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National City, California, June 5, 1951.
Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by
Vice Mayor John H. Curry at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen
present: Carrigan, Clarke, Hart, Ingalls, Curry. Councilmen
absent: None.
Moved by Carrigan, soconded by Hart, that the roading of tho
minutos of the regular mooting of May 29, 1951, bo disponsed
with. Carried, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo.
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS prosont: Alston, Campbell, Wagnor,
Gsutoroaux, Vansant, Harbison, Bailoy.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL reported on the Dawson Agroomont end statod
that tho legal doscription containod in tho Agroomont does not
oxcludo tho wostorly 40 foot of °B° Avonuo, and since tho City
owns tho romaindor of tho pr oporty it would probably bo bottcr
to rotain the 40 foot in order to open up °B° Avonuo to its
comploto width. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod ho had proparod a
supplemental agroomont which oxcludod tho 40 foot, and ho
boliovos tho Dawsons will sign that providing tho Council is
agrooablo to tho other torms of tho Agroomont. Movod by Clarke,
socondod by Hart, this bo hold over until tho supplemental
agroomont is signed by tho Dawsons. Carriod, all Councilmen
prosont voting ayo.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod tho logal description of tho proposod
property to be sold to tho Notional School District has just
boon proparod. It is 7.99 acres, making a total prico of
$11,995.00. She question has arisen as to whothor or not the
Council might wish to r::tain any water rights on this property.
Moved by Ingalls, socondod by Carrigan, thet this bo reforrod
to tho City Attorney for furthor study on tho plausibility of
rotaining wptor rights. Carriod, all Councilman prosont voting
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roportod on the contract for the collection
of trnsh and garbago in tho Olivowood Homos Projoet. Supt.
of Sanitation Mikkolson rocommondod that the price for this
collection be incroasod from fifty cents por unit to savonty.
fivo cants por unit.
RESOLUTION NO. 5453 was road, authorizing that a bid for tho
collection of trash and garbago in Olivewood Homes Project, for
one year commencing July 1, 1951, bo submittod to tho Housing
and Homo Finance Agoncy; that tho combinod unit rate, por month
for tho collection of both trash and garbago bo bid at soventy-
five cants; and that H. Mikkolson, Superintendent of tho Depart
mont of Sanitation of tho City of National City, is heroby
authorizod and diroctod to comploto and exoeuto said bid form.
Movod by Carrigan, secondod by Hart, that tho Rosolution bo
adopted. Carriod, all Councilmon present voting aye.
Project #1, was presontod. ATTORNEY
permit any collector to haul garbago
of National City by spacial pormit.
providos that it is unlawful for any
or tho owner of the promisos, a duly
AGE LND TRGSH from Homoja
CAMB3BLL statod you can
or trash over the streets
Howovor, tho Ordinance
person except the occupant
liconsed contractor with
tho City, or the employoos of tho City to romovo any garbago
or trash. You can give thom a permit to eross the stroots,
but you cannot givo thorn a pormit to oporato tho business. Mr.
Soso has the contract subjoet to tho execution of sago. Supt.
of Sanitation Mikkolson states that it will bo economically
unsound for the City to colloct tho trash in Homoja Projoct at
this time, and it is his rocommondation that pormission bo givon
Mr. Sosa and allow him to romovo the trash and garbage. This
will nocossitate an amendtmnt to the Ordinance. Movod by
Clarke, seconded by Ingalls, that Attornoy Campbell bo instruct-
ed to draw up an amondnont to the prosont Ordinanco which will
pormit Mr. Sosa to romovo the trash and garbago from Homoja
Projoct #1. Carried, ell Councilman prosont voting ayo.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that tho roquost of Mrs. J. A.
Spitzor, 938 "A" Avonuo, to koop a trailor on hor proporty
will involvo two ordinnncos, Ordinanco 812 and Ordinance 652.
