HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 01-16 CC MIN' 428 t National City, California, January 16, 1951. Regular meeting of the City Couicil was called to order by Mayor Clinton D. Matthews at 7i30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Council- men absent: None. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of January 9, 1951, be dispensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS presont: Alston, Sullivan, Werner, Gautereaux, McClure. BILLS AUDITED by the Finance Committee prosontod: General Fund Capital Rosprve Fund Library Fund Park M & I Fund Strout Fund Light. Distr. #1 Harbor Fund TOTAL Moved by Clarke, seconded by Hart, $5,293.63 5,501.70 66.38 895.33 3,656.03 32,65 5.20 $15;450.92 that tho bills and warrants ordorod drawn for snmo. Carried, by ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Matthews. Nays: None. bo allowed the follow - Hart, RESOLUTION NO. 5385 was road, authorizing tho payment of $5,501.70 from the Capital Roservo Fund as follows: Walter H. Barber, $5,348.51, Final payment on Lateral Sewer Job #5; Harold C. Foster, $116.00, Fire Station Site; National Lumber Company, $37.19, Remodel City Hall. Moved by Hart, seconded by Clarke, that tho Resolution be all Councilmen present voting aye• adopted. Carried, 1/16 429 HERBERT A. BARNES was presont and brought up the mattor of the fire insuranco and statod he would like to know why tho insurance was given to a foroign company. Ho presented several copies of a letter for which he requested a reply. COUNCILMAN CLARKE asked thnt MAYOR MATTHEWS read Mr. Barnes' latter. Tho letter stated that for the fourth time ho was asking Mayor Matthews for a reply to his lottor asking for a typed statement of the City's current fire insurance deal, showing date ordered, by whom, from whom, for what Company, covering number and amount of oach policy, premium of each, rate, total amount. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho would liko to know if the City Manager's office or anyone connected with the bringing in of industries in_this community havo been in contact with Jacques of Solona Beach. MR. CLARKE said he road where they wore looking for a new location to extend their factory and ho would porsonally like to see such an industry in National City. MR. CLARKE said that some weeks ago he compiled a list of industries that he thought would fit into this community and instruments was included. Mr. Jacques has a scientific instrument company doing work for the prmod Forces, and they are locking for a lace tion. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said she would be happy to contact them. COUNCILMLN CURRY stated that ho thought this was a vory good suggestion, as he talkod with Mr. Jacques and at that time he wanted his plant inland, but that was a year and a half age. MR. CURRY said he thought it would bo of groat value to the community to have him locate hero. 1/16 ' 430 • REQUEST FOR REFUND ON SALES TAX by Marion Willson was read. Tho request was approved for th- amount of $$15,22 by CITY TRELSURER VA.NSLNT. Moved by Hart, sucondod by Curry, that the refund bo granted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. RESOLUTION NO. 5386 was road, amending Resolution No. 5382 by adding to the Recommended Salary Schedule tho following: offoctive January 1, 1951. City Attorney $500.00 per month (exclusive of special services). Moved by Hart, seconded by Clarke, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Council- men present voting ayo. COUNCILMAN CLARKE made a motion seconded by Hart, that Verne 0. Warner bo appointed City Attorney. Carried, all Councilmen presont voting ayo. ATTORNEY WARNER stated that in regard to the letter from the Library Board, he sent a letter -to Mrs. Sullivan, a copy to the Mayor, each Councilman, and each member of the Library Board. Mr. Warner was of the opinion that on this basis, if agreeable to tho Council, the matter can bo_ worked out, and thought it would bo advisable to have a meeting with the Library Board. He stated that ho discussed this at some length on the telephone with Mr. Thelon and with Mr. Keller of the League of California Cities and thoy believe it can be worked out satisfactorily for everyone. MAYOR MATTHEWS suggested that the Council meet with the Library Board in this regard. ATTORNEY WARNER stated he had prepared an amendment to the 431 Trailer Ordinance, which amends Soction 10 of Ordinance No. 652. The Ordinance was road in full. MAYOR MLTTHEWS asked if tho Council wished copies of this Ordinance, or if it was sufficiently clear to adopt. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Hart, that copies be issued and that it bo laid over until the next meeting. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ATTORNEY WARNER asked if tho Council had seen the four lots involved in tho law suit with Mr. Kelly of the Investment Securities and whether thoy woro ready to consider tho offer of the plaintiff. COUNCILMLN CARRIGAN asked what Attorney Warner recommended. ATTORNEY WARNER stated that he had not had an opportunity to chock tho lots himself. COUNCILMAN HART suggested that this bo hold over another week and get a recommendation from Attorney Warner. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, this be laid over until the next meeting. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COUNCILM=.N CURRY stated that no action had been taken on the letter Mr. Barnes presented. MAYOR MATTHEWS said he thought he would wait until the mooting is over and have a conference with Mr. Barnes. CITY MLNAGt SULLIVAN stated that Attorney Warnor and her- self worn successful in apposring before tho State Board of Equalization and upholding the Council's request in not having the two liquor licenses transferred and located in the Nati ona3 Hotel Building. MRS. SULLIVAN stated they also spont considerable time in the State Allocations Board in regard to the $14O0O,O0 whlah the City was entitled to 1/16 ' 432 • receive on plans and specifications for buildings. The $13,000.00 was originally requested to be applied on the lateral sewers, which were construdtod sometime ago. The State Allocations Board will not accept an application for reimbursement unless thoro is a contract with an Engineer or an Architect, and because thorn was no contract, and the City Engineer performed tho engineering work and did not koep accurate time schedules, they hesitate to reimburse on a time schedule. The 313,000.00 will go by the Board and will never bo available to us unlost we take stops to rescind tho request fcr tho $13,000.00 under tho lateral sewers and reapply on a different project. ATtORNEY WARNER has spent considerable time on this and has preparod throe resolutions, one which will rescind the previous request, ono to roquost plan and specification Honey for construction cf the 24th Street pior and ono to request plan and specification Honey for the fire station, some money will be loft in tho fund. MRS. SULLIVAN said she believed it is important that this stop bo taken as the time will oxpire in Juno and we will not bo able to reapply. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN asked which part- icular sowor job she had reference to. MRS. SULLIVAN said it was the 1946, which were put in with matching Honey of the 091,000.00 allocation from the State. COUNCILMAN CURRY asked if there is still a 1946 Sewer Fund. CITY MANLG771 SULLIVAN said thorn is and that it has $31,000.00 in it that we recently applied for and received, and that Honey can b� used for the construction of sewors or sewage disposal. ATTORNEY WARNER stated that the original application for the $13,000.00 was signed by Mr. Ireland pursuant to Resolution 1/16 433 No. 4130, passed July 2, 1946 and the Resolution was filed with the State, and on August 30th of that year tho Steto allocated, under that application, $12,642.50 to the City and that money has boon thero but wo could not get it because the propor application was not fillod out. MR. WARNER said at first thoy thought they would bo able to got this straightonod out and thoy worked on it with Mr. Baker of tho State Allocations Board, but Mr. Warner said it appears to him that wo will flavor bo able to complete tho application, and that it would probably bo bottor to with- draw the application and use the :Ian monoy some other way. Under tho Resolution wo have prepared to apply for n,800.00 on plans for tho Fire Station, and also ;roparod ono for $9,000.00 on the proposod pier. MAYOR MATTHEWS inquired if we continue to try to collect 013,000.00 on the original sewer, would there still bo funds available for theso othor two items, also. ATTORNEY WARNER said that in the beginning the State allocated 090,000,000.00, and this was allocated to the difforont cities all over the State, and wide& that allocation the City made thoir application, which was con- struction money and thoro had to bo matching funds. MR. WARNER said ho boliovod Notional.City got all of tho money allocated under Chaptcr 20. Thoro is about b13,000,000.00 still available. CITY MANAGER SULLIVLN statod thet Mr. Baker discouraged them from attempting to qualify under tho 013,00040 and suggostod that we withdraw it and apply It to scffiothtng o1S; MRS. SULLIVAN said tho:% az O throw kinds of money available; under Cha_ntor 47 thoro is plans and specie- ieations and site monoy, under Chapter 20 it is matching 1/16 434 money for construction, and National City has spent the 091,000.00 allocated to it fcr construction. If wo can get any assignmonts from other cities we will then bo able to match the money for half of any construction projoct. Under Chaptor 47 if we ere able to got any assignment then thoro would be additional money for plans and spocifications fcr the sewago disposal plant which would bo quito a largo amount. MRS. SULLIVAN said sho boliovod wo should RC after assignments from cities that havo not usod thoir money be- cause we have matching money availablo. MAYOR MATTHEWS said he wondered about the plan of drop_ins permanently tho $$13,000.00. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said she bolioved tho chances were slim in getting it back from tho sewor projoct, but that she and Attorney Warner will be glad to try, to which ATTORNEY WARNER agreed. MAYOR MATTHEWS announced that the bids on Lateral Sewer Jobs 6 and 7 would be openod at this time. The following bids wore rocoived: L. Castillo bid 07,959.75; Charles Dorfman bid $7,190.90; Carroll & Foster bid 08,464.00; Walter H. Barber bid 07,111.85. MAYOR MATTHEWS asked that the bids be roferrad to the City Manager for recommendation at the next meeting. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the bids for Lateral Sower Jobs 6 and 7 be referred to CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN for rocommendaticn. Carried, all Council- men prosont voting ayo. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that Attorney Warner and sho spent some time with Lssamblynan Cloyd and Mr. Cloyd wished ts tall Qs zgazbg:s of the Coupeil that during the ilstsriq 1/16 435 period in this Lssombly ho hood to meet with the Council to discuss plans for the now Lssonbly District. Ho has boon appointed on the Ways and Moans Committee which handlod tho budgot and he nay be in Sacramonto entirely through the recess, however. he exrocts to write a letter to the Council and the proposal which he has for the now Lssombly District is substantially which was in tho nowspapor, Chula vista and the rural area in ono District and the Metropolitan Cities of Coronado, National City, La Mose and 71 Colon in another District. Ho thought that National City would probably have a very good opportunity to havo a representative in the District, it being the largost ono in the aroa. CITY MLNLGSR SULLIVAN statod that Attorney Warner and sho wont to San Francisco where they conferred with Mr. Schmidt and his attorney, Mr. Freed. Mr. Scheidt is proposing to financo and build a pier, and the City is to lease it. A. letter from Mr. Freed was reed which statod ho had boon authorized by Max Scheidt to,mako a tentative proposal to National City with respect to tho contemplated construction of a concrote pier and deep water channel. Mr. Scheidt is interested in undertaking the financing and construction of this work upon the following basis. National City will supply Mr. Scheidt with plans, specifications and enginoor- ing information and Mr. Schmidt will thon submit to National City a reliable cost ostimato which will include the reason- able and necessary fees for said architectural design and engineoring, and Netioral City will bo orititlod :o reim- bursement for tho cost of the erchitectural and engineering services on toms that will be mutually satisfactory. Undor- 1/16 436 lying the financing and construction of the projoct will be a lease of the necessary waterfront by National City to Max Scheidt (or a corporation to be organized by hie) for an annual rental of 01.00 or some other satisfactory nominal amount. The pier will thon bo loasod to Netionel City on terms which will be mutually satisfactory. The rent or con- ditions in the leaso will include a fair rate of interest on tho final cost, and tho amount of rent will bo roasonablo for convenient purchaso amortization of the total cost, so that National City will acquire full ownership of said pier and facilities et tho end of the lease. The amounts to be detoreined must, of course, await tho conploticn of plans, specifications and nocessary ongineoring information. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho noticed that it mentioned to lease the _ier to the City over a fifty year poriod, and he wonder- ed if we should oncunbor tho City for such a roriod. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said probably not. MAYOR !v TTHE"iS said that he believed we should figure the cost of tho pior and how long it should take thorn to amortize thoir investment and judge c?ic number of years, as he thought ,it was a very good thing for tho City. COUNCILMAN CURRY stated he dofinitoly thought the amount of money sront should bo considered, CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that sho and Mr. Warner wore hopeful there will be more patching construction money available. CITY MANAGER `_JLIVLN statod that for tho architoctural dosign on the pier the firm of Pereira and Luckean should be rotained as supervising architocts, inasmuch as they are going to bo working on the redevelopment pier and dredging, and if it moots with the approval of tho Council she would 1/16 437 like to have the Lttornoy prepare a contract with Poroira and Luckman, unless we have such a contract it will not be roimbursable to the City. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that Attornoy Warner bo authorized to prepare a contract with Pereira and Luckman. COUNCILMAN CUM askod Mayor Matthews if he had any idoa as to what the cost would be. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod thct it will bo six portant cf the construction cost. If thoy go into any suporvision of construction with eithor Mr. Schmidt or whcovor builds the pier, then that wculd bo an addod amount which would havo to bo kept separate. MRS. SULLIVAN said that sho has discussed it with Mr. Charlos Luckman and thoy arrived at a rotainor figure which would bo approximately $16,000.00 whcn tho pier is completed and Mr. Scheidt would havo to pay part of that if he is the builder. A $4,000.00 retainer for then would bo sufficient. Three porcont of tho total cost of construct- ion is roinbursablo. COUNCILMAN CLLRKE askod if thct would Ooto out of tho H'1rbor Itprotonent Fans. .I?Y WLFAam SULLIVAN said that it would and then the total amount paid for architecture and design would bo charged against the cost in the lease purchased, but half cf tho cost of tho design will be reimbursable from tho State. CITY ATTORNEY WARNER said all tho money spent on plans will bo givon credit on tho purchase price of tho pior. Tho rcnson thoy insist that tho City furnish tho plans, no one can mako a definite pro- posal until the plans and specifications aro drawn. If they havo to draw the plans and specifications and do not build tho pior, thoy aro out $14,000.00 or "116,000.00. Motion carriod, all Councilmen presont voting aye. 1/16 438 CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN prosontod copies of tho public works schodulo for tho quarter. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said she rccoivod a lottor from tho South Western Pyramid concerning a date for n carnival, and are requesting pormission to use the Park on Mny 11 and 12 for tho bonefit of the available their second Saturday following tho Boys Club. If this data is not choice would bo on the Friday and Band Roview. COUNCILMLN CU.dtY askod what percentage of the profits will go to the Boys Club. MAYOR MATTHEWS said tho way thoy had it set up at the Armory, they had one-third one-third to the Boys Club fund. No other bonefit is the Council so wished this going to tho crippled children, and ono -third to thoir own rolief monticnod in the Jotter, can bo laid ovor. and if CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated a lettor had boon received from tho City Mana_or of San Diego concerning our contract with thou on sowors and their dosiro to connect Paradise Hills. The lottor stated that tho City of San Diego has substantially conpletod plans for a sanitary sewer systom to servo the Paradise Hills area of the City. These plans, in accordanco with the agroonent, datod January 14, 1942, between tho City of sari Diego and the City of National City, contonplato transportation of sewago through sewer lines of National City to the City of San Diego troatnent plant. Section XI of the abovo agreement provided' for a determination as tc the adequacy of the sower lines of National City to carry this increased load and for an opponent on tho rate to bo charged for such service. Since this is a matter of utmost concern 1/16 439 to tho City of San Diego and, in particular, to tho people in the Paradise Hills area, it is requostod that the proper ndni%istrative officials of the City of National City bo dirocted to moot with the City Enginoor of tho City cif San Dingo et the oarliest practicable doto to discuss tho mutual problems involvod in this projoct. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that the contract provides that adequacy of the sower system to take the sowa;o oust be determined as both an engineering end legal angle. Mr. Smith who has been doing work on tho sower system has conferred somo with Capt. Fogg, and it is still the sane subject in which wo had a very large conference wbich Mr. 'garner and sho attondod in Mr. Canpboll's offico. MRS. SULLIVAN said sho boliovod sho was stating it fairly that Mr. Canpboll is dotormined that we shall transport the sewage of Paradise Hills to cur sewor lines without solving the problem that is ovon larger than that,having to do with the extension of dovolepcent binck of Paradise Hills and tho possibility of Lincoln :.cros annox- ing to National City. The agroonont that we reached at the conference was there would bo a district solution and not a specific solution for Paradise Hills, end for that reason, Mrs. Sullivan said she would like to havo it referred to her office, and sho could have tho legal assistance of Attorney Warner as thero is the nattor of cur legal re- sponsibility under tho 1942 contract in pert. MAYOR MATTHEWS requested that this mattor be referred to tho City Manager and City Attorney for further study and recommendation. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN requosted that ho be notified when the meeting is hold with Mr. Canpboll. MAYOR MATTHEwS said ho 1/16 too would like to attend the meeting as, there are a number of things to be considered before we enter into such a contract, there will have tc be a price established as to the charge for going through our City. COUNCILMAN HART said he would like to be notified cf the mooting. MAYOR MATTHEWS said he would also like tc know whether it is going to add to the prevailing odor. COUNCILMAN CLARKE asked whether it would create a problem if we permit the sewage from Parndiso Hills to go through our trunk lines to the San Diego dis- posal plant and eventually the South Bay area establishes a sewage treatment plant. MAYOR TEATTHEWS said he thought that was a good point to study, end we also have a State man hero making a study of tho possibilities of the County wide sewer municipal district. MAYOR MATTHEWS said he did not believe it was necessary to rush into this, that a lot cf study should be given before any action is taken with Mr. Campbell. COUNCILMAN CURRY said he thought there are a good many angles to be studied before action should be taken. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN reported that the chock from the Urban Redevelopment Agency in Washington hes arrived for the first nine months. There will be an additional amount. The check was for ;!21,400.00 and has been deposited. There will be no more bills to tho City Council from the Community Redevelopment., and as soon as Mt. Forbes, the Treasurer, sstuz4s to the City neXc Friday St will beposaibie to begin the process of reimbursement to the General Fund For any money spent. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod that the last news letter from 1/16 441 the Colorado River Association stated that Arizona has seen that legislation is again introduced in Congress on the sane controversarY that has boon going on for a long time. We may be askod at a later date to help support oUr Congress- man in resisting the Arizona desire to take over our water. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN reported that the State Controller's report of the way in which highway money has been spent has arrived and if any of the Council would like to review it there aro copies available. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that tho Art Association is presenting anothor group of historical mtrals to the City on January 28th at 3:00 P.M. in the ConmUility Bldg,. and would like to have the Council present to receive the gift. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated the Annexation meeting of Sweetwater No. 1 and Sweetwater No..2 is scheduled for Theisday et 9t3C P.M. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN reported there is a possibility that a referendum will be filed on the card rooms, and the C-uncil should consider when they would like to have the election. ATTORNEY WARNER said if the referendum qualifies, he will present all the data regarding a special election agd the next general election, and this information will be available at the next'meeting. -COUNCILMAN CURRY asked what a special election would cost. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated it would be about ;�3,000.00. COUNCILMAN CLARKE askod if there was any further development on the Veterans Club of San Diego as far as the interest in 1/16 442 the El Dorado Bridge Parlor at 1st and Notional. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said no more than she reported in the progress report. COUNCILMAN HART stated that et 2nd and Highland there is a grade and also going west on 2nd there is a grade going up to Highland. The curb in front of the liquor store 1s painted red for about 30 feet, but Mr. Hart said he beliovod it should be marked "No Parking" as they are still narking in the red which creates a blind corner. MAYOR MATTHEWS Said if people are still parking thero it should probably be marked "No Parking" and have the police check it. COUNCILMAN CURRY said he wondered if we had adequate parking space on 19th Street for the NaVy, as there are quite a few complaints that we have not tho required space. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said we started out with space for 187 cars and there are now over 400, but if it is nocessary to enlarge it again we can do so. MRS. SULLIVAN said it is not a big revenue item but it dons make money as it Is netting about 010.00 a day. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said he would suggest to go "easy" before doing too much expanding. COUNCILMAN CURRY said it is black topping for p=.rking and thet would not detract the value. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said he would liko to state that the Patrolman we have in the City now is paying off as far as public relations is concerned. MR. CLARKE reportod that mono aequaintaneos came to tho City the other day and while peWe`caometking wont wrong with their car and they could not get it started. The Patrolman wont out of his way to help 1/16 443 the people and thoy said that somebody should know the courteous trontnont they received from the police officer. MAYOR MLTTHEWS said ho has had a lot of very favorable convents regarding this officer. COUNCILMAN CURRY said ho would like to know what encourage- ment the City is getting from tho Government on this Urban Redevelopment money for the survoy work. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that the money has arrived and is in the bank and the Treasurer, Mr. Forbes, will bo able to draw the checks and pay their bills. MAYOR MLTTHEWS stated that ho believed he askod the Council for permission for Mr. Carrigan and himself to meet with Mr. Kunkel, Mr. Brooks and Mr. Procopio and ho has arranged a meeting for Thursday, and they are going to try to inform the throe owners of the National Hotel Bldg. as to the wishes of the Council, the people of National City, as to what should be done to help that corner. It is a meeting of public relations to let them know that we are willing to discuss this matter and ask their help and cooperation. A roport will probably bo forthcoming at the next meeting. C U Y MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that on Friday a representative of a department store will be in town, the one who is interested in the National Hotol corner and that sho thought the Mayor -and Mr. Carrigan were quito froe to toll tM assays that a dopartmeat store chain Ls interested and also that there are several people who have indicated an interest in financing a building on that corner. 1/16 ' 444 COUNCILMAN CURRY statod that it was reported two years ago the Library was in a hazardous condition and he wondered if it is getting any worse. Has it been inspocied, and is the basement usable? CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that the basement has boon waterproofed. It has not had a structural engineering inspection, but Mrs. Sullivan said she believed it 1s In nc worse condition that.it was before. COUNCILMAN HART said he thought their mein objection is that it -is overly crowded. COUNCILMAN CURRY asked if it is possible that tho Library could utilize tho basement. MR.S. SULLIVAN said they could use the space end they had hoped that the fire station would be built and the temporary quarters of Mr. Harkey, City Planner, and Defense Council could bo moved, but unless space is rented, thero is none in the City Hall to house any mere people. COUNCILMAN CURRY asked if tho Library could use their telephone in the evening. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said they aro connected. There were throe days while the switchboard was being installed that the service was poor, but this has boon corrected. Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that the meeting bo closed. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayo. MAYOR, C CITY CLERK ATODILL C I ,CLLIPOPNII