HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 06-15 CC ADJ MIN884 National City, California, June 15, 1951. Adjourned meeting of June 12, 1951, of the City Council was called to order by Vice Mayor John H. Curry at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Carrigan, Clarke, Hart, Ingalls, Curry. Councilmen absent: None. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Campbell, Wagner, Gautereaux, Mikkelson, Casey, ORDINANCE NO, , an ordinance regulating the prescribing of time and method of payment of salaries and wages, was presented for the second and final reading. Moved by Hart, seconded by Carrigan, that only the heading be read. Carried, by the follow- ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Hart, Ingalls, Curry. Nays: None. ORDINANCE NO. 817, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, REGULATING THE PRESCRIBING OF TIME AND METHOD OF PAYMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 642. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Clarke, that the Ordinance be 'adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. CITY CLERK ALSTON presented an insurance policy from the State Compensation Insurance for the ensuing year, and asked that it be approved by Attorney Campbell. Mr. Campbell approved the policy. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Hart, that the policy be accepted. Carried, all Councilmen pr&sent voting aye. REPORT FROM PLANNING COMMISSION was read, regarding Zone Variance Petitions 387 and 389. Request of George R. Harmon, 2138 "B" Avenue, for permission to add a 484 square foot residence to an existing 720 square foot residence on his 50 x 135 foot lot at 22nd Street and "B" Avenue, was presented. The Commissioners 6/15 885 discussed the side and roar yard setback, and they agreed that the 5 foot side yard and 12 foot rear yard and a 16 foot set- back from 22nd Street was permissable. ATTORNEY CAN ELL stated he would draw a resolution approving the zone variance, if the Council so desires. ZONE VARIANCE PETITION NO. 387 for John Soderberg, 808 E. 8th Street for permission to build a 30 x 60 foot store, 15 feet of which would be in an R-4 zone on 8th Street, the remainder to be in the conforming C-3a zone, was presented. Building Inspector Bird explained to the Planning Commission that Mr. Soderberg at a later date intended to remove the two story residence at the corner of 8th Street and Highland Avenue and replace with stores. The request for the variance was only for the 15 feet of R14, as all other conditions of the Ordinance would be complied with. The Planning Commission approved the request. Moved by Clarke, seconded by Hart, that these two requests for zone arily, to be taken up later the Attorney in opportunity variance be laid on the table tempor- in the meeting, in order to give to draw up the necessary resolutions. Carried, all Councilmen present voting eye. THE PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT further stated that the problem of zoning in annexations was discussed and it was agreed that all annexation proceedings be approved by the City Planning Commission before approval by the City Council. ACTING,ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER stated that in the past the annexation program has been carried out without regard to the Planning Commission, who will have to eventually recommend to the Council tho proper zoning. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said he did not like the wording of the communication. COUNCILMAN HART said it is his understanding that the Planning Commission would give the Council their recommend- ation* but it would be the Council who would make the decision. MR. WAGNER said it was the intention that the Council refer to the Planning Commission for recommendation, the annexation 6/15 886 proceedings, so that they could be in on the discussion as to zoning before the annexation becomes final. VICE MAYOR CURRY ordered this referred back to the Planning Commission and the City Attorney for further clarification. COMMUNICATION FROM COUNTY SAVE OUR WATER COMMITTEE was read. The citizens Water Conservation Committee has boen organized to conduct an eight months campaign throughout the County. The committeo has authorizod a budgot for the night months of $12,000.00. Tho atom of $1,500.00 apportioned to tho area served by the Swoetwator and Coronado Division of the California Water & Tolophone Company should bo sherod by tho several communities on the basis of their water usago. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said wo were assessed at tho rate of $150.00, but that ho did not soe how wo can mako any commitmont at this time, but we should contribute. Movod by Clarke, soeonded by Carrigan, that tho communication be accepted as read and laid ovor for future consideration. Carried, all Coun611mon present voting ayc COMMUNICATION FROM HARRY E. BONNELL was road, submitting an amondmont to his audit proposal, which may be dosignatod as propoaal #2. The total componsation undor proposal #2 shall not oxeood tho amount stated in proposal #1. Moved by Hart, soconded by Clarke, that Mr. Bonnoll's lottor be accepted as road, and that ho be ongaged to do tho audit es of July 1, 1951. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated if Mr. Bonnoll is going to bo omployod on a por diom basis, with a maximum for tho yoarly work, it should bo sot forth in a resolution. Mr. Campbell said he will have tho resolution prepared by the next mooting. Carriod, by tho follow- ing vote to -wit: Ayos: Carrigan, Clarko, Hart, Ingalls, Curry. Nays: None. APPLICATION FROM EDWARD B. OSBORNE for a public auction tax sale on Lots 375 and 376 of Lincoln Acres Annex #2, was presontod 6/15 887 Mr. Osborno's bid is $310.00 to includo tho County option as viol: as tho City's internat. Tho City's taxes have aecrucd to $330.3' County option is $61.00 plus tho advertising chargos. CITY CLERK ALSTON said it is her rocommondation that this offer not bo accoptod. Movod by Carrigan, socondod by Clarke, that tho ro- commondation of the City Clark bo approvod. Carried, by tho following vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clark°, Hart, Ingalls, Curry. Nays: Nono. Movod by Clark°, seconded by Hart, that tho matter of tho zono variances which were laid on tho tablo bo brought up at this times. Carriod, all Councilmen present voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO. 5463 was road as follows: BE IT RESOLVED by tho City Council of tho City of National City, as follows: That a spocinl zono varianco pormit bo grantod to Goorgo R. Harmon, for tho purposo of adding a 484 squaro foot residonco on the oxistlnc 720 square foot rosidonca on his proporty horoinaftor describods Tho SEi of Lot 3, Block 2 of L. A. Woissor's Subdivision of 10 Aare Lot 6, Quartor Suction 153 of Rancho do la Nacion, Map 1673. Said proporty is also known as 2138 Su Avonuo, National City. That said permit is non-assignablo and non-transforrablo, and construction is to bo commended within ninoty days from tho deto horoof. Any violation of any of tho abovo conditions will void this permit and tho samo shall lapso and bo of no effect. Movod by Clarko, seeondod by Hart, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carried, all Councilmen prosent voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO. 5464 was road, as follows: BE IT RESOLVED by tho City Council of tho City of National City, as follows: That a spocial zone varianco permit bo granted to John Soderberg, for tho purposo of e C-3a zono use in an R-4 zono on tho E 15' of N 60' of tho following doscribod proporty: A portion of S 134' N 174/ E 60' W 180' Of 20 Acro Lot 1, Quartor Soction 132 of 6/15 888 Rancho do la Nacion, and moro particularly dostribod on a map ' attachod to tho application of John Sodorborg, and by this roforonco mado a pert horoof. This pormit is non-assignablo and non-trensforrablo, and construction is to bo commoncod within ninoty days from tho dato horoof. Any violation of any of tho abovo conditions wS11 void this pormit and tho samo shall lapso and bo of no offoct. Movod by Clarke, socondod by Carrigan, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carried, all Councilman prosont votir.- ayo. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roportod that tho contract and rosolution for tho salo of proporty to tho National School District will bo roady to prosont to tho Council noxt Tuosday. Tho prico has boon rodotorminod basod upon tho acroago, and adding $2,000.00 for tho grading that has boon dono, which totals $13,235.00. Tho National School District hes raisod an objection to any dirt boing romovod in tho ovont thoy buy it at the prico statod. PARK SUPERINTENDENT GAUTEREAUX statod thoy havo startod taking some of tho dirt off, which thoy agrood thoy would tako, which is tho soil on tho roar of tho proporty. COUNCILMAN C_ARRIGAN statod ho did not think tho romoval of tho dirt was montionod whon thoy mot with tho School Board at tho sito. MR. GAUTEREAUX said that was not his undorstanding, tho romoval of tho dirt was ono roason for tho prico that was quotod. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said thoy wont ovor this thoroughly with tho School Board, and it was his undorstanding that tho Tomovel of tho dirt was not considorod. Tho romoval of tho sowor pipo was montionod, and tho prico for tho grading, COUNCILMAN INGALLS said it was his undorstanding tho City Council sot a value of $1,500.00 per acro and $2,000.00 for grading that had boon dono, and that is tho doal, thoro is no moro to it, and tho School Board is not in- torostod in buying tho dirt, and if tho City fools that thoy must havo tho dirt, ho boliovos tho doal would bo out. JAMES 6/15 RUSK, vies prosont and statod that tho Board is willing to procood, but they woro to at $1,500.00 MAN CARRIGAN tho ground. 