HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 09-04 CC MIN157 National City, California, September 4, 1951 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Maurice Carrigan at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Clarke, Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Carrigan. Councilmen absent: None. Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 28, 1951, and the adjourned meeting of August 30, 1951, be dispensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Harbison, Campbell, Grey, Gautereaux. S. D. LOUCKS was present and said that the stctements he has made in regard to the redevelopment program have been dis- puted by the Redevelopment Agency and others, and in order to prove his claims he read portions from the Guide on Slum Clear- ance published by the United States Government on Urban Redevelopment. He also stated he has checked the latest edition of the amendment to the California Constitution in this regard. Mr. Loucks said Mayor Carrigan told him on two different occasions that the Council had nothing to do with this, that it was up to the Redevelopment Commission. The Council obligates themselves for $5,000,000.00 to $10,000,000.00 and you do not know what you are signing away. MAYOR CARRIGAN stated that the Council has not yet obligated themselves for anything. HERBERT A. BARNES was present and stated he would like to ask the Council to give him a reply to this question: When some of the families are forced to move from their homes which are in the redevelopment area, how can they find a place to live and what can be done with them? MAYOR CARRIGAN said this is a 9/4 r Isla question that the Council intends to have answered before there is any further development. COUNCILMAN CLARKB said he believed Mr. Loucks, Mr. Barnes and the people in National ro City are entitled to a little elarifteation regarding/develop- ment. The Council is being criticised for no particular reason. We have not yet authorized going ahead with the re- development. We have an Ordinance which delineates the area of redevelopment. We have not obligated the people of this community to anything, and whether or not we will, remains a question that has not bean decided. MRS. KODISH was present and stated.that since the budget has been approved, and included in it was an item for a new animal shelter, and since we have made a transfer of funds enough to take care of this, is it planned to build this before the rains start, or are we going to let it ride until then and not be able to do anything. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that the money transferred can be transferred only for the maintenance and operation of the City. The Constitution provides that the loan Is only for that particular purpose and not for any Capital Outlay items. MRS. KODISH asked when the Capital Outlay money would come in for this typo of thing? ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said that he believed ono large item will comp in around the end of November, that is about the time the first ad valorem is distributed, Until wo have sufficient money to repay the loan there is not sufficient money for Capital Outlay items, and it will probably bo tho end of November be- fore the loan can bo repaid. MRS. KODISH said this would probably bo a dead issue until after the first of the year, is that correct? MAYOR CARRIGAN said it is possible, but wo hope not as it is an item of great need and wo hopo to get started on it as quickly as wo are financially able. 9/4 159 COMMUNICATION FROM H. MIKKELSON, BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPT. regarding the use and earn of the Community Building, was again presentod. The letter stated that confusion regarding the use and care of the Community Building has givon rise to tho need for affixed policy regarding responsibility connoct- od therewith. ;COUNCILMAN INGALLS asked how long it has boon since we have mado a roviow of tho charges for tho use of tho Community Building? MAYOR CARRIGAN said it hes boon quito somo Limo, andHthat ho has novor hoard any complaints as far as tho chargosilaro concornod from either tho partios using the Building, or the City, but he has hoard a groat many complaints from tho porsons who have custody of tho Building, and ono major complaint sooms to bo that in rocont years thoro have boon a great many koys put out, and it might bo woll to havo tho locks Ichangod on tho Building, and cortein persons bo invostod with the koys and made rosponsiblo for thom. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho thought it would bo a vory good thing to havo tho locks changed. The Community Building is thoro for tho use of pooplo, but not for abuso. COUNCILMAN INGALLS said if the Building is boing abusod as far as loaving it in a con- dition that the Custodian has to work an unreasonably long time, wo should havo either very strict policing or an additional ehargo for tho'uso of tho Building so that wo can compensato tho @ustodian for tho oxtra work, and that would call for a roviow of tho ehargos. Movod by Hart, socondod by Ingalls, that the locks on tho Community Building bo changod, and certain individuals boil made rosponsiblo for tha keys, and that beforo any group of people, city -sponsored or othorwiso, has accoss to tho Building, a rosponsiblo roprosontativo of that group apply for the timo and bo responsible for loaving tho place in as good a condition as they find it. Failing in this, thoy bo charged the time and materials roquirod to loavo it so. Carried, ell Councilmen prosont voting ayo. 9/4 160 COMMUNICATION FROM THE DIRECT SELLING LEGION in rogard to tho adoption of tho Groon Rivor Ordinance was prosontod. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated the Green River case referB to an ordinance prohibiting solicitation by peddlers or solicitors in the residential areas. Mr. Campbell said that he did not feel he has all thejfacts at this time and he would like to discuss it later with the Council. Until such time as a full discuss- ion can be had, it is requested that the Council withhold any action. COMMUNICATION FROM ANTHONY ZITNIK in regard to the condition of Lanoitan Avenue was read. It is requosted that the Council give the matter of widening of Lanoitan Avenue between 15th and 16th Street favorable consideration. Moved by Curry, seconded Ingalls, this be referred to the City Engineer for study and recommendation. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COUNCILMAN CLsRKE asked if somo of the gas tax money could not be used for fixing up some of the streets and when will the money be available? ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that the money available comes under maintenance and repair, howovor it would be for Mr. Grey to determine if it is maintenance and repair. As far as the creation of now streets or major streets, it is necossary that your program bo establiahod and approved by the State Highway Department boforo tho money can bo expended. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HORBISON askod if wo should not by have the plans ready as soon as possible to prosont to tho State dighway Dopartment for approval. ENGINEER GREY said wo should. MAYOR OSBRI 1 Iatatod ammo weeks age the 01%? Bneitsaet empfted in a roport which the Council took undor advisomont as to tho policy to follow on the paving of stroots, and askod if tho Council has had an opportunity to study it. Tho Enginoor re- quested that considoration bo givon to tho following suggest- ions: That a petition form bo furnished by tho City Engineer's 9/4 161 Office for potiIttoning tho City Council. If fillod in 100% tho City Engineer be roquirod to notify all potitionors of action of City Council and, if favorable, how much oath proporty ownor would havo to put into a Trust Fund in tho Traasuror's Offico boforo work can commoncof Whon work is complotod tho money in tho Trust Fund will be turnod over to Gonoral Fund, and any rosiduo turnod back to tho proporty ownor, If tho work is to bo consummatod, tho proporty ownors bo roquirod to pay for tho actual cost of matorials plus 10% labgr chargos in handling, working and placing the same. In cases whoro thoro is any approeiabla amount of excavation to-bo dono it is the rocommon- i dation of this Offico that whon matorials havo to bo hauled, or whoro the outs aro groator than a foot in dopth, it should bo paid for, but whoro a patrol can balanco tho quantities, no moro than a foot or so in depth, tho grading should be free, No half width o'f streets to bo oil-pavod except by spocial ordors from City Counoil on special cases. No stroot to be paved leas than four inchos in dopth. Two wooks boforo any improvements are started the City Enginoor should notify all public utilities of the proposod work so that they may havo amplo time to mako what adjustments they, might find nocossary and thus proserve tho surface whon finished. MAYOR CARRIGAN said he bolievod that answers some of tho quostions the Connell have boon asking, Tho only ono item lacking in this is tho rolling of the stroot. This is a policy which dofinitoly sots forth cortain specific itoms for tho Engineer to follow. Tho proporty owner, Engineer and