HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 05-01 CC MIN681 National City, California, May 1, 1951 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Clinton D. Matthews at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Carrigan, Clarke, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Councilmen absent: None. Moved by Curry, seconded by Clarke, that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 24, 1951, be dispensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Campbell, Bailey, Oautereaux. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN recommended that the presentation of the bills for this meeting and future meetings be held over until the latter part of the meeting in order to give the Councilmen a better opportunity to check them. MAYOR MATTHEWS ordered the bills held over until later in the meeting. S. D. LOUCKS was present and stated that there has been a lot of discussion lately in regard to the City's finances, and that he could show how some of the money was being spent. MR. LOUCKS quoted different amounts of vouchers paid to the City Manager for various expenses, expenses paid Mayor Matthews for a trip to Washington, also vouchers paid to Harry Smith to attend Police School in Washington. If the Council does not pay some attention to this they will be injuring themselves. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said that for Mr. Loucks information, on two occasions he has been away from the City, one a trip to Los Angeles at the League of Cities meeting for the benefit of new Councilmen and he spent about $22.00. The other occasion was when he was sent to Sacramento on Civil Defense. He was away eight days and had $100.00 to meet his expenses, and he had to figure the kind of food he could eat to make the $100.00 reach, and he wanted tc 5/1 682 set Mr. Loucks straight as far as he was concerned. COUNCILMAN CLARKE stated that there have been over sixty entries received for our Maytime Band Review which he thought was very gratifying. Mr. Clarke said he wanted to give credit to all the Committees created by the Chamber of Commerce who have worked hard, and the City should back the Maytime Band Review one hund- red percent. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL reported that regarding the matter of the Beverly Glen Subdivision, Mr. Poulter stated that the contract is down from San Francisco, however, he had a request from the Water Company not to submit it to Mr. Gordon until after the hearing on May 4th. He contacted Mr. Gordon and Mr. Gordon has changed some of his plans which require F H A approval so he is not in a position to ask the Water Company to certify as to the water. It will be necessary to hold this matter over until they reach an agreement. MAYOR MATTHEWS ordered the matter laid over. A memorandum from Wayne W. Smith, Acting City Engineer regarding the improvements in Beverly Glen Subdivision, was read. Com- plianee with Ordinanee Nu. 303, Section 8, C, requires that a contract between the City and the subdivider for the completion of improvements in a subdivision be secured by a Faithful Per- formance Bond in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the improvements. The total cost of improvements, other than sewer and improvements to be installed by Utility Companies, is $15,059.00. It is recommended that a bond for this sum be re- quired by the City of this Subdivider. Mr. Smith estimates a reasonable time for performance to be one year. MAYOR MATTHEWS requested that this communication be laid over until Beverly Glen Subdivision is again presented. REQUEST FOR TAX SALE on Lots 18 and 19, Block 117, City Plat, held over from the last meeting, was presented. MAYOR MATTHEWS 0 5 /_ 683- stated that the map requested showing the lots on which the City - has an option was just presented to them and they have not had time to make a study. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN stated he has seen the two lots in question and they are level and in a fairly decent residential district. BERNARD BANKE was present and stated he put in a bid for these lots and understood that would be on the agenda tonight. The bid of W. H, Vincent is $159.38 plus advertising costs. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN asked Mr. Banke the amount of his bid. MR. BANKE stated it was the City's taxes plus ten percent to in- clude the County's interest. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said there was a question as to the amount necessary to pay the County if you obtain the County's tit]. CITY CLERK ALSTON reported that she checked with the County,on these two particular lots it will cost $70.00 to pay off tho option, plus $62.00 advertising costs, and it was the recommendation of the City Manager at the last meeting that the Council allow ten or twenty porcent, or a flat rate, but Mrs. Alston said it is her recommendation that each parcel of property be handled separately because on this part- icular option the costs range from $10.00 to $90.00 per lot to take up the option, plus advertising charges. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said that the $62.00 advertising costs might be amortized over some other lots, there would be that possibility. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated that the $62.00 is the cost of the advertising on all the lots contained in this option, but the first lots that the option is taken up on requires the payment of the $62.00 advertising charge. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN asked if the City wore to cloar the lots of the County taxos and pay the advertising, would they be in a position to auction the two lots off to the highest bidder. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said thoy would. MR. BANKE said to clarify that furthor, it clears tho City's and the County's interest, but thoro is still another interest, tho fee interost. On those two particular lots thoro are two bonds which 5/1 684 is another interest, so it is a long ways from cloar when you have the County's and the City's intorost. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said if you have both tho City's and County's interest the City can maintain a auiot title action and undoubtedly oliminato the present fee holder. If thorn aro valid bonds the City would becomo a co -tenant with the holder of the bonds in the event of a foreclosure on tho bonds. It is possible for the City to obtain clear title by both the County's and City's intorost by quiet title action to remove the legal holdor, if there aro bonds they must bo taken into consideration, you cannot wipe them out unloss they fail to foreclose in tho propor time. Tho bonds can bo paid off if they have not boon foroclosod. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN askod what would bo tho Attorney's rocommendation in handling tho numbor of lots tho City has to enable them to get back on tho tax roll. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said probably it would bo best if tho City Clork took title and then you would be in a position to sell thom at auction. Until you havo title the City should first oxamino tho lots and dotormino the amount of monoy that is nocoasery to invost to the County and also tho amount that is duo the City through taxes and togothor with tho relative market value, the Council can dotormino a starting bid, and if thoro is a bid receivod that; is a fair market value, then it should bo accopted. MAYOR MATTHEWS askod if the Council may, after dotormining the market value end gotting enough to char tho texas, ask for additional monoy to make a profit for the City. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said tho Council has the right whether thoy take tho County or if only tho City's title, to reject any and all bids. MAYOR MATTHEWS said ho thought these things should be discussod boforo any action is taken, COUNCILMAN CLARKE said he would liko an opinion from the City Attornoy, as it is his fooling tho City should bo in a position to have ell this land clear and put it up for auction and sot the prico on the lots, and didn't ho think tho bost thing for the City 5/1 685 to do is to acquiro this proporty froo of ell oneumbrancos so that wo will havo it for anybody who wants it, and havo a prico on it, but if wo havo to pay tho charges montionod what would tho City bo gotting out of it 7 ATTORNEY CAM FELL said if you would do that the City would not make any monoy. Porhaps if your prosor map is augmented by showing any bonds that aro against thoso part- icular proportios and also tho amount of each ploco to redoom and also the amount of taxos it would give you a clear picturo of whet you would have to pay, what you would havo to rocoivo to break ovon and what would bo tho proper prico in tho ovont of a sale. CITY CLERK ALSTON said tho dolinouont taxos could bo figurod by hor offico and tho bonds by Mr. Vansant's offico. Movod by Hart, socondod by Curry, that this matter bo laid ovor for further study. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said ho would liko to sco e dofinito date sot to iron this out so that it can bo takon caro of. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. MAYOR MATTHEWS askod how long it would tako to figure tho delinquent taxos. CITY CLERK ALSTON said sho would liko to havo two wooks. MAYOR MATTHEWS called the Committoo mooting for Friday, May 18th to discuss this furthor, ATTORNEY CAMPBflLL stated that Mr. Tyson and ho woro not cblo to actually agroo upon any particular toms, and in tho intorval ho has obtained en ostimeto of $22,525.00 to fill end drain the proporty, end ho fools that hie only offor to tho City, which is tontativo, is $30,000.00 and tha city fill the property. COUNCIL- MAN CLARKE asked 1f this could bo filled for $10,000.00. MAYOR MATTHEWS said no, this was a bone fido ostimato from ono of the largost construction companies. Tho first information Mr. Tyson ha$ was obtained from a vory small oporator that could not possibly do the job for that amount. Mayor Matthows said ho thought this matter should bo laid over hoping for a future and 5/1 • 686 bettor offer from Mr. Tyson. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN suggdstod that if tho Council is intorostpd in soiling this property that a sign be put on it for salo in tho amount of $29,000.00. MAYOR MATTHEWS said ho had no objoction to it. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN aekod if in the absonco of tho City Manager can Mr. Harkoy bo instructod to soo that the sign gots on tho proporty? ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated the ordinance roquiros that the instructions be givon to the City Manager, but tho instructions to tho City Manager would be picked up by Mr. Harkey. Moved by Carrigan, soconded by Hart, that a sign be put on tho property and tho prico of $29,000.00 bo put on tho sign. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated that a Resolution has been prepared which permits the oxtonsion of tho spur track of the Atchison, Topoka and Santa Po on Harrison Avonue. RESOLUTION NO. 5432 was road, permitting the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fo Railway Company to construct, maintain and oporeto a track. The permit is revocable et tho will of the City Council. Movod by Hart, secondod by Carrigan, that tho Resolution bo adopted. Carried, all Councilman prosont voting ayo. ORDINANCE N0. , an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 750, was=prosontod for tho socond and final reading, Moved by Hart, soconded by Curry, that only tho heading bo road. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Carrigan, Clarko, Curry, Matthews. Nays: 'None. Hart, ORDINANCE NO. 816, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY AMENDING ORRDINANCE NO. 750 OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 4.1. Movod by Curry, soconded by Clarke, that tho Ordinanco be adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmen present voting ayo. APPLICATION FOR BEVERAGE LICENSE by Edward Goorgo, 421 Palm 5/1 687 Avenue, was road. The application was for off sale boor and wino. A roport from Chiof of Polito Smith states that a chock of tho rocords of tho Polito Dcpartmont falls to rovoal any calls to this location that would bo dorogatory in any way at this piano of businoss. MAYOR MATTHEWS statod thoro is an existing boor liconso next door. Moved by Carrigan, that the Attorney bo in- structod to write a lottor of protost. COUNCILMAN CLARKE askod if this businoss has changod hands. MAYOR MATTHEWS said the grocery wont out of businoss and it was vacant for a whilo. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said in roality it is just a ronowal of a liconso that already existed. COUNCILMAN CURRY said thoro would bo two liconsos in tho snmr locality if this one is granted as tho rostaurant next door has a bovorego liconso. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said tho ono for the market would bo off salo, tho ono in tho rostaurant is on salo. Motion socondod by Curry. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said he felt thet this is donying somobody who just takes ovor a•businoss tho same privilogos grantod by tho City to tho previous ownor. MAYOR MATTHEWS said our grounds of protost aro that wo boliovo wo hew) too many liconsos alroady in Notional City. It will no doubt cause a hardship on somo of tho pooplo, but it is tho only way wo can protost tho issuanco of moro liconsos in National City. Porhaps wo will get fowor roquosts if wo show that wo ere not oncouraging them. COUNCIL- MAN CLARKE statod if you continuo on thoro grounds and ovontually got tho placos closed that had off sale boor and wino tho City will suffor in rovonuo. Mr. Clarke said ho saw less harm in having en off salo liconso than an on solo liconso. COUNCILMAN HART said ho would like to know when wo aro going to allow tho issuance of liconsos and whon wo aro not. If thoro aro too many ono will -run tho othor ono out of businoss, all cannot mako a living. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said it was his undorstand- ing that tho Council wont on rocord as going to protest all 5/1 688 roquosts, COUNCIL►'N HART said ho thought tho Council should sot up somo sort of rule in ordor to docido who should bo granted a liconso and who should not, both on Salo and off salo. COUNCILMAN CARRIG.N said tho Board of Equalization havo tho final ruling, and at tho prosont rate if tho liquor llconsos aro con- tinuod, instoad of having ono for every 400 pooplo in tho noxt throe yoars wo will havo ono for ovary 180 pooplo. MAYOR MATTHEWS said ho would rocommond that the Council take action or whatovor is nocossary to edopt a use tax which would bo a very valuablo sourco of rovonuo to National City. That is probably ono we got so many requests now for thoso liconsos bocauso wo tho only unchertorod City and all of tho chartorod citios reason aro can chargo use tax. Tho laws aro sot up whoroby thoy can issuo liconso for oach 1,000 pooplo in Sen Diogo County. Tho law doos not say anything about whoro thoy aro locatod, all can a come to National City, and wo aro not charging use tax. Motion carricc by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Carrigan, Curry, Hart, Matthows. Nays: Clarke. REQUEST FOR REFUND on businoss liconso by W. E. Black, in tho amount of $5.00 was reed. Tho roquost was approvod by CITY TREASURER VANSANT. Moved by Curry, socondod by Hart, that tho refund bo granted. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayc. APPLICATION TO MOVE A BUILDING by J. B. Murray, was presented. Tho building is to bo moved from tho foot of 24th Stroot on Santa Fe property to 19th and Cleveland Avenue on Lots 13 and 14, Block 275. Tho typo of structure is a shod and is to be used as a lumbor shed. Application was approvod by Building Inspector Bird and tho timo limit within 30 days. A letter from City Planner Wagner rogarding moving of this structuro was road, which rocommondod the approval as this is in tho proposod Project No. 2 area of tho Rodovolopmont program end is to bo usod 5/1 689 for storage of good grndos of lumber for mill work. Movod by Hart, socondod by Curry, that the request be grentod with the stipulntod time limit of 30 days. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roportod that the logel doscription of tho proporty sold to tho Notional School District has not boon pro- parod, so until this is dono no rosolution can bo drawn up accepting their offor. MAYOR MATTHEWS ordorod this mattor laid ovor awaiting the completion of tho 1®gal description. LETTER OF COMMENDATION from Mrs. T. W. Rooso, was road. Mrs. Rooso stated sho wished to commond tho two firomon and two polico officers who were summonod to administer oxygon to her unconscious littlo boy, in thoir prompt action in reaching thoir homoIn throe minutes. It is quite probablo that the lifo of tho child was savod by thoir quick end officiont action. Movod by Clarke, seconded by Hart, that tho communication bo filod and that tho Council go on rocord by sending a lottor of commondation to the Fire Chiof and thoso rosponsiblo in this instanco. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY was road. This is a Resolution advising govorning bodios cf Authority Mombor Agoneios of tho Authority's inability to moot oxpoctod wator noods and suggostod unitod offorts for wator consorvation. Moved by Clarke, that tho Council send out an appoal to tho poople of National City to consorvo wator as much as possiblo. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN statod that et tho mooting last wook in the Chambor of Commorco in San Diego, that all tho Citios covered by tho Motropolitan Water Authority aro going to go in oh an advertising campaign, that we will all do in togothor for wator consorvation and it would be a littlo oxtra curricular activity if tho City woro to attompt it individually. MAYOR MATTHEWS state 5/1 690 that ho thought tho Council should bo very caroful and givo somo thought boforo any dofinito action is takon. If wo adopt this rosolution it will oxpross our foolings and wo would bo includod. At the mooting with tho Wator Company in tho Country Club at Chula Vista, wo oxprossod oursolvos thoro that wo woro not in favor of tho attitudo of our prosont wator company in tho South Bay arm. Wo folt that thoy woro puroly a local affair and wo woro not in favor of them not allowing us to not havo water for subdivisions for National City and Chula Vista. Wo did oxpross oursolvos as boing in favor of conserving wator if all tho County would tako action at ono timo, and not havo this Water Company who is our agont como out first and dictato to us that wo must not use wator for now subdivisions. This is a much largor offort than our local problom. If wo adopt this Rosolution it will show that tho Council and National City is going along with San Diogo County and all the citios in tho County in thoir offort to consorvo wator. Tho Council of Chula Vista havo adopted it, our roprosontativo on tho San Diogo County Wator Authority, Mr. Dickson, has rocommondod it, and that ho porsonally recommonds that wo adopt this Rosolution. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho was hoartily in favor of tho Rosolution, but ho fools that ho is not out of lino in making an appoal in addition to tho Resolution. COUNCILMLN CURRY said ho thought wo aro boing more or loss dis- criminated against, inasmuch as tho Water Company is rocommonding that no dry land bo givon wator, and in National City ovorything in our oxpansion will naturally bo dry land. Wo aro the only City that will bo affoctod, and Notional City will bo curtailod of our dofonse program, and ho did not boliove it is right, and wo should go on record that wo do not favor any curtailment. COUNCILMAN CARRIGLN stetod et tho mooting Capt. Johnson of tho Elovonth Naval District said that the Navy would build tho soeond barrol and would havo it in oporation by 1953. 5/1 • 1 1 691 RESOLUTION NO. 5433 was road. adopting tho San Diego Wator Authority's Rosolution No. 192 on wator consorvation. Movod by Clarke, seconded by Hart, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM LIONS CLUB was rood. Tho Chula Vista Lions Club has asked tho Notional City Lions Club to intorcodo in bo- half of a Mr. Waltor Dow, a blind man to soo if tho City Council would waivo tho poddlo rs liconso foo for Mr. Dow. This man soils a popular brand of soap end tho City of Chula Vista has waived tho liconso foo and ho would liko to como to National City a day or so a wools so as to broadon his fiold to work in. MPYO MATTHEWE roquostod thot this bo roforrod to the Chiof of Police for his rocommondation. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said ho would havo a ruling on this aftor it is roforrod to the Chiof. COMMUNICATION FROM HIGHLAND AVENUE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION was ran Tho lottor statod that approximatoly throe years ago thoy potation od tho CouncEil to widon Highland Lvonuo and to dato nothing has boon dono. It is again roquostod that immodiato attontiacn be givon to this matter. Thoy havo offorod-tho City a gift of a fund oqual to the romoval of tho old curbs, tho sum of approximato- ly $40,000. which would bo raisod by charging proporty owners $2.00.a front foot and $1.00 a sido foot. COUNCILMAN CLARKE asked•City Planner Wagnor if this is includod in our major stroot plan.. CITY PLANNER WLGNER said it is on tho major street plan, the proposod widening of Highland Avenue. COUNCILMEN CLARKE asked --if tha Highland lvonuo Improvement Lssoeiation are awaro of this.. CITY PLANNER WLGNER said ho did not know. COUNCILMAN CLLRKE said it might bo woll if thoy woro notified to that effect and asked Mr. Wagner if ho know when this would bo startod. MR. WLGNER said that it is en ndministretion problom as far as tho actuel work. Tho rights -of -way arc shown as proposing widening 5/1 692 tho rights -of -way and it is also shown on tho Metropolitan San Diego major streot plan as a major north -south street. MAYOR MATTHEWS askod how long it would tako the Utilities to movo tho tolophono polos and water motors, and askod if they should not bo notifiod. MR. WAGNER said thoy dofinitoly should. Tho south and of Highland 4,vonuo will bo quito a problom es thoro aro numor- ous tolophono linos. COUNCILMAN HART suggostod that whon thoy do start that they start at tho southorn and of Highland Lvonue. MAYOR MATTHEWS said it might tako two or throo yours for the Utilitios to got thoir polos, etc. moved. They should got it in thoir plans. CITY PLANNER WAGNER said that ho has soon tho City Enginoor's plans for tho suggostod widoning of tho travol way to about 61 fout, and thoro was somo diseussion about that, whothor It would bo tho propor width and that is whore it stands now. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho thought tho Association should bo notified of tho situation. CITY PLANNER WAGNER said ho would bo vory glad to look into tho problom and soo what rocommondation ho can got by working with tho City Enginoor. COUNCILMAN CARRIG_.N asked if Mr. Wagner know anything about tho widoning of 16th Stroot and why it is boing hold up. MR. WAGNER said he did not, and ho bolioved that is also an onginooring problom. It is definitoly considorod. MAYOR MATTHEWS said a Wator Company official callod him today and stetod that ono of the pertios who bed given a right of way for 16 th Stroot camp down to tho offico end gave him a protty bed timo bocruso the wator was leaking and thoro was quito a lot of wator running down tho canyon and ho wanted to know why tho Wator Company was not finishing thoir job. This official said it was an onginooring job. If we want this to bo completed end tho water to stop running down tho canyon wo will havo to hevo a motion to instruct tho Enginoor to proeood with the onginooring problom so tho Water Company can finish layini the now pipe. Movod by Curry, seconded by Hart, that tho Enginoor 5/1 • 693 bo instructod through the City Mrnagor's offico to procood with 1 tho onginocring problom to comploto 16th Stroot. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. PRICE C. LVERY, 441 Highland ; vonuc, Chairman of tho Highland Avonuo Improvomont Association was prosont and stetod that tho purpose of writing tho lc ttor wee to bring to tho Council's ettontion tho fact that a long poriod of timo olapsod and thoro has boon no dofinito ^ction. Tho Council has boon roluctant to mako any movo to notify tho Utilitios that it is on their egonda for action and notify thom to movo thoir wator motors and to mako preparations to movo thoir polos for this improvomont to tako place. In going ot•or tho tax bills for 1948 and 1951, ho finds that taxos have boon raisod 80 porcont. At our Diroctors mooting wo woro all of ono accord that our sontimont is still tho same, to allow oursolvos to bo assossod for tho amount of something ovor $40,000.;to assist tho City in gotting this startod. MLYOR MLTTHEWS said about six months ago tho Council did tako action towards tho rocommondation of notifying tho Utility Companios and that was through tho City Menagor and sho had a mooting with roprosontativos of both Utility Companios and both agrood thoy would not stand in tho way of any improvomont. COUNCILMAN HART said ho thought wo should do somothing about it now bocauso by tho timo thoy got tho work dono wo will bo roedy to widon tho stroot. MR. SIMMONS said wo had a mooting last August with all tho Utility Companies on this problom end at that timo thoy woro vory much in favor of it, thoy roalizod that thoro would bo a shortago of matorials and thoy do have tho plans that wo havo drawn, to opon tho curb to 64/. Thoy said if supplios woro available, thoy could teko taro of it lmmodiatoly and thoy havo u:do a st.:ay of our plans and have thom on raeord but wcto waati.lQ for supplios. COUNCILML.N CURRY said wo must roalizo that this is 5/1 694 quito an oxpondituro of money on tho powor company's part and it is roasonablo to think that thoy aro going to hold this up es long as possible. Mr. Curry said ho woo told yostordny that coppor is the only supply that thoy aro not ablo to got. It is up to tho Council to put as much prossuro on thom as possible, and want somo action takon on it, Movod by Clarko, socondod by Curry, that tho Council sond a lottor to the Utility Compnnios appraising thom of our intontions and roquost thorn to roply as to their and of tho problom. MAYOR MATTHEWS asked tho Attorney what would bo nocossary on tho part of tho pooplo who hevo offorod to contributo tho sum of $40,000. by paying $2.00 a front foot and $1.00 a sido foot. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said thoy could go under tho assossmont, hcwovor tho petition may bo much moro contractional, that thoy havo contracted to pay a dobt, hcwovor ho could not soo how tho City could contract with each individual. If the Improvomont Association has tho funds thoy could contract to tho City, but ho quostions whothor thoy have tho funds in thoir possossion. It might bo mere foasiblo to work it out on an assossmont basis. MR. AVERY said that thoir potition stated that oath proporty ownor would submit to en assossmont of $2.00 a running foot for tho front feet along Highland Avenue and $1.00 a foot en the sido streets back as far es tho land was zonod for commorcial purposos. It could bo paid in cash or should bo addod to thoir texos ovor a period of ton years. That was carried by a percontago of 66% of tho taxablo proporty ownors on Highland Avenuo. TLore aro a numbor of pooplo who aro roady to pay thoir part of it in cash. A fow of tho people would go ahoad and movo tho curb and sot it back to an Enginoor's bludprint if tho wetor hydrants and motors woro movod whoroin thoy would bo pormittod to do so. ATTORNEY CAMIPBELL said that with tho stated feats it would have to oo an essossment district. COUNCILMAN CURRY asked Mr. Avery how ho 5/1 695 arrived et the price of $2.00 a front foot and $1.00 a side foot. MR. AVERY stated that at the time the petition was drawn up he had a joint mooting with tho City Engineor, and wo had a con- tractor's figuro on the ontiro job of $129,200. to romovo all of the trees, romovo the old curb, replace the now curb and pavo the area between what is now the highway and tho now curb establis ed. The $2.00 a front foot, excluding the school land end the churches, figures out a little ovor $42,000. MAYOR MATTHEWS said if we would start the assessment district that is ono good way to find out for surd how many people on Highland Lvonuo wish to contribute the $2.00, and if they show faith, no ono could criticise us in using pert of tho gas tax monoy for tho job. MR. AVERY said if that is the will of the Council ho suggests that it bo reforred to him for a proliminery roport. Carried, all Council mon prosent voting aye. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said he would liko to bring a report next wook on the necessary stops for forming an assessment district. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN statod that he has hoard a great many com- plaints about the poor lighting on National Avenue and thoro has boon an assossmont district thoro for somo timo, also on 8th Stroot, and if it is not too involvod ho would bo happy to pay his sharo for docent lighting on National Lvonuo and along 8th Stroot. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said you can initiato it by dotorminat- ion, primarily how much it is going to cost and noticos aro sont to tho individual proporty ownors. That is actually your initiat- ion of tho procoodings and if thero aro objoctions you will know by tho first instanco'and tho procoodings will bo stopped. It takos ovor 50% to participato end egroo and if thoy do that than you proceed. MAYOR MATTHEWS roforrod tho mattor of an assossmont district to the City Attornoy for rocommendations. MR. AVRRY said that in defense of tho group that ho roprosonts and in 5/1 i • 696 developing an assossmont eroa to do any ono cortein projoct that thoy do not fool it just to dovolop that assossmont district whoroin tho pooplo in that aroa alono boors tho ontiro burdon of its cost. Wo fool it is en ovorall improvomont for National City. Whatovor tho procoduro is in an assossmont aroa wo assuro you that Highland Avonuo will go along with you as far as is oquitablo and right, but with incroasod property assossmont and a potition assossmont for a donation on tho projoct, wo fool liko wo havo boon vory fair. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stctod that if it is moroly a donation you arc going to run into difficulty on an assossmont bocauso tho assossmont district assesses tho property for that particular projoct, if you aro going to assess the ontiro community you aro going to havo to oithor use curront funds or also run a bond issuo. MLYOR MATTHEWS said tho only moans tho Council has by law is to hnvo-an assossmont district to raiso tho amount of monoy that tho pooplo havo agrood to pay, and bocauso it is eallod an assossmont thoro is no reason it will cost any more. ATTORNEY CI.MPBELL said the assessment district will sot forth what you aro proposing to do and tho ostimatod cost, and tho pooplo will havo tho figures boforo thoy approve or dis- epprovo tho district. COUNCILMLN CARRIGAN stated that ho bolioVod Mr. Nowborry was on tho Council et the time tho National Avonuo Lighting District was sot up. MR. RAY NEWBERRY stctod that ho was not on the City Council at that tino. Ho was on the Council at tho timo thoy formed tho improvomont district on lowor National- Avonuo, You aro in for about a four or fivo year fight, it is a longthy procoduro and quito involved. COMMUNICATION FROM HERBERT BARNES was road. Tho lottor was in regard to tho City's insuranco to which Mr. Barnos had nado roforonco a nunbor of tines. Ho roquosted that ho havo a writton reply before Monday, May 14 th to all the questions asked. COUNCIL- 5/1 697 MLN CLARKE asked if tho Council has ovor picked out any particular company and granted than the insurance. MAYOR MATTHEWS said tho City Managor was instructed to divido tho insuranco anong tho insurance dealers in National City, and that it was divided anong twelve, and apparently Mr. Bornos fools ho did not got a largo onough sharo. MAYOR MATTHEWS said ho felt that ovoryono has had a chanco to try and givo Mr. Barnos tho answers, and ordcrod tho communication filed. COMMUNICATION FROM CHARLES J. STEIN was road, stating ho would liko to enter into negotiations for a contract with tho City to operate tho cantoon concossion in tho City Park. Ho stated that he had spokon to tho Chairmen of tho Rocroation Commission and was informed that tho Recreation Commission is in unanimous accord with his request. MAYOR MATTHEWS said wo can keep this roquost on filo until m xt mooting. CHARLES J. STEIN was present, and stated that in conversation with Mr. Miller ho mentioned that tho City contonplatod lensing tho cantoon concossion in tho Park. He talked with Mrs. Sullivan and sho suggostod ho submit his application to the City Council. Mr. Stein said that ho in- vostigatod othor cities who haw) such concossions and mast of that aro loasod on a percontogo b-sis of tho gross rocoipts, and that is tho basis on which ho would liko to nogotiato. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN askod what the porcontago was in most of tho cities. MR. STEIN said that it avoragos out approximatoly fivo percont, a lot wore smaller and a fow a little noro, with a minimum guarantor to tho City of approxinatoly $25.00 a month. Undor this arrango- nent tho cities furnished tho buildings and tho stationary equipnont, such as a sink and necessary utilitios. The con- cessionairo furnishod his rofrigorator, stove, etc. MRS. DOROTHY JENSEN was prosont and strtod that sho has oporatod a concossion for the City in tho past and when sho was running on 5/1 698 straight commission they charged hor twelve porcont. Mrs. Jonson seid sho put hor application in sovon or oight wooks ago to Mr. Gautoroaux and also to tho Recreation Commission and Mrs. Sullivan and has hoard nothing. Fivo porcont is whet usually is chcrgod. Mrs. Jensen said her offor is still open. COUNCILMAN HART said Mrs. Jonson contactod him but he understood that she was working for tho City and did not know she was working on a porcentago basis and for that ro^son ho did not bring it up boforo tho Council. BILLY MILIIER, Chairman of the Rocroation Commission said thoy rocoivod Mrs. Jonscn's application, also Mr. Stain's application and both wore considered thoroughly and docidod as far as tho Recreation Commission was concornod Mr. Stein was bettor fittod to run the concession. Tho letter from City Plnnnor Wngnor stated that tho City Plnnnor and the Re- s eroation Diroctor with the approval of tho Park and Rocreation Commission, tho City Managor and tho Planning Commission have choson tho southwest cornor of the swimming pool structure whore some of tho utilities are already nvaila.blo for the location of the concession stand. A new flooring and tho necessary counters or fixtures appear to bo the only expense involved. COUNCILMAN CLRRIGLN askod tho sizo of tho area. CITY PLANNER WAGNER said it was about 48 squaro foot. MAYOR MATTHEWS askod if the Council desired to hold this natter over to sec if wo get any More applications from r concessionaire. COUNCILMAN CARRIGLN stated that ho thought wo should know definitoly how ouch of a cost was involved to furnish the building, tho amount of equipment the City must furnish, and tho amount tho concession- aire will furnish, as this will have e groat bearing on the nannor in which the concession is rontod or lc ased; the length of time that the concessionaire will operate it. There should bo sono contract drawn up so that the City will not be left "holding 5/1 699 the bag". MAYOR MATTHEWS said they could go ahoad with the building and that the Rocroation Commission furnish the Council with infornntion rogarding the oouipnont, otc. necessary, by tho next mooting. COUNCILMAN CLLRKE asked whothor it was the responsibility of the Council or the Recreation Commission as to who is to bo given tho concession. MAYOR MATTHEWS stated it is tho res tnsibility of tho Rocroction Commission to mako a re- commendation, but tho Council oust approvo it. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that in tho ovont thoro is more than ono bid on a por- cantago basis, if thero was any varianco in the percentage tho reasons for denying any bid shall bo sot forth by the Council. The Commission should nnko a finding and a roconnondation to you and you can adopt or roject tho finding. MR. STEIN stated tho figuro ho nontionod was not a bid, it was just a suggestion to- wards consummating a contract. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said ho thought the proper way to handle this is to havo tho Lttornoy sot forth legally what tho City intonds to do, and what the City will furnish, and the typo of strings that the City will attach to tho concessionaire and advortiso it as such and take the best offor commensurate with the abilities of the persons submitting applications and from a financial standpoint as far as the City is concorno(. COUNCILMAN CLA.RKE was in accord with Mr. Carrigan. and that we should look at this not only from a three nonth's use during the summer but for othor periods throughout tho your. Thoro nay bo tinos whon it could bo rontod out to sonobody whoro- by the City cculd got a little rovonue to holp pay tho cost of the building, etc. MAYOR MATTHEWS asked that tho Rocrootion ,Commission got their roconnondations randy in tho fora of a letter and present to the City Attorney so that he could havo thou in legal form by the noxt mooting. CHAIRMLN MILLER strtod it was his understanding that this was givon to the Rocrortion 5/1 700 Commission to handle, and to handle it tho way thoy saw best, that is tho roason thorn have boon no roeonnondations made to the Council. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY TREASURER VANSANT was road, roquosting that a Rosolution bo adopted for tho distribution of tho Un- apportionod Tex Fund and the Spacial Delinquent Tax Fund, in the amount of $5,199.23 fron the Unapportionod and $5,145.03 fron the Special Dolinquont Tax Fund. RESOLUTION NO. 5434 was road, transforring fron the Tax Fund the sun of $5,199.23 to the Gonoral Fund Library Park M & I Planning Retirement Sink. Fund #6 Sink. Fund #8 From the Special Dolinquont Tax Fund tho following: General Fund Library Park M & I Planning Rotironont Sink. Fund #6 Sink. Fund #8 Unapportionod following: $ 135.63 904.21 1,130.27 316.48 1,491.95 271.26 949.43 $5,1.99.2S tho sun of $5,145.03 to $ 134.22 894.79 1,118.48 313.17 1,476.40 268.44 939.53 $4145.03 Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Hart, that tho Resolution bo adopted. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS was road. An Easonont for street purposos for the City of National City signed Ruth K. Faust, was enclosed. This is in connoction with construction of tho frooway through National city. This will provide area for a substitute alloy in Block 272 to the Nly 50 foot of the regular alloy which was closed by by tho Easonont roplaco roso- lution of tho City Council on or about April 21, 1950. It is 5/1 701 roquestod that this Easomont bo accepted by tho City Council. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated ho had proparod tho Rosolution but he talked with Acting City Enginoor Smith this aftornoon and there is a possibility thoro night bo a docd end on the alloy and Mr. Smith would liko to havo it roforrod to him and City Planner Wagnor prior to tho passago of this Resolution. MAYOR MATTHEWS ordorod this roforrod to tho City Planner and Acting City Engineer. CITY CLERK ALSTON reportod that wo havo rocoivod our in liou Federal Housing Tex which anountod to $6,995.77, also a chock for $4,876.88 from the State Controller on Alcohol Bovorago License Fecs from Soptenbor 1, 1950, to Fobrucry 28, 1951. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated she had a memorandum from the Stato Controller in regard to tho apportionmonts to bo made from Motor Vohiclo License Fees for tho 1951-52 Fiscal Year and that National City has beon sot up for $78,267. CITY CLERK ALSTON roportod that tho balanco in tho General Fund shows $31,442.40 but wo havo to take off $20,612.86 that has accumulated, which we borrowod from the Capital Roservo`Fund, and minus the bills for tonight givos us a balanco of $8,047.07. Wo have a payroll Saturday morning and tho Genoral Fund Payroll will amount to about $15,500.00, and that sho would liko to know what the Council wished to do about it. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN stated that ho had a problo n he would liko to prosont whilo tho Council is considoring the nattor of tho payroll. In a lottor from tho Locguo of California Citios thoro is ono Bill nontionod undor the Firenon and it has to do with allowing the employoo whoso hours of labor oxcood 72 per wook would be given thrro hours off during ovary 24 hours for tho purpose of procuring Tools, and according to tho Loaguo of Citios most of the Citios 5/1 1 702 • 1 aro against it and aro asking for their cooperation in protost- ing the Bill to the Legislature. Mr. Carrigan said that in tho absonco of the City Managor wo night have the City Attorney write our protest. Thorn is anothor Bill which would reduce the Cityts share of Court fines and forfeitures roquirod under the 1949 Court Reorganization Program. Tho law now statos that 75% of all finos and forfeitures whore a person was arrested by a city policoman for violation of State law by local ordinance goos to tho City. Whore the person is arrostod by city police for violation of tho Vohiclo Codo 100% of tho fino gods to tho city. Whcro a State Highway Patrolman nakos an arrest within the city for a Vohiclo Code violation the city gets 50% of tho fino and- forfoituro. Tho proposod chango would roduco tho City's sharo to a 50-50 basis and it would affect ovory city in the Stator. Tho Loaguo letter status that they hope ovory City will rogistor an innodiato protest with the Assemblymen and Sonator, and particularly with tho mombors of tho Lssonbly and Sonato Judiciary Committee. Mr. Carrigan said ho thought wo night have tho Attorney rogistor that protost also. Movod by Carrigan, soeondod by Hart, that tho Lttornoy bo authorizod to rogistor the City's protost