HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 02-20 CC MIN507
National City, California, February 20, 1951.
Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by
Mayor Clinton D. Matthews at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen
present: Clarke,
Curry, Hart, Matthews. Councilmen absent:
Moved by Curry, secondod by Hart, that tho roading of the
minutes of the regular mooting of February 13, 1951, be dis-
ponsod with. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo.
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS prosont: Alston, Sullivan, Warrior,
BILLS AUDITED by the Finance Committoe prosented:
General Fund $10,611.37
Capital Reserve Fund 1,720.55
Library Fund 1,177.59
Park g & I Fund 4,567.90
Plenn. Comm. Fund 51.49
Rotiromont Fund 6,499.89
Stroot Fund 3,615.75
Harbor Fund 34.46
Payroll Fund 19,108.98
TOTAL - $47,387.98
Movod by Curry, secondod by Clarke, that tho bills bo allow-
ed and warrants ordered drawn for samo. Carriod, by tho
following voto to -wit: Ayos: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry,
Hart, Matthews. Nays: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 5393 was road, authorizing the payment of
$1j720.55 from the Capital Roservo Fund as follows: Floyd
Babcock, $105.00, City Hall Romodoling; Dick Haas Motors,
$1,560.14, Equipment; National Lumber Col, $55.41, City Hall
Remodeling. Movod by Clarko, seconded by Hart, that the
Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilman present
voting ayo.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN roport.od that there aro still two
}roperty owners who hevo not signod an oasomont for the
oponing of 26th Stroot and hopod that by next wook thoso
oasomonts will bo obtainod.
ATTORNEY WARNER stated the permit foe was eliminated in the
proposed locker ordinanco and chanted the "refrigeration
plant" to read "refrigeration plant or locker plant".
an ordinance regulating refrigeration
plants, or locker plants, was prosontod for tho first road-
ing. Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that only the head-
ing bo road. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos:
Carrigan, Clarke, Cttiriy, Hrrt, Matthews. Nays: None.
PLANTS, OR LOCKER PLANTS. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart,
that tho Ordinanco bo laid over until the next mooting for
the second and find reading., Carried, by the following veto
to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarko, Curry, Hart, Metthews,
Nays: None.,
ATTORNEY WARNER reported thet Judge Luce who represonts
tho Santa Fe wants to submit a new proposal with a difforent
description for the easomont of tho spur track for A. T. &
S. Fo on Harrison Avenue, and as soon es it is received he
will prosont it to tho Council.
a carnival was referred to. MR. HAYNAL, Post Commander was
present and stated tho Booking :.gent of tho Craft Shows is
out rf town and that ho will appear before the Council as
socn es possible after his return. M.YOR MATTHEWS ordered
the matter laid.ovor.
referred to. Moved by Hart, that tho application bo approved.
COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN stated that it was his impression the
Planning Commission are going to take this under advisement
and rezone the whole block. MAYOR MATTHEWS said ho received
the same impression but he believed it would bo quite a
lengthy study. Motion seconded by Clarke. Carried, by the
following vote to -wit: Ayes: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews.
Nays: Carrigan.
CITY CLERK ALSTON reported in regard to the Speeiel Election
that she has consolidated tho 31 precincts into 12. MRS.
ALSTON steted that she would like the approval of the Council
as to the amount to pay for rental of the polling places.
COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN asked the reason for consolidating the
preeinets. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated that undor the Eleetion
Laws a notice of the voting place must bo sent tc each voter -
and that it will be much cheaper to consolidate the precincts.
MAYOR MATTHEWS seid ho saw no objection, tho people who
want to vote will not mind going a few extra blocks.
COUNCILMAN CURRY stated that since it is a savings of money
and it is the recommendation of the CITY CLERK, he thought
it was the proper thing to do. COUNCILMAN CL:RKE asked if
in the consolidation of the procincts any of the voting
places will be changed. CITY CLERK ALSTON said she has
chosen polling places that were used before, but centrally
located in the consolidation of the preeineta5 COUNCILMAN
CLARKE said he thought the precincts were very evenly divided.
COUNCILMAN CURRY asked h'w much of a savings this would mean.
CITY CLERK ALSTON said it would be about $665.00. Moved by
Hart, seconded by Curry, thet the consolidation of precincts
bo approved. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayo.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stetod thet in regard to tho tidelands
lease requested by Mr. Rice and Mr. Evans for a boat and a
contractors yard, at prosont they do not have a yard and
they aro also anticipating a Merino railway. They have
agreed that they will construct a fence of whatever type is
required, and Mrs. Sullivan said that on that basis she saw
no difficulty in going ahead with lease negotiations. MRS.
