HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 03-27 CC MIN574
National City, California, March 27, 1951.
Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by
Mayor Clinton D. Matthews at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen
present: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Councilmen
absent: None.
Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Hart, that the reading of the
minutes of the regular meeting of March 20, 1951, be dis-
pensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Sullivan, Warner,
BILLS AUDITED by the Finance Committee presented:
General Fund $357,92
Street Fund 502.39
Planning Fund 8.00
Retirement Fund 14.61
Payroll Fund 71.47
TOTAL $954.39
Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the bills be allowed
and warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, by the
following vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry,
Hart, Matthews. Nays: None.
MR. HAYNAL, Commander of V. F. W. was present and stated
that Mr. Salyer, a representative of Craft Shows, Inc. was
here tonight and would give the Council information regard-
ing the kind of show that would be put on for the benefit of
the V. F. W. MR. CHARLES SALYER, General Agent for the
'Craft Shows, Inc. stated that primarily the craft Shows is
not a carnival; they are in the ride business. They furnish
rides and conduct the amusements for State and County Fairs,
etc. They comply with all State laws and City ordinances.
The sponsor is paid twenty percent on the gross of the rides.
Moved by Clarke, seconded by Hart, that the request of the
V. F. W. be removed from the table, so that it may be taken
up under the next order of business. Carried, all Council-
men present voting aye. MR. HAYNAL requested the location
between 14th and 16th Street on National Avenue, which Is the
baseball diamond, and said they received permission from the
Recreation Commission to use that location. It would be from
June 6th to loth, inclusive. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN said it
will be ball season but the Recreation Commission agreed to
adjust their schedule. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN objected to the
use of City property for that period of time and type of show.
Moved by Clarke, seconded by Hart, that the Veterans of
Foreign Wars be granted permission to sponsor the Craft Shows
in National City from June 6th to loth, inclusive, providing
all the necessary conditions and regulations are conformed
with. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Clerks®
Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays: Carrigan.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that the bids on Sewer Job No. 8
have been checked, which were referred to the Acting City
Engineer and the City Manager, and it is their recommendation
that the lowest bidder, the Pace Construction Company for
$11,052.00 be awarded the contract.
RESOLUTION NO. 5416 was read, accepting the bid of the Pace
Construction Company on Sewer Job No. 8, in the amount of
$11,052.00, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign a
contract on behalf of the City of National City. Moved by
Curry, seconded by Clarke, that the Resolution be adopted.
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
REQUEST OF ELLEN BASLER, LIBRARIAN, to live outside the City,
laid over from last meeting, was presented. ATTORNEY WARNER
stated that Mrs. Baader has submitted her resignation and
asked that her request be withdrawn. MAYOR MATTHEWS asked
that this matter be laid over until the next meeting in order
to contact Mrs. Baader.
1Bth Street, laid over from the last meeting, was presented.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated she had a report from the Act-
ing Chief of Police which stated that while it was operated
as Neeley's Grocery the U. S. Post Office Department placed
a contract station in the store. There have been no dis-
turbance calls registered. MAYOR MATTHEWS ordered the
application filed.
LETTER OF RESIGNATION from Attorney Warner was read. The
letter requests that the Council accept his resignation as
City Attorney effective April 1, 1951. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN
said it is his opinion that due to certain legal difficulties
that the City is involved in now, and perhaps the Attorney is
partly responsible, he suggested that the Council hold up the
acceptance of this resignation until these are cleared up.
ATTORNEY WARNER stated that as far as he knows there has
never been any time since I has been City Attorney when the
City has not had any legal difficulties. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN
said he did not like the manner in which Attorney Warner's
resignation was tendered. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said the first
intimation he got of the Attorney's resignation was when he
received a letter from him regarding this, and regretted
that Mr. Warner could not give them a longer notice as it
gives so little time to interview applicants and hire an
attorney to take Mr. Warner's place before the next meeting
of the Council. COUNCILMAN CURRY said he thought this was
very short notice and would like to have Attorney warner give
at least thirty days notice, so that there can be more time
in selecting another Attorney. ATTORNEY WARNER said he would
like to resign effective April 1st, that is his request and
he was sure there are competent applicants that have made
application and the City will be able to have an Attorney by
next meeting. MR. WARNER said he did not anticipate this
additional thirty days and that he has made arrangements to
do other work. COUNCILMAN HART said he would like to see
this resignation held over until next week, and in the mean-
time interview the applicants. MAYOR MATTHEWS said he thought
that Mr. Warner has shown wonderful community spirit to have
done the job that he has done the past year; he has made it
quite plain that he wishes to resign April 1st and we should
not arbitrarily try to hold him. The Attorney of Coronado
said he would help out in case of an emergency. COUNCILMAN
CLAM said tint pintail* tilt' C1tY shc1ald wielder estab3.M °
i;ng some kind cf pr'Qtentien 4s fats es ea City A.ttazey 14
concerned. We should draw up a contract or some conditioAs
regarding the employmont of a City Attorney whereby we can
reasonably expect a suitable notice that will not cause the
Council to rush into affairs. COUNCILMAN CURRY said he was
in accord with Mr. Clarkees suggestion, that it is customary
in most cases to give a thirty day notice. Moved by Clarke,
seconded by Curry, that Attorney Warner's resignation be
accepted with regret. Carried, by the following vote to -wit:
Ayes: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays: Carrigan.
