HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 01-30 CC MIN460 National City, California, January 30, 1951. Regular meeting of the City Coupcil was called to order by Mayor Clinton D. Matthews at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Council- men absent: None. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of January 23, 1951, be dispensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Sullivan, Warner, Gautereaux, McClure. BILLS AUDITED by the Finance Committee presented: General Fund $226.75 Library Fund 21.55 Park M & I Fund 7.65 Stroot Fund 3.93 Harbor Fund 99.42 TOTAL $359.30 Moved by Curry, socondod by Clarke, that the bills be allow- ed and warrants ordered drawn for samo. Carried, by the following veto to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry. Hort, Matttxfls, Nays: Not:. HERBERT A. BARNES was prosont and stated that as yot ho has not had the answers to the questions ho has asked about the fire insurance. COUNCILMAN HART said ho thought it would be well to have one more meeting with Mr. Byrnes and try to got the mattor settlod. MAYOR MATTHEWS asked that Mr. Barnes moot -with the Council Tuesday evening at 8:30 P.M., February 6th. COUNCILMAN CURRY seid that he thought Mr. Barnes' questions had boon satisfactorily answered but -he would be 1/30 461 willing to meat again with Mr. Barnes. MR. BARNES said thet he would moct with the Council next week, and that they answer the memorandum he presented. COUNCILMAN CLARKE made a motion, seconded by Curry, thet a letter of appreciation bo sent to the Chamber of Commerce complimenting the committee who is responsible for'the brochure on National City which they compiled and published. Also that a letter bo sent to tho Netionel City Lrt Associat- ion for their contribution of tho fine pictures which wore presented to tho City, Sunday, January 28th. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COUNCILMAN CLARKE asked if any official answer hed been received from Jack Instrument Company. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said sho contacted them and told them that a member of the staff would be glad to help thom locate a suitable site in National City and they promised to send a represent- ative. COUNCILMAN CLLRKE said ho would like to see the Council consider dedicating one of the Parks thet are being developed as a "Kimball Park" in memory of the Kimball family who wore ono of the pionoor citizens of this community. MAYOR MLTTHEWS said ho thought thet it was a very good suggestion. Moved by Clarke, seconded by Curry, that a park bo named "Kimball Park". Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. COUNCILMAN ru:iRY said that in regard to parking thorn is a lot of wasted space inasmuch es thore is parallel perking on some streets. -amslyy 7th Street west of National :,vonwe, 1/30 462 and suggested that it bo referred to the Traffic Committee for study. COUNCILMAN HART said that they are still perking cars at 2nd and Highland Avonuo whero the curb is painted red. MAYOR MATTHEWS said he thought this should bo cheel n.i by the Police Dept. CITY PLANN'IE2 WAGNER said the Traffic Committee is working on the final data and will soon be able to present recommendations as to dirgonal or parallel park- ing. Mr. Wegner said that 2nd and Highland is also under advisenont with tho Traffic Committee. COUNCILM.LN CURRY brought up the natter of the possibility of oponing 12th Street, but that ho did not have the figures as to the cost. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said it was her under- standing that it was to bo without cost. Mrs. Sullivan said Mr. Toledo is willing to deod his portion, Mr. Hilty is un- willing to dood his 30 foot, the 30 foot, Mrs. Sullivan saic', whero she livos will bo availeble very shortly. Mr. Hilty is unwilling to dood his portion unless tho City agroos to movo his house and grade it the way he wants it gradod. MRS. SULLIVAN said the only way she knows to obtain the North half of 12th Street is through condemnation proceedings. CUUNCTL LLY HART suggested t'wt tho Ce;L cilaen, City Manage^' and City Engineer mako a tour and inspoct these streets so thet they will know whet can be dono about houses sitting in the niddlo of a street in ordor that tho sand mistake will not again happon. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said if the Council wish to proceed on the North half of 12th Street, the City Attornoy can draw up the condomnation e't1on, which is something thrt can bo dono without negotiations. MAYOR MATTHEWS suggested that tho Council agree to move tho houso 1/30 463 rather than go ahead with condemnation action, but if it cannot be done without condemnation proceedings to go rhead on that basis es ho boliovos it would bo a vory good thing for the City to have the stroot opened. COUNCILMAN CURRY said ho thought tho City would bo justified to spend a given amount of money to opon up that eroa. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said that any person who can barricade a onco usod street end prevont tho cutting of tho street thrcugh to develop the aror oast, thore is something wrong, and ho would cortainly go along with the Council in oponing 12th Street. COUNCILMAN HART said he undorstands that this house has been there a numbor of years, and whon it wes built permission wes given to build it there, and it is not the prosont owners fault, and he fools it would bo up to the City to move the house. ATTORNEY W_.RNSR said that ho thought we should try end nogotiato with Mr. Hilty, that a committee bo appointod to soo him and if it is possible to negotiate with him before starting condemnation proceedings. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that encther thing that should be done et the sane time is °R' Avenue. The travel wry that is now being used in liou cf "R" Avenuo is not a dedicated street and unloss this is straightonod cut at the sane time it will not holp that aroa a great docl. "R' Lvonue is tho street that runs alon:sido tho allorod barricade. COUNCIL- MLN CLAARKE said ho was informed that this road is mcro or less an oasonont which has boon usod by pocplo to got to thoir homes. MAYOR MATTHEWS said ho knows thoy use the atroot whoro the ba ricado is end hevo done so for nary years. MR. I. EVSRETT was prosont and statod that quito some tine 1/30 464 ago about 20 or 25 property cwnors in this area appearad boforo tho Ccuneil and roquosted the opening of this street. MAYOR MATTHEWS said that he and ATTORNEY WARNER would nako anothor attempt to negotiate with Mr. Hilty and report at tho noxt mooting. COUNCILMLN CURRY said ho would like to know whore wo stand in regard to the opening of 26th Stroot, that ho thought it should be given considorntion sine° it is an upon street with tho oxcoption cf two blocks en oath side of Highland ;venue and that it is vory necessary to havo cross stroots to Highland Avenuo and thero are very fow from 24th Stroot South. CITY MGNl•GER SULLI1AN stated tho Baptist Church plans to opon 26th Stroot botweon Highland and "I" Avenue. Mrs. Sullivan said there is a half block between Highland and "G" Avenue that we rho nct have, and botwoon "F" and "G" no street, thoro is 30 foot botwoon "I" and "J" to obtain, ono third botwoon "F" and Highland, is promised, Mrs. Sullivan said sho did not remember which section it was as there are three sections to be obtained. MAYOR MLTTHEWS asked that the Council Hake a tour of the stroots on February 12th, starting at 10:00 A.M. ORDINANCE NO. , an ordinenco relating to Trailers was presented for tho socond and final reading. Movod by Hart, seconded by Curry, that only the heading bo road. COUNCIL- MAN CARRIGAN said he believed there worn so^_o pooplo in the audionce who n4 ght wish to say something in rogard to this Ordinance. MRS. FLORENCE CLARKE, 2630 National Avenue, was prosont and she sho wished to have one clarification for tho 465 benefit of the trailer perk owners. Soctitm 2 of tho old ordinance governs tho sanitation facilities in back yards for trailers, and that is the main interest of the trailer park owners. In the new ordinance it mentions Section 10, Section (a) An application for a pormit shall bo made to tho Chief of polico of tho City of National City, California; said permit to be OTHER THAN the permit roforrod to in Soction 2 govorning trailer camas. MIRS. CLA.RKE said sho would liko to have this clarified if that means a trailor can bo parked in a back yard with no sanitation facilities cared for beforo this permit is issuod. COUNCILKOEN HART said he understands if a trailor is to be stored that it is not necessary, but that if thoy lived in it it should have sanitation facilities. MRS. CLLRKE said they do not like the words trailor camps, that they hove outgrown camps. MAYOR MATTHEWS cskod the Lttornoy's roconmondntion and if it is changed to also change the word "carps" to "parks". ATTORNEY WARNER said wo would have to use "camps" because tho old ordinance says "camps", otherwiso wo would havo to change Section 2 of tho old ordinance as it rofors to "camps". MR. WARNER said thoy might have a good point in this wording of "other than" and that he beliovod it would bo bettor if it was "in addition to", and that this eorroction can be made and have a first reading tonight. ORDINANCE NO. , an ordinance relating to Trailors wns prosentod for the first reading. Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that only the heading bo road. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Lyos: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays: None. 1/30 466 ORDINANCE NO. , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 652 OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA BY AMENDING SECTION 10 OF SLID 0:2DINANCE. Moved by Clarke, secondod by Hart, that the ordinance bo laid over until the noxt meeting for the second and final reading. Carriod, by the following voto to -wit: Ayes: Hart, Matthews. Nays: Norio. Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, ATTORNEY WARNER stated he talked with Mr. Kelly in regard to the litigation on Lots 3 & 7, Block 215, and Lots 20 & 23, Block 235, and requested two more weeks to soo if they can reach an agreement. MAYOR MATTHEWS ordorod this laid ovor for two weeks. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stetted that at the last noting Dr. Howard presented some petitions, and Mr. Si,pnons, tho Right - of -Way Engineer, has chocked a portion of thou, and thoy would like this laid over anothor week so that Mr. Simmons can present the Council with a report that has boon verified as to the petitions in rotation to Sweetwater Nc.l and $p. Q. Moved by Hart, secondod by Clarke, that tho annexation of Sweetwater No. 1 and No. 2 bo laid over until Tuosday, February 6, 1951 at 8:00 P.M. OOErried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS was road relative to the thipd unit of the Montgomery ?now, eSteadiug Bran lllyc Ewa% sia abatis. Vlava us Bin 40reAuv ;a2 Pala CSt7• laYOR MATTHEWS ordered the eonnunication filed. COMMUNICATION FROM COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO HEALTH DEPARTMENT was 1/30 467 road. A press release was enclosed in whieh a 120 day quarantine on does has boon established. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated this was in relation with our agreement with the County to house the dogs at 50 cents por dog day and to cooperate with the quarantine. Tho communication was order- ed filed. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated she received a card from the Registrar of Voters fron Mrs. W. E. Wilkins and Miss W. A. Wilkins relative to the cancollaticn of their registration as they are nrw residents of Texas. They stated it was a pleasure to be a citizen in tho community of Notional City. MRS. ALSTON said she thought the Council would enjoy hearing some nice thins about the City. ATTORNEY rARNER said that he had prepared an agreement with Mr. Brydegaard in regard to the fire station. It is for the usual eight percent and provides for a $2,400.00 retainer which he hes already received. The agreement is necessary in order to got the plan money back from the State. MAYOR MATTHEWS ordered this hold over until the next meeting. ATTORNEY 'WARNER said he had drawn the contract on the propos- ed library site and he would furnish the Council with copies of this contract to study. MAYOR MATTHEWS ordered this held over until the next mooting. ATTORNEY WARNER stated that In regard to the natter of "jay walking" whieh was referred to hin for study and reeommend• ation, it was taken up at the traffic institute and it will probably bo incorporated in the roport fron the Traffic 1/s0 468 Committee noxt weak, ATTORNEY WARNER stated ho has not had an opportunity to re -draft the locker ordinance as a proposed ordinance for National City, but that he will try to hnvo it ready by the noxt mating. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said thoro is an acturial survoy that is roquirod under our agroonont with tho Employees' Retiro- nent Syston, end tho City Attorney has proparod a Resolution proposing the Mayor sign an agreement roquiring the ex- penditure of $249.60. RESOLUTION NO. 5388 was read, authorizing tho Mayor to sign an agreement for an Acturial Contract of Survey in connect- ion with the City's participation in the State Employees' Retirement System; said agroonont to provido.that the City pay tho total sun of i249,60 to Coates, Herrtrth and England, a eo-partnorship, composed of Carl E. Horfurth and Arthur W. England. Mcv cd by Clarke, socondoe by