HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 02-27 CC MIN514
National City, California, February 27, 1951.
Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by
Mayor Clinton D. Matthews at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen
present: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Council-
men absent: None.
Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the reading of the
minutes of the regular meeting of Fobruary 20, 1951, bo
dispensed with. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo.
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Sullivan, Warner,
Gauteroaux, McClure.
BILLS AUDITED by the Financo Committoo prosontod:
Gonorel Fund $280.97
Street Fund 310.00
Harbor Fund 6,053.63
TOTAL $6,644.60
Movod by Clarko, seconded by Hart, that tho bills bo allowed
and warrants ordorod drawn for same. Carriod, by tho fellow—
ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarko, Curry, Hart,
Matthews. Nays: Nono.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVLN statod that two ecsomeats hod Joen
obtoinod which will permit us to opon 26th Strout from "F"
to Highland Avonuo.
RESOLUTION NO. 5395 was road, accopting an oasomont for
stroot purposos only from GRACE B. LEASURE. CITY CLERK
ALSTON is directod to have sumo rocordod. Movod by Curry,
secondod by Hrrt, that the Rosolution bo adopted. Carriod,
all Councilman prosont voting ayo.
RESOLUTION NO. 5398 was road, accepting an easement for
street purposes only from EMANUEL L. EHRLICH and CLARA P.
EHRLICH. CITY CLERK ALSTON is directed to have same record-
ed. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the Resolution
be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 5397 was read, accepting an easement for
street purposes only from RICHARD F. TROTOCHAU and MARGARET
A. TROTOCHAU. CITY CLERK ALSTON is directed to have same
recorded. Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that the Reso-
lution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting
RESOLUTION NO. 5398 was read, accepting an easement for
street purposes only from VINCENT S. CALDWELL and CATHERINE
P. CALDWELL. CITY CLERK ALSTON is directed to have same
recorded. Moved by Curry, seconded by Clarke, that the
Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen prosont vot-
ing aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 5399 was road, accepting an easement for
sewer purposos only from ADELE C. PFEIL. CITY CLERK ALSTON
is directed to have same recorded. Moved by Curry, seconded
by Hart, that tho Resolution be adopted. Carried, all
Councilmen present voting aye.
, an ordinance regulating refrigeration
plants, or locker plants, was presented for the second and
final reading. Moved by Curry, seconded by Clarke, that only
the heading be read. Carried, by the following vote to -wit:
Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays: None.
PLANTS, OR LOCKER PLANTS. Moved by Curry, soconded by Hart,
that the Ordinance be adoptod. Carried, ell Councilmen
present voting aye.
ATTORNEY WARNER reported that tho A. T. and S. Fo Easement
for the spur track.on Harrison Avonuo is not completo and
asked that it bo laid ovor anothor week. MAYOR MATTH?3'VS
granted tho request.
MAYOR MATTHEWS statod th^t Mr. Haynal askod him to hold ovor
the mattor of tho V. F. W. Carnival for another wook.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN summarized tho bids for Gasoline as
follows: Signal 0i1 Company, Roguler $.1674, Ethyl 0.1874;
Richfield 011 Corp., Regular $y.1699, Ethyl $$,.1899; Shell 0il
Company, Regular $$.1709, Ethyl e.1909; Seaside 0i1 Company,
Rogular $.1724, Ethyl 1.1924; Douglas, Regular 1.173, Ethyl
3.193; The Toxas Company, Rogular $.1775, Ethyl 1.1975;
Standard 011 Company, Regular $.18, Ethyl 1.20; Union 0i1
Co., Regular 0.195, Ethyl $$.22. MRS. SULLIVAN recommended
that the award bo givon to the Signal 011 Company.
RESOLUTION NO. 5400 was reed accopting tho bid.of the Signal
011 Company for furnishing gasolino from March 1, 1951 to
February 29, 1952, and authorizing tho Mayor to sign a con-
tract with said company pursuant to said bid. Moved by Hart,
soconded by Curry, that the Rosolution bo adopted. Carried,
all Councilmen present voting ayo.
Ave., and Elmor E. Mi11o, 1118 National Avo., for on sale
beer, wore prosontod. Tho applications woro approved by
Acting Chief Owens. COUNCILMAN CURRY asked how many on salo
licenses thoro are in tho City et the prosont time. CITY
MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that there aro fifty-fivo. Moved
by Carrigan, socondod by Hart, that CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN
direct a vigorous protost to the Board of Equalization
against thoso liquor permits on tho grounds that thoy aro a
source of morel turpitude and boceuse of lack of control b7
the local government, as recently sheen by the State in re-
versing its decision, complete disregard to the Council's
request and the hundreds of lotters that were sent in from
the. citizens of this town. Also there are about 75 children
who teko music lessons at 318 Highland Avenue. COUNCILMAN
CL6RKE asked if tho Council hed a policy as to tho number of
pormits grentod to a block or away from the business district,
such as Highland Avenue. ATTORNEY SD1ARNER said that was not
a ground for protest, it is based on population within the
County, one license to 1,000 on each different typo of
license. It does not make any difforenco about tho City, we
havo no particular zoning regulation as to particular territ-
ory. THOMAS LEONARD was prosont and statod that they pro-
tostod because of the youngsters coning in -his piece for
music lessons, end he folt that that constituted a school as
they have 75 children each wook. Carried, all Councilmen
prosont voting aye.
