HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947 05-27 CC ADJ MIN1204 National City California, May 27, 1947 Adjourned meeting of May 20, 1:47, of the City Council eras called to order by Mayor Fritz at 3:00 P, M, o'clock, Council- men present: Cordingly, Newberry, rritz, Councilmen absent: Adams, Thatcher, Mayor Fritz announced that the bids on the 'jar Memorial Bowl would be opened at this time, F, E, Young, $38,480,00; L, C, Anderson Company, $59,990,00, no bond presented; H, R. Johnson, $29,777,00; M, H, Golden Construction Company, $35,431,00, no bond presented, RESOLUTION NOv 4396 was read, accepting the bid of H, H, Johnson for $29,777,00 to construct the War Memorial Bowl and authorizing Mayor Gilbert E, :ritz to sign the contract, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that•t's Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADLIINISTRATIVE 022ICER DIC"',SON reported that the City Engineer , has completed plans and profiles for the construction of side- - walks and curbs on National Avenue, -'R, 7re BEUTHEL and E, E, 7ALLACE, representatives of the County Division•of the State Engineer's Office, were present, Mr, Beuthel stated that they have a $18,000,00 program outlined for National Avenue which consists of the removal of 9" of soil and replacing same vrith black top on National Avenue, from 14th to 18th Streets; correction of several drainage situations; extension of the culvert at 24th Street; and new curb -at south- east corner of 18th Street, The removal of trees on National Avenue from 18th Street to the south City limits were discussed!". 'Administrative Officer Dickson statod that about only six trees will be in the curb lint, when they arc constructed, Mayor Fritz requested that an allocation be made far the 1205' installation of curbs, Mr, "allacc statcd that he is in accord with thc program Mr, Bcuthel outlined and further added that a bad situation exists bctt'cen 14 th $trcct and 18th Strcct due to bad soil and that this section is nanscrous in wet ;-'eathcr, Engineer Ireland requested that thc State contribute funds for the removal of the trees, Mr, 'vallacc requested Administrative Officer Dickson to submit a request for an allocation to be used for the construction of curbs and to enclose estimate submitted by Engineer Ireland, a copy of the RESOLUTION NO, 4397 was rcad, accepting thc plans and specificat- ions for sidewalks and curbs on National Avcnue from 18th Strcct to the south City limits, Moved by Cordin3ly, sccondcd by New- berry, that the Resolution be adopted, Carricd,'all Councilmen present votin; ayc, RESOLUTION NO, 4398 was read, authorizing thc transfer of $1,600,00 from the Library Fund to thc Gcncral 2und, to repay a loan made in Octobcr 1946, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordin3ly, that the Rcsolution be adopted, Carried, all'Council- men present voting aye, CITY CLERK ROGERS reported that the City has accepted money on property for which the taxes had been settled by quict title, described as follows: Lot 20, Block 109, City Plat, $5,02 to S, Z, Greenberg; Lot 13, Block 16, City Plat, $10,65 to S, Z, Grcenbcrg; Lot 16; Block 17, City Plat, $6014 to S, Z, Grcen- bcrg; Lot 2, Block 19, City Plat, $>6,91 to S, Z, Greenberg; Lot 6, Block 1, National Avenue Terrace, p43002 to S. Z, Grecn- berg; Lot 14, Block 1, National Avenue Terrace, $9,22 to S, Z, Greenberg; Lot A, Block 1, Sunny Hill Sub„ $14,22 to Union Title Insurance Co,; Lot B, Block 1, Sunny Hill, '47,61 to San Fernando Furniture Co, Mr, Rogers recommended that a refund be made, 1206 RESOLUTION NO, 4399 was read, aut::orizing thc following rcfunds: Lot 20, Block 109, $5,02; Lot 13 Flock ie, w10,,6E; Lot 16. Block 17, $6,14; Lot 2, Block 19, w6 :,:: Ail in City Plat; Lots 6 to 11, Block 1, National Avcnuo Terrace', w43,02: Lot 14, Block 1, National Avenue Terrace, *,,:_, ali to S, Z, Greenberg; Lot A, Block 1, Sunny Hill Sub„ $14,22, to Union Title Ins, Co,: Lot B, Block 1, Sunny Hill Sub„ a17,61, to San 2crnando Nurniture Co, City Clerk Rogers recommended that thc rcfunds bc made as money has bccn accepted on property for which thc taxes had been settled by quiet title, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that thc 'lcsolution bc adopted, Ca;ricd, all Councilmen present voting aye, RESOLUTION NO, 4400 was read, ordering thc closing of a portion of the following described street: Commencing at thc Northwest corner of Lot 74, Block 5, of Paradena Park as shown on Map 1404 on filo in thc office of the County Recorder, San Dicgo County, California; thence along pc Northerly linc of said Lot 74, N 71 16' 30"'E 54,00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence still along said North line AT 71° 16' 30" E 56054 feet to point on thc That lino of Palm Avenue; thence along said '7cst linc of'Palm Avcnuc on a curvc to the left, whose radial ccntcr bcars N 790 59' 35" -7 and the radius of which is 388,13 icct a distancc of 234,45 feet, thence S 44° 371 E 4,57 feet to an inter- section of the 'rcst line of Palm Avenuc with the North line of First Strcct thence along the North linc of First Street N 730 07' 'J 59,81 feet; thence along a •curve to thc left whosc radial center bears S 16° 53' 1r and the radius of which is 261,75 feet a distancc of 51,50 feet; thence leaving bald North lint of 2irst Strcct N 18° 15' 171,62 feet more or less to tic brut _.Joint of beginning. A hc±rin; was ;Acid and no protests were. made, Movcd by Ncw- bcr:y, seconded by Cirdingly, that thc Rcsilution bc adopted, Carried, all Council.ncn present voting aye, 1207 COMMUNICATION 'ROM LAND TITLE ENS, CO vas read, which covered a Search on the following dcsc_zbed nro,c-ty: The Southerly 30 fe easter13' 0,Lnr ter of excepting the E 798 S 30' of E* of 3'7i which Administrative Officer quitclaim deed, et r t i.- 8 feet, atao the of -j Section 106, Dickson ordored relative to a RESOLUTIO/i NO, 4401 was read, accenting a qui,,ciaim deed for street purposes only from the 7est Coast Corporation, on the S 30' of SEi of i Section 106, excepting the E 789', also the S 30' of Ei- of SW* of T Section 106, Moved by Newberry, second- ed by Cordin;ly, that the Resolution be accepted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, CONNUNICATIJZ' J7RON LEAGUE Jam' CALI, MIA CITIES was read, in regard to Senate Bill 1351 and Senate Bill 1353, which provides for 100% revenue f_om the state liquor license fccs and all net revenue from the automobile in lieu tax, to the Cities and Counties, Mayor .ritz suggested that letters be sent to the Assemblymen, ?Toyed by NLwbcrry, seconded by Cordzngly, that letters be wittcn to thc Assemblymen, urging that the bills be passed, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, AP''LICATION 2'RO'i A, LJ,ETTO SNELL to move a building from 812 E, 4th Strcot, t-1 the 2500 Block on E, 16th Street, was read. M'vcd by Newberry so.;•ndcd by Cordingly, that thc application be granted Carr`.cd, all Councilmen present voting aye, • C)UI-CILTIAN THATc: r rope:ted that thc Recreation C?moittec has e.t up b•id' ct )i ip2700,00, )1 which the City would provide $:., 5,00, 0J : or c u : ±cr r.:cr cat' on, R;SCLUTION NO, 4402 was read, clopting a budget of 1,500,00 'or summer rccroation, as rcc)•nmcndcd by thc Recreation Com- 1208 mittcc, Moved by Cordingly, arc,n,!cd by Ncwbcxry, that the 'Resolution be adopted, Carr,ec., a'i C>:.:^ilmcr present voting aye, COMMUNICATION ?RO "zL C"x LI. .2,4 n:r cc c; -cad. informing the City that thc cosc of scvr.re txcutink.ft :v:l b'. I;)2L,61 per million gallons, effective July 1st, Mayor Fritz stated that the City was instrumental in getting the tr.at,ncnt plant for San Diego with Government aid and fclt that National City-z'iould be given some consideration, Councilman Ncwbcrry was in accord with Mayor Fritz, Mayor Fritz suggested that Administrativc Officer Dickson ascertain whether the Coronado rate will be the same as the rate quoted to National City, ADMINISTRATIVE 02FICER DICXSON reported on the tidelands, The Navy made a tentative offer of '1,082,500,00 and the return of 16 acres from the Tavares parcel, Mayor Fritz stated that thc City should havc a written statement from thc Govornment if this offer, Councilman Ncwbcrry stated that a limitation for time of settle- ment ehauld be made too, COMMUNICATION FROM BYRL D, PHELPS was read, requesting permission to install a "rolled curb", known as "type B" curb, in thc Rancho Hills Unit c2 subdivision, A report from City Engineer Ireland recemmendcd that the request be denied, II>vcd by Ncwbcrry, seconded by Cording1y, that the rcqucst be laid ,vcr until thc next meeting, Carricd, all C,uncilmcn prcscnt voting aye, RESOLUTION NO, 4403 was read, authorizing Purchasing Agent Dick- son to havc a six f>>t ',nil built around the City Barn at a cost 'of approximately $625,00 for materials, Movcd by Newberry, seconded by Cnrdingly, that the Rcsolution be adopted, Carricd, all Counciimcn prescnt votin; ayc, COMMUNICATION FROM -', D. GOOD was read, r.;qucsting permission to 1209 removc a trcc frpm the parkway at 1033 D Avcnuc, Aihvcd by i• bcrry, scc,ndcd by CirdingJ v, 12'nt s,xu be tutnjrizcd t) rc- m'vc thc trcc miter he has dcp s1tcd ;.�GC• �,it:. thc City Trcas- urcr and the t: cc be rcn:ivcd ,:* ate JWI (zpcnJc, Carricd, all Cauncilmcn pr2scnt v,tinq nyc, bi:)vcd by Newberry, scc)ndcd by Grrd'ngly the* t11c mcctins be cl,scd, Carricd, 211 C)uncilmcn present vot.n3 ayc, 11AYOR , ATTLST �.� Tf JP NATIJN C /3'A17-1 JRNIA