HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947 03-18 CC MIN1157 National City, California, arch 18, 1947 Regular meeting of the City Council called to orciLr by .layor isitz at 7:30 P, «d, Councilmen present: Adams, Cordingly, Newberry, Thatcher, 'ritz, Moved by Adams, seconded by Cordin;Ly, that the reading of the min- utes of the regular meeting of 'arch 4, 1947, be dispensed 'ith, Carried, all councilmen present votinu aye, DMINISTRATIVE 0 7ICIALS present: Smith, Dickson, Gautereaux,Camp- ell, Rogers, ILLS AUDITED by the 'inance Committee presented: General 7und $ 3,311,25 3t, Imp,^und 447,17 Park M & I 'und -85,65 Plan, Com, Fund 357,81 Unapt, Tax :?und 21,38 1946 Serer 2und 308074 Payroll 'und 6,697,29 TOTAL �11,229,29 Toyed by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the bills be alloned nd warrants ordered drawn for same, Carried, all Councilmen pros- nt voting aye, PORT 07 THE PLAI:'ING COr:=I3SIoN eras read, malcing the following ecommcndations: J. 8. Clara iris•rell a six months permit to perate a zeal estate office in the residonce at 1612 Ttachci Avenue; fie L, 3kogland a year extension to operate a boarding home at 216 5th Street; the petition of S C Zox was denied to operate a eet metal shop on Lots 13-14, Block 116, City Plat, =loved by cwberry, seconded by Cordingljt, that tie r snort be accepted, cried, all Councilmen voting aye, 1158 '3E30L'JTION NO, 4336 months to J, r, and in the residence at was read, ranting a zone variance for six Clara ,'ris"ycll to operate a real estate of2icc 1612 'zachcl Avcnuc, on thc 3 50' of N100' of Lots 224-225 Lincoln Acres Annex No, 2, ''cetion 107, i'iovcd by Cordingly, seconded by Adams, that the -solution bc ado-tcda Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, '1:SOLUTION NO, 4337 was read, authorizing thc extension of one year of thc zone variance to Effic Skosland to o5crate a rest home at 2216 5th Strcet, period to end 'cbruary 19, 1948, :ovcd by Thatcher, sccondcd by Ecwbcrry, that thc -;,.solution be ;-anted, Carried. a/1 Councilmen Drescnt voting aye, CO1vuiUiTICATION 70 r -T, E, LACK was rcad, tendering his resignation C'lairman of thc Traffic Commission dovcd by Cordingly, sccond- cd by Ncwbcrry, that the request bc accepted carried, all Council- n prcscnt voting ayc, 0WiT7iYICATION '10M DIVISION 0' nIii?' AYS was rcad, : clativc to the ity's rccucat to nLacc a si;n at 8th Street and National Avcnuc, San Diego via Main Strc..t", Which T-r.s disapproved on the State :i3hway, Councilman Newberry thought it was a nroblcm of the raffic Commission and the Chamber of Commerce, Administrative fiocr Dickson thought the sign would not bc beneficial as it ould have to be placed so far north of 8th Street that thc traffic ould not bc able to sec it bcfo:c thcy make thc turn, Moved by `cmbcrry, accondcd by Thatcher, that thu matter be referred to he Chamber of Co,mnorcc, Carried, all Councilmen prcscnt voting yc, 0.77NICATI)N .1R0;I HERNEY & HERNEY, representing Clarence E. and orris L, '4orris, was rcad, requesting the City's plan for dispo- ition of thc Ex -Mission lands annexed by thc City, as thc orris' rc negotiating to nurchasc same for Subdivision purposes, if the 1159 City docs plan to use the lands for an airport. Administrative Gfficcr Dickson reported that Govcrnment funds for airports arc Hatching funds and recommended t.iat thc City discontinue all negotiations to acquire this property, since thc cost 'ouLd be cx- ccssivc, •dayor 'ritz stated that the citiz, ns and C ia•mbcr of onnncree believe this is our last chcacc to accuirc an airport, ouncilman Adams statcd thr,t he didn't believe thc. City nceds an irport enou,h to spcnd large sums of City :Money" Councilman crry statcd that th, City has spent a lot oa time. on the dcal and ccls the City is ,justified in stopping negotiations as thc ,{awn others have not fulfilled their promises, ,roved by Newberry, sc- ondcd by Thatchcr, tint Administrative Of t iccr Dickson's rccom- cndation be accepted and all negotiations be stoppcd, Carried, 11 Councilmen present voting; ayc, ESOLUTIOI'T NO, 4338 was read, authorizing a refund of 45,00 to cr;;uson's •ood ?hrkcts, 4281 Aclton itrect, San Diego, on a busi- css license as recommended by Chief. 