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National City, California, October 7, 1947
Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by
Mayor Gritz at 7:30 P,M, Councilmen present: Adams, Cordirg-
1y, Thatcher, Fritz, Councilman Newberry absent,
Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Adams, that the reading of the
minutes of the regular meeting of September 16, 1947, be dis-
pensed with, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,
ADMINISTRATIVE OfICIALS present: Smith, Dickson, Rogers,
Ireland, Campbell.
BILLS AUOITED by the Finance Committee presented:
General Fund $4,221,33
St, Imp, Fund 1,170.32
Park M & I Fund 384,08
Light, Dist, #1 32,65
Capital Outlay Fund 121,98
Unapp, Tax Fuhd 13,36
Plan, Com, Fund 1,88
1946 Sewer Fund 26,14
Payroll 2und 8.725.90
TOTAL $14,697,64
lioved by Cordingly, seconded by Adams, that the bills be
allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same, Carried, by the
following vote to.wit4 Ayes: Adams, Cordingly, Thatcher,
Fritz. Nays: None,
RESOLUTION NO, 4485 was read, authorizing the following pay-
ment from the Capital Outlay Fund: H. L, Benbough Co, for
furniture for the Police Dept., $121,98, Moved by Cordingly,
seconded by Newberry, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried,
all Councilmen present voting aye,
JTSSE C, WILLIAMS, 244 E, Second Street, was present and stat-
ed that the dogs in his neighborhood were causing a ;rest
amount of annoyance, He also stated that his next door neigh,
bor bred his dogs in the back yard where Mr, Williams three
children along with other children in the neighborhood were
able to observe this, Mr. Williams said that he reported the
matter to the Chief of Police and was promised that steps
would be taken to correct this condition, Administrative
Officer Dickson said his attention had been called to this Rat
Chief of Police Bates, and that the owner has assured the
Chief this condition will be taken care of and that he already
sent three of his dogs away.
MRS, JEWELL E, PATTERSON of Twin Palms Best Home, 2112 E, 9th
Street was present and stated that the doctor has ordered her
to take a rest for at least one year and would like to have
the Council's permission to lease her Rest Home, Moved by
Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that permission be given
Mrs, Patterson to lease her Rest Home, Carried, all Council-
men present voting aye,
CHECK in the amount of $733,800.29 from the Federal Govern..
went in settlement of the tidelands suit was presented, Moved
by Newberry, seconded by Thatcher, that the check be accept-
od and this amount be put in the Capital Outlay 2und, Carried.
all Councilmen present voting aye.
beer and wine to Ervin C, Mason, 2240 National Avenue, L, 7j
Bates made notation on application "no objection," Off sale
beer and wine to Heere G. & Ruth 0. Duit, 2517 National Ave,
"No objection" by Le 7, Bates on ap-nlication, On sale beer
to Billie H, Pendley, E1 Mirador Cafe, 2522 National Ave. "Bo
objection" by L, '7, Bates on appli^ation. The applications
were ordered filed,
COMMIIt,ATION FROM E, B, TAYLOR of El Dorado $ cod Products,
2205 Cleveland Avenue was read, t , Tay_.cr referred to his
petition presented to the City Council August 5, 1347 request-
ing the paving of Cleveland Avenue, Administrative Officer
Dickson stated that he wrote Mr, Taylor a letter explaining
the procedure followed by property owners to have their street
oiled, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the
letter be filed and flr. Dickson write Mr, Taylor another letter
of explanation, Carried? all Councilmen present voting aye,
Launderers, 1006 Harding Avenue, was read, requesting permiss-
ion to remove a tree from in front of iiie place of business,
Mr, Nowakowski enclosed a check for 45,00 to replace the
tree, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the re.