SULLIVAN stated that in regard to this petition she suggest-
ed 44 tie Redefjrepment Committee ±f t*e iteef[ett **w fit
tit v wg d geco=0D4 they prom4 w t pOttyft! i ennA
of tho people and set up their problem in relation to the
development and furnish the with such material as they
could prior to the hearing which you will hold. Although
it is a petition, It is not actually boforo you until you
receive a ropert from-tho Rodovolopmont Agency, and if you
have no objections, Mrs. Sullivan said thnt sho would like
to write a latter to each of the signers telling them that
tho hearing will bo hold and they will bo notified in ample
time with the information which thoy requostod in the pet-
ition. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said he wondered why this petition
was not liko any other potition that is presontod to the
Council. When the Council roceives a petition it scene it is
in ordor for the Council to give consideration to it and act
accordingly. If it is a question of furthor investigation
and straightoning out of a few matters, that roquost'Rhould
cone from tho Council. COUNCILMAN CURRY statoc' that up to
the present time wo have not had any report from the Re-
developmont Agency, and for that roason he did not believe
wo are in a position to take any action. ATTORNEY WARNER
stated ho talker* with the Lttornoy who represents the lady
that verified the petition and they are lacking in information
as to what they should do, and that it was no doubt addressod
to the Council because thoy thought the hearing would next
be held before tho Council and did not realize thnt it was
still being considered by tho Redevolopnent Lgoncy. COUNCIL-
MAN CLARKE said he would suggost that letters be writton to
those people informing thou of tho discussion and arrange
for a noting. MAYOR MLTTHE"S ordered this natter tabled
until a report is rocoived from the Rodevelopment Agency.
MAYOR MLTTHEWS announced that it was 8:00 P.M. and time for
the hearing on "Rancho Mesa". CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated
thero wero no written protests.
ORDINANCE NO. , an ordinanco annoxating to tho City of
National City, territory dosignetod as "Rancho Mesa", was
presented for tho first reading. Moved by Carrigan, socond-
od by Hcrt, that only tho hoading bo reed. Carried, by the
following vote to -wit: Altos: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart,
Matthews. Nays: None.
soconded by Curry, that the Ordinanco bo laid over until tho
next meeting for the second and final reading. Carried, by
tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Carrigan, Clarko, Curry,
Hart, Matthews. Nays: None.
COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said he would liko to havo City Manager
Suflivaa get in touch with Mr. Lloyd and MF. Kraft and
attempt to arrange a noting relative to the liquor license
situation. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said he thought that if tho
Council is intorostod in this it would be bettor to writo to
the Legislative Body and bring this mattor beforo them, as it
would effect every City in the State. COUNCILMAN CARRIGlN
said the reason ho askod for a mooting is bocauso Mr. Lloyd
and Mr. Kraft aro homo now and thoy are our representatives.
MAYOR MATTHEWS said he thought it would bo well for tho
Council to got acquaintod with our representatives.
questing that at toast 1500. bo includod in National City's
1951-52 buc'got for the San Diego -California Club. Moved by
Clarke, socondod by Bert, that tho communication bo filod.
Carried, all Councilnon prosont voting eyo.
RESOLUTION NC. 5401 was road, fixing voting precincts and
polling places for the Special Eloction to bo held on
April 3, 1951, end naming eloction officers. Moved by
Carrigan, socondod by Curry, that tho Resolution bo adopted.
Carried, all Councilmon present voting eyo.
of National Vista No. 2 was approved with a rocommondation
that consideration bo given to the protests of Mrs. Franks
and Mr. J. R. Christman, and that tho subdividors continuo
the easements to the streets end placo oasomonts at the roar
of all lots. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that undor dato
of Doconbor 26th, Mr. Bowors and Mr. Fritz agrood to rosorvo
Lot 240 and Lot 247 for streot dovolopnont, end on the final
map Lot 248 rather than Lot 247 would bo the ono to mako a
continuation of the stroot. Mr. Fritz hes filod a lottor
datod today, concorning Lot 177 and Lots 240 and 248. The
lottor statod that Lots 240 and 248 woro being rosorved for
one year for streot purposes, also Lot 177 for six months,
or any lot adjacent to Lot 177, if tho Planning Engineer
thinks that it would be more desirable. MRS. SULLIVAN
statod that Mr. Christman contacted her and said that he had
no objection to tho nap provided that tho lots montionod in
tho Planning Commission's discussion and ncntionod in Mr.