3atcs, Moved by Adams, sc- ondcd by Cordingly, that th.. 'csol Lion be adopted, Carricd, ell ouncilmen present voting ayc., 01E7L ICt:TIO1T ,r101: TJP. OLIVE )0D J T_'I)RS Ai D TrLE FAII3'AL CITY OOT:DI}ATIYG C rYCIL was read, requesting free rental of thc Com- unity Building for the Tecna;e Club which is being organized, s, Thomas Crovrnovcr v's present on behalf of th.. Club, Adminis- rativc. )fficer Dickson stated that thc rcesucst places the City n a difficult position as the Lincoln Acres Teenage Club pays cntal tor the building, Councilman Thatcher stated that it is worthwhile organization but it would brcak down our policy to give free rent, Councilman Nc'-rbcrry suggested that th.. Tc..n:;crs ontact the Service Clubs and have them sponsor thc Club until :ley get organized, Mrs, Crownover agrc d to take the matter up ath the Scrvicc Clubs, 1160 RESOLUTION NO, 4339 was read, accepting County checks, as recommend- ed by irank Rogers, City Asscssor, as follows on County tax salts: Salt '4417, .v30,76; salt 714427, ',i22,74; dale 4494, '4'7,85, irovcd by Cordin;ly, sccondcd by Thatcher, that the ncsolution be adopted, ESOLTTTION NO, 4340 was read, authorizing thc amending of Contract u244s-39385 with the Naval Supply Depot -San Diego, in order to hange the billing and authorizing iiayor Gilbcrt E, 'ritz to sip': n behalf ' of thc City, 'iovcd by Thatchcr, sccondcd by Cordingly, hat the Resolution be adopted, Carricd, all Councilmen present oting aye, ITY CLERK ROGERS reported tnat 3, ,, Gr_(nbcrg has off_rcd to cttic 0356,31 on the quiet title suit filed against thc City on ots 18-19-20-21-22-23, Block 1, National Avcnuc Tcrracc Sub„ thich is the full amount of delinquent t'xcs against thc nroperty, Roved by Newberry, sccondcd by Thatcncr, that thc offcr be accepted, ubject to casements for scwer trunk lincs and authorizing Attorney ampbcll to start negotiations, Carricd, all Councilmen present oting aye, O;.na ICATION 2'D;3 SAN DIEGO SEAT ADV RTISING CO, was rend, requssf- ng a contract with the City to place concrete orn-mental scrts at he bus stops, and pay thc City 4,00 per month per scat carrying ,dvcrtising, for thc first hundred scats, 100,75 per scat for the ccond hundrcd and ',S0,50 per scat for the third hundrcd, and " 0,25 cr scat for L11 ovcr three hundred, hyor ritz suggested that dministrativc Officer Dickson get a cony of thc Jan Diego contrast rath this company rnd trcscnt it at the ncxt meeting, 4INISTRATIVE OTTICER DICKSJN recoimncndcd boulevard stops be laced on 4th Strc_t entering Palm Avcnne, 1161 RESOLUTION NO, 4341 r--s rc-d, uthorizin3 t'ic Strcct Department to :dace boulevard stops on 4th Strc..t i.t Palm Avcnuc, Moved by Adams, sccondcd by Thatcher, that the `esolation be -adopted, C-rri..d, all Juncilmcn pres,.nt voting ^-yc, LIt-IST"ATIVE 0 ICER DIG-C3aN pr,.scntcd the proposed 1Lasc- ;rcc- cnt with the Crsr, dc 3alud, ESOLUTION D'0, 4342 was reed authorizing . lease -agreement with rasa: de Salud for the City owned building ^and prcniscs at thc outhvwcst corncr of Hardin; Avenue mnd 14th Strut, for a period f tcn-yc-rs, subject to a sixty-day canccli-.tion c1--osc and pro- idin3 for thc Casa dc S-1 ud to pay mrintemr.ncc mnd repair costs nd the City to pay utility bills, In tl,e event the City exercises hc canccllmtion clmusc, thc Cas-'. would be reimbursed for