quest be granted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,
COMMUNICATION PROM BERT WARNER, 2845 K. Avenue, was read, re-
questing permission to remove two pepper trees from the
parking in front of his residence, These trees to be replaced
with five Pittosporum, Mr, Warner enclosed a check in the
amount of $10,00 for deposit. Moved by Cordingly, seconded
by Adams that the request be granted, Carried, all Council-
men present voting aye,
was read, rcqu‘stin3 the removal of two large Olive trees in
front of his home, Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry that
the request be granted provided Mr, Baisamo replace the tree,
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,
was read, requesting permission to erect an awning over the
-sidewalk on their Sixth Street side, Moved by Adams, second.
cd by Newberry that this request be referred to the Building
Inspector, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,
read, requesting permission to paint "no parking" signs in
"red" in his driveway and 36 inches off the curb. Moved by
Adams, seconded by Newberry, that permission be granted :fir,
Plumb to paint "no parking" signs as requested. Carried,
-all Councilmen present voting aye.
OPENING OP THE BIDS POR Szna LINE from 23rd & Coolidge Ave,
to 8th and "1"' Avenue, were as follows:
SIM J, HARRIS CO, CJNTtACT TtS, bid on construction of a sani-
tary sewer and appurtenances from 23rd Street and Coolidge
Avenue to 8th Street and "M" Avenue, proposed to furnish all
labor, materials (except sewer pipe) and equipment - total
price $84,928,00. Price for excavation below planned bottom
and baekfill to planned bottom - per cubic yard - $6,00,
3103,640,00 for work complete in accordance with.plans and
specifications, except excavation, below planned bottom and
gravel backfill, Gravel baekfill, including excavation be.
low planned bottom, per cubic yard ' 5,00,
WALTER H, BARBER bid the sum of $82,908.00 to construct sant-
tary sewer and appurtenances, all pipe to be furnished by
the City of National City, For extra excavation below plan
bottom and backfill to plan bottom with crushed rock $4,25
per cubio yard,
CARROLL & ?OSTER bid $91,970,00 to construct the Sanitary
Sewer Main from 23rd Street and Coolidge Ave, to 8th St. and
"M" Ave, They agree to furnish all equipment, labor and
material, except all pipe will be furnished by the City of
National City, In addition they agree to furnish and place
crushed rookballaat and excavation, as required, according
to Section 1-02 (d) of the specifications for the unit price
of $5,25 per cubic yard,
r3nx H IaELA1O estimated that the City could do the sewer
line job for about $34,000, The City, however, does not
have the equipment necessary to dig the ditches, Mt, Ire.
land was unable to estimate how much backfill would be need-
Councilman Cordingly moved that the bids be referred to Ad-
ministrative Officer Dickson and City Engineer Ireland to
see how they comply with specifications, Seconded'by Adams,
Carried, all Councilmen present votinj aye,
BID FOR T':UC{S was opened, National 'Iotor Sales quoted tho
total delivered price of $2,375,88.for heavy duty Federal
Motor Truck - Model 162, 11 - '2i Ton, City to furnish sell-
er with certificate of exemption for excise tax, The total
delivered price of $3,926.30'for one 2-3 ton Federal chassis
and cab with dump body - Model 18M2 was quoted. City to
furnish seller with certificate of exemption for excise tax,
Moved by Cordin3ly, seconded by Newberry, that Administrative
Officer Dickson be granted permission to purchase the 2-3
ton Federal chassis, cab and dump body, for $3,926,30, Carried,
all Councilmen present votin; aye, Administrative Officer
Dickson was asked to look into price of thc other truck and
the advisability of its purchase,
COMMUNICATION FROM JACX L, DEMBO, was read, Mr. Dembo stat-
ed that he is the owner of Block 1, Subd, of 10 Acre Lot 8
in Quarter Section 154, Rancho de la Nacion, in the City of
National City, which extends from 15th to 16th Streets and
from National Avenue to "A" Avenue and that he wishes to con-
tinue with and complete the filling of tIiis property, In
order to accomplish this it would be necessary to reroute
the drainage ditch which now conducts water from 14th Street
and National Avenue to the culvert at the N3 corner of 16th
Street and National Avenue, Mr. Dembo requested that the