Council will know what toioxpect. Boforo tho Council adopts the report in full it would bo woll to study item No, 4, which roads: If not fillod in 100%, but fillod in over 50% of proporty frontago, property owners bo notifiod that prooaodings carried out in accordant() with "Tho Improvement Act of 1911! as givon in Sections 5000 to 6794 9/4 162 inclusive, of tho Streets and Highways Codo, is tho only present method of achioving tho desired result, unloss tho City Council passes enabling legislation to bring minority proporty owners into the projoct on the thesis that majority will should prevail as bring tho democratic way of life. That is the only portion of tho letter, Mayor Carrigan statod, which would ro- quire discussion on his part, and it could bo dolotod without difficulty, and tho romaindor of tho policy carried out. Movod by Hart, seoondod by Ingalls, that tho recommendations of the City Enginoor bo aoeoptod with the exception of itom No• 4, which is doleted. Carriod, all Qouncilmon prosont voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM NATIONAL CITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE was road in regard to the traffic survoy end proposod traffic ordinance. The Board voted t0 ask tho City Qouncil to withhold action on the proposed ordinance for sixty days until the Committeo has had time t0 study tho roport and propero a store—t9retoro our• vey in tho critical parking area. MAYOR CARRIGAN statod that tho Council haaalroady voted to take no action for tho sixty days, as requested, and ordered the communication filed. DR. GEORGE PARCHEN, Chairman of the Traffic Safety Commission, was present andistatod that tho Traffic Ordinance is not come plated until the City Attornoy has ruled on it, and asked Attorney Campbell 1f ho know about when this is to be completed. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said not until ho is directed with all the various changes, DR. PLRCHEN said they cannot authorize any Changes until they know how legal is the existing ordinance, That was the hold up before It was given to the Chamber of Commare'C, A`iTORN'gY-CELL-said he would question whethor or not parking areas in particular locations would evolve upon the legality ot'an ordinance. COMMUNICATION FROM NATIONAL CITY COMMUNITY REDEVSLOPMKNT AGENCY 0/4 163 was road, certifying their reservation for the Community Building or the Annex, for a public hearing to bo hold on October 3, 1951. Tho room will bo required from 7:00 P.M. until tho hearing is completed. Moved by Clarke, seconded by Curry, that the Community Rodovolopmont Agency bo granted tho use of tho Community Building or Annox, on October 3, 1951, end that tho usual charge bo waivod. Carried, all Councilmen present votinglayo. COMMUNICATION FROM AIBERT E. HEFLIN in regard to sowor in tidelands area, was road. Mr, Heflin stated that when ho leased the property at 1440 Tidelands Avenue it was his under- standing a sewer ran under the area in which he has started his building. ,They cannot locate the sewer, furthermore a hook up cannot be made without an excessive run Of soil pipe on his property, plus an additional 25 to 30 feet on City property, which is not a part of his lease. Mr. Heflin believes that the City should hook him into the sewer line. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated that Mr. Heflin called at her office and said at the time Douglas Simmons approached him for the lease on the property, Mr. Simmons showed him a map which indicated the sewer ran across his property, but they cannot locate the sewer. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said he thought maps pertaining to the City showed every sewer line there is in the City. MAYOR CARRIGAN said he talked to Mr. Heflin and he told him substantially the same as was in his letter. On countless occasions we were assured there were ample sewer facilities on the tidelands, and it seems as though the plan at the time the lease was drawn showed that a sewer line ran directly across the property leased to Mr. Heflin. It is his understanding that Mr. Bird or Mr. Finnertylwas down there and was unable to locate that particular line; which does not mean entirely that it is not there, but if it is not, the City of National City has a moral 9/4 164 rosponsibility to put one in at the nearest line. We have assured the prospoetivo lessons that tho water and sewer lines were in on the tidelands, and if it means that the City has to run 30 feet or so of sewer pipe to make that lease good, it is a mistake we mado and it is a moral responsibility to seo that the man is connieted to