HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947 05-06 CC MIN1187
Na c- r): J. City Cal r'ornia, May 6, 1947
?egular meetin,; o_ tie City Council pas called to order by Mayor
Fritz at 7:30 P, M, Coung.it;:c . present: Adams, Cordingly, Nevi -
berry, Thatcher, Tritz,
Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the readin; of the
minutes of the regular meetin; of the City Council of April 15,
1947, and, the .adjourned meeting of April 29, 1947, be dispensed
with, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICALS present: Campbell, Dickson, Smith, Van-
sant, Gauteraux, Rogers,
BZLLS'AMDITED by the Finance Committee presented:
'General Fund $4, 466,19
St Imp Fund 1,544,56
Park M & I Fund 303,50
Light, Dist, #1 32,65
Unapp, Tax Fund 184,79
Plan, Com, Fund 219,45
1946 Sewer Fund 363,01
TOTAL, , , , , 4 , $7,114,15
'Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the bills be al/,owed
and warrants ordered drawn for same, Carried, all. Councilmen
present voting aye,
Ins, JACK- T'ADLEY; 1224 East 24th Street, was4present and;,zregnest-
ed that boulevard stop be'instaLled at 24th Street-a4d,L Avenue
as it is insafe for children to be playing. in. the yards. of their
hoMes due to the accidents at that intersection:. Moved, by New-
berxy. seconded -by Adams, that the request. be, referred to the
Cli.ef o: Police _to investigate the situatio,. vita the view of the
installat on of a stop. Carried, all Councilmen present voting
AP'LICkTIOF 02'r, E, OLSON-to move in a buibding fromt.the,Martne;,
Base to :4thvStrcet'and N Avenue, was read.. Moved by Adams,
seconded by Tenberryi'that the permit,, be granted with the
provisions' that the beildiug be r ugl]t ;tp tJ specifications,
Carried; ail Councilmen present votin; aye,
E, T, SCHAEER; 640 J Avenue, was present and requested permission
to move•inia duplex to 821 Nast 4th Street, 'ayor Fritz su;Iest-
ed that:the request be laid o--er until the next meeting so that
.'the fanny be in for the Council,
COW"IUNICATI)N :'RJM R, 0, BATES, ;.Fire Dept„ was. read,_ requesting
.leis. -vacation. fr.om_May 17th to- 31st invlusive, with additional
leave otabsence=from- June-1• to-14th, inclus ive, coved- by -New-
berry,- second%& -by Cbrdingly, that -the vacation be ;ranted. and
the,additional'leave of absence without pay be authorized,
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,
'COMMUNICATION 7R011 J, B, JOi-iFSTONE, 1940 Highland Avenue, was
read, requesting permission to remove -trees in the parkway,
Moved by Cordingly, seconded bsr Newbe:ry, that Mr, Johnstone
appear before the Council and Street Superintendent Finnerty
"investigate the situation, Carried, all Councilmen present
voting aye,
RESOLUTION NO, 4379 was read, accepting an agreement with the
Division._of T-Iig_iways for the expenditure of the j' cent gas tax
allocation -for the period. ending June_30,..1947, and authorizing
Mayor Gilbert E, Tritz to sign on behalf' of. the City,. Moved by
Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the.Resol.ution be adopted,
Ca- J i cd, all Councilmen present votin; aye,
?ESOL7Ti0W LTO, 4380 vas read. rescinding that portion -of
Rcsol-LL.,n No, 4295 accepting a 3ran,t.deed,irom.,Bernard,,J, and
Fhyil is nn Banlce for street purposes -only; and accepting an-
et:an• ;t'anL dec.d from Bernard J, and Phyllis 14, Bankc with the
corrrctej foLeowing description: 640• of N55,98'- of Lot 3,
B1Dek 1, Paradena Park, Nat'l Rancizo for street purposes only,
Movcd by YTcaberry, seconded by CordLn;Ly, that t.h Resolution
be adoptc,d. Carricd, all Councilmen present voting aye,
IlAYOR FRITZ announccd that bids will be opened at t'is time on
thc pressure sewer, Bid of Carroll & uostcr, 626,840,00, and
in atdition, rock bae':fill at :J4,50 per ton and Redwood pipe
supports at ;s270,00 per thoisand board f t, Ass't En,inccr
Smith stated that the Engineer's cstimatc was $10,000,00 Movcd
by Cordin;ly, sccondcd by Newberry, that the bid be Laid ovcr
for investigation,. Carricd, all Councilmen prcscnt voting ayc.
