HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947 07-15 CC MIN11 National City, California, July 15, 1947 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Fritz at 7:30 P, M, Councilmen present: Adams, Cordingly; New- berry, Thatcher, Fritz, Moved by Thatcher, seconded by Adams, that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of July 1, 1947, and the adjourned meeting of July 8, 1947, be dispensed with, Carried, all Council- men present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS present: Dickson, Campbell, Smith, BILLS ATITED by the Finance Committee presented: General Fund St, Imp, Fund Park M & I Fund Light, Dist, #1 Snapp, Tax Fund Plan, Com, Fund Payroll TOTAL, o s e o • $ 2,061,82 564,05 176,91 2,88 34,34 ,52 7,352,97 $10,193,49 Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the bills be allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same, Carried, all Council- men present voting aye, REPORT OF THE NATIONAL CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY was presented and ordered filed by Mayor Fritz. COMMUNICATION FROM GEORGE V, JOHNSON was resignation as the Cityts representative read, submitting his on the Couflir Water Authority Board, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that . the resignation be accepted and a letter of appreciation be written to Mr, Johnson, Carried, all Councilmen aye, present voting MAYOR FRITZ suggested the temporary appointment of Delavan J, 12 Dickson to represent the City on the County Water Authority, Attorney Campbell approved Mr, Dickson's appointment from a legal angle, Moved by Newberry, seconded by ^ordingly, that Mr, Dick- son be appointed temporarily to represent the City on the County 'dater Authority. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, COMMUNICATION FROM HERBERT A BARNES relative to the Park Social Club was read, Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that the communication be referred to the Park Supt, Carried, all Council- men present voting aye, COMMUNICATION FROM THE PROGRESSIVE CITIZENS OF AMERICA was read, requesting the Council to urge the Governor to pass legislation on rent control, CO1!LTh'ICATION FROM THE SAM DIEGO C, I, 0, Council was read, re. questing the City Council to urge the Governor to pass legis- lation on rent control, COUNCILMAN ADAMS stated that he attended the meeting of the Progressive Citizens of America and a resolution urging rent control was passed unanimously. Mr, Adams stated that the Government has relinquished the power and it is time for the Municipalities to take up the cause. That he would like to see the Council instruct tho Attorney to draw up an ordinance frees, ins rents in National City as of June 30th, Mayor Fritz asked, "what right have we as a City, and how would we police it?" Councilman Newberry asked if the enforcement wouldn't be pro- hibitive and thought it would take a crew of people months to set up the records, Attorney Campbell stated that the Housing Expeditor will turn over files to any one in authority, Council- man Thatcher thought it should be a state function, Councilmen Adams asked if the Council would send a communication to the 13 Governor requesting the adoption of some form of rent control for the State. Moved by Adams, acconded by Cordingly, that the Council send a message to Governor Warren requesting the Gov- ernor to call a special session of tha Legislature to enact a rent control law, Councilman Newberry stated that he :-could not vote for such a motion but would approve a motion requesting the Governor to explore the advisability of adopting a rent control act, Councilman Adams and Cordingly withdrew their motion, Moved by Adams, seconded by Cordingly, that the Council request the Governor to explore the advisability ;,8 the adoption of a rent control act, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM THE CIVIL SERVICE COLIMISSION was read, certifying three names from the eligibility list for the position of Patrolman for the Police Department, Mayor Fritz ordered the communication filed, RESOLUTION NO, 4441 was read, authorizing the appointment of Milton Ralph Hunter to the position of probationary patrolman salary $185,00 per month, effective July 16, 1947, as recommend- ed by Chief of Police Bates, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Coun- cilmen present voting aye,. RESOLUTION NO, 4442 was read, authorizing the salary of Henry L, Mounteer to be increased to $235,00 per month, effective August 1, 1947, the second year of service being completed, as recommended by Chief of Police Bates, Moved by Newberry, second- ed by Cordingly, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, RESOLUTION NO, 4443 was read, authorizing the appointment of 14 Wesley Malcolm as probationary Fireman, effective June 29, 1947, salary $185,00 per month, as rco,mmcrdod by Fire Chief Bird, Moved by Cordingly, seconded b;; Yerbt rry, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen pree nt voting aye. COMlUQNICATION FROM THE CIVIL SERVICE COiti1SSION was read, recol. mmending that a temporary increase of $10,00 per month be given to each employee, pending further study of pay schedules in other communities of comparable size and a study of funds avail. - able for permanent schedules, The increase to be retroactive to July 1, 1947, RESOLUTION N0, 4444 was read, authorizing a temporary increase of $10,00 per month to each employee, retroactive to July 1, 1947, as recommended by the`Civil Service Commission, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, COMMUNICATION PROM H, R, Mendenhall, 729 "G" Street, was read, requesting permission to remove a palm tree in the parkway, Mays or Fritz requested Adminiatrative Officer Dickson to investigate the tree and ascertain whether it can be used by the City, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that Mr, Mendenhall be allow. ed to remove the tree at his own expense, if the City cannot use the tree, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, APPLICATION BY rULTON SHAW to move a building from Balboa Park to the 1800 Block on East llth,Street, in 80 Acre Lot 1, I Section 129, was read, Moved by Adams, seconded by Cordingly, that the request be granted subject to the compliance with the Building Code and a six months from date completion date. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, 15 -COMMUNICATION FROM ELEVENTH NAVAL DISTRICT was read, requesting 10 an encroachment permit to reconstruct and extend the existing storm drain at 6th Street and Wilson Avenue, Administrative Officer Dickson recommended that the request be granted as the existing structure is about 12 inches above the road, RESOLUTION NO, 4445 was read, granting an encroachment permit to the Eleventh Naval District to reconstruct and extend the exist- ing storm drain at 6th Street and Wilson Avenue, which is recom- mended by Administrative Officer Dickson, Moved by Thatcher, seconded by Newberry, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, APPLICATION FROM SAM A, CLAGGETT, County Tax Collector, toehold a County tax sale was read, on the following Lots: Lots 3, Block 215; Lot 7, Block 215; Lot 20, Block 235; Lot 23, Block 235; all in City Plat, The opening bid was $10,00 each lot, Assessor Rogers recommended that the City reject the bid, RESOLUTION NO, 4446 was read, rejecting the opening bid of $10,00 for County Tax Sale on the following Lots: Lot 3, Block 215; Lot 7, Block 215; Lot 20, Block 235; Lot 23, Block 235; all in City Plat, And that the City of National City not participate in the tax sale, as recommended by Assessor Rogers, Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayes RESOLUTION NO, 4447 was read, amending Resolution No, 4400 to read "N 790 59/ 35" E and the radius of which is 388,13 feet, Moved by Thatcher, seconded by Newberry, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Counoilmen present voting aye, ORDINANCE NO, amending the parking ordinance was presented, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Adams, that only the heading be 16 iL. 4 Y 'read`; Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ORDINANCE NO, 735 vas read, AN O:mDINA1:CE Ai:UMDING ORDINANCE NO, 562 OF THE CITY 01+ NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA ENTITLED "AN ORD, INANCE LIMITING THE TI?E FOR PAR 77, Oil PORTIONS OF NATIONAL AVENUE A.ND PORTIONS OF EIGHTH ST i L r I"? CLID CITY, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLtTIO1T THL'REOF," Moved by Newberry, sec- onded by Adams, that the Ordinance be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ORDINANCE NO an ordinance of intention to vacate and close a public alley, adjacent to Lots 1 and 10 of Irving Place was presented for the first reading. Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that only the heading be read, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, O'DINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE OFF INTENTION TO VACATE AND CLOSE A PUBLIC ALLEY IN THE CITY 02 NATI)NAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, was read. Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that the Ordinance be introduced and laid over, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON reported on the request of Roy S, Emory, 911 Melrose Street, to remove two trees in the park- way of his business property at 1436 Highland Avenue, and recommended that the request be granted with the provision that Mr, Emory pave the parkway with Portland cement or asphalt, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that Mr, Emoryts re- quest be granted as per the recommendation of Mr, Dickson, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE 02PICER DICKSON reported on the petition for the installation of a street light at loth Street and Harding Avenue, which had been referred to himself and Fire Chief Bird, Mr, Dickson and Mr, Bird recommend that a 400 watt light be installed,, 17 Moved by Adams, seconded by Cordingly, that the light be installed as recommended, Carried, all Cout.ciimen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DIC'CON r.:cueg..Ad that the, minutes of June 17, 1947, be amended Co ine.,,ae s re4o ttior accepting the Engineer's'report on Lighting Dercree- el, I'ovsu by Thatcher, seconded by Cordingly, that the minutes be amended as per Mr, Dickson's request, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE OJs'ICER DICKSON presented the proposed contract with the San Diego Seat Co, Mr, Everding, 1329 Cleveland Avenue, representative of Morgan & Everding, was present and stated that their Company is a local concern and would like to place benches at bus stops throughout the City with their own adver- tising on them, Mr, Everding stated that they were not in a position to offer the City any remuneration but for every three benches they placed, a bencn would be placed in thc City Park as the Park is without benches. Moved by Newberry, seconded by Adams, that the request be laid over for further study, Carried, ,all Councilmen present voting aye, Mayor Fritz referred Mr, Everding to Administrative Officer Dickson, COUNCILMAI' THATCHER stated that thc Clerk's and Treasurer's salaries should be revamped as they have been the same for the last twenty years, and wants one straight salary paid to each Official, Administrative Officer Dickson gave a resume of the salaries paid in Coronado, Chula Vista and Oceanside, Council- man Newbc:ry stated that thc trend is to discontinue any per- centages. The advisibility of the County doing the assessing and tax collecting was also discussed, Councilman Adams stated that he thinks the Council should merge the Park and Street Department, Attorney Campbell reported that according to the Ordinances on record, the City should appoint a bandmaster and 18 a weigh master, RAY STERNS, 327 'lest 12th Street, was present and requested per- mission to remove a pepper tree in his parkway between his and the neighbors driveway, which is an area of about four feet, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that Er, Sterns be granted permission to remove the tree at his own expense, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, WILMA JARVIS, 1715 E, Sth Street, was present in regard to the petition that was presented to the Council July 1st, requesting the City to clean the storm drain on the North side of 8th Street in Paradise Valley, Administrative O'ficer Dickson stated that the drain is on private property, that the utility mains cross through the drain, making it impossible to use :.quipment to do the work, Mr, Dickson further stated that he plans to contact the County and City of San Diego to make a study of the drainage problem in this arca as most of the water drains from County and San Diego City property, It was agreed that Mr, Dickson follow through on this problem, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the meeting be closed, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ATTEST: MAYTI, CITY OP NATIONAL CITY, C I2DRi IA