HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947 08-05 CC MIN19 National City, -California, August 5, 1947 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by 'Mayor Fritz at 7:30 P, M, Councilmen present: Adams, Cordingly& -Thatcher, Fritz, Councilmen absent: Newberry, Moved by Adams, seconded by Thatcher, that the reading of the minutes of the•regular meeting of July 15, 1947, be dispensed with, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADMINTISTRATIVE OfllCIALS present: Campbell, Dickson, Smith, Rogers, BILL AUDITED by the Finance Committee presented: General Fund $3,146,53 St, Imp. Fund 16,562,11 Park M & I Fund 536,18 Light, Diet, #1 32„65 Capital Outlay Fund- 360,87 Unapp, Tax Fund 20,99 1946 Sewer Fund 276,50 Payroll 9.680,40 TOTAL $30,616,23 Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Adams, that the bills be allow. ed and warrants ordered drawn for same,, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, RESOLUTION NO, 4448 was read, authorizing the payment of $360,87 from the Capital Outlay Fund to Cherry -Puller for the final payment on the police car, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Adams, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, C)UNCILTTANI Nr-srtRY present, COi•.MUNICATION PROM B, J, JAUTEREAtLC, Park Supt„ to Herbert A, Barnes was read, in_regard to the use of public recreation buildings in the ISunicipal Pars, Mayor 7ritz asked for su3;est- ions to dispose of the existing conditions with Mr, Barnes, After considerable discussion, it was moved by Newberry, secord- ed by Adams, that a communication from 'r, Barnes be tabled, 20, and Mr, Gautereaux be commended for his abilities, Carried,' all Councilmen present voting aye, CO'MQUNICATION 'RO:t BLAPTCHE 0, HAYES, Secretary of the National City Shuffleboard Club, was read, expressing their appreciation_ forthe services and cooperation to those in charge of the - Courts, Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that the cammutti- cation be referred to Park Supt, Gautereaux, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, REPORT 2RO1t CITY ENGIN= IRELAND was read, stating that Carrel & Poster have satisfactorily completed the 16 inch pressure sewer line on '"rest Sixth Street and recommended payment of same after the City has received a clearance from the U, S, Navy Department, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the report be accepted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting eye, 'tEPORT 'Rau THE U, S, rAVY DEPART=LEiv'T stating that an inspection waa ma*e of the 16 inch sewer line on west Sixth Street and no defects were found in material or workmanship, was read and ordered filed, RESOLUTION E'0, 4449 was read, accepting a grant dead from the 7rest Coast Corporation conveying easements for culverts to the City of National City in the tract known as Rancho Hills Unit 2, Moved by Adams, seconded by Cordingly, that the 'tesolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting an, RESOLUTION NO, 4450 was read, authorizing a change order on plumb. ing work on the Memorial Bowl as follows: 1, Redesigning the vent system Pram fixtures to that all the vcnts tie into one JUtlet stacks and running main stank to new location, 2, Changing waste line from drinking f uuntain to empty into sewer system instead of planting area as shown on plans, 3, Increasing size 3f water lines to toilets to • 21, sufficient size to provide for Plushometers as spec- ified on the fixtures, Increase in price from subcontractor v286,00 Plus 10%, overhead and profit 28,60 Total 014,60 Mayor Fritz to be authorized to sign the change order on behalf of the City, :loved by Cordin3ly, seconded by Newberry, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, COMMUNICATIOIT FROM THE EL DORADO . OOD PRODUCTS was read. in regard to the oiling of Cleveland Avenue, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the communication be filed, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, COUNCILMAN ADAMS thought something should bc done about the improving of certain streets, Councilman Newberry believes that the City's method of developing and improving streets is the best he has ever known, and thought that this information should be publicized, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Adams, that Administrative Officer Dickson be authorized to spend $100,00 in advertisin3 the procecdure to obtain oiled streets, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, MAY0R FRITZ announced that the hearing of protests on Lighting District No, 1 would be held at this time, There were no pro- tests , RESOLUTI)N NO, 4451 was read, directing notice inviting sealed proposals on National City Lighting District No, 1, Moved by Thatcher, seconded by Cordin3ly, that the Resolution bc adopted, Carried, ai1 Councilmen present voting aye, .P CO'SRINICATIDY :'RO'i CITY ETGINMI IRELAID was read, stating that Wayne Smith Ass't Engineer requests his vacation during the e -%1 22 period from August lath to 25th, Moved by P'enberry, seconded by Thatcher, that the request be granted, Carried, all Council- men present voting aye, COLIMUFICATION 2RO:i 7AYNE SMITE, Asset Engineer, was read, stating that two zone variance fees have been erroneously collected acid recommended the following refunds: Mrs, Belle Barber Hoover, 505 E, 7th Street, 410,CO; Biltrite Fixture Co„ 895 W. 15th Street, 40,00, :loved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the refunds be made, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, APPLICATION for off sale general license transfer to Samuel Greenberg, 941 National Avenue, from T, C. & A, P, Johnson, 3817 5th Avenue, San Diego, was read and ordered filed, PETITIJNS for refunds on business licenses which were recommend.