HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947 05-20 CC MIN11J4 National City California, May 20, 1947 Regular meeting of the City Council was called o order by Mayor Fritz at 7:30 F. M, Councilmen present: Adams, Cordingly, New- berry, Thatcher, Fritz. Moved by Adams, seconded by Cordingly, that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 6, 1947, be dispensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE OJFICALS present: Smith, Dickson, Gautereaux, Campbell, Rogers, BILLS AUDITED by the Finance Committee presented: General Fund 42,138.04 St, Imp. Fund 640.45 Park M & I Fund 411.53 1946 Sewer Fund 445,83 Unapp, Com. Fund 220,93 Plan, Com, Fund 50.00 Payroll Fund 6.824.70 TOTAL $p50, 731.48 Moved by Adams, seconded by Cordingly, that the bills be allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, REPORT PROM THE PLANNING COMIfSSION was read, reporting that the petition of Stella B. Kammerer to -operate a rest home at 240 East Division Street, had been denied. Moved -by Newberry, seconded by Thatcher, that the report be accepted.. Carried, all Councilmen pre..ent voting aye. COMMDNICATIODT i'ROM CITY ENGINEER TRELQND was read, recommending that the bid of Carroll & Foster in the amount of `,$26,840.00 be accepted for construction of a 16 inch pressure sewer line on 6th Street. RESOLUTION N0. 4389 was read, accepting the bid of Carroll & Foster in the amount of $26,840.00 to construct a 16 inch 1195 pressure sewer line on St: Street ana author' ;rg Aitcrn�y Campbell to draw up a contract. loved by New -Jerry, seconu"d Adams, that the Resolution be adopted, Carriec' , Ill Counc:lr1Lr present votin'; aye COMMUNICATION TRO:: THE CALIFOR:In ""TER & Tx' EP:.ONE CO, was read, agrecin;, to assume any charges incurred by the City in the ex- change of Colorado River "'ator for water from thc City of San Diego system. COMMUNICATION FROM DOROTHY JENSEN was read, requesting the operation of the concession at the swimming pool again this year, Park Supt. Gautereaux vras present and stated that the pool office has been remodeled and the quarters so much smaller that he is in favor of the City having the check stand under City control. Councilman Newberry didn't approve of the City building a structure for the concession. ?Cr. Gautereaux recommended that a contract be drawn outlining the duties of Mrs, Jensen and controlling the sale of merchandise. Moved by Newberry, seconded by Thatcher, that Park Supt. Gautereaux and Administrotivo Oificcr Dickson draw up thc contract. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. APPLICATION 02 G, "'1, DIETRICX to :-love in a house from 1472 Lincoln Avenue, San Dicgo, to the Sz of SE+, ex, St., 40 Acre Lot 2, * Section 132, was read. 'loved by Adams, seconded by Cordingly, that the application be granted provided the building is brought up to specifications. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. CO:T:^JNICATION FROII C, 7, VAN3ANT, City Treasurer, was read, enclosing a check for $816.41 for street bonds which the City owned and w ich had been paid in full, :loved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the money be accepted,-- Carri_ed, all Councilmen present voting aye. RESOLUTION NO, 4390 was r,ad, accontir,r u qut. claim at,e 2-cn Estelle C. Levi, Ruth L, Rilbir ilt-herd c,cr1 uLvi apd _,ol,nan George Levi on the follow' ng d' scrib,,d n--ni. c+y: 1 •20. Block Lots 1-20, Block 2; Lots 1-20 BLon: '_; Lets .,-c0, DLo.k 4, all in 10 Acrc Lot 7, t Sectior. L54. 