City reroute the existing drainage ditch so that it will run
through the alley between National Avenue and "A" Avenue
from 14th to 15th Street, e3 that hc may continue it through
the alley from 15th to 16th Street and connect with the cola
vcrt or outlet at 16th Street and National Avenue, Mr,
Dembo stated that this was not a permanent solution of tho
drainage condition, but would take Dare of thc situation temp-
orally until the City puts in a permanent underground' drain
or culvert, in which hc would be glad to cooperate with the
City in every possible way, Moved by Adams, seconded by New-
berry, that this matter be referred to Att)rncy Campbell, Mr,
Dickson, Administrative Officer, and City Engineer Ireland,
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,
.read, stating they wished to apply for a tideland lease on a
portion 'of the City water front for the purpose of operating
a boat yard and marine salvage business, mayor Fritz suggest-
•ed.that Mr, Powers and Mr, '7ebster (a partner of Mr, Powers)
meet with Councilman Newberry) and Administrative Officer
Dickson in the near future and work out a plan and present
same at the next Council meeting,
CHECK FOR TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) from the San Diego Seat Adverb
tising Company in payment of rental on ten reinforced con-
crete seats carrying advertising for the month of October,
1947, in ten different locations was presented, Moved by Yew.
berry, seconded by Cordingly, that the check be accepted,
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,
stating that the two year term of George V, Hoskings as a
member of the Civil Service Commission, expired Oct, 1, 1947
and that Mr, Hoskings did not wish to be re -appointed, Mayor
Fritz suggested that the mattcr be tabled until the next
RESIGNATION Oy CHARLES D, HERRERA, effective September 22, 1947
was read, Mr, Herrera asked that his name be placed on the
Reserve List for the usual period of time, Moved by Adams,
seconded by Newberry, that Mr, Herrera's resignation be acoept.,
ed and his name placed on the Reserve List,
CIVIL SERVICE C3 fl'IISSION certified the following three names
for the position of maintenance man, to fill vacancy in the
Street Department: Barr, H, A„ Gonzales, Pete and Weathcr-
bi e, G, C,
read, recommending the aopoictrnent of H, A. Barr, as -probat-
ionary maintenance man on the Street Department, Said appoint-
ment to be effective September 25: 1947,, salary $180,00 per
RESOLUTION NO, 4486 was read, authorizing the appointment of
H, A, Barr as probationary maintenance man on the Street
Department, effective September 25, 1947, salary 0180,00 per
month, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the
Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting
following three names for the position of fireman, to fill
one vacancy in the ?ire Department, was read: Harrold, R, J„
Slighter, E; J, and Sweeb, T
mmending the appointment of Richard James Harrold as probation-
ary fireman effective October 1, 1947, salary $195,00 per
RESOLUTION PTO, 4487 was read, authorizing the appointment of
Richard J, Harrold as probationary fireman, effective Oct-
ober 1, 1947, salary $195,00 per month, Moved by Adams,
seconded by CDrdingly, that the '2esolution be adopted, Carr-
ied, all Councilmen present voting aye,
COUNCILMAN NEWBERRY asked that the Civil Service Commission
-furnish the Council with the addresses as Well as the names
of persons eligible for appointment to a City position,
COMMUNICATION 110't MEN° V, MEJIA, 2445 Cleveland Ave„ was
-read, requesting a permit to run a one inch water line from
the meter on the SE corner of Block 235, 22nd and McKinley
Ave, to his Key Lot 12, Moved by Adams, seconded by Cording-
ly, that the permit be granted subject to approval of the
Street Superintendent,
Township, requesting the establishment of parking zones at
the Justice Court, 303 National Avenue, was read. Moved by
Newberry, seconded by Thatcher, that the Attorney check into
the matter to determine procedure, Carried, all Councilmen
present voting aye,
RESOLUTION NO, 4488 was read, granting a refund of $12,50 on
Business License No, 949 to John A, Meeker. Moved by Adams,
seconded by Newberry, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried,
all Councilmen present voting aye,
RESOLUTION NO, 4489 was read, granting a refund to James B.