in rogcrd to tho proposod Bills nontionod by tho Loaguo of California Cities. Carried, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. CITY CLERK LLSTON statod that sho would like to bring up tho matter of tho Lighting District. Wo have Lighting District No. 1 in National City from 5th to 9th on National Avonuo and on 8th Street from "A" to Roosevolt Avonuo, and it is necessary to ad. vortise that the property ownors pay half of tho lighting for tho year. Our year expires July 31st and the City Manager hat - put this off because sho said sho was going to do away with it, and no action has ever boon taken. CITY CLERK LLSTON said sho would like to know how we stand in this regard. MLYOR'MLTTHEWS 5/1 • 703 requested this bo roforred to the City Attorney for roconnondatioi1 at the noxt mooting. MAYOR MATTHEWS askod if tho City Attorney had any recommendation to nako ss to where the funds should cone fron to moot tho pay- roll. ATTOP.NEY CLMPBELL stated at this tino thoro is no re- commendation, that it would bo advisablo to look to the funds that wore sot forth in tho budgot and also tho amounts now to accruo and find out which funds aro duo and when they will bo roceived. This information should cono fron tho Manager's offico. REPORT FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION was road in regard to the location of Service Club signs at tho Community Building. City Plannor Wagner sh_wod a sketch nap of a suggostod idontification sign to bo placod in front of tho Comnunity Building with tho symbol, nano and data of _tooting of all Clubs mooting in tho building. It was decidod to incroaso the silo of tho sign to allow for additional namos. Tho Planning Commission approved tho enlarged sign and suggostod it bo locatod noar the Community Building in tho vicinity of the landscaped cornor of tho Perk, and that signs directing visitors to the Community Building bo placod at 8th Stroot and National Avonuo and at 2th Strout and National Avonuo. COUNCILMAN CLRRIGLN asked that a copy of this letter bo sent to tho various clubs. COUNCILMAN CLLRKE asked whore tho sign is to bo lccatod? CITY PLANNER WAGNER statod that tho oxact spot has not yot boon soloctod, but sono place in the clear area this side of tho Community Building on tho rolling hill that has just boon landscapod. It will bo cononted into the ground so that it will stand wind prossuro. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said he thought it an odd location aftor the grounds havo just bron landscapod. MAYOR MATTHEWS said his first suggestion was to halo it in front of tho Community Building. MR. WAGNER said tn-t 5,'1 704 some nonbors of tho Commission felt that many of the nootings worn hold in tho Annex lnstecd of tho Community Building itsolf and that over in that direction would be actually closer to tho location of their nootings. COUNCILMAN Carrigan said that it was mostly for an idontification sign of tho building and that the various clubs hold thoir nootings thoro, rathor than an olaborato sign, and put on grounds that have just boon land- scaped. MR. WAGNER stated that tho monbors of the Commission felt that thoro might bo othor clubs who night wish to moot in tho futuro and that additional spaco should be allowed for that purpose. If a pornanont typo sign is put up it could also be used for advortising the Ploys if we havo than in tho Commun- ity Building and any special function such as tho Chamber of Connerco dinnors and things of that neturo. Each ono of tho slots would have the symbol of tho club and tho nano of tho club and the date and tine of its nootin;:. M._YOR MLTTHEWS askod if it could not bo put on the enbankmont half way botwoen the two buildings. MR. WAGNER said thet might bo alright, tho only reason ho wondered about that location was becauso some plans have be skotchod by Mr. Brydogaard for rodosigning tho exterior of the building and ono of his suggestions was that the bank should bo cut down somewhat. It could bo locatod thorn and per- haps roved later. Thorc is a largo true that will hove to bo ponoveatia, tt the Comnsi3 protons that location, Mr. Wegnor said ho is sure tho Commission will agroo. In tho redesign, tho stairway that cones down from in front of the building will be elininatod and a new entrance way on the oast side of the build- ing was contor_pleted. Porhaps aftor tho removal of that stair- way that very control portion night bo n good location for tho sign, but temporarily we could put it in front of that troo end cut ;ho bank down. COUNCILMAN CARRIGLN said it is a nico das.rn 5/1 705 for a sign but that we could dispense with the fluorescent lighting and that he too would profer to see it in front of the main building or along side of it. COUNCILMLN CLLRKE ex- pressed himself as preferring to have the sign in front of the Community Building. MLYOR MLTTHEWS asked if it would bo possible to put up a small sign at a cost of about $$10.00 and put on it "Community Building" so that all of the people going by for tho Maytine Band Review will know that is the Community Building. CITY PLLNNER WLGNSR said that it could be done. Mr. Wagnor asked if the Council agree that location signs at 8th and National end 12th and National Lvonuo aro a good idoa. COUNCTIMGN CLRRIGAN suggested that inesmuch es tho clubs have waitod a good many years for this that tho cost of those signs and the ones on 8th and 12th Stroet be estimated and included in noxt year's budgot. REPORT FROM THE PLLNNING COMMISSION in rogard to absenteeism end leaves of absence, was reed. The Chairman of the Planning Commission agreed with tho City Council that members who wore absent without excuse for three consecutive meetings should bo dismissed, but would recommend to the Council that the Planning Commission be allowod to voto on tho dismissal of a member end then Bond e recomnondation to the Council. He further stated that in tho case of the Ch-irnen leaving to be away on a vacation or for any other reason that he first inform the Commission and then communicate with tho Council. The members of the Planning Commission reconnonded this proceedure to tho City Count11. LTTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that thoro was a transfor of funds hold over from last mooting, most of it was Park and Maintenance to bo transferred to the Street Fund. You no doubt have enough in Park end Maintenanco to transfer to the Street Fund, but it is the Attornoy's reconnendetion at this time, if you do not n:r.. 5/� 706 it that you hold up the transfer. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL reportod that on Bolchoz vs tho City of National City wo havo en agreement to submit to the Council. They have the interest only of tho City. Taxes, intorost and penalties tc date amount to tho sun of $148.53. Mr. Canpboll said ho had tho check subjoct to tho Council's approval, that ho can stipulate that the judgment to quiet title can bo ontorod ageinst the City, providing this sun is accoptod by tho City. If you do not accopt this amount wo will havo to attempt to show eny greater intorost in the law suit. It is tho roconnondation cf tho City Attorney that tho Council accopt this amount. Movod by Clarke, socondod by Curry, that the chock in tho amount of ,$p148.53 on the suit Bolchoz vs City of National City bo accepted. Carried, ell Councilmen present voting aye. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod on the action People of the State of California vs Carter, which was the one referred to L st wook, that ho filed the first pepor and it nocossitatod a feo of $3.00. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stag-_' that he has chockod the ordinance in rogard to the lettor from the Lions Club which was referred to him this evening, and finds that the Council is prohibited from waiving tho requirenont es roquostod, so thoro is ao roason to refer this to tho Chiof of Polico. Movod by Clarke, seconaad by Curry, that the Lions Club of Chula Vista bo advisod that accord- ing to our ordinanco tho feo for a licenso to Mr. Walter Dow, cannot bo waivod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont votin3 eyo. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that the Library Board has asked him to moot with two of thoir nombars noxt Tuesday afternoon, and he assumes it is in regard to the question as to who "signs the warrants, and why" end that he will be able to roport on tho 5%- 707 mooting noxt Tuesday night. LTTORNEY CLMPBELL reportod that in rogard to tho money which was transferred to the Sower Bond Fund, he roceived a letter from Mr. Cloyed and Mr. Kraft. Mr. Kraft's Bill has been passed joy both Houses and is cn the Govornor's dosk now, so that loaves Mr. Cloyod's Bill that can bo rovanpod and ho hes asked tho Legislativo Auditor to perform tho task. Mr. Kraft said ho ro- ferrod Lttornoy Canpboll's lottor to tho Legislativo Counsel and Mr. Campbell said ho hoard from thorn by tolophone which said thoy had a spot for us, so it is ovidontly going through. COUNCILMLN CURRY said tho itch of the Greyhound Bus Company franchise was referrod to the Lttorney and ho asked whethor tho Attorney could make a report. LTTORNEY CLMFBELL said he had no report on it at this time. BERNLRD BLNKE stated that inasmuch as his bid for Lots 18 and 19 in Block 117 did not got on tho agonda, ho would like to ask tho Council to instruct tho City Troasuror to roturn his deposit in the am::unt of $516.49. Movod by Clerko, soconded by Hart, that the amount bo refunded to Mr. Banko. Carried, all Council- men prosont voting aye. C. L. KATHOL, 5510 Division Stroot, was present end stated that they recently installed inprovomonts on North Harbison Avenue in tho National Vista Subdivision. Approximately a 600 foot extension of Harbison to tho northerly boundary lino of National City was rocontly stakod out by a crow of ongineors from the City Enginoor's office. It was staked out for a 40 foot distance from curb to curb. Tho grado lino was put in and tho eontractor was contacted to put in tho curbing. Tho contractor arrivod whon the City Enginoor was out on the job in tho process of instruct- 5/1 708 ing the engineering crew to take out the stakes and realign it for a 45 foot distance from curb to curb on the assumption of it being locatod within this oxtenddd highway plan. Oonsequently ho being on the job with his crow took it for granted that it was a normal subdivision stroot as the rost of then in that subdivision had been conplotod with rolled curbs. The rolled curbs have boon put in and ho has now boon informed that it should have been a standard curb. This is a problem, and Mr. Kathol said ho would liko somo information and possible cloering up of the situation. This will tako some time for development on extension of this primary stroct.• Sinco there are two business corners on the north side of Division which take approximately one fourth of the oxtonsion on Harbison Avenue, Mr. Kathol feels that the curbing thnt oxists is practical and since the drainage problem is a littlo onsier solved on that street than in the rest of the subdivisions, he would like to get permission from the Council for an O.K. as the curbs exist et the present time. COUNCILMEN CLARKE asked if Mr. Kathol ropresentod Mr. Moreno. MR. KLTHOL said tochnically no, that ho is the guy that pays the bill on tho improvements on Herbison Avenue and as yet ho has not sottlod his bill with Mr. Moreno, the contractor, and if tho Council waivos the situation and considers the cir- cunstancos that took plcco, it can bo clarified. MAYOR MATTHEWS said ho thought it should bo reforrod to tho Planning Commission for roconnondation. It is conflicting with the Ordinnneo and whothor or not wo can vary ho did not know at this tine. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said he would suggest that tho Council refer it first to tho Planning Commission for thoir rocomnondation. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN asked the length of the curb involved. MR. KATHOL said it is approximately 1050 feet considering both sidos of tho street. MAYOR MATTHEWS asked if tho contractor put it in in 5/1 709 Ignorance of the Ordinance,, why dtd ho go ahead without asking somoono? MR. KLTHOL said tho contractor was under the impression that it was a rogular subdivision street, sinco ho put in tho rost of the subdivision streets and it was stakod out exactly es subdivision streets. In tho process of his beginning on the job it was changed to a 45 foot right-of-way. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said suroly coneono connoctod with tho City should do sons chocking when thoso things aro being dono. Hcs thoro boon any complaint to tho type of curbs that aro in thoro? MR. KATHOL said no, and tho fact that it is rosidentfal it is very satis- factory. MAYOR MATTHEWS suggestod that this bo roforrod to the Planning Commission and a letter bo submitted from tho City Enginoer to the City Council explaining how this happened. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said ono of tho points that should be con- sfdored by the Planning Commission is whethor it is a primary street, there should bo a finding on that because tho Subdivision Ordinance requires vortical curbs on primary streets. MRS. JENSEN asked if she should send an application to the Council for the leasing of tho concession stand. MAYOR MATTHEWS agreod. MAYOR MATTHEWS suggestod that this mooting bo adjourned until Friday night and in the noantine oithor make arrangements for a transfor of funds or rako arrangements for a 90 day loan from the bank, or whatovor is necessary. we oust pay the bills. BILLS AUDITED by the Finance Committee prosonted: General Fund 02,782.47 Street Fund 825.90 Park Fund 41.20 TOTAL $3,649.57 Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the bills be allowed, and warrants ordorod drawn for sane. Carried, by tho following 5/1 710 vote to -wit: Ayos: Carrigan, Clarko, Curry, Hart, Matthows. Nays: None. Movod by Clarko, seeondod by Curry, that the noting adjourn until Friday evening, May 4, 1951, at 7:30 P.M• Carried, all Councilmen prosent voting ayo. ATTEST: cs;22,„ CITY CLERK OR, CITY OF NLTIONL_L CITY, CLLIFORNIL 5/1