HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 09-18 CC MIN191 National City, California, September 18, 1951. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Vice Mayor Albert E. Clarke at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Clarke. Councilmen absent: Carrigan. Moved by Hart, seconded by Ingalls, that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 11, 1951 be dis- pensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Alston, Campbell, Grey, Gautereaux, Harbison, Bailey. HERBERT A. BARNES was present and suggested that the microphone be moved to a different location, which he believes would be more advantageous. He also suggested that the City take care of the condition of the street at i1B0 Avenue and 12th Street as there is a 'thole' in the ground, and another condition exists on City mined property on 12th Street where there is a two inch rise on the top of the hill, which makes it very dangerous. Mr. Barnes requested he be granted permission to get a copy of the minutes every week. VICE MAYOR CLARKE said Mr. Barnes' suggestions regarding the conditions of the streets will be referred to the City Engineer for investigation. In regard to the minutes, it is a matter for the City Clerk to decide. MRS. KODISH was present and stated she visited the proposed location for the Dog Pound. One location which was tentative has been leased, the other location which probably would be the most favorable is where the cement slab is located. She talked to the owner of the business which is in the process of being built across the way from this location and he hopes to lease the rest of the ground which includes this site. MRS. 9/18 192 KODISH said she found what, in her opinion, is a very good location, is next to the City's parking lot on the tidelands. VICE MAYOR CLARKE said the matter of the Dog Pound will bo brought up later in the mooting. COMMUNICATION FROM RALPH HUNTER was read, asking the Council to request Mrs. Sullivan to answer certain questions regarding property in the Redevelopment aroa. Moved by Ingalls, seconded by Hart, that the lotter bo laid on tho tablo until later in the evening whon the Council moots with members of tho Redevelop- ment Agency. Carried, all Councilmon prosont voting aye. Moved by Curry, socondod by Hart, that a copy of tho lotter from Mr. Hunter bo sent to the Rodovolopmont Agency with a roquest that a copy of their answor bo forwarded to tho City Council. Carried, all Councilmen presont voting aye. THOMAS LEONARD was prosont and askod if tho City had an Ordinanco that regulates signs that hang obor stroota. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod ho would have to chock into this mattor. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON roquostod Mr. Loonard to mako a report of any condition ho knows about that might bo in violation so that an invostigation can bo made. VICE MAYOR CLARKE asked that Acting Administrative Officer Harbison check into tho mattor of ono of tho light standards in tho vicinity of 8th and National which was knocked down around Thanksgiving timo of lest yoar, and tho merchants hope that it will bo in operation by Thanksgiving of this year. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON statod this just rocont- ly came to his attontion and he took it up with tho department hoad rosponsiblo and tho Council will havo tho answor just as soon as he can possibly got the information as to whethor or not we havo tho nocossary oquipmont. 9/18 193 APPLICATION FOR TAX SALE by Robert Boll on Lots 1 and 2, Block 236 of National City, was prosontod and offorod $600.00 for the opening bid. Tho lots aro locatod at 20th and clovaland Avonuo and tho City's intorost is $188.13. OITY CLERK AIS TON stated thoro aro four bonds against tho property, two of which havo had suits filod against thom. Mrs. Alston suggostod that the Council look at tho property boforo thoy form an opinion as to its valuo. Movod by Hart, socondod by Curry, this bo laid ovor until the noxt mooting in ardor for tho Council to look at tho property. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. VICE MAYOR CLARKE announced it was 8:00 P.M. o'clock and time to apon bids on road oil. Tho following bids woro rocoivod: W. F. NELSON CO., SC-2 in quantities larger than 1,000 gals. $.105 per gal., loss than 1,000 gals. $.11 per gal. In both cases two hours froo sproading timo will bo allowed and ovor- timo will bo chargod at tho rato of $7.50 per hour. 0n dolivor- les by Truck and Trailor in 5,000 gal, lots, SC-2, SO-3, SO-4, SC-5, and SC-6, $.085 por gal. plus two hours freo sproading timo and ovortimo at tho rato of $6.00 pop hour for ono -man spreaders and $7.50 per hour for two -man sproadors; LAMB TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, for furnishing and dolivoring into a Gardnor mixor approximatoly 100,000 gals. SC-2 asphalt and 50,000 gals. SC-3 asphalt: SC-2 asphalt $25.47 per ton, $.1027 per gal. for ono -man sproador, $28.79 per ton, $.1161 per gal. for two -man sproador, $23.87 per ton, $.0963 per gal. for Gardnor Mixor. SC-3 asphalt $24.96 per ton, $.1019 per gal. for ono -man sproador, $28.28 per ton, $.1154 par gal. for two - man sproador, $23.37 per ton, $.0954 per gal. for Gardnor Mixor. All dolivorios to bo mado in 2000 gal. lots. Two hours froo timo allowed for spreading oach dolivory, with timo in oxcoss Charged for on tho basis of $6.50 for a ono -man sproador and $7.50 for a two -man sproador. Ono hour froo timo allowod for 9/18 194 unloading into a Gardnor Mixer, with timo in oxeoss charged for at tho rate of $6,50 por hour. Price por ton for spread- ing includes all applicablo taxes. Price por ton for furnish. ing and delivering into a Gardner Mixer is subject to 3% California State Sales Tax; AMERICAN BITUMULS & ASPHALT COMPANY, F. 0. B. in 2,000 gal. dolivorios via onooman spreaders: 100,000 gals. SC.2 $,1165 per gal, $11.650.00, 50,000 gals, SC-3 $.1163 por gal, $5,765,00. Tho above prices aro tax exompt and include two hours troo sproading timo with oxcoss time thero- aftor at $6,60 per hour, Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, the bids bo reforred to tho Acting Administrative Officor and the City Enginoor for chocking. Carried, all Councilman prosont voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM D. L. MURRAY was road, rolativo to contem- platod street improvomorts on 15th Street in tho °E° Avenuo arose Movod by Curry, socondod by Ingalls, this bo referred to tho Administrator and City Enginoor for chocking, Carried, all Councilman prosont voting ayo, COMMUNICATION FROM STREET SUPERINTENDENT FINNERTY was road, roquosting that TAtor I. Smith bo ro-instated to his former position as Maintonanee Man in tho Stroot Dopartmont, offoctivo Sopt. 19, 1951. duo to tho resignation of Morgan Cordosu, Movod by Hart, soconded by Curry, the request be granted. Carried, all Councilman prosont voting ayo. COMMUNICATION FROM PARK SUPERINTENDENT GAUTEREAUJC was road, roquoating Russall Rodmor and Robert C. Fleming bo plaeod on tho reserve employment list, offoctivo Sopt, 19, 1951, accord- ing to soniority, oto„ pursuant to Sootion 9.6, Civil Sorvico Rules, Movod by Hart+ socondod by Curry, that tho request bo grantod, Carried. all Councilman prosont voting ayo. 9/18 195 RESOLUTION NO. 5552 was road. authorizing tho following trats fors, as loans, from tho Gonoral Fund: Traffic Safoty Fund, $886.30; Library Fund, $15.03; Park Fund, $224.59. Movod by Hart, socondod by Ingalls, that tho Rosolution bo adopted. Carriod, ell Counellmon prosont voting ayo. BILLS AUDITED by tho Financo Committoo prosontod: Gonoral Fund Traffic Safoty Fund Library Fund Park Fund Trust & Agoncy Fund TOTAL $3,167.76 1,568.30 15.03 248.23 903.50 $5,922.94 Movod by Curry, seconded by Ingalls, that tho bills bo allowod and warrants ordorod drawn for seme. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayes: Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Clarko. Nays: Nono. cry CLERK ALSTON statod wo havo just rocoivod a rogistorod warrant which we eallod somotimo in Jlho. It is to John J. Lawton, in tho amount of $208.61. APPLICATION TO MOVE A BUILDING by John T. Wright, St., was prosontod. Tho building is to bo movod from Pacific Beach to the 1300 block on First Stroo4 on Cots 68 and 69 of Paradona Park, to bo usod as a homo. It is to bo completely ro-wirod, • two rooms added and a foundation put undor tho houso. Building Inspector Bird approvod tho application subjoct to tho abovo changos and is to bo complotod within 90 days. Movod by Hart, socondod by Curry, permission to movo the building bo grantod. Carriod, all Counellmon present voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO. 5553 was road as follows: WHEREAS, thoro has boon prosontod against tho City of National City, a domand of Poroira & Luckman in tho sum of $12,656.80, and WHEREAS said domand has boon duly audited and WHEREAS said domand has not boon thoro is no monoy in tho Gonoral is tr*o and correct, and horotoforo paid, and WHEREAS Fund to pay tho aforesaid 9/18 196 particular demand, -and WHEREAS the remaining incomo and rovonuo to bo reeoivod by tho City 0f National City, California for the General Fund for the fiscal hoar ending June 30, 1952, ox8eods tho sum of $346,000.40, consisting in part of the following items: Roal Property Taxes, $62,000.00, Sales Tax, $90,000.00; Federal in liou tax, $10,000.00; Business Liconsos, $35,000.00; Miscollanoous Foos, $9,000.00; Sower Connoction Foos, $20,000.00; Finos, $10,000.00; Rofuso Colloction, $50,000.00; Wator Sales, $40,000.00; of which tho sum of $200,000.00 is oncumborod by a prior lion, in which thoro is now on hand tho b sum of $151,136.94 which may bo appliod on said 119n. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT R9SOLVED by the C4ty Council of tho City of National City, California; 1. That tho domand prosontod in tho total sum of $12,656.80, Is truo and corroct. 2. That the domand is not epprovod for want of funds. 3. That tho City Clork is horoby diroctod to ondorso said domand as follows: 'iThat tho domand of tho horoin nemod payoo has boon herotoforo auditod by tho City of National City and found to bo true and corroct in tho sum horoin statod. That said domand is not approvod for want of funds.il 4. Tho City Clerk shall ondorso on said domand tho dato of prosontation and sho shall sign said domand. 5. That the City Clork shell numbor said ondorsomont, rogistor tho domand in her rocords and dolivor to claimant, or his ordor. Movod by Hart, socondod by Ingalls, that tho Rosolut- ion bo adoptod. Carried, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. VICE MAYOR CLARKE statod ho boliovod somo action should bo taken at this timo in rogard to tho Dog Pound. COUNCILMAN CURRY said it was his undorstanding that wo•had tho site and $900.00 sot asido for this purposo, and askod if wo still had tho site oval/able OR tho tidoier►ds. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON said it Is his undorstonding tho proposod Bito is still available et tho prosont timo. Thoro ero some pooplo who wish 9/18 .r. 197 to loaso it, and askod Mr. Bowman, tho Pound Master if tho ground has boon loasod. MR. BOWMAN was prosont and statod tho ground has not boon loasod and is still availablo. VICE MAYCt CLARKE askod Mr. Bowman if ho would rocommond this sito for tho Pound? MR. BOWMAN said tho man who loasod tho ground on which _tho Plating Works is locatod said thoro would bo no dust or acid fumos from his plant that would bothor tho animals, and this would bo an idoal location. Movod by Hart, socondod by Ingalls, that tho mattor of tho Dog Pound bo roforrod to tho City Administrator and City Enginoor for furthor chocking and roport back at tho noxt mooting. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that immodiato- ly upon accoptanco of a now location that tho Dog Pound bo built. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. ATTORNEY CAMPB ELL said it is his understanding by Mr. Ingallsf motion that you would want the cost ostimetod and bo brought to tho Council boforo actual construction, booauso in tho ovont it wont over $1,000.00 it would have to bo advorbisod for bids. VICE MAYOR CLARKE roportod that tho Council has mado a dooision rogarding tho position of City Manager. Wo have spont many hours going ovor tho applications and intorviowing somo of tho applicants. Tho man tho Council has chosen is Frank W. Soifort, who wo boliovo to bo tho bost man availablo for this position. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that Frank W. Soifort be appointed City Managor, offoctivo Soptombor 19, 1951. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. R^SOLUTION NO. 5554 was road, authorizing tho omploymont of Frank W. Soifort as City Manager of National City, and that ho shall rocoivo as componsation therofor tho sum of $560.00 per month, offoctivo Soptombor 19, 1951. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod. Carriod, all Councilman prosont voting eye. 9/16 198 COUNCILMAN INGALLS statod ho thought in ordor to havo comploto undorstanding and clarification it should bo mentionod that Judge Harbison will romain In his prosont post es Acting Ad- ministrative Officor until Octobor 1, 1951, in ordor to familiarizo City Managor Soifort with his duties. CITY CLERK ALSTON statod sho has a communication from Poroira & Luckman in regard to tho claim, payment of which was author- izod tonight, and thoy asltod for a conforonco with tho Council if tho paymont was not mado. VICE MAYOR CLARKE roquostod tho lottor bo laid over. ORDINANCE NO. an ordinanco amonding Ordinanco No. 7184 of tho Ordinancos of the City of National City, California, by