COUNCILMAN HART was excused.
APPLICATIONS from Attorney Edwin M. Campbell and Attorney
Gerald Lee Bendickson were read. MAYOR MATTHEWS asked the
Council to meet on Friday night at 7:30 to interview the
applicants. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN stated that Richard Adams
is the Attorney who contacted him and informed him that the
City Attorney was resigning, and suggested that the Council
also interview him for the position.
APPLICATION TO MOVE A BUILDING by Claude Daggers, was road.
The present location of the building is at 2830 National
Avenue on Lot 5, Block 29, City Plat. It is a storage
garage and is to be moved to Lot 6, Block 29, to the rear
of the lot for use as a storage garage for private use. The
application was approved by JAMES A. BIRD, BUILDING INSPECTOR.
COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN suggested that such items as this be re.
ferred to the Planning Commission to have them check to be
sure they are moving the right building to the right location.
MAYOR MATTHEWS asked Mr. Christman, Chairman of the Planning
Commission, what his opinion was of having the moving
applications referred to the Commission. MR. CHRISTMAN said
in the past there was a system where a member of the Planning
Commission, a member of the Council and the Building Inspector
examined each building and prospective site for which there
was an application for moving. The present ordinance calls
for the Building Inspector to send in a recommendation and
then the Council has the say definitely where it is to be
moved and what changes aro to be made, but the Planning
Commission will bo glad to assist in any way possible to
give the City more protection and give the Council as much
help as possible. MAYOR MATTHEWS said he thought it would
prove worth while to have a committee who would check the
building and sign the application along with the Building
Inspector. THOMAS FORBES was prosent and asked if this
building was in the Urban Redevelopment Area, and that he
would like to ask the Council to hold this application over
until it can be checked to find out if this is in the re-
development area, as that is what they are trying to fight,
to keep buildings like that from getting back on property to
be R-1. COUNCILMA21 CARRIGAN suggested that this particular
application be referred to City Planner Wagner, the Planning
Commission and Mr. Forbes to check inasmuch as it is in the
redevelopment area. MAYOR MATTHEWS asked that Mr. Christman,
Mr. Wagner and Mr. Forbes cheek on this and make a report at
the next meeting.
ations on zone variance for E. W. Finley, 2212 E. 4th Street,
was read. The Planning Commission reconsidered the applicat-
ion of E. W. Finley to build a duplex on his lot. It was
the opinion of the Commission that there is already misuse
of the R-1 zone in this neighborhood, and that granting this
request would not improve a bad situation, and denied tho
After a longhty discussion, it was moved by
seconded by Matthews, that the recommendation of
the Planning Commission be upheld.
vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan,
Absent: Hart.
Carried, by tha following
Curry, Matthews. Nays:Clarke.
subdivision map of Beverly Glen, was road. A tentative sub-
division map of Boverly Glen for 51 lots south of 8th Street
and oast of Paradise Drive was submitted by John C. Bliss.
Acting City Engineer Wayne W. Smith examined the tentative
map and found it to be a workable solution for the 9 acre
parcel of land. He agrood with the subdivider that it would
be unfeasible to continuo loth Street easterly on its exist-
ing alignment because of a stoop bank. He stated that Helen
Circle a 40' street with 40' radius turn around should be
approved es it was such a short street serving only 6 lots.
Ho further suggested that Isabell Drive be changed to "V"
Avenue as it coincides with "V" Avenue to the north. City
Planner Wagner marked a copy of the map shoving easements and
set -back lines desired and recommended that loth Street be
made a 60' street by reducing the lot depths in Block 2
from 117.5' to 112.51. Mr. John Bliss, surveyor and designer
of the subdivision agreed to the recommendations of the Act-
ing City Engineer and the City Planner. The Planning Com•
mission approved the map subject to the recommendations of
the Acting City Engineer and tho City Planner. Moved by
Carrigan, seconded by Clarke, that the tentative map of
Boverly Glen Subdivision be accepted. Carried, all Council-
men present voting aye.