'loved 5y Ncwb,'trv, s condc,l by Cordingly, that the Re$oi :t1on be oont cd. C„r: tee, all Council- men present votinr: aye, CO:.MUNICATION RRO='. C, ,' VA.: ANT, City Treasurer, was read, nros- enting a check in the amount of 4085.40 from paper drivers con- \ ducted by E, J, Christman, to be dcpo.itcd in the War -:cmorial Fund. Moved b; Adams, seconded by Cordingly, that the money bc accepted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. APPLICATION 2110" 7ErT DAVIS, 525 Shasta Drive, Chula Vista, was read, requesting a refund on his business Liccns,,. Chief of Police Bates recommcnd..d a refund of `?12.50, -ovcd by Adams, seconded by Cordingly, that the refund be granted. Carried, all Councilmen present votin; aye. PETITIOI: signed by L1 property owners and merchants was read, requesting tits amendment of thc parking ordinance. to include 13th Strcet between rational t.nd Roosevelt AvLnucs in the one hour parkin_; zonr, , Ilovod by hewbcrry, seconded by Thatcher, t'r,t a survey by the Traffic Comni.,sion bc mad,. of other similar districts so that they may all be included at thc same time, Carried, all Coincil cn present voting ayo. CKLCTC for a500.00 -Jas presented from the National City Lions Club to the City to be used for tn:, employment of a swimming 'instructor at the ;Iunicip:L Pso1 t'ii, ..utimer, "ovcd by Adams, sccond.a. by ITcv.bcrry, that tic check be accebtcd. Carried, all :Judc,iinen nrL.,nt votln- nyc, C0i2IU1'TICATION PRO;T SAP DIJ;GO ELECTRIC RY CO, inviting member., of the Council and th- official fam_ly to participate in a .rce bus ride given by the Company on Tay 31ct, was read and ordered filed, COiLT_UNICATION $RO'I THE SAY DIEGO CJUDTY PAIR was read, requesting permission to hang banners and stencil sidewalk signs advertis- ing the County Jair, Mayor 2ritz suggested that they bc allowed to hang banners under the supervision of the St, Supt, and Bldg. Inspector, Moved by Thatcher, seconded by Newberry, that the Mayor's suggestion bc allowed. Carried, all Councilmcn present voting aye. It now being 8:00 o'clock P, M<ayor Fritz for a power loader, for one "Scoopmobile" priced at the 24% sales tax, was read. bids were ordered opened by Bid of Hudson -Tucker, Inc, $4,085,00 POB San Diego, plus RESOLUTION NO, 4391 was read, accepting thc bid of Hudson -Tucker Inc. for $4,045,00 FOB San Diego, plus sales tax 24% for one "Scoopmobilc ' power loader and authorizing Purchasing Agent Dickson to purchase same, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. EDWIN A, '=UELLER, appraiser, was present ment of $10,000.00 for service rendered in regard to his state - on the tidelands case. I:r,'Itucller outlined his work on the case 'nd stated that his apnraisal of thc tidelands was $7,260.00 per acre, the highest apnraisal presented at thc trial, Councilman Newberry stated that he did not want 'r, Mueller to take his remarks as critic- ism but that Tyr, rucller had agreed to prepare the preliminary report for $2,000.00 Councilman Newberry further stated that the rcport was completed in October 1945, that he had never been 1198 paid mild there was never a s:v;nra -;r,,Htru. Attorney C-mpb'. c stated that Mr. Muelier'i tes t'Ion; \,-s oxce.L! ent ^n1 vile a great help on the case. Councilmac M'tJ of -.tad that the Council was placed in an urfa-r pc s 7 or., T'iat Mr. Mueller "is an expert and we are amateurs" ^.n:'. he should have told the Council of the additional work and there woald be additional charges. T'r. Mueller stated that it was an "unusual deal and involved a tremendous volume of time for the trial." Attorney Campbell stated that Mr. Mueller spent his entire time including night work every night for approximately three weeks before the trial working on this case, ATTORNEY Li0NROE was present and stated that Mr. Mueller spent his entire time working on the case several days before the trial. That it was entirely different than any other case he had tried. On such a case an attorney must have a foundation and evidence or the attorney can do nothing, and 71r. Mueller furnished this requirement. Councilman Thatcher stated that possibly the work Mr. Mueller did warranted that much money but the City had a contract with 4 him. Moved by Adams that 32,000.00 plus 1)100 per day in courts be Mllowed TTr. Mueller. Mayor Fritz stated more money was involved as Et. ::ueller appeared in State Court, had expense on some maps and th.c Federal Court Trial, Attorney Campbell stated that :r. Mueller worked nine days in ,Federal Court, and two days in State Court. Councilman Adams stated he would amend his motion and moved that $3,450,00 be paid Lf. Mueller. Councilman Newberry stated that it is very unpleasant to beat down a bill but the City had a contract with Mr. Mueller. Mr, Mueller stated that he "would rather contribute to the City th.. $3.500.00," "That I have never before been considered unfair," T's, T°ueller thanked the Council, ptc':ed up his brief cast. and departed. 