amonding Soction 1 of said Ordinanco, and ropoalitg Ordinanco No. 799, was prosontod for tho first roading and road in full. Movod by Hart, socondod by Curry, that tho Ordinanco bo laid ovor until the noxt mooting for the socond and final reading. Carriod, by tho following voto to -wit: Ayos: Curry, Hart, Ingalls, Clarke. Nays: Nono. COMMUNICATION FROM RECREATION LEADER GILLESPIE was road, in rogard to vacation pay from Soptombor 1 to 15, 1951. Tho lottor statod that as oarly as last Spring Mrs. Gillospio was promisod hor vacation from Soptombor 1 to 15, which is tho slowost time for tho Rocroation Dopt. Tho omorgoncy loavo grantod for sick loavo startod August 1, 1951 and it was 11 days sick loavo with pay, tho rost of tho poriod withaut pay. On Saturday, Soptombor 15th Mrs. Gillospio roportod back to work. No pay was received for tho two wook vacation poriod sinco it was not listod on tho payroll, and it is roquostod that paymont bo mado. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON statod that Mrs. Gillospio roportod beck to work Saturday, sho workod Monday and that ho talkod with hor after this lottor was sont in and sho is now on Vie 199 hor vacation, so this lottor can bo disrogardod. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that tho City Administrator's action in granting tho two wooks, leave to Mrs. Gillospio, starting today, bo approvod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. COUNCILMAN TNGATJR statod that tho mattor of Mrs. Gillospio working pert timo should bo roforrod to tho City Managor and Administrativo Officor for chocking. COMMUNICATION FROM RECREATION LEADER GILLESPIE was road, ro- quosting sho bo placod on part time aftor tho 15th of Oetobor, this to bo throo days a wook or two and a half days a wook, tho timo and days to bo dotorminod by tho Rocroation Diroctor. CITY CLERK ALSTON statod thct Building Inspoctor Bird roquostod sho bring tho mattor of appointing a mombor to tho Sowor Committoo to ropleco Wayno Smith. It is tho undorstanding that tho Council wish to helm tho City Engineer as a mombor of tho Committee. Tho othor two mombors aro: Claudo L. Hart, and Floyd Finnorty. Movod by Hart, socondod by Curry, that Enginoor Groy bo appointod as a mombor of tho Sowor Committoo. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. VICE MAYOR CLARKE askod if tho Council had givon any thought to tho roquost for avortimo pay for tho Rocroation Diroctor. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod tho Council has no logal liability to pay this claim. Movod by Hart, socondod by Ingalls, tho claim of Recreation Diroctor Casey bo doniod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. CITY CLERK ALSTON statod that somotimo ago tho roquost of Armistead B. Cartor for a rofund of $9.44 paid on dolinquont taxos for 1944, was roforrod to Attornoy Campboll and horsolf, and upon chocking it was found that tho sogrogation was not shown on tho dolinquont roll and Mr. Cartor has paid his prp- 9/18 200 portionate share fbr tho lots and thotaxoe in the amount of $%44 should hevo boon assossod to tho Stato of California, It is City Clerk Alston's rocommondation that tho rofund bo granted to Mr., Carter. Movod by Curry, socondod by Hart, that tho rotund bo grantod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayoe REPORT FROM CHARLES 3, STEIN ON CANTEEN CONCESSION IN KIMaALL PARK was road, Gross roceipts Aug. 1 to Aug. 31, 1951 woro $1,006,54, Gross rocoipts Sopt. 1 to Sept, 9, 1961 woro $135,01, Amount duo to City as por contract agroomont is $120.06, Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, tho roport bo accoptod. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo, COMMUNICATION FROM HERMRT 3, SWANSON was road. At tho timo tho loaso for the National Dry Kiln and Procossing Company was nogotiatod, thoy indicatod thoy oxpoctod to apply for a loaso on a parcel which adjoins thole prosont sito on tho tido- lands, It is 250 foot by 161.38 foot, or a total of 40,345 squaro foot, This makos an annual rontal of $80?,10 por year, It is roquostod this mattor bo givon immodiato attontion. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON statod boforo tho Counell takos any action on this roquost ho would liko to state that thoro has boon a lot of activity on now loasos in that aroa, and ho had throo applications, Thoro havo boon sovoral Othorsinquiring about loasos and ho roforrod thom to Enginoor Groy so ho could show than the land available and advisod them to sot forth in their application to tho Council what they want. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that this bo roforrod to tho City Engineer, City Administrator end tho City Attorney for further Shocking. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting eye. COMMUNICATION FROM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE was road, stating the Board of Directors voted unanimously to rocommond that the City 9/18 201 Council instituto notion to ro-writo tho city ordinanco per- taining to tho typo of industrios pormittod in tho industrial aroa so as to prohibit tho ostablishmont of obnoxious and offonsivo industrios on land within tho city limits of National City. CITY CLERK ALSTON statod tho Council took action on this at tho last mooting, at which time clorical assistanco was authorized to meko rocommondations for tho amondmont of Ordin- anco No. 750. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Hart, that tho letter bo answorod in tho approprieto manner. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. REQUEST FOR A BEER LICENSE, 1740 McKinley Avonuo, in tho name of tho Harlem Broakfast Club, was prosontod. CITY CLERK ALSTON said this is for a now liconso and sho roforrod tho roquost to Chiof of Police Smith for a roport. COMMUNICATION FROM CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION was road, which statod that bocauso of tho many examinations, tho Civil Sorvico Commission will bo unable to attond tho mooting on Friday. VICE MAYOR CLARKE askod Ed.Crossloy, Prosidont of tho Employoos' Assn. that either ha or a committoo draw up soma kind of an agonda for tho mooting with tho Council so that tho mooting can procood in a businoss liko way. COMMUNICATION FROM CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION was road, stating that inasmuch as tho Commission feels that if it should agroo to a mooting with the Employoos' Assn. it would bo advisablo for all fivo members of tho Commission to bo prosont, the mooting will not bo possiblo on tho suggostod dato. Two of tho mombors of tho Commission aro on vacation and will not roturn until October 3, 1951. COUNCILMAN IN6ALLS said that sinco tho employoos askod to moot with both tho Council and tho Civil Sorvico Commission it would bo his suggestion that Mr. Crossloy bo askod what his wishos aro in rogard to a mooting. ED. CROSSLEY said tho Association would 9/18 202 liko to havo tho mooting as soon as possiblo, but that thoy cannot accomplish much by just mooting with tho Council. VICE MAYOR CLARKE statod that if throo of tho mombors of tho Commission are ablo to attond, that ho saw no objection. MR. CROSSLEY statod thoy wish a noting Friday night and aakod that as many of tho Civil Sorvico Commission members bo prosont es possiblo. VICE MAYOR CL.RKE said thoy would send a roquost asking es many attond as possiblo on Friday night, 7:30 in tho Council Chanbors. LTTORNEY CAMPBELL statod that Acting Administrative Officor Harbison, City Clerk Alston and ho wont over tho roport of tho Fiosta, and it shows that tho total oxpondituro is tho sun of $4,032.66, Each of tho items aro supportod by vorifiod claims. RESOLUTION NO. 5555 was road, as follows: Tho City Council of tho City of National City finds that tho total oxpondituro of tho Fiesta for tho yoar of 1951 is tho sun of $4,032.66. Tho claims thorofor havo boon duly euditod. That said sum was ox- pondod for music promotion and tho oxpondituro is doomod propor. Moved by Hart, socondod by Ingalls, that tho Rosolution bo adopted. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. MOVED BY CURRY, socondod by Ingalls, that tho following intor- budgot transfors bo made for tho Fiesta Account from tho following accounts sot forth in tho Rocroation Budgot: Capital Outlay, $305.50; Transportation, $300.00; Duos for Subscriptions, $37.00; Special Sorvicos, $$45.00; Salarios, $1,835.60. Carriod, all Councilnon prosont voting ayo. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Curry, that tho income rocoivod from tho oporation of tho Floats bo croditod to the Salary Account in tho Rocroation Budget upon rocoipt of said intono, said amount shall not oxcood tho sum of $1,334.03. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod thoro aro two claims by Mr. Clostor 9/18 203 and wo now have monoy in tho accounts to pay thom. Tho claims aro in tho amount of $632.92 and $45.00. Tho first ono rofors to potty cash as supportod by individual vouchors in tho amount of $132.97, labor in tho amount of $270.70, and for cortain Midway ganos and ontortainmont in tho amount of $229.25. Thoso woro paid by Mr. Cloator. Tho City Clork noods tho authorizat- ion to pay tho claims. Moved by Ingalls, socondod by Curry, that tho claims bo approvod. Carriod, all Councilman prosont voting ayo. RESOLUTION NO. 5556 was road, authorizing the onploymont of Clifford whitmarsh on a part timo basis as draftsman at an hourly rato of $2.00. Movod by Ingalls, socondod by Curry, that tho Rosolution bo adopted. Carriod, all Councilmon prosont voting ayo. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL roportod on tho application from tho Fironon's Fund Indonnity Company regarding Mrs. Sullivan which was roe._ forrod to'hin. lhoro_aro oortsin itons.that ho would bo unablo to answor, and+askod that it bo'hold,ovor anothor week so tho Council can soo whothor,thoy wish.to'answor it or tablo tho _ application. VICE MAYOR CLARKE roquostod it bo hold over for a wook. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod ho rocoivod a lottor from Mr. Rosonborg, ono of tho Attornoya for tho California,wator and Tolophono Company, roturning tho agtoonont subnittod to tho Wator Company portaining to tho oxtonsion of tho standby chargo. wo sub- mitted a proposal to have it oxtondod for throo yoars. Thoy do not wish to sign it in that fora, and want to cut it down to about half. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL suggostod tho lottor bo filod. Tho City of Chula Vista and the South Bay Irrigation District will probably do tho samo. VICE MAYOR CLARKEjordorod tho communication filed. 9/18 204 ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON roportod that Enginoor Grey estimates tho cost of watorproofing the Library from tho outside would bo approximatoly S260.00, and thoy would liko to contact othors to obtain fncta and figuros of watorproofing from the inside. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON statod Mr. Hoggland, County Administrator will bo horo tonorr`ow at 2:00 P.M. to discuss Court facilitios. If possiblo it night bo woll for City Managor Seifert and Attornoy Canpboll to moot with Mr. Hoggland and any of the Council if thoy so wish, but wo will submit to tho Council what tho County's moods aro and thon proceed. VICE MAYOR CLARKE introdueod City Managor Soifort. CITY MANAGER SEIFERT thanked tho Council for thorr consideration in appoint- ing him. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON statod thoro havo boon sono quostions about potations for annoxations which woro turnod into Mr. Simmons, fornor Right -of -Way Enginoor., Ono was on Alta Drivo and ono on Mariposa. Thoso should bo in- vostigatod. COMMUNICATION FROM CHI2F OF POLICE SMITH was road, stating that duo to tho lack of onough class rooms it has bocono nocossary for Contral School to havo a split sossion, and bocauso of this situation school authoritios aro unablo to furnish boys for Junior patrol. During tho past wook tho Polico Dopartmont, as a traffic safoty moasuro, has boon covoring this assignnont. It is rocommondod that consideration bo givon the hiring of a school crossing guard for the balanco of tho school yoar et this location. It is bolievod that a roliablo individual who is a number of tho Polico Rosorvos and a rotirod railroad worker 9/18 205 would considor this assignnont. Othor comnunitios nro paying mon in similar positions a salary of $148600 a month. Moved by Hart, socondod by Curry, that tho roquost bo grantod. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON roportod that tho traffic signal at 8th and Highland has boon ropairod and it is in fIne working condition. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON atatod that tho rontals for tho Casa do Salud and tho old Kiwanis Building to private organisations should bo chockod, and ho will turn this ovor to City Manager Soifort. REPORT FROM PLANNING COMMISSION was road. Much discussion was given to tho roquost of W. G. Ebbs for stroot inprovomont and it was tho rocommondation tho dood bo roturnod to Mr. Ebbs. This is for tho 15 foot strip, and that in returning this land it will not conflict with tho prosont stroot plans of tho City. Mr. H. J. Dwyor was prosont rogarding pornission for tho solo of woll wator. It was agrood by tho Commission to sot asido tho dato of tho first public herring Octobor 1, 1951, Mrs. Dwyor askod about tho naming of tho road that circles back from Valloy Road, and it was egrood if thoro was no conflict with any roads in tho County that they call it Valloy Circlo Road, es suggested by Mrs. Dwyer. Some changes In Ordinance 750 worn made, but a complete list to bd mado at a later date. VICE MAYOR,CLARKE requostod this