CITY CLERK ALSTON stated that at the last meeting the Council
authorized a transfer of money out of the Street Fund, and
that she would like to go on record as stating that she has
not ma4o this transfer because there is not sufficient money
in the fund. Two Resolutions have been prepared by the City
Attorney, to transfer funds into the Street Fund so that tho
other transfer can be made.
RESOLUTION NO. 5417 was road, transferring the sum of
$26,227.72 from the Capital Reserve Fund to the General Fund
as a loan to be repaid and retranstarred to the Capital
Reserve Fund before the end of the current fiscal year.
Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Curry, that tho Resolution be
adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 5418 was road, transferring the sum of
$26,227.72 from the General Fund to the Street Improvement
Fund as a loan to be repaid and rotransferrod to tho General
Fund beforo the end of the current fiscal year. Moved by
Carrigan, seconded by Curry, that the Resolution be adopted.
Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye.
ATTORNEY WARNER stated that the Election Code provides that
tho Council may declare election day a holiday, and that
Tuesday, April 3rd may bo declared a holiday for purposes
of oloction. COUNCILMAN CARRIG:N said ho saw no necessity
for it. COUNCILMAN CLARKE concurred with Councilman Carrigan,
especially since there is just one issue on tho ballot.
ATTORNEY WARNER said that under the Ordinance if there is
all election hold on the day of the regular Council mooting
that said mooting shall bo held the following night, so next
week the meeting will bo Wednesday, April 4th.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN presented an estimate of cost for a
Dog pound and recommended that it be reviewed for dectsion
at a later meeting. Moved by Parrigan, seconded by Curry,
that this be laid over in its entirety to the next budget
session. Carriod, all Councilmen present voting aye.
CITY_ MANAGER SULLIVAN statod we havo received a request for-
a lease on the future pier. Tho preliminary drawings on tho
pier arrived today and Mrs. Sullivan asked if the Council
would arrange for a time to confer with the engineers on the
pier and to review the plans, also would like tho two
applicants who made application to build the pier on a lease
purchase plan, to be given notice to confer with tho Council
as to cost. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN suggested that the Planning
Commission bo included in this mooting. MR. CHRISTMAN said
that he personally would attend, and he felt sure that
several of the Commissioners would attend, but he could not
speak for the entire Commission. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN suggest-
ed that the meeting be hold Friday night, April 6th at 7:30.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN asked if tho Council wanted the two
people who havo offered to build the pier at this meeting or
wait until a later time to talk with them. MAYOR MATTHEWS
said he saw no objection to having them at this meeting.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod that the meeting witl► the Chula
Vlsta Council, scheduled for March 28th, was changed to
Tuesday, April 3rd at 7:30 P.M. at the Country Club.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod that in regard to the request
from tho Comrades of the Purple Heart, which was presontod
at the last mooting, Mr. Harvey made an investigation and it
is en dntiroly different organization. Tho Military Order
of tho purple Heart is a regular recognized veterans organ-
ization. The Comrades of the Purple Heart aro not. Neither
Mr. Harvey or any of the veterans groups nearby have been
able to locate any membership of the Comrades of the Purple
Heart. The Better Business Bureau indicates that their oely
record is that they have attempted to sell buttons et times
and the regular established veterans organizations have
opposed it. CITY MLNAGER SULLIVAN said that due to the
reasons stated she would recommend that the motion permitting
them to sell purple violets be rescinded. Moved by Clarke,
seconded by Curry, that the motion granting the Comrades of
the Purple Heart permission for four of their members to sell
purple violets in National City, be rescinded, and that
permission bo denied. Carried, all Councilmen present voting
aye. MAYOR MATTHEWS said ho would like to have the Council
thank Mr. Harvey for tho help he gave in regard to this
matter, and suggested a Lotter be written.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that in regard to the Lions
Club asking for permission to use the City Park July 3rd
and 4th, the only action necessary is for the Council to
make a motion granting them permission. Tho bond that is
required is for fireworks and is pursuant to State law.
Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Clarke, that the Lions Club
be granted permission to use the City Park on July 3rd and
4th. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN presented a letter from the Acting
City Engineer concerning Sewer Jobs 6 and 7 which were com-
pleted on or about March 10, 1951 by Contractor Walter H.
Barber. Final inspection of the work has been made and it
Nix boon found satisfactory. It is recommended that the
job be accepted by the City Council and that the filing of
tho Notice of Completion bo directed. Tho final payment of
$704.68 will bo duo and payable 35 days after formal accept-
ance of work by the City Council. Moved by Carrigan,
seconded by Curry, that tho work on Sewer Jobs 6 and 7 by
Walter H. Barber, be accepted. Carried, all Councilmen
present voting aye.
Movod by Carrigan, socondod by Curry, that the mooting be
closed. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye.
2c... Jir.