HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 01-23 CC MIN445 National City, California, January 23, 1951. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Clinton D. Matthews at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Carrigan, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Councilmen absent: Clarke. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of January 16, 1951, be dis- pensed with. Carried, all Coumcilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Sullivan, Warner, Vansant, Gauteroaux. BILLS AUDITED by the Finance Committee presented: Moved General Fund Park M & I Fund Planning Commission Street Fund Harbor Fund Payroll Funa TOTAL 02,083.56 56.87 8.48 5,110.97 15.75 P3,70-7T;gS Y by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the bills be allowed and warrants ordorod drawn for same. Carried, by the follow- ing voto to=wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays: None. Absent: Clerko. COUNCILMAN CLARKE prosont. HERBERT A. BARNES vas present and asked MAYOR MATTHEWS if he had any reply to mako in regard to the memorandum that he presented last week asking that he bo givon tho details about the setup of tho insurance. MAYOR 4ATTHEWS said that he did not have it. MR. BARNES stated ho would like to know why tho business was givon to companies outside of National 1/23 446 City. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho was wondering if thore was not something that the Council could give Mr. Barnes that would satisfy his inquirios, and clear this matter up. He was given an equal opportunity along with tho rost of tho other insurance represontativos to sell the omployoes insurance, and why ho continually brings this matter up, Mr. Clarke said ho did not have the answer. COUNCILMAN CURRY said it seems to him that the same questions ere asked over and over and that ho has hoard them explained, in fact ho went ovor all of this, end to the best of his knowledgo everything has boon fair and ebovo board. MAYOR MATTHEWS statod that Councilman Carrigan was askod to check into this problem and find out if there wee anything wrong, and ho reported that everything lookod alright. Wo have had moot- ings with Mr. Barnes end have Bono about everything we can to try and straighten this out. MAYOR MATTHEWS stated if Mr. Barnes would wait until after the mooting thoy would go over this again. MR. BARNES said he could not wait tonight as ho did not feel able to do so. DR. J. M. HOWLRD, 3104 Highland Avenue, was present and presented a Real proporty Owner's Petition to the Council. The petition statod that those who signed same woro opposod to the annexation of their proporty to National City. ATTORNEY WARNER stated that it will bo necessary to check to determine whether any prosont annoxation procoodings ere involved. Mr. Simmons, the Right of Way Engineor askod that the anoxation of Sweetwater No. 1 and No. 2 be laid ovor as he is working on it. P.F. HOWLRD presentod mother potitfon *Protest to Annexation°. MAYOR MATTHEWS roquosted 1/23 447 that tho motto', of tho annoxation of Sweetwater No. 1 and No. 2 and the petitions filed bo laid over until tho next mooting. THOMAS FORBES was prosont and stated he had a roquest from the Boys' Club of National City asking tho City to lease them three additional lots adjoining thoso thoy now have. ATTORNEY WARNER stated that tho present leaso is for fivo 25 foot lots and they aro asking for oight 25 foot lets. The reason for this request is that thoy sent tho plans to the Boys' Club of America in Now York and it came back with a suggested building plan which roquiros additional 50 foot, the prosont site is insufficiont to fit the plans submitted. A lease was prosentod betwoon the City of Notional City and tho Boys' Club, to lease all of Lots 16, 17, and 18, Block 4, 10 Acre Lot 7, Quarter Section 154, for a term beginning January 23, 1951 end ending Janunry 23, 2000, et tho rontal cf Ono Dollar ($1.00) por year, payable in advance annually. Moved by Carrigan, seccndod by Hart, that tho loose be granted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarko, Curry, Hart, Matthows. Neys: None. MR. I. EVERETT was prosent and states' that some of tho house numbers on 12th Strout and somo cf the other streets in the 1700, 1800 and 1900 block aro not in numerical order, and thought this should bo straightenod out boforo moro houses aro built. ORDINANCE NO. an ordinance rolating to Trailers was prosentod for the first reading. Moved by Hart, socondod by Curry, that only the homing be read. Carried, by the 1/23 448 foiiewing vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays: Nato. ORDINANCE NO. , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 652 OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NLTION!.L CITY, CALIFORNIA, BY AMENDING SECTION 10 OF SLID ORDINANCE. Moved by Curry. seconded by Hart, that the Ordinance bo laid over until tho next mooting for tho second and final reading. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays: None. ATTORNEY WARNER stated thst Councilman Carrigan, City Manager Sullivan and himself looked at Lots 3 & 7, Block 215 and Lots 20 & 23, Block 235, and they wore else checked by a real estate agent and ho had some estimates of their valuo and ho did not believe it would bo a good trade under tho existing circumstances, and requested a week's time to negotiate with Mr. Kelly to have tho offor raised and also got some additional appraisals on tho lots. MAYOR MATTHEWS requested that this matter bo laid over another week. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that she end the City Engineer chocked the sewer bids. Tho proposals were ell in order, and recommended that the lowest bidder, Walter H. Berber, bo awarded the contract on Lateral Sewor Jobs 6 and 7. Movod by Carrigan, socondod by Hart, that tho bid of Walter H. Barber be accepted. Carried, all Ccuncilman present voting aye. REQUEST OF SCIOTS FOR USE OF CITY PARK was presented, CITY MANACIBR SULLIVAN stated she discussod this with Mr. Graff 1/23 449 and that he stated it was a typographical error that the letter statod the benefit was oxclusivoly for the Boys' Club, as thoy planned to havo cno-third of the proceeds for the Boys' Club, one-third for the Cripplod Childrons' Hospital and ono -third for thoir local charity. The typo of carnival they plan is similar tc that of tho Lions Club on tho Fourth of July and indicatod that no building space indoors will be required excopt for an offico for cashier purposes. Mr. Graff also wishod to have tho Council know that no gambling will be permittod, and thoy are planning a show that would probably roquire the use of tho Bowl. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Clarke, that permission be granted the South Wostorn Pyramid No. 55 tho use of tho City Park on May llth and 12th. Carried, all Councilmen present vcting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM N'TIONLL CITY LIBRLRY was rear_'. The letter statod that upon the demand cf tho City Monegor, and in order not to work a hardship on the salariod employoes of the Library, the Library Beard has instructed the Librarian to sign the payroll for the January 1 to 15th period. The Library Board is willing to moot with tho Council at an early date in roferonco to this matter. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that the Library Board will be glad to moot with the Council et their convonionce. MAYOR MATTHEWS requested City Manager Sullivan to ask that the Library Board meet with the Council, Tuesday evening, January 30, 1,51 et 8:30 P.M. YE'$ DSCISION BY TES STATE BOIL OF EQUI.LIZATION in the 71E3 450 matter of the transfer of an on -sale general licenso to Club 366" and tho Texas Liquor Stores, Inc., was road. Th': prot'-sts of tho City Council of National City on file wore sustained end the applications worn denied. COUNCILMAN CLLRKE mado a motion, seconded by Curry, that the Council reply to tho State Board of Equalization stating that we appreciate their action, and that tho letter be filod. Carried, all Councilmon present voting ayo. MAYOR MLTTHEWS asked Councilman Carrigan if he wished to moko any report on their meeting with tho ownors of the National Hotol Building. COUNCILMAN CLRIZIGLN said ho did not beliovo they gained a thing. M.YOR 'iLTTHEWS said they net with tho owners of the Building and their Lttornek, Mr. Kahn, and had a thirty or forty minute discussion and came out about a draw. They aro requesting our cooperation in using the buildirkg for another throo years as it is, or for the duration of the emergency, whichevor is longer. MAYOR MATTHE1°1S said it will require more thought and legal advice. COUNCILMAN CLLRKE asked if the owners mentioned anything about improv- ing the upper stories. MAYOR MLTTHEWS said tho ownors worn against any imnrovomont. COUNCILMAN CURRY asked if tho decision by the State Board of Equalization would affoct the present license, '(P_YOR M@TTu?W$ aatd it would net. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated a roforendum petition had boon filed with her January 17, 1951 on the card room ordinance, and that she checked the petition, and signod an affidavit stating thore were 740 good siznaturos on the 17 soctions comprising the petition. MRS. LLSTCN stated under the Election Code the petitioners havo ten days to bring in 1/23 451 sufficient names to Hoot the requirements. COUNCILMAN CLARKE asked what was tho minimum number of names required. CITY CLERK ALSTON said it was 837. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN statod that sinco tho corner of 8th and National Avenue hes been the focal point of disturbance for quito some time, and the number of nanos on this potition show that thorn aro quite a number of peoplo in the community for and against this particular card room setup, and are apparently asking for an election, that he did not think tho 97 names would stop tho card room oporators, that they could oasily ;et the additional names, since the City has gone to the expense of sending the City Menager and City Attornoy to Sacramento end since we were upheld in our protest, and sinco the Mayor and himself spent 1;84.00 for advertising_ on this particular cornor, end sinco the Council is split and the community is split, that we can do a public service by instructing the City Clerk to -set the machinery in motion for telling an election et the oarliost possible timo to settle this matter, and that ho would like to make a notion to that effect. ATTORNEY WARNER stated t»at ha did act b41,UeY0 a 6pg0%a1 eloe4ion cola be tailed until, the suf.€lskAnt .npmhar of MA - natures aro obt^fined, and before tho Council eallod a special election ho would like to havo tho opportunity to check on this matter. COUNCILMAN CLRRIGAN said he would withdraw his motion. MAYOR MATTHEwS said that probably at the next meet- ing we will have an opportunity to discuss this nattcr and the Council should give it Sono thought. ATTGtNEY WARNER stated that at the last meeting ho was in- strueted tc draw up en architects contract with Pereira and lit3 452 Lucknan concerning the design of tho proposed pier at 24th Stroot and it has been signed by Poreira and Lucknan. COUNCILMAN CLARKE inquired if the City had any control what- soever in the type of construction and the safety of th^ pier and whero does tho liability of the City begin and ]save off, in case soothing may not be according to the regulations for building of piers. ATTORNEY WARNER stated that architects Pereira and Lucknan, no doubt.; are well qualified in building piers and it will havo to bo designed in accordance with State law, and es far as our liability is concerned we would not bo any more liable then in anything else, and we are covorod by insurance. COUNCILMAN CLARKE inquired as to the jurisdiction of a City Inspector. ATTORNEY WARNER said the paragraph about the inspector hired by the City was put in for the protection of the City. Tho percentages is the 34,000.00 retainer to be covered by two percent, then three percent and the balance to bring it to six percent and then the two percent for supervision. Eight percent is the normal architect's foe. Tho only thing that is not certain in the contract is the expense of boring and the surveying. COUNCILMAN CURRY said that nine porcont of tho cost would be borne by the City an0 that ho thought thoro should bo a contract with tho builders of the pier so that there is et el co whatsoever of the breaking the sontreet and leave the City holding tho bag to the extant of nino percent of tho cost. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that it is eight percent. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN asked if this would be tied in with the firm that woule do tho building. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that Mr. Scheidt from San Francisco 1/23 453 has offered to do the building under a leaso purchase. She recommended that the architect's contract be kept separate in order to use mrtching funds 1f available, or to tako a lease purchase and let the tidelands leases pay for it. COUNCILMAN CURRY asked if thero was State money availab'-h. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said throe portent, and she has a fora that she obtained for an application to the Federal Agency to which you aro eligible for tho complete cost of architecture and onginoorin_ if thoy acce^t the application, to be paid back out of construction costs. COUNCILMI,N CLARKE asked if there is any possibility of tho construction of the pier being held up duo to certain freezes of certain typos of construction work. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN saic; that she talked with the Department of Commerce on tho freeze and she has a copy of M-4 and the best information is that only pleasure piers will be frozen. MAYOR MATTHEWS said he thought it would be well for the Council to bo considering the appointment of members to the Harbor Commission. COUNCIL- MAN CARRIGAN askod if thore has boon any stimatod costs. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said there have been a number of estimates made, tho h:ghost estimate is 0250,000.00 and tho lowest estimate, exclusive of drodging is $84,000.00. Mr. Warner was calculrting and taking into account all the contingencies, the outside limit would probably bo $300000404 if you wont to the limit of what could bo designed. There aro a number of loasos that are contingent upon a pier being available. The potential income from the tidelands, as accurately as can be estimated, with a pier, is about C2O0r000,00 yoar. Mr. Schmidt ostimatod 1/23 454 roughly 0230,000.00 including tho architect and ongineor. The thing that the architects have to detornino is whothor it 1s more economical, to build a thousand foot pier and dredge loss or build a fivo hundred foot pior and drodgo more, whichever is cheaper. COUNCILMEN CLLRKE asked if any decision has been made as to tho length and width of the pier. CITY W N,"_GF.R SULLIV;;N said the pier may not be more narrow than 22 feet and have access back and forth from an access point and it must' have a shape dither a "T" or "L" on the and to permit a truck to turn around. Tho architects think probably a mole typo pier with riffraff and platform decking, which would cut down the number of piling to be driven, is foasible. If it is a polo typo pier it can bo a widor pier and the oxtra cost is only the asphalt surface on top. COUNCILMEN CLLRKE said ho bolievod that if we had the proper typo of pier constructed on our waterfront that it would be en asset to our City. COUNCILMAN CURRY said ho asked that a survoy bo nado as to tho demand wo could expect for a pior. CITY ML.NLGER SULLIVLN said thorn havo boon a number of actual negotiations with companies, cno interested in documenting about thirty ships if a pior was available. There are two companies that have wantod to take an option on furnishing petroleum concossion on tho pier, thoro is ono othor syndicate group who havo a number of fishing vessels at San Pedro have inquired when wo would havo a pier available for then to cone down and do up. Thcre have been some inquiries by people who want to bring material in, by wator and warohouso it. Mrs. Sullivan said she has done everything she can to find out what the potential market is 455 and it all hinges on "Whon is your pier going to bo out, then wo want to talk soriously ^.bout a leaso", so the potential is there but you cannot guarantee that all the pooplo that talkod about it will sign leases, on the othor hand we cannot offer it until it exists. COUNCILMAN CURRY said he wondered if the pier that is contemplated new would bo of valuo to accommodate ships that might como in for repairs. MRS. SULLIVAN sai9 that would bo the principal use and wo havo two ether inquiries on shipyards. RESOLUTION NC. 5387 was road, approving tho contract batmen the City of National City and Poroirn & Lucknan, Lrchitocts and Engineers, dated Janucry SEC, 1951, and tho Moyer is hereby authorized to sign the sano on bohalf of tho City of National City. Moved by Carrigan, socondod by Hart, that tho Resolution bo adoptod. CCIJNCILMLN CURRY asked for tho recommendation of the City Manager. CITY MLNAOHR SULLIVAN said she recommends it because she believes it is necessary in order to adequately dovolop the tidelands. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said he would liko to know if any thought has been given as to the best use of the silt, otc that would bo removed from the bay. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that project No. 1 is Community Redevelopment and they contemplate filling of the slough area from silt in the bay. Carried, all Councilmen presont voting ayo. ATTORNEY WARNER stated ho had a filo on tho opinion of tho Public Utilities Commission in tho application of the San Diego Ttfdlsit System for an increase in faros. MAYOR MATTHEWS ordered the communication filed. 1/27 • 456 CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod a letter was roceived from tho County Health cfficer asking, National City to consider tho adoption of an ordinance similar to the County Ordinanco which would control tho handling of inapectod and unin- spocted moat. Mrs. Sullivan said it could bo referred to the City Attorney for study. C^UNCILMAN CARRIGAN said ho thought the matter of the Dog Ordinanco should also be referred to tho City Attorney. M.'YUR MATTHEWS ordored the matter rogarding the handling of moat be roforred to tho Attorney. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said thoro is a dog onorgoney and the administrative offico of the County asked whether wo could, on a contract basis, accommodato to the limit of our capacity such emergency impounding that thoy mi:ht have, and Mrs. Sullivan said wo would cooperate up to tho limit of our capacity. They havo a problem of tho dogs that aro apparent- ly coning in from Mexico and the control of rabies in this area has been serious for tho Health Dept. The County has employed additional Poundmastors to impound the dogs and they are proposing that they will pay us 50 conts por dog day for any animals confined during this emergency. If it moots with the approval of tho Council we will procood to collect for tho dog days that they impound stray animals. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod that a letter has boon received from the aousl.AG ae4 He= Fiannge Meaty ey L dicating that our applications for acquiring the three housing projects havo boon filod and are in ordor but that duo to tho froozo tho dofense area may be released but there will be a froozo 1/23 457 on acquisition. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod that in orcer the Council nay have additional information on trailers sho asked the Police Dept. to make a map similar to the one made in the Trailer Survey last year es to the location of tho present trailers, As a result they have sighted a number of trailers for non payment and fcr irregular operation, and in the case of two different ones that were almost falling apart. those have since been taken down. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said there have been a number of people in tho office concerned with building multiple dwell- ings for the Navy. Mrs. Sullivan said that it should not be long until there should bo et least one project. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN presented the Recreation Schedulo for the quarter. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod that Mr. Chamberlain contacted tho Jack Manufacturing Company and she has written Mr. Jack a letter, end we are assisting then in finding a suitable sites ecwCl? %I SART said that ho asdsrsteada theta is as e$y walking* ordinance and that he thought it would be well for the City to adopt one. MAYOR MGTTHEWS suggosted that this bo referred to the Traffic Safety Committee for study and recommendation. ATTORNEY wARNER said that there has been quite a bit of discussion on this matter and if the Traffic Commission feels that present ordinances are not sufficient he will be glad to draft a now ordinance. 1/23 458 COUNCILMAN CURRY said he had occasion to drivo out 8th Stroot to the Sanitarium and thoro are all new houses, with the exception of two old houses that have boon moved in thero, and that he feels thoy definitely doprociate the value of the other houtos. ATTORNEY WARNER said wo night make the Building Ordinance a little stronger. Tho Planning Commission has this matter under consideration. COUNCILMAN CU2ZY asked if the City has an ordinance in regard to the parking of abandoned cars on sidewalks and streets. ATTORNEY WARNER stated that tho State law provides that after fivo days you can neve then, it is 120 hours, and on the 121st hour thoy can be moved. In caso of an onergoncy, such as a car parker' in th.: ni/c'le of e highway, it can bo moved immediately. Tho police aro taking carp of this under that provision but an ordinance is also in tho making. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said he thoucht the annual report of the Builcing Inspector should not go unnoticed or without comment since it is tho largost yoar for building in National City. The total in dollars is C2,776,094.00. MLYCR MATTHEWS stated that the San Diego Sign Ordinance is now ready for study, and if tho City adopts such an ordinance it will bo a stop forward and will cover tho future noon signs, etc. COUNCILMAN CLARKE askod how tho signs for "National City" wore progressing. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that they are about ready to dig the holes for install- ation. 1/23 Moved by Carrigan, socondod by Hart, that the pectin_ be closed. Carried, all Councilnon present voting ayo. CITY CLERK 459 MA OR, CITY OF CITY, CALIFORNIA V23.