roport be raforrod to tho City Attorney. CITY ENGINEER GREY statod ho will have a report on tho charges for tho Casa do Salud and tho Kiwenis Building next week. COUNCILMAN CURRY stetod that a number of the new subdivisions do not have any street signs and ho thought some sort of a 9/18 206 marker at least should be placed so that the streets can be identified. VICE MAYOR CLARKE suggested that possibly the Street Department could do a little survey work and find out what is necessary for some kind of marker until we are in a position financially to buy street signs to correspond with the present ones, CITY ENGINEER GREY said his Engineering Aid can take care of this matter, COUNCILMAN CURRY said that some months ago a survey was Bade of the City street lights and there ware a number of lights ordered, and he would like to know how many have not been in- stalled to date. It is planned by the Lighting Committee to make another survey, but this job should be completed before another survey is made. ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HARBISON stated Mr. Gordon Kimball of the San Diego Gas & Electric Company was at the office recently and said ho was going to como out to see about the lights, especially the one ordered for tho Park, and he will try to expedite matters. VICE MAYOR CLARKE suggested a letter be written to ascertain the reason the lights have not boon installed. COUNCILMAN INGALLS made a motion, seconded by Hart, that the proceedings of the meeting Friday ovoning bo recorded. Carried, all Councilmen presont voting aye. COUNCILMAN INGALLS stated it will bo necessary for him to bo out of tho City from this Friday ovoning until October eth, and ho is asking permission to be absent for two Council meet- ings. Moved by Curry, soconded by Hart, permission bo granted Councilman Ingalls to bo absent from two Council mootings. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. M. P. MOESER, CHAIRMAN OF THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION was present and statod it was tho doeision of tho Civil Sorvico 9/18 207 Commission that thoy could not moot with tho Council and tho Employoos' Association Friday ovoning. They wish all fivo nonbors to bo prosont and threo would not bo ablo to attond. Thoroforob thoy ask to bo excused, E. H. ALSDORF was prosont and statod ho wishod to know if tho salary of tho police offioor for tho school guard was oovorod in tho budgot, and ho thowg ht tho motion should havo boon a roll call motion. VICE MAYOR CLARKE atatod tho Police Do,Dt, havo boon appropriatod a curtain amount in tho budgot and if thoy fool they havo funds to tonporarily omploy an officor in this important duty of protocting tho childronb thoy soo no objoction, as the Chiof of Polico knows his duties. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod he know of nothing that roquiros a roll call notion to hire a person, but whon ho is placed on tho payroll it will bo nocossary that his salary ho ostablishod by Rosolution, and at that time you will havo tho roll call voto. ATTORNEY CAMPBELL statod ho just talkod with Mr. Boyer, Attorney for Chula Vista, and thoy had a mooting tonight and havo appoint- od two nembors to moot with tho Wator Company and they would liko to havo tho City of Natioia1 City appoint two nonbors, to soo what can bo ironod out as far as any now contract with tho Wator Company is concornod. Tho nonbors will not havo any authority to nogotiato, just discuss tho motto', and bring tho information beck to tho Council, Attorney Canpboll said ho would attond. No date has boon sot. Couneilmon Hart and Curry voluntoorod to attend. VICE MAYOR CLARKE infornod Ed.Crossloy that Mr. Moosor has statod that none of tho nombors will bo able to attond tho Hooting Friday. MB, CROSSLEY statod thoy want to moot with both the Council and tho Commission and that it is very important tho Civil Sorvico Commission bo prosont. Thoy would liko to 9/18 208 havo a mooting at tho oarliost possible dato. VICE MAYOR CLARKE asked if Mr. Moosor could suggost a mooting dato suitatia to tho Commission? MR. MOESER said ho would not liko to sot a tino without considoration of tho members. VICE MAYOR CLARKE asked if Octobor 4, 1951 could be sot es a tontativo dato? MR. MOESER said ho will tako this up with tho Commission at thoir mooting next Monday and notify tho Council of thoir docision. Movod by Curry, aoconded by Hart, that the mooting be closod. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. ATTEST: IV CE MAYOR CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA 9/I8