HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 05-17 CC ADJ MIN770 National City, California, May 17, 1951. Adjournod mooting of May 15, 1951, of tho City Council was called to order by Vice Mayor John H. Curry at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Council mon present: Carrigan, Clarke, Hert, Curry. Councilnon absent: Neno. LDMINISTRLTIVE OFFICIALS prosont: Alston, Canpboll, Wagner, FinnortY, Casey, Vansant, Bird, Harbison, Smith, Oautoreaux, Baader. VICE MAYOR CURRY stated the first item on tho agonda of this adjourned mooting is tho transfer of funds. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stetod ho proparod a resolution setting up spac- ial payroll funds for tho Library, rark, Planning and Strout Fundr, in order to allow tho payrolls to bo soparate from other bills. RESOLUTION NO. 5442 was road, croating the following spacial funds: Library Spocial Payroll Fund, Park Special Payroll Fund, Planning Special Payroll Fund, and Stroot Spocial Payroll Fund, fron which shall bo paid tho salarios of tho onployoos of tho City of National City, California, in the following dopartnonts: Library onployoos, Park onployoos, Planning onployoos, and Stroot onployoos. That said special funds shall bo discontinuod, torninatod and dissolved on June 30, 1951; that all money then roaaining in said funds shall be transforrod as follows: 1. From tho Library Spocial Payroll Fund to the Library Fund. 2. Fron tho Park Spocial Payroll Fund to tho Park Fund. 3. From the Planning Spocial Payroll Fund to the Planning Fund. 4. Fron tho Stroot Socciel Payroll Fund to tli Streot Fund. Moved by Carrigan, socondod by Hart, that tho Resol- ution bo adopted. Carriod, all Councilnon prosont voting ayo. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated tho noxt rosolution is tho transfor of curtain monios fron tho Special Fund in tho Spocial Payroll Fund. 5/17 771 RESOLUTION NO. 5443 was road. authorizing tho following trans - fors: 1. From the Spocial Payroll Fund to Gomm). Fund $1,517.00. 2. From the Library Fund to tho Library Spocial Payroll Fund $74.90. 3. From the Park Fund to tho Park Spocial Payroll Fund $207.73. 4. From the Planning Fund to tho Plennit.' Special Payroll Fund $103.25. 5. From tho Street Fund to the Street Special Payroll Fund $2,464.50. 6. From the General Fund to the Library Spocial Payroll Fund $593.98. 7. From the General Fund to the Park Spocial Payroll Fund $1,264.89. 8. From the General Fund to the Planning Spocial Payroll Fund $545.73. Moved by Carrigan, secondod by Clarke, thet the Resolution be adopted. Carriod, all Councilmen prosent voting aye. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said that tho bills to be paid from Capital Reserve amount to $7,063.76, and bills to be paid from tho Harbor $und amount to $1,388.00, making a total of $8,451.76. There is sufficient money in each of tho funds if the Council wish to approve thoso bills. Tho remaining bills would bo pay- able ordinarily from tho Gonoral Fund, Library Fund, Park Fund, Planning Fund, Stroot Fund, and tho Lighting District Fund, totalling $17,020.42. Thoro is no monoy to pay thom from thoso funds. RESOLUTION NO. 5444 was road, authorizing the paymont of the following sums incurrod for Capital oxpondituros out of the Capital Reserve Fund: Henry W. Algort, $227.50; Waltor H. Barber, $704.68; Pace Construction Company, $5,709.62; National City Eloctric Works, 3421.96; also authorizing tho payment of tho following sums from tho Harbor Fund: W. F. Nelson Company, $1,314.78; San Diego Gas & Eloctric Co., $27.38; Vurgeson Printing Co., 345.84. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Clarke, that the Rosolution be adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmen 5/17 772 present voting aye. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that in rogard to the remaining bills in the amount of $17,020.42, ho had a suggostod farm of resolut- ion. RESOLUTION NO. 5445 was road as follows: WHEREAS, there has been presontod against tho City of National City, California, demands totalling tho sun of $17.020.42, and WHEREAS said demands have boon duly auditod and aro truo and corroet, and WHEREAS said demands havo not boon horotoforo paid, and WHEREAS therm is no money in the Gonorel Fund to pay said demands, and WHEREAS the remaining incomo and rovonuo to bo roeoivod by the City of National City, California for the General Fund for tho fiscal yoar ending June 30, 1951, oxeeeds tho sum of $83,036.80, consisting in part of tho Colloetion,$8,800.; Motor and Penalties, $2,133.00; State Liquor License Tax, Sales Tax, $18,000.00; of cunborod by a prior lion, following itons: Foos from Oarbago Vohielo in lion tax,$44,672000; Fines Intorost on Deposits, $1,431.00; $4,000.00; Wator Salon, $4,000.00; whieh tho sum of 027,831.95 is'on- lowing an unincunborod sun of $55,198.05. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by tho City Council of tho City of National City, California; 1. That the demands presontod in the total sum of $17.020.42, aro truo and corroet. 2. That the demands are not approved for want of funds. 3. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to endorse said demands as follows: "That the demand of tho horoin named payee has been heretofore auditod by tho City of National City and found to bo true and correct in tho sun herein stated. That said donand is not approved for want of funds." 4. Tho City Clerk shall one dorse on said demand tho dato of prosontation and she shall sign said demand. 5. That tho City Clerk shall number said ondorso- mont, rogistor tho demand in her records and dolivor to claimant. 5/17 773 ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said that is tha proeeduro sot forth in tho Government Code where thoro is not sufficient coney to moot y, demands and whore your incono and revenue is groator than your oxpondituros for tho fiscal your. Movod by Clarko, socondod by Carrigan, that tho Resolution bo adoptod. Carried, all Council - non present voting eyo. COUNCILMLN CLARKE asked tho City Lttornoy to oxplein tho Resolutions that aro boing passed. :.TTORNEY CAMPBELL said that at tho present tino thoro is not sufficient nonoy to moot tho payroll o.nd tho prosont bills. Whon tho payroll is not for this period you will bo some $$17,000. short. Howovor, thoro is an anticipatod incono and rovonuo of about $83,000., from which wo owo about $27,000. on tho mcnoy wo borrowed fron Capital Reserve, loaving an amount, which is not oncunborod et tho prosont tine of $55,000., so our incono at this time is groator than the prosont demands. Howovor, wo do not havo tho money, the income is not in and tho procoduro is sot up by tho Govorn- nont Code. Wo have no altornctivo oxcopt to follow tho Code. We cannot borrow funds and thon issue warrants. If wo borrowed money wo could only borrow 50 porcont of our antleipatod tax revenue, which from our ad valorem tax is practically nothing. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stetod that Mr. Dystor has boon working in conjunction with the City, and thore is a strong probability that tho Bank of America will tako tho assignment of those demands from tho croditors. Tho intorost is six porcont on those unpaid claims, and that is sot forth by statute. BERNLRL BANKE was present and askod to have the 01,000. intorost which the City rocoived on doposits oxplainod. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that tho Trust Fund money is on doposit and it boars intorost, in tho amount of $1,341.00. It is en incono on mono: 5/17 774 dopositod in the Bank of America. MR. BLNKE asked if we aro drawing 2% intorost for nonoy on deposit, why are wo borrowing nonoy at 60? ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said that you cannot borrow your own Trust Fund nonoy. Tho constitution provides that you San borrow up to 86% of the anticipatod rovonuo fron tho fourth Monday in April, which was dono. MR. BLNKE stated that if those were Trust Funds then thoy aro oarnarkod for cortain things, and askod if they are all in ono fund. CITY TREASURER VANSANT said it is the Troasurer's rosponsibility to segregate into tine deposits as ouch of tho City's funds as ho fools will not bo drawn on, trust funds or othor funds, it nakos no difforonco, and thoy aro drawing interest. Ho has to withdraw fron that inactivo Honey as tho nood dovolops for opon account or tho cashing of warrants. Whon you borrow nonoy from a bank you pay so nuch, when thoy pay you nonoy they