Hart. that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that in rogard to the tidelands, we aro in the position of subdividers in the sense of furnishing utilities. Getting. water to the tidelands, it was.neeossary for the Water Company to go under tho tracks and to conont lines, MRS. SULLIVAN said sho had an agroe- nont with the Water Company for the installation of water to the tidelands with a total sun of $5,665.00 of which $4,825.00 is reimbursable to tho City out of the rovenue 1/30 469 from the water undor the same kind of arrangemont that the Water Aft:Reny makes with subdividers of return of the cost of installation. MRS. SULLIVAN said this is probably our largost expenditure in servicing tho tidelands, but necess- ary in order to make louses on it, and rocommonds that the Council adopt a Resolution authnrizing the Mayor to sign the agreement for the water to the tidelands. COUNCILMAN CURRY asked what size linos tho Water Company is using. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said ton inches. Tho Santa Fe is running a wator lino under tho tracks down 19th Street and it will be possible for any leases along 19th Strout to do in with the water lino, if necessary. Tho Water Company is nogotiating an easement to:ether with Santa Fo for wator lines down 24th Streot, so that they havo throo placos of entry in event that it is needed. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho thought we should be certain that we have tho propor facilities for faro hydrants.. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said that that is a part of tho agroomont, and tho Firo Chief is working with the Water Company to locato fire hydrants in relation to the leases. COUNCILMAN CLRRIGAN asked how much delay it would involvo if hold over until next week. CITY MLNLGER SULLIVAN said probably somo delay of water service to the lumber kiln that is almost built. MRS. SULLIVAN said she would bo glad to furnish membors of the Council with a copy of the agreemont. COUNCILMAN ChuRRIGLN said he would like to havo a mooting with tho Water Company on soveral other mattors. They hAvo boon to^"'_ng "p tho stroots in town quite rogularly and putting thou back down in a bad condition and that ho thought somothing should be done about 1/zo 470 it. COUNCILMAN CURRY said that the Santa Fe had 20 firo hydrants adjoining this property, and ho wondered if those hydrants could not be usod as long as tho Santa Fo is vacating that property adjoining our tidolands. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said sho talkod with Mr. Poultor about the firo hydrants and ho indicates that they aro available for that particular aroe, and it is holpful for what loasos there may be adjacent to the Santa Fo proporty whore thcse are locatod as thoy do provide immodiate fire protection prior to tho tine that any furthor hydrants are placod in tho area. Thoy will not go clear into tho tidelands, we will havo to supply additional hydrants as the tidolands are more fully occupiod. MC.YCP MATTHEWS ordorod this matter hold over until the noxt mooting. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod that Congressman McKinnon has boon attempting_ to do something with the Navy in Washington with the Bureau of Yards & Docks as far as working out a lease arrangement whereby the Navy could enter into leases with private owners cf rental proporty, to give some assuranco that thoy would be occupiod by Navy porsonnol. MRS. SULLIVAN said sho reeoived a telogram from Mr. McKinnon whi4h states that "bar. Sponeoy Wavy Housing Official; 9_s now in San Diego and is bolng directed to got in toueh with you in hopo loaso arrangement can be worked out". MRS. SULLIVAN said this is tho thing that has held up a number of projects for peoplo building rontal housing with- out having any assurance of rontal. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said that perhaps Congrossman McKinnon could get tho O.K. from Washington for tho oponing of 4th Street. CITY MANAGER 1/30 471 SULLIVAN said the Navy has agreed to the opening of 4th Street under a series of conditions that are very difficult to meet. It is a natter of working out tho realignment of streets, robuilding of tho fence and repaving of the streets. MRS. SULLIVAN said she would furnish a cost estimate. Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that tho mooting be closed. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ATTEST: MAYOR, CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALI ORNi9 72, CITY CLERK 1/30