HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 09-11 CC MIN177 National City, California, September 11, 1951. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Vice Mayor Albert B. Clarke at 7:30 P.M. otelock. Council- men present: Curry; Hart, Ingalls, Clarke. Councilmen absent: Carrigan. Moved by Hart, seconded by Ingalls, that the reeding of the minutes of the regutar meeting of September 4, 1951 be dis- pensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston,_Harbison, Campbell, Grey, Holgate, Gautereaux, Bailey. COMMUNICATION FROM BERTHA C. TESTCOTT was read, asking aome questions which she felt should be put to the Community Re- development Agency regarding its method of approach and handlin6 of the Slum Clearance Project. VICE MAYOR CLARKE ordered the communication filed. COMMUNICATION FROM ELLEN BAEDER, LIBRARIAN, was read, urging consideration of water -proofing the walls and floor of the base- ment room, in the Library. This is necessary before it can be put to full use. COUNCILMAN CURRY said this matter had been brought up before and it was decided that this job would have to be done from the outside. ENGINEER GREY said it is his recommend atton that the project be approached from the outside. COUNCIT MAN HART asked if Mr. Grey knew the cost. EGINEER GREY said he did not figure the cost, but it would be done by the City's forces, the actual outlay of money would be for the rock and the Compound. VICE MAYOR CLARKE said the request is very brief and that in the future anyone wishing to bring such an item as this before the Council where it will entail an outlay of money, the an estimate of the cost be given along with the request. Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Hart, the matter be referred to the 9/11 178 Acting Adminfstrative «fteer for study and recommendation. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM DIVISION CF HIGHWAYS regarding cancellation of taxes on property acquired by the State Highway, was read. It is requested the taxes effecting such property be cancelled in accordance with the Revenue and Taxation Code. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, this be referred to the City Attorney. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS was read, stating that acting on the assumption that the County of San Diego was handling tax collections for National City, and therefore tax cancellations as well, they requested the Board of Supervisors on November 30, 1950 to cancel taxes on the property acquired by the State. However, it was found that the County only can- celled the 1950-51 taxes, but did not cancel the second half of the 1949-50 taxes. It is requested the taxes effecting such property be cancelled in accordance with the Revenue and Tax- ation Code. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and City Clerk for checking. Carried, all Counoilmen present voting aye. APPLICATION FOR TAX SALE on Lots 1 and 2, Block 236, was pre- sented. CITY CLERK ALSTON asked this be held over as the delinquent taxes have not been completely figured. Moved by Hart. seconded by Curry, this matter be held over. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. REQUEST FOR REFUND OF MONEY DEPOSITED BY BERNARD BANKS ON TAX SALE from CITY TREASURER HOLGATE was read, requesting the Council to authorize the refund of $903,50 to Mr. Banke. The money was placed in the "Trust and Agency Fund" as a deposit, • which includes advertising costs, for a bid on a piece of property which was sold to a higher bidder, August 27, 1951. 9/11 179 Moved by Hart, seconded by Ingalls, the request be granted. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. RESOLUTION NO. 5550 was road, authorizing the following trans - fors, as loans, from tho General Fund: Traffic Safety Fund, $1,250.60; Library Fund, 3731.10; Park Fund, $2,701.80. Moved by Curry, socondod by Ingalls, that the Rosolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. BILLS AUDITED by the Finance Committeo presented: General Fund $3,647.19 Traffic Safety Fund 168.73 Library Fund 23.94 Park Fund 756.78 Trust & Ago.,cy Fund 43.50 TOTAL $4,640.14 Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that the bills be allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, by the follow- ing vote to -wit: Ayos: Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Clarke. Nays: Nono. VICE MAYOR CLARKE stated that if it is the wish of the Council he would like to mako a proclamation proclaiming September 17th as Constitution Day. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that tho proclamation bo issued. Carried, all Councilmon prosont voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM ENGINEER GREY was read, requesting the Council to adopt a policy of procedure which can bo gonorally followod to extend main sowor lines. COUNCILMAN INGALLS stated it is his opinion that no such policy could bo adopted in a goners). way. This will havo to bo taken up on an individual basis. COUNCILMAN HART said he too thought each easo would have to be handlod individually. COUNCILMAN CURRY said he has given this some thought and ho did not see how a policy could be made at the prosont time. VICE MAYOR CLARKE said ho fools tho Council should start to adopt policies so everybody will 9/11 180 know just whore they stand in rogard to many things. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated that tho City has a policy established to tho oxtont that the Ordinanco providos for a connoction fee of $170.00. There are individual probloms which will requiro discussion and study. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that tho communication bo filed. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM NATIONAL CITY EMPLOYERS' ASSOCIATION was road, requesting a joint mooting with tho City Council and the Civil Service Commission at tho Council's oarliost convonienco in order to cloar up misunderstandings concorning Civil Servico and the 40 hour wook. COUNCILMAN INGALLS suggostod the Chair- man of the Civil Sorvieo Commission bo contacted rogarding tho mooting. VICE MAYOR CLARICE roquestod a lottor bo writton to the Civil Servico Commission stating that tho Council will bo happy to moot with thom and the National City Employoos' Association on Friday, Soptombor 21, 1951, and roquost the Commission notify tho Council boforo noxt Tuosday whothor or not this dato is satisfactory. COMMUNICATION FROM NATIONAL CITY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY was road, stating tho mombors of tho Rodovolopmont Agoncy would like to discuss tho probloms of rodovolopmont in Projocts 1 and 2 informally with mombors of tho City Council, at a date suit- able to the City Council. It is suggostod this conference bo botwoon Councilmen and mombors only, exclusivo of staff of eithor body for tho matter of discussing polieios of mutual concorn. VICE MAYOR CLARKE said that ho would not want to sit in a mooting of this importanco without tho prosonco of tho City Attorney. Mr. Clarke said ho would consont to a mooting with tho Agoncy providing thoy do not insist that tho Council cannot invito whoovor thoy fool is nocossary to bo there 9/11 181 COUNCILMAN CURRY said ho did not OM any roason for not mooting with the Agoney or any othor Board as thero aro not supposod to bo any commltmonts made. Movod by Curry, seconded by Hart, the Council, with tho City Attorney, Trot with the National City Community Redovelopmont Agency after tho Council mooting, September 18, 1951. COUNCILMAN INGALLS asked whether wo aro holding an opon mooting, aro we bringing our frionds, or what aro wo doing? COUNCILMAN HART said he saw no roason for not having an opon mooting. VICE MAYOR CLARKE said this 1s a roquost from the Agoncy, and not tho Council's idea. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM CLIFFORD C. WHITMARSH was road, stating that with the permission of tho City Council ho would like to fill tho position of part time draftsman for the Planning Commission. Both the Planning Commission and Acting Administrativo Officer Harbison havo oxprossod thoir approval of such an appointment. Tho hours and wagos woro discussod with tho Administrator and the following plan is offered: That Mr. Whitmarsh attend tho Planning Commission mootings Monday evenings and work Saturday mornings on tho drafting projects at the rato of $2.00 por hour. This hourly rate would also covor car mlloago in field trips to tho various projocts. Moved by Hart, seconded by Ingalls, tho roquost bo grantod, at the rato of $2.00 per hour. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON stated ho talkod to both Mr. Whitmarsh and Mr. Christman. Thoro is monoy in tho Planning Commission budgot for this project. Thoy do nood holp and it is boliovod that it will not run over 10 hours a wook. It is a nocossity and wo aro vory fortunato to got Mr. Whitmarsh at that figuro, and it is his recommendation that Mr. Whitmarsh's roquost bo grantod. Carried, all Counciimon prosont voting ayo. VICE MAYOR OILRKE roquostod tho Attorney proparo a resolution stating tho componsation, etc of Mr. Whitmarsh. COUNCILMAN 9/11 182 INGALLS asked if it is dosirablo to limit tho hours in the resolution, or leavo it wido open as far es ho is needed? ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON said ho did not boliovo wo should limit tho numbor of hours. Thoro may bo some w.00ks ho will havo to work considerably more and othor times there may bo slack poriods. At tho prosont timo it was thought that probably 10 hours a wook would bo sufficient, and he would not rocommend a limitation. RESIGNATION OF GEORGE A, STAPP, LICENSE CLERK, was road, effective Soptomber 30, 1951. Moved by Hart, socondod by Curry, tho resignation bo accoptod, Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo, COMMUNICATION FROM JAMES B. CASEY, RECREATION DIRECTOR, was road. The lottor asks that the Council accept his resignation as of Soptomber 29th, which will pormit a vacation period following Soptombor 15th, which timo the summor recreation activities aro concluded. Mr. Casoy stated that in addition to his oarnod vacation ho has put in 657 hours overtime for which no compensation has boon rocolvod. Regarding the com- pensation for ovortimo, Mr. Casey will bo glad to file a claim or havo it compensatod in whatevor mannor tho City Attorney advisos tho Council will be logal and propor, COUNCILMAN CURRY askod who authorizod tho ovortimo? VICE MAYOR CLARKE said ho did not boliovo anybody has givon any authorisation for such a largo amount of ovortimo, and this is somowhat of a procodont and will havo to bo considorod from that angle. Moved by Hart, socondod by Ingalls, the resignation bo accoptod, offoctivo Soptombor 29, 1951, and that the mattor of tho ovortimo bo hold up until it can bo furthor chocked, Carried, all Counoil- mon present voting aye, 9/11 183 ATTORNEY CAMPBELL reportod on the insurance policies of the automobile fleet, and approved the policies as to form. Moved by Hart, soeondod by Curry. tho policies be accepted. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. RESOLUTION NO. 5561 was read, adopting budgot and approving memorandum of agrooment for oxpondituro of gas tax allocation for major City stroots for the fiscal year 1952. Tho Mayor end City Clerk aro authorizod to sign same on behalf of the City. Moved by Hart, soeondod by Ingalls, that tho Resolution bo adopted. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod in rogard to the bills for tho Fiosta, Mr. Cloator's report indicator tho cost of tho Fiosta was $3,924.39, and ho indicatos rovonuo of $1,301.55, loaving a balanco of $2,622.88, and you have budgeted tho sun of $1,500.00. Using those figuros thoro is a deficit of $1,122.85. Undor tho policy which the Council adoptod, Mrs. Alston cannot approve any of the purchase ordors unless there is money allocatod to that particular project in the budgot. Movod by Ingalls, soeondod by Hart. that tho necessary inter-dopartmontal trans - for of funds bo mado. COUNCILMAN CURRY asked how much of tho nonoy oxponded for tho Fiosta is for permanent work in tho Park. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON said a portion is per- manent, but ho did not boliovo it was noeossitatod by the Park Dopt. and ho cannot find ouch ovidonco that thoy eskod for it for a pornanont nature, it was to put on tho Fiosta. Possibly it was put in thorn and:then called permanent to cut down the apparent cost of the Fiosta. PARK SUPERINTENDENT GAUTEREAUX was present and stated tho electrical work dono in the Park fit in with two anticipations, ono was an order by the Council to do what was necessary to botter light tho Park, that was procoding tho Fiosta program. The oxpendituro was not providod 9/11 184 as an outlay in ar' of the budgets, to his knowledgo, thoroforo tho oxpenditure would havo boon outlay oxpondituroe The Fiosta flooding tho lighting and noodirg latoral linos running from the main lino had mado it no0ossary to do this work possibly a little oarlior had it