pay so littlo. MR. BLNKE said it looks liko wo havo a nood now for soap funds, and if wo have funds why do wo not use thou for tho prosont nood. MR. VANSANT said we have in bank sonowhoro around 0350,000. bolong- ing to all sorts of funds. Thoy aro lying thoro to bo usod as tho nood natures, such as Sinking Fund for rotironont of City bonds, such as Capital Outlay nonoy, which cannot bo spont for naintonanco. Any monies wo havo over and above what wo expect to chock out in tho noar futuro, aro by Stato law roquirod to bo put out at intorost. That varios and changes from tiro to tino. Wo havo nonoy, but so Huth is oarnarkod that we cannot use it for naintenaneo. LEartR OF RESIGNATION fron 0. L. Harkoy, datod May 15, 1951, was road. Mr. Harkey roquostod that his resignation bo offectivo as of tho abovo date. Movod by Hart, socondod by Carrigan, that tho rosignation bo accoptod. Carriod, by tho following voto to- 5/17 775 wit: Ayos: Carrigan, Clarke, Hart, Curry. Nays: None. COMMUNICATION FROM ED. E. INGALLS was road, stating that if ro- quostod by the Council, ho will accopt an appointment to tho Council. This is nct to bo considorod a formal application for appointmont, but moroly an oxprossicn to work with tho Council if they consider such an arrangement to be for tho bost intorest of our City. VICE MLYOR CURRY ordorod thb communication filod. COMMUNICATION FROM L. W. STEPHENS in regard ttorthe oXpiration Vasof firo insuranco policios on July 1, 1951,/ Tho policies covor all proporty of an insurablo nature, both roal and porsonal. In order to protect tho budgot ratos on those policios they should be renowod. Mr. Stophons statos he shall bo happy to tako care of tho ronowals and unless otherwise advisod ho will assumo tho Council wish thou renewed and will so inform tho rospectivo companies. Moved by Carrigan, socondod by Hart, that Mr. Stophor., bo writton a lettor stating that this not be considered a re- application at this time, not that it may not be, but that it be held up temporarily until we get the financial mattors straighton od out. FRED MILLER, 325 E. 8th Stroot, was prosont and suggosto, that tho insurance non as a wholo havo a Hooting with tho Council and go avor this nattor of insuranco. COUNCILMAN CL:RKE said ho folt this should not be a ono man insurance, oath and every insuranco agont should bo givon an equal opportunity to part- icipate in soiling the City insuranco. COUNCILMLN HART said ho thought it would bo a vary good idoa to hay: a mooting with tho insuranco agonts. ATTORNEY CLMPBELL statod ho talked with Mr. Stophons and there was a statonont made to him if the insuranco was renewed through Mr. Stophons tho promiums would not bo pro- rated to tho othor agonts. COUNCILMLN CARRIGLN said ho would recommend that tho policios be put on display in tho City Clerk', offieo whoroin tho insurance agents can comp in and examine tho 5/1 778 policies, end that an informal mooting with all tho insurance men intorostod bo hold next wook aftor tho Council mooting. VICE MAYOR CURRY said ho was suro tho Council want to havo tho insuranco dividod oqually among all the insurance peoplo, and that was also their intont whon it was lot boforo. COUNCThVAN CARRIGAN asked if Mr. Miller would accept tho responsibility of notifying the othor insuranco agonts of this mooting. JUDGE HARBISON askod if tho Board of Undorwritors do not havo a ser- vice that nako a survey of the insurance and make a rocommond- ation to tho Council as to allocations, COUNCILMAN CLLRKE statod that we havo sot a mooting with Mr. Luckman for next Tuesday night aftor the Council mooting. VICE MAYOR CURRY asked that tho Adnlnistrativo Officor writo Mr. Luckman advising him tho Council will moot with him Tuosday, May 29, 1951. Carried, all Council - non present voting ayo. HERBERT L. BARNES was present and stated that ho wantod to back up ovory word that Mr. Miller said and that ho was in accord with tho idea of having this mooting. COMMUNICATION FROM NATIONAL CITY-CHULA VISTA REALTY BOARD was road. Many roports and comments havo boon rocoivod regarding the city property in the 1400 block on National Avenue which is for sale. Many private proporty owners aro wondoring why the City proton to handlo its own real estato t,ensactions rathor than employ exports who aro lieonsod by tho City for that purposo. Mr. Villofla, Prosidont of tho Roalty Board, statod that 1f the Council so dosiros he will bo glad to appoint a comnittoo or ro- prosontativo of tho Notional City Roaltors to moot with tho City Council or any City roprosontativo dosignatod by thou. COUNCIL- MAN HLRT suggostod that wo havo a mooting with tho nonbors of tho Realty Board. VICE MAYOR CURRY askod that tho Realty Board poet with the Council, Tuesday night, Juno 5, 1951, aftor the Council meeting. 