Mr. Canpboll said ho believes that it is logelly permissible
to keop the trailor at that particular address, providing thoro
1s no health cr sanitary probloms. Tho original ordinance
provided a nornit of $2.00 por month, that has boon changed
to $5.00 por month with tho limitation of 90 days. The orig-
inal ordinanco had no limitation. In effect you are *+ronlbit-
ing improvements on privato proporty and it is not coning
within tho zoning regulations, however any trailor that attempt:
to bo put on a placo that is not zonod for two families or
such, can bo prohibitod. If thoy are within tho proper zone
you aro limiting tho use of proporty. If you amend tho latter
ordinance end provido certain rulos end rogulations end sot
forth the standards for tho Chiof of Police to follow, your
ordinanco would bo effective. Mr. Campbell stated he did not
boliovo you can limit tho tiro on any particular trailor,
COUNCILMAN CLbRKE said ho would roconmond that this particular
trailor bo allowed to romain whore it is until a suitable
ordinance has boon proparod. Movod by Clarko, socondod by Hart,
that the City Attorney bo authorizod to proporo a suitablo
trailer ordinanco. Carried, c11 Councilmen prosont voting aye.
CITY CLERK AISTON stated that it was time for tho continued
hearing on tho proposod rozoning on rocont annoxations, which
includes: Baddors, Euclid Mission, Euclid Rancho, Fishor,
Floronco Rosub., Logan. Millcrton, Palm Valley, Pritchards
and Swoctwater Delta. No written protests wore received.
J. 0. DOWELL, 2021 S. 43rd Stroot, was prosont and again
protestod the proposed zoning of his proporty in Fishor annex-
ation. A roport from tho Planning Commission was road. It
was tho recommendation that tho zoning as re6omnonded ba
approved by the City Council and that when Mr. Dowell dedicates
the half width stroot for Division Street, tho Planning
Commission will initiato the necessary proceedings to recono
the area in question to C-2 zono. MR. DOWELL said ho does not
believo he should have to buy the permit for zoning. The
rost of Highland Avonue is comnorcial, R-4. Ho did not think
it is fair for tho Planning Commission to mako such a recommend-
ation, that ho givo to tho City an easement of 40 foot of his
property for a stroot boforo ho is granted tho ehango in
zoning for which ho has requested. COUNCILMEN CLARKE askod
if Mr. Dowell knows whethor thorn/any ordinancos which permit
the use of a tent for churchos. FIRE CHIEF BAILEY said there
is a proviso in the Building Ordinance that any tont structuro
hos to bo by a permit from the City Council. Churches, etc.
that wish to have a tent for services, first have to be
approvod by the Building Inspoctor, Firo Chiof and then final
approval by the Council. MR. DOWELL said he is not asking for
tents, ho intends to build a church and school. Moved by
Clarke, secondod by Hart, that the Council not accept the
recommendations of the Planning Commission regarding the
property awned by Mr. Dowell, and that ho be granted C-3 zono
whero it was 0-1 in the County, and R-4 whoro it was R-1 in
tho County, and that Attorney Canpboll be authorizod to prepar,
an ordinance. COUNCILMEN CARRIGAN askod that this bo contingc.
on Mr. Dowell granting tho 40 foot for street. Carriod, all
Councilmen prosent voting ayo. COUNCILM:N CARRIGAN asked that
tho Lttornoy draw up the proceedings that took place hero this
ovening, so that both tho Council and Mr. Dowoll can havo a
copy. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod the ordinance will be roady
for its first reading noxt Tuosday, and that Mr. Dowoll will
no doubt wish to bo prosont at that time.
road, A copy of the application to the Stato Public Utilities
Commission in tho matter of wator rctos in tho Sweotwater
District, was enclosed. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Hart,
that the Attorney be instructed to drew up a protest. Carriod,
all Councilmen prosont voting ayo0
invitation to the Rocroation Dopartmont to have a Junior
Tonnis roprosontation in tho Fourth Annual National Public
Perks and Playgrounds Junior Tonnis Championships, to bo hold
in Arcadia, August 6th through 12th, 1951. VICE MAYOR CURRY
ordorod this lotter roforrod to tho Rocroation Commission.
COMMUNICATION FROM HARRY BONNELL, regarding an audit, was road.
It is tho desire of Mr, Donnell to sorvo tho City of National
City es special auditor for tho ensuing fiscal year. COUNCIL-
MAN CLGRKE stated ho boliovos that Mr. Bonnoll is tho typo of
man that this City is in nood of, and it is his rocomaondation
that Mr. Bonnoll be givon considoration for tho post of City
Auditor. VICE MAYOR CURRY said he too would liko to havo Mr.
