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1951 05-29 CC MIN
r • 803 National City, California, May 29, 1951. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Viee Mayor John H. Curry at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Carrigan, Clarke, Hart, Curry. Councilmen absent: None. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Hart, that the reading of tho minutes of tho rogular mooting of May 22, 1951, bo disponsod with. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS proscnt: Alston, Campbell, Wagnor, Gautoroaux, Casoy. MR. R. HOPPER from St. Louis was prosont, and statod ho was visiting horo and saw our advertisomont for Administrative • Officer and asked if tho Council had any objoctions to his stating his qualifications. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN statod Mr. Hopper just wished to mako himsolf known to the Council so whon his application is rocoivod thoy will know who he is. 1 1 1 COUNCILMAN CLLRKE said ho would liko to bring up at this timo, tho filling of the vacancy on tho Council. An application from Milton P. Moosor was road. Anothor application from Ed. E. Ingalls is on filo. Moved by Clarke, seconded by Hart, that Ed. Ingalls be appointod to fill tho vacancy on the Council, the torm oxpiring April, 1952. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Carrigan, Clarko, Hart, Curry. Nays: Nono. CITY CLERK ALSTON administorod tho Octh of Offico to Council- man Ingalls. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL reported on tho Dawson Agreomont and statod that Mr. and Mrs. Dawson did not ontor into tho Lgreomont bo- causo it did not conform to all the roquiromonts thoy thought 5/29 • • 804 wore orally told thorn, Mr. Wagnor and he saw tho Dawson to- day and an Agreement has boon prepared which Mr. and Mrs. Dawson hove signed. Thoro is somo difforonco botwoon whet was in the original Resolution and this Agroemont. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Clarke, that tho Lgreomont be ]aid over for ono woek for furthor study end clarification. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roportod on the roquest from the National School District and said tho land has boon changod since last weok so wo aro waiting for tho logal doscription of the pro- posed offer. VICE MAYOR CURRY ordered this laid over until tho next mooting. COMMUNICATION FROM CHARLES LUCKMAN was road, inviting the membors of the Council to tako dinner with him Tuesday evening, May 20th instead of mooting with them after tho Council mooting, 0 VICE M/.YOR CURRY said that it was doeidod at tho mooting with Mr. Luckman that ho offer moro plans for the pior and the Council moot with him at somo futuro dato. COUNCILMAN CLARKE ■ stated that Mr. Luckman is going to contact Mr. Doan and they will go into this matter thoroughly. There was nothing definite- ly decided at this mooting, it was just to clarify whore the City stood regarding Doan and Luckman. At tho next mooting it is tho desire of Mr. Luckman for Attorney Campboll to be present as well es all members of the Council. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN asked about the bill of Poroira & Luckman. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said thoro was a bill for $4,000. for tho rotainor foo, which has boon paid. CITY CLERK ALSTON said thoro is a bill in to- night for $8,500. and ono for $4,156.80. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said that Mr. Luckman is award of the fact that this amount is due but ho is not prossing the payment of that amount. 5/29 805 COUNCILMAN HART said the amount of money that is due can bo addod to the contractor's ehargos and paid that way. VICE MAYOR CURRY ennouncod that it was 8:00 P.M. and time for tho hoaring on the proposod rezoning annexations. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said the hoaring is to bo hold on any protosts on the following annexations: Dodders, Euclid Mission, Euclid Rancho, Fisher, Florence Resubdivision, Logan, Millerton, Palm Valley, Pritchards and Swootwator Delta. J. 0. DOWELL, 2021 S. 43rd Street, was pros©nt end protostod tho zoning of proporty in Fishor Annexation. MR. WAGNER road tho zoning roeomnondations as set up by tho Planning Commission. Mr. Wagner said at the tine of the Planning Commission's rocomnondation thore was little known es to the request of Mr. Dowoll for tho C-4 in tho R-4 zonos in the Fishor Annoxation. After tho first post- ing there was no prctost and aftor tho second posting in the National City News there was no protost from Mr.Dowell. It was not until the second hearing that he requostod tho c-4 in tho R-4 zono. COUNCILMAN HART said ho thought tho Council should go along with tho Planning Commission on the proposod razonAng of the ennoxations. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said that as far as tho valid existing usos within this torritory, that ho did not boliovo tho Building Ordinanco will offoct it whatsoever be- eauso it is looking to tho future of businoss usos of proporty. Insofar as the Church or School is eoncornod, if they woro validly in oxistoneo et tho time this procooding was originally initiated, he een continuo to use tho Church and School if it conplios with all othor rogulations, such as hoalth, etc. As far es tho trailors aro eoncornod, it is a problem that will aolvo itsolf, Mr. Dowoll has informod Chiof of Police Smith and himsolf that tho trailers will be runovod by June 15th. MR. WAGNER said tho Planning Commission in studying Mr.,Dowoll's 5/29 806 ease, hes felt that tho C-4 and R-4 uses in that vicinity aro out of thoir proper loeatien. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said that tho Council and tho City Manager on ovory occasion in which annexations woro discussod, thoro woro no toehnicalitios, legalities, or any fora mentioned, it was promised to the people. in the annexed aroas, that if thoy had a business, etc., it would remain in that particular lncation. MR. WAGNER said that was tho intent of tho Planning Commission, but wo havo no zone that is ccmpareblo to tho County's 0-1 and thoir Rel zone. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said as far as logality is concerned, we can take eny oxtremo, if thoro was a heavy manufacturing business in en area that was being zoned into an R-1, if that business continues and stays at that sago spot and doos not grow and dons not try to oxpand, zoning into an R-1 would not run that business out of oxistonco. Tho objection would bo that no one else could establish a similar businoss, but the man that is thoro at that tlno eannot bo zoned out. MR. DOWELL said the R•3 that he owns joins an R-4 in National City, and a C.2 on tho other side. If it bocomos an R-1 ho cannot build any more, and that is whore he has his church, cannot expand his school or church, but on tho National City sido is an R-4 and he feels that ho should havo an oqual right as those in an R-4. COUNCIL- MAN HART said ho thought wo should uphold tho Planning Commiss- ion's rocommondation. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said tho unfortunato part of this is that Mr. Dowell does not have a building, he just has a tont. MR. DOWELL said ho purehasod this proporty, callod 0-2 on the nap,in Octobor and appliod to tho County Planning Commission for a bone fide trailer court, and was turned down. Mr. Dowoll said he was only asking for 150 foet to be zoned for R-4. It takes an R-4 in National City in ordor to have a church and it takes an R-1 in tho County. MR. WAGNER road from tho Planning Commission's minutos which statod that 5/29 807 Planner Wcgnor should contact tho Building Inspoctor and tho City Attorney, and that Mr. Dowoll should bo pormittod to build the,chureh, classrooms and dormitories noar thoir existing facilities. Tho roport status that Mr. Dowoll had subnittod to Mr. Simmons, Right-of-way Enginoor, plans for a church and school in C-2 zono aroa and would dodieato a half width stroot for Division Stroot and fcco buildings on it and would be willing to sot back 75 foot from tho contor lino of Division Stroot. MR. WAGNER said tho quostion of this zoning was brought up aftor the socond hearing of the Planning Commission, and rather than hold up tho whole zoning program for annoxations, tho Commission fools that if this woro allowod to go through as suggostod, that Mr. Dowoll could potition to tho Planning Commission at a lator dato to ehango tho zoning, if ho so dos.iros. MR. DOWELL said ho-did-not'soo why ho should apply for a zono variance on sonothing ho airoady has, or did have, it has been taken away. MR. WAGNER stated that Mr. Dowoll's use has not been taken away, the zonesaro not rotroactivo. Moved by Hart, socondod by Ingalls; that tho hearing bo con- tinuod for another wook. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho felt that the Attorney should got togothor with Mr. Dowoll and the Plann- ing Commission in this regard. Carriod, all Councilmen present voting aye. REQUEST FROM TH7 NATIONAL CITY EMPLOYEES LSSOCIATION for a mooting with tho Council was again prosontod. COUNCILMAN INGALIS said ho would liko to suggost if wo havo such.a meet- ing that the Civil Service Commission bo invitod. VICE MAYOR CURRY asked that tho Council moot with tho California Water and Telophono Company, Thursday evening, May 31, 1951 at 7:30 P.M. and with tho National City Enployoos on Thursday evening, Juno 7, 1951 at 7:30 P.M. 5/29 808 VICE MAYOR CURRY suggested that wo continuo at this tino the mattor of tho letter fron Mr, Lucknan. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN sal' thoro is a bill for $4,156. and another for $8,500. and askod if this is the full amount of tho contract, or will thoro bo tore billings later for tho balaneo. MR. WAGNER said that Mr. Lucknan stated if the contract was lot to some othor con- tractor to build tho pior, undor tho sumo plans outlined at the provious meeting, ho would pay tho cost of those enginoor- ing foos. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said thoro i8 a bill from tho Pacific Tolophono & Tolograph Company in tho amount of $9.13, apparont- ly on a parking lot, and asked if that is tho parking lot on the Bay. Why is a telephone necessary down there? Mr. Carr.iger said he would suggest that this tolophono situation bo turned ovor to Acting Adninistrativo Offieor Wagnor for a roport as to its nocesslty. VICE MAYOR CURRY askod that Acting kdninistratir Officor Wagner submit a roport on it at tho noxt mooting. INVITATION FROM CITY OF CHULA VISTA requesting tho prosenco of tho City Council at tho Fiosta Parcdo, Wodnosday, May 30th at 12:15 P.M., was road. APPLICATION TO MOVE A BUILDING by A. B. Carter, was road. Tho building is to be moved from Spring Valloy to 13th and McKinley Streots and is to bo usod as en offico. The application was approvod by Building Inspoctor Bird and City Plennor Wagnor. Moved by Clarke, seconded by Harty that tho application bo approved and tho building conplotod within 90 days. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM VETERENS OF FOREIGN WARS, was road, statinc that the Thomas H. Cosby, Jr. Post 4630, V. F. W. of this City wish to inform tho City that tho Crafts Shows, Inc. has boon 5/29 809 ' cancelled, and tho grounds rosorvod for thoir use on June 6th to loth inclusive, will not be needed. VICE MAYOR CURRY adored tho communisation filed. COMMUNICATION FROM CITIZENS WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE was road. Tho Save Our Water Committoe would liko infornction now on water consumption for oath 10-day period, It is bolioved it is very important to tho succoss of this campaign to set tho water saving objoctivos now for tho balance of this year on a month-by-ncnth basis. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said tho Water Company is tho worst offendor of wasting wator. Thoro are threo. bad leeks on 16th Strout, and ho said thoy should bo ineludod in tho le ttor to the Consorvation Buroau. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho would liko to also sec incorporctod in the ]otter to tho Committee a suggostion made by the propriotor of tho Service Station at 8th and Highland, that all places washing autonobilos bo discontinued for tho timo boing. COUNCILMAN HART suggostod that tho'uso of water for a cooling system in storos such as Safoway Stores should bo discontinued. VICE MAYOR CURRY said all tho suggestions will holp and we will wolcono any suggest- ions that night Como in fron anyone. Mr. Curry asked the City Attorney if thoro is any possibility of putting tooth in an ordinance that night corroct sono of thoso wasteful neasuros. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said ho boliovos thoro is such an ordinanco in effect now, and that ho will roport on this lator. Movod by Clarke, socondod by Hart, that a lottor bo written to tho Wator Company rolativo to tho oxeossivo waste of water they allow fron their mains, and duo to the numerous complaints brought to tho Council regarding the waste, that thoy bo re• quostod to do something about it in this program of wator eon- servation. Carriod, all Councilnen prosont voting ayo. ACTING LDMINISTRLTIVE OFFICER W1.GNER said he would liko to know tho 5129 810 Ccuncil's wishes in rogrrd to sending a lottor to all tho Bout. Bay Citios asking for a mooting on tho wator consorvation program, and if tho Council had any particular tine in mind. A It was tho consensus of opinion of tho Council that a lottor would be of as much valuo as a mooting. CONTRACT FOR THE COLLECTION OF TRASH AND GARBAGE in Olivowood Housing Projoct was prosontod. ATTORNEY CLMPBELL requested that this bo referred to him for chocking. VICE MAYOR CURRY ordorod this mattor roforrod to tho City Lttornoy for chocking and a roport at tho noxt mooting. REQUEST FOR REFUND on business 'icons() from Mrs. Constance Largo, in the amount of $2.50, was read. Tho roquost was approvod by CITY TREASURER VLNSANT. Movod by Carrigan, seconded by Clarko, that tho rofund bo grantod. Carriod, by tho follow- ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Hart, Ingalls, Curry. Nays: None. COMMUNICATION FROM L.. W. STEPHENS was read, requesting a refund of $25.00 for his insurance license. COMMUNICATION FROM CITY TREASURER VANSANT stated Mr. Stophens' request for $25.00 refund is approvod. Moved by Carrigan, socondod by Clark°, that tho rofund bo grantod. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Clarke, Hart, Ingalls, Curry. Nays: None. COMMUNICATION FROM PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION rogerding Stato Wide Grado Crossing Survoy for tho purpose of'roconnonding noasuros to improve tho safoty of stroot and highway crossings with railroads, was road. Tho Commission comnondod National City for its very fino cooporation in taking stops to improve those grade crossings. VICE MAYOR CURRY ordorod the communication filed. 5/29 811 COMMUNICATION FROM JOHN SOSA for pornit to romovo wot garbago and trash from Honoja Projoct No. 1, was road. FRANK SOSA was present and stated that garbago and rubbish is contracted for by a private contractor. This yoar they happon to bo the con- tractor, and when thoy cane to got thorr lieonso they worn told it would have to bo issuod by the Council. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said he thought this should bo chocked by tho Attorney so that it dons not conflict with the present contract. COUNCILMAN INGALLS suggestod that Mr. Soso bo requested to bring a con- firmation of the Govornnont contract to tho City Attorney as quickly as possiblo. VICE MAYOR CURRY requestod this matter be reforrod to Attornoy Campbell to submit a report by the next meeting. COMMUNICATION FROM MRS. J. L. SPITZER. roquesting permission to koep a trailer on her proporty at 938 "A" Avonuo, was read. ATTORNEY CLrBELL said undor the Ordinance thorn is no alter- native as far as granting a pornit is concornod boyond tho 90 days. Mr. Campbell said thoro is a quostion in his mind es to tho validity of tho Ordinanco, and askod that it be reforrod to him. COMMUNICATION FROM FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES was read, stating they are opposed to tho Council's accoptanco of tho resignation of Doris Sullivan, City Menacor. VICE MAYOR CURRY ordered tho communication filed. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said ho would liko to ask the Council's approval for tho City Administrator to chock into tho feasibility and approxinato cost of a Timo Study Enginoor for a short poriod of tino, so that wo may include it in our noxt budgot. VICE MAYOR CURRY said ho thought this was a vory good suggestion. 5/29 812 ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod-that in looking ovor tho Fund Control Lodgor you still hevo no monoy in tho Genoral Fund, therefore a resolution has boon proparod disapproving tho bills for want of funds. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN cskod that tho City Clerk in- clude on the balance shoot oach wook tho amount of rogistored warrnnts, tho total that will bo outstanding. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated we havo rogistorod to date $16,769.77. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated tho last time you disapprovod bills, you dis- approved thou in tho sun of $17,020.42. Thoro is a variation of 3250.65 botween that figure and the amount that has been registored. This amount of $250.65 was duo to tho Library payment which cano in aftor tho prior Rosolution was approvod. RESOLUTION NO. 5450 was road, as follows: WHEREAS, there has been prosontod against tho City of National City, California, demands totaling tho sum of $4,668.63; and WIE REAS, said demands have boon duly auditod and are true and corroct; and WHEREAS, said domande havo not boon horotoforo paid; and WHEREAS, thoro is no nonoy in tho Genoral Fund to pay said domands; and WHEREAS, tho romaining inc ono and rovonuo to bo rocoivod by tho City of National City, California, for tho Genoral Fund for tho fiscal yoar onding Tuno 30, 1951, oxcaeds tho sun of $$83,036.00, consisting in part of the following itoms: Garbage Foos Collection, $8,800.; Motor Vehiclo in liou tax, 044,672.00; Finns and Ponaltios, $2,133.00; Intorost on Deposits, $1,431.00; State Liquor Liconso Tex 04,000.00; Wator Solos. $4,000.00; Silos Tax, $$180000;00; of which tho sum of $22,730.55 is en- eunborod by a prior loan, and demands horotoforo disapprovod for want of funds is tho sun of $16,769.77, leaving an unon- cumborod sun of 043,535.68. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by tho City Council of tho City of National City, California: 1. That tho demands prosontod in tho total sun of $4,668.63, 5/29 813 aro truo and oorreet. 2. That the demands aro not approvod for want of funds. 3. That tho City Clc rk is horeby diroctod to ondorso said domands as follows: "That tho demand of the horoin nanod payoo has boon horetoforo audited by tho City of National City and found to bo true and eorrott in tho sun horoin statod. That said demand is not approvod for want of funds." 4. Tho City Clerk shall endorse on said doaend tho date of prosontetion and sho shall sign said demand. 5. The City Clerk shall nunbor said ondorsonont, rogistor the demand in hor records and deliver to claimant. Movod by Carrigan, seconded by Hart, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO. 5451 was road, authorizing tho following suns incurrod for Capital oxpondituros bo paid out of the Capital Rotatory() Fund: National Lumber Company, City Hall Romodoling, $570.91; Wayne W. Smith, Lateral Sower Job #8, $100.00; total $670.91: Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Clarke, that tho Resolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmon present voting aye. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that tho roquost of the Tolophono Ct pany to pleoe a tolophono booth on City property was ro- forrod to him, and ho had proparod a Rosolution for tho author- ization. RESOLUTION NO. 5452 was road, permitting tho Paeifie Tolophono and Tolograph Company, to construct, maintain and oporato pay tolophono booth on tho south sido of Division Stroot at tpproxinetaly two hundrod (200) foot wort of Harbison Avonuo,, in tho City of National City, California.• and that this pornit is revocable at tho will of tho City Coc.n'11 of tho City of National City, California. Movod by Hort: seconded by Clarke, 5/29 • 814 that tho Resolution bo adopted, Carriod, all Councilmen prosent voting aye. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that the insurance Carrier of tho City has refused to pay the claim of Mr. Forrester for the cleaning of the cars. Thoro is an indication if tho City is named as the defendant in an action by Mr. Forrester -that they will defend us. The insuror of We F. Nelson is still in aboyanoe. The quoation as to whether or not Mrs. Sullivan was within her authority when sho authorized this work, is factual, and ho is of tho opinion that if tho city pays the claim now tho insurance company will not reimburso the City. It is tho Attornoy's re- commendation that the claim bo donied, and by so doing the City will undoubtedly havo an action, but ho will bo able, by so doing, to bring in tho Nelson Company and perhaps the other defendants and havo it litigated. Moved by Hart, seconded by Carrigan, that the claim bo denied, and that Acting Administrat- ive Officer Wagner notify Mr. Forrester of this action. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL reported that ho roceivod an objection from tho California Water and Tolophone Company regarding a map of tho dry land aroa, filed by the City of National City, in the roeont Publics Utilities Commission's Roaring, Tho objections are on theso grounds: 1. It dons not set forth all tho dry land within the City limits as it is supposed to do. 2. It shows land that is not within the operative sorvico area of the California Wator and Tolophone Company, or by implication having the right to servico. Tho Secretary of tho Public Utilities Commission states that they aro enclosing a espy of tho objost- ions. Their letter stated it would bo approcintod if en amended map would be filed, setting forth all the dry land within the 5/29 1 815 City limits of tho City of National City, and ask that It bo filod as soon as,possiblo. Mr. Canpboll said this wes received last Wodnesday and Mr. Wngnor was told about it and ho in turn info mod Mr. Simmons, who prepared tho first nap, We wore unable to detormino from Mr. Simons whothor or not a socond nap had boon sent until today, and Mr. Simmons informed us it had and that the first nap included all tho dry land on which ho had figuros or othor data. Ho could not sot forth ovory particular ploco of dry land, as only tho Wator Compnny has that information. Tho objoction as to taking in aroa not within the sorvico area of tho Wator Company, was probably incorrect because ho sot it forth in the lost proposed annex- ation, howovor, it was sot forth separately and dosigneted as not being within the City. Mr. Poultor has informed Mr. Simons and Mr. Carrigan that tho Public Utilitios Commission will rendor thoir decision tomorrow. If that is the case, Attorney Canpboll said he thinks it would bo lost notion to filo this map, howevor, if the decision is not out tomorrow, wo should attempt to comply ovon though wo will probably bo objoctod to again by tho California Wator and Telephone Company. ATTORNEY CAMPBBLL stctod if thoro is no objoction ho will do nothing on It if tho ruling comos out tomorrow, if not ho will procood to filo tho amondod nap. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL reportod that Edison M. Dyo hes roquostod a loose of cortain tidolands of 54,388.50 squaro foot, proposod rate $$0.02 por squaro foot, =eking a yoarly rontal of 01,087.75. The information dogs not show tho torn proposod or offer. It if is the dosiro of tho Council a loaso can bo properod but it will bo nocossary to know the poriod of tino involvod.• Mr. Wagner can describe tho other aroes now loasod, of which thoro ero thoro. Mr. Canpboll stated that tho first ]n nso detod 5/29 816 Nov. 30, 1950 was for a poriod of 5 years, with an additional five yoars option. Tho socond loase was for five years start- ing Dec. 1, 1950 with an option of ono year. The third loase commonced April 1, 1951 for a period of ono yoar with a renewal option of 10 years or an option to ronow for fivo yoars and a secondary option of fivo yoars. COUNCILMEN HLRT askod if water is now available. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER said he was informed that wetor is available for tho six leases north of 19th Street. COUNCILMAN CLARKE asked if any construction has bean started on tho land which Mr. Dyo proposes to le aso. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said ho bo/loves it has boon, although no building pornit has boon issuod. Rorhaps ono of the things that should bo considorcd is.tho termination dcto of the varioua leases. Mr. Campbell said ho his no knowlodgo of what Mr. Dyo is going to use the land for, other than a Lunbor Company, but he does not know whothor ho is going to havo any buildings on the lend and inprovo tho tidolands. VICE MAYOR. CURRY said ho thought it is vory important to know what Mr. Dyo oxpocts to do. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL askod if it would bo pormissiblo to tho Council if eithor Mr. Simmons, Mr. Wagner or ho contact Mr. Dyo-and find out tho proposed use, and tho proposod oxpondituro on tho tide- lands, and thon it can bo tied down in the loaso. COUNCILMEN CLARKE said that Mr. Davis was prosont and that ho is vory active on the Chamber of Comnorco as far as industry is con• cernod rogarding tho tidolands, and asked Mr. Davis if he could givo any information rogarding tho proposed ease of Mr. Dye. CHARLES M. DAVIS was prosont and stated that ho did not know anything about this particular ono. It is difficult to find pooplo who would bo willing to put up pernanont buildings on a lease basis. Mr. Davis said ho intonds to find out from San Diogo how they write thoir loasos, what thoy chargo, otc. 5/29 817 • 1 tidelands with industry. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said in San Diogo tho largo substantial buildings rovort back to tho City at tho • termination of tho ]ease. MR. DAVIS said that he bolievos that the foundation for a healthy growing community is based primar- ily on a broad industrial base. We havo something very valuablo in National City that wo should not consider too lightly, and that is a certain aroa available for industry. because they havo largo pornenont buildings and no doubt on a long torn loose. Thoro is no roason why wo cannot fill our ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roportod that Mr. Gordon's Final Map of Bovorly Glen Subdivision is not approved. Tho City is not holding him up, but tho Wator Company doos not want to ontor into an Lgroomont with Mr. Gordon until thoy soo what the ruling is going to bo from tho Puplic Utilities Commission. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated thoro is a portion of tho proposed School property to which tho City doos not havo cloar title. Thoro has boon a quiot titlo search nado, and if tho Council so wishes ho will proceed with tho quiot title action on that particular piece of property. BERNARD DAME was present and statod that if you aro going to start a quiot title action, why not quiot titlo on all tho othor pioeos of proporty. Thon it would bo all in ono suit, thoro is no oxtra chargo, ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said ho has not soon tho quiot titlo soareh for this Particular piece of proporty. If you aro going to filo against othor pioeos of proporty it would nocossitato having a quiot titlo soareh against thoso pioeos, and would dolay the action on tho School proporty. COUNCILMAN CLRfIGLN said that all tho school is asking for is an option and that ho did not soo why the othor pioeos could not bo includod in tho action. ATTORNEY CAMPLELL sold it can bo done, you can incorporate any numbor of 5/29 818 lots and defendants within your action. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho believed tho School Board would profor having sono statomont from tho Council to tho fact that wo will grant this option. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said an agroonont can bo proparod and ontorod into, and that ho had intondod to proparo that fora of option as soon as the legal description is proparod, and that should bo ready noxt wook. VICE MLYOi CURLY requostod that this bo hold ovor until tho noxt mooting. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roportod in rogerd to tho Sewage Contract with San Diogo. Mr. Wngnor, Mr. Smith and ho mot with Mr. Blurs of tho City Managorts Offico in San Diogo. Mr. Hall, Capt. Fogg, Mr. Harvoy Colo and a roprosontativo from tho City Attornoy's offico, wore present also. Mr. Wagnor and Mr. Smith havo the figuros rogarding tho price. However, tho City of San Diogo seems agrooablo to ontor into a nogotiatod con- tract eonowhat similar to tho ono wo now have, howovor, thoy will olininato tho provision as to Son Diogo's right to lay pipes in the stroot, or that is,thoir ocsemont rights, in tho evont Notional City will not carry their sowago. It will bo dopondont upon a mutual agroonont whoroby National City will carry sowago originating from San Diogo proporty, such as Paradiso Hills. Thoy in turn will agroo to carry sowegc through thoir pipos in Paradise Hills whon and if National City's growth expands or goes to tho oast. It will hove an onlargod portion of time as to cancellation, somothing noaror 18 months than 12 months, which will givo Notional City a chango to construct thoir own sowago disposal syston. Thorc is also to bo a provision that any revision of pricos should bo around March or April, and only onto a yoar, and in that way this City could proparo its budgot in e.ccordanco with any increase if San Diogo found it was nocessary3 That is tho proposed change, or change, 5/29 819 ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WLGNER said as a rosult of this discussion, we throe from National City fool that San Diogo is in a vory good mood to cooporato with us to work out joint sewago problems, We aro awaiting a contract to bo worked out by the Cities' Attornoys to prosont to tho Council boforo a final rocomnondation is nado, and further nogotiations. ATTORNEY CAMiBELL said ho boliovod tha proposod contract will bo noro advantogoous to tho City of National City than th© prosont ono, with ono excoption, tho increase of ratos, which we aro going to got anyway, Ono problam that night prosont itself, if this agroonont moots with tho approval of tho two Councils„ will tho prosont sowago syston in National City carry the proposod Wherry projoct. San Diego is somewhat anxious to havo National City carry tho sowago disposal from tho Wherry projoct and they would like a form of resolution showing gonorcl intant. There is nothing binding upon this City, but in turn thoy can convoy that information to tho Navy. Mr. Canpboll said he believed that wo will probably got a noro favorable contract bocauso thoy want to deal with us also. Mr. Smith will probably be ablo to inform us whothor the prosont system will carry the Wherry project. ACTING CITY ENGINEER SMITH stated that ho did -not have the proposed load from the Wherry project or tho proposod load from the Paradise Hills syston, so ho has not boon able to make any study of it to dato. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stctod 1f the linos will carry it, it will probably result in quito an incono to the City of National City, or at least quito an offset. MR. SMITH said that is corroet, thrro would bo, of course, the cost involvod, the sowago oust bo jumped so tho entire foo that thoy would pay would not bo profit, but would bo usod to defray the test of tho pupping and additional wear and tear on tho puns cud whatever additional naintonanco is 5/29 820 roquirod. COUNCILMLN CLLRKE askod Mr. Smith if tho pipo lino would entail much oxponso for putting it in. MR. SMITH said tho exponso for installing tho lino would not bo National City* rosponsibility in this erso. This proposal to which Mr. Canpboll roforrod was that tho Agoncy initiating tho nood for sorvico, in this caso, Snn Diogo, would bring tho lino to tho existing sowor lino, which in our ecso happens to bo at approxinatoly 18th and Rachol .t,vonuo. VICE MAYOR CURRY askod how the City would bo componsatod for tho use of that lino. MR. SMITH said to his knowlodgo thoro is no customary way sot out, but the City of San Diogo is proposing that a service charge for transportation of sowago bo ostablishod, bnsod on the cost por pillion gallons per mile, and if that is adopted it would be necossary to nonsuro tho length of tho lino through which the sewage was dischargod and measure tho amount of sew - ago discharged into that lino, in this particular caso it would bo the oast and of National City, and tho billing would bo monthly, quartorly or whatovor night bo sot up on the por pillion gallon por milo basis, and tho second portion of tho cost would bo the cost cf pumping, and thoy havo proposod a prieo par pillion gallons for pumping. COUNCILMAN CLARKE asked If that woulc entail tho expense to Ns;ionnl City of the In- stallation of motors. MR. SMITH said that the prosont proposal is that the City of San Diogo will install its motors. Howovor, thore are some other aroas that could bo involved possibly at a later date. National City has a pupping plant at Laurel and Division, and if such an agreonont woro nogotinted tho torus of tho agreement would roquiro tho City of San Diogo to take sewage from National City just as National City would be re- quired to trice sews- from San Diego, and it night bo to our advantage to ollnir.._ rQ That pupping plant and wild a lino to 