mind. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Curry, that this bo laid over until March 13, 1951, with tho understanding that tho Council let them work out thoir own problom. Carriod, all Councilmon present voting aye. AGREEMENTS WITH HERLUF BRVEGAI RD, LRCHITECT, for tho Fire Station and Library, wore prosentod. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said ho would like to seo this held over for furthor study. MAYOR VATTHEWS or,'derod the matter held over until tho next mooting. RESOLUTION NO. 5391 was road, approving the agreoment with the California Water & Telephone Company to supply water to tho tidolands, and authorizing tho Mayor to sign somo on be- half of the City of Nationel City. Movod by Curry, seconded by Clarko, that tho Resolution be adopted. Carriod, all Councilmen. present voting eye. CITY MLNA_GER SULLIVAN reported on the opening of 12th Street. MRS. SULLIVLN said it is not possiblo as yot to report on tho Bost. memo of the property ^wnecs who^& the property 4.5 not subdivided want their lend paid for et the rota of about $1500.00 por acre. There aro some of tho others who aro willing to six,: oasemonts, thorc is ono property owner who doos not want the street through his proporty and will pro- bably require condomnetion. MRS. SULLIVV,N said she would 2/13 492 roport in detail whon sho can obtain all the information and the total cost. There is possibly two parcels whore con- demnation will bo nocossary. COUNCILMAN CURRY askod how much timo would be noodcd to got tho information. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said she would liko to havo two wooks. CITY Ml1QLGrR. SULLIVAN stated that in regard to tho Opening of 26th Stroot there aro throo ownors involved. Ono of the avners has not been contactod. The) others havo orally agroed, but it will be necessary to havo their oasomont in writing, and if that is done, there is only the ono left and Mrs. Sullivan said she beliovod that Mr. Kraft, who is the owner involved would bo more willing to sign en oasomont if all tho others had boon obtainod. COUNCILMAN CURRY said ho thought Mr. Kraft should be contacted as soon as possible. CIT! M)1AGER SULLIVAN stated tnet on the 4th Strout cpcnin;, Councilman Carrigan reported to tho Chambor of Commorco at the last mooting and thoy havo appointod a committoe of throe to go tr Admiral Baker's office, and Mrs. Sullivan said she would like to knew if any ether mombors of the Council cthor than Mayor Natthows end Cnuncilman Carrigan wish to go MPS, SULLIVAN said she would sot a date) with the antieippctinn that throo or mor., of the Council members would go. CITY MLNAGER SULLIVAN stated that undor written communicat- ions we have roceivod two notices of hearings bcforo the Stato Board of Equalization, in the mettor of tho protest of the City Council against tho transfer of an off sale general license to Toxas Liquor Stores, and Club 66, Inc. The hearing is sot for Fobrusry 15, 1951, at 10:00 A.M. in 2/ 13 493 Sacramecfto. L copy of a lottor from Irvin Kahn to tho State Board of Equalization requosting reconsideration of tho denial of transfor of those two liconsos, was road. Movod by Carrigan, soconded by Curry, that the CITY MANAGER and CITY ATTORNEY'be instructod to attond the hearing and again voice our protosts. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said that sinco tho City Manager and City Attorney hcd been up at tho original hearing, he wondorod if thoro is much to bo gainod by another trip, that ho did not soo why we should go to the oxponso of sending them again. ATTORNEY WARNER stated that thoy would like to contact the Stato Allocation Board again in ordor to straighten up the matter of the $13,000.00, and this can bo done on the same trip, COUNCILMAN CLLRKE said he saw no reason for any further discussion. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ATTORNEY WARNER statod that in rogard to tho proposed Locker Ordinance, they talked with a representative of Dr. l_skow's office and thero are several things that should be gono over further; ono is the permit fee and tho other is the $14000. bond. MR. WARNER asked that this bo hold ovor until noxt wook in order that ho may talk with the Ccunty Counsol's office who advisod Dr. Askew in this matter, and see if an ordinance can bo draftod which will not got us in any difficulty with any of the merchants. MAYOR MATTHEWS order- ed this matter laid over until tho next mooting. ATTORNEY WARNER statod thet in regard to tho application for an oasomont of the spur track for A. T. & S. Fo, ho ecllod Ono of the Attorneys who ropresonts them and he was out of 2/13 4-94 town and when ho roturns they will draft tho proper oasement so that it will not offoct tho City's title to any other proporty. MR. WARNER said tho re -son ho 1s concernod about this particular ono, tho description thoy have may put a cloud on the adjoining City's proporty titlo, and askod that this be laid ovor another wook. M&YOR MATTHEWS ordorod it laid ovor until tho next mooting. RESOLUTION NO. 5392 was road, calling a Special Election to be hold on the 3rd day ref April 1951, rolativo