Fritz's lotter bo left opon for street purposes. Ho has
ono othor problom that ho haiP resolved to tho willingness
of the City to trade tho 20 foot easement around Millorton
f a• a street which ho will dood in another location, so if
wo of the City are willing to trade land with him to make
the stroot pattern bettor in Millerton and leave the two
lots available for access, that would ror_ovo his objection
ho stated at the Planning Commission. Moved by Carrigan,
secondod by Hart, that tho final map of National Vista No. 2
tbo accopted with the throe rosorvations as statod. Carried,
all Councilman prosont voting ayo. MR. IRELLND prosontod an
anondod map for the Council's consideration.
said sho would rather soo tho final map adopted in the fora
as proeossed and then anondod if noeessary. MR. FRITZ was
present and stated thoro was no objection to accepting tho
nap as processed.
FINLL MLP OF HILLTOP PLRK, approved by tho Planning Commiss-
ion was prosontod. Moved by Hart, socondod by Curry, that
tho final nap of Hilltop Perk bo accepted. Carried, all
Councilmen prosont voting aye.
CITY mauysin SULLIVLN stated that sbe reeoiva a petit:Lot
from sixty signors in National Vista No. b who aro without
bus service. Mrs. Sullivan said that we have had a number
of roquests fa^ additional bus service and that it is pro-
bably tino that some policy bo made by either asking tho
San Diego Transit Company to do some auxiliary sorvieo end/or
extend the line or considor sorving the people with a mun-
icipal bus system. C(UNCILMAN HLRT suggested that a letter
bo written to the San Diego Transit Copppny oxplaining in
detail our problem. COUNCILMLN CLiitIGlN askod if thoro was
anything in tho San Diogo Bus frenchiso which would prcvont
en individual oporating a bus lino. CITY MLNLGER SULLIVLN
said sho did not think thoy had an oxclusivo franchise.
MLYCR M.TTHENS said ho thought it should bo montionod in tho
letter that wo aro asking for bus sorvico to sorve about
1,000 pooplo, and if thoy cannot furnish this sorvico to so
notify us so wo can start noeoti-tions with a privato company.
Moved by Curry, secondod by Hart, that a roquost bo sont to
tho Transit Company to mmko a survoy of that aroa to dotorniho
tho possibility of bus sorvico. Carried, ell Councilmen
prosont voting ayo.
CITY MLNLGF.it SULLIVLN steted sho received a lettor from Mr.
Groonborg. Mr. Groonborg has what wo rofor to as en alleged
interest in 115 lots, all of which aro in tho redovolopmont
area. Ho has somo othor allogod intorost in other propertios
also. Ho ie proposing to trado those 115 lots for bone of
--`o City's property. LTTCRNEY LAMER stated he would bo
trading ono -third intorost in 115 lots for our intorost in
30 lots. MTS. SULLIV:N said this would bo on tho agenda noxt
wook and that tho Council will bo furnishod with data con-
cerning taro. CCUNCILMLN CURRY asked how Mr. Groonborg
obtained hl s ihtbrost► 2DTORNEY W2 R 1R said that ho purchased
tho feo intorost of tho fornor ownors.
CITY MLNLGEP. SULLIVLN roportod that sho has nogotiatod with
tho ownor of tho building at 2300 National Avenue for the
City Hell Lnnox, end it will bo oveilablo tho first of March,
which will permit us to move tho Rodevolopnent Agoney fron
the Teacher Bldg., and move the offices from tho basonont
of tho Library.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVLN statod that tho City Employees havo
boon circularized with a lottor inviting thou to attend a
class in learning conversational Spanish which will take a
10 wook poriod. Fifty-fivo omployoos plan to tnko this
course. MIYCP. MLTTHMS asked that a message be taken to
the employees stating that the City Council is very pleased
with their enthusiasm.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVLN prosentod a document called ;;City cf
National City Civil Dofonso and Disastor Roliof Plan." This
is a loose leaf foldor which will bo changed from time to
tigto as thero is mere to bo addod on personnel. It contains
roproducod charts fron tho State organization, some fron the
County Coordinator. It is a complete reproduction of
Civilian Defonse in our organization and as it relates to
mutual aid. You will also find n reproduction of the ord-
inanee which has boon rocorsondod as a rosult of the League
of Citios conforonco in Sacramento. Aftor you havo had an
opportunity to road it you may want to eonsidor adopting
tho now ordinanco. Mr. Reed has attecpted in preparation of
this booklot to toll tho story of what is dono and the
pattern of work, tho work to deto, and ho anticipatod send-
ing to each nonbor substitute pages or addod pegos as more
work is accomplished. COUNCILMAN CLfRKE asked how the now
ordinanee would fit in with tho ono we now havo for Civil
Defense. CITY MLNLGER SULLIVLN said that it would bo a
substitute, The Loaguo has roconmendod it, and if ell
other cities aro goin: to edopt it probably we should go
along with the pattorn. It is rocommondod by the State.
THOMAS LEONARD, 2740 Lincoln Court Street, wes present,
and stated that there is a rumor that ono of the City
Department Heads is boing forced to resign on April 1st.
This may be just a rumor and porhaps the Council do not
know about it, and if it is truo thoro aro a greet many
people who do not like it. MLYCR MATTHEWS said he was suro
that the Council aro all quito awaro of the Dopertmont Hoed
who is resigning.
Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that the meeting be closed.
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.