and investment of City funds, was rcad, .:ovcd by Newberry,
"seconded by Adams, that the communication bc referral to the
2inancc Committce, the Treasurer and C1crk. Carricd, all
Councilmen prcscnt voting ayc,
ORDITA::CE TO, was introduced for thc construction of sidc-
walks and curbs, lRovcd by P`cwbcrry, seconded by Adams, that
only.+ tac hcadinj be read, Carricd, all Councilmen prcscnt
voting aye,
NOS, 341, 516'and 530, '"ovcd by Adams, seconded by Newberry,
that thc 0rdirance bc laid over until the next mcctin; for the
second and final reading, Carricd, all Councilmen prcscnt voting
CJML_'TAYCE ITC, cstabi is_sin; curb elevations, guttcr depths,
and width of sidewalks, vas -introduced for the first reading,
T'ov:.d by Adams, sccondcd by Newberry, that only the heading bc
rcad, Carricd, all Councilmcn_present._votin; aye,
EST/RLISAI:;G A P:?I't'L BENC .11_RK: Pr' )VIDI1 C: T -IT ALL 1.' •'I',I L
G7LDES S 11.7 , BE DE:C=?IP:' ''ITi :Ed'.711.;1:1, TO SAID O _'ICIAL DATJ
LI1E: ESTi2LI3 ,1' CTtB ,i J ,1'_ ,1•. _.FL } TTTF' Dr•?THC AND
TI`E ' BOTH J_' SIDE'.I-:3 I': THE CITY J ' ?'.L I ).1:L CITY, CI, ,I 'OIL Ir.,
LIT REPEALING ORDI7•,AIXES NOS, 8, 18, 76, 105, 346, 407, 438, 472
and 505 07 3LID CITY, :roved by ::,'."s , °s, canded by Cordin,Ly,
that tiie 0-'dinancc be laid ov.- „• th,. c )nJ ,nd fir .1 r c1iny,.
Carried, all Councilmen °resent votin, aye:,
RESOLTTTIOP YO, 4381 was read, accont.n; the -itans and specifi-
cations for the Memorial Bowl, Moved by Newberry, seconded by
Adams, that the Resoluti)n be adcpted, Carried, all Councilmen
present votin_; aye.
FOTICE 02 HEARING of the Pacific Telephone and Tele3raph Co. for
May 12tn at 10:00 A. ^I, in the Commission Courtroom, State BLd3 „
Los Angelcs, to increase rates, was read and ordered filed.
CO'7.IUI:ICATI )1 2R):: J, L, }3'.IRI{HOLDER, Water Authority, was read,
su33estin_; t at National City and Chula Jista draft a Letter to
the Water Authority, authorizing them to nc gotiate with the City
of San Die,;o for water to the cities startin'; about October and
continuin; until the Colorado River water is available. Moved
by Newberry, seconded by Cordin;ly, that _layor r'ritz be author-
ized to sin the communication and that the 'later Authority
negotiate with the City of San Dic jo for water to the City,
Cer_icd, all Co'tnci linen present votin ; aye,
,-, .
,OLiJTL0t" T'0, 4.',82 was read, ,hut 'orizin,;, the apPoirtmcnt of
Thelma L, Patterson, as cLcrk to the Administrative Officer and
Purci:^.str ; ;cnt, salary A40.00 per month, effective _:ay 1,
1247, as recommended by Administrative 0: -Leer Dickson, Moved
Cordi„;L,;, ;econdcd by Newberry, that the. -c:csolution be
adopted. Carri.d, all Councilmen 'nr,ficnt votin; aye,
ISIr:ATIC. ) ICE': DI::',C)17 reported that thu City's Loader
-;d bro!c:n in t o, atthou-;h it has been repaired, it may L•_•it
year, or only a day, and ail.;;csted that ti,c City purcUasc a
new Loader, ,r, Dick ;on reported that Je had cea+.cehed and
i ound a "Scoopmobilc" •rtv? l L.'.hLc for a- ro; imntrLy ��:, 124, 24;
7ES0tUTI ); NO • 4383 was read n,c. c :ur ' z i •Purchasing Agent
Dickson to advertise for bid: to luIrchaee a loader of the Scoop -
mobile type, Paved by Adams, seconded 5y Cordingly, that the
Resolution be adopted. Carc'.cd• m11 Councilmen present votin, aye,
AD I'' IST^•ATIvz O,TIC?fl DIC cSOT . op ort y, tnat tae City 1s in need
of a street marking iac::ine and AP:, found m 'Spies: Du-A11
Sprayer" available for ,40'9 90, :uB, 1111wNi ui±Cec, 713COnh1n.
'ESOL'TIOF' P'0, 4384 was rend. authorizing Purchasing Agent Dic!--
son to purchase a "Spiess Du -All Strayer" for4499,90, 1(3B,
Milwaukee, isconsin, Moved by Newberry, seconded',by Cordingly,
that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present
voting "ye.
