HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947 02-18 CC MIN1139 National City, California February 18, 1947 Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Fritz at 7:30 P.M. Councilmen present: Adams, Cordingly, Newberry, Thatcher, Fritz. Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 4, 1947, be dispensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Smith, Dickson. BILLS AUDITED by the Finance Committee presented: General Pune $1,168,72 St. Imp. " 989,93 Park M & I Fund 1.06 1946 Sewer Fund 583,07 Plan, Com. Fund 25,00 Payroll Fund 6;701.53 TOTAL $9 469 31 Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the bills be allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON requested that the minutes of the regular meeting of February 4, 1947, be corrected as he reported that George D. Houchen, 631 E. Manor Dr„ Chula Vista, was given a free veterans license to sell oranges, which was an error as Mr. Houchen paid for his license. Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the minutes be corrected. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. REPORT OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION was read, making the following recommendations: Ralph Shepherd to make a multiple unit of the house he moved to 312 E. 4th Street; Harry B. Deming to build a four unit apartment on Lot 18, Block 2, Kimball's Sub. 10 Acre Lot 5, 4 Section 155; A. R, & D. E. Mouser to operate a bicycle shop on W4 of N. 50' of Lot 1, Block 1, L, A. Weisser's Sub, 10 Acre Lot 6, * Section 153; Harold F. Green to change S. 178' of N. 640' of WWI of 80 Acre Lot 1, Y Section 128 from an "R-2" 1140 and "C-2" zone to a "C-3" zone, providing Mr. Green presents a deed for the N. 20' of 18th Street, to the next Council meeting; Tentative map of Paradise Knolls Unit 2 was accepted; tentative map of Rancho Hills Unit 2 will be approved if 16th Street is made a 60 foot street. Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the report be accepted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, RESOLUTION NO. 4317 was read, granting a zone variance to Ralph Shepherd to make a multiple unit of the house he moved to 312 E. 4th St, on Lot 8, Block 2, F. A, Kimball's Sub„ 10 Acre Lot 5; * Section 155, Moved by Thatcher, seconded by Adams,,that the Resolution be adopted. Carried all Councilmen present voting aye, RESOLUTION N0. 4318 was read, authorizing a zone variance to Harry B. Deming to build a four unit apartment on Lot 18, Block 2, Kimball's Sub„ 10 Acre Lot 5, * Section 155, Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. RESOLUTION N0, 4319 was read, authorizing a zone variance to A. R. and D. E. Mouser to operate a bicycle shop on Wj of N.50' of Lot 1, Block 1, L. A. Weisser's Sub, 10 Acre Lot,6, * Section 153. Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Adams, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried,.all Councilmen present voting aye. Moved by Adams, seconded by Cordingly, that the petition of Harold F. Green be laid over until the next meeting as Mr. Grecn has not presented the deed, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, COMMUNICATION FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION was read, in regard to the attendance of meetings, and suggested that upon notice from the Commission of the absence of a member missing two con- secutive meetings without leave, the Council declare the office vacant and appoint a new member, Mayor Fritz laid the request over until the next meeting. 1141 COMMUNICATION FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION' thc Council to direct the City Attorncy to to thc Planning Commission at once, on the was read, r:,qucsting rcport his suggestions proposed districting ordinance, on which tho Attorncy cxtresscd his disapproval, and was rcfcrrcd to him several months ago, Moved by Adams, seconded by Cordingly, that the. Attorney bc instructed to work with the, Commission on thc Ordinance immediately so that it can be com- pleted. Carricd, all Councilmen present voting ayc, REPORT FROM THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION was road, announcin; the following lists from the recent examinations: Policc Clcrk- Matron: 1, Chonita Hupp, 2, Martha Simpkins; Poundmastcr: Forrest Baker; Junior Gardcncr: 1, Jamcs B. Miller 2, Clifford A, Foy 3, Millard Jacobs 4, Gorcy M, Burnctte, Moved by Ncwbcrry seconded by Cordingly, that the reports bc accepted, Carricd, all Councilmen present voting aye, RESOLUTION NO, 4320 was read, authorizing the probationary appointment of Forrest Baker as Poundmastcr, Salary $170,00 per month, effective February 16, 1947, on thc, condition that he passes the required physical cxrnination, The appointment being rccommcndcd by Chicf of Policc Bates, 'Iovcd by Cordingly, sccondcd by i\'ewbcrry, that the Resolution be adopted, Carrt..d, all Councilmen present voting ayc, RESOLUTION NO, 4321 was read, authorizing the probationary appointment of Martha Simpkins as Polio,. Clerk -Matron, salary $140.00 per month, effective Fcbrurry 16, 1947, on thc condition that she passes thc required physical