Bailey of $2,50 on his business license, Moved by Adams,
seconded by Cordingly, that the Resolution be adopted.
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,
street light be installed at the Corner of Harbison Ave. &
6th Street, was read, The petition was signed by 19 property
owners, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Thatcher, that a 400
candle power street light be ordered installed, Carried, ail
Councilmen present voting aye,
APPLICATION T3 MOVE A BUILDING from 428 Tenth Street, San
Diego to lot adjoining #137 E, Second Street, National City,
was read, The Building Inspector recommended that this app-
lication be rejected as the building was not fit to be moved
Eileen G. Lee, owner of the building above mentioned request•
ed that in view of the fact that the house at 428 Tenth
Street, San Diego, was not fit to be moved inta National City
she be granted the refund of 325,00 which she paid the City
Treasurer's Office, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Carding]5
that the refund of $25,00 be denied, this fee being used to
defray inspection expenses,
RESOLUTION NO, 4490 was read, authorising the Mayor to sign
the agreement for changes on the electrical work of the
Memorial Bawl, at an extra cost of $149,25, Moved by New*
berry, seconded by Thatcher, that the Resolution be adapted.
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
O.a ICIAL CITY CLERK'S AYNUAL REPORT was presented, Moved by
Adams, seconded by Newberry, that the report be accepted,
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,
CITY CLERK ROGERS requested permission be given him to leave
the State for two or three weeks, b!aved by Thatcher, seoan-
ded by Cordingly, that the City Clerk be allawed to leave
the State, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,
ADMINISTRATIVE 02FICEi DICKSON asked that he be authorized to
purchase a Ford Sedan delivery for use as an ambulance, The
car now used for the ambulance is a 1942 Ford Sedan, The
Sedan Delivery has a space 78-f" between the back of the front
Beat with room enough for two stretchers, The 1947 Plymouth
car to be used as a trade in with the additional fee of around
$150.00, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that
Administrative Officer Dickson be authorized to secure this
car. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,
ENGINEER IRELAND would like to have the Council give him per
mission to draw up tentative plans and specifications for the
three major lateral sewer districts, Moved b! Newberry,
seconded by Thatcher, that this request be granted. Carried,
all Councilmen present voting aye,
ADPtINISTRATIVE OfF ICE1 DICKSON stated that he had been re.
quested by a group of women to use the Community Building far
ono hour, two days a week, for the purpose of a "gym" class,
This group is sponsored by the Adult Education Class of
Sweetwater Union High School. The regular fee of $5,00 for
daytime use of the building was too high for them, they claht-
ed, and wanted the City Council to grant them cheaper rates,
Moved by Newberry, seconded by Thatcher, that the request be
denied, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,
RLSOLUTION NO, 4491 was read, authorizing the payment of
$2,450,00 to clean up the bills for the Jubilee. 'loved by
Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the Resolution be adopt-
ed. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,
ADMINISTRATIVE OYP ICER DICtSON brought up the matter of re-
newal of the °al1 risk money and security policy° of the
Richard A, Mills Company, San Diego, Mr, Dickson stated he
would like to make a study of tile policy as to its desira-
bility, and also find out if any local insurance company
offers the same sort of insurance, 'loved by Newberry, sec•
ended by Cordingly, that Mr, Dickson take care of this matter.
Carried, all Councilmen present votin3 aye,
ADMINISTRATIVE °NICER DIC:11SW submitted the report on the
°Proposed National City - Chula Vista Yacht Resin.* Report
was ordered filed.
Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the meeting
be closed. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye,