HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 11-14 CC ADJ MIN287 National City, California, November 14, 1951 Adjourned meeting of November 13, 1951 of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Maurice Carrigan at 7:30 P.M, O'clock. Councilmen present: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan, Councilman absent: None. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Campbell, Seifert, Harbison. MAYOR CARRIGAN stated this meeting had been called primarily to diseuss new ordinances, the first of which is the Dog Ordinance. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that the main change in this ordinance is the license fee, ORDINANCE NO. an ordinance providing for the licensing, regulations and care of dogs, was presented. Moved by Hart, seconded by Clarke, that only the heading be read. Carried, by the following vote toewit: Ayes: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: None. ORDINANCE NO.l'AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC POUND, PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING, REGULATION AND CARS OF DOGS, PROVIDING FOR THE CONTROL OF RABIES AND PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF DOG KENNELS, PRESCRIBING PENALTY FOR THE VIOLAT- ION OF IT$ PROVISIONS AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NO, E0, 30, 67, 77, 84, 102, 125, 290, 413, 437, 458, 681, 662 AND 675 OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA.t' Moved by Hart, seconded by Clarke, that the ordinance be laid ovtr until the next meeting for the second and final reading. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: None. UROINANCE NO. , a traffic control ordinance was presented and discussed at some length. Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Hart, that only the heading be read. Carried, by the follow- 288 ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: None. ORDINANCE NO. , 'IAN ORDINANCE R'IGULATING TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, PROVID- ING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF, AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NO. 175, 176, 333, 508, 512, 560, 562, 565, 567, 596, 597, 615, 639, 651, 657, 660, 666, 669, 670, 676, 681, 683, 703, 732, 735, 742, 745, 751, AID 779 OF SAID CITY." Moved by Clarke, seconded by Ingalls, that the ordinance bo laid ovor until the next meeting for the second and final reading. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: None. HERBERT A. BARNES was prosont and stated he has taken a great interest in the ordinancos of the City and that the Business Ordinance is very poculiarly worded and very confusing to everybody. He has spent many hours of study and would bo glad to moot with any of the Council members and give his opinion of what ho has digested of the ordinance and point out tho errors. CHARLES GREEN, 621 11E" Avonuo, was present, and stated he received a bill for trash disposal et his place of business, and that ho compiled with tho ordinance at tho time it was startod and ho filled out tho quostionnaire and statod ho doos not use the service and has no use for it at all. MAYOR CARRIGAN asked Mr. Groen tho naturo of his business. MR. GREEN stated ho has a jewelry store, and thoro is no trash or no garbage. For somo time ho was not billed for sorvicos, now ho has rocoivod a bill for ovor $30.00. MAYOR CARRIGAN asked what Mr. Groon did with tho boxes, etc. MR. GREEN stated he takes them home and burns them in his firoplaco. ATTORNEY CAMPEELL stated if Mr. Groon dons not pay thore is probably 1 289 no criminal violation, thoro might bo a civil roeovory, which would have to bo dotorminod by bringing civil action. In a strict reading of the ordinance, whop you carry home your waste materiel, you aro carrying it over tho stroots of National City, in violation of that ordinanco. MR. GR ,EN said ho does not flood tho servico and fools that somo provision should bo made, tho ordinanco amended to take oaro of such eases. MAYOR CARRIGAN said ho did not see how tho Council could make any oxcoptions, end it could not boā€˛sottlod to- night. It would have to bo roforrod to Mr. Campboll. ATTO.NE Y CAMPBELL statod in tho evont tho bill is not paid, probably tho Council will instruct him to filo a civil action against thoso who are delinquent. MR. GREEN said if ho thought it was a just bill ho would pay it, but that ho cannot agroo with tho Council. ORDINANCE NO. , an ordinanco emending Businoss Lieonso ordinanco No. 708. was prosontod for tho first roading and roviowod in part. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hcrt, that only the heeding bo road. Carriod, by tho following vote to - wit: Ayos: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingella, Carrigan. Nays: Nono. ORDINANCE NO, , "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE YO. 708 OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING SECTIONS NO. 23.1; 23.2; 26 AND 32 THEREOF, AND BY ADDING THERETO SECTIONS NO. 23.3; 23.4; AND 3401 OF SAID ORDINANCE.°? Movod by Hart, socondod by Curry, that tho ordinanco bo laid ovor until tho noxt mooting for tho soCond and final reading. Carried, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: None. COMMUNICATION FROM SUPT. OF SANITATION MIKKELSON was road, roquesting permission to employ Willeim E. Osborne. offoctivo 11/14 290 Novombor 9, 1951, to roplacp R. G. Coopor who rosignod Novombor 6, 1951. Roquest was approvod by City Managor Soifort. Moved by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that the request be grantod. Carried, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION TO CITY TREASURER HOLGATE from City Managor Soifort asking that a rotund of $5.00 be made to Raymond A. Whitwor which ho dopositod for plans on tho court annex, was read. CITY TREASURER HOLGATE approvod tho rotund. Tho rofund to Noilson Construction Company, in tho amount of $5.00 was also approvod by the City Troasuror. Moved by Curry, socondod by Hart, that both rotunda bo approvod. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Clerko, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: NOno. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho hoard that tho parking lot et the foot of 13th Street is to bo olimihatod, and tho attendant has resigned, and asked if thorn was anything definite in this regard. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT stated tho attendant, Mr. Gatos, has resignod. Thoro is no confirmation on the parking lot at this timo. COUNCILMAN CLARKE statod tho Navy has announced they aro going to opon Gato 53 which thoy say is within tho vicinity of 16th Stroot, National City, and Mr. Clarke said ho was wondoring how oloso that is to our parking lot, and if they aro planning to ma our lot, gr if thoy havo an area. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT said ho callod tho Dopartment bf Public Works and thoy said thoy would chock into it, but ho has no information es yot. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT roportod that an Edmon H. Dismukos, who is roputably a votorgn, but tho Police Chief and ho aro unablo to confirm whether or not ho is, wPs arrested lest Novombor for selling without a liconso. Ho is asking for a fro° liconso, and it is tho rocommondation of tho Polieo Chiof and 11/14 291 City Managor that it not bo grantod. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that tho roquost of Edmon H. Dismukos bo doniod. Carried, all Councilman prosont voting ayo. COUNCILMAN INGFLLS roquostod pormission to loavo tho Country for throo days. Movod by Curry, socondod by Hart, that tho roquost bo grantod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. Movod by Curry, socondod by Hest, that tho noting bo closod. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. OF NATI' I i CLLI ORNIA CITY CLERK