outlay n the building on . fair valuation pro-rata basis for the Length f time thc Leasc would be in existence, and repairs arc not to cccd a totml of 4;5000,00; ''t.yor 'ritz being authorized to sign hc agreement on behalf of the City of Y- tionr.l City, IttISTRATIVE DIC-"S)N reported on thc insurance on City uildings and recommended that the insurance be incremscd from 5,270,00 to $8,000,00 per policy and that each sourteen insurance rokers issuc a policy Mayor " •itz su ;gcstcd that Tor, Dickson otlfy 'thc brokcrs of this incrc-'se, SOLUTION NO, 4343 rrs read, authorizing an incre,^.sc in the insur nee to M12,000,00 on City buildings and alloring each of the ourtccn insur-.ncc brokcrs in the :ity man )8,000,00 policy, "ovcd y Cordingly, sccondcd by Adams, thmt -chc -'.3olation be adopted, arricd, all Co ncilmL.n nrescnt voting myc, �icIr I3T:RATIVE 0 ':'ICIIt DIC CGON rc ortcd on thc mcctin; bctv'ecn thc ouncil and the employees Ass'n in regard to retirement, ':ry by cv;bcrry, seconded by Thatcher, th,t cur, Dickson be authorized to 1162 make applic-tian :or thc rcttrcment system. C^.rricd, all Councilmen prcscnt voting ayc, ADMINISTRATIVE ) 'IC R DIC CSON reported on the tidcl-nde, -and re- commended the-ppraisal of thc remaining tidcl•nds -nd the 100 mcrcs Forth of Tavares,-T_ovcd by Nurberry, s„conded by Thatcher, th'--t Attorncy C xipbcll bc muthorizcd to ncgotir,tc for three annr-is- ^.ls On the 26 acme and :.no 'pprrisr.ls on the 100 acres, and re- port to the ,Thuncil, Carricdt all Councilmen prcscnt voting aye, ATTORNEY CAT'TBELL rcportcd thmt thc Govcrnment admits the greatest defeat they have ever suffered in thc condemnation suit on thc City tidclmnds cease, ATTORNEY CAP,MPBELL reported on thc 24th Street closing suit which the City lost, ir. Campbell stated that talc City c n either appeal or condemn, or both, "nd st-tcd the cost of ^.pascal would not ex- cccd $500,00, RESOLUTIOIT YO, 4344 rr--s read, dcclaring thc opening of 24th Strcct bctwcen Cleveland and Harrison Avcnucs a public necessity and to thc best intcrests of thc citizens of iT. tionnl City` authorizing Attorncy Campbell to proceed with condcmn-tion Drocc:dings to ac- curc the opening of said Strcct, ^[ovcd by Thatcher, seconded by I'cwbcrry, that t-ic '3csolJtion be r.doptcd, Cr.rricd, ^.11 Councilmen present voting aye, 'ESOLUTION ITO, 4345 :--as rand, authorizing the tcn orary tppointm.nt of James ;Tiller as Junior Park Gardener, salary $170,00 per month cffectivc :larch 10, 1947, as recommended by Park Supt, Gr.ut:rcaux4 Moved by Cordinely, seconded by Ncv;bcrry, that tht Pcsolution bc -:doptcd, Carried, .311 Councilmen _DrLscnt voting aye, .ESOLUTIJN NO, 4346 was re-d, authorizing thy. temporary ^.pnointmcnt of Firs, Ruth Kaufman for fifteen days, salary $140,00 per month, cffcctivc ?larch 18, 1947, as recommended by Administrrtivc Officer Dickson to fill in the vacation period trkcn by Blanchc Dorn, Moved by Cordingly, acconr'ed by Newberry, tint the Rcsot"tion be rdoptcd, C',rricd, -11 Councilmen present voting -.ye, 1L63 ED'vARD ARTHUR, 111 E, 5th ktreet, vns present in rogmrd to thc rainmgc problem in t'hr.t are-, TTORNEY CAIPBELL reported thmt the storm dr-.in work could bc.donc ndcr the 1911 act -nd would t^,kc approximately six months to com- letc, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Thatcher, th^t the matter c referred to Administrmtiv: Officer Dickson mnd Engineer Irclrnd o check the district, Carr:cd, all Councilmen present voting .yc, TTORNEY CAITPBELL reported on thc ch^nces as to whether the Govern- cnt will ^ppeml or ask fora new trit1 in the condemnation suit, ovcd by Cordingly, seconded by Thatcher, that the meeting be losed, Carried, all -Councilmen present voting -.yc, TTEST: MAYOR, CITY )E NATIONAL CIflf'ALI.ORiTIA C TY