( ed by L, 7, Bates, License Collector, are as follows: Lucille R, wileon, 808 2, 8th Street, $2,50; Boris Kondan, 580 Otis Street, Chula Vista, $37,50; :red Chase, 537 Carlos Street, San Diego; $2,50; Frank L, Graoiano, 1836 McKinley Avenue, $50,00, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the refunds be granted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, RESOLUTION NO, 4452 was read, authorizing the appointment of John Proderick Leisman to the position of Probationary Patrolman in the Police Department, salary 3195,00 per month, effective August 4, 1947, as rcoommendcd by Chief of Police Bates, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Adams; that the fesolutisn be adopted, Carried, all Counciln:.n present voting aye, CO 7TUNI7ATI)N ROM WE DEPARTtLNT OP JUSTICE was read, enclosing the legal description and map of the 16,3 acres of tidelands which were condemned and are to be returned to the City in r settlement from the Government, Moved Thatcher, that the map and description all Councilmen present voting aye, COMMUNICATION :MO I THE NAVY DEPARTP 1151‘ B by Adams, seconded by be accepted, Carried, regarding the settlement on the tidelands, was read and ordered filed, COMMUNICATION FROM U, S, ATTORNEY BERRY was read, requesting an extension of time for the settlement of the tidelands case, Administrative Officer Dickson suggested 30 days extension, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Adams, that a 30 day_ extension be -granted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, PETITION signed by residents in the vicinity of 21st Street and National Avenue, request a street light to be installed at that intersection, Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that the request be placed on the light list, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, COMMUNICATIMN TRAY! JUDGE HARBISON was read, requesting per. mission to take his vacation from September 2nd to 17th, and that he be authorized to engage Judge Lowell Howe during that period for $100,00, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Thatcher, that the request be granted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, COMMUNICATION ?RO'I c$]P'ETH BOULETTE, Sr, Park Gardener,. was read', requesting a week's leave of absence in addition to his vacation, Park Supt. Gautereaux recommended that the request be approved, and the vacation to start September 1, 1947, Moved "by Adams, seconded by Cordingly, that a leave of absence for one week without pay be granted Er, Boulettc, Carried, all Councilmen present votin3 aye, ■ 24 APPLICATION OF HErlY A, LILNI1'G, 2125 E, 18th Street, to move a building from the rear of 1803 E, 18th Street t, 18th and Grove on Lot J, Block 4, LincJln Acres Orchard, was read,, Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that tl'c request be 3rantcd provid- ed the building is brought up to specifications of the Building Inspector and that the building is completed within six months from this date. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, CITY CTERR 't7GERS presented the following checks from the State Y of California for acceptance: 014,874,82, motor vehicle fees from Apr4l 1 to Juno 30, 1947; $15,500,00, 4 cent Gas Tax Funds, Mooed by Newberry, seconded by Adams, that the checks be accepted and deposited in the proper funds, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, COIRIUNICATION FROM GOVERNDR WARREN was read, in regard to rent control, Councilman Adams suggested that the matter be ta'sen up with Assemblyman ?red Kraft, Mayor Pritz ordered the communication filed, COIDIUNICATION AIMTHE SAN DIEGO COUNTY *'ATER AUTHO'2ITY was reed, ih regard to the method of payment of the water tax, Mayor Fritz thought the County should collect the tax as in the past, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Adams, that the communication be filed, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ORDINANCE NO, _ an ordinance closing an alley in Irving Place was presented for the second and final reading, Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that only the heading be read, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ORDINANCE NO,, 736, AN ORDINANCE 01 INTE1'TION TO VACATE AND CLOSE A PUBLIC ALLEY IN THE CITY CP F%TI )1 AL CITY, CALI^e MANIA, Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that the Ordinance be adopted, 25 ' Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, DR, 4UINN, 1039 E, 3rd Street, was _resent in regard to progress being made on the opening of J Gvensc from 4th Street to 3rd Street, Administrative Officer Dickson reported that Mr, Lddy had'not yet turned in a report but he :iuld have Mr, Eddy con- tact him, Councilman Newberry nuggested that the Police Chief and ?ire Chief investigate the situation and make a report, ADM1PISTRATIVE 5T7ICER DICTGSJN reported that a temporary appoint- ment of a representative to