HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 06-07 CC ADJ MIN853 National City, California, June 7, 1951. Adjourned meeting of June 5, 1951, of the city Council was called to ordor by Vice Mayor John H. Curry at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Carrigan, Clarke, Hart, Ingalls, Curry. Councilmen absent: None. ADMINISTRATIVE OFPICI?>LS present: Alston, Campbell, Wagner, Harbison, Mikkelson. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated ho had prepared an ordinance that repeals an ordinance adopted in 1935 which rogulated the method of paying fixed charges and compensation to officers and employ- ees. This new ordinance will proscribe that rogulationa may be sot forth by the Council by resolution horoaftor, as to the time and method of the payment of salaries and wages of officers and employees. ORDINANCE NO. , an ordinanco regulating the prescribing of timo and method of paymont of salarios and wagos of officers and employees and ropoaling Ordinanco No. 642, was road in full. Movod by Carrigan, seconded by Hart, that tho ordinanco be laid over until the noxt mooting for its second and final reading. Carried, by the following voto to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarko, Hart, Ingalls, Curry. Neys: Mono. COMMUNICATION FROM RECREATION DIRECTOR CASEY , was road, rogard- ing Recroation Leador Gillespie. In the Rocroation Dopartment, oach employee is instructed to organize activities which ho is boat suited to oporato, thus affording a maximum efficiency and divorsification of program. This method has proven very successful, the personnel in all but ono case having been moro than faithful in promptness and hours of servico. However, in the case of Recreation Loader Gillospie,,froqueht tardinoss and 6/7 854 failure to be on hand at sehodulod gathorings of participants for which sho is sololy rosponsiblo, plus overlong lunch periods and early termination of the days' activities has not only resulted in embarrassment to tho department, but has not afforded the program the full return of service for which sho contracted. This problom has boon called to hor attention fro- quontly by the Recreation Diroctor, but it has now boon doomed noeossary to exercise disciplinary authority. Thoroforo, for tho period 1:00 P.M. Juno 5 through 1:00 P.M. Juno 11, Recroation Loader Gillosplo has boon suapondod without pay, as per Civil Sorvico Ordinance Soctions 12, 13, and 14, and is on notice that any futuro failuro to proporly execute hor duties will rosult in dismissal. Moro drastic action has not been previously taken bocauso of Recreation Loador Gillospie's sincoro intorost in childron, hor unique ability at organizing children's activities, and long-rango value of her sorvicos to National City COUNCILMAN CLGRKE stated that everybody should be awaro of tho fact that we havo an Ordinanco No. 782 establishing the offico of City Manager and dofining tho powors and duties of the City Manager. Soction 2, paragraph 2 statos: "To omploy, disciplino or remove all heads of dopartmonts and all subordinate officers and omployoos of the City, to transfer omployoos from one dopart- mont to another; and to consolidate or combino officos, positions, dopartmonts, or unites undor tho City Managor's jurisdiction, with the approval of tho City Council in oach instance." Mr. Clarke said ho considers that somoono has exceeded thoir authority, and that should not happon. If we permit any head of a dopartment to diseiplino, suspond, or do whatever they want with any om- ployoo undor their jurisdiction without the knowlcdgo of the City Manager, or tho Acting City Manager, or this Council, they. aro assuming too much authority. COUNCILMAN INGLLLS said ho would take full blame for any mistake that has been made in this 6/7 855 regard. When he was Chairman of the Civil Sorvice Commission, he with the other members of the Commission, acted according to the Ordinance they have on file, which reads: ,iThat dopart- ment heads have the privilege of suspending, disciplining or discharging employoosa. As far as the exceoding of authority there was no such lntontion. Tho suspension, from the recommend= ation from the dopartment head concerned was approvod by the Civil Service Commission. COUNCILMAN CLLRKE said the Civil Service Ordinance conflicts with tho City Manager Ordinance, and the Council should tako up the consideration of going through' the Civil Service Ordinanco end bring it up to date to conform to the City Manager form of government. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN stated he talked to Mrs. Gillespie and sho atatod that sho was somewhat lax and somewhat rosponsible, and was not questioning the Director's right of tho suspension. Movod by Ingalls, soconded by Carrigan, that the Council approvo tho susponsion of Mrs. Gillespio, ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER atatod ho would liko to bring out the fact that Mr. Casoy informed him that he might suspond Mrs. Gillcspio, and was told that ho was tho dopartmont head. Mr. Wagnor said ho is aubjoct to tho Council and not in a position to mako decisions of this typo. Carriod, by the following voto to -wit: Ayos: Carrigan, Hart, Ingalls, Curry. Nays: Clarke. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER stated at the last mooting a lottor was prosontod from tho Planning Commission which rocoivod no action. It was a roquost of Manuel Carrillo for pormission to install a cardboard salvago businoss in an M-3 zone, 1912 McKinley Avonuo. Mr. Wagnor askod if tho Council had givon this any furthor thought. Movod by Carrigan, soconded by Ingall- that tho roquost bo grantod. Cerriod, all Councilmen present voting ayo. 6/7 856 ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER statod that tho accoptanco of somo street casomonts woro hold avor from tho last mooting. Tho following casomonts for stroot purposos wore road: Lco Elloz and Trossa Elloz; Noona F. Trummor; Kilo and Donna K. Morgan; F. A. Richards, Jr. and Gladys Richards; Cocil Broch and Edith Broch. VICE MAYOR CURRY ordorod tho easements referred to Attornoy Campbell to proparo the nocossary resolution, to bo prosontod at the next Council mooting. MEMORANDUM FROM RIGHT-OF-WAY ENGINEER SIMMONS was road, which stated ho had contacted tho Utility Company rogarding the in- stallation of the gas lino on Lanoitan Avenue and oxpleined that the four romaining oasomonts will not bo soeurod for somo timo. With this information thoy will start thoir installation as soon as possible, going south from 18th Street as far as tho rights-, of -way is dodlcatod, and north from 24th Street as far as the rights -of -way is dodicatod. Immodiato action will bo talon by tho Utility Company. When tho four easements aro socurod thoy will install the romaining portion of thoir lino and tho area can bo surfacod. It is boliovod that with this information from the Utility Company tho stroot can bo oilod very sip;. VICE MAYOR CURRY ordorod the memorandum filod. COMMUNICATION FROM NATIONLL CITY LIONS CLUB was read, asking if tho City would display tho flags along National Avonuo in ordor to mako tho annual Fourth of July eolobration comploto. They fool it will help to draw a largor attondanco. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN asked if thoy wantd tho bannors that fit on each lamp standard. Tho furnishing of flags would bo up to tho morchants ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER said ho would chock with tho Socrotary of tho Lions Club, Mr. Arnold. COUNCILMAN CLGRKr asked if any omployo" who has had experience in hanging tho bunting was present and could toll the timo involvod. MR. MOSLT' 6/7 857 from tho Stroot and Sowor Dopt. said ho could hang tho flags in possibly four hours, that is oarly in tho morning. Tho flags aro in protty bad shapo and should bo ropairod boforo thoy aro hung. Movod by Carrigan, soeondod by Clarko, that this bo ro- forred to Acting Administrativo officor Wagnor, to got an estimate for tho ropairing of tho bunting, and an estimate on roplacomont. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. MEMORANDUM FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION was road, Tho Traffic Safoty Commission has approvod a now traffic ordinance subjoct to tho logal approval by tho City Attornoy, Tho contral businoss district parking plan was approvod by tho Commission and was sont to the City Attornoy during tho third wook of April. Tho traffic ordinanco and parking plan havo boon undor study by tho Acting Traffic Enginoor, Mr. Simmons, and mombors of the Commission for many months, and it Is tholr fooling that whon tho plans and ordinanco aro ,adopted that tho down town traffic survey will bo noarly complotod. In ordor to comploto tho survoy of traffic probloms in National City it is nocossary for tho now traffic ordinaneo to bo adopted. Tho Commission roalizos that tho City Attornoy has boon very busy and tho logal study of this ordinanco will roquiro many hours, and it is the Traffic Commission's roquost that thoy bo pormittod to rotain outside logal assistance to oxpodito tho traffic ordinanco. Tho prosont Traffic Commission mambors will torminato their appointmonts on Juno 19, 1951, and thoroforo would liko to soo this traffic study eomplotod boforo now mombors aro appointod. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said tho Council has novor boon prosontod with a final roport on the traffic in tho down town area. Movod by Mart, seconded by Ingalls, that tho lottor bo filed ponding action by City Attorney Campboll, and tho final results of tho survoy bo presented to tho Council boforo tho City Attornoy propsros 8/7 858 tho Ordinance. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho thought tho Traffic Commission should bo informod that tho Council doos not approvo the rotaining of outside la gal assistance. Carried, all Council- men prosont voting aye. ACTING :DMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER roportod on tho roquost for the grading of tho Pistol Range. Ho talkod to Col. Adams and ho statod it was satisfactory to him if City oquipmont bo used on his proporty, but would not advlso tho City to go to any oxponso as tho property is undor option until Juno 30th. Ho said thoro is plonty of land on his ranch that tho City can use for a Pistol Range, if and when that option is takon up. Moved by Clarke, socondod by Hart, that tho Police bo granted tho opportunity to use the nocossary oquipmont to grado their Pistol Range. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER roportod that he contacted the Chula Vista Noon Sign Company rogarding tho removal of tho sign "National City" and thoy said tho cost of romoving it would not oxcood y$50.00. Movod by Carrigan, seconded by Ingalls, that tho Electrical Products Corp. bo authorized to tako tho sign down and chat it bo stgred in the 4:ty Garage. Carriod; by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Carrigan, Clarko, Hart, Ingalls, Curry. Nays: Nono. Movod by Carrigan, s000ndod by Hart, that the meeting bo elosod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting eyo. VICE MAYOOF NATJ NAL CITY, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CITY CLERKLY 6/7