1199 RESOLUTION NO. 4392 was read, ^ut:.an'tzc-g thr payment of 5Y2 000,00 plus $100,00 per day in court, n.'TE •?...C.O0 :.or-�••na tan 7-1Tnn A, Mueller, apnr^iser, Moved by Nev.b?:ry. ceconded by td-um , that the Resolution be adon*cd. Orrrl,c1, :l1 Councilmen present voting aye, ORDINANCE NO. fixing a datum line vas presented for the seconded and final reading. Moved by Newberry, seconded by Adamm, that only the heading be read. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. iftINANCE NO, 733, AN ORDINAlNCE FIXING A DATUM LINE: ESTABLISH; ING A PRIMAL BENCH MARK: PROVIDING THAT ALL OFFICIAL GRADES SHALL BE DESCRIBED WITH REFERENCE TO SAID 02 ICIAL DATUM LIPS: ESTABLISHING CURB ELEVATIONS AND GUTTER DEPTHS AND FIXING THE WIDTH 0P SIDE'ALKS IN THE CITY OF NATI)NAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, AND REPEALING ORDINAITCES NOS. 8, 18, 76, 105, 346, 407, 438, 472 and 505 of SAID CITY. Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cording- 1y, that the Ordinance be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present votin3 ayc. ORDINANCE N0. , providing specifications for the construction of sidewalks and curbs, was presented for the second and final rEnding. Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that only the heading 'ae read. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ORDINANCE NO. 734, AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE :Os:ST' ucTICN or PORTLAND CEMENT CO_?CRL'TE SIDETALTLS AND CURBS 'N TEL CITY 0- 1IATIJNAL CITY. CALI:OT-IA, AND REPEALING 0tDINAN- C2S NCS, 341, 516, and 530. 'loved by Adams, seconded by Ncw- Ler.), thtt the Ordinance be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen prc^ant v)tin; CO'..i.._TUi ICATION 7140,7 flE COUNTY LLAGUE Ole CALIE'OR IA CITIES was read, requesting the cities in the San Diego metropolitan area 1200 to pass a resolution requesting the County Board of Supervisors to finance the study of refuse die-nora_ problems in this area. Mayor Fritz stated this would nrnvidh. for an incinerator, ^.n CT; `_nerr to make a ,st,'dy RESOLUTION NO, 4393 was rcad, arcing the County Board of Super- visors to finance a study of refuse disposol problems in the San Diego metropolitan area. `loved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE O'FICn DICKSON reported that Engineer Ireland has completed plans and specifications for sidewalks and curbs on National Avenue from 18th Street to 30th Street, and that $4,000,00 offered by the Federal Government for their share of the cost will pay only slightly more than half of their proport- ionate share. RESOLUTION NO, 4394 was read, authorizing the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications, estimate of cost, and maps of the district. '"_oved by Newberry, seconded by Adams, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE 0 aICES DICKSON reported that he has proposals for fleet fire and theft insurance from the following Brokers: Guy &' Guy, $280000; Stevens & Poster, $492.87; W. Villclla, $415,63, The insurance is for one year, Mr. Dickson recommended that the proposal of Guy & Guy be iccepted as all of the companies bid on the same specifications, nEEO".L'TION YO, 4395 was r:ad, accepting the proposal of Guy & for 080,09 to furnish the City with fleet fire and theft in,jur:nce for year. Moved by Thatcher, seconded by Adams, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present Voting aye. 1201 ADMINISTRATIVE O'_'^ICER DICKSON rcoortc3 ;.list he has a proposal from the City of San riego fa: Ls.? flf t'1^. City sc.'cr lines fa the Paradise Hills district, r'nu;c_ lr-.mn ' :•-'oorry thoun,'it th City should cooperate but roti ,.ake c. . •.iarcit%i loss, ?loved by Newberry; seconded by Cordin;iy, that Ain_nijtrative OCPicer Dickson and Engineer Ireland negotiate with the City of San Diego. Carried, all Councilman -,resent votin; 2yo, AD1dINISflATIVE OFFICER DICKSON reported that excellent progress 'is being made on the program for clean up week. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON reported on the Government's pro- posal for settlement of the remaining tidelands, and stated that it would net the City approximately $1,024,000.00 subject to the variations of the interest date, and 16 acres of tide.' lands. Mayor Fritz suggested Attorney Campbell stated that Government might withdraw its granted they might be willing that thc City wait to negotiate. if a new trial was granted the proposal and if the trial was not to increase the amount, Mayor Fritz asked how he could justify to the people the award we are willing to settle for, as the payment would be $800,000.00 short. Councilman Newberry stated that he had very definite ideas on the subject also but thought the Council should be in accord. Moved by Ncv'berry, that the City enter into negotiations for the reminder of the tidelands. There being no second to the motion. Councilman Ncwberiy requested a recess of five minute, Moved by Adams. seconded by Newbcrry, that a five minutes ruccss be taken, ayc, After f'.ve minutes Carried, all Councilmen present voting recess, the Council was called to cre .r by Mayor Fritz. AL1 Councilmen present. Moved by Yew. be-ry, seconded by rhotcher, that the City petition thc Gover- rmenL for negotiations. Carried, all aye,, C.Duncilmcn present voting 1202 l?ovcd by Fcwbcrry, seconded by Adams, that the City file dis- claimer of thc City's intcrest id the'Tad given to Carl Johnson for his land involved in .h., tidelands court suit and same bc signcd by Attorncy Campbell, Carricd, all Councilmcn prcscnt voting rye, PETITIOF signcd by 10 liquor merchants of thc South Bay Mer- chants Ass'n, was presented, requesting the Council to favor thc Burns Bill mich proposes that thc present liquor hours in effect be made permnnent as it expires Junc 30th, 1947, Moved by Ycubcrry, seconded by Thatcher, that thc City act in accord 'vith thc petition, Carricd, all Councilmcn prcscnt voting. myc; COlTCIL APT THATCHER submitted thc resignation of Dr, James Norton from thc Park ^ccrcation Committee, :tovcd by Thatchcr, sccondcd by Fcrbcrry, that thc resi;n,.tion be acceptcd, Carried, ^.11 Councilmen prcscnt voting. ryc, COUFCIL 'AN THATCHER recommended that the City furnish lights in the ball park and tennis courts every night during the sumner vacation period, except Sunday, to 10:00 P, !I,, undcr thc supervision of thc Prtrk 7ccrcation Committee and the Park Supt, :loved by Thmtchcr, seconded by Adams, that the recommendation bc acccptcd, Carried, ,11 Councilmcn present voting. nye, J, R,-HARVLY, 1705 Grove Street, was present and statcd thcrc is no playground for thc teen-agers and it is a disgrrce that the City has no play ground,for use at night without chargc for lights, He asked that thc Recreation Committee do something about it, Councilman Adams statcd that he 1$ in accord '-ith the idca, Councilman 1 cv'berry reported on the youth activitic5, TTr, Harvey volunteered his services to shut off the lights, Administrntivt. Officer Dickson pointed out that the park must 1203 be supervised rtcn the lights .rc on, !ttyor Fritz referred :Tr, H,.rvcy t- t'.c Park Recreation Committee, -mAYOR ='RITZ suggested th^ L LJm r_ ^.ti_ v. 2ff:.ccr Dickson contact the ot-ncrs of the 40 acres 'n.nt of tr Cl-y property on 4th Street. in regard to pur.:hase same fox Dark land, "loved by Nei -terry, seconded by Cord4ngly, that Yr, Dickson follow through on the ?Jayaris suggestion, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ',loved by Cordingly, seconded by PTcwberry, thnt the meeting be adjourned until Thy 27, 1947, at 3:00 P, II, o'clock, Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayc, ATTEST: I;AYO , I TY O: ITATI JI&i CI CLMIC 1 CALT3 )W IA