ccamin,-.tion. The appoint- ment bcin -; rcco.nncndcd by Chicf of Police Bates, Movcd by Cordingly, sccondcd by Ncwbcrry, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayca RESOLUTION N0, 4322 vas rend, authorizing the probationary appointment of Clifford A, Foy as Junior Gardcncr, salary $3170,00 per month, effective February 16, 1047, on the condition that he 1142 passes thc required physical examination , The appointment being recommended by Park Supt, Gautercaux, Moved by Adams, sccondcd by N..dberry, that the Resolution be adopted, Carricd, all Council- men prescnt voting aye, REPORT FROM CITY ENGINEER I''ELAND was read, in regard to thc drainage problcm at 5th Street and aB° Avenuc, estimating the cost at $7,500,00, on thc basis of $30,61 per 50 foot lot, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Adams, that thc matter be referred to the City Attorncy relative to forming e. district. Carried, all Councilmen prescnt voting ayc, REPORT FROM CITY ENGINEER IRELAND was read, relative to drainage problem at 24th Street and Wilson Avenue, and recommending the inetr.11ation of two 60 indh diameter pipes under 24th Street, the estimated cost of $2,500,00 with the possibility that thc Vandcrburg Packing Co, would contributc :about $400100, RESOLUTION N0, 4323 vas read, authorizing Administrative Officer Dickson to advertise for bids to purchase thc necessary eulvcrt pipc and to make application for County Gr.s Tax Funds to covcr the cost of the drainage installations at 24th Street and 7ilson Avcnuc, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the Resolution be adopted. C^rricd, r.11 Councilmen prescnt voting rye, RESOLUTION N0, 4324 was read, accepting the subdivision map of Rancho Hills Unit -1'2, subjcct to thc approval of the City Attorney and City Enginccr, Moved by Adams, sccondcd by Newberry, that the Resolution be adopted, Carricd, r.11 Councilmen prescnt voting aye, RESOLUTION N0, 4325 was read, accepting the subdivision map of Paradise Knolls ;;"2, subjcct to thc subdivider putting the monuments on thc map, and to thc approval of thc City Attorncy, Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that the Resolution be adopted. Carricd, all Councilmen prescnt voting aye, 1143 COMMUNICATIONT FROIS EPFIE L, S{OGLAND, 2216 E, 5th Strcct, vns rend, rcquesting an extension of n zone variance for her rcst home, which was granted Fcb, 13, 1946, Moved by Adams, seconded by Cordingly, that the rcqucst bc rcfcrrcd to the Planning Commission for recommendation, Carricd, all Councilmcn present voting rye, APPLICATIONS to thc Stntc Board of Equalization arc as follows: Paul D, Blanchard & Laviellc A, Jefferson, 109 National Avcnuc, for on sale beer; off sale general transfer from Herbert Ebcr, 742 Ventura Pia Mission Bench, to Field's Liquor Stores, Inca, 1802 National Avcnuc, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Adams, that thc applications be referred to thc Chicf of Police, Carried, all Councilmcn present voting aye, COMMUNICATION FROM WALTER H, CHASE, JR „ Scc, of the Nntionrl City Gnshoppers, was read, rcquesting the use of the crafts building in thc City Pnrk, Movcd by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that thc rcqucst be rcfcrred to Park Supt, Gnutcrcaux, Cnrricd, all Councilmen prcscnt voting ayc, COMMUNICATION FROM GEORGE BOULETTE, pres, of thc Employees Ass n was read, rcquesting a meeting with thc Council to discuss thc survey made in regard to a retirement system, ]ttyor Fritz stntcd that he would sct the date at thc next meeting, COInmICATION FROM CLAUDE L, HART, 1343 Highland Avcnuc, was rend, rcquesting permission to removc two trees, 12 fact of curbing and pavc to thc sidewalk, Mayor Fritz rcqucstcd Administrative Officer Dickson to contact Mr, Hart and ascertain the reason to remove the curb, Movcd, by Adams, seconded by Ncrberry, that Mr, Hart bc given permission to removc the trccs at his ovrn expanse and pave thc bark :ay or replace thc trees,' Carricd, all Councilmcn present voting nya, COMMUNICATION FRO:ITEE FE➢ERAL WORKS AGENCY was rcad, rcquesting the City to procurc insurance coverngc of 55,200100 on thc 1144 Community Bldg, Mayor Fritz suggested that a letter be written informing them of the present coverage and inquire thy such a high figure, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Thatcher, that thc letter be written, Carried, all Councilmen present voting nye, APPLICATION FROM FLOYD W, GINPT was rend, requesting permission to install underground gasoline storage tanks for a service stntion on the Southwest corner of 24th Street and Highland Ave, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the request be referred to Firc Chicf Bird, with power to recto Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, RESOLUTION N0, 4326 vas rend, authorizing .^ refund of $26,08 to W. E. Pratt for taxes paid on personal property on Assm't L2910 on the 1946-1947 tax roll, as thc taxes were paid on thc unse- cured roll under thc name of Keith's Drive In, Assessor Rogcrs recommended the refund. Moved by Newberry, seconded by Adams, that the Resolution bc adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting nye- ORDINANCE NO /3 l for closing a portion of Fairmont Avenue was presented for the second and final reading. Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Adams, that the hcnring be sct at 8:00 P,M, o'clock on March 4, 1947, in thc Council chambers, Carried, all Councilmen present voting -yc, roved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that only thc heading bc read, Carried, all Council- men present voting aye, ORDINANCE NO, 731 was read, APT ORDINANCE Or INTENTION TO VACATE AND CLOSE A PUBLIC STREET IN THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that the Ordinance be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, COMMUNICATION FROM HCRBERT A, BARNES vas read, relative to chuck holes etc, Administrative Officer Dickson reported that thc matter had been investigated by himself and the St, Supt and that in a telephone conversation Mr, Barnes tins informed of the City's action in the matter, 1145 ADMlINISTRATIVE OfF ICE'2 DICKSON rcported on thc communication he rcceivcd from the San Dicgo Electric Ry Co, in regard to bus fares in National City, SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC CO enclosed a chock for $8,704,83 to covcr the franchisc tax for thc year 1946, Aovcd by Newberry, seconded by Thatcher, that thc check be accepted, Carricd, all Councilmen prcscnt voting aye, SAN DIEGO ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO, enclosed a chcck for $755,24 to cover franchise tax for November and December 1946, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the check bc accepted, Cnrried, all Councilmen prcscnt voting aye, RESOLUTION N0, 4327 was read, authorizing thc employment of Anawalt and Hotchkiss, as rcal estate appraisers to act in behalf of the City of National City in the Tidelands Law Suit for $$1,200,00 each, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the Resolution bc adopted, Carricd all Councilmen prcscnt voting rye, ADMINISTRATIVE OFTICER DICKSON reported that Leo Ellcz wishes to remove throe trees, from his parkway, RESOLUTION N0, 4328 vm.s read, granting Leo Ellcz permission to rcmovc three trees in the parkway on Lots 5-6, Block 1, Victoria Hcights,nnd to pave the arca between thc curbing and sidewalk at his own expense, Moved by Adams, seconded by Thatcher, that the Rcsolution bc adopted, Carried, all Councilmen prcscnt voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON rcported that Rcv, Aposhian requested permission for the Ministerial Assn to crcct church signs at either First or Division Street and Main, RESOLUTION NO, 4329 was read, granting permission to Rev, Aposhian to erect church signs at either First or Division and Main Sts, subject to thc approval of St, Supt, Finnerty and Chicf of Police Bntcs, '.iovcd by Adams, sucondcd by Newberry, that the Rcsolution bc adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, 1146 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON reported that James Allen should be appointed to his new position of Janitor of the Community Building, and City Hall in order to receive his pay check, RESOLUTION_NO, 4330 was read, appointing James Allen as Janitor of the Community Building and City Hall, salary $170,00 per month, effective February 5, 1947, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Adams, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present votin3 aye, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON reported that the kitchen in the Community Building has been newly equipped and the building is now ready for banquet rentals, Mr, Dickson stated he has con- tacted three service clubs and that two and possible three arc agreeable to renting the building for weekly meetings at $30,00 per month on a yearly lease, Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that thc City sign agreements with the service clubs for rental of the Community Building at $30,00 per month with the maximum use of one day per wreck, Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayc, COUIICILMAN ADAMS reported that residents living in Paradise Hills have complained to him that there is no white line on Harbison Avenue, making it difficult to drive in foggy weather, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that Administrative Officer Dickson be authorized to have Harbison Avenue stripcd from Division to 16th Strcct, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, MAYOR FRITZ rcportcd that thc League of California Cities will meet at L^ Mcsr Friday evening and the highway program will bc discussed and would like a large delegation to attend, MAYOR FRITZ rcportcd that he has been approached by several business mcn who request that an alternate sign on Highway 101 be placed at 8th Strcct and National Avenue, Moved by Thatcher, seconded by Cordingly, that r, letter bc written to the State Highway requesting same, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, 1147 Moved by Cordin,ly, seconded by 1cwbcrry, that the mcctin3 be closed, Crrricd all Councilmen prcscnt votin; c.yc, ATTEST: MAYOR , CITY 1iALL CI , C j , 1R1TIA actir