5/29 1 821 drain directly into San Dingo's gravity sowor, in that case National City would bo expected to build tho measuring station. VICE MLYOR CURRY askod if tho lino is largo onough to carry the load, would it bo additional rovonuo to tho City for tho carrying of the sowago? MR. SMITH said that is hard to prodict, thorn is no doubt but thatiit will carry tho immodi^to load, but assuming the conpioto dovolopmont of tho area within National City's bounderios wo might run into a caso some yoars honco whon it would not carry tho load, and thon it would bo nocessary to build additional lines or roplaco tho oxisting lines with largor onos. COUNCILMf.N CARRIGAN said tho City of San Diogc cortainly would havo a groator invostnont than wo would havo, and thero would bo no possiblo woy as far as he can son that National City would loso honey. MR. SMITH said ho thought that is probably true. Ho has not chockod in detail the source of thoir figuros, but ho did loarn that thoy usod tho avorago of tho cost of transportation of sowago in 10 inch to 30 ineh limos. Wo night have sono criticism on 30 inch boeaaso National City doos not havo any linos that largo. Gonorr.11y speaking the smeller linos east noro por pillion gallons for meintonaneo and depreciation. COUNCILMI.N CARRIGAN said oven if it woro nocossary to put in c now lino to sorvice Paradise Hills and tho whorry projoet, it is his opinion, that in discussion with tho San Diogo Council, that thoy would bo oxtronoly fair in bearing their portion of tho cost. MP.. SMITH said undor this now proposal that is not proposed. It is proposod only that tho sorvico for tho transportation of tho sowago bo provided for thoso that havo boon proposed, end if a largor lino is roquirod it would bo the rosponsibility of whichovor City happorod to bo in control of that lino to make, tho largor lino cv2'i:1-.e. 5/29 822 CITY CLERK ALSTON statod that aftor the discussion with the insuranco group tho Council rccoivod a lottor from Mr. Stophcn: which states that inasmuch as ho has not boon dofinitoly advised of the Council's docision with rogard to tho ronowal of tho firo insuranco policios which oxpiro on Juno 1, 1951, ho has had tho policios ronowod in order to protect tho City. Enclosed woro two policios togothor with thorr invoico to covor tho promiuns on both policios. MRS. ALSTON statod tho enclosed statement is for S867.68. COUNCILMAN CLRRIaAN said that in viow of tho fact that tho lottor was not writton to Mr. Stephens, he would roconnond that tho policios and tho bill bo roturnod to him with tho lottor prescribod et the particular Council mooting night that it wont on, and lot him comply with thoro instructions. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said it will soon bo tho 1st of Juno, and askod if any arrangomonts havo boen made regarding insuranco. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said he Felt that Mr. Stephens is personally responsiblo if this policy would lapse and ]a avo tho City without coverago, bocause thoro was no possiblo way ho could misunderstand tho Council's instructions on the two provious occasions, and ho has failed to comply. VICE MAYOR CURRY stated it was his understanding with the meeting of the jnsuranco people that thoy wero going to got togothor and make some rocommondatien as a fair moans of handling and distributing tho insuranco, which has not boon dono so far. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said that was tho reason for tho 30 day bindor roquost, ho thought it was thoir undorstanding that thoy had 30 days to get that in so tho roeonnondation could bo taken and the insuranco writton as of July 1st rather than Juno 1st. Mr. Stophons was to bo notifioa of tho fact that wo woro not buying tho :.rEurance policios1 noithor woro wo turninr him down, but tho roquost was for a 30 day bindor or similar protection, to givo tho roal estate association an opportunity 5/29 • • 823 to cone in with a recommendation. VICE MAYOR CURRY said the City should nako suro that wo arc eovorod at all tines and tho policies do not lapso. VICE MAYOR CURRY roquostod this nattor bo roforrod to Acting Ldninistrativo Officer Wagnor and attorney Canpboll to work out and roport on sono roans to rake suro that tho City is covorod until such time tho insurance policies aro submitted. COUNCILMAN CI,R.RIGAN roconnondod that the lettor, tho insuranco policies and tho invoice bo dolivorod porsonally by the Ldninistrativo Officor to Mr. Stophens on Thursday morning. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WLGNDR. reportod that ho roceivod a lettor from tho Electrical Products Corp., Los Angeles, which statod thoy roceivod a lottor from the San Diego offico in- forming thou that National City wishod to cancol their rontal contract covoring tho display of "National City" and havo tho display removed. If it is tho dosiro of tho Council to purchaso this sign it can bo hod for G37.00 plus appliceblo texas. COUNCIT,MDN CARRIGAN said ho would roconnond that tho City pur- chase tho sign. Movod by Clarke, socondod by Hart, that tho Acting Adninistretivo Officor bo authorizod to ontor into nogotiations for purcheso of tho sign. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said ho thought it night bo woll to find out whothor tho Electrical Products Corp. will take the sign dawn for that price, or whothor tho City will havo to take, it down. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Lyos: Carrigan, Clarke, Hart, Ingalls, Curry. Nays: Nano. RESIGNATION OF VIRGINIA SMITH, stonographor, was road. The rosignation is to bocono offoctivo Juno 21, 1951. Movod by Carrigan, socondod by Clarko, thatptho rosignation bo accoptoc'. Carried, all Councilman prosont voting aye. 5/29 824 ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER stated it is tho intontion of Mr. Finnerty, Acting Enginoor Smith end hinsolf to koop tho oquipmont busy and thoro aro sovoral littlo problems that can bo straightened out. Ono in particular is soma grading and oiling of 4th Stroot from Sanitarium to Harbison lvonuo. Tho City hes eolloctod a total of p643. but it noods to collect an additional $222.25 to go ahoad with tho oiling. The proporty owners have boon contactod and havo indicatod the inability to pay tho costs et this tino. Howovor, it is holding up the project, and if tho Council would approve sono typo of promissory noto or fora of that type that tho proporty ownors could pay over a curtain poriod, thon we could go ahoad with this particular job. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said ho did not sou how the City could ontor into that type of contract. VICE MAYOR CURRY said it soots too bad that some solution cannot bo workod out so tho City can procood. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN askod if thoro is any possible way, if tho proporty ownors aro willing to have their stroot improved, to pro•rido a lion against their property to bo paid at a lator deto, oithor on thorr tax statonont or something of that sort? ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said as far es tho installing of tho stroot, thoy can oithor par for it themselves or the City can putt it in, or it can go upon an Assessment Distriet and then boeono a lion against tho proporty. Tho question confronting you now, is a cortain number have agroad upon it and tho othor fow will not, so tho question is whothor tho City puts it in for tho onus that will not pay. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER said ho choekod with tho San Diogo Enginoerr,s Office to find out what thoy do about stroot inprovo- nonts, and he was infornod many of thoir stroot inprovononts aro by lssossmont Districts, that tho proporty ownors doclero a willingness to hevo tho stroots inprovod and tho district is sot up. Thoro oust bo 60% of thoso within tho district in 5/29 825 favor of it. Or tho proporty ownors may provido a prtvatq contractor to draw the plans and do tho improvomonts,, but the plans must bo approvod by tho City Englnoor's offico. The only time that tho City of San Diego goos out and actually promotos inprovononts is through tho gas tax funds on major stroots. COUNCILMAN CLRRIGAN said it soonod too bad that with $$1600.00 providod and only $200.00 is lacking that there is not sono way of fixing that street, and Mr. Carrigan said ho wohdorod if tho property ownors who havo put up thoir nonoy would go to thoso who do not havo tho nonoy and tako a porsonal noto. MR. WAGNER said ho assumes that thoy aro willing but thoy aro not financially able at this tlmo and ho will chock furthor. VICE MAYOR CURRY askod tho cost to tho City of an assossmont district ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said ho did not know tho actual cost, but that ho did not boliovo it was vory much. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER said ho rocoivod a lottor from Clovoland Smith, stating that ho has boon ongagod in tho properntion of indoxos to tho Ordinancos of National City, and to data ovor 200 hours has boon dovotod, and ho wishos to know if ho is to procood furthor with this work. Mr. Smith stotos that ho shall bo glad to call at tho offico for an intorviow in rogard to this nattor. In tho ovont ho can bo of no furthor sorvico ho wishos to prosont a claim for sorvicos to data. VICE MAYOR CURRY roquostod this mettor bo roforroe to tho Acting Adninistrativo Officor, ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER stated ho rocoived a lottor from Lloyd M. Hermon roge.rding tho matter of sewage dis- posal, which is County wide. County wide disposal doos not no' County control disposal. Tho growth of San Diego County has 1 unsolved quostions of sanitation. Industrial growth has brougi 5/29 826 tho problem of another kind of wasto, that of industrial waste. At tho prosont moment micro than 60 million gallons of frosh wator that could bo roclaimod for ro-uso is flushod into tho sou ovory 24 hours, It is tho opinion of Mr. Harmon that the County Board of Supervisors should sot into notion a staff of compotont onginoors to nako a study of our noods and to dovolop County wide planning, but not County control disposal. MR. WAGNER statod that tho National City nonbors of tho Motropolitan Sewage Planning Commission aro ongagod in this particular study but the time is not right as yot to proposo any changos or mako any rocomnondations to any of tho City Councils. Tho throe nonbors are Bernard Danko, Wcyno Smith and Mr. Wagnor, and vory shortly they will havo a roport of tho activities for tho Council. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WLGNER stated that Officer Wobb of the Police Dopt. statod thoy havo sevoral thousand yards of good dirt to givo to tho City in roturn for tho use of a loader and two trucks, Mr. Finnorty said wo havo uso for tho dirt. 1 Tho dirt is at the National City Airport. Officer Webb statod thoy aro trying in the slough aroa to widen tho crook of tho croak and nako a soapieno landing. MR.. WLGNa« asked if the Council would bo intorostod. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN recommended that tho Council teko a look at the area boforo any commitnont is mado. VICE MAYOR CURRY said ho thought tho Council should know tho approximate cost of moving tho dirt hoforo it is eonsidorod. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNER statod that Mr. Dystor, Mr. Tikkanon and Mr. Donnolloy, reprosontinc tho Boys, Club cane to his offico and requested sono City equipment to do some grading at the Club. It would take about ono to ono and a half days to work tho equipment and tho City could havo tha dirt. 5/29 827 Mr. Tikkanon said ho would ovorsoe tho job. MR. WAGNER said thoro is an Ordinanco also, thoy mentioned, which strtos that on tho loeso of City proporty tho $170.00 sewer connection charge is droppod, but thoy would havo to pay tho ahargo of $75,00 to got tho sowor connoctod. Thoy wondorod if thy Council would give thou this considorction. COUNCILMAN CLRRIGAN said ho did not think tho Council should considor it. Tho Council grantod thou tho additional ground on tho stipulation that they woro to finish the first building first and that has not boon dono. It is tho undorstanding that thoy do not havo too much nonoy loft and it nay not bo ablo to finish without another drive for nonoy. COUNCILMAN CL.'.RKE said he bolievod wo could holp the Boys' Club to tho oxtont of using our oquipnont to novo tho dirt, providing arrangomonts can bo nado with Street Supt. Finnorty. COUNCILMAN CARRIGLN askod whoro tho dirt would bo novod. MR. WAGNER said thcy would use sono of tho dirt undor rsoath the foi adatieN. of the #ow building. This is somoting that would havo to bo discussod with Mr. Finnorty. If It is tho desire of tho Council to havo this laid ovor for ono wook, Mr. Wagner said ho would Como back with tho answer. VICE ML,YC:t CURRY ordorod this laid ovor until tho noxt noting. ACTING LDMINISTR:_TIVE OFFICER WAGNER roportod that a truck of tho Charlos Davis Company bunpod into tho cornor of tho Dog Pound this aftornoon, and ho rocoivod a tolophono call from Mr. Fox, roprosontrtting tho Drvis Company, offoring to repair tho danego. MR. WAGNER askod whothor tho insuranc o company should bo contactod or lot the Davis Company pay tho dana„o. Mr. Wagner said ho talkod to tho Poundmastor and ho said that aftor they ropairod it, it would probably bo in bottor con- dition than it was boforo. COUNCILMAN HART said ho talkod with tho Poundmastor and ho stctod that a dogs life is about 5/29 828 throo days at thoir prosont locatloh, and as soon as possiblo