SULLIVAN said if the Council hes no objections to the lease
that Attorney Warner and she will prepare a lease.
RESOLUTION NO. 5394 was rend, giving notice of the proposal
to annex to the City of National City, tho uninhabited
territory designated as "Mesa Village", located in tho County
et Sas Diego. The heaving waa set fop 8:06 P.M; Mew 131
1951. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Clerko, that tho
Resolution be adopted. COUNCILMAN CURRY asked if the area
is served by the Sweetwater Water Company. -CITY MANAGER
SULLIVLN stated that it was. Mr. Poulter has conferred with
the developers and thoy have been making plans regarding the
water. COUNCILMAN CLARKE asked if that applied to the other
utilities such as gas and light. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said
that it did, Carriodb all Councilmen presont voting aye.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN reported that she has roceivod two
requests for on sale boor liconsos, to Elmor Millet at
1118 National Avenue and E1 Chico at 316 Highland Avonuo.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that no doubt tho Council
membors know tho rosult of tho trip of Attornoy Wernor and
she to SaQramonto to appoar'8oforo tho Stato Board of Equal-
ization in protost against tho transfor of an off solo
general license to Texas Liquor Stores and Club 66, Inc,
MRS. SULLIVAN stated tho Board of Equalization's policy is
to agroo with -local agonies whorovor poss4blo and in our
first presontation that is what they did. In this case, Mr.
Bonolli oxplainod that ho had just boon sued for $36,000. in
a similar case in Los Lngolos County whoro the Board had
agreed with tho local agoncy and their logal department folt
thoro was not sufficient grounds for them to legally uphold
the opposition to a transfor. In viow of the rather foree-
ful opinion of their legal department they eould not sustain
their agreement with us in Court. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN
stated they talked with the Stato Allocations Board in regard
to obtaining the $13,000. and the conforenco rosulted in
their suggestion that wo filo a requost for as mush money as
we eould support by actual warrants issued and not attempt
to got the $13,000. but tako tho amount wo could support by
warrants and thon to transfor tho remainder of the $13,000e
to another project. With Mrs. llston's cooperation wo will
filo for the amount we can sustain by Council minutes and
warrants, and prosont a rosolution for transfor.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN reported ehnt she appeared at the
Senate Interim Committee en Civilian Defense and that she
filed a statement with tho Committee. The Committee headed
by Se%ator Hatfield was probing to find out if the State
had any financial responsibility for Civilian Defense. Thore
was apparently a desire of the Counsel for the Committee to
try to establish that it was more of a Federal responsibility.
With our statement we went on the assumption that it was a
local responsibility, that if it was a regional matter then
the State had a responsibility and if it was more than ono
State involved as far as functions were concerned, that was
a National responsibility. We haverhada communication from
Washington indicating that we should not expect or plan on
any money for Civilian Defense for local administration, that
the allocation of srne $23,000,000. to California will bo for
tho purpose of providing boob shelters or othor protective
devices, principally for workers in dofonso plants, and for
perhaps sono air raid warning system. Tho legislature -will
have to dual with the matter of whether the State will make
an allocation, and for what. Most everyone stressed communic-
ations because no one community can cope with the intrieate
communication system that is needed in tho State.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that she has ropoatodly re-
eeived a request from people interested in antieipnting the
passage of Title IX to Haire availabio houses for rental,..
The aubdivldera and developers have asked whether the City
would bo willing to put in streets if they pay the entire
coat. The reason for the request is that they have difficulty
in getting contractors to put in the streets and do then
properly, besides tho City maintains then aftor they nro put
in and the City does hove tho stroot oquipnent. Thoy would
pay the ontiro bill including tho proper chergo for the
equipment rontal. Thorn have boon about four difforcnt
roquests and you night wish to give it some thought. COUNCIL-
MAN CURRY,asked if this would require additional equipments
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that if thoro wore not too many
miles of street at any ono time, that she thought wo could
do it.
M&YOR MATTHEWS stated that the City Council of San Diego
wished to meet with this Council on annexation problems.
He suggestod Wodnesdny, Fobruary 28th and Mayor Knox will
notify us whethor that is suitablas
Moved by Hart, secondod by Curry, that tho meeting be closed.
Carries', all Councilmen present voting aye.