the County 'later Authority is not acceptable to the Authority, RESOLUTION N0, 4453 was read, authorizing the appointment of Delavan J. Dickson as the City's representative on the San Diego County 'later Authority, Moved by Thatcher, seconded by New- berry, that the Resolution be adopted. present voting aye, Carried, all Councilmen ADMIZ:ISTRATIVE o: ICER DICKSON presented the seat contract rhtch was laid over from the last meeting, Mr. Everding of the loovl firm of Morgan & Everding, !'ae present and stated that they were not in a position to participate in a contract. ldr. Primmer of the San Diego Seat Co, was present and stated that his Company kept the seats clean, well painted, free from obscene language, and they da not advertise beer or liquors. Moved by Newberry, that the contract be not entered into, Moved by Adams, that the contract be accepted, Mayor Fritz could not get a second to either motion, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Thatcher, that the clntraet be tabled, Carried, by the follow- ing vote to-rit: Ayes: Newbcrry;,Thatcher, Fritz. Nays: Adams, ' ADMINISTRATIVE )_'^ICE DICtS)N retorted that James, E, Cheneweth,. 26 t2388 B, 6th Street, has a rest home at that address and wants to connect to the sewer on 8th Street, whioh would necessitate obtaining an encroachment to cross 7th Street, RESOLUTION N0, 4454 was read, granting permission to James E, Chenew*thi 2388 E, 6th Street, to connect to the sewer on 8th Street, and authorizing Attorney Campbell and Engineer Ireland to draw up the encroachment permit for Mr. Cheneweth to cross 7th Street, Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that the Res- olution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayq, ADMINISTRATIVE OPP ICE4 DICKSON reported that the Police Depart- ment wants to trade in their 1941 motorcycle for a new machine and the nct cost to the City will be $540,17, whioh was included in the budget of the Police Department, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Adams, that Mr, Dickson make the purchase, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE O3PICE4 DICKSON reported that the Street Depart. ment needs a two to three ton trunk to replace the present IDiC tf ton truck, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Thatcher, that Mr. Dickson be authorized to advertise for bids for said truck, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. i,ADMINISTRATIVE O3PICER DICCSON reported that the City needs a trenching machine and one that digs a 8'3" trench can be pur- chased for 0.1,335,60 TOE National City plus State Sales Tax, Moved by Adams, seconded by Cordingly, that Mr, Dickson advertise for bids for this type of trencher, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINIST^ATIVE 0 ".'ICER DIMON roorted that the Strcet Sweeper needs replacing and the Elgin Sweeper now retails for 49,370,00 plus tax and will be approximately 19 months before it is 27 available, Roved by Newberry, seconded by Adams, that :a-, Dick- son sign the application to place the City7s name to the list to purchase an Elgin Sweeper, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE 1'PICER DICCSON presented an ordinance making it unlawful to commit prostitution in the City, which Chief of Police Bates would like to have the Council consider, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Thatcher, that only the heading be read, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE I?AT:ING IT UNLAWFUL ?31 ANY PERSON TO O2FER 01 AGREE T) CO §ITT PROSTITUTION, 0R )�FIRR TO SECURE OR TO SOLICIT ANTHER 201 THL PURPOSE 02 PROSTITUTION, FOTtNICATION, ASSIGNATI')N 01 ANY )TH">t LE''TD ACT, )R T) BE 1ZT OR /TFAAR ANY PUBLIC PLACE "OR THE PURPOSE 0" ENTICING 3R PROCURING ANOTHER TO COI:'IT ANY SUCH ACT, 0'.t TO 'a'OfIITGLY RECEIVE OR AGREE TO RECEIVE ANY PERSON INTO ANY PLACE OR BUILDING 01 BUILDIliGS 201 THE PURPOSE 07 C)IdXITTING SUCH ACT, OR TO IOOWINGt LY PERMIT ANY PERSON TO RE OR RETAIN IN ANY SUCH PLACE OR BUILDING FOR SUCH PURPOSE OR TO A PLACE FOR THE PURPOSE OF COITEMITTING ANY SUCH ACT, OR IN ANY WAY TO AID OR ABET OR PART. ICIPATE IN THE DOING 3? ANY SUCH ACT, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Adams, that the Ordinance be laid over until the next meeting for the second and final reading, Carried; all Councilmen present voting aye, AD?2ISTIST'IATIVE O.TICER DICIBON presented a drawing and figures for the proposed sewer treatment plant which were compiled by Mr, Wright, and suggested that the Council meet with I Tr, 'light in the near future, Councilman Newberry suggested August 12th at 10:00 A, *I., which was agreed upon by the Council, .F CITY ASSESSOR R•OGERS reported that the Council will meet as a .t Board of Equalization August 122, 1147 for three consecutive days from 10:00 A, 1I, to 12:00 noon ADMINISTRATIVE OFTICER DICTCSON rep tsd Jr Chula Vistats invitation to the City to participate in their Fiesta de Luna parade, FIoved by Newberry, seconded by Adams; that the City spend not to exceed $100,00 on the float for the parade, Carried, all Councilmen present votin3 aye, ADMINISTRATIVE O ICTIR DICKSON presented the budget for the • fiscal year, 1Ioved by Cordingly, seconded by Thatcher, that the meeting be closed, 'Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, �} Q —1� .• :uAYOR,-ITY av N..TIO'..L CITY, C.; 28