tho sower. ENGINEER GREY said the sewer referred to gocs alongside Mr. Heflin's property, and It is too low, thotoforo ho has to go to tho othor sower for the manholo. MAYOR CARRIGAN roquostod this bo roforred to the City Engineor for a thorough chock. RESOLUTION NO. 5543 was road, authorizing tho following trans- fers as loans from the Genoral Fund: Park Fund, $93.19; Library Fund, $300.92; Traffic Safoty Fund, $352.15. Moved by Hart, secondod by Ingalls, that the Resolution bo adoptod. Carried, all Councilmon prosont voting aye. BILLS AUDITED by Movod by Curry, with tho except drawn for samo. Clarke, Curry, tho Financo Committee prosontod: Gonoral Fund Traffic Safoty Fund Capital Outlay Fund Library Fund Park M & I Fund Harbor Fund Payroll Fund TOTAL $ 911.90 1,579.99 1,699.38 300.92 83.64 3.86 Credit 20 163.42 $24,735.39 socondod by Hart, that tho bills be allowed, on of the Capital Outlay, and warrants ordorod Carriod, by the following voto to -wit: Ayos: art, Ingalls, Carrigan. Nays: Nono. RESOLUTION NO. 5544 was road, authorizing the following sum incurrod for capital exponditures bo paid out of tho Capital Outlay Fund: Pfco Construction Company, Sowor Outlay, $1,699.38. Movod by Hart, socondod by Ingalls, that tho Rosolution bo ad- opted. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. RESIGNATION OF MORGAN CORDEAU, Maintonanco Man in the Street 9/4 165 Department, was road. Resignation to become effective September 12, 1951. It is requested that Mr. Cordeau bo placed on the eligibility list for one year. Moved by Hart, socondad by Curry, that tho rosignation be accepted, and he be placed on tho eligibility list, as requested. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont Voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM ARKISTEAD B. CARTER roquosting a refund of taxos paid In ordor on Lots 13, 14 and 15 in Block 244, for tho yoar 1944, was road. This proporty was rocontly sold by Mr. Carter and tho Tax Collector roportod to tho Titlo Company tax dtnquoncy in tho amount of $9.44 which was paid by tho Title Company. Roimbursomont of $9,44 is roquostod be- causo thoro is no dolinquoncy, as Mr. Cartor claims he has in his possession data. CITY CLERK ALSTON statod our dolinquo,ncy until paid by tho Title proporty was takon receipts showing all taxos paid from 1941 to records show thoro was Company. Part of tho ovor by tho Stato but tho taxos woro novor ordorod cancollod by tho State. MAYOR CARRIGAN roquostod this be roforrod to tho City Attornoy and tho City Clork for furthor chocking. COMMUNICATION FROM DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS In rogard to Agroomont for tho oxpondituro of $20,000.00 for maintonanco of major City stroots an socondary City stroots for tho poriod July 1, 1951 to Juno 301, 1952, in tho City of National City, was prosontod. MAYOR CARRISAN roquostod this bo roforrod to Attornoy Campboll for chocking and to proparo tho necessary rosolution. PETITION was read, roquosting tho Council to ordor tho follow- ing stroot iaprovomonts bo eomplotod as soon as possible, on E.14th Stroot botwoon •'Ou and Palm Avonuos, ono -half width: Install conerotd curbs and gutters, grado street aroa to an ostablishod grade, oil stroct area at that grado. The property 9/4 166 ownors agroo to install concroto curbs and guttors, at no coat to tho City or roimburso tho City for tho actual cost if dono by tho City. All nocossary oasomonts will bo mado available to tho City. COUNCILMAN INGALLS asked if thay agroo to put in tho sidewalks and curbs only, or agroo to pay tho cost of oil- ing tho stroot as woll. MAYOR CARRIGAN stated thay aro agrooing to pay tho cost of tho streets and to put in tho concroto curb and guttors at their own oxponsc. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ho is familiar with this situation and thoy aro not gotting coopor- ation from tho othor half of tho stroot. Tho wator comas down thoro so fast that it has startod to undormino what littlo oil thoro was on tho stroot. It also croatos a traffic hazard at tho foot of 14th Stroot whoro it joins Palm. ACTING ADMINIS- TRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON statod ho was in agroomont with Mr. Groy's lottor but thoy aro not carrying it out. Thoy havo rocoivod tho form and aro Bonding it back without montioning anything about oil, and ho quostions whothor or not thoy might Como back lator and claim it was a misundorstanding, that thoy thought the City would oil tho stroots and thoy would just put in tho curbs. Wo can koop down a lot of misundorstanding by gotting out with tho right foot to start with and