Bonnoll considered es Auditor for tho City, ho has sorvod very
satisfactorily as tho Cityts Auditor for a great many years.
COUNCILMAN INGALLS asked if tho City had a contract with tho
prosont auditor. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said to his knowledge
there is no contract. Mound by Carrigan, seconded by Clarko,
that Mr. Bonnoll oxamino tho books and submit his proposal so
that tho Council can make a dofinito commitaont by next Tuesday.
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
road, extending to mombors of tho City Council an invitat-
ion to attond tho Scmond Lnnuel Convention to bo hold in
Clovolend, Ohio, July 18, 19, 20 and 21, 1951. VICE MAYOR CURRY
ordorod tho communication filed.
of-an-Lgency Member, was road, A cortlficato of ownorship
which had boon filed by en Agency Mombor rolating to proposod
rodovolopmont projects, was attachod. Section 24 of the
Community Rodevolopnont Let roquiros that you enter tho state-
ment upon the minutos. CERTIFICJ.TE OF OWNERSHIP statod: "I
horeby certify that I own tho following describod property
within the boundarios of tho rodovolopmont aroa as described
by 0rdinenco No. 794: (1) Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 18,
in tho City of National City, and (2) In tho City of National
City, alloy closod adjoining and all thoso portions of Lots
13 to 19 lying wostorly of Wost Lvonuo, Block 18. This
property is not proposod to bo includod in any project of tho
rodovolopmont program." Signod, M. C. Patorson. Moved by
Carrigan, soconded by Clarko, that tho lottor bo ontorod in tho
minutes. Carried, all Councilmen presont voting ayo.
COMMUNIC..TION FROM 0. L. ILRKEY, rogerding vacation pay, was
road. It is roquostod that paymont bo nado for Mr. Harkoy's
vacation timo. Lt tho timo of his rosignation ho had workod
eleven months toward his fiftoon day annual vacation period.
Movod by Carrigan. seconded by Clarke, that tho lottor bo kopt
on tho agenda and discussod et a later data. Carried, all
Councilmen prosont voting ayo.
Canpboll, of San Diego in regard to the Southerest Civic Club
request for bus service, was road. Tho lottor statos that thoy
aro hoping to be ablo to bottor sorvo tho South 43rd Street
aroa if it develops rapidly, as it now appoars possiblo, how-
ovor it is not oxpocted that anything could bo acconplishod
prior to the end of this yoar. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN suggostod
that a copy of the lottor bo sent to tho Southcrost Civic Club
and to the Chamber of Cormorco. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod the
City of National City wroto a lottor to the City Council of
San Dicgo asking their assistanco and offering ours regarding
this sorvico. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN askod that City Clork Alston
includo that information whon a copy of the letter is sent.
Curry, to attend a civic lunchoon on June 20, 1951, in Pasadona,
was read. This will mark the Tonth Annivorsary of tho first
delivory of Colorado River water to the cities in Tho Metropol-
itan Water District of Southorn Cclifornia. VICE MAYOR CURRY
statod if ho attendod it would bo at his own expenso.
road. Moved by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that tho rosignation
be aecoptod. Carried, ali Councilmen present voting aye.
COUNCILMAN INGALLS stated he attondod his last meeting last
ovoning and during tho mooting tho four romaining monbors askod
him to propose a nano for successor, Movod by Ingalls, socondo:
by Carrigan, that Leo Arnold bo appointed to tho Civil Sorvico
Commission. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayo.
was read, which statod that they as owners and prospective
owners of nine lots on the Wost side of "L" Avenue to the North
of 15th Street, petition the Council for a 40 foot street and
a sower to sorve this proporty. COUNCILMAN CARRIGal said ho
would suggost that the City Enginoor make a survoy rolativo
to the cost of constructing tho sowor. It is his understanding
that tho property owners will bring the stroot to grade and pay
for tho oil. JUDGE HARBISON was present and statod this is
property now ownod by Loo Elloz. There has been deeded to
tho City 40 foet for stroet. It would be a dead end street at
the present. Whonover othor pooplo want to come in and make a
two level streut,whon thoy can got thoir difforoncos ironed
out. In order to build, they aro asking for this 40 foot
stroot. Thoy oxpoct to pay what is customary to the City to
have this street oiled. Ls far as tho sowor is concorned they
would give, through their own property, a right-of-way end
thero would immediately be seven paymonts for connections. In
order to get cortcin financos it has to bo on a pavod stroot.
Thoy propose to pay and put in tho curb. Mr. Morgan and Mr.
Elloi will zoo that all the oasoments that aro necessary will
be given to the City. R. F; H,.iitBIsoN stated thoy can procood
to build 1f they havo some u;ssuraneo from tho Engineer er
tounoll that the stroet is going in. If a sower cannot bo put
in it will not hold up tho building, a cesspool or septic tank
can be inst^lied. COUNCILbMAN CARRIGAN stated that inasmuch es
the property owners have eomnittod thomsolvos to pay for the
grading and paving of the street, if it can be Drought to grade
within a reasonable length of tine, that the project not be
held up on that account, and tho sewers can bo Constructed et a
later data. ACTING CITY ENGINEER SMITH statod ho can design
tho grade and tho improvonont plans for tho street, if the Counei
so wish. OO(AIC'lLMAN CARRIGAN askod Mr. Smith if ho knew what
is sososeary to bring it to proper grade. MR. SMITH said that
he has not mado any dosign, but that he did not beliovo it was
a very largo job, if the Council is willing to accept the idea
of a two level street. COUNCILMAN CLE2IGLN askod what manner
of protoction on a two lovel street would thoro be on tho side
that drops off. MR. SMITH said it is a clangorous situation if
thoro is no substuntial railing. S. D. LOUCKS was prosont and
stated 1f it is made a ono way street it would make It difficult
for the proporty owners, it must bo a two way streot. JUDGE
HARBISON said that tho proporty owners aro only asking that
the street bo put in as far as it can go until Mr. Loucks and
Mr. Weisser got together and agroo as to whet can be dono.
Whet they need is a statonont that tho City has approvod this
street in order that tho F. H. L. end Votorans Administration
may approvo certain loans. MR. LOUCKS said ho will do tho
grading himself on his proporty whon the City takos it ovor
and makes a two-way street. Movod by Carrigan, socondod by
Hart, that approval bo granted for tho 40 foot street, and tho
monetary considoration bo worked out later. Carried, all
Councilnon prosont voting ayo.
ATTORNEY CL.MPBELL stotod that tho prosont bills in tho General
Fund aro in tho sus of $350.82, end it will be necessary to
dZsappro4o theso bilis because of laok of funds,
RESOLUTION NO. 5454 was road, as follows: WHEREAS, thoro has
beon prosonted against tho City of Nntional City, California,
demands totaling tho sum of $350.82; and WHEELS, said donands
have been duly audited and aro true and correct; and WHEREAS,
said demands have not boon paid horotoforo; and WHEREAS, thoro
is no money in the Gonoral Fund to pay said donands; and
WHEREAS, the ronaining incono and revenuo to be rscoived by
the City of National City, California, for the General Fund
for the fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1951, oxeoods the sun of
$81,903.00, consisting in part of the following Stoma:
Garbage Fees Collection, $8,800.00; Motor \Fohicle in lieu tax,
$44,672,00; Fines and Penelties, $1,000.00; Intareat on
Deposits, $1,431.00; State Liquor License Tax, $4,000.00; Water
Sales, $4,000.00; Sales Ta::, $18,000.00; of which the sun of
$18,772,48 is encumbered by a prior lean, and demands hereto-
fore disapproved for want of funds in the sum of $21,438.40,
leaving an encumbered balance of $41,692.12. NOW, THEREFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of tho City of National City,
California, that: 1. The demands prosented in the total sum
of $350.82, are true and correct. 2. That tho demands are not
approved for want of funds. 3. That tho City Clark is horoby
diroctod to endorse said demands as follows: nThat the domand
of tho heroin named payoo has boon horetoforo auditod by tho
City of National City and found to bo true and eorroct in tho
sum herein statod. That said domand is not approved for want
of funds." 4. The City Clark shall endorse on said demand tho
dato of proaentation and she shall sign said domande 5. The
City Clerk shall number said endorsonent, resistor tho demand
in her records and doliver to•clainant, or his ordor. Movod
by Carrigan, socondod by Clarke, that the Rosolution bo adopted.
Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo.
ATTORNEY CAMFB ELL said it is nocossary to transfor funds from
particular funds to the special payroll funds in ordor to moot
the present payroll.
RESOLUTION NO. 5455, was road, as follows: BE IT RESOLVED by
the City Council of tho city of National City, California, that
the following transfers bo nado: 1. From tho Library Fund to
tho Library Special Payroll Fund, $736.97; 2. From the Park
Fund to the Park Special Payroll Fund, $$399438; 3. From the
Planning Fund to the Planning Spocial Payroll Fund, $831.19;
4. From the Street Fund to tho Street Spocial Payroll Fund,
$1,141.50. Moved by Carrigan, socondod by Clarke, that tho
Resolution be adoptod. Carriod, ell Councilmen prosont voting
BILLS AUDITED by tho Finance Connitteo prosentod:
Capital Reserve Fund $$100.00
Plann. Comm. Fund 24.54
Street Fund 7.38
Park Fund 37.40
Library Fund 42;40
Payroll Fund AZdasa as 8VF
'DOTAL . . s , es
f .
Moved by Carrigan, soeondod by Clarke, that tho bills bo allow-
ed, and warrants orderod drawn for sane. Carried, by the
following Vote to -wit: Ayos: Carrigan, Clarko, Hart, Ingalls,
Curry. Nays: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 5456 was road, authorizing tho following suns
incurred for Capital oxpondituros be paid out of the Capital
Rosorvo Fund: Wayne W. Smith, Lateral Sewer Job #8, $$100.00.
Moved by Carrigan, soeondod by Hart, that tho Resolution be
adoptod. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roportod that ho talkod to Mr. Dyo rogarding
his proposod loaso of a portion of tho tidelands and suggested
ho attend the meeting tonight to inform tho Couneil as to tho
proposed improvements, whothor they aro to bo pornanont or
not, etc, Mr. Campbell statod ho hed no proposod term or offer
for a torm of lease. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Clarke,
that this be laid ovor until moro concroto information is forth-
coming. COUNCILM2X CLI.RKE suggestod that a communication bo sont
to Mr. Dye requesting that he appour boforo tho Council and
give soma details concorning this proposod loose. Carried,
all Councilmen present voting aye.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod ho had rocoivod o roply to his letters
to Sonator Kroft and Assemblyman Cloyed rogarding two Assombly
Bills and one Sonato Bill, which would cut down tho City's
percontago of finos and penalties under the now court system.
Senator Kraftts letter states that tho chancos are very slim
of tho Bills boing passod. Mr. Carapboli statod that undoubt-
odly our portion will bo tho sago as it has boon, and our
actions will bo woll token oaro of.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roportod that tho nap as roquirod by tho
Secretory of the Public Utilitios Commission was mailod Satur-
day of last weok, so it would hnvo boon received prior to thoir
Tuesday deto. To dato he has not heard whether there has been
any ruling made.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated ho would like to prosont an ordinane°
at tho next meeting for tho Counciits considoration on sotting
forth tho time and mothod of payrolls of tho Cityts employees.
Tho statutos provido that it can bo sot forth either by
ordinance or resolution, and with the Councilts pornission, it
will bo brought up at tho noxt Hooting.
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said tho Library has had a roquost from
sono architect to approvo cortain plans of tho Library, and
thoy havo askod whothor or not wo havo rocoivod any word in
this regard. Mr. Cnnpboll said ho had not boon infornod
whothor thoro wes any contract or any agroonont, but will
attompt to find sonothina furthor boforo tho noxt mooting.
Mrs. Fogarty of E. 8th Stroot havo an oesonont for a stroot
which thoy would liko to prosont to tho City. MR. FOGERTY was
presont and statod tho stroot is Lorotta Avonuo which runs et
tho prosont tino from about Division Stroot to 8th Stroot whoro
it crossos tho fluno and runs on to 8th Stroot, which is in
that particular spot a through stroot. Tho National School
District has just conplotod a two room school just wort of
his proporty. Thoy havo 6601 on Lorotta Avonuo and 7651 on
8th Stroot. Soveral months ago a 30 inch wator line was in-
stalled in this stroot. Tho stroot is bring usod now and Mr.
Simons put a barrior on tho and of tho stroot whoro you can
run across tho lot to 8th Stroot. Othorwiso thoro is a lot
of traffic coning down Lorotta and could vory oasily run over
the enbanknont into tho 10 foot flumo. This is a vary hazard-
ous condition. Mr. Fogorty statod ho will givo 30 foot by
eec foot for tho use of Lorotta Avenuo if tho City will build
a bridgo over tho fluno. Ono block to tho wost of Loretta
Avonuo is Rachol Avonuo end tho school property runs within
200 foot of Rachol Avonuo. At tho prosont tiro tho poople
bring their children to school and thoy aro trospassing on
privato proporty. Should this proporty bo sold thoro will bo
no wort ontranco to the school grounds, tho only way of gotting
into the school will bo along Lorotta Avonuo, of which Mr.
Fogerty will donate 30 foot of his ground to conploto a 60
foot street on Lorotta Avenue. The only hazard is crossing
the flumo, it is 8 foot wido and 10 foot deop, nado of eoncroto.
north and south from 8th Stroot to approximatoly Division Stroct
in tho Pritchards annoxation arras. Moved by Carrigan, seconded
by Ingalls, that it be reforrod to tho Ldministrativo Officor
and Enginoor for cost ostinato and es soon as it is oconomically
feasible for the City to do it, that wo accept tho dacd and
proceed with the work. FIRE CHIEF BLILEY statod ho has a
master plan of tho school yard showing the ontranco in that
yard on tho west sido, and askod Councilman Ingalls if thoro
has boen any chango nado. COUNCILMAN INGALLS said not to his
knowlodgo. FIRE CHIEF BAILEY said ho has proposed the location
of a fire hydrant on the wort sido of the school property,
according to the plan given to him by the Supt. of Schools,
it shows a street or drivo on the wost sido of tho school prop-
erty and that is the roason for tho proposed location of the
firo hydrant. if it is truo that you will not bo able to
tinter the proporty from that point he would liko to know boforo
thoro is an installation nado of a firo hydrant, so that it can
bo made where it will sorvo to tho bost advantage. COUNCILMAN
CARRIGAN said ho would roco pond that tho Council not accept
the dood with that condition because wo do not know now whether
wo can build the bridge in the forosooablo futuro. ACTING
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER askod if tho west dedication would
bo open on 6th Strout. MR. FOGERTY said you can got in on 4th
Street now but not on 6th Street. There is no othor road thoro
except Paradise Avonuo which is a doad end stroot as it runs
into an onbankmont probably 30 foot high. Baradiso Avonuo is
statod if the Council approvos, the Enginoor can propare a
cost study and havo it roedy by tho tiro tho Council might wish
to go ahoad with tho plan. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont
voting ayo.
from Acting City Enginoor Smith which statod that tho Sub-
division Map known as Bovorly Glon is about to bo filed and the
construction of housos is to start next wook. Tho construction
is to bo rapid and sowors will bo noodod soon. It is roquostod
that tho City Enginoor's offico bo suthorizod to proceed with
design and ostinato for sowors in this subdivision. ATTORNEY
CAM ELL said as far es tho final map of Boverly Glen is con=
cornod, it will be signed tonight, all the acme -aunts and papers
are in and ho hes approved them. Movod by Carrigan, secondod by
Clarko, that authorization bo given the City Enginoor's offico
to proceod with the design and estinato for tho sowers in
Beverly Glon Subdivision. Carried, all Councilmen present
voting aye.
COMMUNICATION FROM WAYNE W. SMITH was road, stating that in
accordance with apucifications for Latoral Sewer Job No. 6.
Section 76, that he proparod tho following ostimato of work
done and material furnished to May 31, 1951: 6 inch sewer
completed, 3,006 lineal feet at $2.20 a lineal foot, $6,613.20;
8 inch sewer complete, 685.56 lineal feet at $2.30 a foot or
$1,576.79; 15 manholes complete at $190.00 or $2,850.00, total
$11,039.99, less $100.00 for final cleanup, loss 10%, $1,094.00,
leaving a total of $9,845.99, loss previous payment of $50709.6?,
leaving a balance of $4,136.37. The contractor has submitted
a bill for 100 percent of the work which is somewhat in exeess
of his estimate, and it is Mr. Smith's recommendation that the
amount of his ostlmato bo paid. ATTORNEY CbMPBELL stated that
tho bill and roeommcndation is in accordance with the contract.