the Dog Pound should bo novod to another location. MR. WAGNER said that tho Planning Commission approvod plans for a new Dog Pound and it was laid ovor until after tho now fiscal year. COMMUNICLTION FROM C. L. KLTHOL was road, which statod ho was askod if it would bo agrooablo with him to deed ten foot from his proporty on Harbison Lvonuo, north of Division Stroot. This lettor is to authorizo tho doodinG of said ton foot. Mr. Kathol sold ho will also speak to the contractors who aro building homos on tho proporty on Herbison Avonuo north of Division Stroot and havo thou tako care of thoir portion. Mr. Kathol statod in regard to tho approval of curbing installod on said &tract, ho would liko to havo said approval put in tho minutos of this mooting, if it so pleases tho Council. Moved by Carrigan, socondod by Clerko, that approval be given only upon complotion of tho dooding of tho proporty to the City. Carriod, all Councilman prosont voting aye. COMMUNICLTION FROM LCTING CITY ENGINEER SMITH was road, stating ho was askod by Mr. Fritz of Fritz and Dowors Subdividors, of National Vista Nc. 2 for a lottor stating tho City's intontion of installing sowors to provido sorvico for tho lots in that Subdivision. It hos boon the City's policy on subdivisions rocontly to install tho sowors whoro tho sowor sorvico chargo of $,170.00 for connoction 1s sufficient to dofray tho cost of construction. This subdivision adjoins anothor ono known as Hilltop Park, and prolininary study indicates tho cost will bo approxlmatoly $$32,000.00 to sorvo tho two subdivisions. Tho roimbursomont may bo oxpoctod to bo $33,490.00 whon all lots havo paid the regular sorvico chargo. It appoars that the ultimate roinbursor_cnt will be in excess of the construction 829 cost, and that service to tho subdivision is justlfiablo. If it is tho intention of tho Council to procood with tho detailed design and construction of this sowor, it is suggostod that a lottor bo writton to tho subdividor informing him of such in- tontion in order that ho may conploto arrangononts to start construction of housos. COUNCILMAN CLARKE askod how soon thoy want to start construction. MR. DOWERS said thoy just went to know if thoy will hove tho sowors nado availnblo. Movod by Hart, socondod by Ingalls that the Council furnish Fritz and Towors with a totter stating tho City's intention of install- ing sewers in this particular subdivision. COUNCILMAN CLRRIGAN quostionod whethor tho subdividor will pay as thoy connoct to tho sowor. Porhaps, in tho ovont, through no fault of thoirs the subdivision is hold up, tho City is going to hnvo a sewer out thero for which thoro will bo no use, and he was wondering 1f thoro had been any arrangenonts nado if this was to happon. COUNCILMAN CLARKE askod Mr. Dowors if tho City furnishes tho sowor can We be assurod that tho houses will bo built. MR. TOWERS said that all thoy aro intorostod in at tho prosont tine is noro or loss a letter of intent. If we do not build any housos thorn, suroly you are not going to construct a sowor. Carried, all Councilnon prosont voting ayo. GILTERT E. FRITZ was present and askod that tho notion bo ropaatod. COUNCILMAN CLARKE statod that you will bo furnished with a lottor showing tho intont of tho Council reg^rding tho policy for tho install- ation of sowors. MR. FRITZ said this must bo filed with the Real Estate Commission to got tho subdivision map approvod. Tho lottor, as statod, w111 bo lino. COMMUNICLTION FROM FIRE CHIEF DLILEY was rend. Tho lottor statod ho wishod to onlist tho Council's sorvicos and ask thorr cooporation in a vory worthy causo toward a campaign to crusado 5/29 830 and savo human livos. Annually nearly 12,000 livos aro lost bocnuso of firo and of this number 25% aro tho livos of small childron. Tho Intornational Association of Fire Chiefs ro- cognizo this torriblo wasto of life, duo in most part to human carelessness. Upon request from the householder, a fireman will inspect and assist in chocking tho common firo hazards in a hone. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN said ho would recommond that a copy of this lottor bo sent to the National City Nows. VICE MAYOR CURRY said tho Council will cooporn_to. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER WAGNrR said Mr. Gauze cf tho Rocroation Commission askod if tho Council would considor an oxpondituro to novo tho existing fonco at tho swimming pool and lay a concroto slab ovor tho walk aroa to provide a sun dock for the swimmors. Roughly ostimating, it would cost in•tho noighborhood of $500.60. ANDREW GAUZE was prosont and stated there is no room for tho chilcron to sun batho and that by putting tho sleb on tho walk, would givo more room in tho pool for the bathers, Aftor thoy have boon in tho pool a short time thoy like to lie around in the sun. Tho oxpondituro would not bo moro than 0500.00 and in his opinion, it would bo vory worth whilo, in fact it is a necessity. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN asked if it was considerod in tho budget of tho Rocroation Commission for tho noxt fiscal yoar. MR. GAUZE said it was not figured in, it is sonothing that just cane up, and since it was realizod that thoro could not bo anothor swimming pool this appoarod to bo the noxt bost thing that could bo done. COUNCIL- MAN CLLRKE said ho could soo tho advantaGos of this proposod change but wo havo a sot policy for tho noxt thirty days not to spond any monoy unless it is an absoluto onorgoncy, and ho did not sea how tho Council can considor tho oxpondituro of 0500.00 until altar tho budget is sottlod. MR. GAUZE said ho 5/29 831 would liko the Council to vivo this son, considoration. COUNCILMEN CLRRIGLN said that tho Council would dofinitoly considor this after July 1st. COUNC TT,MEN CL1sRKE said ho has boon askod what tho fooling of tho Council night bo in rog^rd to City ownod oquipmont being used to holp tho Polico Pistol Club to move some dirt on thoir rango, to bottor tho firing facilities, otc. Thoro aro two non in tho Polico Dept, cnpablo of opornting tho nachinos, so it would not bo a quosticn of man powor, but just a question of a loan of City equipment. Mr, Clarke s^.id ho wondorod if Sono arrengonont could bo nado with the Strout Dept, to holp out tho Polico Dopt. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Hart, that pornission bo grantod to use tho oquipmont providod a letter is furnlshod by tho owner of tho proporty signifying his willingnoss to havo tho dirt ronovod. Carriod, all Council - non prosont Voting aye. COUNCILMLN INGLLLS oxprossod his approciation for the confidence that tho'Councll has indicated. .yovod by Hart, socondod by Clarke, that the noting bo closed. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. VICE MLYO 'VdI'P1' OF NI.tON:L CITY, CLLIFORNIA