HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 10-23 CC MIN260 National City, California, October 23, 1951 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Maurice Carrigan at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Clarke, Curry, Hart. Ingalls, Carrigan. Councilmen absent: None. Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting and the special meeting of October 16, 1951 be dispensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Campbell, Grey, Seifert, Harbison, Gautereaux. COMMUNICATION FROM CIVIL SFEVICE COMMISSION in regard to com- pensating time off for overtime, accumulation of sick leave and limitation of promotional examinations, was again presented. It was the recommendation of the Civil Service Commission that certain Rules be amended as follows: 3. Section 10.05 OVERTIME - be amended to read: ''The Department Head shall grant compensating time -off for all authorized overtime; such compensating time off to be taken before the expiration of the next full pay period following that during which the overtime was accrued. If such compensating tine -off cannot be granted as specified above, pay In lieu on a straight time basis shall be granted, subject to approval of the City Counci1.0 Rule 10.2 to be changed to 1 day a month with accumulation of 60 days sick leave. Also the Civil Service Commission will not recommend the proposal of limiting promotional examinations in the Position Classification Plan only to personnel within all Departments. It is the recommendation of City Manager Seifert that overtime be given at the discretion of the Depart- ment Head, but to attempt to give the compensatory time withal. 10/23 261 any.undue delay. Do not drag it out. If no compensatory time can be given then straight pay should be granted in lieu thereat. After considerable discussion regarding overtime MAYOR CARRIGAN requested this be referred to City Manager Seifert to contact the Civil Service Commission. BID OF FLOYD EMDE COMPANY for a new 1952 Harley-Davidson Motor- cycle was opened at this time. Cost including State sales tax $1,224.62, less trade-in 1949 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle, $435.00, total delivered cost $789.62. Moved by Hart, seconded by Ingalls, that the bid be referred to the City Manager and Chief of Police for checking. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. Ar LICATION TO PURCHASE TAX DEEDED LAND at public auction by Manuela Vazquez was presented. The property is the Si of Lot 3 and all of Lots 4 and 5, Block 42. Mrs. Vazquez had an application in previously and she offered $259.00 as the open- ing bid for this property. It was the recommendation of City Manager Seifert that the amount should be $700.00. Mrs. Vazque has deposited with the City Treasurer the additional $450.00 to bring the opening bid u- to Mr. Seifert's recommendation. Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that the application be accepted and referred to the Attorney to prepare the necessary resolution. Carried, ell Councilmen present voting aye. REPORT OF TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION was the next item on the agenda. MAYOR CARRIGAN requested that the report of the Traffi Safety Commission and the communication from the Chamber of Commerce in regard to the parking survey be held over until thv next meeting, at which time the Attorney will have the necess- ary ordinance ready for presentation. CITY CLTRK ALSTON stated she had a tidelands permit replacemor 10/23 262 bond on M. E. Staffon which she requested be approved by Attorney Campbell. RESOLUTION NO. 5579 was road, authorizing the following trans- fers, as loans, from the General Fund: Park Fund, $541.80; Library Fund, $689.24. Movod by Hart, seconded by Ingalls, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmen proses voting aye. BILLS AUDITED by tho Financo Committoo prosontod: General Fund $396.57 Capital Outlay Fund 575.73 Retirement Fund 452.43 Trust 8 Agoncy Fund 3.50 Street Fund 1.36 Park Fund 11.09 Library Fund 9.69 Payroll Fund 16,225.14 TOTAL t17, 675. 50 Moved by Hart, socondod by Ingalls, that tho bills bo allowed, with tho oxcoption of Ccoite1 Outlay, and warrants ordorod drawn for same. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: Nono. RESOLUTION N0. 