HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 06-12 CC MIN859 Notional City, C'lifornic, Juno 12, 1951. Rcgulnr mcating of tho City Council was callcd to order by Vico Mayor John H. Curry et 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmon prosont: Carrigan, Clcrko, Hart, Curry. Councilmen absont: Ingalls. Movod by Hart, socondod by Clerk°, that tho roading of tho minu' of tho roguler mooting of Juno 5, 1951, end tho adjournod mootin of Juno 7, 1951, bo disponsod with. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS prosont: Alston, Campboll, Wegnor, Finnorty, Geutoroaux. I. EVER3TT woo prosont and strtcd that somotimo ago ho doodod 40 foot for a stroot. At tho timo tho Planning Commission wish°( to havo en 80 foot strout, then it was docidod to havo n 60 foot stroot. Mr. Ev..rott said it was brought boforo tho Council somo- timo ego asking that ho bo doodod back his 10 foot, in caso ho wishos to build et somo futuro deto ho will know tho sotback. This is in tho 2000 block on 12th Strout. ACTING CITY ENGINEER SMITH stetod that was a dodieation in a subdivision about 1947 or 1948, end et that timo it was plannod that 12th Stroot bo oponod up for nn 80 foot width so this dodicetion was for half tho 80 foot stroot. Since that timo thoro has boon sovoral doods for 30 foot on oath sido of tho stroot so that is an isplated portion of 40 foot half stroot width at that point, end Mr. Smith said ho saw no roeson for having a small portion that wido. Howovor ho boliovos it cannot bo doodod back diroctly, it would roquiro a stroot vacation procooding, to which Lttornoy Camp+oll concurrod. VICE MLYOR CURRY ordorcd tho matter roforro,. to tho City Lttornoy. COUNCILMLN CLLRKE stetod that in rogerd to tho pamphlot distribo od by Mr. Loucks, 1f thoro is any way et all that wo can bring him to timo end meko him provo his stetomonts, tho Council shcu. do it. 6/12 860 ATTORNEY CAMPBELL asked that the second reading of the Salary Ordinance be held over a week. The ordinance index sets Ordinance 779 as one establishing or fixing a method of paying charges, and Mr. Campbell said he found it is a traffic regulat- ion ordinance and he cannot find anything in it fixing the payment of charges, and that he would like to check into this before the final reading of the ordinance. VICE MAYOR CURRY ordered this held over until the next meeting. COMMUNICATION FROM LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES was read, re- commending the reappointment of Mrs. Georgo James and Mr. G. Charles Watson to the Library Boerd for a term of three years beginning July 1, 1951. Moved by Hart, seconded by Clarke, that the recommendation of the Library Board of Trustees, be accepted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM RECREI,TION DIRECTOR CASEY was road, commend- ing Park Supt. Gauteroaux, who upon being informed that the man scheduled to operate the filtering plant of the swimming pool would be unable to report to work until June 11, immediately directed the pool personnel in readying the pool for the open- ing June 8. Ho has devoted much time and effort during the past week to the accomplishment of this task. This letter is to express to Mr. Gautoroaux sincere appreciation for his generous and invaluable service. COUNCILMAN CLARKE asked why it was necessary to employ someone else to maintdtn the plant. VICE MAYOR CURRY said that Mr. Gautereaux no doubt has been relieved of recreational dutios and it is possibly out of his line to handle the pool since it is a pert of tho recreational program. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho thought it would be bettor economy to have Mr. Gautoroaux operate the pool as ho has dono in the pest. PARK SUP atfli'TTENDENT GAUTEREAUX stated the operat- ion of tho plant was taken over this yoer by tho Recreation 6/12 861 Dopartmont, and the Department as well as,tho Acting Administra tive Officer asked him to assist as much as possible in operat- ing the plant and got it startod. Some of the boys that aro working now have worked in the capacity of Lifo Guards, taking on considerable work as far as operational phases aro concerned One of the boys has workod for tho City throo years, is quite apt and is doing a good job as far es tho plant is concerned. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho is reforring to tho maintenance of the plant, who is rosponsiblo for the condition of the wator, etc. MR. GAUTEREAUX said he has boon kooping a close chock on it and advising them on the avorago of once or twice a day sinco the pool has boon open to tho public, and giving thom all the assistance possible. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ha did not think outside holp should be hired to maintain the pool when we have mon capable, of doing it, who aro alroady on tho payroll. MR. GAUTEREAUX statod it is his undorstanding tho follow that was hired is also to do considorablo recreational work on tho playgrounds and fiolds. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said it was his undorstanding that at tho time Mr. Wagner was appointed to tho office which he now holds, thoro was to be absolutoly no oxpandituro mado oxcopt on the omergoncy basis, and Mr. Wagner was givon to undorstand that ho was not to hiro anybody. BILL MILLER, Chsirman Recreation Commission, was prosont and statod that tho man was not hired oxprossly to maintain the pool, but as a rocroation assistant. Mr. Miller said that ho, as ono mombor of ho Recreation Commission was in favor of Mr. Geutoroaux continuing to maintain tho pool ea ho has in the past, but thoro is no assuranco that Mr. Gauteroeu:: will not some day tako sick, and someone also in tho park should know how to operate the pool. It cannot be left in the hands of any one individual, that is why someone else was brought'on. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said he thought the Council should have been 6/12 862 appraised of the fact that additional help was brought into the servico of the City, when the Council is doing everything possible to cut down the expenses. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE WAGNER stated the wages for this particular person were budgeter. in the present budget, so that it was anticipated et the time the budget was adopted, and it was not a case of overstepping the Council's jurisdiction in hiring this men. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said there were other things budgeted that we were not able to carry through. Whet the Council decided recently over- rules anything that was carried a year ego. ACTING ADMINISTRAT- IVE OFFICER WAGNER said thore has been no clarification of those things to him, and it was his understanding that the Council would try in every possible manner to conduct the City's business until tho end of the fiscal year without any additional expenso. COUNCILMAN HART said that from now on he hoped that no additional help would be hired without the Council's approval ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER said he thought it should be a policy of the Council to determine just which one of tho departments, the Park or Recreation, will be responsible for the operation of the pool. COUNCILMAN HART asked if Mr. Casoy could handle the job if necessary. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER said he did not believe so. COUNCILMAN HART said he would like to soo Mr. Gautoreeux tako caro of the pool, that the Rocreation Dopartment has plenty of work. Moved by Hart, socondod by Clorkc, that tho oporation of tho swimming pool bo turned ovor to the Perk Dopertmont for maintenance and operation, and that et least four of the City emDloyeos bo thoroughly instructed on how to oporate semo. Carried, all Councilmen prosent voting eye. MR. GAUTEREAUX stated that it is both necossary to manage and operate the pool. Tho operatic requires a lot of cooperetion on the part of the Recreation Dept. bec;uso wo havo play areas immediately adjacent to tho 6/12 663 pool that aro Many with dust and under cortain conditions gamos have to bo hold up et timos until tho Bottling of dust is taken care of. CITY CLERK ALSTON Faked if this wes to bo offoctive es of tomorrow. COUNCILMAN HART confirmod. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER -skod if this moans that Mr. Casr should notify tho man who was spocially hirod that ho should br droppod from the City's payroll. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said that even though tho hiring may bo a littlo out of lino, tho young man took the oxamination and was given assuranoo that tho job would bo available, and it should be lookod into thoroughly boforo ho 1s droppod, and if ho hos put himself out to tako thi- position ho should be kopt on tho payroll until ho gots anothor position. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said Mr. Crossley of tho Rocroaticr Dopartmont brought out tho fact that it was nocossary to have a man do maintonanco work, and thoro is a possibility that ho could bo kept on tho payroll. COUNCILMAN CLARKE informod Rocroation Diroctor Casoy of a motion to tho afloat that Mr. Gauteroaux is in chargo of tho maintenance of the pool. RECREATION DIRECTOR CASEY said tho man in quostion is Bob Taylor end ho took tho rocont oxamination for rocroation loador, and is on tho summor staff. Ho was s000nd on tho Civil Sorvico oxamination, and Mr. Ingalls said his major rocommond- ation for Mr. Taylor was that ho has had sevoral years oxporionco with swimming pools and ho felt ho would bo a valuablo addition to tho Rocroation Department. As far as tho maintonanco of tho pool is ooncornod, Mr. Casoy acid that ho , fools that tho probloms of tho Rocroation Dopt. should bo tho problom of programming rocroation and not maintonanco. COUNCIL- MAN CLLRKE eskod if Mr. Casoy did not think tho maintenance should Como untie r tho Pe'k Dopt. cs they hove tho equipment. MR. CASEY said ho wishod that woro possiblo, but they play so many oxtra gamos that if it was loft to the Park Dept. it woul' 6/12 1 864 have to bo dono on a rigid schodulo which thoy cannot afford. Mr. Casoy stat:.d Mr. Gruter:Taux is toaching ono of tho lifo guards how to oporato tho filtering system and ho is doing a good job, and es soon as ho gots tho summor program under wry that ho wants to loarn it himself. There should bo sovoral who know how to oporato tho pool. COUNCILMAN CLARKE askod if Mr. Taylor loft a job to accopt tho ono with tho City. RECREATION DIRECTOR CASEY saki ho did. LCTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER asked if Mr. Taylor's salary was budgotod7 MR. CLSEY said that it was. COUNCILMAN CARRIGIN askod if Mr. Taylor was a pert time man or pormanont. MR. CASEY said ho is a summor- time holpor. Ho comes undor Civil Sorvico Rulos and his time torminatos Soptombor 1st unless the program oxpands to tako care of it. VICE MAYOR CURRY askod tho starting salary for rocroation loader. MR. CASEY said it is $252.00 per month. Movod by Hart, socondod by Clarke, that Mr. Taylor bo kopt on tho payroll for tho summor months. Carried, by tho following vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Hart, Curry. Nays: Nono. MR. GAUTEREAUX said ho would liko to know tho dutios as a wholo, which havo been turnod ovor to him, offoctivo to- morrow. COUNCILMAN HART said Mr. Gautoroaux is to take ovor and run tho swimming pool es ho has dono in past yoars, and train four mon so thoy could tako ovor in caso of nocossity. MR. GAUTEREAUX said it is his undorstanding thon that it moans tho administration and operation. COUNCILMAN HART said as ho had dono boforo. Movod by Carrigan, socondod by Hart, that there bo no furthor omployoos hirod by any dopartmont without tho prior approval of tho Council. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. COUNCILMAN CARRIGIN said ho would liko tho Council to instruct tho City Administrator to inform tho Police Dopartmont to post °No Parking" signs on tho ball diamond whoro thoy aro by-passit 6/12 865 tho elosod 14th Stroot, Mr. Carrigan said ho boliovos if the fields wore postod with 'No Perking" signs for ono wock and thon the Polico Dopartmont bo instructed to issuo tickots for violators, it would corroct tho situation. VICE MAYOR CURRY roforrod this mattor to tho Polico Dopertmont, through tho City Administrator. RECREATION DIR-'CTOR CASEY said tho novor'boon proporly foncod. COUNCIT,M4N HART said a good idea to fonco it off but thoro should bo en caso of en accidont so that an ambulanco or police Park has it would bo oponing in car could got in, it could bo postod "No :,dmittance°. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL asked that the barricading of 14th Stroot bo roforrod to hlm. VICE MAYOR CURRY ordorod this roforrod to tho City Attornoy for checking. COMMUNICATION FROM METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT was reed, suggesting that a public proclamation bo issuod designating the wook of Juno 17 es "Colorado Rivor Wator Wook". Movod by Carrigan, socondod by Hort, that tho Acting Mayor proclaim tho week of June 17 as "Colorado Rivor Wator wook." Carried, all Councilmon prosont voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM HARRY BONNELL was read, stating that ho will conduct en oxamination and audit of tho financial rocords and accounts of tho various officers and dopartmont City of National City, covoring tho fiscal yoar heads of the onding Juno 30, 1951, end assume suporvision and collaborate in tho properation of tho 1951-52 budget and furnish advico and counsol concerning financial proceduro and also assist in tho compilation of tho roport to tho Stato Controllor. Tho componsation for this sorvico shall bo $1,750.00 payablo upon complotion of tho audit and tho filing of his roport. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN suggostod this bo hold ovor. VICE MAYOR CU2RY ordorod this mattor hold over until tho noxt mooting. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 6/12 1 866 WAGNER stated Mr. Bonnoll informod him that ho would bo vory glad to start in advanco of July let to do anything ho possibly could in helping to set up tho budgot, and this timo would bo given free to the City. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN suggestod that no commitments bo mado et this timo. CITY CLERK ALSTON said she hopod tho Council would hiro someone soon as wo do need some help on tho budget and tho records of tho bills that aro not being paid bocause of lack of funds. MR. DONNELL was present and statod it is his intontion to contributo his own personal service, as far es the budgot work is concornod. Any oxponso that might bo incurred in that function ho would oxpact the City to roimburso him. COUNCILMAN CLRRIGAN suggostod that Mr. Bonnoll meat with tho Council after the mooting tonight. APPLICATION OF RANCHO MARKET OF SAP! DIEGO, 108 E. 8th Street, for off salo boor and wino liconso, was prosontod. VICE MAYOR CURRY roquostcd that tho application bo roforrod to Police Chiof Smith for rccommondation. COMMUNICATION FROM CHAIRM_N OF THE RECRE..TION COMMISSION, BILL MILLER, was road. Tho Rocroction Commission requests that tho City Council reappoint Herbert Comstock and A. L. Howell as Rocroction Commissionors, offoctivo Juno 20, 1951, for an additional throo yoar poriod. Both terms oxpiro Juno 20, 1951. Movod by Hart, socondod by Clarko, that Horbort Comstock and A. L. Howoll bo roeppointod as Rocroation Commissionors, for e poriod of threo years, offoctivo Juno 20, 1951. Ccrriod, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. BILLS AUDITED by tho Financo Committoo proscntod: Capital Rosorvo Fund $4,136.37 Rotiromont Fund 6,475.67 TOTAL $10, 612.04 Movod by Carrigan, socondod by Hart, that tho bills bo allowed, and warrants ordorcd drawn for sano. Carried, by tho following 6/12 867 voto to -wit: Lyos: Carrigan, Clarke, Hart, Curry. Nays: None RESOLUTION NO. 5458 was road, authorizing tho following sum incurrod for Capital oxpondituros bo paid out of tho Capital Rosorvo Fund: Paco Construction Company, Lctoral Sowor Job #8, $4,136.37. Movod by Carrigan, socondod by Hart, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ay a. L. F. HERNEY, Attornoy at Law, roprosonting Claronco E. Morris, was prosont and statod that rocontly the Council approvod a map of Hilltop Park. Thoro is tho practical problom of tho install- ation of sowors and thoy fool that tho Council should tako tho nocossary action for the installation of sowors and tho ropey- mont to tho City in tho usual mannor of tho connoction chargo of $170.00 por unit. LCTING LDMINISTR.TIVE OFFICER WL.GNER road a roport from Lcting City Enginoor Smith, by Don Nowborry. Tho following figuros hnvo boon propnrod to indicato cost ostimato and tho oxpoctod roimbursomont involvod in oxtonding sowor sorvico to Hilltop Park Subdivision: 2,337 linoal foot of 6 inch vitrifiod clay pipo in placo, 9 manholos to bo constructed, total ostimatod cost $7,912.00. Thoro aro 36 lots in Hilltop Park to be sorvod, roimbursomont oxpoctod from Hilltop Park would bo $6,120.00. Sinco this proposod sowor is oxtondod through a portion of National Vistr No. 2 Subdivision thoro aro 23 additional lots that may bo sorvod, oxpoctod roimbursomont from thoso 23 lots would bo $3,910.00. Tho abovo figuros in- diceto that tho ultimato roimbursomont will bo in excess of tho construction cost. Thoroforo it socros justifiablo to oxtond tho sowor systom to sorvo Hilltop Park. COUNCILMAN CLARKE askod Mr. Morris if anything had boon dono on his part to oxpodita tho installation of tho sowor systom to tnko care of tho housos ho is building and contomplatos building. CLARENCE 6/12 868 