ADMIFISMDATIVE 0:PICER DICKSON renortcd on the San Diego Sect
Advertising Company's proposed offer. Moved by Adams, seconded
by T'ewbcrry, that Altorncy Campbell draw up mn algreement.
Carried, •r L1 Councilmen present voting -yc.
JSYI'nIST'ATIVE 02)ICE". DICKSON reported that quiet title suit
hts been filed on the property south of the Park on 14th Street
tnd the interested party is willing to nay off the bonds thc City
bolds against this property -•nd give mL» tL ct iii deed to Jame
otter property thc City nas filed quiet title action on Moved
by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that Attorney Campbell
negotiate on tills deal, Carried, i11 Councilmen present voting
;YJOTTtTTO'l PLO, 4385 was read •:uthorizln3 th._ payment of 4490.00
c,ric G. Zcllner for thc transcript of the trial of U. S,
vs c•_rtain parcels of trnd in the City of P.-tiona L City, Jcbru.ry
17th :0 27th, Liovcd by Adams, seconded by Cordingly, thrt chc
Pcsol!tion be adopted, Carried, all CnanciLicn present voting .ye,
TTO^.!EY CA-TBELL presLnted a st-t _(Acnt of R,.t. 1_Lc, Campbell 8(
C-.mpbc11 :or LcIal 3crviccs on iidCLaad3 Condom tion Actloi, in
the amount of 137, 50C,00, 'iov; i by Ncwbcrry, that the rcgc'cst
be ,allowed, Councilman Ad-ms rc.qui_strd Lhat it bL laid over
cts he had no 2dvan' e notice an(' th.3:',:.t : i s,,emcd rather large.
Ftmyor 'ritz asked Counciun7 P'cwbcrry to report on thc history
o._' the c-,se, Councilman Newb:rry stated that action was started
in 1942 ,nd that the case had been in State: Courts five times,
-,nd in Jcdcral Courts fivc times, Councilman Adams requested
mn itemized account, Councilman Newberry stated that the time
the, ease opcncd, thL attorneys had offered to take the ease for
20% of the r'vtrd which would h-vc amounted to :.bout Q125,000,00,
but t':e attorneys agrLcd not to 7o th",t high and to w-.it until
the: case was finished before requesting any payment. Councilman
Adams questioned thc additional amount, stating the Attorney i3
working on a straight salary, ;,i, C, PATTERSON was pres,.nt and
stated at this point that he "didn't think the City Attorney
should be paid dime and 2 Council ''.s no better than crooks
thrt voted to pay tint amount," Mayor 7' itz st.ttcd t:1..t he
"thought the _tcm should be p,.id, Councilman Thatcher stated
that "the City hircd the Attorney So do a job and he did it wc11
and thought it should be paid," . CouncilmLn ..dams stated
attorneys could be hired for :n.00,00 a day during a trial. C
Patterson stated that PPr, Adams should '.now as he had m Lot of
exEc.ricnee:, Moved by Adams taat thc bill bcc. L'.id over until the
ncsc'' mcetin7, Councilman Newberry sta.tud t.i`.t "we have
o-.nl.1rrtion and 1 am convinced t •.t it is :. just account,"
Co Ptttorson .,ta.ted that the "Council is worst. than Jessc
&oved by i'cwbcrry, seconded by T.1"tcher, that tnc bill
b.. Irid up to datr,
7T;30LT;TI)1 1,0, 4355 vr.s read, authorizing thL payment of
37,500,00 to attorneys '+,tell, Campbctl & Campbell for 1cga1
services on Tidelands Condemnation Action, 'loved by Dewberry,
seconded by Thatcher, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried,
' by the following vote to -wit: Ayes: Nowbcrry, Tnttcher, 2ritz,
Nays: Adams, Cordin;ly,
RESOL'TTI.ON NO, 4387 was r.j'd, rtuthorizin; the payment to Hal
G. Hotchkiss of $1,200.00 for testimony and appraisal services
in the condemnation proceedings, Moved by Adams, seconded by
Newberry, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Council-
men present votin3 aye.
RESOLUTION NO. 4388 was read, authorizing the payment to H,
Philip Anewalt of $1,200.00 for testimony and appraisal services
in the condemnation proceedings, Moved by Adams, seconded by
Newberry, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Council-
men present voting aye,
ATTORNEY CAMPBELL presented a statement from Edwin A. Mueller
for $10,000.00 for appraisal services, Moved by Thatcher,
seconded by Newberry, that the request be laid over, Carried,
all Councilmen present votin3 aye.
ATTORNEY CMPBELL reported on the Metropolitan Water District.
Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the meeting be
closed, Carried, all Councilmen present votin3 aye,