HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950 12-19 CC MIN381 National City, California, December 19, 1950. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Clinton D. Matthews at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Councilmen present: Carrigan, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Councilmen absent: Clarke. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of December 12, 1950, bo dispensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS proserit: Alston, Sullivan, McClure, Vansant, Warner. BILLS AUDITED by the Finaneo Committee prosentodt General Fund $202.52 Plann. Comm. 10.50 Comm. Redevelop. Fund 90.66 TOTAL 4303.68 Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that the bills be allowed and warrants ordered drewn for same. Carried, by the follow- ing vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays: None. HERBERT A. BARNES was prosont and asked that he see the policies on the fire insurance as MAYOR MATTHEWS had promised him at the last mooting. The policies wore present- ed for Mr. Barnes inspection. ORDINANCE NO. , an ordinance relative to card rooms was presented for the second and final reading. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Curry, that only the heeding bo read. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays: Nono. 12/19 382 NORMAN L. PADGETT, son of a co-ownor of one of the card rooms was presont and statod he was opposed to the banning of the card rooms in National City, and that the Council is exceeding its authority by not consulting the will of all the voters by referendum. MAYOR b'MATTHEWS stated that he felt by closing the card rooms it was a stop towards making a better National City. THOMAS LEONARD was present and stated that he hed come up to dofend himself es it is rumored that he is interested in fivo gambling places in National City and he wanted to state that he had no gambling interests in National City, and his only purpose in coming before the Council wee to ask that the Council get all tho da'a they could on this question before it comas to a voto. REV. ERNY was present and stated that evidence has been presentod to show there is a great strength of opinion within the commun- ity opposed to the oporation of the card rooms. RSV. ERNY said that everyone present at the last Council meeting was agrood there is plenty of gambling in the card rooms, ORDINANCE N0. 809, AN ORDINANCE FOR POLICE REGULATION, RELATING TQ CARD ROOMS AND PLACES WHERE CARD TABLES ARE KEPT FOR HIRE OR PUBLIC USE IN THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA: REPELLING SECTION 37 OF ORDINANCE 708; REPEAL° ING SECTIONS 2, 3, 4, and 5 OF ORDINANCE 760, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. Moved by Carrigan, seconded by Curry, that the Ordinance bo adopted. Carried, by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Curry, Matthews. Nays: Hart. ORDINANCE NO. an ordinance of intention to vacate and 12/19 383 close a portion of 14th Street, was presented for tho second and final reading. Moved by Curry, seconded by Hart, that only the heading be read. Carried, by the following veto to -wit: Ayes: Carrigan, Curry, Hart, Matthews. Nays: None. ORDINANCE NO. 810, AN ORDINANCE OF INTENTION TO VACATE AND CLOSE A PORTION OF A PUBLIC STREET, TO-wIT: L PORTION OF 14TH STREET AND HARRISON AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA. Movod by Curry, socondod by Hart, that the Ordinance be adopted. Carried, all Ccuncilmon present voting aye. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN requested that the Closing of Block 19 be laid over until the next mooting. MAYOR MATTHEWS orderod the matter held over until next woek. COMMUNICATION FROM NATIONAL CITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE was road, stating they were transmitting a proposed City Advert- ising Contract togother with budgetary details, for action by the Council. CITY ATTORNEY WARNER stated that the contract submitted by tho Chambor cf Commorco did not soparato the itome of music and promotion and the itom.for advertising, and Mr, Warnor said in his opinion it is better to divide the sums and show what you are sponding the money for, therefore, he had prepared another Agreomont. RICHARD McCUNE, President of the Chamber of Commerce was present and stated he saw no reason why the Chamber would not accept tho suggested change in the Agreement, but ho would liko very much to havo tho Council consider tho extra $1,000.00 CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that a groat portion of the $1,000.00 12/19 384 has already been spent by the City in advertising, such as the County Fair exhibit end Christmas decorations, therefore Mrs. Sullivan said she would not feel Justified in recommend - any more than was already budgeted for tho Chamber of Commerce and the Maytine Band Review. RESOLUTION NO. 5378 was reed, authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract on bohalf of the City off National City with the National City Chamber cf Commerce for edvortising, music and promotion, providing that said Chamber cf Comnorco will porform sorvicos for the City of National City during tho fiscal year 1950-51 et a cost nct to excood itl,400.00. Movod by Corrigan, socondoc' by Hart, that the Resolution be adopted. Carriod, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. CITY CLERK ALSTON stated that the Loaguo cf California Citios is calling a special session in January on Civilian Defonso and they recuost at loast ono member from each City attend, either a Councilman cr a roprosontativo of the City. COUNCILMAN CURRY stated ho thought that Mr. Rood should attond this mooting. MAYOR MATTHE1°TS asked that CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN contact Mr. R,Jed and soo if ho will be able to attond the mooting. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that tho American City, National Magazine of the Anorican Municipal Association have said that thoy want to feature National City in en early Spring issue, and material is being preparod for thou. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated sho received a letter from Postmaster Cosby requosting that she oxpress to the City 12/19 385 Council bis approciation for the assistance tho Council havo given from time to time in the mattor of postal boundaries. Tho *'ost Office Inspoctor has informed Mr. Cosby that the annexed territory will be includod in tho National City Post Office and not tho East San Diego Post Office. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN statod that the Pork and ';ocroation Conforenco will he hold in Frosno, January 18, 19 and 20. MRS. SULLIVAN stated that probably somo staff members should attend this mooting. REPORT FROM PUNNING COMMISSION was road. Tho roport stated that Potition #377 of R. l.. Bowers and G. E. Fritz, requost- ing a C-2 Zono use on the proporty described as all of lots 26 ane the N 29.5' of lot 25, Rancho Hills Unit No. 5, was protestod by 11 residents of tho neighborhood representing 12 f^milios who felt that in view of tho fact that lots 144 and 127 of National Viste No. 1 Subd. just across the streot at Division and Harbison are already in a C-2 Zono and that when they bought their proportios thoy assumod it would remain strictly residential; they folt that they did not want an additional business usngo in the neighborhood. Tho Planning Commission denied this potition. Petition #378 of Mrs. Emma R. Morrow requesting a lot size variance in Coombe's Piece, lots 16 to 20 incl. so that she would bo to build two houses on a plot of lend approximately for subsequont splitting and rosalo. Due to the this property alrondy has structures on it, lot area of about 75' x 85', which area Mrs. Morrow split into two parcels, ono 45' x 75' and ono permitted 75' x 85' fact that leaving a wishes to use 386 40+ x 75', and place a house on each parcel, the Commission felt it could not approve such a request in an R-1 Zone. The Planning Commission denied this request. It was suggest- ed that this area, bounded on all sides by R-4 Zone, night bo re -zoned to R-4. Tentative end Final Map of Anderson and Stephens Subdivision, at 20th and Prospect Streets was approved, providing 4' easements be shown at the roar of the lots. The Planning Commission approved this. National Vista #2 Subd. tentative nap was approved by the Commission subject to recommendations of the City Engineer and provided ease- ments at the rear of all lots be shown on the map. As there Ls—romg lack of proper street alignment with the proposed and tentatively approved subdivision to the east ienwot' tt Yill+t top Park, the City Manager has authorized the City Planner to make a study and recommendation of a possible community development plan for the aroa surrounding those two tentative subdivisions. MAYOR MATTHEWS ordered the report filed. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that in regard to the tentative map for National Vista #2 mentioned in the report of the Planning Commission, that she has a map that has two amend- ments to it sinco the meeting of the Planning Commission, and also some maps prepared by the City Planner and asked that Mr. Wagner explain the differences between the two proposals. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that there have boon a number of annexations North of Division Street and there was a parcel of property that has boon in the City sinco 1946. A tentative map has been approved on Euclid near Division and thorn are some other areas that are anticipated for subdivision, we have annexed the Subdivision of Millerton 12/19 3E37 and this eonfronts us with a street pattorn of getting e11 of the subdivisions and all of the proposed and futuro streets to be aligned so that thoy will not be all dead end streots. CITY PLANNER WAGNER oxplainod at some longth tho discrepancies between tho naps. ,MAYOR MATTHEWS asked if this could be held over until tho mxt mooting without causing any hardship. R. A. BOWERS was prosont and stated that this is the third revision they havo mado and all wore made in accordance to whet has boon suggoacod, anc' ho won- derod what olso is going to cone up, and why it is not now accoptable. MR. IRELAND was prosont and statod that another map was submitted to the City Enginoor this aftornoon which not with his approval, and the Planning Commission statod thoy would O.K. whatovor he approved. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN stated that Mr. Christman said ho thought ,it was important that wo not have any more nistakos in street patterns and ho thought it was very desirable that the cooperative plann- ing of this neighborhood go through. MRS. SULLIVAN said it is important to tho City that the stroet pattorn bo a comna4Aity plea and not just ono subdivision. MAYOR MATTHEWS stated that so much of tho property is now that thoy have not hed time to get it into our pastor plan and he would like to have this laid ovor for another wook. Movod by Curry, seconded by Hart, that tho matter bo held over until tho next mooting. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. HERBERT A. BARNES again requested that ho bo givon the answers to all the questions rogarding insurance which he has brought before the Council many tines. MAYOR MATTHEWS said he would like to turn this over to Mr. Carrigan and 12/19 388 appoint him as a conr1ttoo to make an investigation. MR. MLON2S said he would like to make a suggestion, that Mayor Matthews give him a half hour in the City Manager's Offico end go over this, and that ho is suro they can get it settled. MAYOR M TTHEWS said he would bo glad to poet with Mr. flues and get this cloerod up. MR. BARNES asked that if possible the mooting bo arranged before Christine. CITY MANAGER SULLIVAN roportod sho has the blueprints for the Fire Station for the Council re study. CITY CLERK ALSTON stetod sho had a communication from the Disaster Council acknowlegin3 the ccpios of the Rosolution we filed with thorn on tho Mutuel laid Plan, and they wished Mrs. Alston to extend thoir approciatipn tc the Ccuncil for adopting the Resolution. COUNCILMAN CARRIGAN statod that the ordinance on Auctions, with the oxcoption of changing the nano of the County to the City, would bo e very good ordinance to adopt. Mr. Carrigan stated that the Attorney said it would take until next wool( to make the necessary changes in the ordinance to conform to City regulations. Movod by Hart, soconded by Carrigan, that Attorney Werner be instructed to prepare an ordinance roguleting Auctions in National City. Carried,, all Councilmen present voting aye. COUNCILMAN CURRY asked how wo wore progressing with the Trailer Ordinance. MAYOR MATTHEWS said ho thought wo should go ahead with this ordinance and get it finished as there will no doubt bo a lot Hero trailers coning into the City 1t/19 389 duo to the present war situation. Moved by Hart, seconded by Curry, that the meeting bo closed. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, &D:z 59_ vela- 2 MAYOR, CITY OF NATIONLL CITY, CALIFORNIA 12/19