5/17 777 CITY CLERK LLSTON brought up tho nattor of suroty bonds on tho Chiof of Police and City Enginoor. Prior to Mr. Smith's appoint- nont, our Chief of Polico was bondod for 05,000. and Mrs. Alston said sho would liko a ruling from tho Lttornoy if this amount is now nocossary sineo tho license collection has boon takon ovor by tho City Troasuror. Lbout all tho money tho Chiof handles is bail. ATTORNEY CLMPBELL said ho saw no roason why a 05,000. bond is nocossary, as tho Council can roduco it. Mr. Campbell askod if $1,000. covors it. CHIEF SMITH said he thought it would. LTTORNEY CAMPBELL said if it is tho dosiro of tho Council to roduco the amount of tho bond, ho would liko to havo an opportunity to ascortain whothor it was sot up by Rosolution as it would bo nocossary to anond it and adopt a now Rosolution. Moved by Hart, socondod by Clarke, that this bo hold ovor until tho noxt moot- ing. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. CITY CLERK ALSTON said thoro is tho matter of tho bond on the Enginoor. It has boon $2,500. CITY TREZSURER VQ SLNT said ho would also liko to havo includod suroty bonds for now onployoos in his depart- nont who aro not now covorod. .TTORNEY CLMPBELL said if it is agroonblo with tho Council ho will nako roconnondations for tho City Troasuror's doputios, Polito Chiof and tho Enginoor. COUNCIL- MAN HART askod why tho Enginoor noodod to bo bonded. MR. SMITH said tho only nonoy handlod in tho Enginooring Departnont is an occasional job whore thoro is n doposit on plans and spocificatlons that night add up to $50.00 from tino to tino. COUNCILMAN CLLRKE said ho thought it should bo thoroughly chocked into to soo that ovory employee who handlos money bo bondod for thoir own protoet- ion as well as tho City's. JUDGE HLRBISON saicl ho has roeoanondoc' proviousiy that his Clerk bo bondod. Tho Clork handles probably $4,000. or $5,000. a month and thnt ho wculd liko to havo this also takon into consideration. VICE MAYOR CURRY askod that tho City Lttornoy chock into all tho noods for bonds and make a Wit 778 reconnondation at tho next Hooting. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY CLERK LLSTON was road, advising tho Administrative Officer that Lucillo L. Gerwing, approntico machine operator stortod work in hor offico, May 1, 1951, salary 0184.00 por month. Miss Gorwing roplaces Harriott° Troadwoll, who was authorized by tho City Mrnnger March 1, 1951. Mr. Wagner said he would liko tho Council's authority to authorizo this appointment. Movod by Carrigan, socondod by Clarke, that this appointment bo authorized. Carried, by tho following vote to -wit: ayos: Carrigan, Clarke, Hcrt, Curry. Nays: None. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER stated ho had a telephone cell from Mr. Poulter who infornod us that on May 15, 1951 at 9:00 A.M. tho City of San Diego shut off 70% of our wator supply that wo got from thou. Thoy have roduced tho California Wator Company's amount of wstor from 48 aero foot por day to 11 acre foot por day. Mr. Poultor said thoy aro trying to negotiate for a difforont arrangonent. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER said that ho has boon notificd that the swimming pool in the Park is duo to open Juno 1st, and tho lady who oporatos tho pool has roquostod oxpondituros for shall itons such as band aids, otc. which will total approxinatoly 360,00, and Mr. Wagner said ho would liko to know if that can bo considorod as an oncrgoncy oxponditure, and roquostod authoriz- ation to procoed. Movod by Hart, socondod by Clarke, that Mr. Wagner bo nuthorizod tho issuanco of tho purchaso order not to oxeood 360.00 for those particular itoms. Carried, by tho follow- ing voto to -wit: Lyos: Carrigan, Clark°, Hart, Curry. Nays: Nono. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho would like to know what oleo is being contemplated with tho c60.00 oxeopt band aids. JARS CASEY, Recreational Diroctor, was present and stated the 360.00 5/1 e 779 is to eovor the supplios that aro noodod to operate tho pool. COUNCILMAN CLARKB asked 1f Mr. Gautoraaux thought $60.00 would cover evorything. MR. GLUTERELUK said he thought it would cover what is needed at this tiro. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER statod that Judgo Harbison has taken fivo days of his rogular vacation period. and Judgo M Howe who was roplacing hie took ill and Judgo Herbison had to roturn to work. Ho still has ton days romrl ning and would liko to take it from May 21 to May 31, and Judge Harbison stated thoro is $150:00 in tho budgot to pay Judgo Howo. Mr. Wagnor said that if tho Council is agrooablo tho Judgo can tako his vacation at that tino. Thoro woro no objoctions from tho Council. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER roportod that tho oiling is startod on "B" Lvonuo botwoon loth and lath, tho nonoy is all in with tho exception of ono small amount. and the oil can bo purchasod from the Honey paid. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN statod that tho nonoy oxpondod for tho oiling on "B" Lvonuo was put up by tho property ownors and did not cone from tho City's funds. VICE MAYOR CURRY statod that tho notico from Mr. roultor that our wator supply has boon roducod is quito a drastic roduction, and ho wishod to know if there aro any stops wo can tako to do sonothing in this rogard. ATTORNEY CLMPBFLL said that City Monaco. Canpboll's lottor boforo the Public Utilities Commission hearing statod that San Diego was not going to allow tho othor participant in tho Authority to tako all tho wator they wantod, as San Diogo was going to tako thoir conploto ontitlonent. However, thoro was an indication if a city or community noodod noro than their actual ontitlonont that San Diogo would than allow then oxtra wator. It would probably bo at locst advisable to considor whothor or not Nationel City should request additional orator to 5/1'r 1, 780 moot thoir noods from tho San Diogo Wator Authority, not to supply or to stock tho South Bey, not to create a rosorvo for the California Wator & Tolophono Company, but sufficient water to moot the noods of National City, which at this time is about 3200 acre foot a yoar. COUNCILMLN CLARKE said Mr. Poultor in- formed him that at the prosont tino thoro is just a noro trickle of wator coning through tho pipolino into Swootwator Leto. Mr. Poultor said that a year from now wo would bo thanking thou for saving us water. MR. CLARKE said ho askod him to show whoro thoy woro saving us any wator. Wo havo not onough wator to use, and if wo find oursolvos in tho position of nooding mom wntor we will havo t' pay Sen Diogo for it; and he wonders how tho Water Company fits into tho picturo and how thoy aro going to noesuro tho wntor that wo pay San Diogo. Movod by Carrigan, seconded by Clarko, that wo go along on that lottor of Mr. Canpboll's to the City of San Diogo and also rocommend that Mr. Canpboll writo n ]e tter to the Water Company protosting the illegal use of tho delivery of our wator to tho South Bay area and to Lincoln Acres end various unincorporatod arocs that aro gotting National City's wator illogaily. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting cyo. COUNCILMAN CLI'ulIGAN stated that wo havo n good opportunity of setting up in tho noxt budgot tho purchaso or the leasing of a machine that will tost drill wator well holes in tho National City area wherever feasible, for as low as 50 conts a foot, and it night load to the finding of noro good wells, and with tho Colorado River Wator ontitlonont that wo havo and porhaps the amount coning from tho second bsrrol, it night bo ontiroly fees- iblo for the City of National City to begin to handlo thoir own wator syston. VICE MAYOR CURRY said ho was in agroonent. 5/17 781 Moved by Carrigan, socondod by Heft, that tho meeting be closod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. ATTESTS VICE MAZY OF N IONAL CITY, CLLIFORNIA Sh„ CITY CLERK 5/17