E. MOR^,IS statod at tho timo ho took out tho first permits a chock was lssuod covering pormits in tho amount of $170.00 plus $75.00 which was rofundod duo to tho fact tho Building Dopt. had no authority et that timo to accopt any payments for any possiblo sowor hookups. He thought tho Building Dept. undorstood tho situction as thoro was a commitment by the Council and had approvod his mop and know tho condition oxist- od. Mr. Morris said that ho thought in starting construction sufficiont notico should hovo boon givon to tho propor author- itios to start installation of sowors. LTTORNEY CLMPBELL said in Mr. Morris' tract wo have a stroot problom, that is tho lowor- ing of tho grado. wo havo not had sufficient timo to make a study of it for propor prosontetion. If tho Council agrools, porhaps authorization could bo givon to tho City Clork to publish notice for bids for this particular project and by so doing tho Council is 4ot committing itsolf and the bids could bo rojectod. By the timo tho bids aro oponod perhaps tho other problom could bo straighconod out, or least put in a position to prosont to tho Council. MR. MORRIS said it was contomplstod, as far as ho was concerned, upon tho approval of tho map by tho Council, it was their intention to take care of any sanitation problems, according to tho oxisting ordinanco, thoroforc, ho did not think it nocossary to prosont a roquost in writing asking for sowago. Movod by Hart, socondod by Clarko, that this sowor projoct bo advortisod for bids. Carriod, by the following voto to -wit: uyos: Carrigan, Clarko, Bert, Curry. Nays: Non:,. LTTORNEY CLMPFELL statod thoro is a lottor from tho City of San Diego rogarding a sower contract and two contracts woro forwardod,lncroasing tho prico of sowago in tho City of Nation.' City. The first documont is an amondmont of tho agroomont ontorod into botwoon tho two citios in January 14, 1942, and providos for en incrocso in tho troatmont chrrgo to oqual thoir 6/12 669 prosont actual cost, amounting to $39.18 per million gallons. Tho surcharge of $2.90 por million gallons included in tho original agroomont is to bo discontinuod as tho now reto includor an allowanco for tho doprociation of tho sowago trcetmont plant. Tho second documont is en agroomont dovoring tho small aroa of National City which dischergos diroctly into tho City of San Diogo's linos end providod for en incroaso in tho monthly charge por family unit of 30 conts to 50 conts. Tho dosirability of drawing up a now agroomont botwocn too two citios, that would bo broad onough in scopo to covor tho sovoral rethor complicatod situations involving transportation of sowago originating in oach city to linos of tho othor, has boon discussed. Sinco somo littlo timo will bo roquirod to draft this proposod now agroo- mont, it is boliovod to bo dosirablo to obtain approval of tho onclosod documonts during tho intorim 7criod. Tho only othor chango in tho egrocmont othor then tho amount is this statomont: "Thoso basic ratos may bo adjustod end rovisod whonovor in tho opinion of tho City Mcnasor of San Diogo tho cost of oporation and maintonenco, es dotcrminod by tho City of Srn Diogo, may roquiro such rovision end adjustmont in order that thoy may oqual tho cost of meintonanco and oporction of San Diogo's Sowago Troatmont Plent.3 On the rovision of tho agroomont thoy will provido that we will have a yoer's notico on increase end thoy will also proposo 16 months upon cencollation. Tho incroaso of reto will bo July 1, 1951. COUNCILiLN CLRRIG.,N askod if thoro is anything in tho agroomont that mekos it roeiprocal on tho amount of sowago that will bo carriod by Nttione.l City, in tho ovont that Paradiso Hills installs sowors, ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated thoro is no obligation on tho part of tho City in this amondmont to tako caro of tho sowago of San Diego. RESOLUTION NO. 5459 was road, approving cortain agroomonts botwoon tho City of San Diogo end tho city of National City, 6/12 870 copios of which ero attechod to said Resolution, end medo a part horoof. Acting Mayor John Curry is horoby authorizod and diroc•� od to oxocuto tho samo on bohalf of tho City of National City. Movod by Carrigan, socondod by Hart, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. ATTORNEY CLMPBELL stctod ho proparod en ordinanco amonding tho zoning ordinenco, carrying out tho racommondations of tho Planning Commission of tho ton annexations, with tho excopttion of tho proporty in Fishor ownod by Mr. Dowell. That proporty is sot forth in tho proposod ordinanco as C-3 whoro in tho County it was C-1, end R-4 zono whoro in tho County it was R-1. ORDINANCE NO. , an ordinance amonding Ordinance No. 750, was prosontod for tho first roeding. Movod by Hart, socondod by Clarke, that only tho hooding bo roed. Carriod, by tho follow ing voto to -wit: 'Lyos: Carrigan, Clarko, Hart, Curry. TNays: Nono. ORDINANCE NO. , ,N ORDIN. NCE OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY; CALIFORNIA, :.MENDING ORDIN;NCE NO. 75p OF SLID CITY EY LMENDING SUB -SECTION (L) OF SECTION 4 OF SLID ORDINANCE. Movod by Hrrt, socondod by Clarko, that tho Ordinance bo laid ovor until tho noxt mooting for its socond and final ronding. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Lyos: Carrigan, Clarko, Hrrt, Curry. Nays: None. RESOLUTION NO. 5460 was read, accosting tho following oasomonts for stroct purposos by tho City of National City from: CECIL end EDITH BROCH: KILE and DONNA K. MORG: N: F. L. RICH..RDS, JR. and GLADYS RICHARDS:_ NOEML F. TRUMMER: LEO A. and TRESSL L. ELLEZ. Tho City Clark is authorizod and diroctod to rocoivo tho aforoseid doods for tho City of National City and record semo. Movod by Clarko, socondod by Hart, that the Rosolution be adopto: 6/12 871 Cc.rriad, ell Councilmen prosont voting ayo. LTTORNEY CLMPBELL stated Mr. Bryant, Ldministrativc Officer of Chula Vista left an agroomont amonding tho prosont agroomont with tho California Wator and Tulcphono Company. Mr. Campbell said ho talked to Mr. Boyer, tho City Attorney of Chula Vista and ho is suggosting to the City Council of Chula Vista that thoy rofor tho mattor to him end if it is agrooablo with this Council ho would lik., to havo this agroomont roforrod to him. Ho and Mr. Boyar will try to work out any logal probloms thoy may have boforo presentation to each of tho Councils. Tho agroo- mont in offoct, is tho samo as tho old W7tor Company agroomont, with tho oxd'option of tho South Bay Irrigation District, who desire to bo written in as a sombor agoncy whop, and if tho South Bay Irrigation District bocomos a logal entity. COUNCILM_,Y CLLRKE said th-t is the part ho doos not liko. Moved by Carrigan socondod by Clarko, that this bo roforrod to tho Lttornoy to brin in a recommendation. Cnrri;d, ell Councilmon prosont voting aye. ATTORNEY CLMPBELL ronortud at tho last mooting tho Council grentc,. pormission to Manuel Carrillo to inst'.•11 a cardboard salvage business. Mr. Carrillo has not applied for a businoss liconso as yet. There wee a Manuol Carrillo arrostud oithor Sunday or Monday for steeling of papers from tho Boys Scout papor drive by tho City of S-n DI go, and it is quito probablo that ho is tho sa*'o porson. In tho ovont ho makes application for a business liconso, undor the businoss liconso ordinance it providos that a liconso should bo granted to a fit -lid proper person, ho has the right for an appoal if it is doni.:d, but Mr. Canpboll said ho bolievos this should be rsforrod to tho Chiof of Polico if ho makes application. Tho that P permission/was granted for astable, ing tho businoss might bo misintorprotod if it woro loft to remain on the minutes, end sinco permission is not nocossary 6/12 872 just es to the zone, it is tho Attorney's rocommondation that tho motion bo roscindod that was mado last Thursday. If Mr. Carrillo proceeds in his businoss ho will have to mako applicat- ion for his businoss liconso and thon it will bo prosontod to the Council again. Roscinding tho motion will not joopardizo Mr. Carrillo's rights whatsoovor. Moved by Carrigan, socondod by Clarko, that tho motion mado Juno 7th granting tho roquost of Manuel Carrillo for pormission to install a cardboard salvego businoss et 1912 McKinley !.venue, bo rescinded. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting eyo. RESOLUTION NO. 5461 was road, accepting the sum of $75.00 from E. E. Potorson, 2605 Bancroft Stroot, San Diogo, for tho purchase of tho safo. Mr. Potorson shall,aftor tho paymont of tho $75.00, immodiatoly removo tho safe from its prosont location. Frod Wagnor, Acting City Administrator, is authorized to sign tho nocossary documonts to carry out tho torms of this Resolution. Movod by Clarko, socondod by Hart, that tho Resolution bo adopted, Carriod, all Counciimon preaont voting ayo. ATTORNEY CLNPB,LL roportod ho had proparod en ordinance amonding Ordinance No. 762 which is tho Rubhish and Oarbago Collection Ordinanco. It was amondod to tako into considoration tho Homoja Projoct. ORDIN:,NCE NO. , an ordlnenco amonding Ordinanco No. 762, was road in full. Movod by Clarko, socondod by Hart, that tho Ordinance bo laid ovor until tho noxt mooting for its socond and final roading. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Carrigan, Clarko, Hart, Curry. Nays: Nono. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod ho had proparod a resolution pertaining to tho sale of property to tho National School bistrict. Tho prico has boon basod upon $1,500.00 por acro. A portion of tho 6/12 873 proporty has a cloud on tho title. Tho rosolution providos that National City is to prrfoet tho title, howover, in tho ovont tho titlo cannot bo porfoctod tho salos prico would bo roducod in proportion to tho amount of proporty not so convoyod. Mr. Campboll said ho did not know whothor or not that wes tho intont of tho Council. COUNCILM.'.N CLIRKE said it is his undor- standing that tho School District cannot go through with this on a dofinito basis until all titlos aro cloar. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod tho rosolution will mako that cloar, that wo will havo to convoy cloar titlo, but ho did not have euthorizatip to sot forth that in tho ovont any portion of tho aroa could not bo cloarod that tho salos prico would bo roducod proportionally. Mr. Campboll said ho thought wo would bo able to clear tho titlo. Ono othor atom sot forth is tho rosorvation of tho subtorranoan wator rights undor tho proporty. Judge Harbison has indicetod that tho National School District doos not care to rotain tho wator rights. ATTORNEY OEJVPBELL road tho proposod rosolution, sotting tho sum of $11:985.00 as tho prico for tho 7.99 acres which aro to bo sold to tho National School District. Tho rosolution also providos for tho rotaining of tho wator rights. Tho City Attornoy is to porfoct logal titlo to tho proporty, and in tho ovont this cannot bo porfoctod, thon that portion on which clear titlo cannot bo porfoctcd shall bo oxcludod from tho lend transforrod end the salos prico shall bo roducod in proportion to tho aroe oxcludod, using tho sum of $1,500.00 por acro. COUNCILMAN CLRRIGAN said ho thought tho sum of $2,000.00 for tho grading of tho land should bo addod to tho salos prico, making a total of C13,985.00. ACTING LDMINISTRATI1'T OFFICER WAGNER askod if wo should bo covorod in tho agroomont for tho sowor linos and pipe on tho proporty. ATTORNEY ClBELL agrood. PARK SUPERINTENDENT GLUTEREAUX statod tho plpo has not boon romovod, and it should also bo in tho agroomont regarding e/ls 874 tho top soil that was placed on tho roar of tho proporty. COUNCILMAN CLARKE sale it is his racommondation that the Attorn: rowrito tho resolution taking into considoration tho itoms montionod. VICE MLYOR CUFGtY roquoatod this bo roforrod to tho City Lttornoy for furthor chocking and rewriting cf the agroomo, end resolution. CITY CLERK LLSTON statod that whop Mre. Botto Do Mayon started to work for tho City Troasuror, a suroty bond was takon out on hor and it was not cancollod at tho torminetion of her employ- ment. Tho insurenco company is willing, to cancel this bond back to tho data of tho oxpiration of her omploymont, if tho Council peasos a rosoiition stating that hor omploymont torminatod on July 31, 1950. RESOLUTION NO. 5462 was ro_d as follows: That tho City Council of National City finds tn2.t omploymont of Botto Do Havon by tho City of National City, California, torminatod on July 31, 19F Movod by Carrigan, socondod by'Clarkc, that the Rosolution bo adaptor]. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. LTTORNEY CAMPBELL roportod that tho City has an Ordinance, No. 747, which makos it illogel to pormit any wc,tor suppliod from any public sourco to tho promisos ownod, occupiod or controllod by any porson to oxcapo, flow or soop thorofrom, making it a mis- domonnor punishable by a fino of $100.00 or thirty days in jail, or both. Mr. Campboll said ho was passing this along as a point of information. COUNCITMAN CLRRIOE N saidhothought it might bo woll for tho Ohiof of Police to writu a lottor asking tho pooplo in National City to consorvo wator whorovor possiblc, end also toll thom that thoro is an Ordinanco to that effort, citing tho fact th:•t it is a c'isdomoanor, and somo of tho ponaltios that could bo invokod. 6/12 875 COMMUNICLTION FROM SLN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY Was road, Stating th-t tho San Diego County Grand Jury hes dotorminod that an audi- of the City's books should bo made for tho information of tho grand jury. Th.) firm of Evorts end Esonoff has boon diroctod to mako such en audit. CITY CLERK LLSTON stated Mr. Porter and Mr. Berry of this firm called at her office yesterday and preset. ed this letter, rnd they started working this morning. ACTING LDMINISTRLTIVE OFFICER WAGNER stated he had a memorandum from Right-of-way Engineer Simmons regarding a proposal of tide - lends lease from Albert E. Heflin, owner of the National Plating and Manufacturing Company. Mr. Heflin has decided on a portion of Parcel 2-L. L set of plans and a letter from Mr. Heflin were attached. COMMUNICATION FROM MR. HEFLIN was read, which stated he proposes to lease a portion of Parcel 2-1, to be used for a Plating and Manufacturing Company. He desires a five year term with ten year option. The parcel will contein approximately 31,800 squrre feet at the proposed rate of two cents per square foot, making e yearly rental of $636.00. He else stated he would like to make c proposal for a two year option of the remaining portion of Parcel 2-A rt 2 recsonsble fee to be determined by' the City Council. The plant will be used for the nroduction of vital defense material. The plant will consist of a concrete and steel building to bo constructed on a permanent basis. MR. HEFLIN was present and stated he needed more room to carry on his work and would like to be able to get started as quickly as possible with the building of his proposed plant. ACTING CITY ENGINEER SMITH asked Mr. Heflin the nature of the waste that will be discharged into the sewer. MR. HEFLIN said the only thing they have is rinse water. MR. SMITH asked if it contained acids. MR. HEFLIN said there would be some. Muriatic acid would be the main one. Mt. SMITH said that in our contract with the City of San Diego for the treatment of sewege they reserve the right to 6/12 876 restrict the discharge of acids and other substances into the sewer, and possibly it should be investigated, both from the treatment standpoint and also from the effect on the sewers themselves. COUNCILM:_N CLRRIG.N said he did not think the Council have any objections to Mr. Heflin going in on the tide- lands, but he thought it would be well to refer it to the City Lttorney and City Engineer for checking, prior to the time the lease is signed and also an opportunity to check the kind of lease and options to see how they compere with the various other leases that we have. LTTO NEY C..M2J3ELL said he will attempt to get these difficulties straightened out and if possible will have a recommendation by Friday night. VICE Mi.YOR CURRY request- ed this matter be referred to the City Lttorney and City Engineer for recommendation at the next meeting. £CTING LDMINISTRLTIVE OFFICER W._GNER reported that he has another lease adjacent to the one proposed by Mr. Heflin, which was presented today by Mr. Simmons. It is for Parcel 31 es proposed by E. N. Dye. The area is to be used for lumber storage, sales and distribution. L five year teem is proposed with five year option. The parcel will contain approximately 54,388.50 square feet at the proposed rate of two cents per square foot, making the yearly rental of $1,087.75. The building improvements will be es follows: 1. One office building of approximately 800 square feet to be mounted on concrete piers. 2. i. redwood and metal length fence to surround the area of said lease. 3. Two underground tanks will be installed. 