oxplain to thom that this is tho way it is, and wo can bo sure that they do undorstand boforo wo ontor into an agroomont with thorn. MAYOR CARRIGAN said ho is in accord with anything that will provont a misundorstanding as to tho City's policy. It is his understanding that this is a proliminary rogliost prior to tho actual onginooring and survey es to tho cost and thon the pooplo will bo notifiod as to tho actual cost bocauso it may vary on difforent stroots. COUNCILMAN INGALLS said wo wont on rocord as approving tho Enginoorts rocommondation for procoduro and that portion frowned upon half streets, and ho wondorod if we should give thom any oncouragomont on installation of half 9/4 167 stroots. MAYOR CARRIGAN askod the roason for only a half street. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said ono of thoso nroporty ownors who livos on tho cornor took it upon himsolf to talk with his noighbors on his sido of tho street and thoy woro 100 porcont in favor, but ho is not ablo to got that samo cooporation from tho pooplo on tho othor sido of tho stroot as thoro is no improvod proporty. MAYOR CARRIGAN said tho potition follows tho form as sot forth. Movod by Hart, socondod by Clarko, that tho City Enginoor bo authorizod to send out tho coat to tho property ownors whon thoy rocoivo that doposit tho monoy with ostimato in question. ENIGNERR GREY askod if cost ostimato aro thoy supposod to tho City Troasuror? MAYOR CARRIGAN said that according to tho Enginoor's rocommondation, that was tho wishos of tho Council. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. PETITION from proporty owners roquosting tho following work improvomonts bo complotod as soon as possiblo on .TR' Avonuo botwoon loth and llth Stroot, was road: Install concroto curbs, raiso stroot aroa and ostablish grade, oil tho stroot area of that gredo. Thoy agroo to comploto item No. 2 at no cost to tho City or to reimburso the City for tho actual cost if dono by tho City. All nocossary oasomonts will bo mado availablo to tho City. •P.), Avcnuo has boon dodicatod for somotimo. Curbs on tho loft sido of tho stroot woro installod at grados sot by tho City Enginoor. Thoy agroo to pay for the cost of tho oil. Thoy intond to tho street at a futuro timo whon install curbs on oaeh construction of homos block is complotod. Thoy aro now arranging to install side of in that curbs on tho north sido of llth Street wost of UR" and proposo to oil tho north half of llth from ^Ri° to Palm. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL suggested that anostimato bo sont out on this also, as thoro is a possibility thoro may bo somo misunderstanding whoroby tho 9/4 168 person agrees to pay for tho cost of tho oil. Movod by Hart, ,socondod by Clarke, that tho City Enginoor bo authorized to send out cost ostimatos on ''R" Avonuo botwoon lath and llth Streot. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. ATTORNEY .QAMPBELL asked that in tho ovont thorolis more than ono property owner, is tho work to bo commoncod boforo tho ontiro 100% has boon dopositod, that is somothing that might raiso a quostion? Another quostion that might be raisod is, does this rocommondation not apply to subdivisions? MAYOR CARRIGAN said he would recommend that it not bo applied to subdivisions, as oath subdivision can bo handled on an individual basis. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated tho Subdivision Ordinanco now roquiros tho subdividers to install. Tho only othor thing would bo the amount deposited boforo tho work would commonco. MAYOR CARRIGAN said this is covorod in itom 2 of tho Enginocrts rocommondations. Enginoor Groy might add as a codicil that no work will bo startod until all proporty ownors have placod tho monoy with tho City Troasuror. REQUEST FROM FIREMEN'S FUND INDEMNITY COMPANY was presontod. Thoy havo an application from Doris Sullivan for a suroty bond. CITY CLERK ALSTON said sho would liko to know tho ploasuro of tho Council whothor they want to fill this out, or what they wish dono with it. MAYOR CARRIGAN ar dorod this rcforrod to tho City Attornoy for somo,disposition. MAYOR CARRIGAN roquostod pormission to loavo tho Stato and to not attend Council mooting; for 30 days. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that tho roquost bo granted. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. ATTORNEY CAMPB^LL roportod that tho Tolophono Company hoaring is Soptombor 6, 1951, in San Francisco. Thoro is no local ropresontation being mado, and no instruction that wo filo a 9/4 169 protest. RESOLUTION NO. 5545 was road, creating a boulevard stop on 13th Street at each of tho following: McKinley, Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidgo and Hoovor Avonuos. The Suporintondent of Streots is diroctod to install the boulevard stop signs in accordance with law. Moved by Hart, socondod by Curry, that the Rosolution bo adoptod. Carried, all Councilmen prosent voting aye. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod that tho Board of Diroctors of tho National City Insurance Association wero contacted in rogard to the insurance on automobiles written by Guy & Guy, and thoir roply was that this policy was written by Mr. Guy before the inception of the Association and they agree that it is proporly written, and if the Council sees fit noxt yoer it should be written by tho association. Thoy oxprossod their approciation of tho Councils consideration in this matter. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL reported that the bond which Mr. Heflin has submitted in compliance with his lasso is in ordor and tho Council can accept it. Moved by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that tho bond bo accoptod. Carriod, ell Councilmon proaont voting eyo. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that somotimo ago Mr. Boud of tho Grand Jury sont out a proposod ordinance to provido for tho commitmont and troatmont of non-modical drug addicts. The City duos net hen tho feeilitios to handle it, and it Is quito quostionablo whothor you havo tho authority to adopt such an ordinanco. MAYOR CARRIGAN ordorod the communication filod. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod it is his suggostion tho matter of tho 15 foot of proporty which Mr. Ebbs dodieatod to tho City for stroot purposos upon cortain conditions bo roforrod to tho 9/4 170 Planning Commission for thoir rocommondation whothor or not .7Notico of Intontion to Vacato't is pessod. Movod by Clarke, socondod by Hart, tho mattor bo roforrod to tho Planning Commission. Carriod, ell Councilmon prosont voting eyo. ATTORTE Y CAMPBELL stetod that tho City dons not havo tho powor to sponsor tho scholarship, es roquostod by tho National City Toastmastors Club. DR. GEORGE P:RCHEN, roprosonting tho Toast- mastors Club was prosont and stetod thoy had dosirod tho City of National City to sponsor tho scholarship, but if thoro is somo logel tochnicality which prohibits it, that is what thoy want to know. MAYOR CARRIGAN ordorod tho communication filod. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roportod in rogerd to tho Chambor of Commorcots rocommondation for tho Council to appoint a Harbor Commission. Tho Council could by resolution sook adviso from othor persons, but you do not havo th.: right or tho powor to dologato authority. MAYOR CARRIGAN said that sinco tho Chembor of Commorco has offor- od to holp in tho mattor, tho Council considor fivo names for tho appointmont, undor rosolution, a Harbor Commission in an advisory capacity. RESOLUTION NO. 5546 was road, accepting an oasomont for stroot purposes only to tho City of National City from ELMER E. and PEARL MILLE. Movod by inga1la, socondod by Hart, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, ell Councilmen prosont voting ayo. ATTORN^Y CAMPBELL statod that CITY CLERK ALSTON has a mattor of Fiosta oxponsos which will probably roquiro a budgot transfor. CITY CLERK ALSTON statod that sho did not have tho oxact amount of the bills, but tho allocation of $1,500.00 has boon usod. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL suggostod this bo laid ovor until tho noxt mooting in ordor to ascertain tho oxect amount of the bills and 9/4 171 the proper budget transfors. MAYOR CARRIGAN roquosted it be held over. MAYOR CARRIGAN said ho would like to thank Judge Herbison, on bohalf of the Council, for filling in a difficult post until such time as the Council can appoint a permanent administrator. COUNCILMAN CURRY said tho possibility of improvomont of Lanoitan Avenue was roforrod to the Administrator today and he askod that the situation bo oxplained. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON stated it is his understanding that Lanoitan Avonuo was at ono time a stroot of major importance and some gas tax money had boon usod for a 20 foot pavod strip in tho contor. It comes to tho attention of the school, and the pooplo living in tho vicinity are anxious to havo the street oiled widor than tho 20 foot strip, now proposod. From tho school's standpoint it is a very important stroot and to put in a 20 foot strip tho childron going to school will travol on that strip and thoro will bo 10 foot on oath sido. When tho woathor is bad cars will got stuck, and it is a dofinito monaco. If possiblo, wo should try to got some gas tex money immediately for this projoct. It might bo wiso to go to Mr. Bouthol and see if tho ontiro job cannot bo put in as it should bo. The pooplo on Lanoitan all fool that they should have a 40 foot oiled strip. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARB ISON stated ho thought it right bo woll for Enginoor Groy and him- solf to contact Mr. Bouthol in this rogard and soo what can bo done. It was su ggostod that a letter from tho School Board be written stating their roasons for fooling it is a nocossity and it also bo prosontod to Mr. Bouthol. MAYOR CARRIGAN roquostod tho Acministrator and Enginoor contact Mr. Bouthol and oxploro all possibilitios and bring in thoir rocommondations as to what can bo done. REPORT FROM CITY ENGINEER -GREY was road, rogarding tho condition 9/4 172 of Nowoll Stroot botwoon 18th and 20th Strouts. Tho grade, shortly aftor loaving 18th Stroot towards 20th Stroot is vory stoop, ovor 20%, and tho rocont rain had transformed tho sur- chergod dirt into slippory mud, croating a vory hazardous con- dition for traffic. Rosidonts of tho stroot statod time tho stroot had a 20 foot oil pavomont but whon contractor installod sowcrs, ho usod a bulldozor to that at ono e sowor romovo a portion of tho pavomont end four foot of dirt. Tho dirt was roplacod, but not tho pavomont, Tho storm mado no drainago cuts and gonorally spooking tho road is herd, so tho work of resurfacing would not bo difficult, Tho longth of tho projoct would bo about 600 foot and e 20 foot strip of oil-pavomont would cost about $300.00. Movod by Curry, socondod by Clarke, that tho ropair of Nowell Stroot bo authorised. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. ENGINEER GREY statod that tho road botwoon 20th and 19th on Rachaol Avonuo is in bad condition. Half of tho road is in San Diogo, end it is that particular half that is in tho worse condition. It is his undorstending that Motional City in con- junction with San Diogo oilod this stroot. MAYOR CARRIGAN said tho only way that it could bo rosurfscod, would bo main to contact tho City of San Diogo and work out anothor rociprocal agroomont. MAYOR CaRRIGAN roquostod this bo roforrod to tho City Engineer and tho Administrator. COMMUNICATION FROM CHARLES J. STEIN was road, eantoon concossion at tho pool in Kimball roquostod to close tho cartoon coneossion IC) 1951, and p ormi ssien to rosp on rogarding tho Park. Pormission was on Monday, Soptombor tho teatoon ncx$ ONUS whon tho pool opons, undor tho samo contract agroomont erd toms now in forco. COUYCILMMT HART said ho was in agroomont with Mr. Stoin closing tho concossion Soptombor loth but that por- 9/4 173 mission should not bo grantod to roopon tho concossion so far in advance. ATTORi'EY CLLfl'BELL said ho boliovod in tho contract thoro is a roquiromont for a minimum paymont. CHARIES J. STEIN was prosont end statod thoro is E minimum paymont clauso in the agroomont, also thoro is no timo limit, it ce.n bo eaneollod at any time. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL askod If it did not roquiro a paymont of $25.00 a month. MR. STEIN said thoro is a minimum of $25.00 a month whilo tho agroomont is in oporation. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said while tho agroomont is in oporation but it does not say whilo tho concossion is in oporation. MR. STEIN said ho is asking to suspond tho agroomont until noxt Spring, at which timo ho would liko to roopon the concossion. ATTORNEY CAMPB ELL said Mr. Stein would bo roquosting that tho agroom nt bo modifiod both as to tho oporation of the businoss and tho paymont of the minimum foo. COUNCILMAN HART said ho did not think tho agreement should b,i changed In any way. MR. STEIN statod that in order to simplify this ho would withdraw his lottor and ask pormission to conclude our agroomont as of Soptombor 10, 1951. Tho Council agrood. COUNCILMAN INGALLS statod that in regard to tho Court roorgan- ization which will bocomo offoctivo the first of the yoar, wo havo been led to boliovo that tho authoritios of this ro- organization would liko to have us mako an offor to mako this Court room available for tho Court. We should be considoring tho rontal of tho Court room. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HL.RBISON statod that Jenuary 1, 1952 tho roorganization takes offoct end wo will have in National City a Justice Court which will havo incroesod Jurisdiction, with small claims end suits to $500.00. At tho prosont timo tho Justice Court locatod et 3rd and National Avonuo will tako over as tho National Justice Court, and the City Court will bo done away with. It is quito possiblo that unloss somo action is talon tho Court 9/4 174 will be continued in its present location. The loese there is about up and It is a possibility they will mnko a new loose unless there is some offor forth coming from the City that they would rathor havo it hero, For the convonienco of the Citizens, it bolongs hero. Regarding tho cost to tho City, it would bo vory costly having tho police officers running back and forth bringing down complaints. Mr. Hoggland will bo out in tho next week or two to see what National City will do, and Acting Administrative Officer Harbison said ho would liko some author- ity to toll him what kind of an offor tho City would make. The County is very intorostod in finding quartors, and it is a question whether or not you mako it attractive onough to the Board of Suporvisors whothor thoy koep tho Court horo or to Continuo in its prosont location. MAYOR CARRIGAN statod it might bo woll for tho Council if they ere in accord with having this room usod to get togothor with Mr. Hogglend and tho Administrator to work out tho bost possible sotup. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON said wo aro going to nood morn clorical space to maintain a Court, thorn will bo a Deputy Shoriff assigned as Constablo and wo will nood somo room for en offica, end thoro will bo a clork and a half et loast, end wo do not havo much office facilitios horo. It will not intor- fore with tho use of tho Court rotor as it is now bocauso tho Court would only use it in tho day time. COTPTCILM.:N mats asked if the Court organization would make tho nocossery altoretions for offico space, or would the City bo oxpoctod to, ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON said at tho present location the only thing that was furnishod by tho landlord was tho baro room, Perhaps tho County might sec fit to fix up the officos. COUNCILPLN CLLRKE suggostod that the Administretor got in touch with Mr. Hoggland and sot a dofinito deto wheroby the Council could moot with him end go ovor this matter. MAYOR CARRIGAN requested Acting Administrativo Officor Herbison to 9/4 175 mako tho nocossery arrangomonts for tho mooting. COUNCILMAN CURRY roportod thero aro many stroots where tho markings aro in very poor condition, and inasmuch as school is starting this should bo givon consideration. MAYOR CARRIGLN roquostod this roforrod to,tho City Enginoor and if tho paint is availablo to procood with tho work. COUNCILMAN CLARKE said that 13th Stroot boforo ontoring High- land from the East and 15th Stroot before ontoring Highland from tho East, should bo chockod. ^.NGINEER GREY said ho has alroady shown it. RESOLUTION NO. 5547 was road, granting a speciel zono variance pormit to Frank C. Root for tho purposo of olininating tho oporation of Suction 18, CO 3 (g) of Ordinanco 750 which ro- quiros a 10 x 25 foot loading speco. Proporty doscribod as Lots 4 and 5, Block 3 of T. Parson's Subd. of 10 Acre Lot 8, Quartor Suction 155, excepting thorefrom tho E 25.51 of S 30/ of Lot 4, and tho E 25.51 of Lot 5. Said pormit is granted upon tho conditions and rocommondations of the Planning Commiss- ion as horoinaftor sot forth, That adoquato convoyor bolt for loading purposos in liou of 10 x 25 foot loading spaco bo pro- vidod, and that adoquato off stroot parking is providod. Movod by Hart, socondod by Ingalls, that tho Rosolution bo adopted. Carried, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO. 5548 was road, granting a spocial zone varienco pormit to E. J. Christman for tho purposo of loasing a building for C-4 use in a C-3 zono, said use to bo for storing housohold goods. Proporty doscribod as Lots 21 and 22, Block 5 of National City Plat. Said pormit is granted upon tho conditions and ro- commendations of tho Planning Commission. Movod by Hart, socondod by Clarke, that tho Rosolution bo adopted. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. 9/4 176 RESOLUTION NO, 5549 was road, as follows: That Ira Harbison shall rocoivo in addition to his prosont salary as City Tudgo an additional sum of $275.00 por month as componsation for tho dutios porformod as Acting City Administrator. That additional sum shall commoner) Soptombor 1, 1951. Movod by Ingalls, socond- od by Hart, that tho Rosolutiop bo adoptod, Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo, Movod by Hart, socondod by Ingalls. that tho mooting bo closod, Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting'ayo, L.TTBST: %YOR, CITY C? NITIONL CITY, CALIFORNtA Ztc CITY CLERK 0/4.