889 it is thoir undorstanding vory dofinitoly, that take tho full amount Of tho acroago, as moasurod, por acro and tho $2,00.00 for tho grading. COUNCIL - said that wo woro also to romovo tho pipo out of MR. RUSK said that was a minor considoration. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod it is his undorstanding that in tho ovont tho titlo on tho pastern portion of thoso two parcols cannot bo cloarod, thoro should bo doductod from tho salos prico, that acroago times 81,500.00 plus $2,000.00. MR. RUSK said that was corroct as that is tho part on which tho title is cloudod. VICE MAYOR CURRY roquostod this bo laid ovor until tho noxt mooting. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roportod that tho Public Utilitios Commission has mado thoir ruling. Thoro will bo no sorvicos providod on dry lands for subdivision or for agricultural purposes. Tho rulo prcgidea that thoy must furnish servico for any individual lots or anything othor than tho two oxcoptionn, ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER statod ho had a communic- ation from tho Division of Highways roquosting tho Council, by ordinanco or rosolution to prohibit parking on tho oast end wost sidos of South Harbor Drivo botwoon 7th Stroot Channel end tho north City limits of National City. Moved by Carrigan, socondod by Clarko, that this bo referred to tho Traffic Commission for immodiato invostigation; also that tho toms of offico of tho Traffic Commissionors, which oxpiro Juno 19th, bo oxtondod for ninoty (90) days. Carried, by tho following voto to -wit: Alas: Carrigan, Clarko, Hart, Ingalls, Curry. Nays: Nono. COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE, was road, rogard- ing tho request of Eugono Bochtol for sewor sorvico. The proper adjoining 20th Stroot botwoon Granger and Lenoitan Avonuo may bc: 6/15 890 rosubdividod into logal sizo lots, skotch of which was attachod. Should this plan bo adoptod by tho proporty ownor4, tho lots from 1 to 10 would roquiro sower sorvico from 20th and Lanoiten. Tho cost of laying 494 foot of 6 inch V. C. pipo and installing two manholos is ostimatod to bo $1,695.00, oxpoctod reimburse- ment from tho ton lots would bo $1,700.00, thus tho projoct would pay for itsolf providod tho proporty is rosubdividod into tho maximum possiblo numbor of lots. At tho prosont timo it would bo nocossary to install ono manhole and 165 foot of 6 inct V. C. pipo to servo Mr. Bochtol}s proporty. Tho ostimatod cost would bo $642.50, tho oxtonsion would also sorvo proposod lot #3 across tho stroot,at as oxpoctod roturn of $340.00 for both. COUNCILMAN HART said ho thought tho City should put in this sowor at tho cost of $642.50. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said tho City would bo sotting a procodont if this roquost of Mr. Bochtol's was grantod, es thoro aro many areas in tho City undor tho samo condition and tho property ownors of such would fool justifiod in making a similar roquost of the Council. COUNCIL- MAN CARRIGAN said ho too did not fool that it is tho city's rosponsibility to put in sowors. J. R. HARVEY was prosont and statod that thoro aro some stroots in tho City that do not havo sowors instellod, and askod if tho City's financos woro groat onough to put in ell tho sowers for tho pooplo who might ask for this sorvico. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said thoro is a logal ro- quiromont, sot up by ordinance, for ovoryono to eonnoct within 125 foot of an oxisting sowor, and tho timo limitation is sot forth at 5 yoars. This applios only to oxisting houses or homes, pooplo who havo vacant land cannot bo compollod to connoct or to pay thoir proportionato sharo until such time es thoy dosiro to connoct. Movod by Clnrka, socondod by Ingalls, that this mattor bo roforrod to Attorney Campbell for him to consult with Mr. Bochtol. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. 6/15 891 ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFIOER WAGNER rclorr4d to City Troasuror Vansant's request for $40.00 for 4000 postal cards. Tho cards aro to bo used for billing tho garbage and rubbish collection servico and aro mailed seconded by Hart, that following voto to -wit: Curry. Nays: Nono, ovory two months. Movod by Carrigan, tho roquost bo granted. Carried, by tho Ayos: Carrigan, Clarkoh Hert, Ingalls; COMMUNICsITION FROM POLICE CHIEF SMITH regarding tho loavo of absonco of Captain Noblo, was road. Tho r000rds indicate that Captain Noble has 30 days sick loavo to his credit, and it is roquostod that ho bo placod on sick loavo as of Juno 11, 1951, duo to tho doath of his fathor-in-law. Movod by Hart, socondod by Clarke, that tho roquost bo grentod. Carried, by tho follow- ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarko, Hert, Ingalls, Curry. Nays: None. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL requested tho lottor bo attachod to tho original application mado by Captain Noblo, MEMORANDUM FROM MRS. JANOWSKI of tho Purchasing Dopt., w-s road, Subjoct: Purohaso Ordors and back orders for both transit° sowor connoctions and galvanizod pipo. In chocking an outstanding pipo order tho following was found outstandinz: This wook Industry Supply Company dolivorod 525 foot of 2 inch galvanized pipo to tho City which oomplotod our Purohaso Order A $7313. Mission Pipe and Supply Company still owe us, and will dolivor to us this coming wook, 100 feet of 14 inch pipo and 85 foot of 1z inch pipo, which complotod back ardor on our Purohaso ardor A 07456, Attached is a requisition for information and eert3- fication to oovor a vorbal order given to Western Motel for transito pipo in April by Mr. Harkey, and which they advise that a portion will bo shi» od to the City this month. This totals $2,809.78. Kindly advise tho Council's wishos of a Purch^so Order to covor, or-uthorization to eancol same. Wo havo boon advised thrt it would bu a shemn to £a.,n,o1 es tho 6/15 892 City hes bon givon an advantageous allotmont and once wo lose that allotment it will bo almost impossible to again ostablish it. Mr. Finnerty stater' that National city is the only purchase. gotting any pipe of this typo bosidos tho Navy. Wo will nood most of tho pipo this yoar, es we have under consideration 410 hookups, and there ere 30 foot to a hooRup. ACTING ADMINISTRGTT OFFICER WAGNER said if tho City wishos to go ahead on this basis tho bill can bo mado availablo after July 1, 1951. COUNCILMAN - CLARKE questioned tho logality. Ho said tho Attorney hes con- voyed to tho Council thet enything that casts ovor $1,000.00 should bo put out to bids. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod thoro is no legal requiromont that ovorything ovor 0,000.00 must bo put on bids, that is a matter in its ontiroty for tho Council to decide, howovor, if it is for a street or sower maintenanco or repairs of genoral projocts, but as far as maintenance and repairs tho primary purchesos would undoubtedly bo undor stroots and sowors, end if it is eallod in that category and it is ovcr $1,000.00 it must go to a bid. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN statod that if the material is dolivorod it probably will not bocomo duo and payablo until after the loth of July, but in viow of tho stipul- ations made with the Bank of America, suppose that we aro slightly ovor oncumborod but no warrant is issuod, will that cause any ombarrassmont? ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said it would, somo- body is not going to got thorr money, whothor it bo this parts iculer firm, or some othor croditor, boeauso if this pipo is dolivorod this yoer on an ordor placod this yoar, you will havo an obligation incurrod this yoar and you must use this yoar's rovonuo to pay for it. If this yoarts rovonuo is not sufficiont to moot all our domands somoono is not going to bo legally able to colloct thoir claim. With tho problem wo havo, until tho motor vohiclo in liou tax comes in, tho City will bo quito clos in dotormining whether thoro will bo sufficient leoway oxponsos incurrod this yoar, egeinst anticipetod rovonuo. If 6/15 893 anything should happon that wo do not got ell tho monoy wo must havo soma leotiey to tako up tho shock. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE+ OFFICER WAGNER statod tho othor two ordors woro back ordors and thoy had just dolivorod tho two inch and tho ono and half inch galvanizod pipo. Tho third atom would bo tho now ordor for supplios totaling t2,809.78. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN askod if tho City Administrator could not cell tho pooplo on tho phono and oxplain our prodicamont and ask thom to hold tho matorials until aftor July 1st. LEROY HARKEY was prosont and statod it was ordorod for dolivory in July and August. VICE MAYOR BURRY ro- quostod Mr. Wagnor call Mr, Nesbitt in this regard. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER roportod ho had a tolo phono call from Mr. Lucjman, this morning. who dosiros to attond tho Council mooting next Tuosday night with Mr. Doan, in rogard to tho contract for tho proposod pier. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said it would bo his suggostion that Mr. Luckman bo contaetod end dolay tho mooting for 30 days, duo to tho work on tho budgot, etc. VICE MAYOR CURRY roquostod that Acting Administrative Officer Wagnor contact Mr. Luekman in this rogard. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER roportod that ho talkod witY Mr. Carl Roupsch of tho Harbor Dept. of San Diogo rogerding tho dovolopmont of tho tidolends, and it was his suggestion that the City of Nettonal City meko a thorough appraisal of thoir tido- ]ands and chock also with tho Selos Division of tho Santa Fo who havo appreisorso Ho said thoy ftgurod much of their territ- ory in tho vicinity of National City to bo worth $1,00 to $1.25 a squaro foot on a solos valuo estimator also figurod on a 4% capital roturn and 2% tax oquivelont, Thoir usual average figurr is about $0.045 a squaro foot par yoar, and thoy liko thoir 22 yoar rontal roviows which they think aro working out vory woll. Thoy liko to limit thoir largo oporations to 5 yoar 6/15 894 reviews and their srnallor losses to a roview at the end of the first year also at tho and of tho third, end thon ovory two end a half years. Mr. Roupsch said ho would bo vory glad to comp to National City and look ovor the tidolands aroa with mombors of tho Council end discuss thoir probloms with thorn, and answer any quostions thoy may have. Ho would bo vory glad to donato his timo and sorvicos. COUNCILMAN CARRIGIN rocommond- od that a lottor be writton to tho offoct that tho Council would moot with Mr. Roupsch at his convonionco. VICE MAYOR CURRY ro- quostod that Mr. Wagnor writs tho lottor to Mr. Roupsch. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER said ho had an inquiry from a roal estato man in San Diogo who has a eliont from tho oast that is intorostod in locating horn to build a light woight comont block and ho Hoods 20 acres, but on tho basis of $0.04 a squaro foot it would run too high. COUNCII.MCN CARRIGAN said ho thought it would be well to soe few San Diogo would haadlo such a lease. VICE MAYOR CURRY said ho thought this mattor should bo gono into thoroughly. RESIGNATION OF ACTING CITY ENGINEER SMITH was road. It is ro- quostod that tho resignation bocome offoctivo immodiatoly. Mr. Smith stated if tho Council dosiros his sorvicos as a consultant for &poeific onginooring jobs in progrosg or to bo started, ho can arrango to work on a foe basis, with tho undorstanding that he bo expected to tako the responsibility of thoso jobs only. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Hart, that tho resignation bo accepted. Carried, all Cour_cilmon proaont voting ayo. APPLICATION OF RANCHO MARKET OF SAN DIEGO, 108 E. 8th Strout, for off sale boor and wino liconso, which was raforrod to tho Polito Department at tho last mo..ting, was presented. A lottor from Liconso Officor Rea stated that this firm has othor storos, end from all information aveileblo,, the stores aro run in a 6/15 895 business like and ordorly manner. Moved by Carrigan, socondod by Clarke, that tho application and letter bo filed. Carried, all Councilmen prosent voting aye. VICE MAYOR CURRY a,kcd that the City Administrator dofino tho responsibilitius of the Right -of -wry Enginoer, end explain our nood at this time for this employee. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER read a report submittod by Mr. Simmons, Right -of - wry Engineer rogarding his activities and dutios. VICE MAYOR CURRY asked Mr. Wagnor's rocommondation in rogard to Mr. Simmons. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER statod ho would hesitato to mako a recommendation at this timo as ho did not know just how ho stood with the Council. If tho Council can find -someone moro capable to tako his place, perhaps that is what wo should do. Moved by Carrigan, socondod by Hart, that this matter bo laid over ponding tho hiring of a now City Enginoor. Carried, all Councilmen prosent voting eyo. ACTING ADMINISTR_j OFFICER WAGNER askod if the Council plans to employ a City Planr after tho first of tho fiscal yoar, to which thoy all affirmed. VICE MAYOR CURRY said ho had a tolephono call from Los Angeles insisting that wo havo e rcprosontetivo et the luncheon in Pasadona on tho annivorsary of tho delivery of Colorado River Wator, and Mr: Curry said if possiblo ho will attond tho mooting at his own oxponso. COUNCILMAN CL,,RKE askod Park Suporintondont Gautoroaux to oxplain in dotal' tho procoduro of handling tho money from tho pool: BERNARD BANKE was prosont and askod if the Council had eloctod a Mayors VICE MAYOR CURRY statod that ho was tho Acting Mayor. Movod by Hart, socondod by Carrigan, that tho mooting bo closod. 6/15 Carriod, ell Councilmen lirosont voting ayo. ATTEST: CITY CLERK 896 VICE MAYORR�/ CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA 6/15