4. One maintenance garage for trucks of approximately 800 square feet. The plans for this construction will be on a permanent basis. LTTORNEY CLMPEELL said Mr. Dye proposes a permanent structure, however the plans show it on concrete blocks. Mr. Dye informed him that he in- tended to remove the building et the termination of the lease. This is a policy for the Council to decide, whothor they wish thr 6/12 877 building to be removed or to remain. COUNCILMLN CLRRIGI.N said it would bo his opinion on short term leases that the building not revert to the City of National City. If a large substantial building were going to be nut up and the loavo was to run 25, 30 or evon 50 years and than revort to the City et that length of timo, thorn would bo somo reasonable grounds to expect manu- facturers to comp in and build plants. In tho event the Counci. picks a short term lease, there bo some sort of a bond put in tho agroomont that the proporty bo left as clown as it was who-1 it was loasod. Tho loasos should bogin to bo uniform, and a pi-1 should bo workod that will bo reasonable and factual for ovary - ono, and that the Planning Commission, City Plannor and Building Inspector bo asked to bring in thoir rocommondations. It might bo woll to see how San Diogo handlos their tidelands loasos and also thoir long term loasos. VICE MLYOR CURRY ordered this re- forrod to tho Oity Lttornoy and City Engineer for chocking and rocommondation. COMMUNICLTION FROM CLPTAIN CHLN NOBLE was road, requosting loeve of absence until Juno 20, 1951. Tho loavo was roquostod bocauso of sorious illnoss of Captain Noblo's fathor. Communication from Polico Chiof Smith was road roquosting that Captain Noblo bo grantod tho loavo of absonce, es por his roquost. LTTORNEY CLMPBELL stated that since tho Council cannot grant a post datod loavo, and 1f ho has accumulated ovortimo ho could thon bo grant- ed loavo and bo paid for it, or'if ho has accumulated his sick loavo timo and if tho Civil Sorvico regulations provide that a mombor of tho family's illnoss would constitute sick loavo for tho omployoo thon ho is ontitlod to pay,. and you could protect tho records if the Council wish to grant him tho loavo of absoncc without pay, and if ho comes undor any of those categories ho is going to mako application for his salary on that basis. Moved by Clarko, socondod by Hart, that tho Council grant Captain Nob e/12 • 878 tho extension of his loavo, and any rights that ho has, coming should bo tekon into considoration eftor his return, and if Polico Chiof Smith fools th^t ho is ontitlod to tho oxtra timo, ho can so rocommond to tho Council. Carriod, ell Councilmon prosont voting ayo. INVITATION FROM BOARD OF PARKING COMMISSIONERS, to attond tho dodicction coromonios of Pomona's Parking Lot, Monday ovoning, Juno 18, 1951, was CITY OF POMONA, Now Municipal road. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER statod thct Building Insp.- or Bird contacted him and stated Mr+ Herold Lloyd was in his offico roquosting pormission to movo a building from tho cornor of 18th and McKinloy to 16th Stroot. It is a two story building Mr. Bird statod ho was roluctant to sign tho application approv- ing a building pormit. Tho building is to bo moved to Lot 8 in Block 1 of National Lvenuo Torrace, for use as a Hall for tho Fratornal Order of Eaglos. Mr. Lloyd would own tho building and do tho remodeling and loaso it to the Eeglos. MR. LLOYD was prosont and stated that tho building es it now exists 1s just a pile of lumber. Tho prosont plans aro just a part of a proposod largor.building. COUNCILMAN HART said that according to tho plans it will mrko a nico building whon complotod. M2i. LLOYD statod thr romodoling will cost approximatoly $5,000.00. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said it would bo his rocommondation that this bo hold ovor until noxt wook in order to chock with Building Inspector Bird, as thoro must bo somo roason for his hositating on this. LTTORNEY CAMI'BELL statod undor tho ordinanco it is mandatory that an inspoction bo made of tho building to be movod. VICE MAYOR CURRY ordorod tho application of Mr. Lloyd's to bo laid ovor unt+' the adjournod mooting, Friday, Juno 15, 1951. E. J. CHRISTMAN, Chairman of tho Planning Commission, wee prosont, and statod ho was vitally intorestod in tho moving end transforring of tho 6/12 879 old obso.loto buildings. In past yoars it was tho policy of tho Council to havo ono mombor of tho Planning Commission, tho City Administrativo Officer and tho Building Inspector to visit tho buildings end thoy mado rocommondations as to what wes to bo dono in order to bring them up to somo somblenco of City's standards boforo thoy could bo trensforrod from ono location to anothor. This building is an oyo soro, but it had better be .r eye sore in that location than in a more prominont pert of town. Mr. Christman stated he did not believe it could be made very modern for S5,000.00, so it was his suggestion that the Council appoint e committoe, possibly the Plenning Engineer end ono member of the Planning Commission, to go with Building Inspector Bird, to inspect not only this building but any building that is to be moved. COUNCILMi,N CLARKE said if this is done we will bo setting a precedent. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER reported that the cost of repairing the flags, roferred to him et the last moating, would bo $54.00.• The estimated cost of comploto now flags would be: 36 2' x 8' smell pull downs at $6.50 each, or $234.00; 36 6'-x 9' 1 rge pull downs at $15.75, or $567.00, a total of $801.00 with $24.03 tax, or $825.03. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN suggestod it bo hold over until after July 1, 1951. MEMORANDUM FROM STREET SUPERINTENDENT FINNERTY was road. Tho monoy for tho improving and oiling of 21st Streot from National to Roosevelt Avenue, amounting to $290.00 hes boon deposited in the Treesurer's office by the property cw nors, end this wP.s plecod in tho Stroot Improvomont Fund and has boon usod for tho purchaso of oil on othor stroots. Tho oiling on 21st Stroct, et this time hes not bo;:n done. "C9' Avenue b:twoon loth and 12th Stro..t has boon oilpd end $348.00 has boon depositod in tho City Treasuror's office. Tho ro?son for this monoy being hold in tho Treasurer's 6/12 880 offico is bocauso $116.00 is noedod for tho total amount duo on said stroct. Mr; Chrrk s Lndorson strtcd if tho street was p.ve ho would advrnco r3LI6.00.in ordor to oxpeditc tho oiling of 101, Lvonuc. This is tho nonoy that has not boon paid. Pormission is roquostod to hnvo $348.00 roloc:od to tho Street Inprovomont Fund in order to complot:, tho oiling of 21st Street. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said if tho nonoy has boon hold in trust for that nc.rt- iculer purpose it should bo rolo^sod. CITY CLERK LLSTON said t!'- tho Trust and Agency Fund of $3,000.00 is tho oiling nonoy. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said thct is tho fund ho would imrgino tho City Troasuror would placo the nonoy in. Rt.gardloss of whoro it has boon placo.., in tho ovont Mr. Finnerty is corroct in tho fund, it should thon bo takon from that fund, bocauso it should never havo boon there in tho first instanco. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL askod th^t this be reforr;d to City Troasuror Vansant and him for chocking as to tho funds. MEMORANDUM PROM CLIFFORD REED, SR., CIVIL DEFENSE COORDINLTOR, to City Manager Comm^nndcr, wns ro-d, stating that it is advis- able, as soon ns possible, to have c, mooting with tho City Council rnd the Commander rnd such koy personnel of Civilian Dofonso ns doomed nocossary to clarify existing conditions and problons of tho Dofonso Organization. It is suggostod tho moot- ing bo hold Juno 21sL in tho Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M. VICE MAYOR CURRY roquostod tho Council moot with tho Civilian Dofonso on Juno 21, 1951. COMMUNICATION FROM SUPT. OF SANITATION MIKKELSON wrs road, ro- quosting pormission to purchaso 3700 ponny postcards to sond notico to patrons of tho Sanitation Dcpt. notifying thorn of a chango in collection days. This is nocossitated by tho bid of tho Fodorel Govornmont on tho Housing Projoct in National City. CITY TREASURER VANSLNT sent a roquost with this communication 6/12 8E1 that tho City Council mako availablo to tho Troasuror $40.00 for tho purpose of purchasing 4000 postal cards to bo usod in rondoring bills for garbego and trash dispose". Thoso will hclir to bo sont to tho printor botwoon now end billing timo, Jto 2:. 1951. VIC*i MLYOR CURRY askod Mr. Wagner if ho considorod this an omorgoncy. LCTING LDMINISTR._TIVE OFFICER WLGNER said if thy, communication is taken at its faco valuo ho would. EUGENE BECHTOL, 2536 E. 18th Strout, was prosont and statod sovaral wooks ego tho Council authorizod tho moving of a houso on.8. 18th Stroot to 2626 L. 20th Strout. The sowego problem had not boon considorod until the houso was moved. When tho sowors woro laid out in tho City, 20th Stroot was not includod in tho sowor systom. To connoct this houso, which is on a foundation, an adjoining lot end sovon othor lots on 20th Strout in this immodieto vicinity, will take an invostmont of about $600.00. This $600.00 would bo tho cost to tho City. Tho plumber cannot go ahoad until tho sowago problem is sottlod. VICE MLYOR CURRY askod if tho Enginoor had a roport on this projoct. LCTING CITY ENGINEER SMITH said ho had not mado a roport, that ho had no knowlodgo of it. Tho prico of $600.00 is not onough to tako cerc of it. LCTING LDMINISTRLTIVE OFRIC?R WLGNER said tho quostion boforo tho Council now is whothor or not the City will instigeto tho oxponso of putting in tho sowor lino. MR. BECHTOL said tho °stimato of $600.00 was givon him in Mrs. Sullivan's offico in hor prosonco, and ho was told if ho wanted to put up tho $600.00 it would install two manholos end 290 or 320 foot of lino, whichovor is nocossary, and that ho would bo paid beck es tho connections wore mado. Mr. Bochtol said ho is not in a position to pay tho $600.00. Movod by Hart, socondod by Clarke, that this bo roforrod to Lcting Ldministrat- ivo Officor Wagner to bring in a roport Friday. Carried, ell Councilmon present voting ayo. 6/12 1 1 862 DOROTHY JENSEN wes proscnt and stated that Mr. Stein wes oper- ating his concession in tho Perk undor hor old businoss liconsc. REPORT FROM ACTING CITY ENGINEER SMITH, by Don Nowborry, was road, stating thoro has boon a plan proparod in tho Engihoor's offico thet indicates the feasibility of extending sowor sorvic into nine lots facing I,"Avonuo, immodir.toly north of 15th Stroot. It requires sovorcl oasemonts of various sizes across tho roar end sidos of some of the lots. None of tho proposod oesomonts joopardizo the building spaco on tho lots, and it is rccommondod that action bo taken to obtain same. It is ostimatec thet tho cost of constructing tho sowor will bo $2,120.00, makin7 a unit cost por lot of $235.00. Since this roprosonts $65.00 more then tho usual $170.00 servico chergo it is rocommondod that this bo an added onginooring cost. Tho actual hook up chergos will bo $5.00 per lot sinco thoy aro aasomont connoction: thus it will bo a not saving of $5.00 por lot for tho property ownors, ovor a normal stroot connoction and servico chergo of $245.00. R. F. HARBISON was prosont end askod what is now nocossary for tho property ownors to do. ME. SMITH said tho wording in the report about an "addod onginocring cost" is not quito corroct. It should havo boon statod that tho proporty should bo chergod $235.00 instead of th. $170.00 fr: oech connoction, if that is pcssiblo undor tho ordinance, end if it that is possible, end tho proporty ownors aro willing to pay that amount than tho work can bo ordorod end tho oasomonts bo ordorod from tho Right-of-way Enginoor. M.R. HARBISON said they would liko to get startod right away and whatovor thoy can do thoy would liko to know. Moved by Carrigan, socondod by Clarke thet tho City Clerk bo authorizod to advortisc for bids, con- tingont upon the oasomonts and tho proporty ownors paying tho $235.00. Carried, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayes: Carr! • Clark , Hart, Curry. Neys: None. 6/12 883 Movod by Hart, socondod by Carrigan, that tho mooting bo ad- journed until 7:30 P.M. Friday, Juno 15, 1951. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. VICE MLY ., ITY OF NATIOOL CITY, CALIFORNIL. ATTEST: CITY -CLERK 6/12