to tho Referendum petition protosting against the adoption of Ordinance No. 809. Movod by Carrigan, socondod by Curry, that the Resolution bo adoptod. COUNCILMAN CL:_RKE statod that ho wished to repeat his statement that he is still not for the Special Election. Carried, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Curry, Matthows. Nays: Clarke. ATTORNEY WLRN7R stated that inasmuch as ho will be out of town on Thursday of this weok, and thero is set for that day a jury trial, which may or may not go to trial, but the opposing Attorney is out of town and wo are unable to get a continuance, that if the Council approves he would like to ask that one of his partnors, Mr. Sweet, act as Deputy City Attorney in the event tho case goes to trial. Movod by Curry, seconded by Carrigan, that the roquost bo granted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayo. REPORT OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION regarding an application for Conditional Exception of Mrs. Ina M. Tillas, was road. The property is deseribed as the E 75' W 390' St MI cf 20 Leta Sot t t*eribePter Scotian i33. Hor roquest is to tn- 2/13 495 stall a kitchon in a guost houso so that tho quertors can bo used as a rosidonco with full accommodations. At tho prosont time there is on tho property a 2-story houso with two apartments and a guost house over a th000-car gnrego in an R-1 Zone. Mrs. Tillas was prosont nt the Planning Commission mooting and said-1thourh thoro hnd boon object- ions, in the pest from noighbors, thorc aro now no objoctions. Tho Planning Commission apprcvod tho roquost. l_fter con- siderable discussion botwoon tho Council, COUNCILMLN CURRY roqucstod the City Picnnor to stet° tho ronson tho Planning Commission roconnondod this conditional excoption. CITY PLANNER WAGNER stated Mrs. Tillas was prosont et tho hoaring and statod that sho lived in tho quarters horsolf c,nd it would bo convenient to hor to havo a kitchen in it so that sho could opt thoro rathor than ontinr out. Sho was grantod pornission to put up the 3-car garage with tho ruest houso over it ^bout two yoers ago and she was granted an addition- al zone variance to allow the two-fcnily 2-story house to operate as sueh in an R-1 Zono. Tho Planning Commission has had roquosts previously for R-4 usago and thoy fool rather than granting a numbor of variances, if tho roquosts soon to comp in largo numbers that it might bo wiso tc hevo a gonoral ro-zoning as thoro is a groat do21 of R-4 use around that vicinity. Thoy profor to grant a zorio chango rathor than, aumatous goto we:rialtos, The Coaciaston rsject©d a roquost from Mrs. Morrow at 2nd and "F" and suggostod to hor that she night contr_et many cf tho neighbors who felt tho sand way that she did, that thoy would like to havo nultiplo family usago in tho noighborhood, but nothing hes boon done. 2/13 496 Thai' recommendation w^s th^t someone hrd to start tho proceedings. CCUNCILMLN CURRY said the Planning Commission folt that it gevo bottor control, th^t it was en advantago to grant those zone varicncos ns thoy coma in rather than ro-zono the entire crow. I_TTCRNEY W'RNER statod it is his undorstanding that tho P1-nnin,, Co mission h^s had under considorction for somotino the anondin:_ of tho zoning ord- inance. COUNCILMLN CLLRKE said he would a..rociato his copies of tho ordinances boin: brought up to date. MLYOR MLTTHEWS surgosted that the Council moot with the Planning Commission on Monday evening, February 19, 1951, and go ovor this natter with them, and rocomnonded that this zono variance be laid ovor until tho noxt floating. COMMUNIC.LTION FROM VETS L'_NS OF FOREIGN Wh-RS was road. It roquested the use of a porticn of tho City Park loc^tod botwoon 14th and 16th Street on N-tional Lvonuo, Juno 6th through Juno IOth inclusivo. Thoy anticipcto negotiating with tho Craft Shows to raise funds for tho Post Building Fund and the Local nelicf Fund. MiiS. SULLIVLN statod that sho asked Mr. Heynel, Post Commander to discuss this with tho Recroction Commission for tho reason that the area that they propose to use is part of the aroa that tho Recroation program usos during tho baseball soason and it meant that their schodulo would havo to bo adjustod. Tho Rocrortion Commission said they had no objections to tho use of tho field 1f the City Council approvod of the use and that 1t be roturnod to the original condition of the ball field j.Ipmodintely after tho show, and that the adjacont ball field not be used for a parking arena MLYOR ILTTHEWS asked Mr. 2/13 497 Haynal if on bohalf of tho V. F. ^-.. ho could guarantee that tho grounds would bo returned to thoir original stato. MR. HLYNLL was present and statod ho talked with the Booking ',gent of the Craft Sh,ws end thoy have thoir own cloaning squad and assured then that the grounds would bo restorod to their original condition, and mill post tho necessary bonds, and comply with all Steto end local rogulctions as far es sanitation is concernod. COUNCILMEN CLR1IGLN asked who is responsiblo for the show and what is tho porcontore of the take for tho V. F. W. MR. HLYNLL said tho teko is 20 