HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 01-02 CC MIN1 405 National City, California, January 2, 1951. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Meyor Clinton D. Matthews at. 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Bert, Matthews. Council- men absent: None. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Hflrt, that the roeding'of the minutes of the regular meeting of Decanter 26, 1950, be dis- pensed with. Carried, all Councilmen presont voting eye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS presont: Alston, Sullivan, Wornor, Geutoreaux. BILLS AUDITED by the Finance Committee presented: Generel Fund $7,155.92 Redevelop. Fund 19.47 Library Fund 5.52 Park M & I Fund 68.39 Plann. Comm. 132.02 Street Fund 1,167.20 Harbor Fund 18.80 TOTAL $8,567.32 Moved by Curry, seconded by Hort, thet tho bills be allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, by tho follow- ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hort, Matthews.- Nays: Nono. HERBERT A. BARNES was present and stated that there have been a number of things regarding the fire insurance policies thct have not been clarified end he felt that ho should bo given the answers to all questions ho has from time to time asked regording this matter. PLANNING COMMISSION PETITION NO. 377 was presented. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that the people who proposed this 1/2 406 petition have requested the Council to have this laid ovor another week to give them an opportunity to have the people in the neighborhood who particularly wanted the neighbor- hood store to make their appearance at the hearing. All of tho people opposed to it have made an appearance. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Hart, that it be laid ovor until tho next meeting. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. PLANNING COMMISSION PETITION NO. 378, request of Mrs. Emma R. Morrow for a zone variance in an R-1 zone which was denied by the Commission, was presented. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Curry, that the decision of the Planning Commission bo upheld. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Bert, Matthews. Nays: None. CITY MANAGER SULLIVLN repo.ted that Mr. McCune and Mr. Campbell have not reached an agreement on the closing of tho alley in Block 19. MRS. SULLIVLN.recommendod that it be laid over for another week. Moved by Bert, seconded by Clarke, that the closing of the alley in Block 19 be laid ovor until the next mooting. Carried, all Councilman present voting aye. ORDINANCE NO. an ordinance providing regulations for conducting auctions was presented for the second and final reading. Moved by Clarke, seconded by Curry, that only the heading be read. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: [,yes: Carrigan, Clarke; Curry, Hert, Matthews. Nays: None. ORDINANCE NO. 811, LN ORDINANCE PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR CONDUCTING, MANAGING, CARRYING ON OR ENGAGING IN THE OCCUPAT- 1/2 407 ION OR BUSINESS OF AUCTIONW R AND/OR AUCTION HOUSE IN THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Hart, that the Ordinance be adopted.- Carried,.. all Councilmen present voting ayo. APPOINTMENT OF THREE RE"RESENTATIVES TO THE METROPOLITAN SEWAGE PLANNING COMMITTEE was presented. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that she talked with Mr. Poultor of the California Water and Telephone Company. ond ho said that Henry Meyers, who is the Sanitary Engineer, expects to be a member of this Committee representing the South Bay area, and that it would not be necessary for the Company to have more than one representative, but if you should like to appoint someone else from their company he was not opposed to it. MRS. SULLIVAN said it had been discussed that the Planner be sent, which she thinks would be very good from the point of view of the planning that has to be done on sewers, and sho would like to request that Mr. Wayne Smith, who is doing our consulting engineering on sowora and is working with Capt. Fogg in relation to the Paradise Hills sewers be included as one of the members, if possible. MAYOR MATTHEWS asked if it might not be well to have a plumber on the Committee. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that the Committee would bo concerned with water supply and general overall drainage, end a plumber should bo familiar with some of the needs of the community ^a a whole. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hert, that Wayne Smith and Fred Wagner, be appointed to the Committee. COUNCILMAN CURRY said ho thought if a third member is nodded it would bo well to have a plumber. MAYOR MATTHEWS said th'p the third member could 408 bo appointed at the next mooting. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. NOTICE OF HEIRING ON PROT''ST OF CLUB "66" AND TEXAS LIQUOR HOUSE, was presented. Tho hearing is to be hold at 10:00 A.M. January 11, 1951 in Sacramento. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said he felt that someone should attend the mooting represent- ing the City and voice a formal protest, and he would suggest Dither Mayor Matthews or City Manager Sullivan. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Hart, that either the Mayor or City Manager be authorized to attend the hearing in Sacramento, January 11, 1951. Carried, ell Councilmen present voting aye. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that if it would be necess- ary for the City tc file a brief at this hearing'that possibly the City Attorney should be sent, but it could bo discussed at the next meeting. NOTICE OF CONFERENCE ON STATE AND HIGHWAY PROBLEMS to be hold January 24, 25 and 26, 1951, at Berkeley, was road. Matters of prime interest to all cities ere developed at this conference in respect to transportation and traffic problems, and it is suggested that representatives of the City arrange to attend this mooting. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN suggested that the Rich: -of -Way Engineer attend this con- ference. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said he was heertily in accord with the Right -of -Wry Engineer as a representative, but he thought it would be a good idea to have a representative of the Police Dept. to also attend the conference, as thoy are vitally interested in these problems too. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said it would bo a little difficult to spare any- 1/2 409 one from the Police Dept. as Chief Smith will bo away, but it possibly could bo arrangod. MRS. SULLIVIN said she thought it wculd be woll for a mombor of the Council to attend. MAYOR LIATTHE'S said nt tho present timo he did not know whether ho would bo ablo tc ^,ttond. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Curry, that tho Right -of -Way Enginoor and Mayor Matthews attond the mooting. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayo. RESIGNATION OF LEO STENZEL FROM COMMUNITY REDEVELOrMENT AGENCY was read. Mr. Stonzol requostod that his rosignrticn bo effective ireodiatoly, as ho finds it impossible to spend the time necessary to further tho program of the agency. Moved by Clarke, seconded by Hart, thct the resign'tion be accepted with rogrot end that it bo filod. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. MAYOR MATTHEWS asked if any of the Council had anyone in mind to fill the vacancy. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated there have boon two namos mentioned by members of the Redevelopment Lgoncy, ono is Lyle Alcumbrack and tho othor if J. Barrett Smith. Moved by Curry, socondod by Hart, that J. Barrett Smith be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Leo Stenzel, said torn oxpires July 5, 1951, en the Cormunity Rodovelcpment l_gency. Carried, by the following voto t,-wit: 'Jos: Carrigan, Clcrko, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays: None. APPLIC.TION TO MOVE A BUILDING by W. E. Pratt, wes recd. The building is located at 2nd and Notional Avenue and is to be moved to 24th Strcot and Prospect, to bo used as e residence. Tho application was approved by BUILDING INSPECTOR BIRD subject tc code requirements and tc be completed within 1/2 1 i 410 90 days. Moved by Curry, socondod by Clarke, that permission bo grantoe to mcvo the building. Carriod, all Councilmen presont voting aye. CITY CLERK LLSTON asked if the Council was sonding someone to the special mooting, cf the Lorguo of California Cities on Civilian Dofonso to bo hold J-nu^ry 4 in Sacraments. CITY MLNAGSR SULLIVAN said that tho Council had indicated that Mr. Rood attend and he is planninc to attend. Mcvod by Hart, socondod by Clarke, thot Mr. Reod bo authorized to attend the Civilian Defenso moetins. Carried, all Councilmen presont voting aye. ATTORNEY WARNER stated in regard to the proposod amendment of 0rdinanco Nc. 750 changing tho fifteen day waiting period to ton, tho Ordinanco provic'os thet a hearing is nocossery before the Ordinance can bo amended. lttornoy Werner said thet inasmuch as thoro aro somo other items in tho 0rdinnnco that will havo to bo changed, it is the suggestion of the City Managor and hinsolf thet tho changes should bo done et ono tino and have tho hearing as roouirod, and Mr. Warner said he will proper° a full anondnont. CITY MLNLGER SULLIVAN stated that the Council have receivod a memorandum on the reconnondatiens for salary increases togothor with a chart of the current rate, also a nonorandun of the amount of money involved, and she would be glad to discuss it nt this time. COUNCILMAN CLLRKE said he would liko to conplinont the porsons rosponsiblo for drawing up the comprehonsivo survoy. Moved by Hart, socondod by Curry, thet the nattor bo laid Ivor until the next mooting so that 1/2 1 411 a littlo nor() thought and study can bo givon to it. COUNCIL- MLN CLARKE said ho saw no reason for holding it ovor as evorythin: is very clearly shown cn tho chart and ho has studied it. MAYOR MATTHDWS said ho thought there aro a lot of questions that they would liko to ask and havo answered before any docisicn is made, thet all pcssibilitios be ex- plored for granting raises. Carried, all Councilmen prosent voting aye. CITY MANAGER SULLIVLN stated that sho has tho report on tho additional ccst for tho Disaster Council for tho remainder cf tho fiscal yoar, which is '3,995.50, and that sho would be glad to submit it in detail. Movoc' by Curry, socondod by Hart, that it bo laic over until the next mooting. Carried, all Councilmen prosent voting aye. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated thet tho item on tho agenda referring to advertising Sewer Jobs 6 end 7 had boon taken care of at an oarlier 6 to, and it is now ready for advertis- ing and nc additional mction is nocessary. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN reported that the State Sonato Interim Comnittoe on Highways, Stroets and Bridgos was attended by Mayor Matthews, Planner Wagner and herself and a very brief statomont was prosented in writing plus a nap cf the City and tho City's stroot problems to the Comnittoo. MRS. SULLIVAN said that during this last week the hoads of departments and horsolf have boen planning on thoir wcrk schedule and review- ing their work for the rost of the fiscal year. The schedule on streets and the Street Dept. and tho schedule for tho maintenance crows, schedule for the park and tho various in- 1/2 412 provonents aro being nedo and has now boon schodulad through tho next quarter. The items to be included for the fiscal year have boon listod but not sehodulod past April. In March they will moot again to schodule for the next quarter. MRS. SULLIVAN said she boliovod tho Council would like to know they woro schoduling by quarters and thoy could oxpect e little coordination of activity. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod tho matter of cocporation on providing Navy housing is sonothinr that will be boforo the Council. If National City is to accommodate this projoct it is very likely that some of the R-1-A zones would have tc bo converted into an R-4 zone multiple dwelling. Wo aro feced with tho problem of oithor helping to soo that pertr nont houses aro built in order to house Navy under private owner- ship or the Nnvy will bo forced to go into housing of a public nature. CITY MLNLGFR SULLIVANsaid sho would like to explain to members of tho Council that Pross release out of Washington quoting that National City's application was being held up is not truo, as she verified with tho Agency. We aro In no different position than we were before, namely, that cur application has been filed, it is there for such time as the freeze order is relaxed, and until the Military housing noods aro satisfiod in sono parts thore will bo no chance for the frooze order being releasod. The contract with the Urban Rodevolopnont Agency has boon received and we are awaiting the tolegran for the acceptance of the date that the Treasuror signs tho check. 1/2 413 COUNCILMAN CURRY brow it up the ratter cf sidewalks and curbs on 24th Street. Mr. Curry sal( that very soon tho underpass would be oron and nc resurfacing has boon dono and no hoed - way has boon made on the sidewalks, also a traffic light should be considorod for 24th Street, end thought it should bo roforrod to tho Trcffic Committee for study. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said an improvement district is almost impossible because of Fedcral ownership. The improvement of the sido- walks where tho ^rcporty is in privato ownership is possiblo and will cost less money if dono by privato contract. Tho property owners aro now boinr intorviowed and most of then have indicetod their willingness to do it by privato con- tract. On the matter of resurfacing 24th Stroot, most of tho engineering work has been Bono. Twenty-fourth Stroot from National Avenue *est is in the redevelopment aroa. Tho Re- dovelcpmont Lgoncy and tho Planning Commission havo boon working on a joint dosign and it is likely that 24th Street will have to bo raised if the aroa is filled, so that the present credo at 24th Street will not bo too low. Twenty- fourth Stroot can bo improved oast of National Avenue with- out difficulty, but wort of National Avenue it should partially be done by Federal funds in tho redevelopmont area. MRS. SULLIVAN said it is new a matter of tho final stops for the plan for 24th Street wost of National Lvonuo in order to completo it. ATTORNEY WARNER stated that e roprosontativo of the Government has contectod City Engineer McClure and they havo boon rocoiving a number of complaints and tho Government is about ready to do something about sidewalks, and if thot is truo wo could do ono cf two things, n^oet.: a 1/2 1 1 414 • district or do it voluntarily. There are two reasons we have been trying to cot thou tc do it voluntarily, one is because the Government owns enough land so thet they can block the 1911 Cot, and the second reason is tho cost. MR. WARNER said he believed that we will be able to got the sidewalks put in by private ownership and if tha Govern- , vent puts sidewalks on their property, it will solve the problem. Moved by Clarke, seconded by Hcrt:, that the City Attorney and City Manager be authorized to contact the Government regarding the sidewalk problem. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. 1 11 1 • 1 1 COUNCILMAN CLARKE said that sometime ego the matter of the taxi stand was referred to tho Traffic Commission for in- vestigation and he has heard no report from them, but Mr. Clarke said he did notice that the taxis have been moved. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated thet the Traffic Commission has spent a let of time on the location of the taxi stand. They aro now in two locations, ono cab each. The Felice Depart- ment feel that with two cabs together it is more of a traffic hazard then when they are separate. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Hart, that the meeting be closed. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. sT: CITY CLERK MAYOR, CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, C IIFORNIA 1/2