boon loft to an opportuno tiro to havo gono ahoad with it. Inasmuch as it is now in, tho ontiro projoct in round figuros was around $164.00. Tho percontago that was chargod to tho Fiesta from this projoct could,, and in his opinion, should havo boon the latorals, tho othor really should bo an_outlay. Oarriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL askod If it would bo tho wish of tho Council that Acting Adninistrativo Officer Harbison talk to the RoOroation Dopart- nont and bring in a rocommondation as to whet parts of this budget should be tranaforrod to the Fiesta? ACTING ADMINIS- TRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON said when the mattor of tho expense of tho Fiesta eamo to his attention ho was told that was all tho bills and then thoy kept coning in, and ho rofusod to sign or O.K. any of thom fooling thoro waro no funds to pay them. Whon a voucher cones in for $45.00 for potty cash, not acconpan- iod by an itemized list of what it was spont for, or any rocoipts, ho cannot approvo it. VICE MAYOR CLARKE suggostod the Attornoy and Administrator work togothor to got this mattor straightonod out. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON roportod that Enginoor Grey and hosatlod on tho Assistant City MaAagor of San Diego, Mr. Blom, in regard to tho condition of Rachaol Avonuo. Tho complaining party livos in San Diego, and Mr. Blom said thoy would invostigato this roquost but thoy aro planning a vory oxtonsivo sowor for that aroa and want a mooting with tho National City officials in tho noar future. ACTING ,4D3(INISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON statod Enginoor Grey 9/11 185 and ho visitod Mr. Beuthol in regard to Lanoitan Avonuo. It appoars thoro Is no way ho can call it maintonanco work es ho claims that Lanoitan is a now job, and we cannot got it this yoar from the Stato unloss we had it included in a budgot that should havo boon submittod in Juno, although Mr, Bouthol said wo can still submit our budgot so wo can stert work after tho rainy soason and got funds from tho $80,000.00. Thoro aro sovoral things to bo alarifiod and it will possibly tako a wook or two for both Mr, Gray and he to tako taro of it, COMMUNICATION FROM CHIEF OF POLICE SMITH was road, stating tho signal at 8th and Highland Avonuo must bo roplacod immediately in ordor to maintain tho propor flow of traffic within safoty. This signal was purchased by tho City sovoral years beforo in- stallation and is now in poor mochanical condition and of a type that is obsoleto. Tho prico of the neodod mochanical oquipmont is approxinatoly $336.00. It will noeossitato tho purchaso of sovoral difforont typos of wire to placo tho signal in oporation plus installation costs, which would bring tho total amount of the oxpondituro to approxinatoly $500.00. It is also rocomnondod that signals throughout tho City bo standardized so the mochanical units can bo ronovod and ro- placed with tho minimum loss of tine. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON stated this signal had been used in the City of San Diogo and had novor givon satisfactory sorvico. Tho Company rebuilt it and whon thoro was a shortago of that typo of Datorial it was sold to tho City of National City, and has novor boon roally satisfactory. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL stated tho ropairs aro a nocossity, whothor or not thoro is sufficiont nonoy to purchase a now signal is sonothing tho Administrator must answor. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON said tho $500.00 doos not moan a now signal, it is to roplaco tho parts. VICE MAYOR CLARKE askod Electrician Joff Davis if it is his ro- 9/11 188 eomnondation that tho atuomatio timer bo ropTacod with a nodorn typo, to which he affirnod. Moved by Curry, socondod by Hart, that tho City authorizo tho purchaso of a now auto- matic tinor to roplaco tho prosont tinor at tho 8th and Highland signal. Carriod, all Councilman prosont voting ayo. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON statod thoro aro sovoral mattors from tho omployoos rogarding tine, ovortimo and thoir place on tho seniority list, if laid off duo to olinination of tho job, which will bo roforrod to tho Civil Sorvico Commission and this probably can bo disdussod with tho omployoos at tho sehodulod mooting, Soptonbor 21st, ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON said ho would liko to know what the Council intonds to do about paint. VICE MAYOR CLARKE said ho boliovod if tho Administrator continuos to follow his prosont procoduro tho Council will havo no objoct- ions. COUNCILMAN HART said ho would suggost tho Administrator get moro paint for the stroots, it is just as neoossary as fixing tho street lights. ATTORNEY C MPBELL statod tho paint has boon sot forth and any purohasos up to'$1,000.00 would not bo prohibitod. REPORT FROM PLANNING COMMISSION was road. At tho Planning Commission mooting Soptonbor 5, 1951, It was suggested Building Inspoctor Bird givo tho suggostod changos in Ordinsnco 750. Mr. Bird statod ho would bo willing, as woll as City Attornoy Campboll, if thoy could possibly got soma hole. Mr. Bird askod tho Commission if they could got a stonographer for at loast two days to typo up•tho changos in Ordinanco 750. Tho Planning Conmissien rogt®stOd the Council to furnish tho Building Inspoctor and tho City Attornoy with a stenographer for as long as is neodod to rocord their changos in Ordinenco 750. It was roecondod by tho Planning Commission.that Clifford Whitmarsh ,9/i1 187 bo ongagod by tho Commission purposely for finishing tho un- finishod work, at whatovor tino ho has availabloo As a part time omployeo, ho is not to oxeood 8 hours a wooko Potition No. 398 of James E. Adcock, 920 Melrose Strooto ro uosting permission to havo a kitchen put in in ordor to oroato an hone, apartment in the downstairs portion of MS/ was discussod. Tho Commission rocomnondod tho Council grant the roquost. Potition No. 399 of Floyd H. & Ruth A. Johnson, 1025 t°B3 Avonuo, to ro- nodol a two family houso into a four family dwolling, was road. It was rocomnondod by tho Commission that tho Council grant tho zone variance. CITY CLERK ALSTON statod no action could be takon on tho Potitions until Septonbor 250 1951. COUNCILMAN INGALLS askod tho Administrator if ho is in a position to furnish tho stonographic help. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON statod Mrs, Sidos is acting as part time clork in tho Court and pert time clork for Civil Sorvlco. Mr. Groy's now clork is taking ovor as pert tiro for tho Civil Sorvico Commission so that will roliovo Mrs. Sidos so that sho can do some of tho typing. CITY CLERK ALSTON askod to what this could bo charged? ATTORNEY CAMPEELL said it is his understand- ing this is to bo charged to tho Planning Commission Budgot. VICE MAYOR CLLRKE said ho thought it was vary nocossary that Mr. Bird bo givon holp. Moved by Ingalls, s000ndod by Hart, that tho Ldninistrativo Officor bo authorizod to make tho stonographic holp avallablo. Carriod, all Councilmen presont voting ayo. CITY ENGINEER GREY statod Mr. Blom suggested that San Diogo would bo qulta willing to do tho work on Rachaol Street be- cause of tho fow non Mr. Groy has availablo in his Stroet group, Because half of it is in National City thoy would liko National City to boar half tho cost, ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON askod if Mr. Blom did not infor ho would turn 9/11 188 it ovor to his mon and thoy would lot us know what tho cost would bo boforo wo would do tho work, and also montion some- thing about tho sowor going down that Stroot2 ENGINEER GREY said ho did. VICE MAYOR CLARKE said it is his suggestion that Mr. Groy chock further into this end obtain soma facts and figuros for a futuro mooting of tho Council. CITY ENGINEER GREY statod ho would liko to proposo smoothing off tho grado on 15th Stroot botwoon 'ID" end "E" Avonuos, if tho adjoining proporty awnors havo no objoetions. COUNCILMAN CURRY askod if thoro would bo any cost to tho proporty ownors, and whothor it would nocossitato a rotaining wall? ATTORNEY CAMPBELL said there has been no grade established for that particular street and it would necessitate a formal establish- ment of grado. If the Council sees fit to do the work it is his suggestion they proceed to establish tho grade, which will nocessitate a hearing. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON statod if we have somo moro streets on which we should establish grado, would it not be wall to do them all at the game time so that ono hearing would take care of it, and the ono meeting would cover all. Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, this bo laid asido until we havo somo other stroots on which tho grado should bo ostablishod. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. COUNCILMAN INGALLS mado a motion, socondod by Hart' that the Civil Servico Commission bo roquostod, in writing, to prepare an oxamination for the position of Recreation Director. Carried, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. COUNCILMAN INGALLS statod that about two wooks ago Manuel Portillo and Ellzaboth Backus woro notified that bocauso of tho rotronchmont program their omploymont would terminate Soptombor l5 th, and ho boliovod this could bo reconsidorod et tho prosont time, inasmuch as wo will bo oporating with a 189 temporary Recreation Director, and too small a force. Movod by Ingalls, seconded by Hart, that the notico of lay off of Elizaboth Backus and Manuol Fortino bo rescindod, and they bo continuod on the payroll at thoir prosont status and dutios until furthor notice. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting aye. COUNCILMAN CURRY said ho thought the Council should tako somo stops to appoint an Acting Rocroation Diroctor. VICE MAYOR CLLRKE askod Mr. Crossloy of tho Rocroation Department who is in charge. MR. CROSSLEY statod ho has boon. COUNCILMAN HART askod Mr. Gauze of the Rocroation Commission for his recommend- ation. ANDREW GAUZE of tho Rocroation Commission was prosont and rocommondod William Crossloy. Mr. Gauzo said ho felt the ontiro Rocroation Commission would favor Mr, Crossloy. Mr. Gauzo said thoro was a littlo discrodit mado to tho Coordinator of tho Fiosta. Our Fiosta cost loss this yoar than any Fiosta that National City has put on, and it was ono of tho best. Mr. Casey has dono a vory good job, in tho estimation of the Ro- croation Commission. Mr. Gauze thsnkod tho Council for thoir roconsidoration of rotaining tho omployoos at tho Casa do Salad, as this is groatly noodod to holp provido rocroation in National City. ' Wo nood moro Rocroation Loaders and Directors. VICE MAYOR CLARKE said it was tho idoe and plans in tho minds of tho Council whon tho Rocroation Commission was ostablis hod to givo comploto rocroation to ovoryono in National City, young and old. Wo aro doing ovorything wo can for rocroation and othorwiso. MR. GAUZE statod ho thought tho mattor of tho $45.00 itom of potty cash reforrod to moans vory little and to use two hours of tho Council's timo is vory silly. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON said as far as tho $45.00 for potty cash is concornod, tho amount is small, but ho still wishas to know what it is spont for and that ho cennot O.K. it without knowing 9/11 190 what it was spout for er whoro it Was spent. CITY CLERK LISTON statod in rogatd to tho $45.00 atom, anything that sho buys for tho City, rogardloss of whothor it is 30 cents, 45 cents, or 45 dollars, sho must produco a receipt for it, and she is trying to spond thu City`s monoy as sho would hor own. Mrs. Alston laic sho cannot sign a chock or prosont it to tho Council to bo O.K.'d until sho knois what tho monoy is spont for. MR. GAUZE said wo should got tho Coordinator in and find out what tho $45.00 was spont for boforo wo start complaining about something liko this. VICE MAYOR CLARKE said tho officials of this City havo a groat responsibility and it is good businoss that savory dent bo accounted for. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod you cannot make a gift of public funds so it would nocossitato an oxpondituro for oithor purehaso or labor. Movod by Hart. socondod by Ingalls, that William Crossloy bo appointed as tomporary Ro- C'reation Diroctor, starting Soptombor 29, 1951, until a por- thanont Director is appointod. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting aye. VICE \AYOR CLARKE said tho Council has roviowod 35 applications for tho position of City Managor and that thoy will lntorviow e row of tho applicants this Friday. ENGINEER GREY askod that a roviow be mado of tho ehargos for tho use of the Community Building. VICE MAYOR CLARKE said ho is suro tho Council would bo glad to if Mr. Groy furnishes thom with a list of tho prosont ratos. Movod by Hart, soeondod by Ingalls, that tho mooting bo closod. Carried, ell Couneilmon present voting aye. 7ST: CITY CLERK VICE MAYOR, CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA 9/11