per- cent of tho cross, they nay for tho liconso and get tho grounds. Tho license is $25.00 a day plus any additional licenses thet night bo roquirod for advortising, otc. Tho agent said their payroll amounts to about $3500.00 a wook and that about 70 porcont of that payroll would be loft in National City es they hiro local talent. Mr. Haynal said ho had an appointment with tho Lgont on Thursday morning and would thoy/go into this in detail. COUNCILMEN CL11RIGLN said that it hes been his oxperionco with carnivals that generally there is a buneh of undesirables who follow thoso shows. We aro tying up the ball park for a wook and folt that we should give it some serious consideration. COUNCILMEN CURRY asked what was to prevent any other organization making a similar roquost, and also quostionod tho typo of pooplo who follow thoso shows. COUNCILMEN CLLitl said ho personally had no objection to tho show being hold in that portion of the Park, but that ho is concerned about the method of ontry since 14th Street has boon closed. MLYOR MLTTHEWS said ho bolievod that if 'there w^s cnything otit cf lino that tho Show can bo 2/13 498 asked by the Police Dopt. tc move along. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN asked what tho contemplated tcko in dollars and cants would bo for the V. F. W. Mit. HLYNLL said tho Booking Liont said he thought they should make $1,000. in five days, loss ox- ponsaa, MAYOR MATTHEWS asked Mr. Haynal if he could have the roprosentetive of the Craft Shows opposer with him et the next Council meeting. CITY MANLGS'R SULLIVAN stated wo aro now gottinr a varioty of proposals for tideland leases, and thoro aro three issues on which she wished the Council's diroction. There is en application from a group callod tho National House Movors who aro also boat robuildors and they wculd like to have a combination small boot repair yard and contractors supply yard on the waterfront. MRS. SULLIVAN said she explained to the non who made the pplication that wo havo boon tryin?* to concentrate en the north part of the tidelands for building materials and that typo of yard, and not have them on the waterfront adjecont to tho proposed pier. Thoy are very anxious to ncve in some beet ropair machinery and equipment. The permits for the dismantling of boats havo been for threo months so that they would not bo tying up tho waterfront. They havo Dade an application for a lease. MRS. SULLIVLN said sho received a lottcr from Mr. Teacher who had a pro- posal tor option in tho building of wcrohotsos. This 13 a different type of proposal than wo havo hod boforo. Mr. Teacher proposes to build the warehouse to suit the tonants. The third item is whethor you would have any objections to an oil refinery of tho South and of the tidelands whore wo have arrangements with tho Santa Fe for the processing of an oase- 2/13 499 Went to get from tho State ri=.ht-of-way to the south end of the tidelands. COUNCILMLN CARRIGLN eskod if that 1s an oil rofinory or en oil bulk plant. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said it is a bulk plant and rofinory and they w-nt deep water access as well as rail access. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said that with an oil refinery you have again the terrific odor and the accompanying dirt that goes with it. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that Los Angeles County has a Snot Ordinanco and there aro some controls that aro possiblo with an oil refinery. If you havo no objections, the mon aro coming here from Oklahoma the last of this wook, and if their machinery is such that it is not completely effective as it should be -,,it could bo roviowod by you to soo whether it would be too offensive to the community. COUNCILMAN CURRY stated that the Standard 0i1 Conrany has one of their largest refineries in Richmond, Calif., and thr.t ho novor heard any serious objections to it. It is within a half vile of the main part of the City. COUNCILMAN CAR?RIGLN said that in all the rofinories whero tho pipos aro running they have spill- overs on tho ground, it is not a smog condition. CITY ML2&GER SULLIVAN aaid la regard to thA email boat repair and materials yard sho told tho men that we havo tried to eliminato that typo of yard from the immediate waterfront, and she would like to tell then that they may or may -not enter into a l ease for that location. Thoy would be at the foot of 24th Street botweon tho Navy lino and 24th Street, and want approximately a total of an acro. Thoy need a half acre to start with and with an option on the other half acro and want a five year lease. MAYOR MATTHEWS asked Mrs. 2/13 500 Sullivan if dhe had any recommendations. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said sho thought a boat ropair yard is suitablo, but bocause they are houso .movers and havo a ccntractors building yard, sho is approhonsivo as to tho appearanco of it in rolation to othor probable loasos. It is not a larr'o area and it would be bad businoss for us to hasp an acre that would discourago porsons who woro going to lease lergor anouftts for difforent typo of use. MAYOR MATTHEWS asked if thoy would teko less than a five year lease. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that she had not discussed that with then spocifically because thoy asked for a fivo year lease. They havo been in several times and they finally put their request for tho no_otiation of a loaso in writing and its specific location. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN asked if that would bo on tho two cents per square foot basis, or four cents. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said it would bo two cents unloss you want to change the rato. They havo a yard in La Mosa and thoy aro looking for a watorfront location. MAYOR MATTHEWS said he thought we should thoroughly invostigete this company, and tho sane with the othor prospoctive loasos, where they havo boon and check with ropresentativcs of othor cities. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said if they worn to put up a building similar to some in tho vicinity of 28th and Harbor Drivo, he had no objections, it is a shall industry which wo want to soo established on tho watorfront, but ho did not want a bunch of junk on tho watorfront. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN asked how much acreage tho oil rofinory would nood. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod that the Attorney for tho company indicated on tho map an area of about twenty acres. COUNCILMAN 501 CARRIGAN said if they make the plant large onough and Re tj,lough tho complete refinery process than you could over- look some of the ill offocts bocause it means a torriflp investment. MAYOR MATTHEWS suggested that Mrs. Sullivap got more information, and make a recommendation to tho Council. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said in Torah to tho loose and option arrangement, it has boon dono in tho City of Richmond, and wo have not had any oonsidoretion of it, as Mr. Danaher now has it in writing. Assuming that you want to givo it con- sideration, Mr. Warner and I would prefer to got it into soma kind of lease form for submission to tho Council. I have a letter requesting that it bo taken up with tho Council, With a number of conditions, and if tho Council has no object- ions they will proeeod with a lease form, Tho original amount of acreage involved is about ton acres and then sub- sequent options. ATTCRNEY WLRN1R stated that what Mr. Teacher proposes to do is to bring in some big capital and he thought they night want a lot of acroago, but the proposal is to have an option on the comploto acreage of four or five plots and if he doos not exorcise that in 90 days he loses the option, it is a progrossive matter. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that Mr. Rusk of the National School District has talkod to her in regrrd to the fivo acres that they purchased from tho city on Division Street botwoon •S" and "T" Avenue. Ordinarily it is adequate fnr an elementary school, but they find their eligibility for Pederal money requires that It rust be a ten acre plot and they would liko to enter into negotiations for the purchaso of the five mama ►between.°R" and "S". MAYOR MATTHEWS said 2/13 502 that three nonbers of tho Council looked over this 'roporty which would be in botwoon the sito that wo havo already traded with tho School District and tho proporty whoro tho well is located; and that he porsonally would h-vo no object- ion to enter into negotiations with tho School District for the proporty. Movoc' by Clarke, seconded by Curry, that negotiations bo enterod into with tho Nrtional School Dist- rict. Carried, all Councilmen present vctin- eye. COMMUNICATION FROM FIRST METHODIST CHURCH was road, roquost- ing the use of the Park Bowl for Eastor Sorvico at 11:00 '..M. on March 25th. Also what facilities would be there in the way of public address equipment, a platform, otc, and the charge for sane. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said the setting up of tho equipment would roquiro man hours and custodial ser- vice. ML_YCR MATTHE»S asked if wo havo made e cherro for the uso of the Bowl. CITY M;NLGER SULLIVAN said wo have made a chargo for the uso of the Bowl to covor our costs, but ordinarly wo do not furnish anything other than custodial service. This would roquiro a platform and an edoquato pleco for their music and address syston and for a custodian to bo present, and that e charo of about $25.00 would not Hoot all of our costs, but would offsot tho cost of arranging the oquipmont. CCUNCILbLN CLt12KE said ho felt that on open air Easter service would bo a boost to tho community. MLYOR MATTHEWS seid he wns in favor of it and wondered if thoy would objoct to paying the $25.00. COUNCILMLN CARRIGLN said ho would move that the chargos "o waived. COUNCILMAN CURRY said ho did not se:,'how wo dould charge tho Church when wo are not cherging tho V. F. W. for a wook. Moved by Carrigan, S 503 seconded by Clarke, that the First Methodist Church bo granted the usa of the Bowl for Easter Service at 11:00 L.M. on March 25th, and that the charges be waived. E. H. LLSDORF said they have threo choirs and the platform at the Church is not largo enough. Carriod, all Councilmen present voting aye. REQUEST TO MOVE L BUILDING by Sanuol S. Venor was prosonted. The building is locatod at 320 E. Main Street, El Cajon, to bo moved to Santa Fe Lease, 1840 Harrison Lvenuo to bo used as an accessary to existing packing shod. Application was approved by BUILDING INSPECTOR BIRD to bo completed within 30 days. Movod by Carrigan, socondod by Clarke, that the request be granted. Carriod, all Councilmen present voting aye. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that Dale Mann brought in a petition of property ownors in the immediate vicinity of the City Yards and stated that in addition to tho napes on the petition there are a number more that would bo glad to file petitions. They would like the City Council to movo the City Yards as they think it is a nuisance in its present _ao eation. MAYOR MATTHEWS suggostod that it bo roferred to the Planning Commission and that a suitable site be located by the to hold in readiness until such timo a move is made. MAYOR MATTHEWS said ho thourht it was the time to lceate a site and not wait until wo have to pay a 1er;o feo for the property. CITY MANAGER S!JLLIVL.N roportod that tho City Dor, Pound now havo 80110 rather good dogs and some are cvaiiabie for only 2/13 504 their board bill tad license foot COUNCILMAN CURRY roportod that at the prosont time National City is vaccinating dogs for $1000 and this Information should be posted so people could have their dogs vaccinated. MLYCR MLTTHEWS said that porhaps the News editor could report this information to- gether with the picturos cf some of tho dogs available. MAYOR MATTHEWS reported that he took Clifford Rood as his guost to the Mayors' meeting today, and all of tho Civilian Defenso Coordinators and Diroctors woro prosont and mot with the Mayers. Tho eonvorsetion was mostly on tho mothod of raising funds for tho Civilian Dofenso. Everyone seemed to agree that tho best method would be ono half of one porcent salos tax. No action is boinr, taken except to lot the Councils know what we have in mind. The City of La Mosa inaugurated a business liconso, the income to bo usod for Civilian Defenso. The other cities hesitate to adopt a sales tax unless it is unanimous by all tho cities. It was also agrood that the additional money collected would be ealled revonue for wer emergency exrondituros because there aro many more expenditures which wo attribute to tho defonse ;program other -than just Civilian Defenso. The feet that ell costs have gono up and cities have had to raise their salaries and most of it is attributed to war and defense, so when we do explcre some method for raising nonoy it will bo for additional funds for war emergency program. You can be thinking about whother or not you would propose to the City of National City a ono half of one percent sales tax for additional revonue for war emergency. COUNCILMAN CARRIGLN said it is an established fact if they were to put 2/13 505 the tax on it would never ccmo off. If tho cities wore on tho bell they would got the State to divort a half cent sales tax to this particular emergency. CCUNCILML,N CLLRKE asked if thero was anything said about sending pooplo to school on this radiological sotup. MAYOR MATTHEWS said it was not discussed today. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said a meeting was called by the County Coordinator which both she and Mr. Rood atton od and tho training program was dis- cussed by a State roprosontativo. They aro sotting up two training centers and thoy plan to first train instructors. Wo have haC thero pooplo go through tho Navy's Radiological School but it was not directly for tho physical effects of atonic explosion. We woro fortuneto to havo tho Eleventh Naval District invite us to send three employees to a First Aid Courso conducted by tho Buroau of Minos which emphasized the industrial phases of First Aid. Those throe will be- come the instructors and will give the training, to other employees. The radiological instructors courses have not yet started but we are to receive an announcement and they will bo given in two citios in the State. COUNCILMLN CURRY suggosted the sane mothoe of raisin; funds for tho Civilian Defense as for the March of Dimes. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN reported on the County Buc13et of $34,000,000., $24,000,000. or 70% of that budgot was spont on health and welfaro. Mr. Cioyd and Mr. Kraft will be hone on vacation and porhaps it might bo well for the Council and tho taxpayers to talk with thou about tho two proposed welfare ores* . 2/13 506 COUNCILMAN CURRY stated that we Started a sprinkling system in tho Perk in October and there are a buneh of holes which are dangolous and he thought tho job should be completed. CITY MANAGER SULLIVGN said wo are waiting tr got pi^e and as soon as available it will be completed. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Clarke, that tho meting be closed. Carried, all Councilmcn prosont voting aye. 4,12 MAYOR, CITY OF NLTIONAL CITY, CLLIFCRNIA ATTEST: 1 n r }- `//u-1,c )Y14 Qv+,l.,ti, CMS. mac, ;C ITY/CLERK 2/13