However, wo havo run into a situation that you havo an ordinate
roquiring a claim to bo filod in a particular form, which Mr.
Smith and ho discussed but thoy could not got in touch with
Mr. Paco. Mr. Smith has submittod to bill in accordance witl
his duties, undor tho contract, but it is tho Attornoy's ro-
commondation that this bo hold ovor until tho noxt mooting,
and it is his suggostion that this mooting bo adjournod until
noxt Thursday. VICE MAYOR CURRY ordorod this matter hold ovor
until tho noxt mooting, which will bo an adjournod mooting,
Thursday, Juno 7, 1951, et 7:30 P.M.
had an offor by E. E. Poterson of 2605 Bancroft Stroot, San
Diogo, to purchaso tho discardod safo from the Police Dept.
for $75.00. If tho Council wishos to disposo of tho safo for
this prico ho will ontor into nogotiaticns with Mr. Pctorson.
We rocoivod a previous bid of $50.00. Mr. Wagner said it is
his recommendation that tho $75.00 bo accoptod. COUNCILMAN
CARRIGAN askod if Mr. Potorson would movo tho safo. ACTING
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER said ho has not talkod to him
in this rogard but ho assumes that it could bo ono of the
conditions of sale if the Council considers it. ATTORNEY
CLMPBELL said he will proparo e rosolution covering the sale
of tho safo which can bo brought up at tho adjournod meeting,
if tho Council so dosiros.
reached a docision regarding tho offor of Officer Wobb to givo
the City several thousand yards of dirt for tho use of a loador
and two trucks. COUNCILMEN CARRIGAN said ho thought it would
bo too expensivo to movo tho dirt and that wo would rocoivo a
lot of criticism if wo woro to go over to the County and bring
dirt into the City. VICE M,'YOR CURRY said ho too thought it
was too oxponsivo to do the loading. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said
he would like to recommend to the Council that the City equip-
ment be used to remove tho dirt from tho front portion of tho
Boys' Club, but not tho south portion as wo do not havo tho
oquipmont, and Mr. Forbes has assured him that if the City
removod the dirt from tho front ho will soo that it ie romovod
from tho south sido. ACTING ,-_DMINISTRATIV: OFFICER WAGNER said
if tho Couneil wishos ho will notify Officer Wobb that thoy have,
doclinod his offor of tho dirt. VICE MnYOR CUPRY roquostod thr;;
ho bo notifiod to that offset. Mrvod by Clarko, seconded by
Carrigan, thet tho Boys' Clttb bo grantod thoir request and tho
City romovo tho dirt on tho front sido of thoir building.
Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo.
tho tolophtno et tho parking lot is twonty-two cents a day, it
is a pey phone. Tho public will well take caro of this charge.
Tho ehargo of $9.72 was for tho installation of tho phono.
COUNCILMAN CL,'RKE said it is of advantage for tho protection
of tho attondant of tho parking lot, but tho main purposo is no
doubt to provido facilitios for tho Navy porsonnol coming ashoro,
and slnco it is a pay phono thore should bo no furthor eost to
tho City.
a tolophone call from tho Electrical Products Corp; regarding
the sign of "National City" and was informed that tho charge
for romovel of tho sign and storing in tho City garage would
not oxcood $35.00. COUNCILMAN CAR.RIGAN suggostod that Mr,
Wagnor contact tho Chula Vista Noon Sign Company and ascertain
what thoy would charge to romovo tho sign.
requesting his vacation from Juno 18th to July 3rd, 1951. Mr.
Finnorty plans to bo out of tho City. 'Moved by Carrigan, socon('
od by Clarko, that tho roquost bo grantod. Carriod, ell Counci
mon prosont voting ayo.
resignation of Mr. Harkey, who, was the Purchasing Agent that
Fro has takon it upon himself to act as Purchasing Agent, but
he has not had any authorization from the Council and wished
to know if they want him to carry on with this duty. COUNCIL-
MAN CARRIC.N said it was satisfactory as long as he doos not
buy anything.
desk, chair and filing cabinets at 2300 National Avenue which
was used by Mr. Harkey and City Clerk Alston has requested the
transfer of the furniture to her department. Moved by Clarke,
seconded by Carrigan, that the request be granted. Carried,
all Councilmen present voting aye.
all the Dep rtment Heads to be present at the Employees' Meeting
with the Council Thursday night. The Civil Service Commission
has been notified, also the employees. This information was
requested by Chief Bailey. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said the
employees have requested the meeting with the Council and that
he does not necessarily feel that the Department Heads are
required to be present, or that they should be kept out, it is
an open meeting, and anybody that is connected with the City,
in the way of an employee, Department Head, or otherwise,
should attend the meeting if they wish. COUNCILMAN CLrRK; said
he was in accord with Mr. Carrigan.
from Mr. Simmons, Right-of-way Engineer, a memorandum, stating
that attached to his report are five easements, listed as
follows: 1. Easement on Lanoitan Avenue from Cecil and Edith
Broch. Four easements ere necessary to finish the right-of-way
dedication on Lanoitan Avenue between 18th and 24th Street. Ono
man has moved to Kansas, and he has been written to in this
regard. Another is on vacation and will contact Mr. Simmons
later. The two remaining property owners refuse to sign ease-
ments unless the City buys the right-of-way from them. The
Utility Company wishes to place a gas line on Lanoitan Avenue,
and have been wafting for the City to secure the easements. Mr.
Simmons is writing the Utility Company asking them to place the
gas line on the east side of Lanoitan so that we may be able to
pave the street, leaving four remaining parcels out at this
time. 2. Easement on llth Street just west of Paradise Drive
from Noema F. Trummer. This will complete the right-of-way on
llth Street between Paradise Drive and "T" Avenue. 3. Easement
on "K" Avenue just north of 13th Street, from Kile and Donna K.
Morgan. One more easement is necessary to complete said right -
Of -way. 4. Easement on Valle Vista Avenue from F. A. Richards,
Jr. This completes the right-of-way necessary on this street.
5. Easement on llth Street between Palm and SIR" Avenues from
Edward and Marie Smith. This completes the ri;',ht-of-way between
said streets. Mr. Simmons said he has contacted ell property
owners between Sanitarium and Harbison Avenue on 4th Street to
obtain money for the grading. A11 owners have put up money with
the exception of one and an appointment has been made at a later
date. We should be able to re -surface this street in July.
COUNCILMAN CARR IGAN asked if it is necessary that these easements
be taken care of this evening and suggested the adjourned meeting
Thursday. WILLIAM VILLELLA, Realtor, was present and stated that
it is desirable for the owner who proposes to grant an easement
on llth between Palm and "R" Avenues that early action be taken
on it because there are tiro a-Dlications now in the F. H. A. foi
construction of houses, for -{hich contracts have already been
let. F. H. A. will not accept these contracts due to the fact
that llth Street is only a half dedicated street. This ease-
ment would correct the situation and will make a great differ-
ence in dollars and cents to the owner of the property whether
the easement is accepted now or next week. VICE MAYOR CURRY
stated the Attorney will prepare a resolution and action can
be taken tonight.
RESOLUTION NO. 5457 was reed, accepting an easement from
EVDARD SMITH and MARIE SMITH to the City of NFtional City, upon,
over and across the.property situated in tho State of California,
County of Sah Diego, City of National City, moro particularly
described as a portion of the Si SWI W2 of eo Acro Lot 1 in
Quert.:r Section 129 of Rancho do la Nacion, moro particularly
described as the N 30/ of S1 SWj Wi of 80 Acro Lot 1 in Quarter
Section 129. The City Clark is hereby authorized to accept and
record said deed. Movud by Carrigan, seconded by Hart, that the
Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting
a request had been received from Manuel Carrillo stating ho woil3id
like permission to operate a cardboard salvage business at 1912
McKinley Avenue, Lot 21, Block 237, City Plat, in the M-3 zone.
He proposes to fence the property with a solid fence 8 feet high.
This location is in the community redevelopment area and the
Commission asked if the members of the Redevelopment Agency had
anything to say in this regard. Chairman Stephens, speaking for
the Agency said it could be,considered as industrial use and the
Agency would not object to it. It was the recommendation of the
Planning Commission that it be granted.
Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Clarko, that tho meeting be ad-
journed until Thursday, June 7, 1951, at 7:30 P.M. o'clock.
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.