5580 was road, authorizing tho following suns incurrod for Capital oxpondituros bo paid out of the Capital Outlay Fund: Hazard Concrete Products, Inc., Matorials for Storo Room, $386.91; Paco Construction Co., Balanco duo on Latoral Sowor Job #10, $188.82. Moved by Hart, seconded by Clarke, that the Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Council- mon prosont voting ayo. APPLICATION TO MOVE A BUILDING by Mrs. F. L. Whitoly, was prosontod. The prosont location of tho building is 5055 Imperial Avenue, San Diego, and is to bo novod to 4th and ;IQ R Avonuo. Ropairs and altorations to bo mado will conform with the Bullring Code. It has boon inspected by Janos A. Bird, Building Inspector and E. J. Christman, Chairman of the Plannin 10/23 263 Commission. Tho application was approvod by Building Inspocto Bird and is to bo eomplotod within 90 days. Movod by Curry, socondod by Hart, that tho roquost bo grantod. Carriod, all Councilman presont voting ayo. REQUEST FOR REFUND ON BUSINESS LICENSE by Mary Nicosia, was road. A rotund of $3,00 is roquostod for ono music machino liconso. Tho liconso was issuod in orror as tho ownor, Walt &chinkal Music Company paid tho full yoar in advanco. Tho roquost was approvod by city Treasurer Holgato. Movod by Hart, socondod by Ingalls, that tho rotund bo made. Carriod, by tho following vote to -wit: Ay„s: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: Nono. PETITION signed by 8 pooplo roquosting sowor linos installed botwoon 6th and 8th Stroots on Rachaol Avonuo, was road. CITY ENIGNEER GREY statod he contacted ono of tho owners and tho application is prodicatod upon thoir giving us tho right-of- way. Wo havo no rights -of -way thero as yot. Movod by Curry, socondod by Ingalls, that tho City Enginoor procood with gotting tho nocossary oasononts and cost of tho construction of tho sower. Carriod, all Councilnon presont voting ayo, COMMUNICATION FROM CITY CL^sRK ALSTON was road, roquosting tho appointmont of Lucille G rwing as Approntico Bookkooping Machine Operator, offoctivo 0ctoh.,r 16, 1951, salary $184.00 por month, on tho probationary basis, as per Civil Sorvico regulations. • RESOLUTION NO. 5581 was road, authorizing tho onploymont of Lucille Gorwing as probationary Approntico Bookkooping Machine operator, compensation thorofor $184.00 por month, offoctivo Octobor 16, 1951. Movod by Clarko, socondod by Hart, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carricd, all Councilmen present voting 10/23 264 ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM CHIEF OF POLICE SMITH was road, recomnond- ing that two Motorola Mobilo Trans mittors and Uni-Channel Rocoivors bo purchased for patrol cars. Tho Tram nittors and Rocoivors to bo conploto with all of the accossorios at $412.50 oach. It was roconnondod for approval by City Managor Seifert. RESOLUTION NO. 5582 was road, accopting tho bid of Motorola Company in tho sun of $825.00 for two Motorola Mobilo Trans- mittors and Uni-Channol Roccivors. Maurico Carrigan, Mayor of National City is huroby authorised and directed to oxocuto all nocossary documents thorofor. Moved by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that the Rosolution bo adopted. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO. 5583 was road, accopting a Grant Dood for stroot purposos from JULNS N. and MAMIE E. WEISSER to tho City of National City. Said property shall bo subject to tho following conditions: In tho ovont any grading is done on said property by tho City of National City tho oxcoss dirt shall bo placod upon othor property ownod by Grantor and situatod innodiately north of the property doscribed in the dood. That said dirt shall bo placod on the said proporty at tho diroction of tho aforesaid Grantor and without any liability whatsocvor to grantee arising from or out of tho moving or placing of said dirt. Movod by Hart, socondod by Curry, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. AGREEMENT FROM SYLVESTER D. LOUCKS was road, stating that in considoration of tho accoptanco of tho dood by tho City of National City from Julius N. end Mamie E. Woissor, ho horoby waivos any and all claims that ho night now havo or may horo- 10/23 265 -after acquire against tho City of National City, its officers, agonts or omployeos, arising from or out of tho acceptance of tho deed to said property, or the grading of said property, the removal of any dirt therefrom or the placing of said dirt on the property situated immediately north of the aforesaid property: MAYOR CARRIGAN ordered this agreement filed, REPORT FROM CHIEF OF POLIO$ SMITH in regard to the application of Jess Morris Cluck, to sell car polish in the city, was read. Mr. Cluck presentod his discharge papers from the U. S. Navy Bureau of Medicine as evidence of his disability and his honorable discharge. Mr. Cluck was informed it was illogal to sell on the public street. It is recommended that tho applicant be granted a liconso without fee. Movod by Hart, seconded by Ingalls, that the recommendation of Chiof Smith be accepted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM JEFF DAVIS, ELECTRICIAN, was road, roquosting tho hiring of en oloctrician to help with tho extra work for a poriod of approximately 10 days. City Managor Seifert roeonmend- od the hiring of an oloctrician, as requostod. Moved by Hart, seconded by Clarko, that tho request bo grantod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. CITY CLERK ALSTON statod tho City Engineor has a petition re- questing tho oil paving of "B1 Avonuo botwoon 18th Strout and 20th Street. It has boon found by contacting tho County Tax Colloctor that wo do not have all the property. Wo do have a tax option on it and it would cost $90.00 to teko up tho option. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT reeommondod that the option be taken up. Moved by Curry, s000nded by Ingalls, that tho City Clerk oxorciso tho option. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. 10/23 266 ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roportod that tho Bond of M. E. Staffon is in propor fora. Movod by Ingalls, aecondod by Hart, that tho Bond of M. E. Steffan bo accoptod. Manioc', all Councilman prosont voting ayo. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod that City Manager Soifort would liko ',omission from tho Council to advertise for sonoono to bid on tho salvaging natorial in the sanitary fill. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Curry, that tho City Manager's roquost bo granted. Carriod, ell Councilmen prosont voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO. 5584 was road, accopting tho sum of $696.50 es tho minimum solos prico on tho Si of Lot 3 and all of Lots 4 and 5 in Block 42 of National City. Tho Tax Colloctor is horoby authorizod and dirLctod to advortiso to soll at public auction, according to law, tho intorosts of tho City of National City and tho intorosts of tho County of San Diego, subjoct to 1951-52 County and City taxes, oasononts, rights - of -way, rosorvations end assossmants of rocord. Tho Mayor, City Clerk and Tax Colloctor aro horoby authorizod-and diroctod to oxocuto and dolivor to tho purchasor et said salo tho dood to said property. Movod by Clarke, socondod by Hart, that tho Resolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. ATTO?NEY CAMPBELL roportod that Carrol Smith of tho County Counsol's Office has advised tho National Elomontary School District that thoy cannot purchase property subjoct to tho restriction which was inposod in tho Rosolution setting forth the salo of property to tho School District, which stated tho City shall rosorvo all subtorranoan wator rights and tho rights to all subtorranoan water thoroon. If it is tho dosiro of tho Council to olininato that restriction end to carry on tho ronaindor of tho terns of tho salo, e-Rosolution hes boon 10/23 267 properod. RESOLUTION NO. 5585 was rood, anonding Rosolution No. 5469 as follows: 1. That thoro bo dolotod from SECTION 1•A tho following: i°Tho City of National City, California, shall rosorvo to tho City ell subtorranoan wator rights and tho rights to all subtorranocn wator thoroon.1° 2. That SECTION 6 bo anondod to road es follows: "That City Managor Frank Soifort is horoby authorizod to ontor into oscrow for tho selo of tho aforosaid roal proporty and to thoro sign tho nocossery tax titlo affidavit and ell othor docunonts nocossary to carry out tho torus and conditions of this rosolution.3 3. That all other soctions of Rosolution No. 5469 aro horoby roeffirnod. Movod by Clarke, socondod by Hart, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Carrigan. Yrys: Nono. Councilmen Ingalls did not voto. RESOLUTION NO. 5566 was road, approving that eortain agroomont botwoon National School District (Elonontary) of San Diogo County and Swootwator Union High School District of San Diogo County and tho City of National City, a copy of which is attachod horoto and by this rcforonco incorporatod horoin. Maurico Carrigan, Mayor of tho City of National City is horoby authorized end diroctod to ox..cuto tho sano for and upon bohalf of said City. Movod by Hart, socondod by Clarko, that tho Rosolution ba adoptod. Carriod, all Councilman prosont voting ayo. CITY CLERK ALSTON statod that since tho tax solo on Si of Lot 3 end all of Lots 4 end 5 in Block 42 has boon authorizod, sho will nood authorization to oxorciso that portion of tho County option, which amounts to $66,50. Moved by Ingalls, socondod by Clarko, that City Clerk Alston bo authorizod to teko up tho c • 10/23 268 option. Cerriod, ell Councilman prosont voting nyo. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT roportod that Mr. Stein, tho concossion- airo, hes filod a conploto report of his oxponditures with all his vondors. This roport is in tho City Clork's offico. Thoy havo boon auditod, end bocauso thoro was no particular typo of books spocifiod for Mr. Stoin to keep, thoy will havo to bo accoptod as thoy aro. REPORT FROM PLANNING COMMISSION was road, Tho socond hoaring on tho Rancho Mose Annoxation zoning was placod on tho egonde. This hoaring is to croato an R-1-A zoning for this portion of National City. Tho Commission rocommonded too Councilts acceptance. Expiration datos of the Connissionore was also discussed. Mrs. Hollings orth is tho only Comnissionor whoso torn has expired, and with hor permission tho Commission ro- commends tho Council roappotnt hor. CITY CLERK ALSTON statod tho only action that cen bo takon this ovoning is tho appoint- nont of a Connissionor, Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Curry, that Mrs. Hollingsworth bo roappointod es a ncnbor of tho Planning Commission. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. MAYOR CARRIGAN askod that tho Council moot Hutt Tuosday ovoning et 7:00 P.M. to roviow tho mettor of the businoss liconsos. MAYOR CARRIGAN stetod the City Engineor prosontod a roport of tho drainage problon with which wo aro confronted, and ho thought it night bo a good idoe to find out what tho ovorsll cost is going to bo end parhaps placo it on tho ballot in April. Also considor whothor it should bo added to tho tax rate, or a '.ond issue. COUNCILMAN INGALLS askod whothor tho tax funds would not bo rathor impractical, end if it would not moan a bond issuo to do tho job right. COUNCILMAN CURRY askod if it :s not possible that tho County would stand a portion of tho 10/23 269 cost. COUNCILMAN CLARKE askod how tho City would stand in regard to the Army Enginoors duo to tho fact that the flood waters enter the Bay. MAYOR CARRIGAN roquostod that tho Enginoor bring in a conprohonsivo cost survoy, tho Attornoy dolvo into tho logal tochnicelities and what tho bond issuo wwuld lnvolvo, and tho e ount of timo loft to got it on tho ballot, and tho City Winegar contact tho County, Stet°, City, Govornmont, Army, etc. to soo what pert thoy can play in it. MAYOR CARRIGAN statod that thoro is a natter of tho fill botwoon 23rd and 24th on Hoovor Avonuo whoro tho City has a stroot that is quito high. and gr. Charles Davis has four piocos of hoevy oquipnont in that arca. Ho has tho proporty ho purchasod from tho City protty woll lovollod off. Mr. Drvis has offorod to ronovo tho dirt from Hoovor and to grado tho stroot and fill Coolidgo Avonuo, this to bo done froo of chargo and pay tno City $500.00 for tho dirt. Mr. Drvis has agrood with tho proporty ownors that thoy will waivo any logal right thoy night have toward tho City. That thoro would bo a ramp dug out for en alloy and thero would bo stops put in so they could roach thoir proporty. ATTORNEY CAMPEELL statod you can logelly soll dirt et e fair aarkot vcluo. You would bo selling tho dirt in place, and tho valuo would bo tho approximate sun of $500.00. If tho grado has boon ostcblishod ono of tho conditions of tho solo would bo that tho ronoval of tho dirt would bo undor tho diroction of tho City Enginoor end tho dirt is not to bo ro- novod bolow tho ostcblishod stroot grado. You would bo selling dirt, and if it is sold at its narkot valuo you can do so with- out tho logal nocossity of bids. ATTORNEY CAJPf1ELL statod ho would liko tho valuo of tho dirt ostablish.;d. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho thought 10 conts a cubic yard was a fair prico. MAYOR CARRIGAN said wo aro gotting e groet dool moro actual 10/23 270 value then that bocauso wo aro gotting two stroots brought to tho proper grade, which in itsolf has a groat donl of value. Movod by Clarko, socondod by Hart, that tho City Attornoy bo authorizod to draw up an agroom nt to soll all that dirt bo- twoon 22nd and 24th Stroots on Hoovor Avonuo to Chnrlos M. Davis for tho sun of $500.00. That Mr. Davis agroos to novo tho dirt undor tho direction of tho City Enginoor and to ro- novo n cortain amount of dirt which is now known es 23rd Stroi• Mr. Davis is to obtain all rolocsos from tho adjacont proporty owners and will stop off tho proporty. Said work to bo con- plotod within 60 days. Th^t Mr. D-vis will hold tho City froo and harmless from any clot:: or demand that night arise out of tho hauling of tho dirt. ATTORNEY CAME ELL asked if the grado has boon ostablishod on that stroot? CITY ENGINEER GREY said it has boon established. ATTORNEY CAMPEELL askod if Mr. Davis would gueranteo or bond against pulling his oquipnont off bofero tho ronoval of all tho dirt. In tho cvont his nachinory is pullod off wo can work a bond forfoituro as dotornined by Mr. Davis and tho Council. MR. DAVIS was in accord. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: None. I. EVERETT, 2034 E. llth Stroot, was prosont and stetod that several months ago tho sowor lino was installod in front of his proporty and it has loft a very low spot which nakos it hazardous in rainy woathor. MAYOR CARRIGAN askod that tho City Enginoor have this condition corroetod. Movod by Hart, socondod by Curry, that the mooting bo closed. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. 1, ATTEST: CITY CLERK MAYOR] CITY OF NA IONAL CI 10/23