HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 06-26 CC MIN920 National City, California, June 24 1951 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Maurice Carrigan at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Councilmen absent: None. Moved by Hart, seconded by Clarke, that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of Jane 19, 1951, be dispensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Campbell, Wagner, Gautereaux, Mikkelson. S. Z. GREENBERG was present and stated he wished to obtain Lots 14 to 17 inclusive in Block 48, He is the fee owner of the half block, Lots 13 to 22 inclusive, he owns the County's interest in the entire area and the City's interest in Lots 13, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22. The total taxes against Lots 14 to 17 amount to 0138.14, and he presented his check for $150.00 to cover the back taxes and penalties. Mr. Greenberg said he wants to use the entire half black and must have the City's interest, MAYOR CARRIGAN requested this be referred to the City Clerk and City Attorney for checking. RAYMOND HILL, 618-E. First Street, was present and stated there is a bad traffic condition existing at the Southeast corner of 2nd and °F' Avenue, there being about 10 feet of that corner which is absolutely blind, due to the trees. Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, this be referred to the Traffic Safety Commission for checking and recommendation. COUNCILtMAN CLARKE said he thought a check of such 'conditions should be done generally, not in just that particular spot. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. 6/26 921 EUGENE BECHTOL was present and stated that two weeks ago he asked the Council for a sewer extension and that it was re- ferred to the City Attorney. Mr. Bechtel checked with the Attorney and it was his impression that rather than a legal matter it was a question of policy and finance. Mr: Bechtol mentioned a number of cases where the City ran extensions for sewer for single connections. Mr. Bechtel said it seems to him that these are all identical with what he is asking for, with the exception of the ouantity, the shortest extension made was 330 feet and his would require approximately 200 feet. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said the City is not in a position to run those sewers for one particular connection with no assurance that there is going to be any immediate raturn from the expense incurred by the City. COUNCILMAN HART said he thought Mr. Bechtel should be givon the same consideration as the others were given. Moved by Hcrt, seconded by Ingalls, that Mr. Bechtel's request bo granted, and that the City install the sewer extension. COUNCILMAN INGALLS said he believed that the Council should make public any change in policies. MAYOR CARRIGAN said he thought tho Council should not consider any item of this type without a writton communication from the City Engineer, as there has boon too much misunderstanding just by oral discussion; and that he would like to recommend to the Council that when the new City Engineer begins his duties, that the attendance of the Council moetings on his part be mandatory, and that he bo given a seat et the Council table, end that wo require an Engineer's report tho same as wo require a report from the City Clerk and City Manager, ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER stated there is a recommendation from the City Engineer's office on filo and it calls for a total outlay a little in excess of $1,000.00 on ten lots, or $642.50 for this particular item. ATTORN Y CAMPB3LL stated that in the event the cost is over $1,000.00 it must go to bids. Carried, by 6/26 922 the following vote to -wit:- Ayes: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: None. REQUEST OF LEROY HARKEY for payment of ovortime work was road. Ho requests remuneration for 96 hours ovortimo work, amounting to $162.60. Moved by Clarko, seconded by Hart, tho roquost bo granted and that the payment of overtime bo shown es paid in full. Carried, all Councilmon prosont voting aye. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roquostod that the second reading of the Zoning Ordinanco bo laid over as Mr. Dowoll is out of town and tho easomont has not boon signod by him. MAYOR CARRIGAN orderod this hold over. INVITATION FROM SEA WATER CORPORATION to attond exhibit at tho Sen Diogo County Fair, July 2, 1951, was read. MAYOR CARRIGAN ordered tho communication filed. COMMUNICLTION FROM RECRELTION COMMISSION was road, roquosting the Council to sot tho datos for the "Fiosta°f this yoar. MAYOR CARRIGAN roquostod that tho Rocroetion Commission bo notified that August 24th and 25th will bo tho date. APPLICATION FOR BEVERAGE LICENSE by Daniel Avalos, 1631 McKinloy Avonuo, for on solo boor, was prosontod. REPORT FROM CHIEF OF POLICE SMITH rogarding Mr. Dani.,l Avalos stated thoy have boon unable to find any local rocord of any law violations. MAYOR CARRIGAN ordered tho communication filed. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated the examiner for tho Stato Board of Equalization has rocommended that the protest for off-salo boor and wine license to Bonifacio Damian, 2042 McKinley Avenue, bo over -ruled. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said undoubtedly tho protest will be over -ruled following the rocommendation of the examiner. 6/26 923 BILLS AUDITED by tho Finance Committee presontod: aonoral Fund $8,218.05 Library Fund 97.22 Park Fund 344.83 Plan. Comm. Fund 102.87 Rotiromont Fund 2,865.43 Stroot Fund 1,646.55 Lt. Dist. Fund 32.65 Harbor Fund 336.69 TOTAL $13,644.29 Movod by Curry, seconded by Hart, that tho bills bo allowed and warrants ordored drawn for samo. Carried, by tho following voto to -wit: Lyos: Clarko, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: None. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated ho rocoivod a lottor from tho Rocroat- ion Commission requesting thrt immodiato attontion bo given to tho School contract for tho City of National City. Mr. Campbell statod that prior to the recoipt of this lottor he contacted Judgo Hrrbison and James Rusk, and Mr. Rusk has eonfirmod what ho was told, by a lottor dated yesterday. Tho lottor statod that tho Rocreation Agreomont has boon under discussion by tho parties eoncernod; tho City of National City, Stbotwator Union High School District and the National School District. Sinco tho terms of this agrocmont arc still under consideration by tho govorning board of tho National School District, final action has not boon taken. MR. C:MPBELL said ho will not proparo or submit a contract for the Council's approval until such time the School District has roachod a decision. RESOLUTION NO. 5472 was road, stating that tho City of National City has rocoivod from tho Stato of California tho sum of $70,421.82, as tho City's portion of the Motor Vohicle Ltconso Foo Fund for the fiscal yoar July 1, 1950, to July 1, 1951; and thoro hrs boon oxpcndod by the City of Nrtior_rl City a sum in oxooss of $70,421.82 for law onforcomont within tho City of National City for tho samo poriod. Movod by Curry, socondod by Clarko, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carried, all Councilmon 6/26 924 prosont voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO, 5473 was road, as follow9: WHEREAS, on tho 27th day of March, 1951, by Resolution No. 5418, thorn was transforrod from tho Gonoral Fund to tho Stroot Improvomont Fund, tho sum of $26%227.27 as a loan, and-thoroaftor by Rosolution No. 5437 tho sum of $6,200.00 was ropaid from tho Stroot Improvomont Fund to tho Gonorel Fund; and WH7REAS, thoro aro now sufficiont monios in tho Stroot Improvomont Fund to pay an additional sum of $332.81 on said loan. NOW, THER:'FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by tho City Council of tho City of National City, California, that tho following transfor bo mado: From tho Stroot Improvomont Fund to tho Gonoral Fund $332.81. Movod by Mart, socondod by Curry, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO. 5474 was road, as follows: WHEREAS, thoro is now tho sum of $2,159.31 in tho fund known as Fodoral Sub Community Rodovolopmont, and WHEREAS, tho monoy thoroin is Gonorel Fund monoy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of tho City of National City, that tho sum of $2,159,31 bo trans- forrod from tho Fodoral Sub Community Rodovolopmont Fund to tho Gonoral Fund. Movod by Hart, socondod by Clarko, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO. 5475 was road, authorizing tho transfor of $76,500.00 from tho Gonoral Fund to tho Capital Rosorvo Fund in ropaymont of tho loan ovidoncod by Rosolution No. 5427. Movod by Clarke, socondod by Hort, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO. 5476 was road, authorizing tho transfor-of all monoy now in tho Capital Rosorvo Fund to tho Capital Outlay 6/26 925 Fund, and that ell monoy horoaftor rocoivod by tho City of National City for tho said Capital Rosorvo Fund bo dopositod, upon receipt, in tho Capital Outlay Fund. That tho fund known as ''Capitol Rosorvo Fundi1 is horoby discontinuod, tormin<ted and dissolvod. Movod by Curry, socondod by Clarko, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO. 5477 was road, as follows: WHEREAS, on tho 17th day of May, 1951, by Rosolutioh No. 5443 thoro was trans- forrod from tho Gonoral Fund to tho following funds, tho follow- ing sums: 1. To tho Library Spocial Payroll Fund, $593.98; 2. To tho Perk Spocial Payroll Fund, $1,264.89; 3. To tho Planning Spocial Payroll Fund, $545.73, es a loan to tho Library, Park and Planning Funds; and WHEREAS, thoro is sufficient monoy in tho following funds to pay tho following sums on said loan: 1. Library Fund, $$593.98; 2. Park Fund, 314264.89; 3. Plann- ing Fund, $214.74. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. by the City Council of tho City of National City, that tho following transfors bo made to tho Gon:ral Fund from: 1. Library Fund, $593.98; 2. Park Fund, $1,264.89; 3. Planning Fund, $214.74. Moved by Hart, socondod by Curry, that tho Resolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. ATTORNEY C..MPBELL statod thoro is sufficient monoy to mako a cell and pay tho outstanding warrants togothor with the accumul— ated intorost. Thorn is $212829.22 on rogistorod claims to data, and if tho Council so dosiros ho would liko to havo thoso taken care of et this timo. Movod by Clarko, socondod by Hart, that tho outstanding warrants and accumuletod intorost bo paid, and that tho City Clork bo instructod to mako tho demand call. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayes: Clarko, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: Nono. 6/26 926 RESOLUTION NO. 5k78 vas read, authorizing the transfer of a2,359.22 from the General Fund to the Retirement Fund. Moved by Hart? seconded by Curry, that'the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. RESOLUTION NO. 5479 was read, as follows: wFIEREAS, there has been presented against the City of National City demands chargeable against the Park Fund totaling the sum of g1,461.24, and as evidenced by the registered record on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, said demands have been duly audited and are true and correct; and WHEREAS, at the time there was no money in said Park Fund and there was no money in the General Fund to nay said demands; and VHEREAS, as a loan to the Park Fund said demands were thereafter duly paid from the General Fund; and 1rH RLAS, there is now sufficient Honey in the said Perk Fund to repay the sum of 11,461.24 on said loan. NOT', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of National City, that the -sum of1,461.24 be transferred from the Park Fund to the General Fund in repayment of said loan. Moved by Curry, seconded by Clarke, that the Resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 5480 was read, creating a special fund known as TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND, and that all fines and forfeitures collected by the City of National City from persons charged with a misdeameanor under the Vehicle Code of the State of California and arrested by an officer of the City of National City shall be paid into the treasury of the City of National City and deposited in the said TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND. Moved by Clerke,•seconded by Hart, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ATTORNEY CAHtBELL stated that a Resolution was adopted author- 6/26 927 izing the signing of an agreement with the City of San Diego for sewage disposal and at the time of passage the Revolution Provided that Mr. Curry, as Acting Mayor be authorized to sign - On the change made last week, Hr. Carrigan signed and the contracts have gone in, therefore it will require a resolution. rescinding Resolution No. 5459. RESOLUTION NO. 5481 was read, repealing Resolution No. 5459, and approving the agreement between the City of San Diego and the City of National City, conies of which are attached to said Resolution, and made a part hereof. Mayor Carrigan is hereby authorized and directed to execute the sane on behalf of the City of National City, and all acts heretofore done are hereby ratified. Moved by Clarke, seconded by Hart, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ATTORNEY CAIwIPBELL stated he had the insurance policy as sub- mitted by the Insurance Agents' Association of National City. The policy is in the sum of '44,000.00 and the wording is identical frith the two previous policies submitted, each in the sum of 122,000.00. The bill is i867.68, the other bill was also "867.68. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said he would like to make some suggestions in the future as to additional coverage. Your coverage must go into existence on July 1, 1951, and it is his suggestion that the Council either approve this policy or the former ones. MAYOR CARRIGA.N recommended that the insurance policy as issued fron the Association, be accented, rather than the nrevious policies. Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Hart, that the insurance policy as submitted by the Insurance Agents' Association of National City, be accepter Carried, by the following vote to-t*it: Ayes: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: None. 6/26 928 ATTORNEY CAIPBELL stated that Mr. Morris was of the belief that he would not have to nay the h75.00 connection fe, on his nronosal as submitted last week. Our Ordinance prow:dod that the City must make the connection charge therefor. His pro - nasal, now, not as en alternate, but as a counter offer, is this: He nronoses that he, and the owners of National Vista No. 2 Subdivision, Fritz and ',otre:s, will enter into en agree- ment whereby they install the com_lete line from Div9sion Street to end including all of Hr. Morris' Subdivision with the except of 4 lots. Hr. Morris vill have service to 36 lots and Hr. Fritz and Hr. Bowers *d11 have service to 23 lots. They trill nay the total charge but there will be no reimburse- ,% ment to Hr. Morris, Mr. Fritz and Mr. 3o rers, or to the itJAY, frith the exception of the 575.00 connection fee which will be paid on each of the 5F lots when they are connected to the sewer. Otherwise the offer is the same. RESOLUTION ITO. 5482 was read, approving that certain agreement between the City of National City and Clarence E. Morris, owner of Hilltop Park Subdivision end G. E. Fritz and Robert Bowers, owners of National Vista No. 2 Subdivision, copy of which agreement is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Maurice Carrigan, Mayor of the City, is hereby author- ized and directed to execute the sane on behalf of the City of National City. Moved by Clarke,, seconded by Hart, that the 'Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ATTORNEY CAMPBEL? reported he has been informed by Assemblyman Cloyed thet Asserbly Bill 1877 has been nacsed by both houses and signed by the Governor. That is the B111 which will allow us eventually to use our 1946 sewer bond money for repayment of principal and interest on the bond issue. 6/26 020 RESOLUTION NO. 5483 was read, granting a snecial zone variance to Dale Mann for the nurnose of the use of a business tele- nhone at 545 E. 14th Screet, also described as lots 11 -o 14 inclusive, Block 2 of D. E, Lozier's Subdivision. Said permit is non -assignable and non-transferrable. This hermit shall expire on the 26th day of June 1952. Any violation of any of the above conditions will void this permit and the same shall lapse and be of no effect, i'ioved by Hart, seconded by Cla:l:e that the -Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen pres- ent voting aye. ATTORNEY CAiIPBELL stated the "ater Comnany has asked the City of National City, City of Chula Vista and the South Bay Irrigation District to modify the present "ater Contract, and to insert in place of the City of Chula Vista, the South Bay Irrigation District, when and if the South Bay Irrigation District comes into existence. The distribution will remain on the same percentage as set forth in the contract which is based upon assessed valuation, by so doing the South Bay Irrigation District will have an increased assessed valuation because it will have the City of Chula Vista and the South Bay, so our ratio to modify expires believes the City District would be will be less. The contract which they ask February 1552. Attorney Campbell said he of Chula Vista and the South Bay Irrigation favorable in seeking an extension of the present contract with the California "ater and Telephone Co. to e period of two to five years if National City is willing to seek that type of modification. Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Hart, that Mayor Carrigan, Acting City Administrative Officer Wagner and Attorney Campbell be emnowered to make preliminary negotiation toward an extension of the contract. Carried, all Councilmen »-resent voting eye. 6/26 930 will not need workmen's Compensation Insurance. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated Fire Chief Bailey has submitted an application for a permit, signed by a member of.the Lions Club, for a public fireworks display on July 4, 1951, in the City Park. The application is in proper form with the exception that the State Statute provides that there must be furnished a public liability; FRANK BARN stated as far as the Lions Club is concerned there is a liability policy Protecting them on the sponsors risk. The Lions Club would like to put it out to an independent contractor to set off the fireworks, but according to State regulations they want a n10,000.00 bond. ATTORNEY CAMP ELL said if the independent contractor would do his own firing, and he does not hire anyone, the Lions Club Moved by Hart, seconded by Clarke, that the permit be granted to the applicant upon the condition that the applicant furnishes a satisfactory public liability bond or a »roper showing of lack of need for workmen's compensation, this to be me.de to Fire Chief Bailey end Attorney Campbell. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL reported the City has received a bill in the sum of t1,321.48 for oil to be used on streets, recommendation that the claim be denied because nut out for bids for that particular material. seconded by Clarke, that theclain be denied. following vote to -wit: Ayes: Clarke, Curry, Carrigan. Nays: None. and it is his it had not been Moved by Hart, Carried, by the Hart, Ingalls, ATTORNEY CAI-PBt'LT said City Clerk Alston would like n resolution showing the termination dates of Mr. Smith and Chief Bates, in order that their surety bonds can be cancelled. RESOLUTION NO. 5485 was read, which states that the City 6/26 931 Council finds that the employment of Lloyd IT. Bates by the City of National City terminated April 1, 1951; that the employment of trayne Smith with the City of National City ter- minated on June 15, 1951. Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Clarke that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen pres- ent voting aye. CITY CLERK ALSTON presented an insurance policy on the National Dry Kiln and 'Processing Co. who has a lease on our tidelands, and asked that it be approved by the Attorney. CITY CLERK ALSTON presented the report of the texes on the property contained in the County Option #5578 for the Council to study. COINUNICATION FROli H. ILIKK?LSON, regarding electrical supplies, was read. The accompanying list of electrical supplies was ordered in January or February when the Federal order on cut- back of material was announced. There was a requisition written at the time, but as no prices on most of the material was available it was held up, but the order vras given and as the material became available it was delivered. The entire order is for the new Fire Station, when and if it is built. It is now in the Electric Shop. Mr. Mikkelson stated he was under the impression that a nurchase order had been issued and the bill paid some months ago, but apparently not. If the Council does not see fit to order and pay for it we can return it, but at a loss to the City when *re try to replace it. MR. T"AGNER said the amount of the bill is '31325./16. MAYO- CA33IGAN said there has been an increase in the price of a gre-' many of the items and wondered if tt would not be possible, in some manner to eliminate this bill and ask for a bid. Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Clarke, that the City Clerk be 6/26 932 authorized to advertise for bide for the particular items set forth and that the bids be opened July 17, 1951, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. ACTING ADMINIST'_RATIVE OFFICER ''AGNER stated he received a letter from Mr; Poulter of the Water Company which stated that a new water main has been laid in 16th Street conforming to the new grade which the City approved and their work will be completed on July 3, 1951. Because the new grade on 16th Street between "L" and "N" Avenues is very steep, they wanted to point out this situation so the City may take stens by July 3rd to protect the public from accidents in this area by placing barricades and warning lights until the imnrovement of this street is conpleted. The Water Company intends to remove their barricades and lights upon completion of their work on July 3rd. MAYOR CA RIGAN requested that this be referred to the Administrative Officer t0 see that the necessary barricades are furnished. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER wAGY-R stated that the Associated Construction Company requested that the Council allow Wrayne Smith to act as engineer to design the sewer system for their subdivision Beverly Glen, and would like approval to install the sewers. MAYOR CAR''IGAN referred this to the City Attorney for checking. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 'rAGNER said he received a request from Ellen Baeder, Librarian, for permission to employ some- one to take the place of their janitress while on vacation. Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Hart, that the request be granted. Carried, all Councilmen nresent voting aye. TENTATIVE RE?ORT OF TH" EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE METROPOLITAN 6/26 933 SETTAGE PLANNING COM1iITTEE was read, which listed the accomplish- ments of the Committee thus far. Every city of the area has a concrete and, in almost every case, a pressing problem. A sanitary survey of San Diego Bay just completed indicates that certain areas of the Bay have just about reached capacities for receiving wastes if nuisances and other adverse economic effect: are to be avoided. It further stated there is need for a comprehensive detailed study of the sewage problem throughout San Diego County, and since the problem is County -wide, the logical agency to take official action in this matter, and to finance the suggested study end planning, is the County Board of Supervisors, The Committee recommends to its sponsoring agencies that the County Board of Supervisors be requested to include in its next fiscal year budget and to appropriate therefrom, n50,000 to >55,000 for the nurpose of retaining a Board of at least three engineers to: 1. Conduct a compre- hensive investigation of the sewage and industrial waste collection and disposal problem on a county -wide basis. 2. To dovelon long-range plans. 3. To recommend practical methods by which Mans can be placed into effect. 4. To recommend, if necessary, enabling legislation to fit the needs of this area with respect to the recomnendations. 5. To submit a report of its finding, conclusions and recommendations. REPORT FROM THE PLANNING COii_ISSION was presented. The request of Mr. I. Everett for the vacation of 10.051 on the north side of 12th Street, was approved by the City Planning Commission. MAYOR CARRIGAN requested that the Attorney prepare the necessary document to proceed with the vacation. REPORT FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION stated that the matter of the annexation proceedings, referred back to the Commissions has been studied. As a result of this study the Commission 6/26 934 offers an excerpt from the State Annexations Act 1913 and amendments of 1949 outlined in Section 35108 of the Political and Government Code of California 1949E stated that "in cities having a Planning Commission consent shall not be given by the legislative body until it has received a report or recom- mendation from the Commission." The Planning Commission, reiterates it previous request that it be given the right to make recommendations to the Council before final approval of any annexation proceedings. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that in regard to the insurance policy for the National Dry Kiln and Processing Company, he would like to have the City shown as lessor and have it provided that the City will receive notice of cancellation in the event that they give such notice. REPORT FROPI THE 7ECR7ATION COMMISSION teas read. The Commission asked for the date the Council desired for the "Fiesta" this year. Mrs. Ullrich, Adult Education Instructor, would like to have the Commission sponsor the Volley Tennis tournament for National City Day to be held in the San Diego Municipal Gymnasium this summer. All expenses are borne by the Volley Tennis Club Members. The members of the Comnission were all in accord. The Commission nembers authorized Mr. Casey to apply for reinstatement in the A. A. U. which is 125.00-.. It was requested that a letter be submittr,d to the City Attorney, requesting immediate action on the School contract. MAYOR CARRIGAN requested that the members of the Council meet informally Thursday evening at 7:00 P.M. to go over the budget with the Auditors. wAYNE SMITH stated that in the drawings of Beverly Glen 6/26 935 Subdivision there is the improvement plans for the curbs and grading of the streets, and there are two deviations from the Ordinance, for which reason he would like to request Council approval. One is the use of a 40 foot roadway where the Ordinance specifies a 32 foot roadway, and on 8th Street the use of an 8 foot parking which would be the beginning of an eventual 64 foot roadway for 8th Street, and also the use of 25 foot radii on the curb returns where the Ordinance specifies 8 feet. All the items are contrary to the Ordinance, but it is stated if the Council approves the improvement plans different from the Ordinance, it is acceptable. MAYOR CARRIGAN said this has been referred to the Attorney and a report will be made next meeting. Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that the meeting be closed. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. A IIY CLERK 6/26 7.=:•'-'';, .,- Zec,6•,,